If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
dace (n.)
type of small fish, used as a bait Headword location(s)
Daedalus (n.)
[pron: 'dedalus] legendary Athenian inventor who made the labyrinth for King Minos in Crete; escaped to Sicily with wings made for himsef and his son Icarus see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Daedalus (n.)
[pron: 'dedalus] legendary Athenian inventor who made the labyrinth for King Minos in Crete; escaped to Sicily with wings made for himsef and his son Icarus see also Minos (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Daedalus (n.)
[pron: 'dedalus] legendary Athenian inventor who made the labyrinth for King Minos in Crete; escaped to Sicily with wings made for himsef and his son Icarus see also Icarus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
daemon, demon (n.) Old form(s): Dæmon
ministering spirit, guardian angel Headword location(s)
daff (v.), past form daft Old form(s): daft
take off, throw off see also doff (v.) Headword location(s)
daff (v.), past form daft Old form(s): daffe , dafts
put off, deflect, sidetrack Headword location(s)
daff (v.), past form daft
put to one side, thrust aside Headword location(s)
daff aside (v.) Old form(s): daft
throw off, thrust aside Headword location(s)
daffadilly (n.)
daffodil Headword location(s)
Dagonet, Sir
[pron: 'dagonet] King Arthur's fool see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
daintily (adv.)
with satisfied palate, relishing the taste Headword location(s)
Daintry (n.)
Daventry, town W of Northampton see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
dainty (adj.) Old form(s): daintie
fastidious, scrupulous, refined, particular Headword location(s)
dainty (adj.) Old form(s): daintie
splendid, fine, excellent Headword location(s)
dainty (adj.) Old form(s): daintie
delicately pretty, of tender beauty Headword location(s)
dainty (adv.) Old form(s): Deinty
beautifully, delightfully, excellently Headword location(s)
dainty (n.)
delicacy, choice foodstuff Headword location(s)
dainty (n.)
delicious flavour, choice taste Headword location(s)
dainty (n.)
fastidious hesitation, prim response Headword location(s)
dainty (n.)
delight, special pleasure Headword location(s)
dalliance (n.)
frivolity, idleness, wasteful activity Headword location(s)
dalliance (n.)
idle talk, fooling about, waste of time Headword location(s)
dalliance (n.)
love-talk, flirting, amorous caressing Headword location(s)
dally (v.)
flirt, be amorous, engage in love-play Headword location(s)
dally (v.) Old form(s): Dallie
delay, linger, loiter Headword location(s)
dally (v.)
trifle, behave mockingly Headword location(s)
dally (v.) Old form(s): dallie
deal lightly, play about, tease Headword location(s)
Dalmatians (n.)
people from ancient Dalmatia, bordering the Adriatic Sea, modern SW Croatia see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
dam (n.) Old form(s): Damme
mother see also Family Headword location(s)
damask (adj./n.) Old form(s): Damaske
light-red, pink [colour of the damask rose] Headword location(s)
damasked (adj.) Old form(s): damaskt
having the hue of the damask rose, adorned with colours Headword location(s)
dame (n.)
mother, nurse Headword location(s)
dame (n.)
woman, girl see also Address forms Headword location(s)
dame (n.)
mistress of a household, lady of the house Headword location(s)
dame (n.)
lady, mistress, woman of rank Headword location(s)
damn (v.) Old form(s): damn'd
condemn, be sinful Headword location(s)
deserving damnation, evil, in a state of mortal sin Headword location(s)
Damon (n.)
['daymon] man from Syracuse seen as a model of faithful friendship, offering his life to help his friend Pythias see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
damosella (n.)
damsel, young maiden Headword location(s)
damp (n.) Old form(s): dampe
fog, mist, vapour Headword location(s)
Dan, Don (n.)
