If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
'Ud (n.)
[in emphatic expressions] shortened form of ‘God’ see also Swearing Headword location(s)
Ulysses (n.)
[pron: yoo'liseez] son of Laertes, who fought for 10 years in the Trojan War; on his return to Ithaca, he killed the suitors of his wife Penelope see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Ulysses (n.)
[pron: yoo'liseez] son of Laertes, who fought for 10 years in the Trojan War; on his return to Ithaca, he killed the suitors of his wife Penelope see also Penelope (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
umber (n.) Old form(s): vmber
brown-coloured earth Headword location(s)
umbered (adj.) Old form(s): vmber'd
shadowed, shadowy Headword location(s)
umbrage (n.)
shadow, pale semblance Headword location(s)
umpire (n.) Old form(s): vmpeere, Vmpire , Vmpires
arbitrator, mediator, adjudicator Headword location(s)
unable (adj.) Old form(s): vnable
weak, feeble, impotent Headword location(s)
unable (adj.) Old form(s): vnable
inadequate, insufficient, incompetent Headword location(s)
unaccommodated (adj.) Old form(s): vnaccommodated
not possessed of clothes, unprovided with comforts Headword location(s)
unaccustomed (adj.) Old form(s): an vccustom'd , vnaccustom'd
unusual, strange, unfamiliar Headword location(s)
unacquainted (adj.) Old form(s): vnacquainted
unfamiliar, strange, unusual Headword location(s)
unactive (adj.) Old form(s): vnactiue
inactive, slothful, sluggish Headword location(s)
unadvised (adj.) Old form(s): vnaduis'd, vnaduised
rash, foolhardy, thoughtless, unconsidered Headword location(s)
unadvised (adv.) Old form(s): vnaduis'd
accidentally, inadvertently, thoughtlessly Headword location(s)
unadvised (adv.) Old form(s): vnaduis'd
unadvisedly, without proper deliberation Headword location(s)
unagreeable (adj.) Old form(s): vnagreeable
disagreeable, unsuited, uncongenial Headword location(s)
unaneled (adj.) Old form(s): vnnaneld
unanointed by a priest, without extreme unction Headword location(s)
unapt (adj.) Old form(s): Vnapt
not inclined, unwilling, not prone Headword location(s)
unapt (adj.) Old form(s): Vnapt
unfit, not suited Headword location(s)
unaptness (n.) Old form(s): vnaptnesse
inaptitude, unreadiness, unwillingness Headword location(s)
unarm (v.) Old form(s): vnarme , Vnatme
disarm, remove armour Headword location(s)
unattainted (adj.) Old form(s): vnattainted
dispassionate, detached, unprejudiced Headword location(s)
unattempted (adj.) Old form(s): vnattempted
untempted, unseduced, unapproached Headword location(s)
unauspicious (adj.) Old form(s): vnauspicious
inauspicious, discouraging, unpromising Headword location(s)
unavoided (adj.) Old form(s): vnauoyded
unavoidable, inevitable, inescapable Headword location(s)
unawares (adv.) Old form(s): vnawares
without warning, by surprise, unexpectedly see also unwares (adv.) Headword location(s)
unawares, at Old form(s): vnawares
unexpectedly Headword location(s)
unbacked (adj.) Old form(s): vnbackt , vnback't
unbroken, untrained, undisciplined Headword location(s)
unbanded (adj.) Old form(s): vnbanded
without a coloured hat-band Headword location(s)
unbarbed (adj.) Old form(s): vnbarb'd
uncovered, unprotected, bare Headword location(s)
unbated (adj.) Old form(s): vnbaited, Vnbated
not blunted, without a button on the point Headword location(s)
unbated (adj.) Old form(s): vnbated
unabated, undiminished, fresh Headword location(s)
unbend (v.) Old form(s): vnbend
slacken, weaken, undermine Headword location(s)
unbent (adj.) Old form(s): vn-bent
[archery] not bent, not prepared to release an arrow Headword location(s)
unbent (adj.) Old form(s): vnbent
unfrowning, not wrinkled; submissive Headword location(s)
unbewailed (adj.) Old form(s): vnbewayl'd
unbemoaned, without lamentation Headword location(s)
unbid (adj.) Old form(s): vnbid
unbidden, unwelcome, uninvited Headword location(s)
unbitted (adj.) Old form(s): vnbitted
unbridled, unrestrained, compelling Headword location(s)
unbless (v.) Old form(s): vnblesse
deprive of a blessing, deny happiness to Headword location(s)
unblest (adj.)
out of favour, disapproved of Headword location(s)
unblown (adj.) Old form(s): vnblowed
unopened, not yet blooming, immature see also blown (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
unbodied (adj.) Old form(s): vnbodied
abstract, conceptual, formless Headword location(s)
unbolt (v.) Old form(s): vnboult
unfold, explain, open out Headword location(s)
unbolted (adj.) Old form(s): vnboulted
unsifted, unkneaded, lumpy Headword location(s)
unbonneted (adv.) Old form(s): vnbonnetted
bare-headed; with all modesty Headword location(s)
unbonneted (adv.)
bare-headed; recklessly Headword location(s)
unbookish (adj.) Old form(s): vnbookish
ignorant, ill-educated, unlearned Headword location(s)
unborn (adj.) Old form(s): vnborne
not existing, without being Headword location(s)
unbosom (v.) Old form(s): vnbosome
disclose, reveal, express from the heart Headword location(s)
unbounded (adj.)
unrestrained, uninhibited, uncontrollable Headword location(s)
unbraced (adj.) Old form(s): vnbrac'd, vnbraced
unfastened, not laced up, loose Headword location(s)
unbraided (adj.) Old form(s): vnbraided
untarnished, not shop-soiled, new Headword location(s)
unbreathed (adj.) Old form(s): vnbreathed
unpractised, inexperienced, inexpert Headword location(s)
unbreeched (adj.) Old form(s): vn-breech'd
not dressed in breeches Headword location(s)
unbruised (adj.) Old form(s): vnbrused
undamaged by the world Headword location(s)
unbruised (adj.) Old form(s): vnbruis'd, vnbruised
unmarked, uncrushed, undamaged Headword location(s)
unbuild (v.) Old form(s): vnbuild
pull down, demolish, dismantle Headword location(s)
unburden, unburthen (v.) Old form(s): vnburthen , vnburthens
reveal, disclose; or: unload Headword location(s)
uncandied (adj.)
