rack (n.) |
Old form(s): racke, wracke |
machine of torture which stretches the limbs
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rack (v.) |
Old form(s): rackt |
exhaust by imposing excessive charges, reduce to poverty
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rag (n.) |
Old form(s): ragge, Ragges |
worthless wretch, good-for-nothing creature, beggar
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rampired (adj.) |
Old form(s): rampyr'd |
fortified by ramps of earth, strengthened against attack
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rankness (n.) |
Old form(s): ranckenesse, ranknesse |
excessive growth, rebelliousness
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ransack-constraining (adj.) |
Old form(s): ransackt constraining |
that makes plundering unavoidable
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ransacked (adj.) |
Old form(s): ransack'd , ransackt |
violated, ravished, plundered
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rarity (n.) |
Old form(s): rariety , raritie |
exceptional nature, striking quality
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rascal (n.) |
Old form(s): Rascall |
young or inferior deer in a herd; one of the common herd
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Ratolorum (n.) |
malapropism for 'rotulorum' [= of the rolls]; 'custalorum' is a shortened form of 'custos rotulorum [=keeper of the rolls]
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rearward of, in the (prep.) |
Old form(s): rere-ward |
in the rear of, following on behind
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reason (n.) |
power of reason, judgement, common sense [often opposed to ‘passion’]
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received (adj.) |
Old form(s): receiu'd |
fashionable, accepted as a norm, generally adopted
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reck (v.) |
Old form(s): reake, reaks , wreake , wreakes |
regard, heed, care [for]
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reckoning (n.) |
[of personal qualities] rendering of account, settlement of debts
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reckoning (n.) |
Old form(s): reckning, reck'ning , Recknings |
bill [at an inn], settling of account
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reckoning (n.) |
Old form(s): reck'ning |
assessment of debts, settlement of accounts
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reclusive (adj.) |
Old form(s): reclusiue |
secluded, cloistered, withdrawn from society
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recover (v.) |
Old form(s): recouer, recouer'd, recouered |
revive, restore to health
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recovery (n.) |
Old form(s): recouer , Recoueries, recouery |
[legal] procedure for transferring property into full ownership
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redeem (v.) |
Old form(s): redeeme |
[of time lost] get back, buy back, make amends for
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rejoicingly (adv.) |
Old form(s): reioycingly |
in an exulting manner, with delight
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relieve (v.) |
Old form(s): Releeu'd , releeue , relieue , relieued |
aid, assist, rescue
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remarkable (adj.) |
Old form(s): remarkeable |
wonderful, extraordinary, exceptional
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remember (v.) |
Old form(s): remembred |
commemorate, acknowledge, reward, recognize
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remember (v.) |
Old form(s): Remembets , remembred, remembrest , remembring |
remind, bring to someone's mind
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remorseful (adj.) |
Old form(s): remorsefull |
conscience-stricken, guilty, full of sorrow
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remorseful (adj.) |
Old form(s): remorse-full |
compassionate, caring, full of pity
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removedness (n.) |
Old form(s): remouednesse |
absence [from court], non-attendance
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repairing (adj.) |
Old form(s): repayring |
with power of recovery, with ability to revive
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repeal (v.) |
Old form(s): repeal'd, repeale , repeales |
recall, call back [from exile]
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repine (v.) |
Old form(s): repin'd |
be discontented, complain, feel dissatisfaction
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reprovable (adj.) |
Old form(s): reprouable |
blameworthy, reprehensible, deserving censure
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requite (v.), past forms requit, requited |
Old form(s): requight, requit , requits , requitted |
reward, repay, recompense
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requite (v.), past forms requit, requited |
Old form(s): requit |
avenge, pay back, take vengeance on
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rescue (n.) |
Old form(s): rescu |
[cry for help to stop someone escaping] help, assistance
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reservation (n.) |
Old form(s): reseruation |
concealment, secrecy, keeping out of sight
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resolve (n.) |
Old form(s): resolue |
constancy, firmness of purpose, steadfastness
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resolve (v.) |
