If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
wad (v.)
Scottish pronunciation of 'would' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
wafer-cake (n.)
type of thin, lightweight cake Headword location(s)
waft (v.)
beckon, wave [at], signal Headword location(s)
waft (v.)
turn derisively, direct scornfully Headword location(s)
waft (v.)
carry, convey, transport [over the sea] Headword location(s)
waft over (v.) Old form(s): o're
carry across, transport Headword location(s)
waftage (n.)
passage, conveyance by water Headword location(s)
wafture (n.) Old form(s): wafter
waving, gesture, flourish Headword location(s)
wag (n.) Old form(s): Wagge, wagges
fellow, lad, mischievous boy Headword location(s)
wag (v.) Old form(s): wagge , wagges
move, stir, rouse Headword location(s)
wag (v.)
go off, depart, go on one's way Headword location(s)
wag (v.) Old form(s): wagge
talk foolishly, utter silly remarks Headword location(s)
wage (v.) Old form(s): wadg'd
pay, recompense, reward Headword location(s)
wage (v.)
stake, hazard Headword location(s)
wage (v.) Old form(s): wag'd
struggle, do battle, vie Headword location(s)
wage (v.)
risk, venture upon, engage in Headword location(s)
wage (v.)
compete, be a rival to, measure up to Headword location(s)
waggish (adj.)
playful, mischievous, impish Headword location(s)
waggon, wagon (n.)
carriage, coach Headword location(s)
waggoner, wagoner (n.)
driver, charioteer Headword location(s)
wagtail (n.) Old form(s): wagtaile
[contemptuous form of address] tail-wagger, bower and scraper Headword location(s)
wail (v.) Old form(s): waile , wailes , wayle , Wayling
bewail, lament, grieve [for] Headword location(s)
wailful (adj.) Old form(s): walefull
plaintive, disconsolate, wistful Headword location(s)
wain-rope (n.) Old form(s): waine-ropes
waggon-rope Headword location(s)
wainscot (n.)
wooden panelling Headword location(s)
waist (n.) Old form(s): Waste
middle [of the upper deck], centre see also Ships Headword location(s)
waist (n.) Old form(s): wast, waste
belt, girdle Headword location(s)
wait (v.) Old form(s): waite, wayted
be in attendance, do service Headword location(s)
wait on / upon (v.) Old form(s): waites vpon
follow, obey, pay attention to Headword location(s)
wait on / upon (v.) Old form(s): wayt
go on before, proceed ahead of Headword location(s)
wait on / upon (v.)
depend on, be subject to Headword location(s)
wait on / upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon , waite , waites , waites vpon , waytes vpon
accompany, attend Headword location(s)
wait on / upon (v.)
attend to, pay attention to, not ignore Headword location(s)
wait on / upon (v.) Old form(s): waite vpon
follow in escort, attend Headword location(s)
waiting-gentlewoman (n.)
lady-in-waiting Headword location(s)
wake (n.)
state of wakefulness Headword location(s)
wake (n.)
festival, revel, fete Headword location(s)
wake (v.)
remain awake, stay up Headword location(s)
wake (v.)
urge, arouse; or: trouble, disturb Headword location(s)
wake out (v.)
cause to come out through staying awake Headword location(s)
waked (adj.) Old form(s): wak'd
awakened, aroused, roused Headword location(s)
waking (adj.)
awake, wakeful Headword location(s)
walk (n.) Old form(s): walke
area of a forest under the supervision of a forester Headword location(s)
walk (n.) Old form(s): Walke, walkes
garden path, walkway Headword location(s)
walk (v.)
walk aside, withdraw to duel Headword location(s)
walk (v.) Old form(s): walke
exercise, take out walking Headword location(s)
walk in (v.) Old form(s): walke
come in, enter Headword location(s)
wall (v.)
shut off, block, impede Headword location(s)
wall, take the
take the inside position, keep to the cleaner side of a path Headword location(s)
wallet (n.)
protruding lump, bulging growth Headword location(s)
wallet (n.)
bag, knapsack Headword location(s)
wall-eyed Old form(s): wall-ey'd
with glaring eyes Headword location(s)
wall-newt (n.) Old form(s): wall-Neut
lizard on the wall Headword location(s)
wan (v.)
grow pale, turn pale Headword location(s)
wand (n.)
rod, staff Headword location(s)
wandering (adj.)
