If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
baby (n.)
doll see also clout (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
baccare, backare (v.)
[mock Latin] back, stand back, give place Headword location(s)
bacchanal (n.) Old form(s): Backenals
dance in honour of Bacchus [god of wine] see also Bacchus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Bacchanal (n.) Old form(s): Bachanal
devotee of Bacchus, the god of wine and inspiration see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Bacchus (n.)
Roman god of wine, associated with drunken revelry see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Bacchus (n.)
Roman god of wine, associated with drunken revelry see also Bacchanal (n.) 2 Headword location(s)
bachelor (n.) Old form(s): Batchellers
unmarried person [man or woman] Headword location(s)
bachelor (n.)
young man Headword location(s)
back (n.) Old form(s): backe
support, back-up, reserve Headword location(s)
back (v.) Old form(s): back'd, backe , backt
ride, mount, sit on Headword location(s)
back (v.) Old form(s): back'd , backst , backt
support, help, back up Headword location(s)
back, to the Old form(s): backe
through and through Headword location(s)
backare (v.)
[mock Latin] back, stand back, give place see also baccare (v.) Headword location(s)
backbite (v.) Old form(s): backe-bite
slander, revile, speak badly [of someone] Headword location(s)
backfriend (n.) Old form(s): back friend
false friend, someone who gives a pat on the back in an apparently friendly way Headword location(s)
backing (n.)
backing up, being in support Headword location(s)
backside (n.) Old form(s): Backe-side
back streets, lesser-used thoroughfares Headword location(s)
backsword (adj.) Old form(s): Back-Sword
a basket-hilted sword with a single-edged blade and a thin back; later, a sword-like stick with a basketwork hilt, used in fencing practice see also Weapons Headword location(s)
back-trick (n.) Old form(s): backe-tricke
type of backwards dance leap Headword location(s)
backward (n.)
past portion, earlier part, bygone period Headword location(s)
backwardly (adv.)
unfavourably, in a lowly manner; also: in reverse order of priority Headword location(s)
bacon (n.)
porker, fat one; also: rustic Headword location(s)
bacon-fed (adj.)
[= fed on bacon] rustic, peasant, hillbilly Headword location(s)
bad (adj.)
worthless, lowly, of no value see also worse (adj.) Headword location(s)
bad (adj.)
worthless, lowly, of no value see also worst (n.) Headword location(s)
bad (adj.)
worthless, lowly, of no value see also worst (adj.) Headword location(s)
bade (v.)
past form of 'bid' see also bid (v.) Headword location(s)
badge (n.)
outward sign, symbol, mark Headword location(s)
badge (n.)
livery, insignia of employment Headword location(s)
badge (n.)
crest, emblem Headword location(s)
badge (v.) Old form(s): badg'd
mark [as if by a badge], stain Headword location(s)
baffle (v.) Old form(s): baffel'd
[of a knight] publicly disgrace, treat with infamy Headword location(s)
baffle (v.) Old form(s): baffel'd
treat shamefully, expose to ridicule Headword location(s)
bag (n.)
money-bag, purse Headword location(s)
baggage (n.)
good-for-nothing woman, harlot Headword location(s)
bagpipe (n.)
windbag, verbose speaker Headword location(s)
bail (n.) Old form(s): baile, bayle
security for release, guarantee of freedom Headword location(s)
bail (v.) Old form(s): bale
confine, enclose Headword location(s)
bail (v.) Old form(s): baile
obtain release for, give freedom to Headword location(s)
bailiff (n.) Old form(s): Bayliffe
sheriff's officer who serves writs, carries out arrests, etc Headword location(s)
baille (v.)
give Headword location(s)
bait (n.) Old form(s): Baite
temptation, lure, enticement Headword location(s)
bait (n.)
morsel, snack, titbit Headword location(s)
bait (v.) Old form(s): baite
tempt, entice, lure Headword location(s)
bait (v.) Old form(s): baite , bate , bayts
harass, persecute, torment Headword location(s)
bait (v.)
drink, take refreshment Headword location(s)
baiting-place (n.) Old form(s): bayting place
bear-baiting pit Headword location(s)
Bajazeth (n.)