Old form(s): resolu'd , resolue, resolues |
decide, make up one's mind
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resolve (v.) |
Old form(s): resolu'd , resolue , resolues, Resolueth |
melt, dissolve, transform
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resolvedly (adv.) |
Old form(s): Resoluedly |
freeing from doubt, in a way which will remove all uncertainty
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respective (adj.) |
Old form(s): respectiue |
worthy of respect, estimable, inspiring admiration
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resty-stiff (adj.) |
Old form(s): resty stiffe |
stiff because too rested, sluggish
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retired (adj.) |
Old form(s): retir'd, retyr'd, retyred |
withdrawn, secluded, cloistered
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revel (n.) |
Old form(s): Reuell, Reuels |
revelry, festivity, courtly entertainment
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reverent (adj.) |
Old form(s): reuerend , reuerent |
worthy of respect, holy, religious
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reverently (adv.) |
Old form(s): reuerently |
with profound respect, in great esteem
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reversion (n.) |
Old form(s): reuersion |
prospective inheritance, expectation of possession
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reversion (n.) |
Old form(s): reuersion |
right of succession, situation of reverting to its original owner
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revolt (v.) |
Old form(s): reuolt, reuolted |
change sides, alter allegiance, desert
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revolution (n.) |
Old form(s): reuolution |
reversal, change, twists and turns [of fortune]
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revolution (n.) |
Old form(s): reuolution |
moving round [a point], revolving round
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Rhesus (n.) |
[pron: 'reesus] Thracian hero, famed for his horses; after fighting for one day in the Trojan War, Ulysses and Diomedes killed him in his tent at night, and stole the horses
see also
Classical mythology
Headword location(s)
Rhesus (n.) |
[pron: 'reesus] Thracian hero, famed for his horses; after fighting for one day in the Trojan War, Ulysses and Diomedes killed him in his tent at night, and stole the horses
see also
Diomed, Diomede (n.) 1
Headword location(s)
Rhesus (n.) |
[pron: 'reesus] Thracian hero, famed for his horses; after fighting for one day in the Trojan War, Ulysses and Diomedes killed him in his tent at night, and stole the horses
see also
Ulysses 1
Headword location(s)
Rhesus (n.) |
[pron: 'reesus] Thracian hero, famed for his horses; after fighting for one day in the Trojan War, Ulysses and Diomedes killed him in his tent at night, and stole the horses
see also
Thracian 1
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rheum (n.) |
Old form(s): Rheume, Rheumes, Rhewme |
catarrh, head-cold, coughing and spluttering
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rheum (n.) |
Old form(s): rheume , rhewme |
watery discharge, seepage [especially of the eyes]
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rheumatic (adj.) |
Old form(s): reumatique, Rheumaticke |
with symptoms of rheum [watery discharge], catarrhal, cold-like
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rheumatic (adj.) |
Old form(s): Rheumatike , rumatique |
malapropism for ‘choleric’ or ‘lunatic’
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riddle-like (adv.) |
Old form(s): riddle like |
in the manner of a riddle, hiding the truth of a situation
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ring (n.) |
circle surrounding the sovereign's head [on a coin]; ringing [of the voice]
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rivo (int.) |
Old form(s): Riuo |
[unclear meaning] exclamation used while drinking
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rope-trick (n.) |
Old form(s): rope trickes |
[unclear meaning] possibly a malapropism of ‘rhetoric’ or ‘rope-rhetoric’ [i.e. bombastic rhetoric]
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roundly (adv.) |
Old form(s): Roundlie |
bluntly, outspokenly; or: fluently, glibly
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rouse (n.) |
Old form(s): Rouce, rowse |
full draught (of wine), brimful cup, carousing
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rouse (v.) |
Old form(s): rouze , rows'd, rowse, rowze |
[hunting] startle from a lair, draw out
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royal (adj.) |
Old form(s): royall |
kingly; also: to the value of the English coin worth half a pound
see also
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royalty (n.) |
Old form(s): roalties |
right granted by a monarch, royal prerogative
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royalty (n.) |
Old form(s): Royaltie |
regal quality, majestic character, lordliness
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runagate (n.) |
Old form(s): Run-agate , runnagate , Runnagates |
runaway, vagabond, fugitive
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rush-candle (n.) |
Old form(s): rush Candle |
candle made of a rush dipped in tallow-wax [giving poor light]
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russet (adj.) |
reddish-brown [the colour of a rough cloth once worn by country people]
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