straying, erring, disloyal Headword location(s)
wandering (adj.) Old form(s): wandring
[astrology] having its own motion see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
wandering (adj.) Old form(s): wandring
lost, straying from the correct path Headword location(s)
waned (adj.) Old form(s): wained , wand
faded, diminished [in beauty] Headword location(s)
wanion, with a
with a vengeance, with a plague Headword location(s)
wanny (adj.)
wan, pallid, pale Headword location(s)
want (n.)
lack, shortage, dearth Headword location(s)
want (n.)
absence, non-appearance, non-attendance Headword location(s)
want (n.)
need, requirement, necessity Headword location(s)
want (v.) Old form(s): want'st
lack, need, be without see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
want (v.)
miss, feel the loss of Headword location(s)
want (v.) Old form(s): want'st
require, demand, need Headword location(s)
want (v.)
fall short [of], be deficient [in] Headword location(s)
wanting (n.)
needs, wants Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
carefree, light-hearted, frolicsome, playful Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
[jocularly] naughty, wicked, mischievous Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
feminine; or: child-like Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.) Old form(s): wonton
lascivious, lewd, obscene Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
luxuriant, flourishing, lush, profuse in growth Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
cruelly irresponsible, badly behaved Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
sexually hot, passionate, sportive Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
equivocal, ambiguous, uncontrollable Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
gay, lively, cheerful Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
merciless, cruel, pitiless Headword location(s)
wanton (adj.)
casual, gentle Headword location(s)
wanton (adv.)
lasciviously, lewdly Headword location(s)
wanton (n.)
spoilt child, pampered baby, weakling Headword location(s)
wanton (n.)
libertine, seducer Headword location(s)
wanton (n.)
young rogue, scamp, rascal Headword location(s)
wanton (n.)
wilful creature, obstinate individual Headword location(s)
wanton (n.)
mistress, paramour, lover Headword location(s)
wanton (n.)
harlot, whore Headword location(s)
wanton (v.)
play, sport, frolic Headword location(s)
wantonly (adv.)
playfully, frolicsomely, unrestrainedly Headword location(s)
wantonness (n.) Old form(s): Wantonnesse
foolish behaviour, caprice, whims Headword location(s)
wantonness (n.) Old form(s): wantonesse, wantonnes
libertine, seducer, womanizer Headword location(s)
wantonness (n.) Old form(s): wantonesse, wantonnes, wantonnesse
lust, lasciviousness, promiscuity Headword location(s)
wantons, play the
dally, trifle, sport Headword location(s)
want-wit (adj.)
senseless, stupid, ridiculous Headword location(s)
wappened (adj.) Old form(s): wappen'd
[unclear meaning] worn-out, weary, exhausted [perhaps sexually] Headword location(s)
war (v.) Old form(s): Warre
make war, fight, do battle Headword location(s)
war, town of (n.) Old form(s): Towne, warre
garrison town, fortified town Headword location(s)
ward (n.) Old form(s): warde
cell [in a prison] Headword location(s)
ward (n.) Old form(s): Wardes, word
[fencing] defensive posture, parrying movement Headword location(s)
ward (n.)
person under someone's protection, minor see also ward, in Headword location(s)
ward (n.)
type of political administrative district Headword location(s)
ward (n.)
custody, imprisonment Headword location(s)
ward (n.)
catch inside a lock; lock Headword location(s)
ward (n.)
guard, protection, defence Headword location(s)
ward (v.)
protect, defend, guard Headword location(s)
ward, in
as a ward, under guardianship see also ward (n.) 5 Headword location(s)
warden (adj.)
made from a variety of baking pear Headword location(s)
warder (n.)
guard, sentry, watchman Headword location(s)
warder (n.)
staff, truncheon, baton Headword location(s)
ware (adj.)
aware, conscious, sensible Headword location(s)
ware (adj.)
wary, cautious, guarded Headword location(s)
Ware (n.)
[pron: wair] town in Hertfordshire see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
warm (adj.) Old form(s): warme
well-to-do, affluent, comfortably off Headword location(s)
warm (adj.) Old form(s): warme
warmed, well-aired Headword location(s)
warn (v.) Old form(s): warn'd , warne
summon, send for, officially call Headword location(s)
warn (v.) Old form(s): warne
challenge, confront, defy Headword location(s)
warn (v.)
