If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
gaberdine (n.)
cloak, cape, loose upper garment see also Clothing Headword location(s)
gad (n.)
engraving tool, stylus Headword location(s)
gad, upon the Old form(s): Vpon
suddenly, as if pricked with a gad [= goad] Headword location(s)
gage (n.)
pledge, challenge [usually, a glove or gauntlet thrown down] Headword location(s)
gage (v.)
pledge, contract, stake Headword location(s)
gage (v.) Old form(s): gag'd
pledge, bind, commit Headword location(s)
gage, rest under Old form(s): vnder
remain as challenges Headword location(s)
gain (v.) Old form(s): gaine
restore, regain, improve Headword location(s)
gaingiving (n.) Old form(s): gain-giuing
misgiving, apprehension, qualm Headword location(s)
gainsay (v.) Old form(s): gainsayes
deny, refuse Headword location(s)
gainsay (v.) Old form(s): gaine-say
deny, renounce, disown Headword location(s)
gainsay (v.) Old form(s): gaine-say
contradict, say the contrary, forbid Headword location(s)
gainsaying (n.) Old form(s): gaine-saying
denial, refusal Headword location(s)
'gainst (prep.)
in the face of see also against (prep.) Headword location(s)
gait (n.) Old form(s): gate
proceedings, course, doings, steps Headword location(s)
gait (n.) Old form(s): gate
manner of walking, bearing, movement Headword location(s)
gale (n.) Old form(s): gall
wind, breeze Headword location(s)
Galen (n.)
[pron: 'gaylen] Greek physician, 2nd-c see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
gall (n.) Old form(s): galles, gaulle
spirit of anger, venom, ability to be angry Headword location(s)
gall (n.) Old form(s): gall, gaule , gauls
bitterness, spitefulness, vindictiveness Headword location(s)
gall (n.) Old form(s): gals
bile [reputed for its bitterness] Headword location(s)
gall (n.)
irritation, annoyance Headword location(s)
gall (n.) Old form(s): Gall
bitter substance exuded by oak-trees Headword location(s)
gall (n.)
sore, pain, painful spot Headword location(s)
gall (v.) Old form(s): gall'd , gaul
injure, harm, wound Headword location(s)
gall (v.) Old form(s): gald , gal'd
graze, scratch Headword location(s)
gall (v.) Old form(s): gall'd
chafe, rub, make sore Headword location(s)
gall (v.) Old form(s): gall'd, galles , gaule
vex, annoy, irritate Headword location(s)
gall (v.)
scoff, jeer, mock Headword location(s)
gallant (adj.)
showy, fancy, ostentatious Headword location(s)
gallant (adj.) Old form(s): Gallant'st
fine, splendid, grand Headword location(s)
gallant (n.)
fine gentleman, man of fashion see also Address forms Headword location(s)
gallant (n.)
flag flown on the rear mast of a ship see also Ships Headword location(s)
gallant (n.)
man-of-war, warship Headword location(s)
gallant of war (n.)
man-of-war, warship Headword location(s)
gallantry (n.)
gallants, nobility, gentry Headword location(s)
gallant-springing (adj.) Old form(s): gallant springing
finely growing, developing well Headword location(s)
galled (adj.) Old form(s): gall'd , gauled
sore, swollen, inflamed Headword location(s)
galled (adj.)
fretted, chafed, battered Headword location(s)
gallery (n.)
long large room used for walks, exercise, etc Headword location(s)
Gallia (n.)
old name for France [Gaul] see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
galliard (n.)
type of lively, high-spirited dance Headword location(s)
galliass (n.) Old form(s): Galliasses
heavily built warship using sails and oars [larger than a galley] Headword location(s)
gallimaufry (n.) Old form(s): gally-maufrey , Gally-mawfry
complete mixture, whole assembly, every sort Headword location(s)
galloglass, gallowglass (n.) Old form(s): Gallow-glasses , Gallowgrosses
axe-wielding Irish soldier Headword location(s)
gallow (v.)
frighten, scare, startle Headword location(s)
Galloway nag
small strong riding horse [from Galloway, Scotland]; prostitute Headword location(s)
gallows (n.) Old form(s): Gallowes
someone who deserves to be hanged Headword location(s)
gambol (adj.) Old form(s): Gamboll
playful, sportive, spirited Headword location(s)
gambol (n.)
leap, caper, antic Headword location(s)
gambol (v.) Old form(s): gamboll
shy away, leap away Headword location(s)
gambold (n.)
frolic, entertainment, pastime Headword location(s)
gamboys (n.)
viola da gamba see also viol-de-gamboys (n.) Headword location(s)
game (n.)