thawed, dissolved, melted see also discandy (v.) Headword location(s)
uncapable (adj.) Old form(s): vncapable
incapable, unable [to do something] Headword location(s)
uncase (v.) Old form(s): Vncase , vncasing
take off outer garments, undress Headword location(s)
uncertainty (n.) Old form(s): vncertaintie
mystery, puzzle, enigma Headword location(s)
uncharge (v.) Old form(s): vncharge
be unable to accuse, acquit of blame Headword location(s)
uncharged (adj.) Old form(s): vncharged
unattacked, unassailed Headword location(s)
unchary (adv.) Old form(s): vnchary
carelessly, incautiously, unguardedly Headword location(s)
unchecked (adj.) Old form(s): vncheckt
uncontradicted, undisputed Headword location(s)
unchecked (adj.) Old form(s): vncheck'd
unlimited, boundless opportunities for Headword location(s)
uncheerful (adj.) Old form(s): vnchearfull
cheerless, joyless, desolate Headword location(s)
unchild (v.) Old form(s): vnchilded
make childless, deprive of children Headword location(s)
uncivil (adj.) Old form(s): vnciuill , vnseuill
uncivilized, barbarous, unrefined Headword location(s)
unclasp (v.) Old form(s): Vnclasp'd , vnclaspe
reveal, display, divulge Headword location(s)
unclean (adj.) Old form(s): vncleane
impure, corrupted, bad Headword location(s)
uncleanly (adj.) Old form(s): vncleanlie, vncleanly
unclean, dirty, filthy Headword location(s)
uncleanly (adj.) Old form(s): Vncleanly
offensive, foul Headword location(s)
unclew (v.) Old form(s): vnclew
unwind, undo; ruin Headword location(s)
uncoined (adj.) Old form(s): vncoyned
unalloyed, genuine; also: not yet in circulation [among women] Headword location(s)
uncolted (adj.) Old form(s): vncolted
deprived of a horse Headword location(s)
uncomeliness (n.) Old form(s): vncomelinesse
unseemly behaviour, improper conduct Headword location(s)
uncomfortable (adj.) Old form(s): vncomfortable
comfortless, disquieting, uneasy Headword location(s)
uncomfortable (adj.) Old form(s): Vncomfortable
comfortless, inconsolable, heartbreaking Headword location(s)
uncomprehensive (adj.) Old form(s): vncomprehensiue
fathomless, boundless, immeasurable Headword location(s)
unconfinable (adj.) Old form(s): vnconfinable
limitless, boundless, infinite Headword location(s)
unconfirmed (adj.) Old form(s): vnconfirm'd, vnconfirmed
inexperienced, uninstructed, ignorant Headword location(s)
unconsidered (adj.) Old form(s): un-considerd
ignominious, unrespected, disregarded Headword location(s)
unconstant (adj.) Old form(s): vnconstant
changeable, fickle, unpredictable Headword location(s)
uncontemned (adj.) Old form(s): vncontemn'd
unscorned, undespised Headword location(s)
uncontrolled (adj.) Old form(s): vncontrolled
not subject to control, never dominated Headword location(s)
uncounted (adj.) Old form(s): vncounted
uncountable, innumerable Headword location(s)
uncouple (v.) Old form(s): Vncouple , vncupple
release pairs of hunting dogs for the chase Headword location(s)
uncourteous (adj.) Old form(s): vncourteous
discourteous, unfriendly Headword location(s)
uncouth (adj.) Old form(s): vncouth
unfamiliar, strange, unknown Headword location(s)
uncovered (adj.) Old form(s): vncouer'd
bare-headed, with hat in hand [in respect] Headword location(s)
uncovered (adj.) Old form(s): vncouered
barefaced, naked, glaring Headword location(s)
uncropped (adj.) Old form(s): vncropped
uncut, not plucked Headword location(s)
uncrossed (adj.) Old form(s): vncros'd
uncancelled, undeleted, not obliterated Headword location(s)
unction (n.) Old form(s): Vnction
balm, salve, soothing ointment Headword location(s)
unction (n.) Old form(s): Vnction
ointment, oil Headword location(s)
unctuous (adj.) Old form(s): Vnctious
oily, greasy, fatty Headword location(s)
uncuckolded (adj.) Old form(s): vncuckolded
with a faithful wife see also cuckold (v.) Headword location(s)
uncuckolded (adj.) Old form(s): vncuckolded
with a faithful wife see also cuckold (n.) Headword location(s)
uncurable (adj.) Old form(s): Vncureable
incurable, hopeless, irretrievable Headword location(s)
uncurbed (adj.) Old form(s): vncurbed
unrestrained, free, unchecked see also curbed (adj.) Headword location(s)
uncurrent (adj.) Old form(s): vncurrant
unacceptable, not legally current, worthless Headword location(s)
uncurrent (adj.) Old form(s): vncurrant
exceptional, aberrant, out of the ordinary Headword location(s)
undeaf (v.) Old form(s): vndeafe
restore hearing to Headword location(s)
undeck (v.) Old form(s): vndeck
unclothe, remove the rich garments from Headword location(s)
undecked (adj.) Old form(s): vndect
unadorned, not decked out Headword location(s)
undeeded (adj.) Old form(s): vndeeded
without any deeds performed Headword location(s)
under (adv.) Old form(s): vnder
down, in a bad way, in a low position Headword location(s)
under fiend (n.) Old form(s): vnder
devil from hell, fiend from under the earth Headword location(s)
underbear (v.) Old form(s): vnder-beare
endure, suffer, put up with Headword location(s)
underbearing (n.) Old form(s): vnder-bearing
enduring, coping with Headword location(s)
underborne (adj.) Old form(s): vnderborn
trimmed at the bottom Headword location(s)
undercrest (v.) Old form(s): vnder-crest
bear [as if on a crest], live up to Headword location(s)
undergarnished (adj.) Old form(s): vnder garnisht
adorned underneath Headword location(s)
undergo (v.) Old form(s): vndergoe
support, sustain, bear Headword location(s)
undergo (v.) Old form(s): vndergo , vnder-go , vndergoe, vnder-goe
undertake, carry out, perform Headword location(s)
undergo (v.) Old form(s): vndergoes
bear, ensure, suffer Headword location(s)
undergo (v.) Old form(s): vndergoes
fall under, experience, face up to Headword location(s)
undergoing (adj.) Old form(s): vndergoing
sustaining, resolute, of endurance Headword location(s)
underhand (adj.) Old form(s): vnder-hand
secret, unobtrusive, inconspicuous Headword location(s)
under-honest (adj.) Old form(s): vnder honest
less than honourable Headword location(s)
undermine (v.) Old form(s): vndermine
dig underneath; also: overthrow Headword location(s)
underminer (n.) Old form(s): vnderminers
sapper; also: overthrower Headword location(s)
under-peep (v.) Old form(s): vnder-peepe
peep from under Headword location(s)
underprop (v.) Old form(s): vnderprop, vnder-prop
prop up, support, uphold Headword location(s)
underskinker (n.) Old form(s): vnder Skinker
under-wine-waiter, under-tapster Headword location(s)
understand (v.) Old form(s): vnderstand , vnderstands
stand under the force of [with pun on ‘comprehend’] Headword location(s)
understand (v.) Old form(s): vnderstand
come to an understanding, arrive at agreement Headword location(s)
understand (v.) Old form(s): vnderstand
use their brains Headword location(s)
understand (v.) Old form(s): vnderstand
be informed about, learn about Headword location(s)
understanding (n.)
