If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Pabylon (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'Babylon' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pace (n.)
way of walking, gait Headword location(s)
pace (n.)
obedient movement, trained walk Headword location(s)
pace (v.)
train to move, control the course of Headword location(s)
pace (v.)
move on, proceed, pass on Headword location(s)
pace (v.) Old form(s): pac'ste
[horse-training] break in, teach one paces, properly train Headword location(s)
pacify (v.) Old form(s): pacifie
stay quiet; or: malapropism for ‘satisfy’ [= be assured] Headword location(s)
pack (n.) Old form(s): packe
gang, group, circle, confederacy Headword location(s)
pack (n.) Old form(s): Packe
knapsack, back-pack, bundle Headword location(s)
pack (v.)
plot, scheme, intrigue Headword location(s)
pack (v.) Old form(s): packe
take [oneself] off, be off, depart Headword location(s)
pack (v.) Old form(s): packt
load up, load with goods Headword location(s)
pack (v.) Old form(s): Packt
arrange, rig, shuffle cheatingly Headword location(s)
pack (v.) Old form(s): packe
enter into a private arrangement, make a secret deal Headword location(s)
packed (adj.) Old form(s): pack'd , packt
in league, acting as an accomplice Headword location(s)
packhorse (n.) Old form(s): packe-horse
work-horse, drudge, toiler Headword location(s)
packing (adj.)
furtive, underhand, plotting Headword location(s)
packing (n.)
plotting, contriving, underhand dealing Headword location(s)
packthread, pack-thread (n.) Old form(s): packthred
twine used for tying up bundles, string Headword location(s)
paction (n.) Old form(s): Pation
compact, agreement, treaty Headword location(s)
pad (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bad' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
paddle (v.) Old form(s): padling
toy [with], play wantonly [with], fondle Headword location(s)
paddock, padock (n.) Old form(s): Paddocke
toad Headword location(s)
pagan (adj.)
unbelieving, faithless, doubting Headword location(s)
pagan (n.)
prostitute, whore Headword location(s)
page (v.)
follow like a page Headword location(s)
pageant (n.)
show, scene, spectacle, tableau Headword location(s)
pageant (v.)
imitate as if in a play, impersonate, parody Headword location(s)
pah (int.)
exclamation of disgust or abhorrence see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
pain (n.) Old form(s): paine, paines , payne
effort, endeavour, exertion, labour Headword location(s)
pain of, in (prep.) Old form(s): paine
on pain of, under the penalty of Headword location(s)
pained (adj.) Old form(s): painedst
tormented, distressed, persecuted Headword location(s)
painful (adj.) Old form(s): painefull , painfull
painstaking, diligent, laborious Headword location(s)
painful (adj.) Old form(s): painfull
inflicting pain, harmful, afflicting Headword location(s)
painful (adj.) Old form(s): painfull
suffering from pain, causing hurt Headword location(s)
painful (adj.) Old form(s): painefull
arduous, gruelling, taxing Headword location(s)
painfully (adv.) Old form(s): painefully
diligently, taking great pains Headword location(s)
paint (v.)
adorn, beautify, enhance Headword location(s)
paint out (v.)
display, depict fully, portray Headword location(s)
painted (adj.)
frozen, motionless [as in a painting] Headword location(s)
painted (adj.)
feigned, counterfeit, disguised Headword location(s)
painted (adj.)
colourful, multi-coloured Headword location(s)
painted (adj.)
depicted, represented [as on a sign] Headword location(s)
painted (adj.)
unreal, artificial, superficial Headword location(s)
painting (n.)
cosmetics, paint [for the face], beautifying Headword location(s)
painting (n.)
paint, pigment, colour Headword location(s)
pair of stairs Old form(s): paire, staires
flight of stairs Headword location(s)
pair of, a
a few, two or three Headword location(s)
pair-taunt-like (adv.) Old form(s): pertaunt like
like a winning hand in the card game ‘post and pair’ Headword location(s)
pajock (n.) Old form(s): Paiocke
[unclear meaning] savage, degenerate; or: peacock Headword location(s)
palate (v.) Old form(s): pallates
present a flavour to, savour of Headword location(s)
palate (v.) Old form(s): pallates , pallating
relish, enjoy Headword location(s)
pale (adj.)
wan, fearful, pale-hearted Headword location(s)
pale (n.)
fence, paling, enclosure Headword location(s)
pale (n.)
fenced land, park, enclosure Headword location(s)
pale (n.)
paleness, pallor [of the cheeks] Headword location(s)
pale (v.)
dim, make pale Headword location(s)
pale (v.)
enclose, surround, encompass Headword location(s)
pale in (v.) Old form(s): pal'd
fence in, hem in, enclose Headword location(s)
paled (adj.) Old form(s): palyd
pale, white, colourless Headword location(s)
pale-visaged (adj.) Old form(s): pale-visag'd
pale-faced Headword location(s)
palfrey (n.) Old form(s): Palfrayes
horse for everyday riding Headword location(s)
palisado (n.) Old form(s): Palizadoes
palisade, defensive position using pointed stakes Headword location(s)
pall (v.) Old form(s): paule
fail, miscarry, abort Headword location(s)
pall (v.)
wrap, cover, drape Headword location(s)
Pallas (n.)
alternative name for Athene see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Pallas (n.)
alternative name for Athene see also Athene (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
palled (adj.) Old form(s): paul'd
decayed, weakened, enfeebled Headword location(s)
pallet (n.) Old form(s): Pallads
bed, straw mattress Headword location(s)
palliament (n.)
robe, gown [of someone aspiring to Roman consulship] Headword location(s)
palm (n.) Old form(s): Palme
praise, honour, esteem Headword location(s)
palm (n.) Old form(s): Palme
palm leaf as a symbol of victory Headword location(s)
palmer (n.)
pilgrim Headword location(s)
palmy (adj.)
flourishing, triumphant Headword location(s)
palpable (adj.)
evident, obvious, apparent Headword location(s)
palpable-gross (adj.) Old form(s): palpable grosse
obviously clumsy, plainly ignorant see also gross (adj.) 9 Headword location(s)
palsy (adj.) Old form(s): palsie
palsied, trembling, shaking Headword location(s)
palsy (n.)
shaking fit, tremor, paralysis Headword location(s)
palter (v.)
prevaricate, deal evasively [with], quibble Headword location(s)
paltering (n.) Old form(s): paltring
evasiveness, equivocation, trickery Headword location(s)
paly (adj.) Old form(s): palie
pallid, bloodless, colourless Headword location(s)
paly (adj.)
pale, faint Headword location(s)
pamphlet (n.)
document, text Headword location(s)
Pandarus (n.)
[pron: 'pandarus] Trojan prince, killed by Diomedes; Cressida's uncle and go-between see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Pandarus (n.)
[pron: 'pandarus] Trojan prince, killed by Diomedes; Cressida's uncle and go-between see also Cressid, Cressida 1 Headword location(s)
Pandarus (n.)
[pron: 'pandarus] Trojan prince, killed by Diomedes; Cressida's uncle and go-between see also Diomed, Diomede 1 Headword location(s)
pander (v.)
gratify, act as a sexual go-between for Headword location(s)
pander, pandar (n.)
pimp, procurer, go-between Headword location(s)
panderly (adj.)
pimping, procuring, go-between Headword location(s)
Pandion (n.)
king of Athens, the father of Philomela see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Pandion (n.)
king of Athens, the father of Philomela see also Philomel, Philomela 1 Headword location(s)
pang (v.) Old form(s): pang'd
afflict with pangs, torture, torment Headword location(s)
Pannonians (n.)
people from ancient Pannonia (in and around modern Hungary) see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
pantaloon (n.) Old form(s): Pantaloone, Pantalowne, Pantelowne
old man, dotard [i.e. one wearing pantaloons = breeches] see also Clothing Headword location(s)
pantler (n.)
servant in charge of the bread, pantryman Headword location(s)
panyn (n.)
F alternative to 'pavin' see also pavin (n.) Headword location(s)
pap (n.)
teat, nipple Headword location(s)
paper (n.)
paper replacement for money Headword location(s)
paper (n.)
piece of writing, composition Headword location(s)
paper (v.)
put down on paper, write down Headword location(s)
Paphos (n.)
[pron: 'pafos] Cyprus; favourite abode of Venus, goddess of love see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
parable (n.)
indirect means, oblique utterance, similitude Headword location(s)
Paracelsus (n.)
Swiss physician and alchemist,16th-c see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
paradox (n.)
statement going against accepted belief, absurdity Headword location(s)
paragon (v.) Old form(s): Parragon'd
compare, match, place side by side Headword location(s)
paragon (v.)
surpass, excel, transcend Headword location(s)
paramour (n.)
lover Headword location(s)
paramour (n.)
malapropism for ‘paragon’ Headword location(s)
paraquito (n.)
parakeet, parrot Headword location(s)
Parca (n.)
['pron: 'pahrka] originally a Roman birth-goddess, later identified with the Parcae, goddesses who decide the destiny of humans see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Parca (n.)
['pron: 'pahrka] originally a Roman birth-goddess, later identified with the Parcae, goddesses who decide the destiny of humans see also Fates (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
parcel (n.) Old form(s): parcell , parcells
part, piece, portion, bit Headword location(s)
parcel (n.) Old form(s): parcell
small group, company, party Headword location(s)
parcel (n.)
detail, particular, specific point Headword location(s)
parcel (v.) Old form(s): Parcell
[debated meaning] increase, add to the list of Headword location(s)
parcel-bawd (n.) Old form(s): parcell Baud
part-time pimp Headword location(s)
parcel-gilt (adj.) Old form(s): parcell gilt
partly gilded Headword location(s)
parcelled (adj.) Old form(s): parcell'd
particular, related to individual cases Headword location(s)
parcelling (n.)
dividing up, itemizing, listing Headword location(s)
parch (v.) Old form(s): parcht
dry up, shrivel up Headword location(s)
parchment-bottom (n.) Old form(s): parchment bottome
[descriptive of a] drum Headword location(s)
pard (n.)
panther, leopard Headword location(s)
pardon (n.)
permission, consent, approval see also Politeness Headword location(s)
pardon (v.)
excuse, give permission to Headword location(s)
pardonnez (v.)
pardon [Click on this word for a link to a translation of the French in this scene.] see also French Headword location(s)
parfect (v.) Old form(s): perfect
malapropism probably for ‘perform’ or ‘present’ Headword location(s)
Paris (n.)
youngest son of Priam and Hecuba; he stole Helen away from her Greek husband, Menelaus, causing the Trojan wars; character in Troilus and Cressida see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Paris (n.)
youngest son of Priam and Hecuba; he stole Helen away from her Greek husband, Menelaus, causing the Trojan wars; character in Troilus and Cressida see also Priam (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Paris (n.)
youngest son of Priam and Hecuba; he stole Helen away from her Greek husband, Menelaus, causing the Trojan wars; character in Troilus and Cressida see also Hecuba 1 Headword location(s)
Paris (n.)
youngest son of Priam and Hecuba; he stole Helen away from her Greek husband, Menelaus, causing the Trojan wars; character in Troilus and Cressida see also Menelaus 1 Headword location(s)
parish top (n.)
whipping-top kept for parishioners' use [of unclear purpose] Headword location(s)
paritor (n.) Old form(s): Parrators
summoning officer for an ecclesiastical court Headword location(s)
park (n.) Old form(s): parke, Parkes
hunting ground Headword location(s)
park (v.) Old form(s): park'd
enclose, contain, shut in [as if in a park] Headword location(s)
park-ward (n.) Old form(s): Parke-ward
direction of Windsor Great Park see also pittie-ward (n.) Headword location(s)
parle, parley (n.) Old form(s): parlie , parly
negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms] see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
parle, parley (n.) Old form(s): parlies
argument, altercation, exchange Headword location(s)
parle, parley (n.) Old form(s): par'le
talk, conversation, discourse Headword location(s)
parle, parley (v.) Old form(s): parlie , parlied
discuss terms, treat, negotiate with Headword location(s)
parle, parley (v.) Old form(s): parlee
talk, discuss, enter into conversation Headword location(s)
parling (adj.)
speaking, parleying Headword location(s)
parlous (adj.)
perilous, dangerous, hazardous Headword location(s)
parlous (adj.)
shrewd, sharp, wily Headword location(s)
parlously (adv.)
astoundingly, amazingly, exceedingly Headword location(s)
parmacity (n.)
spermaceti [medicinal substance from the sperm-whale] Headword location(s)
parricide (n.) Old form(s): Paricides
patricide, murder of a father Headword location(s)
parrot (n.) Old form(s): Parrat
nonsense, rubbish, without understanding Headword location(s)
parrot-teacher (n.) Old form(s): Parrat teacher
chatterer, babbler, empty talker Headword location(s)
part (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] Headword location(s)
part (n.)
remnant, fragment, vestige Headword location(s)
part (n.)
territory, region, province Headword location(s)
part (n.)
side, camp, party Headword location(s)
part (n.)
action, conduct, behaviour Headword location(s)
part (v.)
divide, share, split up Headword location(s)
part (v.)
depart [from], leave, quit Headword location(s)
part (v.)
cleave, break, tear Headword location(s)
part (v.)
distinguish between, differentiate Headword location(s)
part away (v.)
depart, leave Headword location(s)
part, part of (adv.)
partly, in some measure Headword location(s)
partake (v.) Old form(s): pertakes
make known, impart, communicate Headword location(s)
partake (v.) Old form(s): pertake
take sides, take the part of Headword location(s)
partaker (n.)
ally, supporter, associate Headword location(s)
part-created (adj.)
partly built Headword location(s)
parted (adj.)
divided, unfocused, indistinct Headword location(s)
parted (adj.)
gifted, endowed, accomplished Headword location(s)
Parthian (adj.)
from Parthia, ancient kingdom of W Asia; known for skilled horsemen and archery see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
partial (adj.) Old form(s): partiall
disposed, minded, inclined Headword location(s)
partial (adj.)
of partiality, alleging bias Headword location(s)
partial (adj.) Old form(s): partiall
biased, prejudiced, self-interested Headword location(s)
partial, in Old form(s): partiall
with partiality, in a biased manner Headword location(s)
partialize (v.)
make partial, bias, make one-sided Headword location(s)
partially (adv.) Old form(s): partiallie
with partiality, in a biased way Headword location(s)
participate (v.)
take, receive, share in Headword location(s)
participation (n.)
association, companionship, fellowship Headword location(s)
parti-coated (adj.) Old form(s): partie-coated
motley, of many forms Headword location(s)
parti-coloured (adj.) Old form(s): party colloured , party-colour'd
variegated, diverse, multi-coloured Headword location(s)
particular (adj.) Old form(s): particurlar
personal, special, private Headword location(s)
particular (adj.)
detailed, specific, precise Headword location(s)
particular (n.)
(plural) details, full account Headword location(s)
particular (n.) Old form(s): perticulers
private matter, personal business Headword location(s)
particular (n.)
individual person, self Headword location(s)
particular (n.)
intimacy, personal relationship Headword location(s)
particular (n.)
individual issue, point of detail Headword location(s)
particular, for your
as far as you are concerned, in your case Headword location(s)
particular, on my
in my own case, as far as I am concerned Headword location(s)
particularity (n.)
personal matter, individual issue Headword location(s)
particularize (v.)
give details of, itemize Headword location(s)
particularly (adv.)
by singling out any one individual Headword location(s)
particularly (adv.)
in person, individually Headword location(s)
parti-eyed (adj.)
[unclear meaning] with eyes of mixed colours; bleeding Headword location(s)
parting (n.)
departure, leave-taking, setting out Headword location(s)
partisan (n.) Old form(s): Partisons, Partizan , Partizans
weapon with a long handle and a broad head, sometimes with a projection at the side see also Weapons Headword location(s)
partition (n.)
wall, dividing structure; also: section of a learned book Headword location(s)
partition (n.)
separation, distinction Headword location(s)
Partlet (n.)
traditional name for a hen [Pertelote], as in Chaucer's 'Nun's Priest's Tale' see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
partly (adv.)
slightly, in some measure, a little Headword location(s)
partner (n.)
co-sponsor at a christening Headword location(s)
partner (v.) Old form(s): partner'd
associate, equate, match Headword location(s)
party (n.) Old form(s): partie
side, position, viewpoint Headword location(s)
party (n.) Old form(s): partie
side, faction, camp Headword location(s)
party (n.)
litigant, disputant, side Headword location(s)
party (n.) Old form(s): partie
participant, accessory, supporter Headword location(s)
party (n.) Old form(s): partie
side, part, function Headword location(s)
party (n.) Old form(s): partie
person, fellow Headword location(s)
party-verdict (n.)
share in a joint decision Headword location(s)
pash (n.)
head Headword location(s)
pash (v.)
strike, smash, knock Headword location(s)
pashed (adj.)
smashed, battered, crushed Headword location(s)
pashful (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bashful' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pass (n.) Old form(s): passe
sally, witty stroke, quip Headword location(s)
pass (n.) Old form(s): passe
passage, crossing, thoroughfare Headword location(s)
pass (n.) Old form(s): passe
[fencing] sword-thrust, lunge Headword location(s)
pass (n.) Old form(s): passe
bout, exchange, round [in fencing] Headword location(s)
pass (n.) Old form(s): passe
predicament, juncture, critical point Headword location(s)
pass (n.)