[don, short form of Latin ‘dominus’] master, sir Headword location(s)
dance (v.)
set dancing, excite, rouse Headword location(s)
dancing-rapier (n.) Old form(s): daunsing Rapier
ornamental sword worn in dancing Headword location(s)
dandle (v.)
pamper, fondle, pet Headword location(s)
danger (n.)
damage, harm, mischief Headword location(s)
danger (v.)
endanger, imperil, risk Headword location(s)
danger, (with)in one's
within one's power, at one's mercy Headword location(s)
dangerous (adj.) Old form(s): dang'rous
threatening, severe, menacing Headword location(s)
dangerous (adv.)
dangerously, mortally, seriously Headword location(s)
Daniel (n.)
in the Bible, influential Babylonian administrator and visionary see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
dank (adj.)
damp Headword location(s)
dankish (adj.)
dank, damp, humid Headword location(s)
Dansker (n.)
Dane Headword location(s)
Daphne (n.)
nymph loved by Apollo; chased by the god, she was saved by being turned into a laurel, which became Apollo's sacred tree see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Daphne (n.)
nymph loved by Apollo; chased by the god, she was saved by being turned into a laurel, which became Apollo's sacred tree see also Apollo (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Dardan, Dardania (n.)
region in W Turkey in which Troy was the capital see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Dardan, Dardania (n.)
region in W Turkey in which Troy was the capital see also Troy (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Dardanian (adj.)
poetic name for someone or something to do with Troy see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Dardanian (adj.)
poetic name for someone or something to do with Troy see also Troy (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
dare (n.)
daring, boldness, risk Headword location(s)
dare (v.)
present, deliver, inflict Headword location(s)
dare (v.)
[in expressions] see also durst, that thou Headword location(s)
dare (v.)
disturb, distract Headword location(s)
dare (v.)
daze, paralyse with fear, terrify Headword location(s)
dare (v.)
challenge, confront, defy Headword location(s)
dareful (adj.) Old form(s): darefull
audacious, bold, full of defiance Headword location(s)
daring-hardy (adj.) Old form(s): daring hardie
foolhardy, rashly bold Headword location(s)
Darius (n.)
[pron: da'riyus], 'darius] Darius the Great, 6th-c BC king of Persia see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
dark (adj.) Old form(s): darke
unfavourable, malignant, evil Headword location(s)
dark (adj.) Old form(s): darke
sad, melancholic, gloomy Headword location(s)
dark (adj.) Old form(s): Darke
undivulged, secret, unrevealed Headword location(s)
dark (adv.) Old form(s): darke
in the dark Headword location(s)
dark (v.) Old form(s): darkes
eclipse, obscure, cloud Headword location(s)
darken (v.) Old form(s): darkned
obscure, eclipse, deprive of fame Headword location(s)
darking (n.)
darkening, setting Headword location(s)
darkling (adv.)
in the dark, in darkness Headword location(s)
darkly (adv.) Old form(s): darkely
frowningly, ominously; gloomily Headword location(s)
darkly (adv.) Old form(s): darkely
cunningly, subtly, secretly Headword location(s)
darkly (adv.) Old form(s): darkely
obscurely, cryptically, enigmatically Headword location(s)
darnel (n.) Old form(s): Darnell
weeds, cockle, tares see also Plants Headword location(s)
darraign (v.) Old form(s): Darraigne
array, set in order, prepare Headword location(s)
dart (n.)
arrow; or: light spear Headword location(s)
dart (v.)
hurl like an arrow Headword location(s)
darting (adj.)
arrow-shooting Headword location(s)
dash (n.)
encounter, sight, meeting Headword location(s)
dash (n.)
stroke, mark, sign Headword location(s)
dash (n.)
trace, touch, tinge Headword location(s)
dash (v.)
diminish, infringe, destroy Headword location(s)
dash (v.)
overturn, rescind, frustrate Headword location(s)
dash (v.) Old form(s): dash'd , dasht
cast down, daunt, dishearten Headword location(s)
dash (v.)
frustrate, spoil, ruin Headword location(s)
dastard (adj.)
dastardly, cowardly, despicable Headword location(s)
dastard (n.)
coward, sissy, runaway, traitor Headword location(s)
date (n.)