gambling Headword location(s)
game (n.)
quarry, object of the chase Headword location(s)
game (n.)
hunting practice, sporting routine Headword location(s)
game (n.)
game of love, amorous play Headword location(s)
gamesome (adj.) Old form(s): Gamesom
sportive, merry, playful Headword location(s)
gamester (n.)
athlete [contemptuous], fun-lover Headword location(s)
gamester (n.)
one drawn to amorous sport, one who plays the game, prostitute Headword location(s)
gamester (n.)
gambler, adventurer Headword location(s)
gamester (n.)
fun-lover, frolicsome fellow Headword location(s)
gamoth, gamouth (n.)
musical scale see also gamut (n.) Headword location(s)
gamut (n.) Old form(s): gamoth
musical scale Headword location(s)
'gan, can (v.)
began see also Elision Headword location(s)
Ganymede (n.)
beautiful boy, son of a Trojan prince, taken by Jove to be cup-bearer to the gods see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Ganymede (n.)
beautiful boy, son of a Trojan prince, taken by Jove to be cup-bearer to the gods see also Jove (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
gap (n.)
entrance, access-point, position of opportunity Headword location(s)
gape (v.)
long, be eager, yearn Headword location(s)
gaping (adj.)
with mouth open [as on a dish prepared for eating] Headword location(s)
gaping (n.)
bawling, shouting, yelling Headword location(s)
gar (n.)
French pronunciation of ‘God’ see also Swearing Headword location(s)
garb (n.) Old form(s): garbe
manner, style, fashion Headword location(s)
garbage (n.)
offal, entrails Headword location(s)
garboil (n.) Old form(s): Garboiles , Garboyles
trouble, disturbance, commotion Headword location(s)
garden-house (n.) Old form(s): garden house
small building in a garden [often used for lovers' assignations] Headword location(s)
gardon (n.)
error for 'guerdon' [= reward] see also guerdon (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Gargantua (n.)
large-mouthed voracious giant of N France, as described by Rabelais see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
garland (n.)
wreath of victory Headword location(s)
garland (n.)
pride, glory, hero Headword location(s)
garner (n.)
granary, corn storehouse Headword location(s)
garner (v.) Old form(s): garnerd
store up, lay up, deposit Headword location(s)
garnish (n.)
outfit, adornment, trimming Headword location(s)
garnish (v.) Old form(s): Garnisht
provide with a good supply [of words] Headword location(s)
gaskins (n.)
loose-fitting trousers, wide breeches see also Clothing Headword location(s)
gast (v.)
frighten, alarm, scare Headword location(s)
gastness (n.) Old form(s): gastnesse
terror, dread, frightened look Headword location(s)
gate (n.)
way, road, path Headword location(s)
gate (n.)
entrance, doorway, portal Headword location(s)
gather (v.)
collect one's thoughts Headword location(s)
gather (v.)
infer, work out [for oneself], guess at Headword location(s)
gather (v.)
gain information, collect knowledge Headword location(s)
gaud (n.) Old form(s): gaude, gaudes, gawdes
gaudy toy, showy plaything, trinket Headword location(s)
gaudy (adj.)
paltry, showy, tastelessly ornate Headword location(s)
gaudy (adj.) Old form(s): gawdy
festive, joyful, merry Headword location(s)
gaudy (adj.) Old form(s): gaudie
bright, brilliant, shining Headword location(s)
Gaul (n.)
[unclear usage by the Host] someone from Wales; usually at the time, someone from France see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
Gaultree Forest
now Sutton-on-the-Forest, N of York, North Yorkshire see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
gauntlet (n.)
armoured glove protecting the hand and wrist see also Body-armour Headword location(s)
gawded (adj.)
made-up, prepared with cosmetics, adorned Headword location(s)
gay (adj.)
showy, pretentious, gaudy Headword location(s)
gaze (v.)
viewing, observation, direction of looking Headword location(s)
gaze, at
[of a deer] in an expectant stance, with intent look Headword location(s)
gear (n.) Old form(s): geare, geere , gere
business, affair, matter Headword location(s)
gear (n.) Old form(s): geare
stuff, substance Headword location(s)
gear (n.) Old form(s): geare
attire, dress, clothes Headword location(s)
gear (n.) Old form(s): geere
equipment, furnishing Headword location(s)
geck (n.) Old form(s): gecke , geeke
dupe, sucker, fool Headword location(s)
geld (v.), past forms gelded, gelt Old form(s): gell'd
castrate, spay Headword location(s)
geld (v.), past forms gelded, gelt Old form(s): gueld , guelded
deprive, strip, dispossess Headword location(s)
gelding (n.)