[pron: 'bajazet] Ottoman sultan in 14th-c see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
bake (v.) Old form(s): bak'd
harden, make solid Headword location(s)
baked meats (n.) Old form(s): bakte meates, Bakt-meats
pies, pastries Headword location(s)
balance (n.) Old form(s): ballance
scales Headword location(s)
balance (n.) Old form(s): Ballance
weighing pan of a pair of scales Headword location(s)
balance (v.) Old form(s): ballance
add weight to, make up for Headword location(s)
bald (adj.)
trivial, foolish, witless Headword location(s)
bald (adj.)
bare-headed [as a sign of respect] Headword location(s)
baldric, baldrick (n.) Old form(s): baldricke, Bauldricke
leather shoulder belt, strap [for holding a bugle, sword, etc] see also Weapons Headword location(s)
bale (n.) Old form(s): baile
sorrow, pain, misfortune Headword location(s)
baleful (adj.) Old form(s): balefull
deadly, mortal, malignant Headword location(s)
balk, baulk (v.) Old form(s): Balk'd
fall on ridges between furrows; pile up in mounds Headword location(s)
balk, baulk (v.) Old form(s): Balke
argue over, quibble about Headword location(s)
balk, baulk (v.) Old form(s): bauk, baulkt
refuse, ignore, shirk, let slip Headword location(s)
ball (n.) Old form(s): Balles
royal golden orb Headword location(s)
ball (n.)
eyeball; also: cannon-ball Headword location(s)
ballad (v.)
make the subject of a song Headword location(s)
ballasting (n.)
weight [in rank], balance, sway Headword location(s)
ballet (n.)
ballad see also chanson (n.) Headword location(s)
ballow (n.)
cudgel, stick Headword location(s)
balm (n.) Old form(s): Balme
fragrant oil used for anointing, consecrated oil Headword location(s)
balm (n.) Old form(s): Balme
aromatic plant, fragrant herb Headword location(s)
balm (n.) Old form(s): Balme
soothing ointment, salve; soothing treatment Headword location(s)
balm (v.) Old form(s): Balme
soothe, relieve, heal Headword location(s)
balm (v.)
embalmed, anointed with fragrant oil Headword location(s)
balmy (adj.)
fragrant, delicious, sweet-smelling Headword location(s)
balmy (adj.) Old form(s): balmie
soothing, healing, restorative Headword location(s)
balsam (n.) Old form(s): Balsome
balm, soothing ointment, healing agent Headword location(s)
balsamum (n.) Old form(s): Balsamum
balm, balsam, aromatic oil Headword location(s)
ban (n.) Old form(s): Bannes
curse, malediction Headword location(s)
ban (v.) Old form(s): banne
curse, damn, revile Headword location(s)
ban (v.)
excommunicate, pronounce anathema Headword location(s)
Banbury (n.)
Oxfordshire town, known for its rich milk cheese about an inch thick see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
bancrout, bankrout, bankerout (n./adj./v.) Old form(s): backrout , banckrout , bankrupt
bankrupt Headword location(s)
band (n.)
bond, obligation, tie Headword location(s)
band (n.)
body of men, troop Headword location(s)
band (n.)
company, society, fellowship Headword location(s)
band (n.)
bond, shackle, chain Headword location(s)
band (n.)
bond, promissory note, legal deed requiring payment Headword location(s)
band (n.)
neckband, collar, ruff Headword location(s)
bandetto, banditto (adj.)
bandit Headword location(s)
ban-dog (n.) Old form(s): Bandogs
chained dog, tethered hound Headword location(s)
bandy (v.) Old form(s): bandie
exchange, swap, send to and fro Headword location(s)
bandy (v.) Old form(s): bandie
band together, make a league, fight Headword location(s)
bandy (v.)
drive, strike, toss back Headword location(s)
bandying (n.)
verbal strife, exchange of words Headword location(s)
bane (n.)
murderer, killer, destroyer Headword location(s)
bane (n.) Old form(s): baine
ruin, woe, destruction Headword location(s)
bane (n.)
poison [from ‘ratsbane’] Headword location(s)
bane (v.) Old form(s): bain'd
poison, kill, put down Headword location(s)
bang (n.)
knock, blow, thump Headword location(s)
bank (n.) Old form(s): banckes , Banke , bankes
coast, shore see also sea-bank (n.) Headword location(s)
bank (n.) Old form(s): bancke , banckes , bankes
river bank Headword location(s)
bank (n.) Old form(s): banke
ant-hill Headword location(s)
bank (v.) Old form(s): bank'd
[unclear meaning] put in a bank, win; pass by [as in a boat] Headword location(s)
banket (n.)