limit, term, endpoint Headword location(s)
date (n.)
age Headword location(s)
date (n.)
duration, period of existence Headword location(s)
date (n.)
lifetime, term of existence Headword location(s)
date (n.)
time, season, fashion Headword location(s)
date (n.)
due date, agreed day [for the end of a contract] Headword location(s)
dateless (adj.) Old form(s): dateles , datelesse
everlasting, eternal, endless Headword location(s)
daub (v.) Old form(s): daube , dawb'd
bedaub, smear, defile Headword location(s)
daub (v.)
pretend, fake, pass off Headword location(s)
daubery, daubry (n.) Old form(s): dawbry
trickery, pretence, deceitful show Headword location(s)
daughter (n.)
includes daughter-in-law and step-daughter see also Family Headword location(s)
dauphin, dolphin (n.)
title of the eldest son of the King of France [between 1349 and 1830] Headword location(s)
daw (n.) Old form(s): Dawes
jackdaw [as noted for its stupidity]; dolt, fool Headword location(s)
daw (n.) Old form(s): Dawes
jackdaw [without any implication] Headword location(s)
dawning (n.)
dawn, daybreak, early morning see also Greetings Headword location(s)
day (n.)
light, brightness Headword location(s)
day (n.)
[in phrases] see also Greetings Headword location(s)
day (n.)
[in phrases] see also young days, of so Headword location(s)
day (n.)
[in phrases] see also many a day, for this Headword location(s)
day (n.)
[in phrases] see also nature, days of Headword location(s)
day (n.) Old form(s): daie
day of battle, contest Headword location(s)
day (n.)
anniversary Headword location(s)
day (n.) Old form(s): daie
appointed day, fixed date Headword location(s)
day (n.) Old form(s): daies
(plural) time, delay, period of action Headword location(s)
day (n.)
time, hour [of day] Headword location(s)
day, by the
in the morning, of the clock Headword location(s)
day, these seven years' Old form(s): seuen yeeres
this past seven years, in a long time Headword location(s)
day-bed (n.) Old form(s): day bedde
couch, sofa, divan Headword location(s)
daylight (n.)
see also burn daylight Headword location(s)
days, by Old form(s): dayes
every day, day by day Headword location(s)
day-woman (n.)
dairy-maid see also dey-woman (n.) Headword location(s)
dazzle (v.) Old form(s): dazell, Dazle , dazling
grow dim, become unable to see properly Headword location(s)
de (v.)
Scottish pronunciation of 'do' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
dead (adj.)
mortal, deadly, fatal Headword location(s)
dead (adj.)
death-like, lifeless, spiritless Headword location(s)
dead (adj.)
deadly, death-dealing, murderous Headword location(s)
dead (adj.)
condemned to death, to be put to death Headword location(s)
dead (adj.)
deprived of life, killed Headword location(s)
dead (adj.)
dying, near to death Headword location(s)
dead (adj.)
deadly, dire, grave Headword location(s)
dead men's fingers
[unclear] probably a type of wild orchis see also Plants Headword location(s)
dead men's fingers
[unclear] probably a type of wild orchis see also long purple 1 Headword location(s)
dead-killing (adj.) Old form(s): dead killing
mortal, deadly, fatal Headword location(s)
deadly (adj.)
deathly, death-like Headword location(s)
deadly (adv.)
with a resemblance of death Headword location(s)
deadly (adv.) Old form(s): deadlie
extremely, implacably, to the death Headword location(s)
deadly (adv.)
