If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a (int.)
variant form of ‘ah’ see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
a (part.)
particle used in front of a proper name, as a supportive war-cry Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'on' see also afoot (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'on' see also afire (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'on' see also a-height (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'on' see also a-life (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'on' see also a-high (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'of' Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'in' see also a-row (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'in' see also abed (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'in' see also afield (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'in' see also a-tilt (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'at' see also a-night (adv.) Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'by' Headword location(s)
a (prep.)
variant form of 'to' Headword location(s)
'a (pron.)
contracted form of ‘he’ see also Elision Headword location(s)
-a (suffix)
syllable often used to make up the rhythm in a song see also Singing Headword location(s)
'a (v.)
contracted form of ‘have’ see also Verb forms Headword location(s)
abandon (v.) Old form(s): abandon'd
banish, exile, keep away Headword location(s)
abase (v.)
lower, cast down Headword location(s)
abate (v.)
deprive, strip, dispossess Headword location(s)
abate (v.)
lessen, lower, diminish see also bate (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
abate (v.)
shorten, lessen, reduce Headword location(s)
abate (v.)
blunt, put an end to Headword location(s)
abate (v.)
set aside, except, bar Headword location(s)
abated (adj.)
humbled, abject, subdued Headword location(s)
abatement (n.)
lessening, decrease, diminution Headword location(s)
abatement (n.)
means remaining, reduced amount [of money] Headword location(s)
abed / to bed, brought
delivered of a child Headword location(s)
abed, a-bed (adv.) Old form(s): a bed
in bed see also slug-abed (n.) Headword location(s)
abed, a-bed (adv.) Old form(s): a bed
in bed see also a (prep.) 3 Headword location(s)
Abel (n.)
[pron: 'aybl] in the Bible, the son of Adam and Eve, killed by his brother Cain see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
abhominable (adj.)
abominable [from the mistaken etymology ‘ab homine’] see also abominable (adj.) Headword location(s)
abhomination (n.)
variant spelling of ‘abomination’ see also abomination (n.) Headword location(s)
abhor (v.) Old form(s): abhorr'd, abhorrd'st , abhorre, abhorres
loathe, abominate, regard with disgust Headword location(s)
abhor (v.) Old form(s): abhorre
disgust, horrify, revolt Headword location(s)
abhor (v.) Old form(s): abhorre
reject, protest against, refuse Headword location(s)
abhorred (adj.) Old form(s): abhord , abhorr'd
horrifying, disgusting, abominable Headword location(s)
abhorring (n.)
object of disgust, something to be loathed Headword location(s)
abhorring (n.)
abhorrence, disgust, loathing Headword location(s)
abide (v.)
endure, undergo, face Headword location(s)
abide (v.)
stay, remain, stop [in a position] Headword location(s)
abide (v.)
wait for, await, look out for Headword location(s)
abide (v.)
stay a short while, pause before moving on Headword location(s)
abide (v.)
pay the penalty for, suffer for, take the consequences of see also aby (v.) Headword location(s)
abide (v.)
live, dwell, reside Headword location(s)
abiliment (n.)
(usually plural) clothes, dress, attire, outfit see also habiliment (n.) Headword location(s)
ability (n.)
action one is capable of Headword location(s)
ability (n.) Old form(s): abilitie
strength, bodily power Headword location(s)
ability (n.)
means, resources, funds Headword location(s)
abject (adj.) Old form(s): abiect
mean-spirited, despicable, contemptible Headword location(s)
abject (n.) Old form(s): abiects
servile subject, low-placed reject Headword location(s)
abjectly (adv.) Old form(s): abiectly
contemptibly, in a degrading way, with a low opinion Headword location(s)
abjure (v.) Old form(s): abiur'd , abiure
swear to abandon, solemnly reject Headword location(s)
able (adj.)
powerful enough, sufficient, capable of dealing [with] Headword location(s)
able (adj.)
strong, vigorous, powerful Headword location(s)
able (v.)
strengthen, fortify, give power to Headword location(s)
aboard (adv.)
see also clap her aboard Headword location(s)
aboard (adv.)
see also lay aboard Headword location(s)
aboard (adv.)
see also lay knife aboard Headword location(s)
abode (n.)
staying, remaining, lingering Headword location(s)
abode (n.) Old form(s): aboad, aboade
dwelling-place, lodging, residence Headword location(s)
abode (n.)
delay, procrastination Headword location(s)
abode (v.) Old form(s): aboaded
predict, forebode, portend Headword location(s)
abodement (n.) Old form(s): aboadments
foreboding, omen, premonition Headword location(s)
abominable, abhominable (adj.)
inhuman, unnatural, loathsome Headword location(s)
abomination (n.) Old form(s): abhominations
disgusting vice, shameful act Headword location(s)
abomination (n.) Old form(s): abhomination
hatefulness, repugnance, disgusting state Headword location(s)
abortive (adj.) Old form(s): abortiue
monstrously ill-timed, abhorrent and untimely Headword location(s)
abortive (adj.) Old form(s): Abortiue
monstrous, defective, unnatural Headword location(s)
abortive (n.) Old form(s): Abbortiues
abortion of nature, abnormality Headword location(s)
abound (v.)
be wealthy, prosper, thrive Headword location(s)
about (adv.)
in the process of planning, up to Headword location(s)
about (adv.)
about your business, into action Headword location(s)
about (adv.)
round, in circumference Headword location(s)
about (adv.)
indirectly, irregularly Headword location(s)
about (prep.)
concerned with Headword location(s)
about (prep.)
in the company of Headword location(s)
above (adv.) Old form(s): aboue
in addition, as well Headword location(s)
above (adv.) Old form(s): aboue
upstairs; [in stage directions] in the gallery or upper stage Headword location(s)
above (prep.) Old form(s): aboue
beyond Headword location(s)
Abraham (n.)
in the Bible, a Hebrew patriarch, whose name is changed by God from Abram to Abraham see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
abram (adj.)
dark brown, golden brown [from ‘auburn’] Headword location(s)
Abram (n.)
in the BIble, an earlier name of Abraham see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
Abram (n.)
in the BIble, an earlier name of Abraham see also Abraham 1 Headword location(s)
abridge (v.) Old form(s): abridg'd
shorten, cut short Headword location(s)
abridge (v.) Old form(s): abridg'd
deprive, debar, dispossess Headword location(s)
abridgement (n.)
pastime, short entertainment, means of shortening the time Headword location(s)
abridgement (n.)
curtailment, cutting off, shortening Headword location(s)
abridgement (n.) Old form(s): abridgment
summary, outline, synopsis Headword location(s)
abroach (adv.)
afoot, astir, in motion Headword location(s)
abroad (adv.) Old form(s): abroade
in the outside world, freely at large, elsewhere, everywhere Headword location(s)
abroad (adv.)
away from home, out of the house Headword location(s)
abroad (adv.)
around, about, on the move Headword location(s)
abroad (adv.)
wide apart Headword location(s)
abroad (adv.)
widely scattered, all over the place Headword location(s)
abrogate (v.)
do away with, put an end to, abstain from Headword location(s)
abrook (v.) Old form(s): abrooke
brook, endure, bear Headword location(s)
abruption (n.)
breaking-off, interruption, hesitation Headword location(s)
absent (adj.)
of absence Headword location(s)
Absey book (n.) Old form(s): booke
[pron: 'absee, = aybee'see] ABC, child's primer Headword location(s)
absolute (adj.)
precise, literal, particular Headword location(s)
absolute (adj.)
perfect, complete, incomparable Headword location(s)
absolute (adj.)
inflexible, uncompromising, intransigent Headword location(s)
absolute (adj.)
unrestricted, unconditional, without restraint Headword location(s)
absolute (adj.)
certain, definite, positive Headword location(s)
absolute (adj.)
curt, peremptory, blunt Headword location(s)
absolute (adj.)
resolved, positive, settled in mind Headword location(s)
abstenious (adj.)
abstemious Headword location(s)
abstract (n.)
[unclear meaning] something removed, withdrawal; abridgement see also obstruct (n.) Headword location(s)
abstract (n.)
summary, digest Headword location(s)
abstract (n.)
list, register, inventory Headword location(s)
abstract (n.)
epitome, embodiment, personification Headword location(s)
absurd (adj.)
tasteless, insipid, incongruous Headword location(s)
Absyrtus (n.)
[pron: ab'sertus] younger brother of Medea, killed by her to aid Jason's escape with the Golden Fleece see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Absyrtus (n.)
[pron: ab'sertus] younger brother of Medea, killed by her to aid Jason's escape with the Golden Fleece see also Medea (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Absyrtus (n.)
[pron: ab'sertus] younger brother of Medea, killed by her to aid Jason's escape with the Golden Fleece see also Jason (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
abuse (n.)
deception, hoax, fraud see also self-abuse (n.) Headword location(s)
abuse (n.)
offence, wrong, insult, transgression Headword location(s)
abuse (n.)
flouting, violation, improper use Headword location(s)
abuse (n.)
corrupt practice, wicked way Headword location(s)
abuse (v.) Old form(s): abus'd , abusde
deceive, mislead, fool, cheat see also abused (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
abuse (v.)
demean, do wrong to, dishonour Headword location(s)
abuse (v.) Old form(s): abusd, abus'd
misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong see also abused (adj.) 2 Headword location(s)
abuse (v.)
malign, revile, scorn Headword location(s)
abuse (v.) Old form(s): abus'd
misapply, employ badly Headword location(s)
abused (adj.)
deceived, misled, fooled, cheated see also abuse (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
abused (adj.)
maltreated, wronged, violated see also abuse (v.) 2 Headword location(s)
abuser (n.)
betrayer, deceiver, corrupter Headword location(s)
abusing (adj.)
harmful, damaging, injurious Headword location(s)
aby (v.)
suffer for, pay for, atone for Headword location(s)
abysm (n.) Old form(s): Abisme
abyss, chasm, gulf Headword location(s)
academe (n.) Old form(s): Achademe, Achademes, Achadems
academy, place of learning Headword location(s)
accent (n.)
language, tongue Headword location(s)
accent (n.)
talk, speech, utterance, words Headword location(s)
accent (n.)
sound, voice quality, way of talking Headword location(s)
accent (n.)
attempt at speaking, inarticulate sound Headword location(s)
accent, second
echo, reverberation Headword location(s)
accept (adj.)
decisive, approved, agreed Headword location(s)
acceptable (adj.)
welcome, pleasing, gratifying Headword location(s)
accepted (adj.)
acceptable Headword location(s)
accessory, accessary (adj.) Old form(s): accessarie
as an accessory, offering support Headword location(s)
accessory, accessary (n.)
assistant, helper, collaborator Headword location(s)
accidence (n.)
inflections of Latin grammar Headword location(s)
accident (n.) Old form(s): accedents
occurrence, event, happening Headword location(s)
accident (n.)
chance, fortune, fate Headword location(s)
accidental (adj.) Old form(s): accidentall
happening by chance, fortuitous Headword location(s)
accite (v.)
arouse, induce, excite Headword location(s)
accite (v.)
cite, summon, call Headword location(s)
accommodate (v.)
furnish, equip Headword location(s)
accommodate (v.) Old form(s): Accomodated
aid, help, give an advantage Headword location(s)
accommodation (n.)
amenity, convenience, comfort Headword location(s)
accomplement (n.)
equipment, military trappings Headword location(s)
accomplice (n.)
associate, partner, aide Headword location(s)
accomplish (v.)
get possession of, gain, obtain Headword location(s)
accomplish (v.) Old form(s): Accomplish'd
equip, provide, furnish Headword location(s)
accomplish (v.)
perform, do, carry out Headword location(s)
accomplishment (n.)
fulfilment, consummation Headword location(s)
accompt (n.)
old form of account see also account, accompt (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
accompt (v.)
old form of account see also account, accompt (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
accord (n.)
harmony, agreement Headword location(s)
accord (n.)
agreement, assent, consent Headword location(s)
accord (v.)
agree, assent, consent Headword location(s)
accordant (adj.)
sympathetic, ready to agree, responsive Headword location(s)
according (adj.)
agreeing, assenting Headword location(s)
according (adv.)
accordingly Headword location(s)
according as (prep.)
according to Headword location(s)
accordingly (adv.) Old form(s): accordinglie
correspondingly, suitably, properly Headword location(s)
accost (v.)
approach, make up to, pay court to Headword location(s)
accosting (n.)