intellect, intelligence, brain Headword location(s)
understanding (n.) Old form(s): vnderstanding
knowledge, awareness Headword location(s)
undertake (v.) Old form(s): vndertake
approach, make overtures to, commit to deal with Headword location(s)
undertake (v.) Old form(s): vndertake
take responsibility, commit oneself to an enterprise Headword location(s)
undertake (v.) Old form(s): vndertake
take on, fight with, engage in combat with Headword location(s)
undertake (v.) Old form(s): vndertake
assume, take on, feign Headword location(s)
undertake (v.) Old form(s): vndertake
ensure, guarantee, vouch for Headword location(s)
undertake (v.) Old form(s): vndertakes
take charge of, have responsibility for Headword location(s)
undertaker (n.) Old form(s): vndertaker
person who takes on a task Headword location(s)
undertaker (n.)
champion, helper, upholder Headword location(s)
underwork (v.) Old form(s): vnder-wrought
undermine, seek to overthrow Headword location(s)
under-world (n.) Old form(s): under world
earth, terrestrial world Headword location(s)
undescried (adj.) Old form(s): vndescry'd
unseen, unobserved, undiscovered Headword location(s)
undeserver (n.) Old form(s): Vndeseruer
one who deserves nothing, unworthy person Headword location(s)
undetermined (adj.) Old form(s): vndetermin'd
unresolved, undecided, unsettled Headword location(s)
undinted (adj.) Old form(s): vndinted
unmarked by blows, without dents Headword location(s)
undiscernible (adj.) Old form(s): vndiscerneable
indiscernible, undiscoverable Headword location(s)
undisposed (adj.) Old form(s): vndispos'd
not in the mood, indisposed Headword location(s)
undistinguishable (adj.) Old form(s): vndistinguishable
unrecognizable, undetectable, impossible to pick out Headword location(s)
undistinguished (adj.) Old form(s): vndistinguisht
indistinct, confused, inarticulate Headword location(s)
undistinguished (adj.)
see also indistinguished (adj.) Headword location(s)
undo (v.) Old form(s): vndone
ruin, impoverish, bankrupt Headword location(s)
undo (v.) Old form(s): vndoo
eliminate, abolish, do away with Headword location(s)
undo (v.) Old form(s): undoe , vndid , vndo , vndoe , vndone, vndoo , vndo's
ruin, destroy, wipe out Headword location(s)
undo (v.) Old form(s): vndone
unravel, solve, explain Headword location(s)
undo (v.) Old form(s): vndo , vndoe , vndone , vndo's
bring to nought Headword location(s)
undo (v.) Old form(s): vndoe
destroy the reputation of Headword location(s)
undone (adj.) Old form(s): vndon , vndone
ruined, destroyed, brought down see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
undoubted (adj.) Old form(s): vndoubted
absolute, assured, true Headword location(s)
undoubted (adj.) Old form(s): vndoubted
put beyond doubt, not in question Headword location(s)
undoubtful (adj.) Old form(s): vndoubtfull
certain, positive, definite Headword location(s)
unduteous (adj.) Old form(s): vnduteous
undutiful, unfilial, disloyal Headword location(s)
uneared (adj.) Old form(s): vn-eard
unsown, unploughed, untilled Headword location(s)
unearthed (adj.) Old form(s): Vnearthed
unburied; or: dug out, disclosed Headword location(s)
uneasy (adj.) Old form(s): vneasie
not easy, hard, difficult Headword location(s)
uneasy (adj.) Old form(s): vneasie
uncomfortable, causing discomfort Headword location(s)
uneath (adv.) Old form(s): Vnneath
with difficulty, not easily, hardly Headword location(s)
uneffectual (adj.) Old form(s): vneffectuall
ineffectual, ineffective, useless Headword location(s)
unequal (adj.) Old form(s): vnequall
unjust, unfair, undeserved Headword location(s)
uneven (adj.) Old form(s): Vneuen
irregular, erratic Headword location(s)
unexecuted (adj.) Old form(s): vnexecuted
unused, idle, out of action Headword location(s)
unexperienced (adj.) Old form(s): vnexperienc'd
in ignorance, lacking in knowledge Headword location(s)
unexperient (n.) Old form(s): vnexperient
inexperienced person, innocent Headword location(s)
unexpressive (adj.) Old form(s): vnexpressiue
inexpressible, beyond words Headword location(s)
unfair (v.) Old form(s): vnfaire
deprive of beauty, make ugly Headword location(s)
unfallible (adj.) Old form(s): vnfallible
infallible, not mistaken Headword location(s)
unfathered (adj.) Old form(s): Vnfather'd , vn-fathered
unnaturally conceived, illegitimate Headword location(s)
unfathered (adj.) Old form(s): vnfathered
have one's legitimacy rejected, become fatherless Headword location(s)
unfeared (adj.) Old form(s): unfeard
not feared, unfrightening Headword location(s)
unfee'd (adj.) Old form(s): vnfeed
not rewarded with a fee, unpaid Headword location(s)
unfeeling (adj.) Old form(s): vnfeeling
incapable of feeling, insensible Headword location(s)
unfeignedly (adv.) Old form(s): unfainedly , vnfainedly , vnfaynedly
genuinely, sincerely, honestly Headword location(s)
unfellowed (adj.)