mortally, fatally Headword location(s)
deadly-handed (adj.) Old form(s): deadly handed
death-dealing, murderous Headword location(s)
deadly-standing (adj.) Old form(s): deadly standing
death-dealing Headword location(s)
deaf (v.) Old form(s): deafes , Deaft , dea'ft
deafen Headword location(s)
deafing (adj.) Old form(s): deaff'ning
deafening, ear-splitting Headword location(s)
deafing (n.) Old form(s): deaffing
drowning out, blocking out [of sound] Headword location(s)
deal (n.) Old form(s): deale
amount, quantity Headword location(s)
deal (v.) Old form(s): deale
proceed, behave, conduct oneself Headword location(s)
deal (v.) Old form(s): deale
bestow, apportion, grant Headword location(s)
deal (v.) Old form(s): deale
express oneself, speak Headword location(s)
deal (v.) Old form(s): deale
have dealings, have to do Headword location(s)
deal upon (v.) Old form(s): deale vpon
deal with, proceed against Headword location(s)
deal with (v.) Old form(s): with
make use of, resort to Headword location(s)
dear (adj.) Old form(s): deare
pleasing, delightful, congenial Headword location(s)
dear (adj.) Old form(s): deare , deere
noble, honourable, worthy Headword location(s)
dear (adj.) Old form(s): deare , deere
expensive, costly Headword location(s)
dear (adj.) Old form(s): deare , deere , deerest
heartfelt, earnest, zealous Headword location(s)
dear (adj.) Old form(s): deare , deere, Deerer , deerest
of great worth, valuable, precious Headword location(s)
dear (adj.) Old form(s): deare , deere, deerest
dire, grievous, hard Headword location(s)
dear (adj.) Old form(s): deare , deere
important, major, significant Headword location(s)
dear (adv.) Old form(s): deerer
sorely, keenly, bitterly Headword location(s)
dear (adv.)
direly, grievously, with difficulty Headword location(s)
deared (adj.)
loved, endeared, prized Headword location(s)
dearly (adv.) Old form(s): deerely
beautifully, exquisitely, wonderfully Headword location(s)
dearly (adv.) Old form(s): deerely
keenly, deeply, intensely Headword location(s)
dearly (adv.) Old form(s): deerely , deerly
grievously, at great cost Headword location(s)
dearn, dearne (adj.)
dreary, dark, wild see also dern (adj.) Headword location(s)
dearness (n.) Old form(s): dearenesse
affection, fondness, warmth Headword location(s)
dearth (n.)
costliness, high value Headword location(s)
dearth (n.)
scarcity, shortage, lack [of food], famine Headword location(s)
death (n.)
skull, memento mori see also death's-head (n.) Headword location(s)
death, take my
stake my life Headword location(s)
death-bed (n.) Old form(s): death beds
grave Headword location(s)
death-boding (adj.)
full of forebodings about death, deadly ominous Headword location(s)
deathful (adj.) Old form(s): deathfull
mortal, deadly, fatal Headword location(s)
deathlike (adj.) Old form(s): Death like
mortal, deadly, fatal Headword location(s)
death-practised (adj.) Old form(s): death-practis'd
whose death has been plotted Headword location(s)
death-procuring (adj.) Old form(s): death procuring
fatal, lethal, deadly Headword location(s)
death's-head (n.) Old form(s): deaths head , Deaths-head
skull, memento mori see also death (n.) Headword location(s)
deathsman (n.) Old form(s): Deaths-man
executioner Headword location(s)
death-token Old form(s): death tokens
fatal symptom, death-like sign Headword location(s)
death-worthy (adj.) Old form(s): death-worthie
deserving death Headword location(s)
debate (n.)
quarrel, wrangling, strife Headword location(s)
debate (v.)
decide [by debate], resolve Headword location(s)
debate (v.)
discuss, argue over, dispute about Headword location(s)
debate (v.)
fight, contend, strive Headword location(s)
debatement (n.)
consideration, deliberation, discussion Headword location(s)
debile (adj.)
feeble, weak, puny Headword location(s)
debitor (n.)
debtor [debt column in an account book] see also creditor (n.) Headword location(s)
debonair (adj.) Old form(s): debonnaire
gracious, courtly, of gentle disposition Headword location(s)
Deborah (n.)
in the Bible, Hebrew prophetess, judge, and army commander see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
deboshed, deboyst (adj.) Old form(s): debosh'd
debauched, corrupted, depraved Headword location(s)
deboysed (adj.)