[unclear meaning] making of advances, coming on see also coasting (adj.) Headword location(s)
account (v.)
take account of, esteem, appreciate Headword location(s)
account / accompt, cast Old form(s): accompt
make calculations, do arithmetic Headword location(s)
account, accompt (n.) Old form(s): Accompt, accompts
reckoning, debt, sum owing Headword location(s)
account, accompt (n.) Old form(s): accompt
reckoning, judgement [especially by God] see also count (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
account, accompt (n.)
expectation, precedent, normal explanation Headword location(s)
account, accompt (n.)
reckoning, count, estimate Headword location(s)
account, accompt (n.)
number, collection, assortment Headword location(s)
account, accompt (v.)
reckon, judge, consider Headword location(s)
accountant (adj.) Old form(s): accomptant
accountable, responsible, answerable Headword location(s)
accouter, accoutre (v.)
attire, equip, array Headword location(s)
accoutrement (n.) Old form(s): accustrement
formal embellishment, special trappings Headword location(s)
accoutrements, accoustrements (n.)
clothes, outfit, attire Headword location(s)
accuse (n.)
accusation, charge Headword location(s)
accuse (v.)
object to, find fault with, impugn Headword location(s)
accustom (n.)
custom, habit, routine Headword location(s)
ace (n.)
one [lowest score on a dice] see also ames-ace (n.) Headword location(s)
acerb, acerbe (adj.)
bitter, sour, tart Headword location(s)
Acheron (n.)
[pron: 'akeron] Underworld abyss and river, which souls of the dead must cross see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Acheron (n.)
[pron: 'akeron] Underworld abyss and river, which souls of the dead must cross see also Charon 1 Headword location(s)
achieve (v.) Old form(s): atcheeue , atcheeues , atcheev'd, atchieu'd , atchieue , atchieued, atchiue
gain, obtain, procure Headword location(s)
achieve (v.) Old form(s): atcheeue
accomplish an intention, perform successfully Headword location(s)
achieve (v.) Old form(s): atchieue
finish off, bring to an end, kill Headword location(s)
achievement (n.) Old form(s): Atchieuement
feat, accomplishment, successful action Headword location(s)
Achilles (n.)
[pron: a'kileez] son of Peleus and Thetis; only his spear could heal the wounds it made see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Achilles (n.)
[pron: a'kileez] son of Peleus and Thetis; only his spear could heal the wounds it made see also Thetis (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Achitophel (n.)
[pron: a'kitofel] in the Bible, adviser to King David, who sided with Absalom in the conspiracy against David see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
acknow on (v.) Old form(s): acknowne
admit to, confess, acknowledge Headword location(s)
aconitum (n.)
variety of highly poisonous plant, aconite see also Plants Headword location(s)
acquaintance (n.)
friends, companions, associates Headword location(s)
acquit (adj.)
rid, free, relieved see also quit (adj.) 2 Headword location(s)
acquit (v.)
release, free, discharge Headword location(s)
acquit (v.)
atone for, pay for, do penance for Headword location(s)
acquit (v.)
pay back, requite, settle the score with Headword location(s)
acquit (v.)
play one's part, discharge one's responsibility Headword location(s)
acquittance (n.)
acquittal, exoneration, excusing Headword location(s)
acquittance (n.)
satisfaction, settlement, discharge [Q1 variant] Headword location(s)
acquittance (n.)
written discharge, final receipt Headword location(s)
acquittance (v.)
acquit, discharge, exonerate Headword location(s)
across (adv.) Old form(s): acrosse, a-crosse
folded, crossed Headword location(s)
across (adv.) Old form(s): a-crosse
[of a lance] not straight, obliquely; awry, amiss Headword location(s)
across (adv.) Old form(s): a-crosse
from side to side, all the way across Headword location(s)
act (n.) Old form(s): acte
action (upon a person), effect Headword location(s)
act (n.)
performance, staging, production Headword location(s)
act (n.)
progress, operation, action Headword location(s)
act (n.)
activity, action, performance Headword location(s)
act (n.)
event, deed, happening Headword location(s)
act (n.)
play interval, interlude Headword location(s)
act (v.)
act out, perform, enact Headword location(s)
act (v.) Old form(s): acte
commit adultery, be promiscuous Headword location(s)
act (v.) Old form(s): acte
enact, enforce, bring about Headword location(s)
Actaeon (n.) Old form(s): Acteon
[pron: ak'tayon] cuckold; hunter who saw Artemis (goddess of chastity) bathing naked; she changed him into a stag, who was killed by his own hounds see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
action (n.)
performance, exercises, acts Headword location(s)
action (n.)
movement, demeanour, gesture Headword location(s)
action (n.)
engagement, combat, fighting Headword location(s)
action (n.)
campaign, military action, strategy Headword location(s)
action (n.)
encounter, engagement, exploit Headword location(s)
action (n.)
law-suit, legal proceeding, litigation Headword location(s)
action (n.)
course of action, enterprise; or: trial, legal process Headword location(s)
action (n.)
performance, acting, theatre presentation Headword location(s)
action-taking (adj.)
taking legal action, litigious Headword location(s)
actor (n.)
doer, performer Headword location(s)
actual (adj.) Old form(s): actuall
active, involving specific activity Headword location(s)
acture (n.)
action, performance, process of acting Headword location(s)
ad Apollinem Old form(s): Appollonem
to Apollo see also Latin Headword location(s)
ad Jovem Old form(s): Iouem
to Jove see also Latin Headword location(s)
ad manes... Old form(s): manus
to the shades of brothers see also Latin Headword location(s)
ad Martem
to Mars see also Latin Headword location(s)
adage (n.) Old form(s): Addage
proverb, saying, maxim Headword location(s)
Adam (n.)
in the Bible, the first human being, in the Garden of Eden, who disobeyed God see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
Adam Bell
famous 16th-c archer see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
adamant (n.)
legendary substance of great hardness and magnetism Headword location(s)
addiction (n.)
inclination, leaning, bent Headword location(s)
addition (n.)
polite form of address, style of address Headword location(s)
addition (n.)
exaggeration, overstatement Headword location(s)
addition (n.)
external honour, distinctive style Headword location(s)
addition (n.)
attribute, mark of honour, distinction [as if added to a coat--of-arms] Headword location(s)
addition (n.)
advantage, credit, plus Headword location(s)
addition (n.)
title, name see also sur-addition (n.) Headword location(s)
addle (adj.)
addled, rotten, putrid Headword location(s)
address (v.) Old form(s): addresse , addrest
prepare, make ready, poise to act Headword location(s)
address (v.) Old form(s): addresse , addrest
direct, apply, turn Headword location(s)
address (v.) Old form(s): addrest
dress, array, attire Headword location(s)
address (v.) Old form(s): addresse
make a formal address Headword location(s)
adhere (v.)
agree, suit, fit the circumstances Headword location(s)
adhere (v.)
belong, be relevant, relate Headword location(s)
adieu (int.)
goodbye, farewell see also Farewells Headword location(s)
adjourn (v.) Old form(s): adiourn'd
postpone, defer, put off Headword location(s)
adjudge (v.) Old form(s): adiudg'd , adiudged
sentence, condemn Headword location(s)
adjudge (v.) Old form(s): adiudg'd
award, grant, bestow Headword location(s)
adjunct (adj.) Old form(s): adiunct
connected, associated, annexed Headword location(s)
adjunct (adj.) Old form(s): adiuct, adiunct
attendant [upon], inevitable result [of] Headword location(s)
adjunct (n.) Old form(s): adiunct
annex, addendum, extra function Headword location(s)
adjunct (n.) Old form(s): adiunckt
aid, aide-memoire, assistant Headword location(s)
admirable (adj.)
wondrous, marvellous, extraordinary Headword location(s)
admirable (adv.)
wonderfully Headword location(s)
admiral (n.) Old form(s): Admirall
admiral's ship, flagship Headword location(s)
admiration (n.)
amazement, astonishment, wonder Headword location(s)
admiration (n.)
object of wonder, marvel, phenomenon Headword location(s)
admire (v.) Old form(s): admir'd
marvel, wonder, be astonished [at] Headword location(s)
admire (v.)
revere, marvel at, respect Headword location(s)
admired (adj.) Old form(s): admir'd
wonderful, amazing, remarkable Headword location(s)
admired (adj.) Old form(s): admir'd
regarded with admiration, wondered at Headword location(s)
admiring (adj.)
marvelling, filled with wonder Headword location(s)
admit (v.)
permit, allow, grant Headword location(s)
admit (v.)
include, take into account Headword location(s)
admit (v.)
consent to keep company with, have to do with Headword location(s)
admit (v.)
be compatible with, be capable of Headword location(s)
admittance (n.)
entry into society, social presence, admissibility Headword location(s)
admittance (n.)
fashion, acceptance, vogue Headword location(s)
admittance (n.)
permission to enter Headword location(s)
admonish (v.)
inform, forewarn, notify Headword location(s)
admonishment (n.)
warning, caution Headword location(s)
admonition (n.)
warning, cautioning, exhortation Headword location(s)
ado (n.) Old form(s): adoe, adoo
fuss, business, to-do Headword location(s)
Adon (n.)
[pron: 'adon] short form of Adonis Headword location(s)
Adonis (n.)
[pron: a'dohnis] handsome young man loved by Aphrodite (Greek goddess of sexual love) or (in Roman mythology) Venus see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Adonis (n.)
[pron: a'dohnis] handsome young man loved by Aphrodite (Greek goddess of sexual love) or (in Roman mythology) Venus see also Venus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Adonis, gardens of
mythological garden of fertility see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
adoptedly (adv.)
through adoption Headword location(s)
adoption (n.)
association, relationship Headword location(s)
adoptious (adj.)
adopted, appropriated, taken up Headword location(s)
adoring (n.)
reverence, expression of respect [towards] Headword location(s)
adorning (n.)
adornment, decoration, ornamentation Headword location(s)
adulterate (adj.) Old form(s): adulterat
adulterous Headword location(s)
adulterate (v.)
commit adultery, fornicate Headword location(s)
advance (v.) Old form(s): advanc'd
be active, go forward Headword location(s)
advance (v.) Old form(s): aduanc'd , aduance , aduanced , aduaunc'd
raise, lift up, upraise Headword location(s)
advance (v.) Old form(s): aduance , aduanced
display, present, promote Headword location(s)
advanced (adj.) Old form(s): aduanc'd , aduanced
raised up, held high, uplifted Headword location(s)
advancement (n.) Old form(s): aduancement
preferment, elevation, progress Headword location(s)
advantage (n.) Old form(s): aduantage , aduantages
advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority see also vantage (n.) 2 Headword location(s)
advantage (n.) Old form(s): aduantage
right moment, favourable opportunity see also vantage (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
advantage (n.) Old form(s): aduantage , aduantages
benefit, gain, advancement, profit see also vantage (n.) 3 Headword location(s)
advantage (n.) Old form(s): aduantage
interest, bonus, addition Headword location(s)
advantage (n.) Old form(s): aduantages
addition, enhancement, exaggeration Headword location(s)
advantage (v.) Old form(s): aduantage , aduantaged, aduantages
benefit, help, aid see also vantage (v.) Headword location(s)
advantage (v.) Old form(s): Aduantaging
enrich, augment, add value to Headword location(s)
advantage, on that Old form(s): aduantage
to gain those benefits, receiving those advantages Headword location(s)
advantageable (adj.) Old form(s): aduantageable
advantageous, profitable, beneficial Headword location(s)
advantageous (adj.) Old form(s): aduantagious
providing advantage, opportune, timely Headword location(s)
adventure (n.) Old form(s): aduenture
experience, fortune, chance Headword location(s)
adventure (n.) Old form(s): aduenture , aduentures
venture, enterprise, issue, hazard Headword location(s)
adventure (v.) Old form(s): aduentur'd, aduenture, aduenturing
venture, dare, chance, risk Headword location(s)
adventure, at
randomly, on the spur of the moment Headword location(s)
adventures, at all Old form(s): aduentures
whatever might happen, regardless of the risks Headword location(s)
adventurous (adj.) Old form(s): aduentrous
risk-taking, imprudently bold, rashly daring Headword location(s)
adversary (n.) Old form(s): aduersary
intentional substitute for ‘emissary’ Headword location(s)
adverse (adj.) Old form(s): aduerse
opposing, opposite, other Headword location(s)
adverse (adj.) Old form(s): aduerse
unfavourable, harmful, hostile Headword location(s)
adverse (adj.) Old form(s): aduerse
hostile, belligerent, antagonistic Headword location(s)
adversity (n.) Old form(s): aduersity
piece of perversity, quibbler Headword location(s)
advertise, advertize (v.) Old form(s): aduertis'd , aduertise, aduertised, aduertiz'd, advertis'd
make aware, inform, notify; warn Headword location(s)
advertise, advertize (v.) Old form(s): aduertise
make known, instruct, inform about Headword location(s)
advertisement (n.) Old form(s): aduertisement
news, information, notification Headword location(s)
advertisement (n.) Old form(s): aduertisement
advice, warning, instruction Headword location(s)
advertising (adj.) Old form(s): Aduertysing
attending, attentive, mindful Headword location(s)
advice (n.) Old form(s): aduice
judgement, opinion, warning Headword location(s)
advice (n.) Old form(s): aduice , aduise
consideration, reflection, deliberation Headword location(s)
advice (n.) Old form(s): aduice
forethought, discretion, wisdom Headword location(s)
advice (n.) Old form(s): Aduise
medical opinion Headword location(s)
advise, avise (v.) Old form(s): Aduice , aduisd, aduis'd, aduise , aduised , auis'd
warn, counsel, caution Headword location(s)
advise, avise (v.) Old form(s): aduis'd , Aduise , a-uis'd, auis'd
inform, be aware, apprise Headword location(s)
advise, avise (v.) Old form(s): aduise, aduised
consider, take thought, reflect Headword location(s)
advised, avised (adj.) Old form(s): aduis'd , aduised
calculated, premeditated, intentional Headword location(s)
advised, avised (adj.) Old form(s): aduised
agreed, in accord, determined Headword location(s)
advised, avised (adj.) Old form(s): aduis'd , aduised
judicious, wise, prudent Headword location(s)
advisedly (adv.) Old form(s): aduisedly
attentively, watchfully, carefully Headword location(s)
advisedly (adv.) Old form(s): aduisedlie
deliberately, intentionally, with full awareness Headword location(s)
advisedly (adv.) Old form(s): aduisedlie
wisely, prudently, judiciously Headword location(s)
advocation (n.) Old form(s): Aduocation
advocacy, pleading, entreating Headword location(s)
Aeacides (n.)