unmatched, unequalled, unrivalled Headword location(s)
unfelt (adj.) Old form(s): vnfelt
intangible, not supported by solid evidence Headword location(s)
unfelt (adj.) Old form(s): vnfelt
not experienced Headword location(s)
unfenced (adj.) Old form(s): vnfenced
with walls removed, unprotected Headword location(s)
unfirm (adj.) Old form(s): vnfirme
weak, feeble, lacking in strength Headword location(s)
unfirm (adj.) Old form(s): vnfirme
unstable, not compact, of loose consistency Headword location(s)
unfirm (adj.) Old form(s): vnfirme
unsteady, flighty, capricious Headword location(s)
unfold (v.) Old form(s): vnfold, vnfolded
relate, recount, narrate Headword location(s)
unfold (v.) Old form(s): vnfold
identify, disclose, reveal Headword location(s)
unfold (v.) Old form(s): vnfold, vnfolds
display, reveal, show Headword location(s)
unfolded (adj.) Old form(s): vnfolded
exposed, revealed, unmasked Headword location(s)
unfolding (adj.) Old form(s): vnfolding
rising, morning [telling the shepherd that it is time to release his sheep from the fold] Headword location(s)
unfolding (n.) Old form(s): vnfolding
exposition, proposal, proposition Headword location(s)
unfool (v.) Old form(s): vnfoole
make less of a fool, remove the name of fool from Headword location(s)
unforfeited (adj.) Old form(s): vnforfaited
unviolated, unbroken Headword location(s)
unfought (adj.) Old form(s): vnfought
without being met in battle Headword location(s)
unfriended (adj.) Old form(s): Vnfriended
deprived of a friend, friendless Headword location(s)
unfurnish (v.) Old form(s): Vnfurnish
deprive, divest, take away Headword location(s)
unfurnished (adj.) Old form(s): vnfurnish'd
lacking tapestries, without the usual fittings Headword location(s)
unfurnished (adj.) Old form(s): vnfurnisht
unprepared, unequipped, unprotected Headword location(s)
unfurnished (adj.) Old form(s): vnfurnisht
unfinished, defective Headword location(s)
unfurnished (adj.) Old form(s): vnfurnisht
unprepared, unready Headword location(s)
unfurnished (adj.) Old form(s): Vnfurnisht
deprived, not provided [with] Headword location(s)
ungalled (adj.) Old form(s): vngalled
uninjured, unharmed, unhurt Headword location(s)
ungartered (v.) Old form(s): vngarter'd
untied, not wearing a garter [a sign of a lovesick man] Headword location(s)
ungenerative (adj.)
[variant reading] lacking the power of generation, impotent Headword location(s)
ungenitured (adj.) Old form(s): vngenitur'd
lacking genitals, sterile, impotent Headword location(s)
ungentle (adj.) Old form(s): vngentle
unmannerly, discourteous, impolite Headword location(s)
ungentle (adj.) Old form(s): vngentle
unchivalrous, ungentlemanly Headword location(s)
ungentle (adj.) Old form(s): Vngentle
unkind, callous, inconsiderate Headword location(s)
ungentle (adj.) Old form(s): vngentle
harsh, violent, cruel Headword location(s)
ungentleness (n.) Old form(s): vngentlenesse
discourtesy, lack of manners, boorishness Headword location(s)
ungently (adv.) Old form(s): vngently
unkindly, roughly, rudely Headword location(s)
ungird (v.) Old form(s): vngird
take off, remove, put off Headword location(s)
ungored (adj.)
uninjured, unharmed Headword location(s)
ungot (adj.) Old form(s): vngot
unbegotten, unborn Headword location(s)
ungotten (adj.) Old form(s): vngotten
unbegotten, not yet conceived Headword location(s)
ungoverned (adj.) Old form(s): vngouern'd
uncontrolled, unchecked, violent Headword location(s)
ungracious (adj.) Old form(s): vngracious
wicked, without grace, profane Headword location(s)
ungracious (adj.) Old form(s): vngracious
inconsiderate, graceless, unmannerly Headword location(s)
ungravely (adv.) Old form(s): vngrauely
derisively, displaying ridicule Headword location(s)
unguem (n.)
nail; ad unguem 'to a nicety' see also Latin Headword location(s)
unhacked (adj.) Old form(s): vnhackt
unused, with no gashes Headword location(s)
unhair (v.) Old form(s): vnhaire
take the hair from Headword location(s)
unhaired (adj.) Old form(s): vn-heard
beardless, youthful Headword location(s)
unhallowed (adj.) Old form(s): vnhallowed
without saying prayers, without devotion Headword location(s)
unhallowed (adj.) Old form(s): vnhallow'd , vnhallowed
unholy, wicked, sacrilegious Headword location(s)
unhandsome (adj.) Old form(s): vnhandsome
inadequate, inexpert, falling short Headword location(s)
unhandsome (adj.) Old form(s): vnhandsome
inappropriate, faulty, unfitting Headword location(s)
unhappily (adv.) Old form(s): vnhappily
uncomfortably near the truth Headword location(s)
unhappily (adv.) Old form(s): vnhappily
evilly, disastrously, wretchedly Headword location(s)
unhappily (adv.) Old form(s): vnhappily
unfavourably, censoriously, critically Headword location(s)
unhappiness (n.) Old form(s): vnhappinesse
evil, wrong-doing, perniciousness Headword location(s)
unhappiness (n.) Old form(s): vnhappinesse
misfortune, mishap, bad luck Headword location(s)
unhappy (adj.) Old form(s): vnhappy
hapless, miserable, wretched Headword location(s)
unhappy (adj.) Old form(s): vnhappie
unlucky, unfortunate, ill-fated Headword location(s)
unhappy (adj.) Old form(s): vnhappie
objectionable, harsh, bad-tempered Headword location(s)
unhappy (adj.) Old form(s): vnhappie , vnhappy
trouble-causing, bringing misfortune Headword location(s)
unhappy (v.) Old form(s): vnhappied
make unhappy, make unfortunate Headword location(s)
unhatched (adj.) Old form(s): vnhatch'd
evolving, still in course of development Headword location(s)
unhatched (adj.) Old form(s): vnhatch'd
unmarked, unhacked; or: undrawn Headword location(s)
unheart (v.) Old form(s): vnhearts
dishearten, discourage, dispirit Headword location(s)
unheedful (adj.) Old form(s): vnheedfull, Vn-heedfull
careless, heedless, irresponsible Headword location(s)
unheedfully (adv.) Old form(s): vnheedfully
heedlessly, carelessly, inattentively Headword location(s)
unheedy (adj.) Old form(s): vnheedy
unheedful, headstrong, reckless Headword location(s)
unhidden (adj.) Old form(s): vnhidden