castrated horse; horse that is placid in temperament Headword location(s)
gem (n.) Old form(s): Iemme
jewel, treasure, pride Headword location(s)
geminy (n.)
pair, couple, brace Headword location(s)
gender (n.)
sort, kind, type Headword location(s)
gender (n.)
offspring, brood Headword location(s)
gender (v.)
copulate, beget, engender Headword location(s)
gender, general Old form(s): generall
common people, general public Headword location(s)
general (adj.) Old form(s): generall
open to all, universally benevolent Headword location(s)
general (adj.) Old form(s): generall, gen'rall
all-embracing, universal, comprehensive Headword location(s)
general (adj.) Old form(s): generall
common, of everyone, public see also gender, general Headword location(s)
general (adj.) Old form(s): generall
joint, common, communal Headword location(s)
general (n.) Old form(s): Generall
ordinary people, general public, populace Headword location(s)
general (n.) Old form(s): generall
leader, chief Headword location(s)
general (n.)
(plural) general points, group features Headword location(s)
general, in Old form(s): generall
by everyone Headword location(s)
general-gross (adj.) Old form(s): generall grosse
palpably evident to all see also gross (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
generally (adv.)
universally, without exception, in the eyes of all Headword location(s)
generation (n.)
genealogy, line of descent Headword location(s)
generation (n.)
family, progeny Headword location(s)
generation (n.)
[unclear meaning] world, human race Headword location(s)
generation (n.)
posterity, procreation, humankind Headword location(s)
generation (n.)
breed, class, pedigree Headword location(s)
generative (adj.) Old form(s): generatiue
male, capable of generation see also ungenerative (adj.) Headword location(s)
generosity (n.)
nobility, aristocracy Headword location(s)
generous (adj.)
well-bred, mannerly, noble-minded Headword location(s)
genius (n.)
alter ego, second self Headword location(s)
genius (n.) Old form(s): rebuk'd
attendant spirit, guardian spirit Headword location(s)
genius (n.)
spirit, angel Headword location(s)
genius (n.)
soul, spirit, being Headword location(s)
gennet (n.)
small Spanish horse see also jennet (n.) Headword location(s)
gentility (n.)
nobility, good birth Headword location(s)
gentility (n.) Old form(s): gentilitie
good manners, polite behaviour Headword location(s)
gentle (adj.) Old form(s): getle
well-born, honourable, noble see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind Headword location(s)
gentle (adj.)
refined, discriminating, sophisticated Headword location(s)
gentle (adj.)
made peaceful, become violence-free Headword location(s)
gentle (adj.)
peaceful, calm, free from violence Headword location(s)
gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind Headword location(s)
gentle (adj.)
smooth-flowing, not rough or rapid Headword location(s)
gentle (adv.)
courteously, kindly Headword location(s)
gentle (n.)
(plural) ladies and gentlemen, gentlefolk Headword location(s)
gentle (n.)
(plural) gentlemen Headword location(s)
gentle (n.)
[polite intimate address] dear one see also Address forms Headword location(s)
gentle (v.)
elevate, ennoble, dignify Headword location(s)
gentle-hearted (adj.)
noble-hearted Headword location(s)
gentleman (n.)
someone of high birth, nobleman Headword location(s)
gentleman (n.)
sir [in formally polite address, regardless of social rank] see also Address forms Headword location(s)
gentleman in arms (n.) Old form(s): Gentlemen in Armes
gentleman bearing a coat-of-arms Headword location(s)
gentleman of a company
non-ranking volunteer with a status higher than that of a private Headword location(s)
gentleness (n.) Old form(s): gentlenesse
nobility, good breeding, courtesy Headword location(s)
gentleness (n.) Old form(s): gentlenesse
freedom from harshness, peace Headword location(s)
gentlewoman (n.)
woman of good breeding, well-born lady see also Address forms Headword location(s)
gentlewoman (n.)