[unclear meaing] warrant, protect, preserve see also Swearing Headword location(s)
warp (v.) Old form(s): warpe
turn, twist, change Headword location(s)
warp (v.) Old form(s): warpe
go wrong, go astray Headword location(s)
warp (v.) Old form(s): warpe
reduce, shrink, lessen Headword location(s)
warp (v.) Old form(s): warpe
deviate, turn away, diverge Headword location(s)
warp (v.) Old form(s): warpt
distort, pervert, deform Headword location(s)
warped (adj.)
twisted, distorted Headword location(s)
war-proof (n.) Old form(s): Warre-proofe
valour tested in war Headword location(s)
warrant (n.)
assurance, pledge, guarantee Headword location(s)
warrant (n.)
licence, sanction, authorization Headword location(s)
warrant (n.)
token, sign, evidence, proof Headword location(s)
warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
warrant (v.)
protect, preserve, keep safe see also Swearing Headword location(s)
warrant (v.)
authorize, sanction, license Headword location(s)
warrant (v.)
tell, assure, give good grounds to Headword location(s)
warrant (v.)
act as a pledge for, give an assurance about Headword location(s)
warrant (v.)
justify, defend, stand up for Headword location(s)
warrant, of
allowed, warranted, justifiable Headword location(s)
warrant, out of
illegal, unlawful, banned Headword location(s)
warranted (adj.)
justified, legitimate, rightful see also well-warranted (adj.) Headword location(s)
warrantise, warrantize (n.)
authorization, surety, guarantee Headword location(s)
warranty (n.) Old form(s): warrantie , warrantis
authorization, permission, sanction Headword location(s)
warren (n.)
hunting park, land used for breeding game Headword location(s)
warrener (n.)
keeper of a rabbit warren Headword location(s)
wash (n.)
kitchen swill, hogwash Headword location(s)
wash (v.)
make damp, moisten, wet Headword location(s)
wash a tile Old form(s): washd
labour in vain, work to no purpose Headword location(s)
Washes (n.)
the Wash; shallow inlet of the North Sea on E coast of England see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
Washford (n.)
Wexford, city in Leinster, SE Ireland see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
washing (adj.)
swashing, slashing Headword location(s)
waspish-headed (adj.) Old form(s): waspish headed
peevish, irascible, spiteful Headword location(s)
wassail (n.) Old form(s): Vassailes, Wassell, Wassels
drinking-party, carousal, revels Headword location(s)
waste (n.) Old form(s): wast
desolate time or place Headword location(s)
waste (n.)
wasting, devastation, ravages Headword location(s)
waste (n.)
[legal] damage to property by a tenant Headword location(s)
waste (n.)
lavish spending, extra expenditure Headword location(s)
waste (n.)
wasteland, wild domain Headword location(s)
waste (v.) Old form(s): wast
pass, spend, while away Headword location(s)
waste (v.)
consume, use up Headword location(s)
waste (v.)
lay waste, ravage, devastate Headword location(s)
waste (v.)
squander, wear away, lay waste to Headword location(s)
waste (v.) Old form(s): wast
efface, wipe out, destroy Headword location(s)
wasted (adj.)
spent, consumed, burnt-out Headword location(s)
wasted (adj.)
laid waste, ravaged, ruined Headword location(s)
wasteful (adj.)
causing the body to waste away, wasting Headword location(s)
wasteful (adj.) Old form(s): wastefull , wastfull
destructive, devastating, ruinous Headword location(s)
wasting (adj.)
destructive, devastating, ravaging Headword location(s)
watch (n.)
sleepless state, wakefulness Headword location(s)
watch (n.)
watchmen, officers, street patrol Headword location(s)
watch (n.)
time interval, period of time Headword location(s)
watch (n.)
dial, clock face Headword location(s)
watch (n.)
signal, watchword, call Headword location(s)
watch (n.)
watcher, watchman, observer Headword location(s)
watch (v.)
be on the watch for, look out for Headword location(s)
watch (v.) Old form(s): Watcht
keep the watch, keep guard, be on the lookout Headword location(s)
watch (v.) Old form(s): watch'd, watcht
stay awake, keep vigil Headword location(s)
watch (v.)
keep watch on, look out over Headword location(s)
watch (v.) Old form(s): watcht
keep in view, catch in the act Headword location(s)
watch (v.)
[falconry, in taming a hawk] prevent from sleeping, keep awake Headword location(s)
watch-case (n.)
[unclear meaning] receptacle containing a watch; place for keeping watch Headword location(s)
watcher (n.)
one who stays wide-awake Headword location(s)
watchful (adj.) Old form(s): watchfull
wakeful, unsleeping, vigilant Headword location(s)
watching (n.)
wakefulness, sleeplessness, vigilance Headword location(s)
water (n.)
water-newt Headword location(s)
water (n.)
tears Headword location(s)
water (n.)
lustre, sheen, quality Headword location(s)
water (n.)
urine Headword location(s)
water (n.)