clear-cut, undisputed, manifest Headword location(s)
unhoped (adj.) Old form(s): vnhop'd
unexpected, unforeseen, unanticipated Headword location(s)
unhoused (adj.) Old form(s): vnhoused
unconfined, unconstrained, independent Headword location(s)
unhoused (adj.) Old form(s): vnhoused
unsheltered, unprotected, open to the elements Headword location(s)
unhouseled (adj.) Old form(s): Vnhouzzled
without the Eucharist, without communion Headword location(s)
unhurtful (adj.) Old form(s): vnhurtfull
harmless, innocuous, incapable of causing injury Headword location(s)
unimproved (adj.) Old form(s): vnimproued
undisciplined, uncensored; or: not turned to use, not raised in quality Headword location(s)
unintelligent (adj.) Old form(s): vn-intelligent
oblivious, unaware, ignorant Headword location(s)
union (n.) Old form(s): vnion
large pearl Headword location(s)
unity (n.) Old form(s): vnity
reconciliation, concord, harmony Headword location(s)
unjointed (adj.) Old form(s): vnioynted
disconnected, confused, incoherent Headword location(s)
unjust (adj.) Old form(s): vniust
unfaithful, false [to honour] Headword location(s)
unjust (adj.) Old form(s): vniust
dishonest, untrustworthy, crooked Headword location(s)
unjust (adj.) Old form(s): vniust
inaccurate, incorrect, inexact Headword location(s)
unjustice (n.) Old form(s): Iniustice
injustice Headword location(s)
unkennel (v.) Old form(s): vnkennell
reveal, bring to light, expose Headword location(s)
unkind (adj.) Old form(s): vnkind, vnkinde
hostile, cruel, harsh Headword location(s)
unkind (adj.) Old form(s): vnkinde
unnatural, abnormal, aberrant Headword location(s)
unkind (adj.) Old form(s): vnkind , vnkinde
lacking in family affection, with no respect for kinship Headword location(s)
unkindly (adv.) Old form(s): vnkindely , vnkindly
cruelly, harshly; also: unnaturally Headword location(s)
unkindness (n.) Old form(s): vnkindnesse
unnatural behaviour, abnormal conduct Headword location(s)
unkindness (n.) Old form(s): vnkindnesse
ingratitude, unthankfulness, lack of appreciation Headword location(s)
unkindness (n.) Old form(s): vnkindnes , vnkindnesse
offence, ill-will, umbrage Headword location(s)
unking (v.) Old form(s): vn-king'd
depose, dethrone, deprive of kingship Headword location(s)
unkinged (adj.) Old form(s): vn-King'd
deposed, dethroned, deprived of kingship Headword location(s)
unkinglike (adj.) Old form(s): vn-Kinglike
not regal, not befitting a king Headword location(s)
unknit (v.) Old form(s): vnknit
untie, undo, unravel Headword location(s)
unknown (adj.) Old form(s): Vnknowne
not having had sexual intercourse [with] Headword location(s)
unknown (adj.) Old form(s): vnknowne
obscure, little-known Headword location(s)
unlaid (adj.) Old form(s): vnlaid
not driven out by an exorcist, not prevented from walking Headword location(s)
unlaid ope Old form(s): vnlayde
not laid open, undisclosed, unrevealed Headword location(s)
unlettered (adj.) Old form(s): vnletered
illiterate, unread Headword location(s)
unlicensed (adj.) Old form(s): vnlicensed
without permission, lacking the assent Headword location(s)
unlike (adj.)
unlikely, improbable, doubtful Headword location(s)
unlike (adj.) Old form(s): Vnlike
unlikely, incredible, unbelievable Headword location(s)
unlimited (adj.) Old form(s): vnlimited
allowing changes in the location of action; or: all-inclusive Headword location(s)
unlineal (adj.) Old form(s): vnlineall
not of the same family, of different descent Headword location(s)
unlived (adj.) Old form(s): vnliued
deprived of life Headword location(s)
unlooked (adj.) Old form(s): vnlook'd
unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen Headword location(s)
unlooked-for (adj.) Old form(s): vnlook'd-for
undesirable, unwelcome, disagreeable Headword location(s)
unlooked-for (adj.) Old form(s): vnlook'd for, vnlookt for
unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen Headword location(s)
unluckily (adv.) Old form(s): vnluckily
unsuccessfully, disastrously Headword location(s)
unluckily (adv.) Old form(s): vnluckily
ominously, inauspiciously Headword location(s)
unlucky (adj.) Old form(s): vnluckie
unfortunate, lamentable, disastrous Headword location(s)
unmake (v.) Old form(s): vnmake
undo, destroy, make incapable Headword location(s)
unmanned (adj.) Old form(s): vnman'd
[falconry] untrained; also: without a husband Headword location(s)
unmannered (adj.) Old form(s): Vnmanner'd
ill-mannered, rude, insolent Headword location(s)
unmannerly (adv.) Old form(s): Vnmannerly
inappropriately, improperly, insultingly Headword location(s)
unmastered (adj.) Old form(s): vnmastred
uncontrolled, unrestrained Headword location(s)
unmeet (adj.) Old form(s): vnmeet , vnmeete
unfitting, unsuitable, improper see also meet (adj.) Headword location(s)
unmeet (adj.) Old form(s): vnmeet
unready, unfit, ill-equipped Headword location(s)
unmellowed (adj.) Old form(s): vn-mellowed
not matured in age, showing no grey hairs Headword location(s)
unmeritable (adj.) Old form(s): Vnmeritable
unworthy, undeserving, lacking in merit Headword location(s)
unmitigable (adj.) Old form(s): vnmittigable
implacable, unappeasable, uncompromising Headword location(s)
unnatural (adj.) Old form(s): vnnaturall
against natural feeling, not in accord with kinship Headword location(s)
unnatural (adj.) Old form(s): vnnaturall
abnormal, monstrous, aberrant Headword location(s)
unnaturally (adv.) Old form(s): vnnaturally
illegitimately, against normal practice Headword location(s)
unnaturalness (n.)
conduct against natural feeling, behaviour not in accord with kinship Headword location(s)
unnerved (adj.) Old form(s): vnnerued
weak, drained of strength Headword location(s)
unnoble (adj.) Old form(s): vnnoble
ignoble, dishonourable, disgraceful Headword location(s)
unnoted (adj.) Old form(s): vnnoted
hardly noticeable, not particularly observed Headword location(s)
unnumbered (adj.) Old form(s): vnnumbred
innumerable, countless, uncountable Headword location(s)
unordinate (adj.)