[pron: ee'asideez] alternative name for Ajax see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Aeacides (n.)
[pron: ee'asideez] alternative name for Ajax see also Ajax (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Aeacus (n.)
[pron: 'eeakus] son of Zeus and Aegina, an ancestor of Achilles see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Aeacus (n.)
[pron: 'eeakus] son of Zeus and Aegina, an ancestor of Achilles see also Achilles (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
aedile (n.)
[pron: 'eediyl] assistant to Roman tribunes see also Roman history Headword location(s)
Aegles (n.)
[pron: 'eegleez] daughter of Panopeus of Phocis, loved by Theseus see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Aegles (n.)
[pron: 'eegleez] daughter of Panopeus of Phocis, loved by Theseus see also Theseus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Aeneas (n.)
[pron: e'nayas] Trojan hero, son of Anchises and Aphrodite; in Roman legend, the ancestor of the Romans see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Aeneas (n.)
[pron: e'nayas] Trojan hero, son of Anchises and Aphrodite; in Roman legend, the ancestor of the Romans see also Dido (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Aeolus (n.)
[pron: 'eeolus] Greek god of the winds see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
aerial (adj.) Old form(s): Eriall
airy, sky-clear Headword location(s)
aery (n.) Old form(s): ayerie , ayrie
brood [of a bird of prey], nestful Headword location(s)
Aesculapius (n.)
[eesku'laypius] Roman god of healing see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Aeson (n.)
[pron: 'eeson] father of Jason and half-brother of Pelion; magically restored to youth by Medea see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Aeson (n.)
[pron: 'eeson] father of Jason and half-brother of Pelion; magically restored to youth by Medea see also Medea (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Aeson (n.)
[pron: 'eeson] father of Jason and half-brother of Pelion; magically restored to youth by Medea see also Jason (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
afar off (adv.) Old form(s): a farre-off
indirectly, in a roundabout way Headword location(s)
afeard (adj.) Old form(s): a feare, a-feard , a-fear'd, afear'd, affeard, affear'd
afraid, frightened, scared see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
affect (n.)
affection, warm feeling, regard Headword location(s)
affect (n.)
desire, passion, appetite Headword location(s)
affect (v.)
imitate, copy, mimic Headword location(s)
affect (v.)
love, like, be fond of Headword location(s)
affect (v.)
incline to, like, favour, be drawn to see also affected (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
affect (v.)
cultivate, aim at, seek out Headword location(s)
affect (v.)
assume, display, put on, practise in an artificial way Headword location(s)
affectation (n.)
posing, artificiality see also affection (n.) 8 Headword location(s)
affected (adj.)
disposed, inclined, minded see also affect (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
affected (adj.)
devoted, totally in love [with] Headword location(s)
affectedly (adv.)
fancifully, artificially, intricately Headword location(s)
affecting (adj.)
affected, full of mannerism Headword location(s)
affection (n.)
emotion, feeling Headword location(s)
affection (n.)
affectation, posing, artificiality Headword location(s)
affection (n.)
fancy, inclination, desire Headword location(s)
affection (n.)
object of affection Headword location(s)
affection (n.)
love, devotion Headword location(s)
affection (n.)
desire, passion, lustful feeling Headword location(s)
affection (n.)
disposition, character, state of mind Headword location(s)
affection (n.)
partiality, biased feeling Headword location(s)
affection (v.)
have affection for, love Headword location(s)
affectioned (adj.) Old form(s): affection'd
affected, pretentious, self-willed Headword location(s)
affeered (adj.) Old form(s): affear'd
[legal] assured, confirmed, settled Headword location(s)
affiance (n.)
marriage contract, solemn promise to each other Headword location(s)
affiance (n.)
confidence, trust, faith Headword location(s)
affiance (v.)
betroth, engage, promise solemnly Headword location(s)
affine (v.) Old form(s): Affin'd
bind by ties, obligate, make beholden Headword location(s)
affined (adj.) Old form(s): Affin'd
constrained, bound, obliged Headword location(s)
affined (adj.) Old form(s): affin'd
related, connected, affiliated Headword location(s)
affinity (n.) Old form(s): Affinitie
kinship, relationship, connections Headword location(s)
afflict (v.)
be made to suffer, torment, persecute Headword location(s)
affliction (n.)
afflicted one, someone in great distress Headword location(s)
afford (v.) Old form(s): affoord
grant, permit, allow Headword location(s)
afford (v.) Old form(s): affoord, affoords
have to offer, be capable of supplying Headword location(s)
afford (v.)
fulfil naturally, offer routinely Headword location(s)
affray (v.)
scare, startle, frighten away Headword location(s)
affright (v.)
frighten, terrify, scare Headword location(s)
affrighted (adj.)
alarmed, frightened, terrified Headword location(s)
affront (n.)
assault, attack, onslaught Headword location(s)
affront (v.)
come face to face with, meet, confront Headword location(s)
affront (v.)
equal, put in balance, set face to face Headword location(s)
affy (v.) Old form(s): affye
engage, betrothe, espouse Headword location(s)
affy (v.) Old form(s): affie
have faith, place trust Headword location(s)
afield, a-field (adv.) Old form(s): a field
on the field of battle Headword location(s)
afield, a-field (adv.)
in the field see also a (prep.) 3 Headword location(s)
afire (adj.) Old form(s): a fire
on fire, burning see also a (prep.) 5 Headword location(s)
afoot (adv.) Old form(s): a foot, a foote, a-foot
on foot see also a (prep.) 5 Headword location(s)
afoot (adv.) Old form(s): a foote
on the go, in existence Headword location(s)
afoot (adv.) Old form(s): a foot
in foot-soldiers, by way of infantry Headword location(s)
afoot (adv.)
astir, on the move, up and about Headword location(s)
afore, 'fore (prep.)
in the presence of see also Swearing Headword location(s)
afore, 'fore (adv.)
in front, ahead Headword location(s)
afore, 'fore (conj.)
before, sooner than Headword location(s)
afore, 'fore (prep.)
before, in front of see also Swearing Headword location(s)
afore, 'fore (prep.)
before, ahead of Headword location(s)
Afric (adj.) Old form(s): Affricke
African see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Afric (n.) Old form(s): Affricke
Africa, often thought of as a desert place see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
afront, a-front (adv.)
abreast, side by side in front Headword location(s)
after (adj.)
future, later, following Headword location(s)
after (adj.)
[nautical] second, following, further Headword location(s)
after (adv.)
see also have after (v.) Headword location(s)
after (prep.)
according to Headword location(s)
after (prep.)
at the rate of Headword location(s)
after that (conj.)
after Headword location(s)
after-debt (n.)
unpaid bill after goods have been received, outstanding debt Headword location(s)
after-dinner (n.)
period following dinner, afternoon Headword location(s)
after-eye (v.)
gaze after, follow with the eye Headword location(s)
after-hours (n.) Old form(s): after houres, after-houres
subsequent time, later moments Headword location(s)
after-inquiry (n.) Old form(s): after-enquiry
divine interrogation after death, last judgement Headword location(s)
after-loss (n.) Old form(s): after losse
later blow, knock given after others have been suffered Headword location(s)
after-love (n.) Old form(s): after-loue
later gratitude, future loyalty Headword location(s)
after-meeting (n.)
follow-up meeting Headword location(s)
after-nourishment (n.) Old form(s): after nourishment
later sustenance Headword location(s)
after-supper (n.) Old form(s): after supper
period of time immediately after dessert [eaten after the main course of the evening meal] Headword location(s)
after-times (n.)
hereafter, future, time to come Headword location(s)
afterward (adv.)
afterwards Headword location(s)
a-fume (adj.)
see also fume (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
again (adv.) Old form(s): againe
in return, back [in response] Headword location(s)
again (adv.) Old form(s): againe, agen
back [to a former position] Headword location(s)
again (prep.) Old form(s): againe
against, facing Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (conj.)
in anticipation of the time when Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (prep.)
exposed to Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (prep.)
in the face of Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (prep.)
opposite, directed against Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (prep.)
in preparation for, in anticipation of Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (prep.)
contrary to Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (prep.)
with respect to Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (prep.)
by the time of Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (prep.)
just before Headword location(s)
against, 'gainst (prep.)
in front of, close to Headword location(s)
Agamemnon (n.)
[pron: aga'memnon] commander of the Greek forces at Troy, married to Clytemnestra see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
agate (n.) Old form(s): Agot
dwarf, midget [as of a tiny figure carved in an agate-seal] Headword location(s)
agazed (adj.) Old form(s): agaz'd
astounded, astonished, amazed Headword location(s)
age (n.)
whole life, lifetime, days Headword location(s)
age (n.)
mature years, old age Headword location(s)
age (n.)
seniority, status as elder brother Headword location(s)
aged (adj.) Old form(s): ag'd
experienced, accomplished, mature Headword location(s)
Agenor (n.)
[pron: a'jenor] king of Tyre; father of daughter Europa and sons Cadmus, Phoenix, and Cilix see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Agenor (n.)
[pron: a'jenor] king of Tyre; father of daughter Europa and sons Cadmus, Phoenix, and Cilix see also Europa (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Agenor (n.)
[pron: a'jenor] king of Tyre; father of daughter Europa and sons Cadmus, Phoenix, and Cilix see also Cadmus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
agent (n.)
sense, organ, faculty Headword location(s)
aggravate (v.) Old form(s): agreuate
make more grievous, make worse, exacerbate Headword location(s)
aggravate (v.) Old form(s): aggrauate
add weight to, magnify, increase Headword location(s)
aggravate (v.) Old form(s): aggrauate
intensify; malapropism for ‘moderate’ Headword location(s)
aggriefed (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'aggrieved' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
agitation (n.)
movement, motion, activity [physical, not mental] Headword location(s)
aglet (n.)