[unclear meaning] trespass; course of action; trickery Headword location(s)
pass (n.) Old form(s): passe
standing, reputation, estimation Headword location(s)
pass (n.) Old form(s): passe
issue, end, outcome Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe , past
surpass, go beyond, outdo Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
let pass, omit, avoid Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): pass'd, passe
be approved [by], be ratified [by] Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
experience, feel Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
pass muster, stand up well Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
use, show, employ Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
pass sentence, adjudicate Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
pass away, pass from life, die Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): Past
go through, go over Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
pass over, ignore, disregard Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
care, heed, trouble oneself about Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
pass through, traverse Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
advance, move on, proceed Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
represent, impersonate, perform Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
move outside, go beyond Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
endure, undergo, experience Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
confirm, ratify, affirm Headword location(s)
pass (v.) Old form(s): passe
transact, complete, carry through Headword location(s)
pass upon (v.) Old form(s): passe vpon
[unclear meaning] jest at; impose on; pass judgement upon Headword location(s)
passable (adj.)
veritable, real, tolerable Headword location(s)
passado (n.)
[fencing] forward thrust, lunge Headword location(s)
passage (n.)
incident, occurrence, event, happening Headword location(s)
passage (n.)
combat, contest, fight [= passage of arms] Headword location(s)
passage (n.)
passing, progress, moving on Headword location(s)
passage (n.)
traffic, passing to and fro, movement of people Headword location(s)
passage (n.)
journey, travelling, wandering Headword location(s)
passage (n.)
passing on, extending, line of descent Headword location(s)
passage (n.)
expression, turn of phrase Headword location(s)
passage (n.)
passing away, departure from life, death Headword location(s)
passant (adj.)
[heraldry] walking, with three paws on the ground and one raised Headword location(s)
passed (adj.)
recently uttered, just expressed Headword location(s)
passenger (n.)
wayfarer, traveller, passer-by Headword location(s)
passing (adj.)
unsurpassed, extreme, pre-eminent Headword location(s)
passing (adj.)
ringing to mark a death Headword location(s)
passing (adv.)
very, exceedingly, extremely Headword location(s)
passion (n.)
powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] Headword location(s)
passion (n.)
passionate outburst, emotional passage Headword location(s)
passion (n.)
suffering, torment, deep grief Headword location(s)
passion (n.)
fit of anger, feeling of rage Headword location(s)
passion (n.)
emotional state, mental condition Headword location(s)
passion (v.)
experience deep feeling, be profoundly moved, grieve Headword location(s)
passionate (adj.)
impassioned, vehement, excessively emotional Headword location(s)
passionate (adj.)
compassionate, inclined to pity, tender-hearted Headword location(s)
passionate (v.)
express with great emotion Headword location(s)
passport (n.) Old form(s): Pasport
document providing details Headword location(s)
passport (n.) Old form(s): Pasport
licence given to an inmate of an institution to travel abroad as a beggar Headword location(s)
passy-measures (adj.) Old form(s): passy measures
dancing with slow pace Headword location(s)
past (prep.)
incapable of Headword location(s)
paste (n.)
pastry, doughy mixture Headword location(s)
pastern (n.) Old form(s): postures
hoof, leg Headword location(s)
pastime (n.)
pleasure, delight, enjoyment Headword location(s)
pastor (n.)
shepherd, herdsman Headword location(s)
pastoral (n.)
pastoral play, theatrical event on a rural theme Headword location(s)
past-proportion (n.) Old form(s): past proportion
immeasurableness, quantity beyond compare Headword location(s)
pastry (n.) Old form(s): Pastrie
pastry-making part of the kitchen Headword location(s)
past-saving (adj.) Old form(s): past-sauing
beyond redemption, incapable of salvation Headword location(s)
pasture (n.)
nurture, rearing, upbringing Headword location(s)
pasty (n.)
meat-pie Headword location(s)
pasyan (n.)
peasant see also French Headword location(s)
pat (adv.)
neatly, opportunely, aptly Headword location(s)
pat (adv.)
spot on, on the dot, very timely Headword location(s)
pat (adv.)
precisely, just, exactly Headword location(s)
patch (n.)
fool, clown; rogue, knave Headword location(s)
patch (v.)
fabricate, make up [as in patchwork] Headword location(s)
patch (v.)
patch over, cover up Headword location(s)
patch (v.) Old form(s): Patch'd
blotch, mark, cover over Headword location(s)
patch up (v.)
invent in haste, fabricate, make Headword location(s)
patched (adj.) Old form(s): patch'd
wearing a patchwork costume, multi-coloured Headword location(s)
patchery (n.) Old form(s): patcherie
roguery, knavery, tricks Headword location(s)
paten (n.) Old form(s): pattens
dish on which the bread is placed during the Mass; shining circle Headword location(s)
patent (n.) Old form(s): pattent
privilege, right, title Headword location(s)
patent (n.) Old form(s): pattent
carte blanche, formal permission Headword location(s)
path (n.)
way, course of action Headword location(s)
path (v.)
pursue one's course, go on one's way Headword location(s)
pathetical (adj.) Old form(s): patheticall
pathetic, miserable, deplorable Headword location(s)
pathetical (adj.) Old form(s): patheticall
pathetic, touching, moving Headword location(s)
patience (n.)
leave, permission, indulgence see also Politeness Headword location(s)
patience (n.)
endurance, fortitude, composure Headword location(s)
patient (adj.)
calm, serene, of quiet mind Headword location(s)
patient (v.)
be patient, calm, quieten Headword location(s)
patiently (adv.)
with endurance, with fortitude Headword location(s)
patiently (adv.)
calmly, with quiet expectation Headword location(s)
patrician (n.)
member of an elite Roman family see also Roman history Headword location(s)
patrimony (n.)
estate, inheritance, property Headword location(s)
patron (n.)
defender, protector, lord and master Headword location(s)
patron (n.)
supporter, advocate Headword location(s)
patronage (v.)
protect, uphold, defend Headword location(s)
pattern (n.) Old form(s): patterne
picture, model, specimen, example Headword location(s)
pattern (n.) Old form(s): patterne
precedent, previous example Headword location(s)
pattern (v.) Old form(s): patterne
parallel, match, equal Headword location(s)
pattern (v.) Old form(s): patternd
show a model, give a precedent Headword location(s)
pattern out (v.) Old form(s): patterne
be a pattern for, act as a precedent for Headword location(s)
pattle (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'battle' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pauca (adj.)
[pron: 'powka] few [words] see also Latin Headword location(s)
few words see also Latin Headword location(s)
Paul's (n.)
St Paul's Cathedral, London see also London Headword location(s)
paunch (v.)
stab in the paunch, wound in the stomach Headword location(s)
pause (n.) Old form(s): pawse
hesitation, delay Headword location(s)
pause (v.)
delay, take time to consider Headword location(s)
pause upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon
deliberate about, take time to consider Headword location(s)
pause, in
hesitating, not proceeding, pausing Headword location(s)
pauser (adj.) Old form(s): pawser
prompting a pause, circumspect Headword location(s)
pausingly (adv.)
with pauses, hesitantly, haltingly Headword location(s)
paved (adj.) Old form(s): paued
with a paved base, pebbled Headword location(s)
pavement (n.) Old form(s): pauement
paved surface, thoroughfare Headword location(s)
pavilion (n.) Old form(s): Pauillion , Pauillions
ceremonial tent Headword location(s)
pavilioned (adj.) Old form(s): pauillion'd
in ceremonial tents Headword location(s)
pavin (n.) Old form(s): panyn
type of stately dance, pavane Headword location(s)
pawn (n.) Old form(s): paune, pawne , pawnes
pledge, surety, forfeit Headword location(s)
pawn (v.) Old form(s): Paund , pawn'd , pawne
stake, pledge, risk Headword location(s)
pawn down (v.) Old form(s): pawne downe
stake, pledge, risk Headword location(s)
pax (n.)
tablet bearing an image of the Crucifixion, used as a symbol of peace within the Mass Headword location(s)
pay (n.)
reward, payment Headword location(s)
pay (v.)
repay, requite, recompense Headword location(s)
pay (v.) Old form(s): payes
punish, pay back, retaliate against Headword location(s)
pay (v.) Old form(s): pay'd, payed
kill, settle with, discharge Headword location(s)
pay (v.)
beat, make suffer Headword location(s)
peace (int.)
exclamation of reproach or impatience see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
peace (n.)
state of calm, amenable condition Headword location(s)
peace (v.)
be still, keep silent, be calm see also Attention signals Headword location(s)
peace (v.)
be still, keep silent, be calm see also Greetings Headword location(s)
peaceful (adj.) Old form(s): peacefull
undisturbed, unopposed, untroubled Headword location(s)
peace-parted (adj.)
who have departed this life in peace Headword location(s)
peach (v.)
turn informer, give evidence against Headword location(s)
peach (v.)
impeach, denounce, accuse Headword location(s)
peak (v.) Old form(s): peake
mope about, brood, languish Headword location(s)
peak (v.) Old form(s): peake
waste away, grow thin, become emaciated Headword location(s)
peaking (adj.)
sneaking, skulking, lurking Headword location(s)
peal (n.) Old form(s): Peale
discharge, volley, burst Headword location(s)
pear (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bear' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
peard (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'beard' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pearl (n.) Old form(s): Pearles
cataract [in the eye] Headword location(s)
peasant (adj.) Old form(s): Pesant , pezant
base, low, villainous Headword location(s)
peasant (adj.)
country, rural, backwoods Headword location(s)
peasant (n.) Old form(s): pesant
servant, fellow, rascal Headword location(s)
peascod (n.) Old form(s): Pescod
pea-plant, pea-pod Headword location(s)
pease (n.)
peas Headword location(s)
peat (n.) Old form(s): peate
pet, spoilt darling Headword location(s)
peat (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'beat' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
peck (n.) Old form(s): pecke
heap, quantity, measure [a quarter of a bushel] Headword location(s)
peck (n.) Old form(s): Pecke
circular vessel capable of holding a peck [quarter bushel] of goods Headword location(s)
peck (v.) Old form(s): pecke
pitch, throw, fling Headword location(s)
peculiar (adj.) Old form(s): peculier
particular, private, personal Headword location(s)
[Latin] teacher Headword location(s)
pedant (n.)
teacher, schoolmaster Headword location(s)
pedantical (adj.) Old form(s): pedanticall
pedantic, exaggerated, artificial Headword location(s)
pedascule (n.)
little pedant Headword location(s)
peds (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'beds' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
peeled (adj.) Old form(s): Piel'd
tonsured, shaven, bald Headword location(s)
peep (v.)
appear, show one's face Headword location(s)
peep (v.) Old form(s): peepe
peer through half-closed eyes Headword location(s)
peep about (v.) Old form(s): peepe
emerge into view, look around Headword location(s)
peer (n.) Old form(s): Peere
mate, companion; wife Headword location(s)
peer (v.) Old form(s): peere
appear, come into sight Headword location(s)
peer (v.)
flow, rise, pour Headword location(s)
peer out (v.) Old form(s): peere-out
peep out, show oneself Headword location(s)
peevish (adj.) Old form(s): peeuish
silly, foolish; or: headstrong, impulsive Headword location(s)
peevish (adj.) Old form(s): peeuish
fretful, irritable, ill-tempered Headword location(s)
peevish (adj.) Old form(s): peeuish
obstinate, perverse, self-willed [contrast modern sense of ‘irritable, morose’] Headword location(s)
peevish-fond (adj.) Old form(s): peeuish found
obstinately foolish Headword location(s)
peg (n.) Old form(s): peggs
pin on a stringed instrument to which the strings are fastened Headword location(s)
Peg-a-Ramsey (n.) Old form(s): Peg-a-ramsie
[dance tune] name of a spying wife in a contemporary ballad see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
Pegasus (n.)
winged horse which sprang from the body of Medusa after her death; he brought thunderbolts to Zeus see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Pegasus (n.)
winged horse which sprang from the body of Medusa after her death; he brought thunderbolts to Zeus see also Gorgon 1 Headword location(s)
peise (v.) Old form(s): peize
weigh down, burden, load Headword location(s)
peise (v.) Old form(s): peysed
poise, balance, keep in equilibrium Headword location(s)
peise down (v.) Old form(s): peize downe
weigh down, burden, load down Headword location(s)
peize (v.)
F, Q alternative to 'piece' see also piece (v.) 4 Headword location(s)
pelf (n.) Old form(s): pelfe
possessions, property, goods Headword location(s)
pelf (n.) Old form(s): pelfe
treasure, booty, spoil Headword location(s)
pelican (adj.) Old form(s): Pelicane
bird reputed to feed her young with her own blood Headword location(s)
pelicocks (n.)
Q alternative to 'pillicock' see also pillicock (n.) Headword location(s)
Pelion (n.)
[pron: 'peelion] mountain in Thessaly, N Greece; gods revenged themselves on rebellious Titans by burying them under Mt Pelion see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
pellet (v.)
hit [as if with pellets], pelt Headword location(s)
pelleted (adj.)
filled with pellets, full of hail Headword location(s)
pell-mell (adv.) Old form(s): Pell, mell
in headlong confusion, in disordered haste Headword location(s)
Pelops (n.)
[pron: 'pelops] son of Tantalus, served to the gods at a banquet; Demeter ate his shoulder, which the gods replaced by one of ivory see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Pelops (n.)
[pron: 'pelops] son of Tantalus, served to the gods at a banquet; Demeter ate his shoulder, which the gods replaced by one of ivory see also Tantalus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
pelt (v.)
shout angrily, harangue Headword location(s)
pelting (adj.)
paltry, petty, worthless, insignificant Headword location(s)
pen (n.)
penmanship, style of handwriting Headword location(s)
pen (v.)
shut up, confine; silence Headword location(s)
penalty (n.) Old form(s): pennalty
punishable offence, criminal act Headword location(s)
pencil (n.) Old form(s): pencill, pensals, pensell, Pensill
finely-pointed paint-brush Headword location(s)
pencilled (adj.) Old form(s): pencel'd , pencild, Pensil'd
painted, shown in a painting Headword location(s)
pendant (n.)
long narrow flag, pennon, pennant Headword location(s)
pendent (adj.) Old form(s): pendant
downhanging, drooping, dangling Headword location(s)
pendent (adj.) Old form(s): pendant
hanging in space, floating in the air Headword location(s)
Pendragon (n.)
early British king, the father of King Arthur see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
pendulous (adj.)
overhanging, suspended overhead Headword location(s)
almost completely cold fear seizes my limbs see also Latin Headword location(s)
Penelope (n.)
Ulysses' wife, who waited 20 years for his return from Troy; she told suitors she had to finish weaving a shroud for Ulysses' father before she could remarry, and undid the work each night see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Penelope (n.)
Ulysses' wife, who waited 20 years for his return from Troy; she told suitors she had to finish weaving a shroud for Ulysses' father before she could remarry, and undid the work each night see also Ulysses 1 Headword location(s)
penetrable (adj.) Old form(s): penytrable
penetrating, piercing Headword location(s)
penetrable (adj.)
receptive, susceptible, capable of being affected Headword location(s)
penetrate (v.)
pierce the feelings, touch the heart [also: sexual innuendo] Headword location(s)
penetrative (adj.) Old form(s): penetratiue
penetrating, deeply piercing Headword location(s)
penitent (adj.)
undergoing penance Headword location(s)
penitent (adj.)
of penance, of repentance Headword location(s)
penned (adj.) Old form(s): pen'd
specially composed, set down in writing Headword location(s)
penner (n.)
pen-case, pen-holder Headword location(s)
penning (n.)
handwriting, penmanship Headword location(s)
pennon (n.) Old form(s): Penons
streamer, banner, flag Headword location(s)
penn'orth (n.)
amount, quantity, sum see also pennyworth (n.) Headword location(s)
penny (adj.)
cheap Headword location(s)
penny (n.)
[in phrases] see also Money Headword location(s)
penny (n.)
[in phrases] see also earnest penny Headword location(s)
pennyworth, penn'orth (n.) Old form(s): penyworths
value, rate, price Headword location(s)
pennyworth, penn'orth (n.) Old form(s): penny worth, Pen-worth
money's worth, bargain, good value Headword location(s)
pennyworth, penn'orth (n.) Old form(s): pennie-worth
amount, quantity, sum Headword location(s)
pennyworth, penn'orth (n.) Old form(s): peniworths
small amount, little bit Headword location(s)
pense (v.)
think [Click on this word for a link to the translation of the French in this scene.] see also French Headword location(s)
pensioner (n.) Old form(s): Pentioners
gentleman of the royal bodyguard Headword location(s)
pensive (adj.) Old form(s): pensiue
sorrowful, sad, full of melancholy Headword location(s)
pensived (adj.) Old form(s): pensiu'd
[unclear meaning] pensive, reflective; melancholic; apprehensive Headword location(s)
pent (adj.)
imprisoned, closely confined Headword location(s)
pent up (v.) Old form(s): vp
shut up, confine, lock in Headword location(s)
Pentapolis (n.)
[pron: pen'tapolis] city region on N African coast, modern Libya see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Penthesilea (n.)
[pron: penthesi'laya] Amazonian queen, who helped Priam at Troy see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Penthesilea (n.)
[pron: penthesi'laya] Amazonian queen, who helped Priam at Troy see also Priam (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
penthouse, pent-house (adj.)
like a lean-to shed Headword location(s)
penthouse, pent-house (n.)
covered way, sloping porch, overhanging roof Headword location(s)
penthouse-like (adj.)
like a projecting roof Headword location(s)
pent-up (adj.) Old form(s): pent-vp
confined without food, ravenous Headword location(s)
penurious (adj.)
poverty-stricken, needy, beggarly Headword location(s)
people (n.)
household, servants Headword location(s)
Pepin, Pippen (n.)
king of the Franks in 8th-c see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
peppercorn (n.) Old form(s): Pepper-Corne
[berry of black pepper] tiny thing, mere nothing Headword location(s)
pepper-gingerbread (n.) Old form(s): Pepper Ginger-bread
hot-spiced gingerbread Headword location(s)
per se
by himself see also Latin Headword location(s)
I am carried across the Styx, through the shades of the dead see also Latin Headword location(s)
peradventure (adv.) Old form(s): Peraduenture, peraduentures
perhaps, maybe, very likely see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
perceive (v.) Old form(s): perceiue
receive, get, obtain Headword location(s)
perch (n.) Old form(s): pearch
measure of land [c.5.5 yards / c.5 m]; distance Headword location(s)
perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
perchance (adv.)
by good fortune, by chance Headword location(s)
perdie, perdy (int.)
