wagtail (n.) |
Old form(s): wagtaile |
[contemptuous form of address] tail-wagger, bower and scraper
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wail (v.) |
Old form(s): waile , wailes , wayle , Wayling |
bewail, lament, grieve [for]
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wait on / upon (v.) |
Old form(s): vpon , waite , waites , waites vpon , waytes vpon |
accompany, attend
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walk (n.) |
Old form(s): walke |
area of a forest under the supervision of a forester
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wantonness (n.) |
Old form(s): wantonesse, wantonnes |
libertine, seducer, womanizer
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wantonness (n.) |
Old form(s): wantonesse, wantonnes, wantonnesse |
lust, lasciviousness, promiscuity
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wappened (adj.) |
Old form(s): wappen'd |
[unclear meaning] worn-out, weary, exhausted [perhaps sexually]
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ward (n.) |
Old form(s): Wardes, word |
[fencing] defensive posture, parrying movement
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warranty (n.) |
Old form(s): warrantie , warrantis |
authorization, permission, sanction
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wassail (n.) |
Old form(s): Vassailes, Wassell, Wassels |
drinking-party, carousal, revels
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wasteful (adj.) |
Old form(s): wastefull , wastfull |
destructive, devastating, ruinous
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watch-case (n.) |
[unclear meaning] receptacle containing a watch; place for keeping watch
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waterish (adj.) |
Old form(s): watrish |
abounding in water; also: wishy-washy, watered down
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waterwork (n.) |
Old form(s): Waterworke |
watercolour, distemper [imitating tapestry]
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waywardness (n.) |
Old form(s): way-wardnesse |
perversity, wrong-headedness, capriciousness
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wealsman (n.) |
Old form(s): Weales men |
public servant, one devoted to the well-being of the state
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weeping-ripe (adj.) |
Old form(s): weeping ripe |
ready to weep, on the point of tears
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weird (adj.) |
Old form(s): weyard, weyward |
controlling human fate or destiny, a weird sister was one of the Fates; only with reference to the witches in Macbeth
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well-favoured (adj.) |
Old form(s): wel fauor'd, wel-fauoured , well fauour'd., well fauoured, well-fauourd, well-fauour'd |
good-looking, attractive in appearance
see also
hard-favoured (adj.)
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well-forwarning (adj.) |
Old form(s): well fore-warning |
giving an accurate early warning, truth-predicting
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well-found (adj.) |
Old form(s): well found |
of proven merit, of established reputation, commendable
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well-sinewed (adj.) |
Old form(s): well sinew'd |
well-strengthened, strongly prepared
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well-willer (n.) |
Old form(s): well willer |
well-wisher, one who offers good will
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well-wished (adj.) |
Old form(s): wel-wisht |
accompanied by good wishes, much loved
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wheel (n.) |
Old form(s): wheele |
[unclear meaning] song refrain; or: spinning-wheel
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white-livered (adj.) |
Old form(s): White-liuer'd |
lily-livered, cowardly, feeble-spirited
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whiting-time (n.) |
Old form(s): whiting time |
whitening time, time for clothes-bleaching
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wholesome (adj.) |
Old form(s): wholsome, wholsomst |
good for the health, health-giving, salubrious
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wholesome (adj.) |
Old form(s): wholsome |
profitable, valuable, promoting well-being
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wholesome (adj.) |
Old form(s): wholsom , wholsome |
sound, firm, in good condition
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wholesome-profitable (adj.) |
Old form(s): wholsome profitable |
beneficial to well-being
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whoremaster (adj.) |
Old form(s): Whore-master |
lecherous, fornicating, licentious
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whoremaster (n.) |
Old form(s): Whore-master |
fornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores
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whoremasterly (adj.) |
Old form(s): whore-maisterly |
lecherous, having the character of a whoremaster
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whoremonger (n.) |
Old form(s): Whore-monger |
fornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores
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whoreson (adj.) |
Old form(s): horson , whorson |
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
see also
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whoreson (n.) |
Old form(s): horson, whorsons |
[son of a whore; serious or jocular term of abuse] fellow, bastard
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wide-enlarged (adj.) |
Old form(s): wide enlarg'd |
widespread; or: greatly endowed
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widowhood (n.) |
Old form(s): widdow-hood |
estate settled upon a widow, widow's rights
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wildfire (n.) |
Old form(s): wild fire , Wild-fire |
flaming gunpowder; also: will o' the wisp; type of eruptive disease
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willow (adj.) |
made of leaves from the willow tree [a symbol of the grief felt by a deserted or unrequited lover]
see also
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win (v.) |
Old form(s): winne , winnes , wonne |
gain advantage [over], get the better [of]
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wind of, have the |
Old form(s): winde |
[hunting] stay downwind of; stay in a safe position in relation to
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wind, keep the |
Old form(s): keepes, winde |
stay downwind of a quarry [so as to maintain a scent]
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wind, recover the |
Old form(s): recouer winde |
[in hunting] get to the windward side
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windlass (n.) |
Old form(s): windlesses |
circuit made to intercept game while hunting; roundabout way
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windy (adj.) |
Old form(s): windie |
windward, situated towards the wind [so that scent will travel away from the follower]
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wink on (v.) |
Old form(s): winke |
give someone a significant glance, invite with a look
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wise woman, wisewoman (n.) |
Old form(s): Wise-woman |
fortune-teller, witch, sorceress
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withhold (v.) |
Old form(s): with-hold , with-holde |
restrain, hold back, keep in check
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wits, also five wits |
Old form(s): fiue , wittes |
faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses)
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wittol (n.) |
Old form(s): Wittoll |
compliant cuckold, man who accepts his wife's infidelity
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wonder (v.) |
Old form(s): wonder'd, wondred , wondring |
marvel [at], be astonished [at]
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wondered (adj.) |
Old form(s): wondred |
to be wondered at, performing such wonders
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woodcock (n.) |
Old form(s): Woodcocke |
type of game bird, thought to be easily tricked or snared; simpleton
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work upon (v.) |
Old form(s): vp, worke vpon, worke vppon |
practise on, work upon, act on
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workman (n.) |
Old form(s): Workeman, Workemen, workemqn |
craftsman, skilled worker
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wormwood (n.) |
Old form(s): worm wood , Worme-wood |
absinthe plant, known for its bitter taste
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worthless (adj.) |
Old form(s): worthles , worthlesse |
unworthy, contemptible, ignoble
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wrack (v.) |
Old form(s): wrack'd , wrackt , wrack't |
wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea
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wreakful (adj.) |
Old form(s): wreakefull , wrekefull |
vengeful, retributive; relentless
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wretchedness (n.) |
Old form(s): wretchednesse |
humble people, the poor, the lowly
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writ (n.) |
plays written according to traditional rules of drama; also: a district of the city subject to a sheriff's legal order [i.e. less suitable for theatres]
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wrong-incensed (adj.) |
Old form(s): wrong incensed |
inflamed with wrath, kindled with rage
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