(plural) tiny shining ornaments worn on a dress, spangles Headword location(s)
aglet-baby (n.) Old form(s): Aglet babie
[unclear meaning] small ornamental figure forming the tag of a lace Headword location(s)
agnize (v.)
acknowledge, recognize, confess Headword location(s)
agone (adv.)
ago, past Headword location(s)
agony (n.)
anguish, great distress; or: death-struggle Headword location(s)
agood (adv.) Old form(s): a good
in earnest, in a heartfelt way Headword location(s)
agot (n.)
see also agate (n.) Headword location(s)
agree (v.)
accord, fit in with, match Headword location(s)
agree (v.)
become harmonious, be reconciled Headword location(s)
ague (n.)
fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever] Headword location(s)
agued (adj.)
shivering, shaking [as with a fever] Headword location(s)
ague-fit (n.) Old form(s): ague fit
feverish fit, fit of shaking Headword location(s)
ague-proof (adj.)
immune to fevers, resistant to sickness Headword location(s)
a-height (adv.) Old form(s): a height
on high, aloft see also a (prep.) 5 Headword location(s)
a-high (adv.) Old form(s): a high
on high, aloft see also a (prep.) 5 Headword location(s)
a-hold (adv.)
[nautical] close to the wind [to hold steady] Headword location(s)
aid (n.)
see also pray in aid Headword location(s)
aidance (n.) Old form(s): aydance
aid, assistance, help Headword location(s)
aidant (adj.) Old form(s): aydant
helpful, assisting, beneficial Headword location(s)
ail (v.)
prevent, obstruct, stop Headword location(s)
aim (n.) Old form(s): ayme
guess, conjecture, surmise Headword location(s)
aim (n.) Old form(s): aimes, ayme
target, object, goal Headword location(s)
aim (v.) Old form(s): ayme , Ayming
guess, conjecture, surmise Headword location(s)
aim at (v.) Old form(s): ayme
judge, consider, rate Headword location(s)
aim, cry Old form(s): aime, ayme
[archery] show applause, shout approval [of] Headword location(s)
aim, give one Old form(s): ayme
[archery] guide one's efforts, help one's aim Headword location(s)
aio te...
I proclaim that you, the descendant of Aeacus, can conquer the Romans; or: I proclaim that the Romans can conquer you, the descendant of Aeacus see also Latin Headword location(s)
air (n.) Old form(s): Ayre
fresh air, open air Headword location(s)
air (n.) Old form(s): ayres
breeze, light wind Headword location(s)
air (n.) Old form(s): aire, ayre, ayres
melody, tune, strain Headword location(s)
air (n.) Old form(s): Ayres
vapour, mist, exhalation Headword location(s)
air (n.) Old form(s): ayre
manner, style, fashion Headword location(s)
air (n.) Old form(s): ayre
likeness, bearing, demeanour Headword location(s)
air (v.) Old form(s): ayre
exercise, take the air, provide with fresh air Headword location(s)
air (v.) Old form(s): ayre
bring into public view, expose, show Headword location(s)
air abroad Old form(s): ayred
live abroad, experience foreign climates Headword location(s)
air, take Old form(s): ayre
become known, spread about Headword location(s)
air-braving (adj.) Old form(s): ayre-brauing
lofty, challenging the air Headword location(s)
air-drawn (adj.) Old form(s): Ayre-drawne
drawn through the air; or: drawn in the air Headword location(s)
airy (adj.) Old form(s): ayery
carried by the wind, widely acknowledged Headword location(s)
Ajax (n.)
[pron: 'ayjaks, OP also a'jayks] son of Telemon, king of Salamis (also called Ajax Telemonius); fought against Troy; proverbial for his size and strength see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
alablaster (adj.) Old form(s): allablaster
white, smooth [as alabaster] Headword location(s)
alablaster (n.)
alabaster [fine white material derived from limestone] Headword location(s)
alack, 'lack (int.)
alas, woe see also Regrets Headword location(s)
a-land (adv.) Old form(s): aland
on shore, on land Headword location(s)
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) Old form(s): Alarme, allarme, allarum
call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) Old form(s): larum
alarm, agitation, excited feeling Headword location(s)
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) Old form(s): Alarmes, larums
disturbance, turbulence, trouble, loud noise Headword location(s)
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) Old form(s): allarmes
arousal, incitement, encouragement Headword location(s)
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) Old form(s): Larums
tumult, uproar, hubbub Headword location(s)
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) Old form(s): Alarme, allarmes
attack, assault Headword location(s)
alarum (n.)
see also alarm (n.) Headword location(s)
alarum (v.) Old form(s): Alarum'd
arouse, urge on, incite Headword location(s)
alarum-bell, 'larum-bell (n.) Old form(s): Alarum Bell, Larum-Bell
warning bell Headword location(s)
alarumed (adj.) Old form(s): alarum'd
galvanized, activated, stirred to action Headword location(s)
alas (int.)
expression of grief, pity, regret, disappointment, concern see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
alas (int.)
expression of grief, pity, regret, disappointment, concern see also Regrets Headword location(s)
albeit (conj.)
although Headword location(s)
Albion (n.)
poetic name for England or Britain Headword location(s)
alchemy, alchymy (n.) Old form(s): Alcumie, alcumy
wondrous transformation, miraculous transmutation Headword location(s)
Alcides (n.)
[pron: al'siydeez] original name of Hercules, after his grandfather Alceus see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Alcides (n.)
[pron: al'siydeez] original name of Hercules, after his grandfather Alceus see also Hercules (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
alderliefest (adj.) Old form(s): Alder liefest
most beloved, dearest of all Headword location(s)
ale (n.)
ale-house, tavern Headword location(s)
Alecto (n.)
[pron: a'lektoh] one of the Furies, whose name means never-ceasing see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
aleven (adj.) Old form(s): a leuen
eleven Headword location(s)
ale-wife (n.) Old form(s): Alewife , Ale-wiues
ale-house keeper, barmaid Headword location(s)
Alexander (n.)
Alexander the Great; Macedonian king in 4th-c BC, known for his extensive empire see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Alexander (n.)
Alexander the Great; Macedonian king in 4th-c BC, known for his extensive empire see also Nine Worthies 1 Headword location(s)
aliad (n.)
see also oeillade (n.) Headword location(s)
a-life (adv.) Old form(s): a life
dearly, greatly, on my life see also a (prep.) 5 Headword location(s)
alike (adv.)
the same, in the same way Headword location(s)
Alisander (n.)
an old form of Alexander see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Alisander (n.)
an old form of Alexander see also Alexander 1 Headword location(s)
alive (adv.) Old form(s): aliue
with the living, of present concern Headword location(s)
all (adv.)
exclusively, totally, altogether Headword location(s)
all (adv.)
alone, only, solely Headword location(s)
all (adv.)
[intensifying use] quite, so Headword location(s)
all- (as adv. in compounds)
completely, wholly, altogether see also amort Headword location(s)
all- (as adv. in compounds)
completely, wholly, altogether see also all-amazed Headword location(s)
all- (as adv. in compounds)
completely, wholly, altogether see also all-worthy Headword location(s)
all- (as noun in compounds with -ing or -ed forms)
everyone, everything see also all-ending Headword location(s)
all- (as noun in compounds with -ing or -ed forms)
everyone, everything see also all-licensed Headword location(s)
all- (as noun in compounds with -ing or -ed forms)
everyone, everything see also all-watched Headword location(s)
all- (as noun in compounds with -ing or -ed forms)
everyone, everything see also all-hating Headword location(s)
all- (as noun in compounds with -ing or -ed forms)
everyone, everything see also all-cheering Headword location(s)
all- (as noun in compounds with -ing or -ed forms)
everyone, everything see also all-obeying Headword location(s)
all (conj.)
although Headword location(s)
all is one; that's / it's all one
it makes no difference, it's one and the same, it doesn't matter see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
all my best
to the best of my ability see also best, in all my Headword location(s)
all of all
sum of everything Headword location(s)
all, but in
all told, altogether Headword location(s)
all, this is for
to sum up see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
all-abhorred (adj.)
hated by everyone Headword location(s)
all-amazed (adj.) Old form(s): all amaz'd
completely dumbfounded see also amazed (adj.) Headword location(s)
allay (n.)
means of lessening, source of abatement Headword location(s)
allay (v.) Old form(s): alay , allayes
subside, abate, diminish, quell Headword location(s)
allay (v.) Old form(s): alay
spoil, dilute, qualify Headword location(s)
allaying (adj.)
diluting, watering down Headword location(s)
allayment (n.)
modifying agent, countermeasure, mitigation Headword location(s)
all-cheering (adj.)
invigorating everything Headword location(s)
allege (v.) Old form(s): alleadged
advance, produce, bring forward Headword location(s)
alleged (adj.) Old form(s): alleadged
cited in court, proposed, offered Headword location(s)
allegiant (adj.)
loyal, faithful, stemming from allegiance Headword location(s)
all-ending (adj.) Old form(s): all ending
bringing an end to everything, doom-laden Headword location(s)
all-hail (n.) Old form(s): All-haile
acclamation, salutation, praise Headword location(s)
Allhallond Eve (n.)
Hallowe'en see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
Allhallowmas (n.)
in Christian tradition, All Saints' Day, 1 November see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
All-hallown (adj.)
All Saints' Day; period of fine weather in late autumn see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
all-hating (adj.)
hating everything, hateful Headword location(s)
alliance (n.)
kinship, relationship, friendship see also ally (n.) Headword location(s)
alliance (n.)
marriage Headword location(s)
allicholy, allycholly (adj./n.)
malapropism for ‘melancholy’ Headword location(s)
allied (adj.) Old form(s): alide
related, connected Headword location(s)
alligant (adj.)
malapropism for ‘elegant’ or ‘eloquent’ Headword location(s)
all-licensed (adj.) Old form(s): all-lycenc'd
allowed to do anything, given free range Headword location(s)
all-obeying (adj.)
obeyed by everyone Headword location(s)
all-oblivious Old form(s): all obliuious
forgetting everything Headword location(s)
allot (v.) Old form(s): alotted
destine, appoint, assign Headword location(s)
allottery (n.)
share, portion, allocation Headword location(s)
allow (v.)
acknowledge, commend, receive [with praise] Headword location(s)
allow (v.) Old form(s): alow
approve, sanction, encourage Headword location(s)
allow (v.)
permit to indulge, surrender, give over Headword location(s)
allow (v.) Old form(s): allow'd
acknowledge, grant, admit Headword location(s)
allow (v.) Old form(s): allowes
bestow, legally assign Headword location(s)
allowance (n.)
acknowledgement, admission, confirmation Headword location(s)
allowance (n.)
permission, approval, sanction Headword location(s)
allowance (n.)
regard, respect, reputation Headword location(s)
allowed (adj.) Old form(s): allow'd
approved, acknowledged, granted Headword location(s)
allowed (adj.) Old form(s): allow'd , alowd
licensed, authorized, permitted Headword location(s)
all-thing (adv.)
completely, altogether, wholly Headword location(s)
all-too-timeless (adj.) Old form(s): all too timelesse
all too hasty Headword location(s)
allure (v.) Old form(s): allur'd
entice, attract, tempt Headword location(s)
allurement (n.)
temptation, enticement, charm Headword location(s)
allusion (n.)
riddle, wordplay, figure Headword location(s)
all-watched (adj.)
maintaining watchfulness throughout Headword location(s)
all-worthy (adj.)
wholly excellent Headword location(s)
ally (n.) Old form(s): Alie
relative, relation, kinsman see also alliance (n.) Headword location(s)
allycholly (adj./n.)
see also allicholy (adj./n.) Headword location(s)
almanac (n.) Old form(s): Almanackes
calendar, register Headword location(s)
alms (n.) Old form(s): almes
charity, good deed, meritorious act Headword location(s)
alms-basket (n.) Old form(s): almes-basket
basket containing offerings to be given out for charity Headword location(s)
alms-deed (n.) Old form(s): Almes-deed
almsgiving, act of charity Headword location(s)
alms-drink, alms drink (n.) Old form(s): Almes drinke
dregs of drink given away in charity; or: drink taken in charity [to foster reconciliation] Headword location(s)
almsman (n.) Old form(s): Almes-mans
person living through charitable offerings Headword location(s)
aloe (n.) Old form(s): Alloes
bitterness, painful experience Headword location(s)
aloft (adv.)
on the upper stage see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
aloft (prep.)
above, over Headword location(s)
alone (adj.)
unique, matchless, having no equal Headword location(s)
alone (adv.)
only, solely, uniquely Headword location(s)
alone, let [one]
leave it to [one], you can rely on [one] Headword location(s)
alone, let [one]
pay no attention to [one], have nothing to do with [one] Headword location(s)
along (adv.)
at full length, stretched out, prostrate Headword location(s)
along (prep.)
throughout the whole length of Headword location(s)
along / 'long of (prep.)
on account of Headword location(s)
aloof (adv.) Old form(s): a loofe, aloofe
a short distance away, to one side see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
alter (v.)
change, exchange Headword location(s)
altering (adj.) Old form(s): altring
afflicting, health-affecting Headword location(s)
Althaea (n.)