[French 'par Dieu'] by God see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
perdie, perdy (int.)
[French 'par Dieu'] by God see also Swearing Headword location(s)
perdition (n.)
loss, diminution, decrease Headword location(s)
perdition (n.)
ruin, destruction, devastation Headword location(s)
perdu (n.)
sentinel exposed to danger, sentry placed in a hazardous position Headword location(s)
perdurable (adj.)
everlasting, long-lasting, enduring Headword location(s)
perdurably (adv.) Old form(s): perdurablie
eternally, everlastingly, for ever Headword location(s)
peregrinate (adj.) Old form(s): peregrinat
affectedly foreign, cosmopolitan Headword location(s)
peremptorily (adv.)
assuredly, positively, decisively Headword location(s)
peremptory (adj.) Old form(s): peremptorie
determined, resolved, absolutely decided Headword location(s)
peremptory (adj.) Old form(s): peremptorie
overbearing, imperious, dictatorial Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
innocent, guiltless, clear Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
clear, in accord with Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
complete, totally accomplished, well-trained Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
completely prepared, fully made ready Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
complete, pure, sheer, utter Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
adult, grown up, mature Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
well aware, fully informed Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
in a state of complete satisfaction, totally content Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
certain, definite, positive Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.) Old form(s): perfit
complete, flawless, unblemished Headword location(s)
perfect (adj.)
word-perfect, perfectly accurate Headword location(s)
perfect (v.)
inform fully, instruct completely Headword location(s)
perfectness (n.) Old form(s): perfectnesse
fullness Headword location(s)
perfectness (n.) Old form(s): perfectnesse
state of being word-perfect Headword location(s)
perfidious (adj.)
treacherous, unfaithful, disloyal Headword location(s)
perforce (adv.)
forcibly, by force, violently see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
perforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
performance (n.)
discharge, fulfilment, manifestation Headword location(s)
perfume (n.)
perfumed mistress, fragrant woman Headword location(s)
perfume (v.)
malapropism for ‘perfuse’ [= cause to flow through] Headword location(s)
perfumer (n.)
someone employed to make rooms smell sweetly Headword location(s)
periapt (n.)
amulet, charm, talisman Headword location(s)
Perigenia (n.)
[pron: peri'jenia] daughter of a robber, Sinnis; loved by Theseus see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Perigenia (n.)
[pron: peri'jenia] daughter of a robber, Sinnis; loved by Theseus see also Theseus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
peril, at Old form(s): perill
at risk of punishment Headword location(s)
period (n.)
full stop, end, ending, conclusion Headword location(s)
period (n.)
end, purpose, goal Headword location(s)
period (n.)
point of completion, fitting conclusion, consummation Headword location(s)
period (n.)
rhetorical pause, sentence ending, termination Headword location(s)
period (v.)
end, conclude; [with ‘comfort’ as object] put an end to; or [with ‘comfort’ as subject]: come to an end Headword location(s)
perish (v.) Old form(s): perish'd
destroy, wither, become ruined Headword location(s)
perishing (adj.)
deadly, destructive, malignant Headword location(s)
periwig (n.) Old form(s): perewig, Perrywig
wig Headword location(s)
periwig-pated (adj.) Old form(s): Pery-wig-pated
bewigged, wearing a wig Headword location(s)
perjure (n.) Old form(s): periure
perjurer Headword location(s)
perk up (v.) Old form(s): perk'd vp
make smart, deck out, spruce up Headword location(s)
pernicious (adj.) Old form(s): Pernitious
destructive, dangerous, ruinous Headword location(s)
perniciously (adv.)
with deep loathing, to the point of destruction Headword location(s)
peroration (n.)
rhetorical speech, oratorical discourse Headword location(s)
perpend (v.)
consider, ponder, reflect Headword location(s)
perplexed (adj.) Old form(s): perplex'd, perplext
troubled, disturbed, worried Headword location(s)
perplexed (adj.) Old form(s): perplext
bewildered, distracted, disoriented Headword location(s)
perplexity (n.) Old form(s): perplexitie
riddler, source of confusion Headword location(s)
Perseus (n)
son of Zeus and Danae; advised by Athene to look at the reflection in his shield when cutting off Medusa's head, thereby avoiding being turned to stone; associated with the winged horse released by her death see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Perseus (n)
son of Zeus and Danae; advised by Athene to look at the reflection in his shield when cutting off Medusa's head, thereby avoiding being turned to stone; associated with the winged horse released by her death see also Gorgon (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Perseus (n)
son of Zeus and Danae; advised by Athene to look at the reflection in his shield when cutting off Medusa's head, thereby avoiding being turned to stone; associated with the winged horse released by her death see also Pegasus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
persever (v.) Old form(s): perseuer, perseuers
persevere, persist, keep at it Headword location(s)
persever (v.) Old form(s): Perseuer
proceed, carry on Headword location(s)
persisted (adj.)
persistent, continual, enduring Headword location(s)
persistive (adj.) Old form(s): persistiue
persisting, long-lasting, persevering Headword location(s)
person (n.)
fine figure, personality Headword location(s)
person (n.)
physical appearance, bodily figure Headword location(s)
personage (n.)
appearance, demeanour Headword location(s)
personal (adj.) Old form(s): personall
personally engaged, present in person Headword location(s)
personate (v.)
stand for, represent, symbolize Headword location(s)
personate (v.)
describe, represent, delineate Headword location(s)
personating (n.)
representation, symbolic portrayal Headword location(s)
perspective (n.) Old form(s): Perspectiue, perspectiues
picture in which perspective is altered so as to appear distorted unless seen from a particular angle Headword location(s)
perspectively (adv.) Old form(s): perspectiuely
as if through an optical instrument see also perspective (n.) Headword location(s)
persuade (v.) Old form(s): perswade
urge, entreat, beseech Headword location(s)
persuade (v.) Old form(s): perswaded
convince, be sure, satisfy Headword location(s)
persuade (v.) Old form(s): perswaded
plead, entreat Headword location(s)
persuasion (n.) Old form(s): perswasions
argument, inducement, reason Headword location(s)
persuasion (n.) Old form(s): perswasion
conviction, principle, opinion Headword location(s)
persuasion (n.) Old form(s): perswasion
belief, impression, understanding Headword location(s)
persuasion (n.) Old form(s): perswasion
evidence, persuasive indication Headword location(s)
pert (adj.)
lively, brisk, sprightly Headword location(s)
pertain (v.) Old form(s): pertaine , pertaines
belong, have a right Headword location(s)
pertly (adv.)
smartly, quickly, briskly Headword location(s)
pertly (adv.)
boldly, audaciously, impudently Headword location(s)
perusal (n.) Old form(s): perusall
inspection, scrutiny, examination Headword location(s)
peruse (v.)
inspect, scrutinize, examine Headword location(s)
peruse (v.)
reconnoitre, scout out, survey Headword location(s)
perverse (n.) Old form(s): peruerse
obstinate, stubborn, intransigent Headword location(s)
pervert (v.) Old form(s): peruert
divert, turn aside, redirect Headword location(s)
pervert (v.) Old form(s): peruerted
lead astray, seduce, corrupt Headword location(s)
peseech (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'beseech' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pester (v.) Old form(s): pestring
obstructing, crowding, clogging Headword location(s)
pestered (adj.) Old form(s): pester'd
afflicted, troubled, plagued Headword location(s)
pestiferous (adj.) Old form(s): pestifferous
pestilent, mischievous, pernicious Headword location(s)
pestilence (n.)
plague, epidemic, fatal disease Headword location(s)
petar (n.)
bomb, explosive Headword location(s)
petitionary (adj.)
imploring, suppliant, entreating Headword location(s)
Petrarch (n.)
['petrahrk] Italian poet, 14th-c see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
petter (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'better' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
petticoat (n.) Old form(s): petticoate, petty-coate, petty-coates
long skirt see also Clothing Headword location(s)
pettish (adj.)
petulant, peevish, bad-humoured Headword location(s)
pettitoes (n.) Old form(s): Petty-toes
trotters, feet Headword location(s)
petty (adj.)
small, weak, inadequate, insignificant Headword location(s)
petty (adj.) Old form(s): pettie
minor, subordinate, inferior Headword location(s)
pew-fellow (n.) Old form(s): Pue-fellow
one who shares a church bench; companion, associate Headword location(s)
pewterer (n.)
maker of pewter utensils Headword location(s)
Phaethon, Phaeton (n.)
[pron: 'fayuhton] son of Helios, the Greek sun-god, who tried to drive his chariot but was destroyed when he drove it too near Earth see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
phang (v.)
F spelling of 'fang' see also fang (v.) Headword location(s)
phantasime (n.) Old form(s): phantasims
one full of fancies, extravagantly behaved individual see also fantastico (n.) Headword location(s)
phantasma (n.)
illusion, bad dream, nightmare Headword location(s)
Pharamond (n.)
[pron: 'faramond] legendary king of the Salian Franks see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Pharaoh (n.)
[pron: 'fairoh] in the Bible, an Egyptian ruler see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
pheazar (n.)
[unclear meaning] vizier, person of great stature Headword location(s)
pheeze, feeze (v.) Old form(s): phese
do for, settle the hash of, fix Headword location(s)
Phibbus (n.)
mispronunciation of 'Phoebus' by Bottom in MND I.ii.31 Headword location(s)
Philemon (n.)
[pron: fiy'leemon] peasant who, with his wife Baucis, entertained Jupiter and Mercury when they visited the Earth to test people's hospitality see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Philemon (n.)
[pron: fiy'leemon] peasant who, with his wife Baucis, entertained Jupiter and Mercury when they visited the Earth to test people's hospitality see also Jupiter, Jove (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Philemon (n.)
[pron: fiy'leemon] peasant who, with his wife Baucis, entertained Jupiter and Mercury when they visited the Earth to test people's hospitality see also Mercury (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Philip and Jacob
in Christian tradtion, the feast of St Philip and St James, 1 May see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
Philip, Saint
in the Bible, an evangelist who had four daughters who were prophets see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
Philip, Saint
in the Bible, an evangelist who had four daughters who were prophets see also Philip and Jacob 1 Headword location(s)
Philippan (adj.)
[pron: fi'lipan] from Philippi see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Philippan (adj.)
[pron: fi'lipan] from Philippi see also Philippi 1 Headword location(s)
Philippi (n.)
battle site in Thrace, Asia Minor, a victory for Mark Antony see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Philippi (n.)
battle site in Thrace, Asia Minor, a victory for Mark Antony see also Antony, Mark 1 Headword location(s)
Phillida (n.)
['filida] traditional name given to a love-sick shepherdess see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
Phillida (n.)
['filida] traditional name given to a love-sick shepherdess see also Corin 1 Headword location(s)
Philomel, Philomela (n.)
[pron: 'filomel] daughter of Pandion, king of Athens; Tereus raped her and cut out her tongue, but she told the tale in her embroidery; the gods turned her into a nightingale after she took her revenge see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Philomel, Philomela (n.)
[pron: 'filomel] daughter of Pandion, king of Athens; Tereus raped her and cut out her tongue, but she told the tale in her embroidery; the gods turned her into a nightingale after she took her revenge see also Tereus 1 Headword location(s)
philosopher (n.)
one learned in natural philosophy, sage Headword location(s)
philosopher's two stones Old form(s): Philosophers
two hypothetical means of (i) giving eternal youth and (ii) turning base metals into gold Headword location(s)
philosophy (n.) Old form(s): Philosophie
natural philosophy, i.e. science Headword location(s)
phlegmatic (adj.) Old form(s): flegmaticke
malapropism for ‘choleric’ [= angry] Headword location(s)
Phoebe (n.)
one of the titles of the Roman goddess of the Moon see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Phoebe (n.)
one of the titles of the Roman goddess of the Moon see also Diana, Dian (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Phoebus (n.)
[pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Phoebus (n.)
[pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo see also Apollo (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
phoenix (adj.) Old form(s): phenix
[unclear meaning] rare, matchless, beautiful Headword location(s)
phoenix (n.) Old form(s): Phenix
wonder, marvel, paragon Headword location(s)
phrase (n.)
phrasing, language, manner of expression Headword location(s)
phrase (n.)
manner, style, way Headword location(s)
phrase (v.)
call, name, style Headword location(s)
phraseless (adj.) Old form(s): phraseles
lacking language to describe Headword location(s)
Phrygia (n.)
[pron: 'frijia] central plateau area of Asia Minor where Troy was situated see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
physic (n.) Old form(s): Phisick , phisicke , Physick , Physicke
medicine, healing, treatment see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
physic (n.) Old form(s): Phisicke , Physicke
knowledge of the human body, medical science Headword location(s)
physic (v.) Old form(s): phisick , physicke , Physicks
cure, correct, dose with medicine Headword location(s)
physic (v.) Old form(s): physicke
keep in good health, minister to Headword location(s)
physical (adj.) Old form(s): Physicall
medicinal, therapeutic, restorative Headword location(s)
pia mater (n.) Old form(s): Piamater , primater
[Latin] dutiful mother: membrane covering the brain; brain Headword location(s)
pibble-pabble (n.)
[Welsh pronunciation of 'bibble-babble'] chatter, gabble, empty talk see also bibble-babble (n.) Headword location(s)
pick (n.) Old form(s): pickes
pike see also Weapons Headword location(s)
pick (v.) Old form(s): picke
throw, pitch, hurl Headword location(s)
pick (v.) Old form(s): picke , pickt
extract, make out, detect Headword location(s)
picked (adj.) Old form(s): pickt
specially chosen, selected Headword location(s)
picked (adj.)
over-refined, fastidious, particular Headword location(s)
picked (adj.)
fastidious, neat, foppish Headword location(s)
picked-hatch, pickt-hatch (n.)
spiked half-door; house of ill-repute, brothel Headword location(s)
pickers and stealers
hands Headword location(s)
picking (adj.)
fastidious, trifling, fussy Headword location(s)
picklock (n.) Old form(s): Pick-lock
instrument for picking locks Headword location(s)
pick-purse, pickpurse (n.) Old form(s): picke purse, picke-purse, picke-purses
pickpocket, purse-stealer Headword location(s)
pickthank (n.) Old form(s): Pick-thankes
flatterer, sycophant; tale-bearer, rumour-monger Headword location(s)
picture (n.)
likeness, image, imitation Headword location(s)
picture (n.)
description Headword location(s)
picture (n.)
scene, visible position, conspicuous place Headword location(s)
picture (n.)
appearance, countenance, visible form Headword location(s)
picture (v.) Old form(s): pictur'd
depict, represent, portray Headword location(s)
pid (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bid' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pie (n.)
magpie Headword location(s)
Pie Corner
at the corner of Smithfield, London, noted for its cook shops see also London Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): Peece
cannon, piece of artillery, fire-arm see also murdering-piece(n.) Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): Peece
cannon, piece of artillery, fire-arm see also mortar-piece (n.) Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): peece
specimen, masterpiece Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): peece, peices
work (of art), creation Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): peece
accomplishment, forte, skill Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): peece
creature, individual, person, woman Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): peece
bit of ground, place Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): peece, Peeces
coin, piece of money Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): peece
[of virtue] model, picture, paragon Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): peece
sort, kind, type Headword location(s)
piece (n.) Old form(s): peece
wine cask, butt of liquor Headword location(s)
piece (v.) Old form(s): peece
complete, make up, improve Headword location(s)
piece (v.) Old form(s): Peec'd , peece, piec'd
add to, join to, augment Headword location(s)
piece (v.) Old form(s): peec'd
mend, repair, make whole Headword location(s)
piece (v.)
prolong, extend, drag out Headword location(s)
piece out (v.) Old form(s): peece
prolong, extend, drag out Headword location(s)
piece out (v.) Old form(s): peece , peeces out
augment, increase, supplement Headword location(s)
piece up (v.) Old form(s): peece vp
add to, make up, parcel up Headword location(s)
pied (adj.) Old form(s): pide , py'de
of different colours, multi-coloured Headword location(s)
piedness (n.) Old form(s): pidenesse
diverse colouring, multi-coloured character Headword location(s)
pierce (v.)
see, reach, penetrate Headword location(s)
pierce (v.)
move, touch, get through to Headword location(s)
piercing (adj.)
oppressive, severe, distressing Headword location(s)
piercing (adj.)
moving, touching, poignant Headword location(s)
pight (adj.)
determined, set, fixed Headword location(s)
pight (adj.)
pitched, set up Headword location(s)
Pigmies (n.)
legendary race of dwarfs see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
pignut (n.) Old form(s): pig-nuts
variety of edible nutty root, earth chestnut Headword location(s)
Pigrogromitus (n.)
[pron: pigroh'gromitus] mock-astrology jargon see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
pike (n.)
pitchfork, hayfork Headword location(s)
pike (n.)
central spike in a buckler see also Weapons Headword location(s)
pike (n.)
defensive stake Headword location(s)
pike, pick (n.)
weapon with a long handle ending in a spearhead see also Weapons Headword location(s)
Pilate (n.)
Pontius Pilate, Roman prefect of Judea, 1st-c see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
pilcher (n.)
pilchard Headword location(s)
pilcher (n.)