refreshments, light meal, dessert see also banquet (n.) Headword location(s)
bankrout, bankerout (n.)
bankrupt see also bancrout (n.) Headword location(s)
banneret (n.) Old form(s): bannarets
standard of a knight entitled to lead his own body of troops Headword location(s)
banneret (n.)
small banner, ornamental streamer Headword location(s)
banning (adj.)
cursing, chiding Headword location(s)
banquet, banket (n.)
appetizer, first course, hors d'oeuvres Headword location(s)
banquet, banket (n.)
refreshments, light meal, dessert Headword location(s)
banquet, running Old form(s): Banket
light meal taken hurriedly, quickly served repast Headword location(s)
bar (n.) Old form(s): barres
objection, impediment Headword location(s)
bar (n.) Old form(s): Barre
tribunal, judgement place Headword location(s)
bar (n.) Old form(s): barre, Barres
obstruction, barrier, obstacle Headword location(s)
bar (n.) Old form(s): barres
lock, barrier, barricade Headword location(s)
bar (v.) Old form(s): barr'd, barre
keep out, exclude, prohibit Headword location(s)
bar (v.) Old form(s): barr'd, barre , barres
prevent, obstruct, block Headword location(s)
bar (v.) Old form(s): bard
forbid, deny, deprive [of] Headword location(s)
barbarism (n.) Old form(s): barbarisme
rudeness, churlishness Headword location(s)
barbarism (n.) Old form(s): Barbarisme
savagery, people in the most uncivilized state Headword location(s)
barbarism (n.) Old form(s): barbarisme
lack of culture, uncivilized ignorance Headword location(s)
Barbary (n.)
Barbary coast of N Africa, famous for its horses see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Barbary cock-pigeon Old form(s): cocke-pidgeon
type of pigeon from the Barbary coast; [reputedly of Eastern men] man who jealously safeguards his wife see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Barbary hen Old form(s): Barbarie Henne
guinea hen; or: prostitute see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Barbason (n.)
[pron: 'bahrbason] in Christian tradition, the name of a devil see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
barbed (adj.)
armoured with barbs, protectively covered Headword location(s)
barber-monger (n.)
frequenter of the barber-shop Headword location(s)
bare (adj.)
mere, simple Headword location(s)
bare (adj.)
threadbare, shabby, ragged Headword location(s)
bare (adj.)
worthless, wretched; or: barefaced, shameless Headword location(s)
bare (adj.)
unsheathed, exposed Headword location(s)
bare (adj.)
unprotected, defenceless, without covering Headword location(s)
bare (adj.)
gaunt, lean, needy Headword location(s)
bare (n.)
bareness, unadorned state Headword location(s)
bare (v.) Old form(s): bar'de
shave, trim Headword location(s)
bare-bone (n.)
skinny person, fleshless one Headword location(s)
bare-boned (adj.) Old form(s): bare-bon'd
like a skeleton, fleshless Headword location(s)
bare-gnawn (adj.) Old form(s): bare-gnawne
totally consumed, worn away to nothing Headword location(s)
barely (adv.)
in bareness, exposed, without covering Headword location(s)
bareness (n.) Old form(s): barenesse
gauntness, leanness, thin condition Headword location(s)
Barfleur (n.)
[pron: bah'fler] Harfleur, Normandy, France; besieged by Henry V in 1415 see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
barful (adj.) Old form(s): barrefull
full of hindrances, with impediments Headword location(s)
Bargulus (n.)