[al'thaya] mother of Meleager, whose life-span was determined by the preservation of a magic log; when Althaea burnt the log on a fire, Meleager died see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Althaea (n.)
[al'thaya] mother of Meleager, whose life-span was determined by the preservation of a magic log; when Althaea burnt the log on a fire, Meleager died see also Meleager (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
altogether (adv.) Old form(s): altogeathers
entirely, wholly, exclusively Headword location(s)
alway (adv.)
always Headword location(s)
Amaimon, Amamon (n.)
[pron: a'miymon, a'mamon] in Christian tradition, the name of a devil see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
amain (adv.) Old form(s): amaine, amayne
in all haste, at full speed Headword location(s)
amain (adv.) Old form(s): a maine, amaine
forcefully, with all one's might Headword location(s)
amaze (n.)
amazement, extreme astonishment Headword location(s)
amaze (v.) Old form(s): amasde , amaz'd
confuse, perplex, bewilder see also amazed (adj.) Headword location(s)
amaze (v.) Old form(s): amaz'd
appal, overwhelm, terrify Headword location(s)
amaze (v.)
alarm, dismay, scare Headword location(s)
amazed (adj.) Old form(s): amas'd , amaz'd
dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed see also amaze (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
amazement (n.)
bewilderment, perplexity, distraction Headword location(s)
amazement (n.)
overwhelming wonder Headword location(s)
amazement (n.)
alarm, apprehension, fear Headword location(s)
amazing (adj.)
dreadful, terrifying, stupefying Headword location(s)
Amazon, Amazonian (n.)
one of a race of warrior women, said to be descended from Ares, god of war see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
Amazonian (adj.)
Amazon-like; beardless, hairless see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
Amazonian (adj.)
resembling a female warrior [of the mythical Amazonian race]; warlike see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
ambassage, ambassy (n.)
embassy see also embassage, embassy (n.) Headword location(s)
amber (n.)
any amber-coloured substance or material Headword location(s)
amble (v.)
walk in an unnatural way Headword location(s)
ambling (adj.)
walking in an affected way, pretentiously strolling Headword location(s)
ambling (n.)
affected way of walking, tripping along Headword location(s)
ambuscado (n.)
ambush, ambuscade Headword location(s)
ameer (n.) Old form(s): An-heires
[jocular address] emir [hereditary Arab ruler] see also mynheer (n.) Headword location(s)
amend (v.)
cure, heal, improve Headword location(s)
amend (v.)
get better, recover, revive, heal Headword location(s)
amend (v.)
make better, ameliorate, lessen the evil of Headword location(s)
amendment (n.)
recovery, recuperation, improvement Headword location(s)
amends (n.)
recovery, cure, improvement in health Headword location(s)
amerce (v.)
penalize, punish financially Headword location(s)
ames-ace (n.)
double ace [the lowest throw at dice] see also ace (n.) Headword location(s)
amiable (adj.)
amorous, loving, tender Headword location(s)
amiable (adj.)
beloved, desirable, lovable Headword location(s)
amiss (adj.) Old form(s): amisse
deficient [in mind], deranged Headword location(s)
amiss (adv.) Old form(s): a misse , amisse
wrongly, improperly, in an unseemly way Headword location(s)
amiss (n.) Old form(s): amisse
misfortune, calamity, adversity Headword location(s)
amiss (n.) Old form(s): amisse
fault, offence, misdeed Headword location(s)
among (adv.)
from time to time, every now and then see also ever among Headword location(s)
amorous (adj.)
expressing love Headword location(s)
amort (adj.) Old form(s): a-mort
dispirited, spiritless, dejected Headword location(s)
ample (adj.)
full, complete, absolute Headword location(s)
ample (adv.)
well, fully, completely Headword location(s)
amplify (v.) Old form(s): amplifie
augment, increase, extend Headword location(s)
Ampthill (n.)
Ampthill Castle, Bedfordshire; Katherine of Aragon stayed there in 1533 while her marriage to Henry VIII was annulled see also London Headword location(s)
Amurath (n.)
[pron: 'amurahth, 'amurat] 16th-c Turkish sultan, Murad III, who killed all his brothers on ascending the throne; as did his successor see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
an (conj.)
variant form of 'and' see also and, an (conj.) 1 Headword location(s)
an (det.)
see also an Headword location(s)
an if (conj.)
if Headword location(s)
anatomize, annothanize (v.) Old form(s): anathomiz'd, Anathomize
dissect, reveal, lay open Headword location(s)
anatomy (n.) Old form(s): Anatomie
body, skeleton, skin and bones Headword location(s)
anatomy (n.) Old form(s): Anatomie
body, cadaver, corpse Headword location(s)
Anchises (n.)
[an'kiyseez] father of Aeneas, who saves him from blazing Troy by carrying him out of the city on his shoulders see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Anchises (n.)
[an'kiyseez] father of Aeneas, who saves him from blazing Troy by carrying him out of the city on his shoulders see also Aeneas (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
anchor (n.)
anchorite, hermit, recluse Headword location(s)
anchor (v.)
concentrate, fix attention, home in Headword location(s)
anchor (v.) Old form(s): anchor'd
embed, sink, fix firmly Headword location(s)
anchor, anchors Headword location(s)
anchoring (adj.)
riding at anchor Headword location(s)
ancient, aunchient (adj.) Old form(s): aunchiant
former, earlier, past Headword location(s)
ancient, aunchient (adj.) Old form(s): auncient
long-established, long-standing Headword location(s)
ancient, aunchient (adj.)
time-worn, experienced, renowned Headword location(s)
ancient, aunchient (adj.)
aged, very old, venerable Headword location(s)
ancient, aunchient (n.)
flag, standard, ensign Headword location(s)
ancient, aunchient (n.)
most experienced, senior officer Headword location(s)
ancient, aunchient (n.) Old form(s): Auntient
ensign, standard-bearer Headword location(s)
ancientry (n.) Old form(s): Auncientry
old people, elderly Headword location(s)
ancientry (n.) Old form(s): aunchentry
decorum, old-fashioned formality, ancient dignity Headword location(s)
Ancus Martius
[pron: 'ankus 'mahshus] fourth king of Rome, 7th-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
and, an (conj.)
if, even if Headword location(s)
and, an (conj.)
as if Headword location(s)
and, an (conj.)
if, whether Headword location(s)
andiron (n.)
ornamental iron support in a fireplace Headword location(s)
Andren (n.)
Andres, valley in Picardy, N France see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Andrew (n.)
the Saint Andrew; name of a Spanish galleon captured at Cadiz in 1596 see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
angel (n.) Old form(s): Angell
demon, evil spirit, attendant spirit Headword location(s)
angel (n.) Old form(s): Angell
gold coin [with the angel Michael depicted], value between a third and half of a pound see also Money Headword location(s)
angel (n.)
ministering spirit, person who can perform a helpful office Headword location(s)
angerly (adv.)
angrily, grouchily, testily Headword location(s)
[pron: on'zheeay] Angers, NW France; capital of the former province of Anjou see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
angle (n.)
fishing rod, line, hook Headword location(s)
angle (n.)
corner, nook, spot Headword location(s)
Angleterre (n.)
England. [Click on this word for a translation of the French in this scene.] see also French Headword location(s)
an-heires (n.)
[Dutch] gentlemen see also mynheer (n.) Headword location(s)
an-hungry (adj.) Old form(s): an hungry
hungry Headword location(s)
a-night (adv.) Old form(s): a night
at night see also a (prep.) 1 Headword location(s)
Anna (n.)
sister of Dido, to whom Dido confides her love for Aeneas see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
annexion (n.)
addition, attachment, supplement Headword location(s)
annexment (n.)
appendage, adjunct, attachment Headword location(s)
annothanize (v.)
anatomize see also anatomize (v.) Headword location(s)
annoy (n.)
trouble, vexation, distress Headword location(s)
annoy (n.)
injury, harm, hurt Headword location(s)
annoy (v.) Old form(s): annoy'd
harm, molest, hurt, injure Headword location(s)
annoyance (n.)
injury, harmfulness, danger Headword location(s)
annoyance (n.)
discomfort, irritation, hurt Headword location(s)
anon (adv.) Old form(s): Anone
soon, shortly, presently see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
anon (adv.)
[after ‘now’] at another time, presently Headword location(s)
anon, ever and Old form(s): euer
every now and then, at regular intervals Headword location(s)
anon, still and
continually Headword location(s)
anon, till
for a little while Headword location(s)
answer (n.) Old form(s): Answere
favourable reply, acceptance Headword location(s)
answer (n.)
[fencing] return hit Headword location(s)
answer (n.) Old form(s): Answeres
interrogation, cross-examination, appearance in court, trial Headword location(s)
answer (n.)
retaliation, armed response Headword location(s)
answer (n.)
recompense, requital, response Headword location(s)
answer (n.) Old form(s): answere
accountability, responsibility, liability, penalty Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): answer'd, answere
account for, justify, defend Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): answer'd
satisfy, discharge, requite Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): Answer'd
answer back, make a rejoinder Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): answer'd , Answere
act along with, sustain, respond to Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): answere
live up to, correspond to, be equal to Headword location(s)
answer (v.)
engage with, encounter, meet [in fight] Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): answere
cope with, face, encounter Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): answer'd , Answere
suffer the consequences [for], be accountable [for] Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): aunswers
pay, repay, requite Headword location(s)
answer (v.)
go along with, belong with Headword location(s)
answer (v.)
fulfil, meet, satisfy Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): answer'd
explain, excuse, answer satisfactorily Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): answer'd
return, respond to, requite Headword location(s)
answer (v.)
give in return, repay, requite Headword location(s)
answer (v.) Old form(s): answere
respond, react Headword location(s)
answer (v.)
reflect, mirror, correspond to Headword location(s)
answerable (adj.)
corresponding, commensurate, proportionate Headword location(s)
anthem (n.) Old form(s): Antheme , Anthemes
song of mourning, hymn of grief Headword location(s)
Anthropophagi (n.)
[pron: anthroh'pofajiy] mythical race of man-eaters see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
anthropophaginian (n.)
man-eater, cannibal Headword location(s)
Antiates (n.)
[pron: an'tiyateez] people from Antium (modern Anzio), S Italy see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
antic, antick(e), antique (adj.)
ancient, olden, former Headword location(s)
antic, antick(e), antique (adj.)
old-fashioned, old-world, antiquated Headword location(s)
antic, antick(e), antique (adj.)
fantastic, bizarre, weird Headword location(s)
antic, antick(e), antique (n.)
bizarre dance, fantastic spectacle, grotesque entertainment Headword location(s)
antic, antick(e), antique (n.)
grotesque figure, grinning jester, buffoon Headword location(s)
antic, antick(e), antique (v.) Old form(s): Antickt
make grotesque figure of, make fools of Headword location(s)
anticly, antiquely (adv.)
grotesquely, like a buffoon, in an antic manner Headword location(s)
Antiochus the Great
[pron: an'tiyokus] Antiochus III; Syrian king in 2nd-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Antiopa, Antiope (n.)
[pron: an'tiyopa] Amazon captured or abducted by Theseus see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Antiopa, Antiope (n.)
[pron: an'tiyopa] Amazon captured or abducted by Theseus see also Theseus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
antiquary (adj.)
ancient, olden, former Headword location(s)
antique Roman Old form(s): Antike
ancient Roman [i.e. viewing suicide as an honourable option] Headword location(s)
antiquity (n.) Old form(s): antiquitie
old age, seniority Headword location(s)
Antony, Mark
Roman leader in 1st-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
antre (n.) Old form(s): Antars
cave, cavern Headword location(s)
apace (adv.)
quickly, speedily, at a great rate see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
apaid (adj.)
pleased, satisfied, contented see also appaid (adj.) Headword location(s)
apart (adv.)
away from here; or: separately; [in stage directions] to one side see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
apathaton (n.)
epithet, adjective, description see also epitheton (n.) Headword location(s)
ape (n.)
mimic, imitator, impersonator Headword location(s)
ape (n.)
fool, idiot, jackass Headword location(s)
ape-bearer (n.)
showman with a performing monkey Headword location(s)
a-pieces (adv.)
see also a (prep.) 3 Headword location(s)
apish (adj.)
silly, foolish, trifling Headword location(s)
apish (adj.)
ape-like in copying, stupidly imitative Headword location(s)
Apollo (n.)
Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Apollo (n.)
Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing see also Swearing Headword location(s)
apology (n.) Old form(s): Apologie
formal justification, explanation Headword location(s)
apoplexed (adj.)
paralysed, benumbed Headword location(s)
apoplexy (n.) Old form(s): Apoplexie
paralysis, torpor, total breakdown Headword location(s)
aporne (n.)
apron Headword location(s)
apostrophus (n.) Old form(s): apostraphas
mark of elision Headword location(s)
apothecary, pothecary (n.) Old form(s): Apothecarie, Appothecarie, Pothecarie
one who prepares and sells medicinal drugs Headword location(s)
appaid, apaid (adj.) Old form(s): apaide
pleased, satisfied, contented Headword location(s)
appal (v.) Old form(s): apale , appal'd, Appauls
turn pale, terrify, dismay Headword location(s)
apparel (n.) Old form(s): apparel'd, apparell , apparrel , apparrell
clothes, clothing, dress see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
apparel (v.) Old form(s): apparel'd , Apparell , apparell'd , Apparraled , apparrell , apparrell'd
clothe, dress up, trick out Headword location(s)
apparel (v.) Old form(s): apparell
cover, put a hat on Headword location(s)
apparent (adj.) Old form(s): apparant
plainly visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious Headword location(s)
apparent (adj.) Old form(s): apparant
certain, inevitable, evident Headword location(s)
apparent (n.) Old form(s): Apparant
heir-apparent, closest in line Headword location(s)
apparently (adv.) Old form(s): apparantly
blatantly, openly, flagrantly Headword location(s)
appeach (v.) Old form(s): appeach'd
denounce, inform against, impeach Headword location(s)
appeal (n.) Old form(s): appeale
accusation, charge of treason Headword location(s)
appeal (v.) Old form(s): appeale , appeales
accuse, denounce, impeach Headword location(s)
appeal (v.) Old form(s): appeal'd
allege, accuse, charge Headword location(s)
appear (v.) Old form(s): appear'd , appeare
be plain, become apparent Headword location(s)
appear (v.) Old form(s): appeare
reveal, disclose, show Headword location(s)
appear (v.) Old form(s): appeare
present oneself as, have the character of Headword location(s)
appearance (n.)
likeness, semblance Headword location(s)
appearer (n.)
one who arrives on the scene Headword location(s)
appease (v.) Old form(s): appeas'd
pacify, subdue, made obedient Headword location(s)
appellant (n.) Old form(s): appealant , Appealants
accuser [of treason], challenger, denouncer Headword location(s)
appendix (n.)
appendage, accompaniment, hanger-on Headword location(s)
apperil (n.) Old form(s): apperill
peril, risk, danger Headword location(s)
appertain (v.) Old form(s): appertaine , appertaines
pertain, relate Headword location(s)
appertaining (adj.)
related, relevant, appropriate Headword location(s)
appertainings (n.)
trappings, belongings, appurtenances Headword location(s)
appertainments (n.)
appurtenances, trappings, prerogatives Headword location(s)
appertinent (adj.)
appertaining, belonging, relating Headword location(s)
appertinent (n.)
appurtenance, accompaniment Headword location(s)
appetite (n.) Old form(s): apetite
sexual desire, passion Headword location(s)
appetite (n.)
desire, longing, inclination, fancy Headword location(s)
applause (n.)
acclamation, shout of approval Headword location(s)
apple (n.)
pupil, centre Headword location(s)
apple-john (n.) Old form(s): Apple Iohn
kind of apple with a shrivelled skin [associated with midsummer (St John's) day] Headword location(s)
appliance (n.)
compliance, subservience; or: means, expedient Headword location(s)
appliance (n.) Old form(s): applyance
remedy, cure, treatment Headword location(s)
application (n.)
analogy, allusion, reference Headword location(s)
application (n.)
treatment, remedy, healing method Headword location(s)
apply (v.)
be directed, be given, attend well to Headword location(s)
apply (v.)
conform, bend, adapt Headword location(s)
apply (v.) Old form(s): applie
pursue, practise, devote oneself to Headword location(s)
apply (v.)
interpret, expound Headword location(s)
appoint (v.)
arm, equip, furnish Headword location(s)
appoint (v.) Old form(s): poinst , pointed
destine, assign, arrange Headword location(s)
appoint (v.) Old form(s): appoynted
grant, provide, assign Headword location(s)
appoint (v.)
ordain, set up, establish Headword location(s)
appoint (v.)
determine, resolve, purpose Headword location(s)
appoint (v.)
agree, arrange, make an appointment Headword location(s)
appoint (v.)
direct, order, instruct Headword location(s)
appointment (n.)
equipment, effects, weaponry Headword location(s)
appointment (n.)
preparation, arrangement, coming to terms Headword location(s)
appointment (n.)
purpose, design, intention Headword location(s)
appointment (n.)
order, direction, arrangement Headword location(s)
apprehend (v.)
be apprehensive about, fear Headword location(s)
apprehend (v.) Old form(s): apprehend'st
seize upon, snatch at, lay hold of Headword location(s)
apprehend (v.)
imagine, conceive, invent Headword location(s)
apprehend (v.)
seize, arrest, lay hold of Headword location(s)
apprehend (v.)
view, see, look Headword location(s)
apprehend (v.)
perceive the significance, discern, grasp the matter [of] Headword location(s)
apprehension (n.)
powers of comprehension, understanding Headword location(s)
apprehension (n.)
opinion, notion, view Headword location(s)
apprehension (n.)
conception, grasping by the mind, awareness Headword location(s)
apprehension (n.)
arrest, seizure, laying hold Headword location(s)
apprehension (n.)
sharpness of mind, quickness of uptake Headword location(s)
apprehension (n.)
perception, auditory reception Headword location(s)
apprehensive (adj.) Old form(s): apprehensiue
quick-learning, perceptive, ever alert Headword location(s)
apprenticehood (n.)
apprenticeship Headword location(s)
approach (n.)
arrival, coming Headword location(s)
approach (n.)
advances, amorous attention Headword location(s)
approach (n.)
advance, attack, offensive Headword location(s)
approach (v.) Old form(s): approach'd
arrive, come, turn up Headword location(s)
approacher (n.)
one who approaches Headword location(s)
approbation (n.)
expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning Headword location(s)
approbation (n.)
proof, confirmation, attestation Headword location(s)
approbation (n.)
acceptance as a novice, probationary period Headword location(s)
approbation (n.)
proving true, putting to the test, support Headword location(s)
approof (n.) Old form(s): approofe
proven quality, undoubted character Headword location(s)
approof (n.) Old form(s): approofe
approval, approbation, sanction Headword location(s)
approof (n.) Old form(s): approofe
proof, affirmation, attestation Headword location(s)
appropriation (n.)
special attribute, particular feature Headword location(s)
approve (v.) Old form(s): approoue, Approu'd , approue , approued , approues
prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate Headword location(s)
approve (v.) Old form(s): approoue , approue
commend, praise, show to be worthy Headword location(s)
approve (v.) Old form(s): approue , approued
put to the proof, test, try Headword location(s)
approve (v.) Old form(s): approue
endorse, support, accept as true Headword location(s)
approve (v.) Old form(s): approu'd
prove guilty, convict Headword location(s)
approved (adj.) Old form(s): approoued , approu'd , Approued
tested, tried, established, proven Headword location(s)
approver (n.) Old form(s): Approuers
tester, someone who subjects others to the proof Headword location(s)
appurtenance (n.)
usual accompaniment, accessory Headword location(s)
apricock (n.) Old form(s): Apricocke
apricot Headword location(s)
apron-man (n.) Old form(s): Apron men
aproned worker, tradesman Headword location(s)
apt (adj.)
fit, ready, prepared Headword location(s)
apt (adj.)
likely, inclined, prone Headword location(s)
apt (adj.)
yielding, compliant, submissive Headword location(s)
apt (adj.)
natural, predictable, plausible, to be expected Headword location(s)
apt (adj.)
prompt, quick, ready Headword location(s)
apt (adj.)
impressionable, susceptible Headword location(s)
aptly (adv.)
easily, readily Headword location(s)
aqua-vitae (n.) Old form(s): Aqua vite , Aqua-vitae, Aquavite
spirits, alcohol, strong drink, brandy Headword location(s)
Aquilon (n.)
north wind Headword location(s)
Aquitaine (n.)
[pron: akwi'ten] region of SW France; acquired by England in 1152 see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Arabia (n.)
region of SW Asia, thought of as a desert area see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Arabian bird Old form(s): Arabian-Bird
phoenix [mythical bird, of which only one existed at any time] Headword location(s)
araise (v.) Old form(s): arayse
raise from the dead, awake from the grave Headword location(s)
arbitrament, arbitrement (n.)
decision, judgement, verdict Headword location(s)
arbitrament, arbitrement (n.) Old form(s): arbitrement
adjudication, judicious examination Headword location(s)
arbitrament, arbitrement (n.) Old form(s): arbiterment , arbitrement
deciding of a dispute, determination, settlement Headword location(s)
arbitrator (n.)
one who brings to a conclusion, resolver Headword location(s)
arbitrator (n.)
arbiter, umpire Headword location(s)
arbour (n.) Old form(s): arber
bower, shady retreat Headword location(s)
arch (adj.)
chief, principal, pre-eminent Headword location(s)
arch (n.)
chief, master, lord Headword location(s)
arch-mock (n.)
chief mockery, main jibe see also mock (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Arde (n.)
Ardres, town in Picardy, N France; site of the Field of the Cloth of Gold, where Henry VIII and Francis I met see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Ardea (n.)
[pron: ahr'daya] capital city of the Rutuli, S of Rome see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Arden, Forest of
forest formerly covering a large area from Warwickshire through the Midlands into Staffordshire see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
ardently (adv.)
burningly, intensely, passionately Headword location(s)
argal, argo (adv.) Old form(s): Argall
[variants of Latin ‘ergo’] therefore see also Latin Headword location(s)
argal, argo (adv.) Old form(s): Argall
[variants of Latin ‘ergo’] therefore see also ergo (adv.) Headword location(s)
argentine (adj.)
clothed in silver Headword location(s)
Argier (n.)
[pron: ah'jeer] Algiers; seaport capital of Algeria, N Africa see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
argosy (n.) Old form(s): Argosie, Argosies
large merchant ship Headword location(s)
argue (v.)
indicate, betoken, be evidence of Headword location(s)
argue (v.)
examine, discuss the pros and cons of Headword location(s)
argument (n.)
story, subject, plot Headword location(s)
argument (n.)
cause, reason [for a dispute] Headword location(s)
argument (n.)
quarrel, dispute, point of contention Headword location(s)
argument (n.)
proof, evidence, demonstration Headword location(s)
argument (n.)
subject, point, theme, target Headword location(s)
argument (n.)
subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic Headword location(s)
argument (n.)
power of reasoning, keenness in debate Headword location(s)
argument (n.)
discussion, debate, dialogue Headword location(s)
argument (n.)
proposition, logical deduction Headword location(s)
Argus (n.)
hundred-eyed guard of Io, a heifer; Hermes killed him to rescue Io, and Hera then transferred his many eyes to the peacock’s tail see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Argus (n.)
hundred-eyed guard of Io, a heifer; Hermes killed him to rescue Io, and Hera then transferred his many eyes to the peacock’s tail see also Io (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Ariachne (n.)
[pron: ari'aknee] weaver from Lydia, who challenged Athene to a contest; when Ariachne’s work was seen to be superior, Athene destroyed it, and Ariachne hanged herself; Athene saved her, but changed her into a spider; also known as Arachne see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Ariachne (n.)
[pron: ari'aknee] weaver from Lydia, who challenged Athene to a contest; when Ariachne’s work was seen to be superior, Athene destroyed it, and Ariachne hanged herself; Athene saved her, but changed her into a spider; also known as Arachne see also Athene (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Ariadne (n.)