[formally polite address] madam see also Address forms Headword location(s)
gently (adv.)
like a gentleman, honourably, with dignity Headword location(s)
gently (adv.)
quietly, tamely, without a fight Headword location(s)
gently (adv.)
generously, nobly, befittingly Headword location(s)
gentry (n.) Old form(s): Gentrie
courtesy, gentlemanliness, good breeding Headword location(s)
gentry (n.)
position of gentleman, high rank Headword location(s)
gentry (n.)
social rank, breeding, level in society Headword location(s)
George (n.)
badge [of the Order of the Garter] displaying St George and the dragon Headword location(s)
George, Saint
in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
german, germane (adj.) Old form(s): Germaine
appropriate, connected, pertinent Headword location(s)
german, germane (adj.) Old form(s): Iermaine
near related, closely akin Headword location(s)
german, germane (n.) Old form(s): Germaines
near relative, blood relation Headword location(s)
germen (n.) Old form(s): Germaine, germaines
seed, life-forming elements Headword location(s)
gest (n.)
stage [in a journey], point in time Headword location(s)
gest (n.) Old form(s): guests
feat, deed, exploit Headword location(s)
gesture (n.)
demeanour, attitude, manner Headword location(s)
get (v.)
work hard for Headword location(s)
get (v.)
win, gain, obtain victory in Headword location(s)
get (v.)
make money, get wealth, earn a living Headword location(s)
get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed Headword location(s)
get (v.)
acquire, gain, earn Headword location(s)
get within (v.)
[fencing] get inside the guard of, get within the defences of Headword location(s)
getter (n.)
begetter Headword location(s)
getting (n.)
covetousness, acquiring things Headword location(s)
getting (n.)
begetting, procreation, breeding Headword location(s)
ghastly (adj.) Old form(s): gastly
terrifying, terrible, deathly Headword location(s)
ghastly (adj.) Old form(s): gastly
full of fear, frightened Headword location(s)
ghost (n.)
spirit, soul see also yield the ghost Headword location(s)
ghost (n.)
corpse, dead body Headword location(s)
ghost (v.)
haunt, appear as a ghost Headword location(s)
ghostly (adj.)
spiritual, holy Headword location(s)
giantess (n.) Old form(s): Giantesse
she-giant Headword location(s)
gib (adj.) Old form(s): Gyb
castrated Headword location(s)
gib (n.) Old form(s): Gibbe
tom-cat Headword location(s)
gibbet (v.)
[unclear meaning] hang [as on a gibbet] Headword location(s)
gibbet-maker (n.) Old form(s): Iibbetmaker
person who constructs gibbets Headword location(s)
gibe (n.) Old form(s): gybes
scoff, taunt, jeer Headword location(s)
gibe (v.)
scoff, jeer, ridicule Headword location(s)
giber (n.) Old form(s): gyber
joker, wit, comedian Headword location(s)
gibing (adj.) Old form(s): gybing
scoffing, taunting, jeering Headword location(s)
gibingly (adv.)
sarcastically, tauntingly, in a mocking manner Headword location(s)
giddily (adv.)
lightly, carelessly, inconsequentially Headword location(s)
giddily (adv.)
madly, foolishly, insanely Headword location(s)
giddiness (n.) Old form(s): giddinesse
rashness, foolishness, madness Headword location(s)
giddy (adj.) Old form(s): giddie
frivolous, flighty, fickle, irresponsible Headword location(s)
giddy (adj.) Old form(s): giddie
swaying, quaking, dizzying Headword location(s)
giddy (adj.)
wild with rage, mad with anger Headword location(s)
giddy (adj.)
mad, crazy, insane Headword location(s)
giddy (adj.)
foolish, stupid, ill-considered Headword location(s)
giddy (adj.)
bewildered, confused, nonplussed Headword location(s)
whirling, moving at a bewildering pace Headword location(s)
gift (n.) Old form(s): guifts
quality, accomplishment, talent Headword location(s)
gift (n.) Old form(s): guift
giving, imparing, bestowal Headword location(s)
gig (n.) Old form(s): Gigge
spinning-top Headword location(s)
gig, gidge (v.)
move jerkily [as in a jig] see also jig (v.) Headword location(s)
giglot (adj.) Old form(s): giglet
whore-like, fickle, giddy Headword location(s)
giglot (n.) Old form(s): Giglets
harlot, strumpet, wanton Headword location(s)
gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded Old form(s): guild
cover, coat, smear Headword location(s)
gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded Old form(s): gil'd , guild, guilded , guil'st
bring colour to, brighten, illuminate Headword location(s)
gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded
enrich, adorn, beautify Headword location(s)
gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded Old form(s): guild
supply with money, enrich Headword location(s)
gild over (v.) Old form(s): ouer
smooth over, cover the defect of Headword location(s)
gilded (adj.)
gold-bearing, supplied with money Headword location(s)
gilded (adj.)
glittering, gold-coloured, tinged with gold Headword location(s)
gillyvor (n.) Old form(s): Gilly' vors, Gilly-vors
gillyflower, clove-scented pink see also Plants Headword location(s)
gilt (adj.)
coated with gold Headword location(s)
gilt (adj.)
coated, glazed Headword location(s)
gilt (n.)