[Q variant] inordinate, excessive, intemperate see also inordinate (adj.) Headword location(s)
unowed (adj.) Old form(s): vn-owed
unowned, vacant Headword location(s)
unpanged (adj.)
undistracted by pain, untormented Headword location(s)
unparagoned (adj.) Old form(s): vnparagon'd
unsurpassable, matchless, not able to be excelled Headword location(s)
unpartial (adj.) Old form(s): vnpartiall
impartial, detached, neutral Headword location(s)
unpathed (adj.) Old form(s): vnpath'd
uncharted, unexplored, untravelled Headword location(s)
unpaved (adj.) Old form(s): vnpaued
without stones [testicles], castrated Headword location(s)
unpeaceable (adj.) Old form(s): vnpeaceable
quarrelsome, contentious, noisily argumentative Headword location(s)
unpeople (v.) Old form(s): vnpeople , vn-people , vnpeopled
empty of people, depopulate Headword location(s)
unpeopled (adj.) Old form(s): Vn-peopel'd , vnpeopled
devoid of people, lacking retinue, without servants Headword location(s)
unperfect (adj.) Old form(s): vnperfect
imperfect; not word perfect, unskilled Headword location(s)
unperfectness (n.) Old form(s): vnperfectnesse
imperfection, defect, flaw Headword location(s)
unpicked (adj.) Old form(s): vnpickt
not gathered, unenjoyed Headword location(s)
unpinked (adj.) Old form(s): vnpinkt
unadorned, lacking ornamentation Headword location(s)
unpitied (adj.) Old form(s): vnpittied
pitiless, ruthless, unmerciful Headword location(s)
unplausive (adj.) Old form(s): vnplausiue
disapproving, displeased, censurious Headword location(s)
unpolicied (adj.) Old form(s): vnpolicied
outwitted in intrigue, diminished in statecraft Headword location(s)
unpolished (adj.) Old form(s): vnpolisht
primitive, rudimentary, defective Headword location(s)
unpossessing (adj.) Old form(s): vnpossessing
unable to inherit property Headword location(s)
unpossible (adj.)
impossible Headword location(s)
unpractised (adj.) Old form(s): vnpractis'd
inexperienced, naive, innocent Headword location(s)
unpregnant (adj.) Old form(s): vnpregnant
unready, uninclined, unreceptive Headword location(s)
unpregnant of (adj.) Old form(s): vnpregnant
unresponsive to, unmoved by Headword location(s)
unprepared (adj.) Old form(s): vnprepared
unplanned, introduced without special preparation Headword location(s)
unprevailing (adj.) Old form(s): vnpreuayling
unavailing, ineffective, unsuccessful Headword location(s)
unprizable (adj.) Old form(s): vnprizeable
inestimable, beyond price Headword location(s)
unprizable (adj.)
worthless, of little value Headword location(s)
unprized-precious (adj.) Old form(s): vnpriz'd precious
highly valued though offered for no price, priceless Headword location(s)
unproper (adj.) Old form(s): vnproper
not solely one's own, shared with another Headword location(s)
unproperly (adv.) Old form(s): vnproperly
improperly, unfittingly, against all propriety Headword location(s)
unproportioned (adj.) Old form(s): vnproportion'd
immoderate, inordinate, inappropriate Headword location(s)
unprovide (v.) Old form(s): vnprouide
make unready, unequip, unresolve Headword location(s)
unprovided (adj.) Old form(s): vnprouided
unprepared, unprotected, undefended Headword location(s)
unprovided (adj.) Old form(s): vnprouided
unprepared for death, not ready to meet God Headword location(s)
unprovided (adj.) Old form(s): vnprouided
unprepared, not properly dressed Headword location(s)
unpublished (adj.) Old form(s): vnpublish'd
undisclosed, concealed, not divulged Headword location(s)
unpurged (adj.) Old form(s): vnpurged
not cleansed, unpurified [by the sun] Headword location(s)
unpurposed (adj.) Old form(s): vnpurpos'd
unintentional, unwitting, unthinking Headword location(s)
unqualitied (adj.) Old form(s): vnqualited
unmanned, beside himself, bereft of all capacities Headword location(s)
unqueened (adj.) Old form(s): vnqueen'd
removed from the position of queen Headword location(s)
unquestionable (adj.) Old form(s): vnquestionable
irritable when spoken to, impatient when questioned Headword location(s)
unquestioned (adj.) Old form(s): vnquestion'd
unconsidered, unexamined, not inquired into Headword location(s)
unquiet (adj.) Old form(s): vnquiet
disturbed, disordered, restless Headword location(s)
unquietly (adv.) Old form(s): vnquietly
restlessly, uneasily, with great disquiet Headword location(s)
unraised (adj.) Old form(s): vnraysed
ordinary, humdrum, unimaginative Headword location(s)
unready (adj.)