[in expressions] see also cast the water Headword location(s)
water-gall (n.) Old form(s): watergalls
rainbow-like halo Headword location(s)
waterish (adj.) Old form(s): watrish
abounding in water; also: wishy-washy, watered down Headword location(s)
water-rug (n.)
rough-haired water-dog Headword location(s)
water-standing (adj.)
flooded with tears Headword location(s)
waterwork (n.) Old form(s): Waterworke
watercolour, distemper [imitating tapestry] Headword location(s)
watery (adj.) Old form(s): watry
made of water-drops, aqueous Headword location(s)
watery (adj.) Old form(s): watry
moist, clammy, salivating Headword location(s)
wave (v.) Old form(s): waued
waver, vacillate, alternate Headword location(s)
wave (v.) Old form(s): wauing
move up and down, incline Headword location(s)
wavering (adj.) Old form(s): wauering
inconstant, fickle, capricious Headword location(s)
wawl (v.) Old form(s): wawle
yell, howl, bawl Headword location(s)
wax (n.)
[in expressions] see also man of wax Headword location(s)
wax (v.)
grow, increase, enlarge Headword location(s)
wax (v.) Old form(s): waxe , waxt
grow, become, turn Headword location(s)
waxen (adj.)
written on wax, perishable, quickly worn away Headword location(s)
waxen (v.)
increase, grow Headword location(s)
waxing (adj.)
incoming, growing, increasing Headword location(s)
way (n.) Old form(s): waies
best path, course of action Headword location(s)
way (n.)
entrance, access, path Headword location(s)
way (n.)
journey, expedition, outing Headword location(s)
way (n.)
course, passage Headword location(s)
way (n.) Old form(s): waies
path, track, trail Headword location(s)
way (n.) Old form(s): wayes
direction, route, path Headword location(s)
way (n.)
opportunity, scope Headword location(s)
way (n.)
calling, vocation, profession Headword location(s)
way (n.)
[in expressions] see also give way Headword location(s)
way (n.)
[in expressions] see also great way Headword location(s)
way (n.)
[in expressions] see also keep your way Headword location(s)
way of, in (prep.)
of the nature of, as a point of Headword location(s)
way, by the
on the way, on the journey Headword location(s)
way, on one's
pregnant, with child Headword location(s)
ways, come thy / your Old form(s): waies, wayes
come along see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
ways, come thy / your Old form(s): waies, wayes
come along see also Farewells Headword location(s)
ways, go thy / your Old form(s): goe, wayes, waies
get along, be off see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
ways, go thy / your Old form(s): goe, wayes, waies
get along, be off see also Farewells Headword location(s)
ways, go thy / your Old form(s): goe, waies, Goe, wayes
carry on, go ahead Headword location(s)
ways, go thy / your Old form(s): goe, wayes , waies
well done Headword location(s)
wayward (adj.) Old form(s): way-ward
perverse, unreasonable, awkward Headword location(s)
wayward (adj.)
hostile, contrary, antagonistic Headword location(s)
wayward (adj.)
changeable, capricious, erratic Headword location(s)
waywarder (n.)
obstinate, wilful, self-willed [person] Headword location(s)
waywardness (n.) Old form(s): way-wardnesse
perversity, wrong-headedness, capriciousness Headword location(s)
weak (adj.) Old form(s): weake
contemptible, despicable, dishonourable Headword location(s)
weak (adj.) Old form(s): weake
weakening, debilitating, enfeebling Headword location(s)
weak (adj.) Old form(s): weake
of little worth, wanting, deficient Headword location(s)
weak-built (adj.) Old form(s): weake-built
on poor foundation, ungrounded Headword location(s)
weaken (v.)
lower, reduce, lessen Headword location(s)
weal (n.) Old form(s): weale
welfare, well-being, prosperity Headword location(s)
weal (n.) Old form(s): weale
state, community, commonwealth Headword location(s)
wealsman (n.) Old form(s): Weales men
public servant, one devoted to the well-being of the state Headword location(s)
wealth (n.)