gold, money Headword location(s)
gilt (n.)
gold-gilded state, gold-coated effects Headword location(s)
gilt (v.)
past form of 'gild' see also gild (v.) Headword location(s)
gimmaled (adj.) Old form(s): Gymould , Iymold
jointed, hinged, linked Headword location(s)
gimmers (n.) Old form(s): Gimmors
gimmals, mechanical joints, connecting links Headword location(s)
gin (n.) Old form(s): Gynnes
snare, trap see also ging (n.) Headword location(s)
gin, 'gin (v.), past form gan, 'gan Old form(s): 'ginne
begin [to] Headword location(s)
ging (n.)
gang, company, whole household Headword location(s)
gipe (n.) Old form(s): gypes
jibe, scoff, jest Headword location(s)
gird (n.) Old form(s): gyrd
rebuke, reproof, reproach Headword location(s)
gird (n.)
taunt, gibe, dig Headword location(s)
gird (v.)
invest, equip, provide see also girt (v.) Headword location(s)
gird (v.)
encircle, surround, ring see also begird (v.) Headword location(s)
gird (v.)
mock, taunt, laugh [at] Headword location(s)
gird in (v.) Old form(s): gyrt
encircle, surround, ring Headword location(s)
gird up (v.) Old form(s): vp
tie round, truss up Headword location(s)
girded (adj.)
besieged, blockaded, encircled Headword location(s)
girdle (n.)
belt see also Weapons Headword location(s)
girdle (n.)
waist Headword location(s)
girdle, turn one's Old form(s): turne
find an outlet for anger, put up with it Headword location(s)
girt, gird (v.) Old form(s): gyrt
invest, equip, provide Headword location(s)
girth (n.) Old form(s): girthes
circumference, perimeter Headword location(s)
girth (n.)
saddle-securing belt around the body of a horse Headword location(s)
Gis (n.)
[pron: jis] Jesus see also Swearing Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): Giue
grant, allow, bestow Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): giue
display, show, bear arms of Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): Giue
portray, report, represent Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): gaue
suggest, prompt, intimate Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): giuen
dispose, mind, incline Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): gaue
deal out, make, carry out Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): giue
call, nickname Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): giue
give up, renounce Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): giue
give forth, emit, flow Headword location(s)
give (v.)
[in phrases of farewell] see also Farewells Headword location(s)
give (v.) Old form(s): giue
consider, account, hold [in mind] Headword location(s)
give away (v.) Old form(s): giue
sacrifice, renounce, abandon Headword location(s)
give back (v.) Old form(s): giue backe
retire, yield, back off Headword location(s)
give fire Old form(s): giue
begin firing, shoot, discharge Headword location(s)
give in (v.) Old form(s): giue
provide, supply, furnish Headword location(s)
give in charge Old form(s): gaue , giuen
give orders, command, direct see also charge (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
give life
bring up, raise, nurture Headword location(s)
give off (v.) Old form(s): giue
cease, leave the area Headword location(s)
give off (v.) Old form(s): giue
give up, yield, relinquish Headword location(s)
give out (v.) Old form(s): gaue , giue, giuen , giues
report, assert, make known Headword location(s)
give out (v.) Old form(s): giues
proclaim, announce, herald Headword location(s)
give out (v.) Old form(s): giuen out
surrender, give up, stop using Headword location(s)
give out (v.) Old form(s): gaue
estimate, predict of Headword location(s)
give over (v.) Old form(s): giue ouer , giuing ore
retire, give up a trade, abandon a way of life Headword location(s)
give over (v.) Old form(s): giue ore, giue ouer, giuen ouer
desert, leave, abandon Headword location(s)
give over (v.) Old form(s): giue o're, giue ouer , giues ore
cease, finish, leave off Headword location(s)
give thanks Old form(s): giue thankes
say grace before meals Headword location(s)
give up (v.) Old form(s): vp
give in, yield, succumb Headword location(s)
give way (v.) Old form(s): giue
yield to, succumb to, submit to Headword location(s)
give way (v.) Old form(s): giue
keep out of the way [of], steer clear [of] Headword location(s)
given (adj.) Old form(s): giuen
disposed, inclined, minded Headword location(s)
giving out (n.) Old form(s): giuing , giuing-out
suggestion, intimation, utterance Headword location(s)
glad (n.)
gladness, joy, delight Headword location(s)
glad (v.)
gladden, brighten, cause to rejoice Headword location(s)
glad (v.)
make a gladness of Headword location(s)
gladding (n.)
delighting, making joyful Headword location(s)
glade (n.)
opening, path, gap Headword location(s)
gladly (adv.)