[ari'adnee] daughter of Minos who helped Theseus find his way through the labyrinth, and then fled with him; Theseus abandoned her while she slept at Naxos see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Ariadne (n.)
[ari'adnee] daughter of Minos who helped Theseus find his way through the labyrinth, and then fled with him; Theseus abandoned her while she slept at Naxos see also Theseus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Ariadne (n.)
[ari'adnee] daughter of Minos who helped Theseus find his way through the labyrinth, and then fled with him; Theseus abandoned her while she slept at Naxos see also Minos (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Aries (n.)
[pron: 'aireez] Ram [first sign of the zodiac] see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
Arion (n.)
[a'riyon] legendary Greek musician; about to be robbed and killed by a ship’s crew, he was allowed to sing one last song; dolphins then appeared, Arion leapt overboard, and was carried by one of them to safety see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Aristotle (n.)
[pron: 'aristotl] Greek philosopher, 4th-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
arithmetic (n.) Old form(s): Arithmetick, Arithmeticke
calculation, computation, reckoning Headword location(s)
arithmetician (n.) Old form(s): Arithmatician
theoretician, academic Headword location(s)
arm (n.) Old form(s): Arme
strong arm [in attack]; or: might, power Headword location(s)
arm (v.) Old form(s): arme
prepare, get ready see also arms (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
arm (v.)
give your arm to Headword location(s)
arm (v.) Old form(s): Arme
take into one's arms, lift up Headword location(s)
arm (v.) Old form(s): arm'd
prepare for action, put armour on Headword location(s)
armado (n.)
armada, fleet, navy Headword location(s)
armed (adj.) Old form(s): Armd
with arms Headword location(s)
armed (adj.) Old form(s): arm'd
armoured, mail-clad, furnished with defences Headword location(s)
armed (adj.) Old form(s): arm'd
provided, ready, prepared [for] Headword location(s)
arm-gaunt (adj.) Old form(s): Arme-gaunt
[unclear meaning] in fine condition; with gaunt limbs; with armoured trappings Headword location(s)
armigero (n.)
esquire [entitled to bear heraldic arms] Headword location(s)
arming (n.)
establishment, confirmation, substantiation Headword location(s)
armipotent (adj.) Old form(s): armenypotent , army-potent
mighty in arms, powerful in arms Headword location(s)
armour (n.) Old form(s): Armors
suit of armour Headword location(s)
arms (n.) Old form(s): Armes
weapons, armaments Headword location(s)
arms (n.) Old form(s): Armes
coat-of-arms Headword location(s)
arms (n.) Old form(s): Armes
armour, mail, protective covering Headword location(s)
arms' end, at Old form(s): armes
at the point of a sword Headword location(s)
aroint (v.) Old form(s): aroynt
be gone, away with you Headword location(s)
a-row (adv.)
one after the other, in succession see also a (prep.) 3 Headword location(s)
arraign (v.) Old form(s): Arraigne
accuse, charge, indict Headword location(s)
arraign (v.) Old form(s): araigne
put on trial, indict Headword location(s)
arraign (v.) Old form(s): araign
examine, interrogate, probe Headword location(s)
arraignment (n.) Old form(s): arraignement
trial, interrogation, examination Headword location(s)
arrant (adj.) Old form(s): arrand
downright, absolute, unmitigated see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
arras (adj.)
made of Arras tapestry fabric Headword location(s)
arras (n.)
tapestry hanging Headword location(s)
array (n.) Old form(s): aray
attire, clothes, clothing, dress Headword location(s)
array (n.) Old form(s): araie, aray
readiness for combat, warlike state Headword location(s)
array (v.) Old form(s): array'd
clothe, dress, attire Headword location(s)
arrearage (n.) Old form(s): Arrerages
arrears, overdue payment, outstanding amount Headword location(s)
arrest (n.)
order to obey the law, summons to stop Headword location(s)
arrest (v.)
impound, confiscate, appropriate Headword location(s)
arrest (v.)
seize, take hold of, lay hold upon Headword location(s)
arrivance (n.) Old form(s): Arriuancie
arriving, landing Headword location(s)
arrive (v.) Old form(s): arriue , arriued , arriuing
reach, arrive at Headword location(s)
arrive at Old form(s): arriue
end up with, obtain Headword location(s)
arrogancy (n.) Old form(s): Arrogancie
arrogance Headword location(s)
arrouse (v.) Old form(s): arowze
sprinkle, bedew, water Headword location(s)
art (n.) Old form(s): arte
rhetorical art, verbal artistry Headword location(s)
art (n.)
skill, knack, dexterity Headword location(s)
art (n.)
magic, enchantment, trickery Headword location(s)
art (n.)
knowledge, mastery, acquisition Headword location(s)
art (n.)
artifice, artificial conduct; or: wile, trick Headword location(s)
art (n.)
accomplishment, achievement, skill Headword location(s)
art (n.) Old form(s): Artes
knowledge, learning, scholarship, science see also liberal arts Headword location(s)
art (n.)
practical application, knowledge drawn from experience Headword location(s)
art (v.)
are see also Verb forms Headword location(s)
artere, artire (n.)
[early spelling of ‘artery’] sinew, ligament, tendon Headword location(s)
Arthur (n.)
malapropism for Abraham see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
Arthur (n.)
malapropism for Abraham see also Abraham 1 Headword location(s)
article (n.)
clause, term, provision Headword location(s)
article (n.)
importance, moment, significance Headword location(s)
article (n.)
condition, stipulation, requirement Headword location(s)
article (n.)
item, particular, point of substance Headword location(s)
article (n.)
character, nature, designation Headword location(s)
articulate (v.)
negotiate, deal, come to terms Headword location(s)
articulate (v.)
speak about, spell out, express in words Headword location(s)
artificer (n.)
workman, artisan, craftsman Headword location(s)
artificial (adj.) Old form(s): Artificiall
showing creative artistry, artistically skilful Headword location(s)
artificial (adj.) Old form(s): artificiall
hypocritical, feigned, phony Headword location(s)
artificial (adj.) Old form(s): artificiall
skilful, accomplished, capable Headword location(s)
artificial (adj.) Old form(s): Artificiall
produced by the black arts Headword location(s)
artire (n.)
[early spelling of 'artery'] sinew, ligament, tendon see also artere (n.) Headword location(s)
artist (n.)
medical practitioner, physician Headword location(s)
artist (n.)
scholar, intellectual, learned man Headword location(s)
artless (adj.) Old form(s): Artlesse
uncontrolled, unskilful Headword location(s)
arts-man (n.)
man of learning, scholar Headword location(s)
as (conj.)
such as, for instance, to wit Headword location(s)
as (conj.)
as if Headword location(s)
as (conj.)
because Headword location(s)
as (conj.)
so that Headword location(s)
as (conj.)
for what Headword location(s)
as (conj.)
if Headword location(s)
as (conj.)
that [following ‘s’ or ‘such’] Headword location(s)
as (prep.)
on Headword location(s)
as yet
still see also yet (adv.) Headword location(s)
Ascanius (n.)
[pron: as'kaynius] son of Aeneas and Creusa, and grandson of Priam see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Ascanius (n.)
[pron: as'kaynius] son of Aeneas and Creusa, and grandson of Priam see also Aeneas (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Ascanius (n.)
[pron: as'kaynius] son of Aeneas and Creusa, and grandson of Priam see also Priam (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
ascribe (v.)
dedicate, attribute, assign Headword location(s)
ash (n.)
spear, lance [made of ash] Headword location(s)
Ash Wednesday
in Christian tradition, the first day of Lent see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
aside (adv.)
to one side, away from the others see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
asinico (n.)
[pron: asi'neekoh] little ass, donkey, dolt see also assinico (n.) Headword location(s)
ask (v.)
demand, require, call for Headword location(s)
ask (v.) Old form(s): askt
request, suggest, propose Headword location(s)
askance, askaunce (adv.) Old form(s): a sconce, Asconce
with disdain, maliciously, scornfully Headword location(s)
askance, askaunce (adv.)
sideways, surreptitiously, with a side glance Headword location(s)
askance, askaunce (v.) Old form(s): askaunce
turn aside, divert Headword location(s)
askant, askaunt (prep.)
aslant, across Headword location(s)
aspect (n.)
[astrology] influential phase, direction of alignment see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
aspect (n.)
[of a human face] look, appearance, expression Headword location(s)
aspect (n.)
[of objects] sight, appearance Headword location(s)
aspect (n.)
gaze, look Headword location(s)
aspersion (n.)
sprinkling, shower, spray Headword location(s)
aspic (n.) Old form(s): Aspickes
type of venomous snake, asp Headword location(s)
aspicious (adj.) Old form(s): aspitious
malapropism for ‘suspicious’ [or ‘auspicious’] Headword location(s)
aspire (v.)
rise up, tower, be tall Headword location(s)
aspire (v.) Old form(s): aspir'd
ascend, rise up, climb [to] Headword location(s)
asprey (n.) Old form(s): Aspray
osprey Headword location(s)
asquint (adv.) Old form(s): a squint
with prejudice, in a distorted manner Headword location(s)
ass (prep.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'as' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
assail (v.) Old form(s): Assaile , assayle
attack, assault, address Headword location(s)
assail (v.) Old form(s): assayl'd , assayle
approach with offers of love, woo with vigour, attempt to seduce Headword location(s)
assailing (adj.)
wooing, loving, amorous Headword location(s)
assault (n.)
attack, temptation, snare Headword location(s)
assay (n.) Old form(s): assaies
attack, attempt, trial Headword location(s)
assay (n.) Old form(s): assaies
effort, attempt Headword location(s)
assay (n.)
[short form] evidence, proof, indication Headword location(s)
assay (n.)
test, trial, measure Headword location(s)
assay (n.) Old form(s): Assayes
assault, attack, incursion Headword location(s)
assay (v.)
challenge, tempt, win over Headword location(s)
assay (v.) Old form(s): assaid , Assaies , assay'd
attempt, try, venture Headword location(s)
assay (v.) Old form(s): assai'd
try, test the mettle of, put to the proof Headword location(s)
assay (v.)
make advances to, accost, address proposals to Headword location(s)
assemblance (n.)
appearance, display, composition Headword location(s)
assigns (n.) Old form(s): assignes
accessories, appurtenances, trappings Headword location(s)
assinico, asinico, assenego (n.)
[pron: asi'neekoh] little ass, donkey, dolt Headword location(s)
assist (v.)
accompany, attend, escort Headword location(s)
assistance (n.) Old form(s): assistāce
associates, partners, aides Headword location(s)
assistant (adj.)
in attendance, standing by, available Headword location(s)
associate (n.)
companion, fellow-traveller Headword location(s)
associate (v.)
accompany, escort, join with Headword location(s)
assubjugate (v.) Old form(s): assubiugate
reduce to subjugation, demean, debase Headword location(s)
assume (v.)
acquire, adopt, take on Headword location(s)
assume (v.) Old form(s): Assum'd
attain, achieve, reach Headword location(s)
assume (v.)
undertake, enter, choose Headword location(s)
assurance (n.)
confirmation, pledge, guarantee Headword location(s)
assurance (n.)
security, certainty, confidence Headword location(s)
assurance (n.)
safety, security Headword location(s)
assurance (n.)
claim, title, securing [of] Headword location(s)
assure (v.)
settle, convey, leave [to] Headword location(s)
assure (v.)
guarantee, make safe against risks Headword location(s)
assure (v.)
assign, pledge, guarantee Headword location(s)
assured (adj.) Old form(s): assur'd
betrothed, engaged Headword location(s)
assured (adj.) Old form(s): assur'd
certain, definite, sure Headword location(s)
astonish, 'stonish (v.) Old form(s): astonish'd , astonisht
fill with wonder, amaze, astound Headword location(s)
astonish, 'stonish (v.) Old form(s): astonisht , stonisht
stun, dumbfound, strike dumb with dismay Headword location(s)
Astraea (n.)
[pron: 'astria] daughter of Zeus and Themis; Greek goddess of justice Headword location(s)
astringer (n.)
keeper of goshawks Headword location(s)
astronomer (n.)
astrologer Headword location(s)
astronomical (adj.)
astrological, interpreting the heavens Headword location(s)
astronomy (n.)
knowledge of astrology Headword location(s)
asunder (adv.)
separated, apart from each other Headword location(s)
at (prep.)
in Headword location(s)
at (prep.)
to Headword location(s)
Atalanta (n.)
fleet-footed huntress who swore only to marry the suitor who could outrace her; those she defeated, she killed see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Ate (n.)