welfare, well-being, prosperity Headword location(s)
wean (v.) Old form(s): weane
bring up, train Headword location(s)
wean (v.) Old form(s): weane
separate, detach, alienate Headword location(s)
wear (n.) Old form(s): weare
fashion, vogue, trend Headword location(s)
wear (v.) Old form(s): weare
wear out, weary, tire Headword location(s)
wear (v.) Old form(s): weares
pass, waste, run out Headword location(s)
wear (v.) Old form(s): weare
possess, enjoy, have Headword location(s)
wear (v.) Old form(s): weare, weares
fashion, adapt, conform Headword location(s)
wear (v.)
be the fashion, be trendy Headword location(s)
wear (v.) Old form(s): weare
have, experience Headword location(s)
wear out (v.) Old form(s): weare
outlive, survive, outlast Headword location(s)
wear out (v.)
pass, spend Headword location(s)
wearing (n.)
clothing, dress, garments Headword location(s)
wearing (n.)
possession, having, enjoyment Headword location(s)
wearing, worst
most unfashionable, least stylish Headword location(s)
weary (adj.)
wearisome, tedious, long-drawn-out Headword location(s)
weasand, wezand (n.)
throat, windpipe, gullet Headword location(s)
weather (n.)
tempest, storm Headword location(s)
weather, in the
in an exposed situation, open to the elements Headword location(s)
weather, keep the Old form(s): keepes
keep to the windward side Headword location(s)
weather, make fair Old form(s): faire wether
appear friendly, be conciliatory Headword location(s)
weather-fend (v.)
defend from the weather, shelter Headword location(s)
weaved-up (adj.) Old form(s): weau'd-vp
woven together, intertwined Headword location(s)
web and the pin, pin and web
disease of the eye, cataract Headword location(s)
wedding-dower (n.)
dowry, property or wealth given with a wife see also dower (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
wedge (n.)
ingot Headword location(s)
wedge (v.)
cleave, split [as with a wedge] Headword location(s)
wee away (v.)
F spelling of 'oui' see also oui away (v.) Headword location(s)
weed (n.) Old form(s): Weedes
(plural) garments, dress, clothes Headword location(s)
weed (n.) Old form(s): weede
garment, piece of clothing Headword location(s)
weed (v.) Old form(s): weede
[debated usage] weed out, root out Headword location(s)
weedy (adj.)
made of weeds Headword location(s)
week, in by the Old form(s): weeke
hopelessly caught, trapped Headword location(s)
ween (v.) Old form(s): Weene
think, intend, expect, be minded Headword location(s)
weepingly (adv.) Old form(s): wepingly
tearfully, with many tears Headword location(s)
weeping-ripe (adj.) Old form(s): weeping ripe
ready to weep, on the point of tears Headword location(s)
weet (v.) Old form(s): weete
know Headword location(s)
weigh (v.) Old form(s): waigh , Waighes , weigh'd
consider, take into account Headword location(s)
weigh (v.) Old form(s): waygh
weigh anchor, heave up the anchor Headword location(s)
weigh (v.) Old form(s): waigh , weigh'd
balance [as in scales], poise, match Headword location(s)
weigh (v.) Old form(s): waigh
judge, rate, assess the value of Headword location(s)
weigh out (v.)
make amends for, compensate for Headword location(s)
weighing (adj.)
[in compounds] see also well-weighing (adj.) Headword location(s)
weight (n.) Old form(s): waight
burden of sorrow, sadness, affliction Headword location(s)
weighty (adj.) Old form(s): waightier
rigorous, severe, harsh Headword location(s)
weird (adj.) Old form(s): weyard, weyward
controlling human fate or destiny, a weird sister was one of the Fates; only with reference to the witches in Macbeth Headword location(s)
welfare (n.) Old form(s): wel-fare
being well, remaining healthy Headword location(s)
welked (adj.) Old form(s): wealk'd
twisted, ridged, convoluted Headword location(s)
welkin (adj.)
heavenly blue Headword location(s)
welkin (n.) Old form(s): welken
sky, firmament, heavens Headword location(s)
welkin, out of one's
out of one's element, none of one's business Headword location(s)
well (adj.)
fine, all right, satisfactory Headword location(s)
well (adv.)
in a state of happiness, in bliss Headword location(s)
well (adv.)
easily, clearly, readily Headword location(s)
well (adv.)
clearly, plainly, frankly Headword location(s)
well advised, well-advised (adv.)
in one's right mind, sane, rational Headword location(s)
well met
expression pf pleasure at meeting see also Greetings Headword location(s)
well said
well done see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
well said
well done see also said, well Headword location(s)
well to live (adj.) Old form(s): liue
well-to-do, well-off, prosperous Headword location(s)
well-a-day (int.)