willingly, happily, pleasureably Headword location(s)
glaive (n.) Old form(s): glaues
long-handled blade, spear Headword location(s)
glance (n.)
hit, innuendo, riposte Headword location(s)
glance (v.) Old form(s): glanc'd
miss the mark, be ineffective Headword location(s)
glance (v.)
turn, move, pass Headword location(s)
glance (v.) Old form(s): glaunce
touch, have an impact Headword location(s)
glance at (v.)
allude to, refer to, mention in passing Headword location(s)
glance at (v.)
pick on, snipe at, cast aspersions on Headword location(s)
glance away (v.) Old form(s): glaunce awaie
bounce off, ricochet off Headword location(s)
glanders (n.)
horse disease affecting the nostrils and jaws Headword location(s)
glass (n.) Old form(s): glas, glasse
mirror, looking-glass see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
glass (n.) Old form(s): Glasse
[sand of the] hourglass Headword location(s)
glass (n.)
eyeball Headword location(s)
glass (n.) Old form(s): glasse
magic mirror, crystal ball Headword location(s)
glass (v.) Old form(s): glast
enclose in glass Headword location(s)
glass eyes Old form(s): glasse-eyes
spectacles Headword location(s)
glass-faced (adj.) Old form(s): glasse-fac'd
mirror-faced, self-reflecting Headword location(s)
glass-gazing (adj.) Old form(s): glasse
admiring oneself in the mirror Headword location(s)
glassy (adj.) Old form(s): glassie
[unclear meaning] frail as glass, brittle; or: mirroring, reflecting [divinity] Headword location(s)
glassy (adj.) Old form(s): glassie
as if made of glass, translucent Headword location(s)
glaze (v.) Old form(s): glaz'd
stare, glare, gaze Headword location(s)
glean (v.) Old form(s): glean'd, gleane
collect, scrape together, gather up Headword location(s)
gleaned (adj.)
stripped, depleted, emptied Headword location(s)
gleek (n.) Old form(s): gleeke, glikes
taunt, gibe, insult Headword location(s)
gleek (v.) Old form(s): gleeke
make a pointed joke, jest, gibe Headword location(s)
glib (adj.)
smooth, suave, oily Headword location(s)
glib (v.)
geld, castrate Headword location(s)
glimpse (n.)
trace, tinge, pinch Headword location(s)
glister (v.)
glitter, sparkle, gleam Headword location(s)
glistering (adj.) Old form(s): glistring , glist'ring
glittering, shining, sparkling Headword location(s)
glistering (n.)
brilliance, sparkle, shining nature Headword location(s)
globe (n.)
head, brain Headword location(s)
globy (adj.) Old form(s): globie
globular, bulging, protruding Headword location(s)
glooming (adj.)
gloomy, dark, dismal Headword location(s)
glorify (v.) Old form(s): glorifie
add glory to, increase the splendour of Headword location(s)
glorious (adj.)
seeking glory, eager for renown Headword location(s)
glory (n.)
splendour, magnificence, brilliance Headword location(s)
glory (n.)
exalted person, majesty, celebrity Headword location(s)
glory (n.)
boastful spirit, vaingloriousness Headword location(s)
glose (v.) Old form(s): glose
speak flatteringly, talk smoothly Headword location(s)
gloss (n.) Old form(s): glosse
deceptive appearance, plausibility Headword location(s)
gloss (n.) Old form(s): glosse
brightness, freshness, shine, lustre Headword location(s)
gloss (n.) Old form(s): glozes
marginal comment, superficial wordplay Headword location(s)
glover (n.) Old form(s): Glouers
glove-maker, leather-worker Headword location(s)
glow (v.) Old form(s): gloue
blush, redden, flush Headword location(s)
gloze (v.) Old form(s): glose
speak fair words, flatter, talk plausibly Headword location(s)
gloze (v.)
gloss, interpret Headword location(s)
gloze (v.) Old form(s): gloz'd
expound, comment on, give a commentary see also gloss (n.) 3 Headword location(s)
glue (v.) Old form(s): glew'd
attach, join, bring together Headword location(s)
glut (v.)
swallow up, devour, engulf Headword location(s)
glutton (adj.)
gluttonous, voracious, greedy Headword location(s)
glutton (n.)
rich man in the Dives and Lazarus parable see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
gnarl (v.)
snarl, growl Headword location(s)
gnarling (adj.)
snarling, growling Headword location(s)
go (v.)
live, exist, breathe Headword location(s)
go (v.)
be [like], suggest, present itself Headword location(s)
go (v.)
be pregnant, be with child Headword location(s)
go (v.)