debauched, corrupted, depraved see also deboshed (adj.) Headword location(s)
debt, in
constrained by necessity, under an obligation Headword location(s)
debted (adj.)
in debt, indebted, obligated Headword location(s)
debuty (n.) Old form(s): Deputie
malapropism for ‘deputy’ [= deputy alderman] Headword location(s)
decay (n.) Old form(s): decaies
destitute person, case of hardship Headword location(s)
decay (n.)
destruction, downfall, ending Headword location(s)
decay (n.)
decline, downturn, falling off Headword location(s)
decay (v.) Old form(s): decay'd, decayes
be destroyed, become ruined, fail Headword location(s)
decayed (adj.) Old form(s): decaied
ruined, destitute, impoverished Headword location(s)
deceased (adj.) Old form(s): deceas'd
past, previous, gone by Headword location(s)
deceit (n.)
deception, stratagem, trick Headword location(s)
deceitful (adj.) Old form(s): deceitfull
sham, false, bogus Headword location(s)
deceivable (adj.) Old form(s): deceiuable
deceitful, insincere Headword location(s)
deceivable (adj.) Old form(s): deceiueable
deceptive, illusory Headword location(s)
deceive (v.) Old form(s): deceyu'd
disappoint, frustrate, let down Headword location(s)
deceive (v.) Old form(s): deceaue, deceaued, deceiu'd , deceiue
delude, mislead, take in Headword location(s)
deceiving (adj.) Old form(s): deceiuing
sham, false, bogus Headword location(s)
decent (adj.)
satisfying propriety, observing conformity Headword location(s)
deceptious (adj.)
deceptive, misleading, deceiving Headword location(s)
decern (v.) Old form(s): decernes
malapropism for ‘concern’ Headword location(s)
decimation (n.)
killing one in every ten persons Headword location(s)
decipher (v.) Old form(s): decipher'd
discover, detect, find out Headword location(s)
decipher (v.)
distinguish, make out Headword location(s)
decipher (v.)
make known to, indicate to Headword location(s)
decision (n.)
way of deciding, resolution, trial [by combat] Headword location(s)
deck (v.) Old form(s): deck'd , decke , Deckt
cover, adorn, decorate Headword location(s)
deck up (v.) Old form(s): decke vp
array, attire, adorn Headword location(s)
decking (n.)
adorning, dressing, attiring Headword location(s)
declare (v.)
explain, clarify, make plain Headword location(s)
declension (n.)
decline, deterioration, downward course Headword location(s)
decline (v.)
sink, fall to a low level Headword location(s)
decline (v.)
fall, descend, come down Headword location(s)
decline (v.)
incline, lean, bend Headword location(s)
decline (v.) Old form(s): declin
go systematically through, recite in order Headword location(s)
declined (adj.) Old form(s): declin'd
brought low, in poor fortune; or: fallen away in vigour, in poor condition Headword location(s)
declined (n.) Old form(s): declin'd
vanquished person, someone brought down Headword location(s)
declining (adj.)
hanging, bowing, drooping Headword location(s)
declining (adj.)
falling, sinking, descending Headword location(s)
decoct (v.)
warm up, heat up, inflame Headword location(s)
decorum (n.)
propriety, seemliness, what is appropriate Headword location(s)
decrease (v.)
malapropism for ‘increase’ Headword location(s)
decree (n.)
arrangement, decision, resolve Headword location(s)
decree (n.)
decision, judgement Headword location(s)
decree (v.)
arrange, decide, resolve Headword location(s)
dedicate (adj.)
dedicated, devoted, committed Headword location(s)
dedicated (adj.)
of dedication, inscribed Headword location(s)
deed (n.) Old form(s): deede
performance, action Headword location(s)
deed-achieving (adj.) Old form(s): deed-atchieuing
achieved by deeds, won by actions Headword location(s)
deedless (adj.) Old form(s): deedelesse
performing no deeds, inactive Headword location(s)
deem (n.) Old form(s): deeme
thought, notion, opinion Headword location(s)
deem (v.) Old form(s): deeme
judge, estimate, appraise Headword location(s)
deep (adj.) Old form(s): deepe
subtle, intricate, complex Headword location(s)
deep (adj.)