exclamation of grief, sorrow, upset, etc see also Regrets Headword location(s)
well-a-day (n.) Old form(s): welladay
lamentation, grief, sorrowing see also Regrets Headword location(s)
well-advised (adj.) Old form(s): well aduis'd, well-aduised
prudent, sensible, thoughtful see also advised (adj.) 3 Headword location(s)
well-a-near (int.) Old form(s): wel-a-neare
alas, alack see also Regrets Headword location(s)
well-apparelled (adj.) Old form(s): well apparrel'd
well-dressed, nicely adorned see also apparel (n.) Headword location(s)
well-appointed (adj.) Old form(s): well appointed
well-equipped, properly fitted out see also appoint (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
well-beseeming (adj.) Old form(s): well beseeming
fine-looking, well-ordered see also ill-beseeming (adj.) Headword location(s)
well-breathed (adj.) Old form(s): wel breathd
strong in wind, well-exercised see also breathed (adj.) Headword location(s)
well-compact (adj.) Old form(s): well compact
well-formed, nicely put together see also compact (adj.) 2 Headword location(s)
well-dealing (adj.)
fair-dealing, conducting business well Headword location(s)
well-disposed (adj.)
see also disposed (adj.) 1, 2 Headword location(s)
well-divided (adj.) Old form(s): well diuided
well-balanced, evenly shared Headword location(s)
well-entered (adj.) Old form(s): well entred
well-trained, duly initiated Headword location(s)
well-favoured (adj.) Old form(s): wel fauor'd, wel-fauoured , well fauour'd., well fauoured, well-fauourd, well-fauour'd
good-looking, attractive in appearance see also hard-favoured (adj.) Headword location(s)
well-forwarning (adj.) Old form(s): well fore-warning
giving an accurate early warning, truth-predicting Headword location(s)
well-found (adj.)
commendable, meritorious, laudable Headword location(s)
well-found (adj.) Old form(s): well found
of proven merit, of established reputation, commendable Headword location(s)
well-graced (adj.) Old form(s): well grac'd
full of pleasing qualities, well-favoured see also graced (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
well-hallowed (adj.) Old form(s): wel-hallow'd
well-blessed, well-consecrated Headword location(s)
well-knit (adj.)
strongly built, well-constructed Headword location(s)
well-known (adj.) Old form(s): well knowne
certain, clear, apparent Headword location(s)
well-liking (adj.) Old form(s): Wel-liking
thriving, healthy, in good condition see also liking (n.) 3 Headword location(s)
well-lost (adj.) Old form(s): well lost
lost in a good cause Headword location(s)
well-minded (adj.)
right-minded, well-disposed, loyal Headword location(s)
well-respected (adj.)
well-considered, duly regarded see also respect (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
well-seeming (adj.) Old form(s): welseeing
attractively looking, presenting a plausible appearance see also seeming (adj.) Headword location(s)
well-sinewed (adj.) Old form(s): well sinew'd
well-strengthened, strongly prepared Headword location(s)
well-spoken (adj.) Old form(s): well spoken
refined, courteous, eloquent Headword location(s)
well-warranted (adj.)
highly approved, most justified see also warranted (adj.) Headword location(s)
well-weighing (adj.) Old form(s): well-waighing
heavy, weighty, significant Headword location(s)
well-willer (n.) Old form(s): well willer
well-wisher, one who offers good will Headword location(s)
well-wished (adj.) Old form(s): wel-wisht
accompanied by good wishes, much loved Headword location(s)
wen (n.)
swelling, tumour, lump Headword location(s)
wench (n.)
girl, lass see also Address forms Headword location(s)
wenching (adj.)
someone who hangs around with women Headword location(s)
wenchless (adj.) Old form(s): wenchlesse
lacking in women Headword location(s)
wench-like (adj.)
girlish, womanish, effeminate Headword location(s)
wend (v.)
direct, betake [oneself] Headword location(s)
weraday (int.) Old form(s): weladay
well-a-day, alas see also Regrets Headword location(s)
wert (v.)
2nd person singular, past tense of 'be' see also Verb forms Headword location(s)
westward (adv.)
over in the west, in the west country Headword location(s)
wet (v.)
weep for, lament with tears Headword location(s)
wet (v.)
[unclear meaning] bequeath, bestow; suffuse, steep Headword location(s)
wether (n.) Old form(s): weather , weathers
sheep, ram Headword location(s)
wharf (n.) Old form(s): Wharfe, Wharfes
river bank Headword location(s)
what (pron.)