[unclear meaning] enjoy a sexual relationship Headword location(s)
go (v.) Old form(s): goe
walk, travel on foot Headword location(s)
go (v.)
go off, set about, proceed Headword location(s)
go (v.) Old form(s): goe
join, follow, be in tune Headword location(s)
go (v.)
pass as current, be valued Headword location(s)
go (v.) Old form(s): goe
come, accompany, stay Headword location(s)
go about (v.) Old form(s): goe
endeavour, set to work, start trying Headword location(s)
go about (v.) Old form(s): goe
take in hand, make busy, set in motion Headword location(s)
go about (v.) Old form(s): Goe
be evasive, talk in a roundabout way Headword location(s)
go about with (v.) Old form(s): goe
get the better of, set to work on Headword location(s)
go along
come along, come with me Headword location(s)
go before (v.)
anticipate, forestall Headword location(s)
go before (v.)
surpass, outdo, be superior to Headword location(s)
go beyond (v.)
exceed, surpass, transcend Headword location(s)
go even Old form(s): euen
agree, give assent [to] Headword location(s)
go forward (v.) Old form(s): goe
go ahead, take place, come to pass Headword location(s)
go forward (v.)
carry on, keep it up Headword location(s)
go off (v.)
die, pass away, depart Headword location(s)
go on (v.) Old form(s): goe
go forward, press ahead Headword location(s)
go over (v.) Old form(s): ore
read through, look over Headword location(s)
go through (v.) Old form(s): goe
do what is undertaken, keep one's word Headword location(s)
go through (v.)
haggle at length, carry out a piece of bargaining Headword location(s)
go thy / your ways
get along, be off see also ways, go thy / your 4 Headword location(s)
go to (int.)
[exclamation of impatience] no more of that see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
go to (int.)
[exclamation of impatience] no more of that see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
go to (int.)
exclamation of reassurance see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
go to (v.)
accord with, correspond to, match Headword location(s)
go to (v.) Old form(s): goe to
get moving, get to work, come on Headword location(s)
go to it Old form(s): goe too't , too
copulate, have sexual intercourse Headword location(s)
go to it
go to the test, go to death see also to it Headword location(s)
go under (v.) Old form(s): vnder
seem to be, appear Headword location(s)
go up (v.) Old form(s): vp
be sheathed, be put away Headword location(s)
go whistle
carry on to no purpose, waste [one's] time see also whistle, go Headword location(s)
gobbet (n.) Old form(s): gobbits
piece of raw flesh Headword location(s)
God (n.)
[used in discourse expressions] see also Farewells Headword location(s)
God (n.)
[used in discourse expressions] see also Greetings Headword location(s)
God (n.)
[used in discourse expressions] see also Politeness Headword location(s)
God (n.)
[used in discourse expressions] see also Swearing Headword location(s)
god (v.)
make a god of, idolize Headword location(s)
exclamation of thanks, applause, surprise, etc [God have mercy] see also Swearing Headword location(s)
goer-between (n.) Old form(s): goers betweene
go-between see also broker-between (n.) Headword location(s)
gog (n.)
softened form of 'God' see also Swearing Headword location(s)
going (n.)
walking, going at one's usual pace Headword location(s)
going out (n.)
expedition, journey, excursion Headword location(s)
gold (n.)
golden state, object made of gold Headword location(s)
gold (n.)
money [not only gold coins] Headword location(s)
golden (adj.)
resplendent, dazzling, richly dressed Headword location(s)
goldenly (adv.)
excellently, splendidly Headword location(s)
Golias, Goliath (n.)
[pron: go'liyas] in the Bible, Goliath; a giant, seen as a model of strength see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
gone (adj.)
lost, ruined, brought down Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
[intensifying use] real, genuine Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
seasonable, appropriate, proper Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
rich, wealthy, substantial Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
honest, virtuous, honourable Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
high-ranking, high-born, distinguished see also better (adj.) Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
just, right, commendable Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
intended, right, proper Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
amenable, tractable, manageable Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
kind, benevolent, generous Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
kind, friendly, sympathetic Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
[used in expressions of greeting and farewell] -den, -e'en, -even, -morrow see also Farewells Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
[used in expressions of greeting and farewell] -den, -e'en, -even, -morrow see also Greetings Headword location(s)
good (adj.)
all right see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
good (adv.)