[contemptuous] scabbard see also Weapons Headword location(s)
pilgrimage (n.)
journey, passage, voyage Headword location(s)
pill (v.) Old form(s): pil'd , pill'd
pillage, plunder, rob Headword location(s)
pill (v.) Old form(s): pild , pil'd
[of bark] peel, strip Headword location(s)
pill up (v.) Old form(s): pyl'd vp
[unclear meaning] plunder, rob; pile up, accumulate Headword location(s)
pillage (n.)
plunder, spoil, booty Headword location(s)
pilled (adj.) Old form(s): pil'd
made bald, with hair removed Headword location(s)
pilled (adv.) Old form(s): pil'd
poorly, miserably, beggarly Headword location(s)
[slang] penis Headword location(s)
pin (n.)
trifle, triviality, insignificant amount Headword location(s)
pin (n.)
peg [to hold things together] Headword location(s)
pin (n.) Old form(s): pinne
[archery] peg in the middle of a target; centre Headword location(s)
pin and web
disease of the eye, cataract see also web and the pin Headword location(s)
pinch (n.)
pain, pang, torment Headword location(s)
pinch (n.)
tiny bite, slight nip Headword location(s)
pinch (n.)
hardship, extremity, privation Headword location(s)
pinch (v.) Old form(s): pinch'd
torment, pain, torture Headword location(s)
pinch (v.)
take, squeeze, press Headword location(s)
pinch (v.)
harass, irritate, annoy Headword location(s)
pinch (v.) Old form(s): pincht
bite, nip Headword location(s)
pinch (v.) Old form(s): pinch'd
wear away, eat into, corrode Headword location(s)
pinch (v.) Old form(s): pincht
cause trouble, bring into difficulties Headword location(s)
pinched (adj.) Old form(s): pinch'd
tortured, tormented; or: distressed, afflicted; or: reduced to nothing Headword location(s)
pinching (adj.)
bitingly cold; or: narrowly restricting Headword location(s)
pinch-spotted (adj.)
discoloured with pinch-marks Headword location(s)
pine (v.)
afflict, wear out, cause to waste away Headword location(s)
pine (v.)
torment, trouble, afflict Headword location(s)
pine (v.)
starve, hunger, waste away Headword location(s)
pined (adj.)
made thin with grief, wasted away with sorrow Headword location(s)
pinfold (n.)
pound, place for keeping stray animals Headword location(s)
pining (adj.)
consuming, wasting, eating away Headword location(s)
pinion (n.) Old form(s): Pinnion
outermost feather, appendage Headword location(s)
pinioned (adj.) Old form(s): pinnion'd
with arms bound, with wings clipped Headword location(s)
pinioned (adj.) Old form(s): pinnion'd
bound, tied up, secured Headword location(s)
pink (adj.) Old form(s): pinke
half-shut, blinking, tiny Headword location(s)
pinked (adj.) Old form(s): pinck'd
ornamented with perforations, pierced, scalloped Headword location(s)
pinnace (n.) Old form(s): Pinnasse
small speedy boat with a single mast Headword location(s)
pin's fee, a
the value of a trifle Headword location(s)
pinse (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'pinch' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pioned (adj.)
[unclear meaning] displaying wild orchises ('pionies'); trenched, furrowed, channelled Headword location(s)
pioneer, pioner (n.)
miner, digger, excavator Headword location(s)
pioneer, pioner (n.) Old form(s): Pyoner, Pyoners
sapper, labouring foot-soldier Headword location(s)
pious (adj.)
religious, holy; or: dutiful, loyal Headword location(s)
pip (n.) Old form(s): peepe
mark on a playing card [as used in the game of ‘one-and-thirty’] Headword location(s)
pipe (n.)
voice Headword location(s)
pipe (v.)
whistle, look in vain Headword location(s)
pipe-wine (n.)
wine drawn directly from the cask [pipe] Headword location(s)
piping (adj.)
shrill-toned, high-pitched [either: of pipes; or: of women and children's voices] Headword location(s)
Pippen, Pepin (n.)
king of the Franks in 8th-c see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Pippen, Pepin (n.)
king of the Franks in 8th-c see also Pepin, Pippen (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
pirate (n.) Old form(s): Pyrate
pirate-ship Headword location(s)
pirate (n.)
thief, marauder, plunderer Headword location(s)
pish (int.)
strong exclamation of contempt, impatience, disgust see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
pismire (n.)
ant Headword location(s)
piss o'th' nettle Old form(s): pisse
be in a bad temper, show irritation Headword location(s)
pissing while
a very short time; also: with enough time to urinate Headword location(s)
pistol (v.) Old form(s): pistoll
shoot with a pistol Headword location(s)
pit (n.)
hole prepared for hunted animals Headword location(s)
pitch (n.)
height, elevation, high aspiration Headword location(s)
pitch (n.) Old form(s): Pytch
black tar-like substance [used to waterproof planks, etc; often, a symbol of defilement] Headword location(s)
pitch (n.) Old form(s): pich , pytch
height [to which a bird of prey soars before swooping] Headword location(s)
pitch (v.)
place oneself, settle, alight Headword location(s)
pitch (v.)
provide sharp stakes for Headword location(s)
pitch (v.) Old form(s): pitcht
set, place Headword location(s)
pitch and pay
pay as you go, no credit Headword location(s)
pitch-ball (n.) Old form(s): pitch bals
ball black as pitch see also pitch (n.) 3 Headword location(s)
pitched (adj.) Old form(s): pitcht
strategically planned, made ready for combat Headword location(s)
pitchy (adj.) Old form(s): pitchie
pitch-dark, black, inky, dark see also pitch (n.) 3 Headword location(s)
piteous (adj.) Old form(s): pitteous
full of pity, compassionate, tender Headword location(s)
piteously (adv.) Old form(s): pittiously
so as to excite pity, evoking compassion Headword location(s)
pitfall (n.)
bird-trap, fowler's snare Headword location(s)
pith (n.) Old form(s): pyth
strength, toughness, mettle Headword location(s)
pith (n.)
importance, weight, gravity Headword location(s)
pith (n.)
essence, central point, main purpose Headword location(s)
pithless (adj.) Old form(s): pyth-lesse
feeble, frail, puny [lacking pith, or marrow] Headword location(s)
pitiful (adj.) Old form(s): pittifull
compassionate, merciful, tender Headword location(s)
pitifully (adv.) Old form(s): pittifully
with compassion, by showing mercy Headword location(s)
pittance (n.)
meal, fare, provision Headword location(s)
pittie-ward (n.)
direction of Windsor Little Park see also park-ward (n.) Headword location(s)
pittikins (n.)
dear pity see also Swearing Headword location(s)
pity (n.) Old form(s): pittie , pitty
bad thing, sad fate, calamity [for] Headword location(s)
pity (v.)
be merciful to, assist Headword location(s)
pizzle (n.) Old form(s): pissell
penis Headword location(s)
place (n.)
proper place, safe place Headword location(s)
place (n.)
room, lodging, quarters Headword location(s)
place (n.)
dignity, honour, privilege Headword location(s)
place (n.)
position, post, office, rank see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
place (n.)
precedence, proper place Headword location(s)
place (n.)
way, room Headword location(s)
place (v.)
establish in office, appoint to a post Headword location(s)
place (v.) Old form(s): plac'd, plac't
arrange, dispose, express Headword location(s)
place (v.)
arrange the seating, find places Headword location(s)
place where, in
in a suitable place Headword location(s)
place, in
present, attending, at hand Headword location(s)
placed (adj.) Old form(s): plac'd
fixed, set, firm Headword location(s)
placket (n.) Old form(s): Placcats
opening in the front of a skirt or petticoat Headword location(s)
placket (n.)
petticoat, apron Headword location(s)
plague (n.)
calamity, affliction, scourge Headword location(s)
plague (v.) Old form(s): plagu'd
torment, vex, trouble Headword location(s)
plaguy (adv.)
confoundedly, insufferably, pestilently Headword location(s)
plain (adj.)
simple, homely, unaffected Headword location(s)
plain (adj.) Old form(s): plaine
honest, open, free from deceit Headword location(s)
plain (adj.) Old form(s): plaine
[bowls] level, flat, even, smooth Headword location(s)
plain (adv.) Old form(s): plaine
honestly, frankly, openly Headword location(s)
plain (n.) Old form(s): plaines
open country Headword location(s)
plain (v.)
complain, lament, bewail Headword location(s)
plain (v.) Old form(s): plaine
make plain, explain, give utterance to Headword location(s)
plaining (n.) Old form(s): playnings
wailing, crying Headword location(s)
plaining (n.) Old form(s): playning
complaining, moaning, lamenting Headword location(s)
plainly (adv.)
openly, straightforwardly, without reserve Headword location(s)
plainly (adv.) Old form(s): plainely
bluntly, frankly, candidly Headword location(s)
plainness (n.) Old form(s): plainnesse
plain-speaking, openness, frankness Headword location(s)
plainsong (adj.)
lacking ornament, melodically simple Headword location(s)
plainsong (n.) Old form(s): plaine-Song, plaine-Song
plain truth, bottom line Headword location(s)
plainsong (n.) Old form(s): plaine song
simple straightforward melody Headword location(s)
plaint (n.)
lamentation, expression of sorrow Headword location(s)
plaintful (adj.) Old form(s): plaintfull
mournful, full of complaining Headword location(s)
planched (adj.)
boarded, wooden, made of planks Headword location(s)
planet (n.) Old form(s): Plannet
star Headword location(s)
planetary (adj.) Old form(s): Plannetary
caused by the bad influence of a planet Headword location(s)
plank (n.) Old form(s): plankes
planking, floor Headword location(s)
plant (n.)
foot, sole of the foot Headword location(s)
plant (v.)
fix in the ground, set up, place Headword location(s)
plant (v.)
set up, establish, introduce Headword location(s)
plant (v.)
install, set up, put in place Headword location(s)
plantage (n.)
vegetation, plant-life Headword location(s)
Plantagenet (n.)
[pron: plan'tajinit] name of an English royal dynasty, which ruled from the accession of Henry II (1154) to the death of Richard III (1485); from Latin planta genista 'sprig of bloom', worn as a crest by Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, the father of Henry II, from whom the house is also called the Anjou or Angevin dynasty Headword location(s)
plantain (n.) Old form(s): Plantan
variety of medicinal herb see also Plants Headword location(s)
plantation (n.)
colonization, colonial settlement Headword location(s)
planting (n.)
installing, stationing, establishing Headword location(s)
plash (n.)
pool, puddle, pond Headword location(s)
plate (n.)
armour, plate-armour Headword location(s)
plate (n.)
silver coin, silver piece Headword location(s)
plate (n.)
special tableware, household utensils of value Headword location(s)
plated (adj.)
wearing plate armour, armour-protected Headword location(s)
platform (n.) Old form(s): Plat-formes
plan, scheme, strategy Headword location(s)
platform (n.) Old form(s): Platforme
gun-platform, battery emplacement Headword location(s)
plausibly (adv.)
with applause, with total approval Headword location(s)
plausive (adj.) Old form(s): plausiue
pleasing, praiseworthy, laudable Headword location(s)
plausive (adj.) Old form(s): plausiue
plausible, convincing, believable Headword location(s)
Plautus (n.)
[pron: 'plawtus] Latin comic playwright, 2nd-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
play (n.)
playing, performance Headword location(s)
play (v.) Old form(s): plaid
display, show, demonstrate Headword location(s)
play (v.)
fence Headword location(s)
play (v.)
stay idle, take a holiday Headword location(s)
play (v.)
play with, amuse oneself with Headword location(s)
play (v.)
play for, make bets about Headword location(s)
play it off
[drinking call] finish it off, down it Headword location(s)
play one's prize Old form(s): plaid
[fencing] win a game, succeed in a bout Headword location(s)
play the wantons
dally, trifle, sport see also wantons, play the Headword location(s)
play upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon
play guns on, aim at; also: torment Headword location(s)
playfere (n.) Old form(s): play-pheeres
playfellow, playmate, companion Headword location(s)
playing day (n.)
school holiday, day off Headword location(s)
plea (n.)
quarrel, argument, strife Headword location(s)
plea (n.)
claim, argument, issue Headword location(s)
pleached (adj.) Old form(s): pleacht
intertwined, folded, bound together Headword location(s)
pleached (adj.)
with hedges made of interlaced branches see also thick-pleached (adj.) Headword location(s)
plead (v.) Old form(s): pleade
make a case for, present an argument for Headword location(s)
plead (v.)
argue, debate, wrangle Headword location(s)
plead (v.)
give an oration, hold forth Headword location(s)
pleasance (n.)
pleasure, delight, gratification Headword location(s)
pleasant (adj.)
pleasurable, enjoyable, pleasing Headword location(s)
pleasant (adj.)
merry, festive, jolly Headword location(s)
pleasant (adj.)
facetious, joking, droll Headword location(s)
pleasantly (adv.)
gratifyingly, satisfyingly Headword location(s)
please (v.) Old form(s): pleas'd
requite, satisfy, appease see also Politeness Headword location(s)
please-man (n.)
yes-man, sycophant, toady Headword location(s)
pleasure (n.)
intention, resolution, desire Headword location(s)
pleasure (n.)
gratification, whim, caprice Headword location(s)
pleasure (n.)
wish, desire, will Headword location(s)
pleasure (n.)
enjoyment, pleasant occasion, revelry Headword location(s)
pleasure (n.)
pleasure ground, park Headword location(s)
pleasure (v.)
please, gratify, give pleasure to Headword location(s)
pleat (n.)
fold, hanging, covering Headword location(s)
pleated (adj.)
Q alternative to 'plighted' see also plighted (adj.) 2 Headword location(s)
plebeian, plebeii (n.)
member of the common people see also Roman history Headword location(s)
plebs (n.)
people see also tribunal plebs Headword location(s)
pledge (n.)
toast, drinking of a health Headword location(s)
pledge (n.)
glove [thrown down], gage Headword location(s)
pledge (n.)
guarantor, surety Headword location(s)
pledge (v.)
drink a toast to, drink to Headword location(s)
plenteous (adj.) Old form(s): plentious
generous, liberal, bountiful Headword location(s)
pless (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bless' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
plessed (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'blessed' see also Swearing Headword location(s)
pleurisy, plurisy (n.) Old form(s): pluresie
excess, superfluity, superabundance Headword location(s)
pliant (adj.)
suitable, opportune, favourable Headword location(s)
plight (n.)
good shape, health, fit condition Headword location(s)
plight (n.)
pledge, promise, marriage vow Headword location(s)
plight (v.)
betroth, engage Headword location(s)
plight one's troth, plight troth
make a solemn promise [to do no harm] Headword location(s)
plight one's troth, plight troth
make marriage vows see also troth-plight (adj.) Headword location(s)
plight one's troth, plight troth
make marriage vows see also troth-plight (n.) Headword location(s)
plighted (adj.)
pledged, promised, engaged Headword location(s)
plighted (adj.)
folded, hidden; also: solemnly pledged Headword location(s)
plood (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'blood' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
ploody (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bloody' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
plot (n.)
piece of earth; body Headword location(s)
plot (n.)
plan, scheme, stratagem Headword location(s)
plot (n.)
position, situation, site Headword location(s)
plot (n.)
place, spot Headword location(s)
plows (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'blows' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pluck (on) (v.)
[in expressions] see also crow, pluck a Headword location(s)
pluck (v.) Old form(s): plucke, pluckt
draw down, bring down Headword location(s)
pluck (v.) Old form(s): plucke
draw, find, select [as from a pack of cards] Headword location(s)
pluck (v.) Old form(s): plucke
tug, yank, pull sharply Headword location(s)
pluck (v.) Old form(s): plucke
extract, snatch, pull out Headword location(s)
pluck away (v.) Old form(s): plucke
disregard, reject, throw out Headword location(s)
pluck down (v.) Old form(s): Plucke downe
tear loose, pull apart Headword location(s)
pluck down (v.) Old form(s): plucke downe
pull down, drag down Headword location(s)
pluck off (v.) Old form(s): plucke
come down [in level of aspiration], look lower Headword location(s)
pluck on (v.) Old form(s): pluckt
draw on, pull in, drag in Headword location(s)
pluck on (v.) Old form(s): plucke
test, make trial of Headword location(s)
pluck up (v.) Old form(s): plucke vp
take hold, get in control Headword location(s)
pluck upon (v.) Old form(s): plucke Vpon
bring to ruin, demolish Headword location(s)
plucking (n.)
pulling off, removal Headword location(s)
plue (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'blue' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
plum porridge Old form(s): plumb porredge
[contemptuous, for the type of person who would eat] rich, fruity porridge [= heavy, lumbering individual] Headword location(s)
plum-broth (n.) Old form(s): plumbroth
rich soup made of meat, fruit, and spices, especially eaten at Christmas Headword location(s)
plume up (v.) Old form(s): vp
furnish with plumage; put a feather in the cap of Headword location(s)
plume-plucked (adj.) Old form(s): plume-pluckt
humbled, stripped of plumes Headword location(s)
plummet (n.)
weighted line used for measuring the depth of water Headword location(s)
plumpy (adj.) Old form(s): Plumpie
plump Headword location(s)
plurisy (n.)
excess, superfluity, superabundance see also pleurisy (n.) Headword location(s)
Pluto (n.)
one of the titles of the Greek god of the Underworld see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Pluto (n.)
one of the titles of the Greek god of the Underworld see also Swearing Headword location(s)
Plutus (n.)