loud, resounding; low-pitched Headword location(s)
deep (adj.) Old form(s): deepe
profound, esoteric, occult Headword location(s)
deep (adj.) Old form(s): deepe
solemn, weighty, important Headword location(s)
deep (adj.) Old form(s): deepe
deeply cunning, profound in craft Headword location(s)
deep (adj.) Old form(s): deepe
deadly, grave, mortal Headword location(s)
deep (adj.) Old form(s): deepe
learned, profound, erudite Headword location(s)
deep (adj.) Old form(s): deepe
large, heavy, serious Headword location(s)
deep (n.) Old form(s): deepe
depths, middle Headword location(s)
deep-drawing (adj.) Old form(s): deepe-drawing
displacing great depth of water, heavily-laden Headword location(s)
deep-fet (adj.)
draw from deep within Headword location(s)
deeply (adv.) Old form(s): deepely
profoundly, thoroughly, sincerely Headword location(s)
deeply (adv.) Old form(s): deepely
loudly, sonorously, resoundingly Headword location(s)
deeply (adv.)
solemnly, with great seriousness Headword location(s)
deep-revolving (adj.) Old form(s): deepe reuoluing
deeply considering, meditating, pondering see also revolve (v.) Headword location(s)
deer (n.) Old form(s): Deare
animal, beast Headword location(s)
deface (v.)
disfigure, defame, mar Headword location(s)
deface (v.) Old form(s): defac'd
[heraldry] efface, obliterate, blot out Headword location(s)
defame (n.)
disgrace, infamy, dishonour Headword location(s)
defame (v.) Old form(s): defam'd
dishonour, disgrace, make infamous Headword location(s)
default (n.)
failure, negligence, oversight Headword location(s)
default (n.)
offence, fault, misdeed Headword location(s)
default (n.)
[unclear meaning] absence, lack, want Headword location(s)
defeat (n.) Old form(s): defeate
act of destruction, ruin Headword location(s)
defeat (v.)
frustrate, bring to nought Headword location(s)
defeat (v.) Old form(s): defeate
deface, disfigure, disguise Headword location(s)
defeat (v.) Old form(s): defeate
destroy, ruin, wreck Headword location(s)
defeat (v.)
refute, resist Headword location(s)
defeat (v.)
defraud, deprive Headword location(s)
defeature (n.)
disfigurement, defacement, loss of beauty Headword location(s)
defect (n.)
malapropism for ‘effect’ Headword location(s)
defect (n.)
deficiency, shortcoming Headword location(s)
defence (n.)
fencing, swordsmanship, skill of self-defence Headword location(s)
defence (n.)
self-defence, resisting attack Headword location(s)
defence (n.)
arms, armour, means of defence Headword location(s)
defend (v.)
forbid, prohibit Headword location(s)
defendant (adj.)
defensive, protective Headword location(s)
defensible (adj.)
defendable, capable of providing a defence Headword location(s)
defer (v.) Old form(s): Deferre
waste, put off, delay Headword location(s)
defiance (n.)
renunciation, disowning, rejection; or: contempt Headword location(s)
defier (n.)
herald declaring war Headword location(s)
defier (n.) Old form(s): defyer
challenger, confronter, denouncer Headword location(s)
defile (v.) Old form(s): defil'de
make filthy, pollute, dirty Headword location(s)
define (v.)
present, set forth, characterize Headword location(s)
define (v.)
explain, elucidate, clarify Headword location(s)
definement (n.)
description, definition, delineation Headword location(s)
definitive (adj.) Old form(s): definitiue
decided, final, determined Headword location(s)
deformed (adj.)
deforming, disfiguring; or: deformed, disfigured Headword location(s)
defunct (n.)
dead person, deceased Headword location(s)
defunction (n.)