[intensifying use] really, genuinely Headword location(s)
good (n.)
goodwill, goodness Headword location(s)
good (n.)
interest, advantage, benefit Headword location(s)
good (n.)
good fellow see also Address forms Headword location(s)
good as the best
expression of strong affirmation see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
good cheer
exclamation of reassurance or encouragement see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
good deed (adv.) Old form(s): good-deed
in truth, in reality see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
good life
comfortable position, respectable way of life see also song of good life Headword location(s)
good my complexion
pardon my blushes see also Swearing Headword location(s)
good night
[as farewell] we bid each other a last farewell Headword location(s)
good now
[used with various discourse functions] see also Attention signals Headword location(s)
good now
[used with various discourse functions] see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
good now
[used with various discourse functions] see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
good now
[used with various discourse functions] see also Politeness Headword location(s)
good, do
prosper, succeed, triumph Headword location(s)
good, do one Old form(s): doe
make prosper, enable to succeed Headword location(s)
good, do one Old form(s): doe
be of use to, provide assistance to Headword location(s)
good, make that
explain that see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
good, 'tis
very well Headword location(s)
good-conceited (adj.) Old form(s): good conceyted
cleverly devised, ingeniously composed Headword location(s)
good-faced (adj.) Old form(s): good fac'd
smooth-faced, pretty Headword location(s)
goodly (adj.)
good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely Headword location(s)
goodly (adj.) Old form(s): goodlie
splendid, excellent, fine Headword location(s)
goodly (adj.)
[in exclamations] good see also Swearing Headword location(s)
goodman (adj.) Old form(s): good mans , good-man
[title for a person under the rank of gentleman] mister, master see also Address forms Headword location(s)
goodman (adj.) Old form(s): good-man
husband Headword location(s)
goodness (n.) Old form(s): goodnes
piece of luck, good fortune Headword location(s)
goodness (n.) Old form(s): goodnesse
excellence, virtue, fine qualities Headword location(s)
goodness (n.) Old form(s): goodnesse
benefit, advantage, successful outcome Headword location(s)
goodness (n.) Old form(s): Goodnesse
natural kindness, generosity, bounty Headword location(s)
good-night, good night (n.)
night-time serenade Headword location(s)
good-presaging (adj.) Old form(s): good persaging
favourable, propitious, auspicious Headword location(s)
goodwife (n.) Old form(s): good-wife
mistress of a household, Mrs Headword location(s)
Goodwins (n.)
Goodwin Sands; treacherous sands for shipping off the Kent coast see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
good-year / goodyear, what the Old form(s): good yeere , good-ier, yere
[expression of impatience] what the deuce see also Swearing Headword location(s)
good-years (n.) Old form(s): good yeares
[unclear meaning] good times to come Headword location(s)
goose (adj.)
stupid, foolish, idiotic Headword location(s)
goose (n.)
simpleton, dolt, bungler Headword location(s)
goose (n.)
smoothing iron Headword location(s)
goose (n.)
prostitute, whore see also Winchester goose (n.) Headword location(s)
goose pen (n.) Old form(s): Goose-pen
goose-quill, quill-pen Headword location(s)
goosequill (n.) Old form(s): Goose-quils
pen made from a goose quill Headword location(s)
goot (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'good' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
gorbellied (adj.)
pot-bellied, fat-paunched Headword location(s)
Gorboduc (n.)
[pron: 'gawrboduhk] legendary King of Britain see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
Gordian knot Old form(s): Gordian-knot
apparently unsolvable problem, extreme difficulty Headword location(s)
gore-blood (n.) Old form(s): gore blood
gory blood, clotted blood Headword location(s)
gored (adj.) Old form(s): gor'd
deeply wounded, bleeding Headword location(s)
gorge (n.)
throat, stomach Headword location(s)
gorge (n.)
stomach contents Headword location(s)
gorget (n.)
piece of armour for protecting the throat see also Body-armour Headword location(s)
Gorgon (n.)
generally applied to Medusa, one of three monsters who had snakes in their hair, ugly faces, huge wings, and whose staring eyes could turn people to stone see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
gosling (n.) Old form(s): Gosseling
beginner, greenhorn, novice Headword location(s)
gosling (n.)
little goose see also Swearing Headword location(s)
gospelled (adj.) Old form(s): Gospell'd
converted to the gospel, Christian Headword location(s)
goss (n.) Old form(s): gosse
gorse, spiny shrub Headword location(s)
gossamer (n.) Old form(s): Gossamours
fine thread of a spider's web Headword location(s)
gossip (n.)
godparent, baptismal sponsor Headword location(s)
gossip (n.) Old form(s): goship
friend, neighbour see also Address forms Headword location(s)
gossip (n.)
old woman, gossiping woman Headword location(s)
gossip (n.)
tattler, chatterer, idle talker Headword location(s)
gossip (v.) Old form(s): gossipt
be a close companion, talk together Headword location(s)
gossip (v.)