[in expressions] see also what and what Headword location(s)
what (pron.)
[in expressions] see also look what Headword location(s)
what though Old form(s): tho
what of it, never mind see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
what though Old form(s): tho
what of it, never mind see also What and what Headword location(s)
whatsoe'er, whatsoever (adj./conj.)
whatever, whoever see also What and what Headword location(s)
whatsomever, whatsome'er (adj./conj.)
whatever, whoever see also What and what Headword location(s)
wheak (int.)
sound of a pig being killed see also Sounds Headword location(s)
wheel (n.) Old form(s): wheele
[unclear meaning] song refrain; or: spinning-wheel Headword location(s)
wheel (v.) Old form(s): wheele
turn to face in a new direction, circle round Headword location(s)
wheeling (adj.)
roving, wandering, drifting Headword location(s)
wheels, on Old form(s): wheeles
running smoothly, providing an easy life Headword location(s)
whe'er (conj.) Old form(s): where
[whether] if Headword location(s)
Wheeson (adj.) Old form(s): Whitson
Whitsun Headword location(s)
Wheesun (n.)
dialect form of Whitsun see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
Wheesun (n.)
dialect form of Whitsun see also Whitsun (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
whelk (n.) Old form(s): whelkes
pimple, pustule Headword location(s)
whelm (v.) Old form(s): whelme
overwhelm, drown, sink Headword location(s)
whelp (n.)
cub, young Headword location(s)
whelp (n.) Old form(s): whelpe
[term of abuse] pup, son of a bitch Headword location(s)
when (conj.)
at the time when see also whenas (conj.) Headword location(s)
when (int.)
exclamation of impatience or derision see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
when that (conj.)
for the time when Headword location(s)
whenas, when as (conj.)
whereas Headword location(s)
whenas, when as (conj.)
when, at the time when Headword location(s)
whence (adv.)
from which / what place, from where see also hence, thence, and whence Headword location(s)
whencesoever (adv.) Old form(s): Whence soeuer
from somewhere or other, from whatever place see also Hence, thence, and whence Headword location(s)
whensoever (adv.)
whenever Headword location(s)
where- (adv.)
[in compounds] see also here, there, and where Headword location(s)
where (conj.)
whereas Headword location(s)
where (conj.)
whether Headword location(s)
whereabout (adv.)
whereabouts; on what business Headword location(s)
whereagainst (adv.)
against which place see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereat (adv.)
at which see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereby (adv.)
by which see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
wherefore (adv.)
why see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
wherein (adv.)
in which; in what situation see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereinto (adv.)
in which see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereof (adv.)
of which; through whicb see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereon (adv.)
on what; on which; whereupon see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereout (adv.)
out of which, from which see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
wherever see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
wheresomever (adv.)
wherever see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
where-through (adv.)
through which Headword location(s)
wherethrough, where-through (adv.)
through which see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereto (adv.)
to which; formerly; in which direction see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
wheretofore (adv.)
while until now see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereuntil (adv.)
to which, to what see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereunto (adv.)
to which see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
whereupon (adv.)
for which reason; why; upon which see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
wherewith (adv.)
with which, with what see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)
wherewithal (adv.)
whereby, with which see also Withal and withal Headword location(s)
whet on (v.)
encourage, incite, egg on Headword location(s)
whether (pron.)
which of the two Headword location(s)
whetstone (n.)
shaped stone used for sharpening [whetting] tools Headword location(s)
whey-face (n.) Old form(s): Whay-face
milk-face, pasty-face Headword location(s)
whiffler (n.)
armed processional attendant Headword location(s)
while (n.)
space of time, interval Headword location(s)
while (n.)
times, age Headword location(s)
while, the
meanwhile, in the meantime Headword location(s)
while-ere (adv.) Old form(s): whileare
a while before, a short time ago Headword location(s)
whiles (conj.)
while Headword location(s)
whiles (n.)
meantime, meanwhile Headword location(s)
whilst, the Old form(s): whil'st
in the meantime, meanwhile Headword location(s)
whinyard (n.)
short sword see also Weapons Headword location(s)
whip (v.) Old form(s): whipt
dash, hurry, hasten Headword location(s)
whip me
[exclamation] treat me as a criminal see also Swearing Headword location(s)
whip the gosling
confound the little goose see also Swearing Headword location(s)
whipping-cheer (n.) Old form(s): Whipping cheere
whipping fare, good flogging Headword location(s)
whipster (n.)