[pron: 'ahtee] Greek goddess of discord and vengeance see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Ates (n.) Old form(s): Atees
[pron: 'ahteez] discord, strife, destruction see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Athene (n.)
[pron: a'theena] Greek goddess of wisdom and learning, protector of Athens; also known as Athena, Pallas Athena, or Pallas see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
athwart (adv.)
thwartingly, perversely, going against one's plans Headword location(s)
athwart (adv.)
askew, awry, out of the normal course Headword location(s)
athwart (prep.)
across Headword location(s)
a-tilt (adv.)
as if jousting Headword location(s)
Atlas (n.)
giant, sentenced by Zeus to carry the heavens on his shoulders for taking part in the struggle against the gods see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
atomy (n.) Old form(s): atomyes
atom, mote, speck Headword location(s)
atomy (n.) Old form(s): Anatomy
mite, tiny being Headword location(s)
atone (v.) Old form(s): attone
unite, join, reconcile Headword location(s)
atone (v.) Old form(s): attone
appease, allay, assuage Headword location(s)
atonement (n.) Old form(s): attonement, attonements
reconciliation, appeasement, harmony Headword location(s)
Atropos (n.)
['atrohpos] one of the three Fates, who cuts the thread of life see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Atropos (n.)
['atrohpos] one of the three Fates, who cuts the thread of life see also Fates (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
attach (v.) Old form(s): attach'd
arrest, seize by warrant Headword location(s)
attach (v.) Old form(s): attach'd
arrest, seize, apprehend Headword location(s)
attach (v.) Old form(s): attach'd
seize, take hold of, grip Headword location(s)
attachment (n.)
seizure, arrest, confinement Headword location(s)
attain (v.) Old form(s): attain'd
obtain, acquire, gain Headword location(s)
attainder (n.) Old form(s): Attaindor , Attendure
accusation, allegation, denunciation Headword location(s)
attainder (n.)
dishonourable stain, foul slur Headword location(s)
attaint (n.) Old form(s): attaine
disgrace, dishonour, corruption Headword location(s)
attaint (n.)
condemnation, accusation see also attainder (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
attaint (n.)
sign of weariness, suggestion of fatigue Headword location(s)
attaint (n.)
stain, infection, corruption Headword location(s)
attaint (v.)
affect, touch, strike see also unattainted (adj.) Headword location(s)
attaint (v.)
taint [by treason], corrupt Headword location(s)
attaint (v.)
accuse of treason, condemn Headword location(s)
attainture (n.)
conviction, condemnation, sentence Headword location(s)
attask, attax (v.)
take to task, blame Headword location(s)
attempt (n.)
exploit, undertaking, enterprise Headword location(s)
attempt (n.)
attack, assault Headword location(s)
attempt (v.)
endeavour, venture, strive [for] Headword location(s)
attempt (v.)
attack, assail, subdue Headword location(s)
attempt (v.)
tempt, persuade, win over Headword location(s)
attempt (v.)
undertake, perform, carry out Headword location(s)
attemptable (adj.) Old form(s): attemptible
capable of being seduced Headword location(s)
attend (v.) Old form(s): attendes
accompany, follow closely, go with Headword location(s)
attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to] Headword location(s)
attend (v.)
await, wait for, expect see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
attend (v.)
wait, tarry, postpone Headword location(s)
attend (v.) Old form(s): attendeth
regard, consider Headword location(s)
attend (v.)
serve at court, wait on royalty Headword location(s)
attend (v.)
see to, look after, apply oneself to Headword location(s)
attend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon] Headword location(s)
attend (v.)
be present [at], be found [at] Headword location(s)
attendance (n.)
diligent service, dutiful ministration, assiduous attention Headword location(s)
attendance (n.)
attention, consideration, notice Headword location(s)
attent (adj.)
attentive, heedful, intent Headword location(s)
attest (n.)
evidence, witness, testimony Headword location(s)
attest (v.)
vouch for, be evidence of, testify to Headword location(s)
attest (v.)
call as witnesses Headword location(s)
attire (n.)
head-dress Headword location(s)
attired (adj.) Old form(s): attir'd
wrapped, clothed, swathed Headword location(s)
attirement (n.)
outfit, clothing, garment Headword location(s)
attorney (n.) Old form(s): atturney
substitute, deputy, agent Headword location(s)
attorney (n.) Old form(s): Atturney
advocate, mediator, promoter Headword location(s)
attorney (v.) Old form(s): attornyed
carry out by a substitute, perform by proxy Headword location(s)
attorney general (n.) Old form(s): Atrurneyes generall
legally appointed deputy Headword location(s)
attorney, by Old form(s): Attourney
by proxy [as opposed to ‘in person’] Headword location(s)
attorneyed (adj.) Old form(s): Atturnied
bound, acting as advocate Headword location(s)
attorneyship (n.) Old form(s): Atturney-ship
legal practices, arrangement between lawyers Headword location(s)
attribute (n.)
reputation, credit, honour Headword location(s)
attribution (n.)
praise, credit, recognition Headword location(s)
attributive (adj.)
[Q variant] attaching excellence, ascribing worth Headword location(s)
atwain, a twain (adv.) Old form(s): a twaine
in two, into two parts Headword location(s)
auburn (adj.) Old form(s): aborne, Aburne
yellow-brown, light brown Headword location(s)
audaciously (adv.)
boldly, fearlessly, confidently Headword location(s)
audience (n.)
hearing, attention, reception see also Attention signals Headword location(s)
audience (n.)
audience-chamber, presence Headword location(s)
audit (n.) Old form(s): audite
account, reckoning [especially: in the face of God] Headword location(s)
auditor (n.)
official of the exchequer, royal accounts officer Headword location(s)
auditory (n.)
assembly of listeners, audience Headword location(s)
auger-hole (n.) Old form(s): augure hole
hole drilled by an auger; tiny spot Headword location(s)
aught (n.) Old form(s): ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
augmentation (n.)
additional detail, fuller account Headword location(s)
augur, augure (n.)
augury, prophecy, divination Headword location(s)
augur, augure (n.) Old form(s): Augour
augurer, soothsayer, fortune-teller Headword location(s)
augurer (n.) Old form(s): Agurer
Roman religious official who interpreted and foretold events see also Roman history Headword location(s)
auguring (adj.)
prophetic, presaging, forecasting Headword location(s)
augury (n.)
omens, premonition, divining the future Headword location(s)
augury (n.)
discernment, prescience, prophetic skill Headword location(s)
auld (adj.) Old form(s): awl'd
old Headword location(s)
Aulis (n.)
[pron: 'awlis] seaport in Boeotia, SE Greece see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
aunchient (adj.)
former; long-establshed; time-worn; very old see also ancient (adj.) Headword location(s)
aunchient (n.)
flag; senior officer; ensign see also ancient, aunchient (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
aunt (n.)
old woman, gossip Headword location(s)
aunt (n.)
mistress, whore, prostitute Headword location(s)
auricular (adj.)
audible, hearable, perceived by the ear Headword location(s)
Aurora (n.)
[pron: aw'rawra] Roman goddess of the dawn see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
auspicious (adj.)
smiling, cheerful, happy Headword location(s)
austerely (adv.) Old form(s): austeerely
seriously, sternly, severely Headword location(s)
austerity (n.)
severity, harshness, strictness Headword location(s)
authentic (adj.) Old form(s): authenticke
respectable, entitled to esteem Headword location(s)
authentic (adj.) Old form(s): authenticke
qualified, accredited, authorized Headword location(s)
authentic (adj.) Old form(s): authenticke , Authentique
valid, authoritative, credible Headword location(s)
author (n.) Old form(s): Authour
creator, originator, instigator Headword location(s)
author (n.)
authority, source, informant Headword location(s)
authority (n.) Old form(s): authoritie
authoritative influence, dictatorial opinion Headword location(s)
authority (n.) Old form(s): authoritie
right to command, position of power Headword location(s)
authority (n.)
those in authority, the ruling class Headword location(s)
authority (n.)
power, right, prerogative Headword location(s)
authority (n.) Old form(s): authoritie
dominion, influence Headword location(s)
authorize (v.) Old form(s): Authoriz'd
vouch for, approve, speak with authority Headword location(s)
avail (n.) Old form(s): auaile, auailes
advantage, benefit, aid Headword location(s)
avail (v.) Old form(s): auaile
benefit, profit, prosper Headword location(s)
avail (v.) Old form(s): auaile , auailes , auayle
be of use to, help, advantage Headword location(s)
avaunt (int.) Old form(s): Auant , auaunt
be gone, go away, be off see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
avaunt (n.) Old form(s): auaunt
order to be gone, farewell Headword location(s)
ave (n.) Old form(s): Aues
acclamation, ovation, welcoming shout Headword location(s)
Ave-Marie (n.) Old form(s): Aue, Aue-Maries
[of a rosary] Hail Mary Headword location(s)
aver (v.) Old form(s): auerring
provide, furnish, affirm Headword location(s)
avert (v.) Old form(s): auert
redirect, turn away Headword location(s)
avise, avised
consider, take thought, reflect see also advise, avise (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
avise, avised
consider, take thought, reflect see also fore-advise (v.) Headword location(s)
avoid (v.) Old form(s): auoid, Auoyd
leave, quit, clear out [of] Headword location(s)
avoid (v.) Old form(s): auoid, auoide
be off, be gone, go away Headword location(s)
avoid (v.) Old form(s): auoid , auoyd, auoide , auoyde
repudiate, deny, reject Headword location(s)
avoirdupois (n.) Old form(s): Haber-de-pois
weight, state of heaviness Headword location(s)
avouch (n.) Old form(s): auouch
assurance, guarantee Headword location(s)
avouch (v.) Old form(s): auouch , auouched , auouches
declare, assert, affirm Headword location(s)
avouch (v.) Old form(s): auouch
justify, warrant, defend Headword location(s)
avouchment (n.) Old form(s): auouchment
[affirmation] misuse of ‘avouch’ [sense 1] Headword location(s)
await for (v.)
expect, anticipate, look out for Headword location(s)
awake (v.) Old form(s): awak'd
arouse, prompt, force into action Headword location(s)
award (v.)
adjudge, ordain, decree Headword location(s)
away with (v.)
get on with, bear, endure Headword location(s)
awd (adj.)
dialect form of ‘old’ Headword location(s)
awe (n.)
fear, terror, dread Headword location(s)
awe (n.)
reverence, respect, esteem Headword location(s)
awe (n.)
subjection, restraint, dread Headword location(s)
awe (v.)
repress through dread, constrain in fear Headword location(s)
awe (v.) Old form(s): aw'd
control, restrain, master Headword location(s)
aweary, a-weary (adj.) Old form(s): a wearie , a weary
weary, tired Headword location(s)
awed (adj.) Old form(s): aw'd
awestruck, daunted, intimidated Headword location(s)
aweless (adj.) Old form(s): awelesse
inspiring no awe, lacking in respect Headword location(s)
aweless (adj.) Old form(s): awlesse
fearless, unintimidated Headword location(s)
awful (adj.) Old form(s): awefull , awfull
awe-inspiring, worthy of respect Headword location(s)
awful (adj.) Old form(s): awfull
full of awe [towards someone], respectful, reverential Headword location(s)
awhile (adv.) Old form(s): a while
for a short time, briefly Headword location(s)
awkward (adj.) Old form(s): augward, aukward
unfavourable, contrary, adverse Headword location(s)
awkward (adj.) Old form(s): awk-ward
perverse, inept, wrong-headed Headword location(s)
a-work (adv.) Old form(s): a-worke
at work, in action Headword location(s)
awry (adv.)
mistakenly, wrongly, erroneously Headword location(s)
axletree, axle-tree (n.)
pivot, spindle, axis [around which the heavenly bodies revolve] Headword location(s)
axletree, axle-tree (n.)
wooden beam acting as the pivot for a cart wheel Headword location(s)
ay (adv.)
yes see also Responses Headword location(s)
ay (int.)
ah see also Regrets Headword location(s)
aye (adv.) Old form(s): aie, ay
always, ever, for eternity Headword location(s)
ayword (n.)
byword, proverb see also nayword (n.) Headword location(s)
azure, azured (adj.) Old form(s): azur'd
coloured blue, bright blue [as of an uncloudy sky] Headword location(s)

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