Balkan pirate of Roman times see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
baring (n.)
removal, shaving off Headword location(s)
bark (v.) Old form(s): barke
strip the bark from, tear away see also barked (adj.) Headword location(s)
bark about (v.) Old form(s): bak'd
encrust, form a crust [cover as with tree-bark] Headword location(s)
bark, barque (n.) Old form(s): backe , Barke
ship, vessel Headword location(s)
barked (adj.) Old form(s): barkt
stripped, peeled bare, destroyed Headword location(s)
barky (adj.)
bark-covered Headword location(s)
barley broth (n.) Old form(s): Barly broth
ale [as given to horses] Headword location(s)
barley-break (n.) Old form(s): Barly breake
type of country game in which a couple occupies a den [nicknamed ‘hell’] in the centre of a [barley] field, and tries to catch other couples, who may separate [break] when about to be caught Headword location(s)
barm (n.) Old form(s): barme
froth on the top of fermenting ale Headword location(s)
barn (v.) Old form(s): barnes
store up in a barn, gather in Headword location(s)
barn, barne (n.)
child, baby Headword location(s)
barnacle (n.)
species of goose [believed to begin life as a shellfish] Headword location(s)
Barrabas (n.)
in the Bible, a robber released instead of Christ at the Passover see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
barren (adj.)
unresponsive, dull, apathetic Headword location(s)
barren (adj.)
stupid, empty-headed, dull Headword location(s)
barrenness (n.) Old form(s): barrennesse
area [of skin] worn dry and bare Headword location(s)
barren-spirited (adj.) Old form(s): barren spirited
dull-minded, lacking the spirit to respond Headword location(s)
barricado (n.) Old form(s): baricadoes
barricade, rampart, barrier Headword location(s)
barricado (v.) Old form(s): barracado
fortify, defend, protect [as with a barricade] Headword location(s)
barrow (n.)
barrowful, cartload Headword location(s)
Bartholomew (n.)
in Christian tradition, Saint Bartholomew's Day, 24 August see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
Bartholomew boar-pig Old form(s): Bartholmew Bore-pigge
pig sold at the annual London fair held on St Bartholomew's day see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
Bartholomew-tide (n.) Old form(s): Bartholomew-tyde
In Christian tradition, St Bartholomew's day see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
Basan, Hill of
in the Bible, an area noted for cattle see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
base (adj.)
non-precious, worthless, of low value Headword location(s)
base (adj.) Old form(s): bace
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
base (adj.)
poor, wretched, of low quality see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
base (adj.)
low-lying, lowland Headword location(s)
base (n.)
[plural] type of knee-length skirt worn by a knight on horseback Headword location(s)
base (n.)
see also bid the base Headword location(s)
base (n.)
basis, foundation, cause Headword location(s)
base (n.)
pedestal Headword location(s)
base (n.)
foundation, supporting structure Headword location(s)
base (v.)
utter with bass voice, proclaim resonantly see also bass (v.) Headword location(s)
base viol (n.)
stringed instrument resembling a cello see also bass viol (n.) Headword location(s)
base-born (adj.) Old form(s): base-borne
of low birth, low-born, plebeian Headword location(s)
base-court (n.) Old form(s): base Court
[of a castle] lower courtyard, servants' courtyard Headword location(s)
baseless (adj.) Old form(s): baselesse
unsubstantial, lacking a foundation Headword location(s)
basely (adv.) Old form(s): baselie
dishonourably, shamefully, ignominiously Headword location(s)
baseness (n.) Old form(s): basenes , basenesse
socially inferior trait, plebeian quality Headword location(s)
baseness (n.) Old form(s): basenesse, basenesse
cowardice, degenerateness, degradation Headword location(s)
baseness (n.) Old form(s): basenes, basenesse
lowly activity, contemptible work Headword location(s)
baseness (n.) Old form(s): basenesse
debasement, lowly state, humiliation Headword location(s)
bashful (adj.) Old form(s): bashfull
easily intimidated, readily daunted Headword location(s)
Basilisco (n.)
[pron: basi'liskoh] knight character in a contemporary play, Solyman and Perseda see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
basilisk (n.) Old form(s): Basiliske, Basiliskes, Basilisque
mythical serpent which killed with its look Headword location(s)
basilisk (n.) Old form(s): Basiliskes
type of large cannon see also Weapons Headword location(s)
basis (n.)
base, foot, foundation Headword location(s)
basis (n.)
pedestal Headword location(s)
basket-hilt (n.)
sword hilt with protective steel basketwork see also Weapons Headword location(s)
bass viol, base viol (n.) Old form(s): Base-Viole
stringed instrument resembling a cello see also viol (n.) Headword location(s)
bass, base (v.)
utter with bass voice, proclaim resonantly Headword location(s)
bastard (adj.)
illegitimate, spurious, unauthorized Headword location(s)
bastard (adj.)
inferior, low, of little value Headword location(s)
bastard (n.)