death, decease Headword location(s)
defunctive (adj.) Old form(s): defunctiue
to do with dying, funereal Headword location(s)
defuse (v.)
disguise, obscure, make indistinct see also diffuse (v.) Headword location(s)
defused (adj.)
disorderly, mixed-up, jumbled see also diffused (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
defy (v.) Old form(s): defi'de , defie
reject, despise, disdain, renounce Headword location(s)
defy (v.) Old form(s): defie
distrust, suspect, doubt Headword location(s)
degrade (v.)
lower in rank, reduce in degree Headword location(s)
degree (n.)
rank, station, standing Headword location(s)
degree (n.)
step, stage, rung Headword location(s)
degree (n.)
measure, extent, amount Headword location(s)
degree (n.)
condition, state of being, stage of life Headword location(s)
degree (n.)
respect, way, manner Headword location(s)
degree, by
little by little, bit by bit Headword location(s)
deify (v.)
adore as a god, idolize Headword location(s)
deign (v.) Old form(s): daigne , daine
willingly accept, not disdain Headword location(s)
deign (v.) Old form(s): deine
be willing, think fit Headword location(s)
deject (adj.) Old form(s): deiect
dejected, downcast, cast down Headword location(s)
deject (v.)
humble, abase, cast down Headword location(s)
deject (v.) Old form(s): deiect
lower, reduce, lessen Headword location(s)
dejected (adj.) Old form(s): deiected
cast down, abased, humbled Headword location(s)
delated (adj.) Old form(s): dilated
reported in detail, detailed, expanded Headword location(s)
delay (n.)
set of delaying tactics, procrastination Headword location(s)
delay (v.)
quench, subdue, allay Headword location(s)
deliberate (adj.)
calculating, carefully considering Headword location(s)
delicate (adj.)
finely wrought, skilfully made, ingenious Headword location(s)
delicate (adj.)
fine in quality, of exquisite nature, dainty Headword location(s)
delicate (adj.)
sensitive, tender, not robust Headword location(s)
delicate (adj.)
cunning, ingenious, skilful Headword location(s)
delicate (adj.)
pleasant, delightful, congenial Headword location(s)
delicate (adj.)
pleasure-seeking, voluptuous, self-indulgent Headword location(s)
delicate (n.)
delicacy, luxury, delight Headword location(s)
delight (n.)
pleasure, enjoyment Headword location(s)
delighted (adj.)
delightful, joyful, pleasing Headword location(s)
delighted (adj.)
endowed with delight Headword location(s)
delightful (adj.)
full of delight, experiencing great pleasure Headword location(s)
deliver (v.) Old form(s): Deliuer , deliuerd , deliuer'd , deliuers
hand over, convey, commit to the keeping [of someone] Headword location(s)
deliver (v.) Old form(s): deliuer, deliuered, deliuers
present, show, display Headword location(s)
deliver (v.) Old form(s): deliuer
express one's mind, disburden in speech Headword location(s)
deliver (v.) Old form(s): deliuer , deliuer'd , deliuered , deliuers, Deliverd
report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe Headword location(s)
deliver (v.) Old form(s): deliuer , deliuer'd , deliuering
free, release, liberate Headword location(s)
deliver (v.) Old form(s): deliuered
be born, bring forth Headword location(s)
deliver up (v.) Old form(s): Deliuer vp , Deliuer'd vp
surrender, yield, give up totally Headword location(s)
deliverance (n.) Old form(s): deliuerance
delivery, giving birth Headword location(s)
deliverance (n.) Old form(s): deliuerance
delivery, utterance, reporting Headword location(s)
deliverly (adv.)
nimbly, lightly, sprightly Headword location(s)
delivery (n.) Old form(s): deliuerie
account, statement, narration Headword location(s)
delivery (n.) Old form(s): deliuery
release, deliverance, freedom Headword location(s)
Delphos (n.)
island of Delphi, C Greece, famous for its oracle see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
delver (n.) Old form(s): Deluer
[grave]digger, excavator Headword location(s)
demand (n.)