wretch, degenerate, good-for-nothing Headword location(s)
whipstock (n.) Old form(s): whipstocke , Whip-stocke
whip-handle Headword location(s)
whir (v.)
whirl, rush along, carry Headword location(s)
whirligig (n.) Old form(s): whirlegigge
spinning-top, roundabout Headword location(s)
whisper (v.)
speak secretly with, talk confidentially to Headword location(s)
whist (adj.)
silent, quiet, still Headword location(s)
whistle (v.)
whisper, speak in private Headword location(s)
whistle, go Old form(s): goe
carry on to no purpose, waste [one's] time Headword location(s)
whistling (n.)
calling, watching out for Headword location(s)
whit, no
not at all, not in the least Headword location(s)
white (adj.)
ready for harvesting, ripening Headword location(s)
white (adj.)
fresh, unsmoked Headword location(s)
white (adv.)
[unclear meaning] clearly, lacking colour Headword location(s)
white (n.)
[archery] white ring at the centre of a target Headword location(s)
white and black, under
in black-and-white, written down Headword location(s)
whitebeard (n.)
old man, patriarch, old-timer Headword location(s)
white-haired (adj.) Old form(s): white hair'd
fair-haired Headword location(s)
white-livered (adj.) Old form(s): White-liuer'd
lily-livered, cowardly, feeble-spirited Headword location(s)
whitely (adj.) Old form(s): whitly
pale-complexioned, light-skinned Headword location(s)
whither (adv.)
to which place; to what result see also hither, thither, and whither Headword location(s)
whiting-time (n.) Old form(s): whiting time
whitening time, time for clothes-bleaching Headword location(s)
whitly (adj.)
F spelling of 'whitely' see also whitely (adj.) Headword location(s)
whitster (n.)
linen-bleacher, whitener of clothing Headword location(s)
Whitsun (n.)
in Christian tradition, the feast of Pentecost see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
whittle (n.)
clasp-knife, carving knife Headword location(s)
who (pron.)
[in expressions] see also who and who Headword location(s)
whoe'er (conj.)
whoever see also Who and who Headword location(s)
whole (adj.)
unbroken, sound, intact Headword location(s)
whole (adj.)
well, good Headword location(s)
whole (adj.)
healthy, well, in sound condition Headword location(s)
wholesome (adj.) Old form(s): wholsome, wholsomst
good for the health, health-giving, salubrious Headword location(s)
wholesome (adj.) Old form(s): wholsome
reasonable, sensible, rational Headword location(s)
wholesome (adj.) Old form(s): wholsome
good, nutritious, fit to eat Headword location(s)
wholesome (adj.) Old form(s): wholsome
profitable, valuable, promoting well-being Headword location(s)
wholesome (adj.) Old form(s): wholsom , wholsome
sound, firm, in good condition Headword location(s)
wholesome (adj.) Old form(s): wholsome
good, beneficial, advantageous Headword location(s)
wholesome-profitable (adj.) Old form(s): wholsome profitable
beneficial to well-being Headword location(s)
whoo-bub (n.)
hubbub, confused yelling Headword location(s)
whoop, hoop (v.) Old form(s): hoope
shout with astonishment, make an outcry Headword location(s)
whoop, hoop (v.) Old form(s): Hoop'd
howl, hoot, jeer Headword location(s)
whooping (n.) Old form(s): hooping
exclaiming, excited shouting Headword location(s)
whore (n.)
whoring, fornication Headword location(s)
Whore of Babylon
in the Bible, a prostitute figure, taken as a symbol of degenerate Rome, and thus of Roman Catholicism see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
whoremaster (adj.) Old form(s): Whore-master
lecherous, fornicating, licentious Headword location(s)
whoremaster (n.) Old form(s): Whore-master
fornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores Headword location(s)
whoremasterly (adj.) Old form(s): whore-maisterly
lecherous, having the character of a whoremaster Headword location(s)
whoremonger (n.) Old form(s): Whore-monger
fornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores Headword location(s)
whoreson (adj.) Old form(s): horson , whorson
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile see also Swearing Headword location(s)
whoreson (n.) Old form(s): horson, whorsons
[son of a whore; serious or jocular term of abuse] fellow, bastard Headword location(s)
whoso (pron.)
whoever, anyone who see also Who and who Headword location(s)
whosoe'er, whosoever (conj./pron.)
whoever, anyone who see also Who and who Headword location(s)