variety of sweet Spanish wine Headword location(s)
bastard (n.)
hybrid, cross-breed, mixed variety Headword location(s)
bastard (n.)
low-born person Headword location(s)
bastardizing (n.)
being conceived as a bastard Headword location(s)
bastardly (adj.)
malapropism for ‘dastardly’ Headword location(s)
bastardy (n.) Old form(s): Bastardie
condition of illegitimacy Headword location(s)
baste (v.)
sew loosely, tack together, stitch up Headword location(s)
bastinado (n.)
cudgelling, beating with a stick [esp. on the soles of the feet] Headword location(s)
bat (n.)
cudgel, staff, stick Headword location(s)
batch (n.)
tumour, boil, ulcer see also botch (n.) 2 Headword location(s)
bate (n.)
discord, strife, quarrel Headword location(s)
bate (v.) Old form(s): baite
abate, modify, lessen see also abate (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
bate (v.)
omit, lose, leave out Headword location(s)
bate (v.)
lose weight, diminish in size Headword location(s)
bate (v.) Old form(s): baite, Bayted , bayting
[falconry] beat the wings, flutter Headword location(s)
bate (v.)
[of quantities] lessen, reduce, deduct Headword location(s)
bate (v.)
except, omit, leave out of consideration Headword location(s)
bate-breeding (adj.)
mischief-making, discord-raising see also breed-bate (n.) Headword location(s)
bated (adj.)
abated, lowered, diminished Headword location(s)
bateless (adj.) Old form(s): batelesse
unable to be blunted, permanently sharp Headword location(s)
bat-fowling (n.)
catching birds roosting at night, by hitting them with a club Headword location(s)
bath (det.)
Scottish pronunciation of 'both' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
batler, batlet (n.)
wooden club [used for beating clothes being washed] Headword location(s)
battalia (n.) Old form(s): Battaliaes
large body of troops arrayed for battle, marshalled force Headword location(s)
batten (v.)
glut oneself, grow fat on Headword location(s)
battery (n.) Old form(s): batterie , Batt'ry
assault, bombardment, blitz Headword location(s)
battery (n.) Old form(s): battrie , battry, batt'ry
breach, entry Headword location(s)
battle (n.)
in the phrase 'strike a battle' see also strike (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
battle (n.) Old form(s): Battaile , Battailes, Battell, battells , Battels
army, fighting force, battalion Headword location(s)
battle (n.) Old form(s): battels
hostile encounter, force Headword location(s)
battle (n.) Old form(s): Battaile, battailes , Battell
battle array, war formation, ranks of soldiers Headword location(s)
battle (n.) Old form(s): battaile
single combat, individual fight Headword location(s)
battled (adj.) Old form(s): battaild
in battalions, with deployed troops Headword location(s)
batty (adj.) Old form(s): Battie
bat-like Headword location(s)
bauble (adj.)
like a toy, paltry, insignificant Headword location(s)
bauble (n.)
toy, plaything Headword location(s)
bauble (n.) Old form(s): bable
piece of rubbish, worthless trifle Headword location(s)
bauble (n.) Old form(s): bable
decorated rod of office, fool's staff Headword location(s)
baubling, bawbling (adj.)
contemptible, trifling, piddling Headword location(s)
baulk (v.)
refuse; argue over; pile up see also balk, baulk (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
bavian (n.) Old form(s): Baum
baboon, ape Headword location(s)
bavin (adj.) Old form(s): Bauin
[made of] firewood, kindling wood Headword location(s)
bawcock (n.)
[fine bird] fine fellow, good chap see also Address forms Headword location(s)
bawd (n.) Old form(s): baud, Baudes, Bauds , Bawde, Bawdes
pimp, procurer, pander, go-between see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
bawdry (n.) Old form(s): baudrey, Baudry
bawdiness, lewdness, obscenity Headword location(s)
bawdy (adj.)
filthy, obscene, abominable Headword location(s)
bawdy-house (n.) Old form(s): bawdie houses, Bawdie-houses
brothel Headword location(s)
bay (n.) Old form(s): Bayes
fame, renown [i.e. laurel wreath] Headword location(s)
bay (n.)
baying, barking, howling Headword location(s)
bay (n.) Old form(s): baie
[hunting] last stand, point of capture Headword location(s)
bay (n.)
living area divided off within a house, gable-end Headword location(s)
bay (n.) Old form(s): baies, Bayes
leaf of the bay-tree [used as a herb; symbol of triumph] Headword location(s)
bay (v.)
bark at, howl at Headword location(s)
bay (v.) Old form(s): bay'd
bring to bay, drive to a last stand Headword location(s)
bay about (v.)
bring to bay, surround Headword location(s)
Bayard (n.)