question, enquiry, request Headword location(s)
demand (n.)
condition, request, claim Headword location(s)
demand (v.) Old form(s): demaund
request to tell, question, ask [about] Headword location(s)
demand (v.)
ask for, claim Headword location(s)
demean (v.) Old form(s): demean'd , demeane
behave, conduct, comport [oneself] Headword location(s)
demerit (n.) Old form(s): demerites
(plural) merits, deserts, deserving Headword location(s)
demesne (n.) Old form(s): Demeanes
(plural) territories, lands, dominions Headword location(s)
demi-Atlas (n.) Old form(s): demy Atlas
supporter of half the world Headword location(s)
demi-cannon (n.) Old form(s): demi cannon
type of large gun see also Weapons Headword location(s)
demi-coronal (n.) Old form(s): Demy Coronall
small coronet Headword location(s)
demi-devil (n.) Old form(s): demy-Diuell
half-devil Headword location(s)
demi-natured (adj.) Old form(s): demy-Natur'd
of a shared nature Headword location(s)
demi-puppet (n.) Old form(s): demy-Puppets
tiny puppet, dwarf-like creature Headword location(s)
demise (v.)
transmit, confer, convey Headword location(s)
demi-wolf (n.) Old form(s): Demy-Wolues
dog/wolf cross-breed Headword location(s)
demon (n.)
ministering spirit, guardian angel see also daemon (n.) Headword location(s)
demonstrate (v.)
manifest, show, display Headword location(s)
demure (adj.)
grave, serious, sober, solemn Headword location(s)
demure (v.)
look demurely, gaze decorously Headword location(s)
demurely (adv.)
gently, in a subdued way; or: solemnly Headword location(s)
den (n.)
[as in 'good den'] evening see also Greetings Headword location(s)
denay (n.)
denial, refusal, rejection Headword location(s)
denay (v.) Old form(s): denay'd
deny Headword location(s)
denier (n.) Old form(s): deniere
tenth of a penny [trivial sum, paltry amount] see also Money Headword location(s)
Denis, Saint
in Christian tradition, the first apostle of France, 3rd-c see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
denote (v.) Old form(s): deuote
mark out, single out, distinguish Headword location(s)
denote (v.) Old form(s): deonte
portray, depict, represent Headword location(s)
denotement (n.)
account, description, making known see also devotement (n.) Headword location(s)
denotement (n.)
[Q variant] indication, sign, clue see also dilation (n.) Headword location(s)
denounce (v.) Old form(s): Denounc'd
declare, proclaim, announce Headword location(s)
denunciation (n.)
proclamation, public announcement, official declaration Headword location(s)
deny (v.)
refuse to talk about Headword location(s)
deny (v.) Old form(s): denide, denie , deny'de
refuse, rebuff, reject Headword location(s)
deny (v.) Old form(s): Denie
disown, disavow, renounce Headword location(s)
deny (v.) Old form(s): deni'de , denie, denied'st , Deny'd , denyde , denye
disallow, forbid, refuse permission [for] Headword location(s)
deny (v.) Old form(s): denie, deny'de , denyest
refuse, decline, scorn Headword location(s)
deny (v.)
refuse admittance to, keep out Headword location(s)
depart (n.)
departure, departing, leave-taking Headword location(s)
depart (n.)
death, passing away Headword location(s)
depart (v.) Old form(s): depatt
separate, part company, take leave of one another Headword location(s)
depart with (v.)
part with, give away Headword location(s)
depart withal (v.) Old form(s): withall
surrender, give up Headword location(s)
departing (n.)
separation, parting, division Headword location(s)
departure (n.)
death, decease, demise Headword location(s)
depend (v.)
lean, rest, recline Headword location(s)
depend (v.)
persist, continue, remain hanging Headword location(s)
depend (v.)
have consequences for, menace, hover over Headword location(s)
depend on / upon (v.)
serve, support, rely on Headword location(s)