[pron: 'plootus] Greek god of wealth and gold; also called Pluto see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
ply (v.) Old form(s): plyes
keep on at, press, urge Headword location(s)
ply one's book Old form(s): booke
study, work at, apply oneself to Headword location(s)
ply one's music Old form(s): plye Musicke.
go one's own way Headword location(s)
pocket up (v.) Old form(s): vp
put up with, endure, swallow Headword location(s)
pocky (adj.)
poxy, disease-infected [with syphilis, smallpox] Headword location(s)
pody (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'body' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
poesy (n.) Old form(s): Poesie
poetry Headword location(s)
point (n.)
sword-point Headword location(s)
point (n.)
decision, conclusion, direction Headword location(s)
point (n.)
saddle-bow, pommel Headword location(s)
point (n.)
summit, apex, highest point Headword location(s)
point (n.)
trifle, triviality, minor matter; punctuation mark Headword location(s)
point (n.)
aim, purpose, culmination Headword location(s)
point (n.)
situation, position, juncture Headword location(s)
point (n.)
[falconry] rising in the air, position [to attack prey] Headword location(s)
point (n.)
finger, hand, pointer Headword location(s)
point (n.)
(usually plural) tagged lace [especially for attaching hose to the doublet] Headword location(s)
point (n.)
trumpet call used as a signal in a battle Headword location(s)
point (v.)
direct, suggest, indicate [to] Headword location(s)
point (v.)
short form of 'appoint' see also appoint (v.) Headword location(s)
point forth (v.)
indicate, suggest, allude to Headword location(s)
point, at
just about, on the point [of] Headword location(s)
point, at / at a
in readiness, prepared, armed Headword location(s)
point, full
full stop, complete halt Headword location(s)
point, to
exactly, completely, to the letter Headword location(s)
point-blank (adv.) Old form(s): point-blanke
straight, with a direct aim Headword location(s)
point-blank (n.) Old form(s): point-blanke
reach, easy range Headword location(s)
point-device, point-devise (adj.) Old form(s): point deuice , poynt deuise
immaculate, affectedly precise, trim to the point of perfection Headword location(s)
point-device, point-devise (adv.) Old form(s): point deuise
to the last detail, to the point of perfection Headword location(s)
pointed (adj.)
ending in a point, coming to a peak Headword location(s)
pointing-stock (n.) Old form(s): pointing stock
object to be pointed at, laughing-stock, butt see also stock (n.) 4 Headword location(s)
points, all / at all
in every part, in all respects, completely Headword location(s)
poise (n.) Old form(s): poyze
weight, heaviness, load Headword location(s)
poise (n.) Old form(s): poize
weight, importance, gravity Headword location(s)
poise (n.) Old form(s): poize
balance of weight, equipoise Headword location(s)
poise (n.) Old form(s): poize
forceful impact, heavy blow Headword location(s)
poise (n.)
[Q variant] weight, importance, gravity Headword location(s)
poise (v.) Old form(s): poiz'd, poize , poizing , poys'd , poyse , poyz'd
balance, weigh, make even Headword location(s)
poison, sweet Old form(s): poyson
flattery Headword location(s)
poke (n.) Old form(s): poake
pocket, wallet, bag Headword location(s)
poking-stick (n.) Old form(s): and poaking-stickes
rod for stiffening the folds of a ruff Headword location(s)
Polack (adj.) Old form(s): Polake
Polish, in Poland Headword location(s)
Polack (n.) Old form(s): Poleak, Pollax
Poles, Polish people Headword location(s)
Poland (adj.)
Polish Headword location(s)
pold (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bold' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pole (n.)
[unclear meaning] polestar, guiding star Headword location(s)
Pole (n.)
the Pole star see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
pole-axe, poleaxe (n.) Old form(s): Pollax
battle-axe Headword location(s)
poleaxe, sledded
battle-axe made like a sledge-hammer Headword location(s)
polecat (n.) Old form(s): Poulcat, Powlcats
[slang] prostitute, courtesan, whore Headword location(s)
pole-clipt (adj.)
with twined-round poles; hedged in by poles Headword location(s)
policy (n.) Old form(s): police, policie, pollicie, pollicies, Pollicy
stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft Headword location(s)
policy (n.) Old form(s): policie , policiei, pollicie , Pollicy
statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy Headword location(s)
policy (n.)
expediency, shrewdness, self-interest Headword location(s)
politic (adj.) Old form(s): politick, politicke , politike , politique
crafty, wily, self-serving Headword location(s)
politic (adj.) Old form(s): politicke , politike , politique , pollitick
prudent, cautious, discreet, shrewd Headword location(s)
politic (adj.) Old form(s): politicke
cunning, full of intrigue, wily Headword location(s)
politician (n.) Old form(s): Polititian
schemer, intriguer, plotter Headword location(s)
politicly (adv.) Old form(s): politickely , politikely
in a politic manner, strategically, shrewdly Headword location(s)
poll (n.) Old form(s): pole
head Headword location(s)
poll (n.) Old form(s): pole
number of persons Headword location(s)
poll (n.) Old form(s): Pole
voting list, head-count Headword location(s)
pollax (n.)
F and QQ alternative to 'poleaxe' see also poleaxe, sledded Headword location(s)
polled (adj.) Old form(s): pould
bald, hairless Headword location(s)
polled (adj.) Old form(s): poul'd
shorn, cleared, stripped bare Headword location(s)
Polonian (adj./n.)
Polish; someone from Poland see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
poltroon (n.) Old form(s): Poultroones
worthless coward, mean-spirited wretch Headword location(s)
pomander (n.)
perfumed ball; or: case containing perfumed substances Headword location(s)
pomewater (n.) Old form(s): Pomwater
variety of large juicy apple Headword location(s)
Pomfret (n.)
Pontefract, West Yorkshire; site of a castle in which Richard II was imprisoned; later, a Lancastrian stronghold see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
pommel (n.) Old form(s): pummell
ornamental knob Headword location(s)
pomp (n.) Old form(s): pompe
pageant, ceremony, procession Headword location(s)
pomp (n.) Old form(s): Pompe
greatness, nobility, high rank Headword location(s)
Pompeion, Pompion (n.)
malapropisms for Pompey the Great see also Pompey the Great (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Pompey (n.)
Gnaeus Pompey, son of Pompey the Great see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Pompey the Great (n.)
Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Pompey the Great (n.)
Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC see also Nine Worthies 1 Headword location(s)
Pompion (n.)
[= pumpkin] malapropism for ‘Pompey’ Headword location(s)
pompous (adj.)
full of pomp, ceremonious, grand Headword location(s)
pompous (adj.) Old form(s): pompeous
glorious, magnificent, splendid Headword location(s)
ponderous (adj.)
weighty, substantial, profound Headword location(s)
poniard (n.) Old form(s): ponyards , poyniard, poynyards
dagger see also Weapons Headword location(s)
pontifical (adj.) Old form(s): Pontificall
worn by a pope, episcopal Headword location(s)
pooh (int.)
exclamation of scorn, contempt, impatience see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
poop (n.)
highest deck at the stern of a ship see also Ships Headword location(s)
poop (v.) Old form(s): poupt
make a fool of; or: do away with [through venereal disease] Headword location(s)
poor-John (n.) Old form(s): poore Iohn, poore-Iohn
salted hake, dried fish Headword location(s)
poorly (adv.) Old form(s): poorely
abjectly, humbly, miserably Headword location(s)
pop (v.) Old form(s): pop't
arrive unexpectedly, move in suddenly Headword location(s)
pop out
[informal] disinherit, turn from Headword location(s)
poperin (adj.)
variety of pear see also poppering (adj.) Headword location(s)
popinjay (n.) Old form(s): Popingay
parrot, prattler, chatterer Headword location(s)
poppering / poperin (adj.) Old form(s): Poprin
variety of pear [from Poperinghe, Belgium] Headword location(s)
poppy (n.)
poppy-seed [used as a drug], opium Headword location(s)
popular (adj.)
currying favour with the people Headword location(s)
popular (adj.)
plebeian, of the common people Headword location(s)
popularity (n.) Old form(s): Popularitie
populace, common people, the masses Headword location(s)
populous (adj.)
numerous, many, abundant Headword location(s)
poring (adj.)
through which one needs to peer, eye-straining Headword location(s)
porn (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'born' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
porpentine (n.)
porcupine Headword location(s)
porridge (n.) Old form(s): porrage, Porredge
meat and vegetable stew or broth [reputed to produce strength] Headword location(s)
porringer (n.) Old form(s): porrenger
pudding basin, pot [for puddings, soup, etc] Headword location(s)
porringer (n.) Old form(s): porrenger
hat shaped like a pudding basin or soup-bowl see also Clothing Headword location(s)
port (n.)
portal, entrance, gateway Headword location(s)
port (n.)
bearing, demeanour, carriage Headword location(s)
port (n.)
station, position, dignity Headword location(s)
port (n.)
style of living, way of life Headword location(s)
port (v.)
carry, bring; or: bring to port Headword location(s)
portable (adj.)
bearable, supportable, endurable Headword location(s)
portage (n.)
[unclear meaning] life's voyage, journey through life Headword location(s)
portage (n.)
portholes, openings Headword location(s)
portal (n.) Old form(s): Portall
door, doorway, gateway Headword location(s)
portance (n.)
behaviour, demeanour, bearing Headword location(s)
portcullis (v.) Old form(s): percullist
furnish with a portcullis, fortify Headword location(s)
portend (v.)
mean, signify, import Headword location(s)
portentous (adj.)
ominous, threatening, full of foreboding Headword location(s)
Portia (n.)
[pron: 'pawrsha] wife of Brutus, daughter of Cato the Younger see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Portia (n.)
[pron: 'pawrsha] wife of Brutus, daughter of Cato the Younger see also Brutus, Marcus 1 Headword location(s)
portion (n.)
dowry, marriage gift, settlement Headword location(s)
portion (n.)
lot, destiny, fortune Headword location(s)
portly (adj.) Old form(s): portlie
stately, majestic, dignified Headword location(s)
Portugal, Bay of
sea of supposed great depth off Portugal see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
pose (v.) Old form(s): pozd , poze
baffle, confuse, confound Headword location(s)
posied (adj.)
inscribed with a motto Headword location(s)
position (n.)
[in logic] affirmation, assertion, hypothesis Headword location(s)
position (n.)
deliberate exposition, statement as a proposition Headword location(s)
position (n.)
arrangement, ordering, sequence Headword location(s)
positive (adj.) Old form(s): positiue
unconditional, absolute, unqualified Headword location(s)
possess (v.) Old form(s): possesse
take possession of, seize Headword location(s)
possess (v.) Old form(s): possesse , possest
notify, inform, acquaint Headword location(s)
possess (v.) Old form(s): possesse , possest
put in possession, endow Headword location(s)
possess (v.) Old form(s): possesse , possest
fill, imbue Headword location(s)
possess it Old form(s): Possesse
have your way, go for it Headword location(s)
possessed (adj.) Old form(s): possest
mad, crazy, under demonic control Headword location(s)
possessed (adj.) Old form(s): possest
propertied, affluent, provided for Headword location(s)
possession (n.)
possessor, holder, occupier Headword location(s)
possession (n.)
joint rights, shared ownership Headword location(s)
possession (n.)
actual holding, real ownership, immediate possession Headword location(s)
possession (n.)
property, estate, belongings Headword location(s)
posset (n.)
restorative hot drink, made of milk, liquor, and other ingredients Headword location(s)
posset (v.)
curdle, clot, coagulate Headword location(s)
possibility (n.)
(plural) financial prospects Headword location(s)
possibility (n.)
capability, ability, competence Headword location(s)
possibility, with
within the bounds of possibility, realistically, practically Headword location(s)
possitable (adv.)
Welsh version of 'positively' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
post (adv.) Old form(s): poste
in haste, with speed Headword location(s)
post (n.) Old form(s): poste
door-post Headword location(s)
post (n.) Old form(s): poast, poste , Postes
express messenger, courier see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
post (n.) Old form(s): Postes
post-horse Headword location(s)
post (v.) Old form(s): poast, poasted , poasting , poste , postes
hasten, speed, ride fast Headword location(s)
post (v.)
carry rapidly, convey swiftly Headword location(s)
post (v.)
be over, rush past Headword location(s)
post off (v.)
postpone, put off, defer Headword location(s)
post over (v.) Old form(s): ouer
pass over, disregard, go through with haste see also overpost (v.) Headword location(s)
post, in Old form(s): poste
in haste, at top speed Headword location(s)
poster (n.)
fast traveller, speedy rover Headword location(s)
posterior (n.)
[facetious] hind part, later part Headword location(s)
posterity (n.)
family, line of descendants, succession Headword location(s)
postern (n.) Old form(s): Posterne , Posternes
entrance, side gate, back door Headword location(s)
post-haste, posthaste (adv.) Old form(s): post haste
at full speed see also post-post-haste (adj.) Headword location(s)
post-haste, posthaste (adv.) Old form(s): post haste
at full speed see also haste-post-haste (adj.) Headword location(s)
post-haste, posthaste (n.) Old form(s): post-hast
great expedition, speed of preparation Headword location(s)
post-horse (n.)
pony-express, express speed Headword location(s)
post-horse (n.)
fast horse Headword location(s)
posting (adj.)
swift, speeding, hurrying Headword location(s)
posting (n.)
haste, speed, rush Headword location(s)
post-post-haste (adj.)
with all possible speed, extremely speedy see also posthaste (adj.) Headword location(s)
posture (n.)
bearing, demeanour, presence Headword location(s)
posture (n.)
position, condition, nature Headword location(s)
posy (n.) Old form(s): Poesie
short piece of poetry [often inscribed inside a ring] Headword location(s)
pot (n.)
stew-pot, cooking-pot Headword location(s)
potation (n.)
draught, drinking-bout Headword location(s)
potato (n.)
sweet potato, yam [regarded as an aphrodisiac] Headword location(s)
potch (v.) Old form(s): potche
poke, thrust, jab Headword location(s)
potency (n.) Old form(s): potencie
power, authority, command Headword location(s)
potent (adj.)
powerful, influential Headword location(s)
potent (adj.)
capable, accomplished, competent Headword location(s)
potent (n.)
potentate, ruler Headword location(s)
potential (adj.) Old form(s): potentiall
powerful, mighty, strong Headword location(s)
potently (adv.)
mightily, strongly, powerfully Headword location(s)
pothecary (n.)
short form of 'apothecary' see also apothecary (n.) Headword location(s)
pother (n.) Old form(s): poother
fuss, uproar, commotion Headword location(s)
potion (n.)
poison, deadly drink Headword location(s)
potion (n.)
medicine Headword location(s)
potting (n.)
drinking, tippling, imbibing Headword location(s)
pottle, pottle-pot (n.)
drinking vessel containing two quarts Headword location(s)
pottle-deep (adj.) Old form(s): pottle-deepe
to the bottom of a two-quart vessel Headword location(s)
pouch (n.)
purse, wallet Headword location(s)
poulter (n.)
poulterer Headword location(s)
pouncet-box (n.)
small box with a perforated lid for holding snuff or perfume Headword location(s)
pound (n.)
pound-weight, weight, load Headword location(s)
pound (n.)
(plural) sum of money Headword location(s)
pound (v.)
shut up, confine [as animals in a pound] Headword location(s)
pourquoi (French adv.)
why Headword location(s)
pow waw (int.)
exclamation of ridicule, scorn see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
powder (n.)
gunpowder Headword location(s)
powder (v.)
season with salt, pickle Headword location(s)
powdered (adj.)
seasoned, salted, well-spiced Headword location(s)
powdering-tub (n.) Old form(s): Poudring tub
sweating-tub for the treatment of venereal disease see also tub (n.) Headword location(s)
power (n.) Old form(s): powre , powres , Pow'rs
armed force, troops, host, army see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
power (n.) Old form(s): powres
(plural) physical faculties, bodily strength Headword location(s)
power (n.)
single force, one power Headword location(s)
power (n.) Old form(s): Powre
authority, government Headword location(s)
power (n.) Old form(s): powre , Powres
exercise of power, authoritative action Headword location(s)
power (n.) Old form(s): powre
control, influence, sway Headword location(s)
power (n.) Old form(s): powre , Powres
(usually plural) god, deity, divinity Headword location(s)
power (n.) Old form(s): powre , powres
faculty, function, ability Headword location(s)
power (n.)
force, strength, might Headword location(s)
powers (n.)
faculties, abilities to act Headword location(s)
powther (n.)