undressed, unclothed Headword location(s)
unreasonable (adj.) Old form(s): vnreasonable
lacking the faculty of reason, irrational Headword location(s)
unreasoned (adj.) Old form(s): unreasond
not to be thought about, undebated Headword location(s)
unrecalling (adj.) Old form(s): vnrecalling
irrevocable, undoable, irreversible Headword location(s)
unreclaimed (adj.) Old form(s): vnreclaim'd
unreformed, uncorrected, untamed Headword location(s)
unreconciliable (adj.) Old form(s): Vnreconciliable
unreconcilable, in perpetual conflict Headword location(s)
unrecuring (adj.) Old form(s): vnrecuring
incurable, terminal, allowing no recovery Headword location(s)
unremovable (adj.) Old form(s): vnremoueable
immovable, firm, constant Headword location(s)
unremovably (adv.) Old form(s): vnremoueably
irremovably, immovably Headword location(s)
unreputed (adj.) Old form(s): vnreputed
insignificant, inconspicuous, insubstantial Headword location(s)
unrespected (adj.) Old form(s): vnrespected
of little value, lacking real interest Headword location(s)
unrespective (adj.) Old form(s): vnrespectiue
inattentive, heedless, negligent Headword location(s)
unrespective (adj.) Old form(s): vnrespectiue
undiscriminating, making no distinction, all-inclusive Headword location(s)
unrest (n.) Old form(s): vnrest
uneasiness, anxiety, apprehension Headword location(s)
unreverend (adj.) Old form(s): vnreuerend
irreverent, impertinent, impudent Headword location(s)
unreverent (adj.) Old form(s): vnreuerent
irreverent, disrespectful, unseemly Headword location(s)
unrighteous (adj.) Old form(s): vnrighteous
insincere, wicked, unjust Headword location(s)
unripe (adj.) Old form(s): vnripe
immature, youthful, inexperienced Headword location(s)
unroll (v.) Old form(s): vnrold
strike off the roll, remove from the list Headword location(s)
unroosted (adj.) Old form(s): vnroosted
dislodged from a position, driven from a perch Headword location(s)
unrough (adj.) Old form(s): vnruffe
beardless, unbearded Headword location(s)
unruly (adj.) Old form(s): vnruly
disorderly, violent, unscrupulous Headword location(s)
unsanctified (adj.) Old form(s): vnsanctified
unholy, wicked, ungodly Headword location(s)
unsatiate (adj.)
insatiable, never satisfied, voracious see also insatiate (adj.) Headword location(s)
unsatisfied (adj.) Old form(s): vnsatisfied
people unaware of the facts Headword location(s)
unsatisfied (adj.) Old form(s): vnsatisfied
unsatisfiable, insatiable Headword location(s)
unsay (v.) Old form(s): vnsaie , vnsay
take back, withdraw, retract Headword location(s)
unscanned (adj.) Old form(s): vnskan'd
unthinking, unconsidered, thoughtless Headword location(s)
unsealed (adj.) Old form(s): vnseal'd
lacking formal confirmation, without legal ratification Headword location(s)
unseam (v.) Old form(s): vnseam'd
split in two, rip up, undo the seam of Headword location(s)
unseasonable (adj.) Old form(s): vnseasonable
unsuitable, inappropriate, unwelcome Headword location(s)
unseasonable (adj.) Old form(s): vnseasonable
not in the hunting season Headword location(s)
unseasoned (adj.) Old form(s): vnseason'd
unseasonable, inopportune, badly timed Headword location(s)
unseasoned (adj.) Old form(s): vnseason'd
unready, immature, raw Headword location(s)
unseconded (adj.) Old form(s): vn-seconded
unsupported, unsustained Headword location(s)
unsecret (adj.) Old form(s): vnsecret
lacking in secrecy, unconfidential Headword location(s)
unseeming (adj.) Old form(s): vnseeming
not seeming, not appearing Headword location(s)
unseen (adj.) Old form(s): Vnseene
unknown, unnoticed, unobserved Headword location(s)
unseminared (adj.) Old form(s): vnseminar'd
emasculated, deprived of virility Headword location(s)
unsettle (v.)
become unsettled, be disturbed Headword location(s)
unsettled (adj.) Old form(s): unsetled, vnsetled
disturbed, troubled; also: unresolved, unfixed Headword location(s)
unsettled (adj.) Old form(s): vnsetled
discontented, dissatisfied, restless Headword location(s)
unsevered (adj.) Old form(s): vnseuer'd
inseparable, intimate, united Headword location(s)
unsex (v.) Old form(s): vnsex
take away one's sex; here: remove all feminine qualities Headword location(s)
unshape (v.) Old form(s): vnshapes
deform, disfigure, destroy Headword location(s)
unshaped (adj.) Old form(s): vnshaped
uncontrolled, poorly formed Headword location(s)
unshrubbed (adj.) Old form(s): vnshrubd
bare, empty, treeless Headword location(s)
unshunned (adj.) Old form(s): vnshun'd
unshunnable, unavoidable Headword location(s)
unsifted (v.) Old form(s): Vnsifted
untried, inexperienced, unskilled Headword location(s)
unsinewed (adj.) Old form(s): vnsinnowed
weak, feeble, slight Headword location(s)
unsisting (adj.) Old form(s): vnsisting
[unclear meaning] unassisting; or: unshifting Headword location(s)
unskilful (adj.) Old form(s): vnskilfull, vnskillfull
undiscerning, ignorant, uneducated Headword location(s)
unskilfully (adv.) Old form(s): vnskilfully
ignorantly, foolishly, in an uninformed way Headword location(s)
unsmirched (adj.) Old form(s): vnsmirched
unstained, untainted, spotless Headword location(s)
unsorted (adj.) Old form(s): vnsorted
unsuitable, unfit, badly chosen Headword location(s)
unsought (adj.) Old form(s): vnsought
unsearched, uninvestigated Headword location(s)
unsounded (adj.) Old form(s): Vnsounded
unfathomed, unexplored, with unrevealed depths Headword location(s)
unspeak (v.) Old form(s): Vnspeake
retract, renounce, take back Headword location(s)
unspeakable (adj.) Old form(s): vnspeakable
indescribable, inexpressible, beyond description Headword location(s)
unspeaking (adj.) Old form(s): vnspeaking
unable to speak out, incapable of speech Headword location(s)
unsphere (v.) Old form(s): vnsphere
remove [a star] from its sphere see also sphere (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
unspotted (adj.) Old form(s): vnspotted
unblemished, unstained, pure Headword location(s)
unsquared (adj.) Old form(s): vnsquar'd
badly fitting, unsuitable, unbecoming Headword location(s)
unstaid (adj.) Old form(s): vnstaid