Q alternative to 'pudder' see also pudder (n.) Headword location(s)
pox (n.)
venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules see also Swearing Headword location(s)
poys (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'boys' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
prabble (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'brabble' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
prabble (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'brabble' see also pribbles and prabbles Headword location(s)
practic (adj.) Old form(s): Practique
practical, pragmatic, down-to-earth Headword location(s)
practice (n.) Old form(s): practise , practises, practize
doings, proceedings, dealings Headword location(s)
practice (n.) Old form(s): practise , practises
scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue Headword location(s)
practice (n.) Old form(s): practise
trickery, treachery Headword location(s)
practice (n.) Old form(s): practise
carrying out, performance, execution [of a plot] Headword location(s)
practice (n.) Old form(s): practise
occupation, profession, line of work Headword location(s)
practisant (n.)
conspirator, plotter, intriguer Headword location(s)
practise (v.) Old form(s): practice , practis'd
plot, scheme, conspire Headword location(s)
practise (v.) Old form(s): practizde
engage in, carry on, take up Headword location(s)
practise (v.) Old form(s): practic'd
copy, emulate, carry out Headword location(s)
practise (v.)
put to use, employ Headword location(s)
practise on / upon (v.)
try to seduce, carry on with Headword location(s)
practise on / upon (v.) Old form(s): practice , practis'd
work upon, act craftily with, make to operate Headword location(s)
practise on / upon (v.) Old form(s): practis'd
plot against Headword location(s)
practised (adj.) Old form(s): practis'd
studied, well-versed, accomplished Headword location(s)
practiser (n.)
practitioner Headword location(s)
Our most renowned son Henry, King of England and heir of France see also Latin Headword location(s)
praemunire (n.) Old form(s): Premunire
[pron: preemyu'neeree] writ accusing someone of recognizing the power of the pope [as opposed to the sovereign] Headword location(s)
praetor (n.)
annually elected chief magistrate see also Roman history Headword location(s)
pragging (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bragging' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
prain (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'brain' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
praise (n.)
credit, honour, prestige Headword location(s)
praise (n.)
praiseworthiness, merit, virtue Headword location(s)
praise (v.)
appraise, test, try out Headword location(s)
praise (v.)
appraise, assess, put a valuation on Headword location(s)
prank (n.) Old form(s): prancks , prankes
outrageous deed, excessive behaviour Headword location(s)
prank (n.) Old form(s): prankes
trick, frolic, mischief Headword location(s)
prank (n.) Old form(s): prancks
malicious act, wicked deed Headword location(s)
prank (v.) Old form(s): pranke , prankes
dress up, deck out, adorn Headword location(s)
prank up (v.) Old form(s): prank'd vp
dress up, deck out, bedeck Headword location(s)
prate (n.)
prattle, chatter, blather Headword location(s)
prate (v.) Old form(s): prat'st
prattle, chatter, blather see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
prater (n.)
chatterer, idle talker Headword location(s)
prating (adj.)
prattling, chattering, blathering Headword location(s)
prave (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'brave' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
prawls (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'brawls' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
pray (v.)
[in expressions] see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
pray (v.)
[in expressions] see also Politeness Headword location(s)
pray in aid Old form(s): ayde
[legal] claim the assistance of someone who has a shared interest in a defence action Headword location(s)
preachment (n.)
sermon, discourse, harangue Headword location(s)
pread (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bread' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
preambulate (v.) Old form(s): preambulat
walk forth, go in front Headword location(s)
precedence (n.)
previous utterance, prior speech Headword location(s)
precedent (adj.)
former, previous, prior Headword location(s)
precedent (n.) Old form(s): president, presidents
worthy example, model to be followed [in mediaeval chivalry] Headword location(s)
precedent (n.) Old form(s): President
example, instance, case Headword location(s)
precedent (n.) Old form(s): president
original text from which a copy is made Headword location(s)
precept (n.)
detailed direction, precise instruction Headword location(s)
precept (n.)
writ, warrant, court order Headword location(s)
preceptial (adj.) Old form(s): preceptiall
consisting of precepts, full of wise instructions Headword location(s)
precinct (n.)
sector, area of control Headword location(s)
precious (adj.)
out-and-out, worthless, good-for-nothing Headword location(s)
precious-dear (adj.) Old form(s): precious, deere
dearly precious Headword location(s)
preciously (adv.)
profitably, valuably, usefully Headword location(s)
precious-princely (adv.) Old form(s): precious Princely
like the precious character of a prince Headword location(s)
precipitance (n.)
jumping from a great height, headlong fall Headword location(s)
precipitate (v.)
fall headlong, plunge, tumble Headword location(s)
precipitation (n.)
sheer drop, steepness, precipitousness Headword location(s)
precipitation (n.)
throwing headlong, hurling down Headword location(s)
precise (adj.)
scrupulously pure, strictly observed, unstained Headword location(s)
precise (adj.) Old form(s): prenzie
puritanical, strictly moral, scrupulously correct Headword location(s)
preciseness (n.) Old form(s): precisenesse
morality, propriety, rectitude Headword location(s)
precisian (n.)
strict adviser, spiritual mentor Headword location(s)
pre-contract (n.)
pre-nuptial agreement Headword location(s)
precurrer (n.)
precursor, forerunner Headword location(s)
precurse (n.)
forerunner, precursor, heralding Headword location(s)
predestinate (adj.)
fated, predestined, predictable Headword location(s)
predicament (n.)
category, class, division Headword location(s)
predict (n.)
prediction, foretelling Headword location(s)
predominance (n.)
ascendancy, predominant influence, authority Headword location(s)
predominant (adj.)
[astrology] in the ascendant, ruling see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
predominate (v.)
[astrology] be in the ascendancy, exert a controlling influence Headword location(s)
predominate (v.)
prevail over, control, dominate Headword location(s)
preeches (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'breeches' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
prefer (v.)
place before, offer, present with Headword location(s)
prefer (v.) Old form(s): prefer'd , preferr'd , preferre
promote, advance, recommend Headword location(s)
prefer (v.) Old form(s): preferr'd
present, bring forward Headword location(s)
prefer (v.) Old form(s): Preferre
present, put forward, introduce Headword location(s)
preferment (n.)
advancement, promotion Headword location(s)
prefixed (adj.) Old form(s): Prefix'd , prefixt
fixed, settled, prearranged, decided in advance Headword location(s)
pre-formed (adj.)
previously formed, naturally endowed, innate Headword location(s)
pregnancy (n.) Old form(s): Pregnancie
quick-wittedness, inventive imagination Headword location(s)
pregnant (adj.)
meaningful, compelling, convincing Headword location(s)
pregnant (adj.)
well-disposed, ready, inclined, receptive Headword location(s)
pregnant (adj.)
very likely, extremely probable Headword location(s)
pregnant (adj.)
obvious, clear, evident Headword location(s)
pregnant (adj.)
well-versed, knowledgeable Headword location(s)
pregnant (adj.)
resourceful, wily Headword location(s)
prejudicate (v.) Old form(s): Preiudicates
prejudge, give an influential opinion about Headword location(s)
prejudice (n.) Old form(s): preiudice
detriment, damage, misfortune Headword location(s)
prejudice (v.) Old form(s): preiudice
injure, harm, damage Headword location(s)
prejudicial (adj.) Old form(s): preiudiciall
damaging to one's rights, tending to invalidate a claim Headword location(s)
premeditation (n.)
forecast, outlook Headword location(s)
premise (n.)
condition, stipulation, pledge Headword location(s)
premise (n.) Old form(s): premises
(plural) evidence, circumstances admitted in court Headword location(s)
premised (adj.)
preordained, predestined Headword location(s)
prenominate (adj.)
aforesaid, previously mentioned Headword location(s)
prenominate (v.)
name beforehand, specify in advance Headword location(s)
prentice (n.) Old form(s): Prentize
apprentice Headword location(s)
preordained (adj.) Old form(s): preordaind
intended, normal, appointed Headword location(s)
pre-ordinance (n.)
pre-ordained law, previously established ordinance Headword location(s)
preparation (n.)
equipped military force, force ready for war Headword location(s)
preparation (n.)
forewarning, prior ceremony Headword location(s)
preparation (n.)
accomplishment, capacity, achievement Headword location(s)
preparation (n.)
expedition, military proceeding Headword location(s)
prepare (n.)
preparation, readiness Headword location(s)
prepare up (v.) Old form(s): vp
prepare, put in readiness Headword location(s)
prepared (adj.)
drawn, ready for action Headword location(s)
preposterous (adj.)
malapropism for ‘prosperous’ Headword location(s)
preposterous (adj.) Old form(s): prepostrous
contrary to the natural order, monstrous, perverted Headword location(s)
preposterous (adj.)
totally out of place, extremely improper Headword location(s)
preposterously (adv.) Old form(s): preposterouslie , prepostrously
out of the normal course of events, unnaturally, perversely Headword location(s)
prerogatifes (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'prerogatives' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
prerogative (n.) Old form(s): prerogatiue
rights of office, due privilege, pre-eminence Headword location(s)
prerogative (n.) Old form(s): Prerogatifes
principle, right, code Headword location(s)
prerogative (n.) Old form(s): prerogatiue
precedence, prior place Headword location(s)
prerogatived (adj.) Old form(s): Prerogatiu'd
privileged, advantaged, favoured Headword location(s)
presage (n.)
foreboding, presentiment, misgiving Headword location(s)
presage (n.)
sign, indication, portent Headword location(s)
presage (v.)
signify, indicate Headword location(s)
presage (v.)
predict, forecast Headword location(s)
presager (n.)
indicator, interpreter, announcer Headword location(s)
presaging (adj.)
portending, discerning, insightful Headword location(s)
prescience (n.)
foreknowledge, visionary power Headword location(s)
prescience (n.)
foresight, forethought, planning ahead Headword location(s)
prescribe (v.) Old form(s): Prescrib'd
limit, restrict, confine Headword location(s)
prescript (adj.)
prescribed, appropriate, laid down Headword location(s)
prescript (n.)
order, direction, instruction Headword location(s)
prescription (n.)
legal claim founded on long use Headword location(s)
presence (n.)
royal assembly, eminent company Headword location(s)
presence (n.)
royal reception chamber Headword location(s)
presence (n.)
attendance, state of being present Headword location(s)
presence (n.)
malapropism for ‘presents’ [= documents] Headword location(s)
presence (n.)
appearance, bearing, demeanour Headword location(s)
presence (n.)
gracious self, dignity as a person, personal position Headword location(s)
presence (n.)
majesty Headword location(s)
present (adj.)
immediate, instant see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
present (adj.)
pressing, urgent Headword location(s)
present (adj.)
occurring at this time, taking place now Headword location(s)
present (adj.)
ready, available, immediately accessible Headword location(s)
present (adj.)
imminent, impending, approaching Headword location(s)
present (adj.)
sudden, spur-of-the-moment Headword location(s)
present (adj.)
remaining, surviving, still existing Headword location(s)
present (n.)
present time, immediate moment, matter in hand Headword location(s)
present (n.)
object presented Headword location(s)
present (n.)
available means, current resources Headword location(s)
present (n.)
written document Headword location(s)
present (v.)
put forward [for immediate action] Headword location(s)
present (v.)
show, reveal, manifest Headword location(s)
present (v.)
act, represent, play the part of Headword location(s)
present (v.)
symbolize, represent, suggest Headword location(s)
present, from the
beside the present point Headword location(s)
present, on the
right now, immediately, forthwith Headword location(s)
present, this
just now, recently Headword location(s)
presentation (n.)
semblance, display, show Headword location(s)
presented (adj.)
displayed, exhibited, paraded Headword location(s)
presented (adj.)
offered, bestowed, proffered Headword location(s)
presently (adv.) Old form(s): presenly, presentlie
immediately, instantly, at once see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
presently (adv.) Old form(s): presentlie
after a short time, soon, before long Headword location(s)
presentment (n.)
picture, portrait, depiction Headword location(s)
presentment (n.)
presentation, bestowal, offering for acceptance Headword location(s)
preserve (v.)
keep, maintain, look after Headword location(s)
preserved (adj.) Old form(s): preserued
kept safe from evil, protected Headword location(s)
press (n.) Old form(s): Presse
commission to raise men Headword location(s)
press (n.) Old form(s): Presse
clothes-press, cupboard, wardrobe Headword location(s)
press (n.) Old form(s): prease, preasse, presse
crowd, throng Headword location(s)
press (v.) Old form(s): presse
urge, compel, spur Headword location(s)
press (v.) Old form(s): prest
impress [as a stamp on a coin], imprint, mark Headword location(s)
press (v.) Old form(s): prease , presse, prest
push forward, thrust, come / go boldly Headword location(s)
press (v.) Old form(s): presse , prest
levy, raise, conscript Headword location(s)
press (v.) Old form(s): prest
oppress, burden, weigh down Headword location(s)
press down (v.) Old form(s): prest downe
overburden, weigh down, oppress Headword location(s)
press-money (n.) Old form(s): Presse-money
money paid to recruits when conscripted Headword location(s)
pressure (n.) Old form(s): presures
impression, stamp, image Headword location(s)
prest (adj.)
engaged, made ready, hired Headword location(s)
Prester John
legendary Christian king of Africa or Asia see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
presume on (v.)
take insufficiently into account, rely too readily on Headword location(s)
presuppose (v.) Old form(s): presuppos'd
suggest earlier, previously lay down Headword location(s)
presurmise (n.) Old form(s): presurmize
suspicion beforehand, thought in advance Headword location(s)
pretence (n.)
plan, design, intention, purpose Headword location(s)
pretence (n.)
pretext, excuse, alleged ground Headword location(s)
pretend (v.)
intend, design, plan Headword location(s)
pretend (v.)
import, imply, mean Headword location(s)
pretend (v.)
claim, avow, profess Headword location(s)
pretended (adj.)
intended, purposed, proposed Headword location(s)
pretender (n.)
claimant, suitor, wooer Headword location(s)
prettily (adv.)
cleverly, ingeniously; or: charmingly Headword location(s)
prettiness (n.) Old form(s): prettinesse
pleasantness, agreeableness Headword location(s)
pretty (adj.) Old form(s): prettie
fair, considerable, ample Headword location(s)
pretty (adj.)
[of men] fine, good-looking Headword location(s)
pretty (adj.)
nice, proper, apt Headword location(s)
pretty (adj.) Old form(s): prettie
clever, ingenious, artful Headword location(s)
pretty (adj.) Old form(s): prettie
good, excellent, fine Headword location(s)
pretty (adj.)
childish, trifling, naive Headword location(s)
prevail (v.) Old form(s): preuailing, preuayle
succeed, win, be victor Headword location(s)
prevail (v.) Old form(s): preuail'd, preuailed, preuayl'd
succeed in seduction, have one's way [in a sexual encounter] Headword location(s)
prevailing (adj.) Old form(s): preualing
successful, effective, influential Headword location(s)
prevailment (n.) Old form(s): preuailment
prevailing action, power, influence Headword location(s)
prevent (v.) Old form(s): preuent, preuented, preuents
forestall, anticipate Headword location(s)
prevent (v.) Old form(s): preuented
spare, able to avoid Headword location(s)
prevent (v.) Old form(s): preuenst , preuent, preuented
take steps to thwart, avoid by prompt action Headword location(s)
prevent (v.) Old form(s): preuent
forestall, baffle, confound Headword location(s)
prevent (v.) Old form(s): preuent
anticipate, expect, look ahead to Headword location(s)
prevention (n.) Old form(s): preuention , preuentions
forestalling action, preventive measure Headword location(s)
prevention (n.) Old form(s): preuention
intervention, forestalling, interposing Headword location(s)
prewarn (v.) Old form(s): prewarne
forewarn, forecast, predict Headword location(s)
prey (n.)
preying, violence, devouring Headword location(s)
prey (n.) Old form(s): prayes
booty, spoil, plunder Headword location(s)
prey, in
in pursuit of prey Headword location(s)
preyful (adj.) Old form(s): prayfull
desirous of prey, preying Headword location(s)
Priam (n.)
[pron: 'priyam] king of Troy, husband of Hecuba; killed by Pyrrhus during the sack of Troy see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Priapus (n.)
[priy'aypus] Greek god of human and plant fertility see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
pribbles and prabbles Old form(s): Pribles, prables
vain chatter and silly quarrelling Headword location(s)
price (n.)
value, worth, importance Headword location(s)
price (v.) Old form(s): prize
evaluate, value, prize Headword location(s)
prick (n.) Old form(s): pricke
thorn, prickle, barb Headword location(s)
prick (n.) Old form(s): prickes
spike, skewer, prong Headword location(s)
prick (n.)
spine Headword location(s)
prick (n.) Old form(s): pricke
[on a sundial] mark, point, division Headword location(s)
prick (n.) Old form(s): pricke
bull's-eye, target, centre spot Headword location(s)
prick (n.) Old form(s): prickes
marker, pointer, indication Headword location(s)
prick (v.)
spur a horse, ride, gallop Headword location(s)
prick (v.) Old form(s): prick'd
dress up, deck out Headword location(s)
prick (v.) Old form(s): pricke
urge, incite, motivate Headword location(s)
prick (v.) Old form(s): Pricke
torment, vex, grieve Headword location(s)
prick (v.) Old form(s): prickt
pin, fix, stick Headword location(s)
prick down, prick (v.) Old form(s): prick'd , Pricke , prickt downe
mark (down), put on a list, record in writing Headword location(s)
prick off (v.) Old form(s): pricke
mark down, pick out, select [for death] Headword location(s)
prick on (v.) Old form(s): prick'd , prickes, Prickt
incite, urge on, spur on Headword location(s)
prick out (v.) Old form(s): prickt
choose, select, mark down Headword location(s)
pricked (adj.) Old form(s): prickt
[of wine] soured, gone off Headword location(s)
pricket (n.)
two-year-old buck deer Headword location(s)
pricksong (n.)
vocal music written down, printed music Headword location(s)
pride (n.)
highest point, culmination, climax Headword location(s)
pride (n.)
splendour, magnificence, pomp Headword location(s)
pride (n.)
haughty power, arrogant force Headword location(s)
pride (n.)
honour, glory, renown Headword location(s)
pride (n.)
[of horses] spirit, vigour, mettle Headword location(s)
pride (n.)
sexual desire, lustful excess Headword location(s)
pride (n.)
prime, best condition, fullness of growth Headword location(s)
pride of place
highest point reached by a bird of prey before swooping down Headword location(s)
pridge (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bridge' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
prief (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'brief' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
priest (n.)
priestess Headword location(s)
prig (n.)