unrestrained, unregulated, unchecked Headword location(s)
unstaid (adj.) Old form(s): vnstaid
immodest, undignified, indecorous Headword location(s)
unstaid (adj.) Old form(s): Vnstaid
unsteady, unsettled, vacillating Headword location(s)
unstained (adj.) Old form(s): vnstained
unmitigated, unaffected, no longer stained with hatred Headword location(s)
unstanched (adj.) Old form(s): vnstanched
not made staunch [water-tight]; loose, promiscuous Headword location(s)
unstanched (adj.) Old form(s): vnstanched
unquenchable, insatiable, unable to be satisfied Headword location(s)
unstate (v.) Old form(s): vnstate
deprive of rank and estate, give up everything Headword location(s)
unstate (v.) Old form(s): Vnstate
strip position from, deprive of standing, dispossess Headword location(s)
unsteadfast (adj.) Old form(s): vnstedfast
unsteady, precarious, not firm Headword location(s)
unstuffed (adj.) Old form(s): vnstuft
unclogged by troubles Headword location(s)
unsubstantial (adj.) Old form(s): vnsubstantiall
lacking in material substance, intangible Headword location(s)
unsuitable (adj.) Old form(s): vnsuteable
unfashionable, old-fashioned, passe Headword location(s)
unsured (adj.) Old form(s): vnsurd
insecure, uncertain, doubtful Headword location(s)
unswayed (adj.) Old form(s): vnswai'd , vnsway'd
unwielded, uncontrolled, lacking direction see also sway (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
unswear (v.) Old form(s): vn-sweare
abjure, retract, repudiate Headword location(s)
unsworn (adj.) Old form(s): vnsworne
not subject to vows Headword location(s)
untainted (adj.) Old form(s): vntainted
unblemished, unsullied, pure Headword location(s)
untainted (adj.) Old form(s): Vntainted
unaccused, not denounced Headword location(s)
untaught (adj.) Old form(s): vntaught, vn-taught
natural, spontaneous Headword location(s)
untaught (adj.) Old form(s): vntaught
uninstructed, uneducated, uncultivated Headword location(s)
untempering (adj.) Old form(s): vntempering
unsoftening, without fostering tenderness see also temper (v.) 3 Headword location(s)
untender (adj.) Old form(s): vntender
ungentle, unkind; or: unyielding Headword location(s)
untendered (adj.) Old form(s): vntender'd
unpaid, not offered, outstanding Headword location(s)
untent (v.) Old form(s): Vntent
remove from a tent Headword location(s)
untented (adj.) Old form(s): vntented
too deep to be cleansed with lint [tent], undressed Headword location(s)
unthink (v.) Old form(s): vnthinke
remove from one's thoughts Headword location(s)
unthought-of (adj.) Old form(s): vnthought-of
despised, poorly thought of Headword location(s)
unthought-on (adj.) Old form(s): vnthought-on
unexpected, unforeseen, fortuitous Headword location(s)
unthrift (adj.) Old form(s): Vnthrift
unthrifty, spendthrift, prodigal Headword location(s)
unthrift (n.) Old form(s): vnthrift, vnthrifts
spendthrift, squanderer, wastrel Headword location(s)
unthrifty (adj.) Old form(s): vnthriftie , VNthrifty
prodigal, profligate, wasteful Headword location(s)
unthrifty (adj.) Old form(s): vnthriftie
wasteful of the chance to increase Headword location(s)
unthrifty (adj.)
harmful, pernicious, unfortunate Headword location(s)
untimbered (adj.) Old form(s): vntimber'd
lacking a strong wooden frame; unsound, frail Headword location(s)
untimely (adj.) Old form(s): vntimely
premature, coming before its time Headword location(s)
untimely (adv.) Old form(s): vntimely
prematurely, too soon, before due time Headword location(s)
untimely (adv.) Old form(s): Vntimely , vntimly
inopportunely, at a bad time Headword location(s)
untirable (adj.) Old form(s): vntyreable
tireless, inexhaustible, indefatigable Headword location(s)
untitled (adj.) Old form(s): vntitled
with no right to rule, illegal see also title (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
unto (prep.) Old form(s): vnto
[gambling] against Headword location(s)
unto (prep.) Old form(s): Vnto
in relation to Headword location(s)
unto (prep.)
to Headword location(s)
unto ... ward (prep.) Old form(s): vnto
towards Headword location(s)
untoward (adj.) Old form(s): vntoward
stubborn, difficult, perverse Headword location(s)
untoward (adj.) Old form(s): vntoward
unmannerly, improper, unseemly Headword location(s)
untowardly (adv.) Old form(s): vntowardly
unluckily, unfavourably, wretchedly Headword location(s)
untraded (adj.) Old form(s): vntraded
unconventional, unaccustomed, unfamiliar Headword location(s)
untread (v.) Old form(s): vntread , vntreads
retrace, go back upon Headword location(s)
untreasure (v.) Old form(s): vntreasur'd
rob, empty [of a treasure] Headword location(s)
untried (adj.) Old form(s): vntride
unexamined, unexplored, not ascertained Headword location(s)
untrimmed (adj.) Old form(s): vntrimmed
[unclear meaning] unbedded, virgin Headword location(s)
untrimmed (adj.) Old form(s): vntrim'd
unadorned, lacking ornament Headword location(s)
untrod (adj.) Old form(s): vntrod
unprecedented, untraversed Headword location(s)
untrue (adj.) Old form(s): vntrue
false, deceptive, deceiving Headword location(s)
untrue (adv.) Old form(s): vntrue
untruly, unfaithfully Headword location(s)
untrussing (n.) Old form(s): vntrussing
undoing the points attaching hose to doublet, dropping one's breeches Headword location(s)
untruth (n.) Old form(s): vntruth
disloyalty, unfaithfulness, infidelity Headword location(s)
untuneable (adj.) Old form(s): vntunable, vn-tuneable
unsuitable, disagreeable; or: unmelodious Headword location(s)
untuned (adj.) Old form(s): vntuned
disagreeable, distressing, rude Headword location(s)
untuned (adj.) Old form(s): vntun'd
out-of-tune, disordered, disturbed Headword location(s)
untutored (adj.) Old form(s): vntuterd , vntutor'd, vntutur'd
badly brought up, untaught, inexperienced Headword location(s)
untwind (v.) Old form(s): vntwin'd
untwine, untwist the spinning of Headword location(s)
unvalued (adj.) Old form(s): vnuallued
unimportant, of no position, insignificant Headword location(s)
unvalued (adj.) Old form(s): vnvalewed
invaluable, of great worth Headword location(s)
unvexed (