[slang] thief, crook, tinker Headword location(s)
primal (adj.) Old form(s): primall
primaeval, original, earliest Headword location(s)
prime (adj.)
chief, dearest, favourite Headword location(s)
prime (adj.)
principal, chief, foremost Headword location(s)
prime (adj.)
lecherous, randy, lustful Headword location(s)
prime (adj.)
first, original, initial Headword location(s)
prime (n.)
perfection, fullness Headword location(s)
prime (n.)
early years, prime of life, fullness of youth Headword location(s)
prime (n.)
spring, springtime Headword location(s)
primero (n.)
type of gambling card game Headword location(s)
primest (n./adj.) Old form(s): prim'st
best, finest, most supreme Headword location(s)
primitive (adj.) Old form(s): primatiue
original, classical, typical Headword location(s)
primogenitive (n.)
primogeniture; right of inheritance due to the first-born child Headword location(s)
primy (adj.)
in its prime, at its most active Headword location(s)
prince (n.)
ruler, monarch, sovereign Headword location(s)
prince (n.)
person of royal blood [of either sex], noble Headword location(s)
prince (v.)
behave like a prince, act royally Headword location(s)
princess (n.) Old form(s): Princesse
paragon, sovereign form, ideal Headword location(s)
principal (n.) Old form(s): Principall
person chiefly responsible, leading practitioner Headword location(s)
principal (n.)
main rafter, joist Headword location(s)
principal (n.) Old form(s): principall
mistress, superior, manager Headword location(s)
principality (n.) Old form(s): principalitie
spiritual being very high in the hierarchy of angels Headword location(s)
princox (n.)
conceited young fellow, impertinent youth Headword location(s)
pring (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'bring' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
print (n.)
imprint, image, stamped impression Headword location(s)
print, in
in a precise way, by the letter, very carefully Headword location(s)
printless (adj.) Old form(s): printlesse
making no print, leaving no trace Headword location(s)
Priscian (n.)
[pron: 'prisian] Latin grammarian, 6th-c see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
prison (v.)
imprison, lock up, confine Headword location(s)
prisonment (n.)
imprisonment, detention, captivity Headword location(s)
prithee (int.)
please, may I ask see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
prithee (int.)
please, may I ask see also Politeness Headword location(s)
private (adj.) Old form(s): priuate
secluded, unfrequented, remote Headword location(s)
private (adj.) Old form(s): priuate
personal, individual, particular Headword location(s)
private (n.) Old form(s): priuate
privacy, own company, solitude Headword location(s)
private (n.) Old form(s): priuate
private communication, confidential message Headword location(s)
private (n.) Old form(s): priuates
intimate, favourite Headword location(s)
private (n.) Old form(s): priuate
ordinary person, someone not holding high position Headword location(s)
privately (adv.)
secretly, quietly, covertly Headword location(s)
prived (adj.) Old form(s): priuy
bereaved, deprived of loved ones Headword location(s)
privilege (n.) Old form(s): priuiledge
sanctuary, immunity, asylum Headword location(s)
privilege (n.) Old form(s): priuiledge
advantage, superiority, edge Headword location(s)
privilege (n.) Old form(s): Ptiuiledge
benefit, advantage, licence Headword location(s)
privilege (v.) Old form(s): priuiledge
authorize, license, sanction Headword location(s)
privileged (adj.) Old form(s): priuiledg'd
[of a professional fool] allowed to say anything Headword location(s)
privily (adv.) Old form(s): priuily
secretly, privately, stealthily Headword location(s)
privity (n.) Old form(s): priuity
participation, private knowledge Headword location(s)
privy (adj.) Old form(s): priuie , priuy
privately aware [of], secretly knowledgeable [about] Headword location(s)
privy (adj.) Old form(s): priuie
secret, personal, private Headword location(s)
privy (adj.) Old form(s): priuie
informed [of], made aware [of] Headword location(s)
privy (adj.) Old form(s): priuie
secret, stealthy, clandestine Headword location(s)
privy (adj.) Old form(s): priuie
private, particular, exclusive Headword location(s)
privy chamber (n.) Old form(s): Priuy
private room, inner room Headword location(s)
privy-kitchen (n.) Old form(s): Priuy-Kitchin
personal kitchen Headword location(s)
prize (n.)
value, worth, esteem Headword location(s)
prize (n.)
captured ship Headword location(s)
prize (n.)
[unclear meaning] bargain, contest, valuation Headword location(s)
prize (n.)
advantage, privilege Headword location(s)
prize (v.) Old form(s): prisde
esteem, value, hold Headword location(s)
prize (v.)
think nothing of, care nothing for Headword location(s)
prizer (n.) Old form(s): priser
prize-fighter, champion Headword location(s)
probable (adj.)
worthy of belief, sufficient proof Headword location(s)
probable (adj.)
provable, demonstrable, attestable Headword location(s)
probable (adj.)
plausible, believable, likely sounding Headword location(s)
probal (adj.) Old form(s): Proball
reasonable, sure to be approved by Headword location(s)
probation (n.)
proof, demonstration Headword location(s)
probation (n.)
candidature for membership, process of becoming a novice Headword location(s)
probation (n.)
investigation, examination, testing Headword location(s)
proceed (v.)
continue, go on, carry on Headword location(s)
proceed (v.)
result, arise, come from Headword location(s)
proceed (v.) Old form(s): proceedes
behave, pursue a course, conduct oneself Headword location(s)
proceed (v.)
advance through, make progress via Headword location(s)
proceeder (n.)
worker, scholar, student Headword location(s)
proceeding (n.)
(plural) line of descent, pedigree Headword location(s)
proceeding (n.)
(plural) conduct, behaviour, actions Headword location(s)
proceeding (n.)
course of action, measures Headword location(s)
proceeding (n.)
career, advancement, onward course Headword location(s)
process (n.) Old form(s): processe
account, report, story Headword location(s)
process (n.) Old form(s): processe
proceedings, dealings Headword location(s)
process (n.) Old form(s): Processe
command, mandate, instructions Headword location(s)
process (n.) Old form(s): Processe
proper legal procedure Headword location(s)
process (n.) Old form(s): processe
progress, course, path Headword location(s)
process-server (n.) Old form(s): Processe-seruer
officer who serves a summons Headword location(s)
proclaim (v.)
officially declare to be an outlaw Headword location(s)
proclaim (v.) Old form(s): proclaime
denounce, make one's wickedness known Headword location(s)
proclaimed (adj.)
publicly declared [as an outlaw], announced by proclamation Headword location(s)
proclamation (n.)
reputation, favourable account, public standing Headword location(s)
Procne, Progne (n.)
[pron: 'proknee] Philomel's sister, who served her son Itys in a meal to Tereus, his father, in revenge for Tereus' rape and mutilation of Philomel see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Procne, Progne (n.)
[pron: 'proknee] Philomel's sister, who served her son Itys in a meal to Tereus, his father, in revenge for Tereus' rape and mutilation of Philomel see also Philomel, Philomela 1 Headword location(s)
Procne, Progne (n.)
[pron: 'proknee] Philomel's sister, who served her son Itys in a meal to Tereus, his father, in revenge for Tereus' rape and mutilation of Philomel see also Tereus 1 Headword location(s)
proconsul (n.)
provincial commander carrying out the duties of a consul see also Roman history Headword location(s)
procrastinate (v.)
postpone, defer, put off Headword location(s)
procreant (adj.)
for the purpose of procreation Headword location(s)
procreant (n.)
person engaged in procreation, copulator Headword location(s)
Procrus (n.)
[pron: 'prohkrus] mispronunciation of Procris, legendary Greek lover whose love for her husband Cephalus was tragically harmed through his jealousy see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Procrus (n.)
[pron: 'prohkrus] mispronunciation of Procris, legendary Greek lover whose love for her husband Cephalus was tragically harmed through his jealousy see also Shafalus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
procurator (n.)
deputy, agent, proxy Headword location(s)
procure (v.)
contrive for, devise for, bring about Headword location(s)
procure (v.)
contrive, endeavour, take measures Headword location(s)
procure (v.)
bring, induce, make come Headword location(s)
prodigal (adj.) Old form(s): Prodigall
wastefully lavish, foolishly extravagant Headword location(s)
prodigal (adj.) Old form(s): prodigall
excessive, extra, superfluous Headword location(s)
prodigal (adj.) Old form(s): prodigall
effusive, lavish, generous Headword location(s)
Prodigal (adj.)
in the Bible, describing a son who foolishly wastes his share of his father's estate see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
prodigal (adv.) Old form(s): Prodigall
lavishly, extravagantly Headword location(s)
prodigal (n.) Old form(s): Prodigall, Prodigalls
waster, squanderer, spendthrift Headword location(s)
prodigal (n.) Old form(s): Prodigall
[Biblical reference] prodigal son Headword location(s)
prodigious (adj.)
ominous, portentous, promising evil Headword location(s)
prodigious (adj.) Old form(s): Prodigeous
abnormal, monstrous, unnatural Headword location(s)
prodigious (adj.)
malapropism for ‘prodigal’ Headword location(s)
prodigiously (adv.)
with monstrous outcome, with unnatural birth Headword location(s)
prodigy (n.) Old form(s): prodigie
omen, portent, sign Headword location(s)
prodigy (n.) Old form(s): prodegie, Prodigie
monster, abnormal birth, ominous monstrosity Headword location(s)
proditor (n.)
traitor, betrayer, renegade Headword location(s)
produce (v.)
lead them forth, bring them out Headword location(s)
proface (int.)
[polite expression used to someone about to eat or drink] may it do you good, for your benefit Headword location(s)
profane (adj.) Old form(s): prophane
blasphemous, irreverent, foul-mouthed Headword location(s)
profane (adj.) Old form(s): prophane
worldly-wise, irreverent, flippant Headword location(s)
profane (v.) Old form(s): prophane
misuse, abuse, maltreat Headword location(s)
profane (v.) Old form(s): prophane
desecrate, violate, commit sacrilege Headword location(s)
profess (v.) Old form(s): Profess'd , professe
profess friendship, declare attachment Headword location(s)
profess (v.) Old form(s): professe
undertake, pledge Headword location(s)
profess (v.) Old form(s): professe
make profession of, do as an occupation Headword location(s)
profess (v.) Old form(s): professe , profest
practise, pursue, claim knowledge of Headword location(s)
profess (v.) Old form(s): professe, Profest
declare, avow, affirm Headword location(s)
professed (adj.)
with avowed affection, displaying openly declared love Headword location(s)
profession (n.)
solemn vow, sworn declaration Headword location(s)
profession (n.)
avowal of skilled knowledge, declaration of ability to carry out a task Headword location(s)
profession (n.)
religious calling, profession of faith Headword location(s)
professor (n.)
adherent, devotee, professing Christian Headword location(s)
proffer (n.)
attempt, effort, endeavour Headword location(s)
proffer (n.)
offer, proposal, proposition Headword location(s)
proffer (v.) Old form(s): proferest
express, utter, put into words Headword location(s)
proffer (v.)
make a proposal, put oneself forward Headword location(s)
profit (n.)
progress, proficiency, improvement Headword location(s)
profit (n.)
furtherance, progress, advancement Headword location(s)
profit (n.)
welfare, well-being, benefit Headword location(s)
profit (v.)
benefit, be of use to, do good to Headword location(s)
profited (adj.)
proficient, advanced, skilful Headword location(s)
profound (adj.)
with powerful qualities, with secret powers Headword location(s)
profound (adj.)
weighty, important Headword location(s)
profound (adj.)
complete, utter, total Headword location(s)
progenitor (n.)
forefather, ancestor, forebear Headword location(s)
progeny (n.) Old form(s): Progenie
ancestry, descent, parentage Headword location(s)
progeny (n.) Old form(s): progenie
child Headword location(s)
prognostication (n.)
sign, forecast, prediction Headword location(s)
prognostication (n.)
weather forecast in the almanac Headword location(s)
progress (n.) Old form(s): progresse
state passage, royal journey Headword location(s)
progress (n.) Old form(s): progresse
course, movement, changing position Headword location(s)
progression (n.)
onward movement, moving along the way Headword location(s)
[Latin] O God! Heaven help me! see also Latin Headword location(s)
project (n.) Old form(s): proiect
conception, idea, notion Headword location(s)
project (n.) Old form(s): Proiect
anticipation, speculation, prospect Headword location(s)
project (v.) Old form(s): proiect
set forth, frame, present Headword location(s)
projection (n.) Old form(s): proiection
scheme, plan, design Headword location(s)
prolixious (adj.)
time-wasting, tedious, protracted Headword location(s)
prolixity (n.) Old form(s): prolixitie
long-windedness, tedious exposition Headword location(s)
prologue (n.)
preliminary statement Headword location(s)
prolong (v.) Old form(s): prolong'd
postpone, put off, delay Headword location(s)
Prometheus (n.)
one of the Titan gods, who stole fire from heaven to help mankind, and was punished by being chained to a rock see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
promise (v.)
assure, declare [to], tell plainly Headword location(s)
promise (v.)
add to, reinforce, augment Headword location(s)
promise (v.)
give one grounds for, lead one to expect Headword location(s)
promise forth Old form(s): promis'd
have an engagement elsewhere Headword location(s)
promised (adj.) Old form(s): promis'd
previously agreed Headword location(s)
promotion (n.)
advancement in life, social betterment Headword location(s)
prompt (adj.)
ready and willing, well-disposed Headword location(s)
prompt (adj.)
inclined, disposed, prone Headword location(s)
prompt (v.)
remind, put in mind, make reflect Headword location(s)
prompted (adj.)
eagerly ready, urged on to act Headword location(s)
prompture (n.)
prompting, instigation, urging Headword location(s)
prone (adj.)
eager, ready Headword location(s)
prone (adj.)
submissive, vulnerable, docile Headword location(s)
pronounce (v.) Old form(s): pronounc'd
deliver, speak, declare Headword location(s)
pronounce (v.) Old form(s): pronounc'd
tell, narrate, report Headword location(s)
pronounce (v.)
proclaim, officially declare, announce Headword location(s)
proof (adj.) Old form(s): proofe
impenetrable, impervious, sound Headword location(s)
proof (adj.) Old form(s): proofe
unmoved, impervious, indifferent Headword location(s)
proof (n.) Old form(s): proofe
tested strength, proven power of resistance, impenetrability Headword location(s)
proof (n.) Old form(s): proofe
experience, actual practice, tried knowledge Headword location(s)
proof (n.) Old form(s): proofe
test, trial Headword location(s)
proof (n.) Old form(s): proofe, proofes
evidence, demonstration, testimony Headword location(s)
proof (n.)
making good, showing to be loyal Headword location(s)
proof (n.) Old form(s): proofe
result, outcome, upshot Headword location(s)
proof, come to Old form(s): proofe
turn out well, fulfil one's promise Headword location(s)
propagate (v.)
increase, multiply Headword location(s)
propagation (n.) Old form(s): propogation
enlargement, increasing in extent Headword location(s)
propend (v.)
incline, be disposed, have a propensity Headword location(s)
propension (n.)
propensity, inclination, cast of mind Headword location(s)
proper (adj.)
personal, private, individual Headword location(s)
proper (adj.)
characteristic, typical, normal Headword location(s)
proper (adj.) Old form(s): proprest
good-looking, handsome, comely Headword location(s)
proper (adj.)
very, own Headword location(s)
proper (adj.)
honest, honourable, worthy Headword location(s)
proper (adj.)
thorough, absolute, complete Headword location(s)
proper (adj.)
special, particular, specific Headword location(s)
proper (adj.)
fine, excellent, good Headword location(s)
properly (adv.)
privately, personally Headword location(s)
propertied (adj.)
of a quality, having the nature Headword location(s)
property (n.) Old form(s): propertie
quality, character, nature Headword location(s)
property (n.) Old form(s): Propertie
feature, characteristic, particular respect Headword location(s)
property (n.)
means to an end, commercial asset Headword location(s)
property (n.)
(plural) stage requisites, accessories, props Headword location(s)
property (v.) Old form(s): proportied
make a property of, treat as an object, exploit Headword location(s)
property (v.)
appropriate, take possession of Headword location(s)
prophane (adj.)
Q2 alternative to 'fanned' see also fanned (adj.) Headword location(s)
prophet (n.)
portent, omen, foretelling Headword location(s)
prophet (n.)
soothsayer, seer, prognosticator Headword location(s)
propinquity (n.)
close kinship, blood relationship Headword location(s)
Propontic Sea
Sea of Marmora, Turkey see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
(plural) military material, forces and supplies needed for war Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
measure, extent, degree, magnitude Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
size, bulk Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
part, portion, amount Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
proper rhythm, correct value [of notes] Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
weighing up, appropriate measuring Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
relation, connection, link Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
bodily shape, physical form Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
malapropism for ‘portion’ [= share of the estate] Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
marriage portion, dowry Headword location(s)
proportion (n.)
natural order, proper relationship Headword location(s)
proportionable (adj.)
proportional, comparable, commensurate [with] Headword location(s)
proportioned (adj.) Old form(s): proportion'd
regulated, well-ordered Headword location(s)
propose (n.)
conversation, discourse, purposes Headword location(s)
propose (v.)
converse, discourse, hold forth Headword location(s)
propose (v.)
imagine, contemplate, picture Headword location(s)
propose (v.)
face, confront, be ready to meet Headword location(s)
propose (v.)
bring up for consideration, set before the mind Headword location(s)
proposition (n.)
question, problem Headword location(s)
proposition (n.)
offer, proposal Headword location(s)
propound (v.)
set before oneself, propose [as a goal] Headword location(s)
propriety (n.)
natural state, normal condition Headword location(s)
propriety (n.)
proper character, real identity Headword location(s)
propugnation (n.)
defence, justification, vindication Headword location(s)
prorogue (v.) Old form(s): proroged
postpone, delay, defer Headword location(s)
prorogue (v.)
suspend, put on hold, waive Headword location(s)
prorogue (v.)
prolong, draw out, lengthen Headword location(s)
proscription (n.)
condemnation Headword location(s)
prosecute (v.)
pursue, follow up, seek Headword location(s)
prosecution (n.)
pursuit, chase, hounding Headword location(s)
Proserpine, Proserpina (n.)
daughter of the corn-goddess Ceres; Hades, king of the Underworld, abducted her and made her his queen see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
prospect (n.)
field of view, vista, outlook Headword location(s)
prosper (v.)
make prosperous, give success to Headword location(s)
prosperity (n.) Old form(s): prosperitie
success, good fortune Headword location(s)
prosperous (adj.)
favourable, happy, showing success Headword location(s)
prosperous (adj.)
profitable, beneficial, leading to a successful outcome Headword location(s)
prosperous (adj.)
favourable, sympathetic, well-disposed Headword location(s)
protect (v.)
act as escort for, be custodian of Headword location(s)
protest (n.)
protestation, declaration, avowal Headword location(s)
protest (v.)
make protestation, avow, affirm, proclaim Headword location(s)
protest (v.)
declare, say, swear see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
protest (v.)
declare love Headword location(s)
protest (v.)
profess openly, acknowledge publicly Headword location(s)
protestation (n.)
solemn declaration, affirmation Headword location(s)
protester (n.)
declarer of friendship, affirmer of affection Headword location(s)
Proteus (n.)
['prohtius] old man of the sea, shepherd of Poseidon's flock, with the ability to change his shape see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
protract (v.)
delay, defer, put off, defer Headword location(s)
protractive (adj.) Old form(s): protractiue
protracted, interminable, long-drawn-out Headword location(s)
proud (adj.) Old form(s): prowd
high-spirited, high-mettled Headword location(s)
proud (adj.)
swollen, high, in flood Headword location(s)
proud (adj.)
fine, splendid, luxurious Headword location(s)
proud (adj.) Old form(s): prowder , prowdest
courageous, valiant, brave Headword location(s)
proud (adj.)
taking pride in, elated by the thought of Headword location(s)
proud (adj.)
bulging, swelling Headword location(s)
proudest (n./adj.) Old form(s): prowdest
eminent, notable, grand Headword location(s)
proudly (adv.) Old form(s): prowdly
haughtily, arrogantly, disdainfully Headword location(s)
provand (n.) Old form(s): Prouand
provender, provisions, food Headword location(s)
prove (v.) Old form(s): prou'd, proue, proued
find, establish, experience Headword location(s)
prove (v.) Old form(s): prou'd, proue
test, try out, make trial [of] Headword location(s)
prove (v.) Old form(s): prooves
justify [one's] claim, establish Headword location(s)
prove (v.) Old form(s): Prooue , Proouing , proue, proueth
demonstrate, establish, show to be true Headword location(s)
prove (v.) Old form(s): proue, proues
prove to be true, turn out to be the truth Headword location(s)
provender (n.) Old form(s): Prouender
feed, fodder Headword location(s)
proverb (v.) Old form(s): prouerb'd
provide with worldly wisdom [by] Headword location(s)
provide (v.) Old form(s): prouide
get ready, equip [oneself] Headword location(s)
provide (v.) Old form(s): Prouide , prouided
prepare, make ready, plan Headword location(s)
provided (adj.) Old form(s): prouided
prepared, ready, provided with necessities Headword location(s)
providence (n.) Old form(s): prouidence
foresight, forethought Headword location(s)
providence (n.) Old form(s): prouidence
direction, fate, destiny Headword location(s)
Provincial (adj.) Old form(s): Prouinciall
from Provins or Provence [France] Headword location(s)
provincial (adj.) Old form(s): Prouinciall
subject to local church jurisdiction Headword location(s)
provision (n.) Old form(s): prouision
foresight, advance preparation, looking ahead Headword location(s)
provision (n.) Old form(s): prouision
supply of necessities Headword location(s)
provision (n.) Old form(s): Prouision
resources, money supply Headword location(s)
provocation (n.) Old form(s): prouocation
erotic stimulation, inciting lustful thoughts Headword location(s)
provoke (v.) Old form(s): prouoakst, prouoke , prouokes
call forth, invite, invoke Headword location(s)
provoke (v.) Old form(s): Prouokes
impel, urge on, drive Headword location(s)
provoke (v.) Old form(s): prouoke , Prouokes
bring about, induce, engender Headword location(s)
provoke (v.) Old form(s): prouokes
make tremble, cause to shake Headword location(s)
provoke (v.) Old form(s): prouoke , prouoketh
incite, rouse, urge on Headword location(s)
provost (n.) Old form(s): Prouost
officer in charge of the arrest, custody, and punishment of prisoners Headword location(s)
provulgate (v.)
promulgate, make public, publish abroad Headword location(s)
prune (n.)
[in phrases] see also stewed prune Headword location(s)
prune (v.)
[of birds] trim feathers with the beak, preen Headword location(s)
pry (v.)
spy, peer Headword location(s)
psaltery (n.)
type of plucked stringed instrument Headword location(s)
public (adj.) Old form(s): publike
accepted, authorized, official Headword location(s)
publican (n.)
tax-collector Headword location(s)
Publicola (n.)
[pron: pub'likola] one of the first consuls of Rome, 6th-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
publish (v.) Old form(s): publishd
announce, make public, make generally known Headword location(s)
publish (v.) Old form(s): publish'd
denounce in public, vilify, show up Headword location(s)
publish (v.)
speak openly of, talk about Headword location(s)
published (adj.) Old form(s): publish'd
proclaimed, publicly announced Headword location(s)
publisher (n.)
exposer, divulger, one who makes public Headword location(s)
Publius (n.)
supposed ancestor of Caius Martius see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Publius (n.)
supposed ancestor of Caius Martius see also Coriolanus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
pucelle (n.) Old form(s): Puzel, Pussel
maid, virgin, girl; also: drab, trollop, slut Headword location(s)
pudder (n.)
hubbub, din, uproar Headword location(s)
pudding (n.)
stuffing Headword location(s)
pudding (n.) Old form(s): Puddinges
type of large savoury dish; dumpling, pasty Headword location(s)
puddle (v.) Old form(s): pudled
make muddy, cloud, muddle Headword location(s)
puddled (adj.)
muddily stirred up, filthy, foul Headword location(s)
pudency (n.) Old form(s): pudencie
modesty, bashfulness, shyness Headword location(s)
puffed (adj.) Old form(s): puft
puffed up, swollen (with vanity) Headword location(s)
puffed (adj.) Old form(s): puft
increased, extended, stuffed Headword location(s)
puffing (adj.)
puffed-out, swollen, swelling Headword location(s)
pugging (adj.)
[unclear meaning] pulling, thieving, pilfering Headword location(s)
puisny (adj.) Old form(s): puisny
inferior, insignificant, petty Headword location(s)
puissance (n.) Old form(s): puisance
power, might, force Headword location(s)
puissant (adj.) Old form(s): puisant
powerful, mighty, strong Headword location(s)
puke-stocking (adj.) Old form(s): Puke stocking
dark-coloured woollen stocking Headword location(s)
puling (n./adj.)
whimpering, whining, complaining Headword location(s)
puling (n./adj.)
whimperingly, whiningly, complainingly Headword location(s)
pull (n.)
wrench, blow, thing torn away Headword location(s)
pull at (v.)
drink up, swallow, draw in Headword location(s)
pull in (v.)
rein in, bring to a halt Headword location(s)
pullet-sperm (n.) Old form(s): Pullet-Spersme
[contemptuous] poultry-seed, egg Headword location(s)
pulpit (n.)
public speaking place, platform, rostrum Headword location(s)
pulsidge (n.)
malapropism for ‘pulses’ Headword location(s)
pumpion (n.)
pumpkin Headword location(s)
pun (v.)
pound, hammer, batter Headword location(s)
punish (v.) Old form(s): punisht
afflict, plague, torment Headword location(s)
punk (n.) Old form(s): Puncke, punke
harlot, strumpet, whore Headword location(s)
punto (n.) Old form(s): puncto
[fencing] thrust with the sword-point Headword location(s)
punto reverso (n.) Old form(s): reuerso
[fencing] back-handed thrust Headword location(s)
puny (adj.) Old form(s): punie
untried, inexperienced Headword location(s)
pupil (adj.) Old form(s): Pupill
of being a pupil, as an apprentice Headword location(s)
pur (n.) Old form(s): purre
[debated meaning] knave in a type of card game [post and pair] Headword location(s)
purblind (adj.)
half-blind, dim-sighted Headword location(s)
purblind (adj.) Old form(s): purblinde
blind Headword location(s)
purchase (n.)
proceeds, plunder, booty Headword location(s)
purchase (n.)
profit, purchasing power, gain Headword location(s)
purchase (n.)
acquisition, prize, spoil Headword location(s)
purchase (n.)
beneficial result, benefit, advantage Headword location(s)
purchase (n.)
financial return, earning power Headword location(s)
purchase (v.) Old form(s): purchas'd, purchast
acquire, obtain, win Headword location(s)
purchase (v.)
deserve, earn, merit Headword location(s)
purchase (v.)
endeavour, strive, exert oneself; or: make a bargain, invest Headword location(s)
purchase out (v.)
buy off punishment for Headword location(s)
purchased (adj.) Old form(s): purchaste
acquired, obtained through one's own conduct Headword location(s)
pure (adj.)
sheer, utter, total Headword location(s)
pure (adj.)
clear, lucid Headword location(s)
pure (adv.)
purely, solely, only Headword location(s)
purgation (n.)
purging, cleansing, clearing away Headword location(s)
purgation (n.)
acquittal, clearing away of guilt Headword location(s)
purge (n.)
purging, cleansing, flushing out of evil Headword location(s)
purge (v.)
exude, discharge, void Headword location(s)
purge (v.)
make up for, be rid [of], compensate Headword location(s)
purge (v.) Old form(s): purg'd
cleanse, purify, get rid of impurities [in] Headword location(s)
purge (v.)
repent, atone Headword location(s)
purge (v.) Old form(s): purg'd
expel, get rid of, flush out Headword location(s)
purge (v.)
clear, excuse, exonerate Headword location(s)
purged (adj.)
purified, refined, clarified Headword location(s)
purger (n.)
healer, cleanser, purifier Headword location(s)
purl (v.) Old form(s): purl'd
curl, rise in a twisting way Headword location(s)
purlieu (n.) Old form(s): Purlews
edge, fringe, border [of forest land] Headword location(s)
purple (adj.)
bright-red, blood-coloured, bloody Headword location(s)
purpled (adj.)
reddened with blood, bloodstained Headword location(s)
purple-hued (adj.) Old form(s): purple-hu'd
purple-faced Headword location(s)
purple-in-grain (adj.) Old form(s): purple in graine
dyed bright red Headword location(s)
purport (n.)
meaning, expression, effect Headword location(s)
purpose (n.)
point at issue, matter in hand Headword location(s)
purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
purpose (n.)
outcome, result, end Headword location(s)
purpose (v.) Old form(s): purpos'd
decide, resolve, determine Headword location(s)
purpose (v.) Old form(s): purpos'd
intend, plan Headword location(s)
purpose (v.)
intend to do, resolve to act Headword location(s)
purpose, to
effectively, to any effect Headword location(s)
purposed (adj.) Old form(s): purpos'd
planned, premeditated, prearranged Headword location(s)
purposed (adj.) Old form(s): purposd , purpos'd
proposed, intended, contemplated Headword location(s)
purse (n.)
resources, funds, available money Headword location(s)
purse (n.)
bag containing the great seal Headword location(s)
purse up (v.) Old form(s): purst vp
take possession of, put into one's keeping Headword location(s)
pursent (v.)
dialect form of ‘present’ Headword location(s)
pursue (v.)
proceed with, take forward, continue Headword location(s)
pursue (v.)
persecute, castigate, hound Headword location(s)
pursuivant (n.) Old form(s): Purseuants, Pursiuaunt , Pursuiuant, Pursuiuants
royal messenger, state messenger [with power to execute warrants] Headword location(s)
pursuivant-at-arms (n.)
junior officer attending a herald Headword location(s)
pursy (adj.) Old form(s): pursie
flabby, puffed-up, swollen Headword location(s)
pursy (adj.) Old form(s): pursie
short-winded, puffed out Headword location(s)
purveyor (n.) Old form(s): Purueyor
steward sent ahead to make preparations for the arrival of someone important Headword location(s)
push (int.)
exclamation of contempt or impatience see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
push (n.)
test, trial Headword location(s)
push (n.)
extremity, limit, measure Headword location(s)
push (n.)
pushing, shoving, thrusting forward Headword location(s)
push (n.)
crisis, emergency Headword location(s)
push (n.)
climactic moment, critical time Headword location(s)
push (n.)
attack, assault, thrust Headword location(s)
push (v.)
strike, press hard, thrust Headword location(s)
push-pin (n.)
type of children's game [the pushing over of a peg to cross the peg of another player] Headword location(s)
pusillanimity (n.) Old form(s): Pusillanimitie
cowardliness, timidity, fearfulness Headword location(s)
pussel (n.)
maid, virgin, girl; also: drab, trollop, slut see also pucelle (n.) Headword location(s)
put (v.)
impress, urge Headword location(s)
put (v.)
force, press, thrust Headword location(s)
put (v.)
cause, encourage, provoke Headword location(s)
put (v.)
force, make, compel Headword location(s)
put (v.)
bestow, grant, place officially Headword location(s)
put (v.)
enlist, call up [as] Headword location(s)
put apart (v.) Old form(s): a-part
dismiss, send away Headword location(s)
put back (v.) Old form(s): backe , put'st backe
repulse, reject, refuse Headword location(s)
put by (v.)
thrust aside, reject, set aside Headword location(s)
put by (v.)
give up, desist from Headword location(s)
put down (v.) Old form(s): downe
crush, defeat, put to silence Headword location(s)
put forth (v.)
make a show, come forward, promise Headword location(s)
put forth (v.)
be in evidence, emerge, be displayed Headword location(s)
put forth (v.)
set out [from], leave Headword location(s)
put forth (v.)
send abroad, send away Headword location(s)
put in (v.)
present a claim, put in a bid Headword location(s)
put off (v.)
keep away, avert, evade Headword location(s)
put off (v.)
dismiss, brush aside, spurn Headword location(s)
put off (v.)
pass off, palm off, foist on Headword location(s)
put off (v.)
doff, remove, take off Headword location(s)
put off (v.)
dismiss, lay off, make redundant Headword location(s)
put on (v.)
arrange, appoint, organize Headword location(s)
put on (v.)
instigate, provoke, incite Headword location(s)
put on (v.)
put to the test, set to work Headword location(s)
put on (v.)
demand, compel, claim Headword location(s)
put on (v.)
push on, urge, encourage Headword location(s)
put on (v.)
show, manifest, exhibit Headword location(s)
put out (v.)
display, exhibit, show forth Headword location(s)
put out (v.)
disconcert, distract, make one forget one's lines Headword location(s)
put over (v.) Old form(s): o're
refer, hand over, direct Headword location(s)
put stuff to Old form(s): stuffe
copulate with, screw Headword location(s)
put to (v.)
set before, make available to Headword location(s)
put to (v.)
go to work, have sex Headword location(s)
put to it Old form(s): too
put to the proof, make trial of Headword location(s)
put together (v.)
set against each other, oppose in combat Headword location(s)
put up (v.) Old form(s): vp
make rise from cover, raise Headword location(s)
put up (v.) Old form(s): vp
sheathe, put away Headword location(s)
put up (v.) Old form(s): vp
conceal, hide away, pocket Headword location(s)
put up (v.)
pack up, put away Headword location(s)
put up (v.) Old form(s): vp
submit to, put up with Headword location(s)
put up a bill
present a list of accusations Headword location(s)
put upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon
provoke into doing, encourage into Headword location(s)
put upon / on (v.) Old form(s): vpon
ascribe to, impute to, attribute to Headword location(s)
putter (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'butter' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
putter-on (n.) Old form(s): putter on
instigator, inciter, agitator Headword location(s)
putter-out (n.) Old form(s): putter out
investor, lender, speculator Headword location(s)
putting down (n.) Old form(s): downe
suppression, restraint, repression Headword location(s)
putting on (n.)
instigation, prompting, urging Headword location(s)
putting-by (n.) Old form(s): putting by
refusal, rejection, thrusting aside Headword location(s)
puttock (n.) Old form(s): Puttocke
kite; greedy scavenger Headword location(s)
puzzel (n.)
maid, virgin, girl; also: drab, trollop, slut see also pucelle (n.) Headword location(s)
puzzle (v.) Old form(s): Puzels
bewilder, perplex, baffle Headword location(s)
puzzle (v.) Old form(s): puzle
complicate things for, be an embarrassment for Headword location(s)
py (prep.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'by' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
Pygmalion (n.)
[pron: pig'maylion] sculptor who created and fell in love with his ivory statue of a woman; Aphrodite brought her to life, and he married her see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
pyramid (n.) Old form(s): pyramyds
obelisk, pillar Headword location(s)
pyramides (n.)
pyramids Headword location(s)
pyramis (n.) Old form(s): Pyra-misis
pyramid Headword location(s)
Pyramus (n.)
lover of Thisbe; kept apart by their parents, they talked through a crack in their dividing wall; arriving at a rendezvous, Pyramus found Thisbe’s cloak stained with blood from a lion’s prey; thinking she had been killed by a lion see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Pyrenean (n.)
[pron: pire'neean Pyrenees, mountain range between France and Spain see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Pyrrhus (n.)
[pron: 'pirus] son of Achilles, who entered Troy in the wooden horse and killed Priam see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Pyrrhus (n.)
[pron: 'pirus] son of Achilles, who entered Troy in the wooden horse and killed Priam see also Achilles (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Pyrrhus (n.)
[pron: 'pirus] son of Achilles, who entered Troy in the wooden horse and killed Priam see also Priam (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Pythagoras (n.)
[pron: piy'thagoras] Greek philosopher and mathematician, 6th-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)

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