[pron: 'bayahd] magic horse given by Charlemagne to Rinaldo (Renaud), one of the four sons of Aimon; a symbol of blind recklessness see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
Irish pronunciation of 'by' see also Irish Headword location(s)
be (v.)
become, come to be Headword location(s)
be (v.)
intend, purpose, be determined Headword location(s)
be (v.)
represent, speak for Headword location(s)
be (v.)
be alive, live Headword location(s)
be off (v.)
doff the hat Headword location(s)
beached (adj.)
having a beach, shingly, sandy Headword location(s)
beachy (adj.) Old form(s): beachie
pebble-covered, shingly Headword location(s)
bead (n.) Old form(s): Beades
[plural] rosary beads Headword location(s)
bead (n.)
tiny thing, smallest of objects Headword location(s)
bead (n.)
drop of liquid, tear-drop Headword location(s)
beadle (n.)
parish constable Headword location(s)
beadle (n.)
punisher, chastiser, castigator Headword location(s)
beadsman (n.) Old form(s): beades-man, Beads-men
almsman, pensioner [who prays for others] Headword location(s)
beak (n.) Old form(s): Beake
bow, prow, front see also Ships Headword location(s)
beam (n.) Old form(s): beame
cross-bar [on a scales] Headword location(s)
beam (n.) Old form(s): beame, beames
reach, range, line [of the eye, thought of as emitting beams of light] Headword location(s)
beam (n.) Old form(s): beame
wooden roller in a loom Headword location(s)
beam (n.) Old form(s): Beame
balance, scales, counterpoise Headword location(s)
beam (n.) Old form(s): beame
large wooden staff, lance, club Headword location(s)
beam (n.) Old form(s): Beame
large object, huge thing see also mote (n.) Headword location(s)
Bear (n.)
the Little Bear, Ursa Minor see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare
bear in mind, keep note of Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare
sustain, carry through, keep going Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare , beares
carry on, manage, conduct [an affair] Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): Beare
steer, sail towards Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare
behave, look, conduct [oneself] Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare , beares
keep, present, show Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare, beares
tolerate, endure, put up with Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare
take, carry Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare
bring forth, produce, yield Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beares
control, manage, take charge of Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beares
carry [a rider], support Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare
carry away, take as a companion Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare
be endowed with, have, possess Headword location(s)
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne Old form(s): beare
escort, accompany, go along with Headword location(s)
bear away (v.) Old form(s): beares
leave, sail away Headword location(s)
bear back (v.) Old form(s): beare backe
move back, go back Headword location(s)
bear down (v.) Old form(s): beare downe , beares downe
overwhelm, put down, overcome Headword location(s)
bear hard Old form(s): beare
bear ill will towards, feel resentment against Headword location(s)
bear in hand
profess, pretend, purport Headword location(s)
bear in hand Old form(s): beare , beares
abuse, take advantage of, delude, deceive Headword location(s)
bear in hand Old form(s): beare
encourage with false hopes, foster expectation in Headword location(s)
bear off (v.) Old form(s): beare
ward off, keep away, repel Headword location(s)
bear out (v.) Old form(s): beare
help out, support, back up Headword location(s)
bear out (v.)
undertake, carry on, conduct Headword location(s)
bear out (v.) Old form(s): beare , beare out, beares
endure, weather, cope [with] Headword location(s)
bear out (v.) Old form(s): beare
support, authorize, sanction Headword location(s)
bear up (v.) Old form(s): beare vp
stay upright, not fall down Headword location(s)
bear up (v.) Old form(s): borne vp
sustain, support, uphold Headword location(s)
bearard (n.)
bear-keeper, bear-handler [for dancing or baiting] see also bearherd (n.) Headword location(s)
beard (v.)
defy, affront, oppose openly Headword location(s)
beard, in his
to his face, openly Headword location(s)
bearer (n.)
possessor, owner, holder Headword location(s)
bearherd, bear-herd, bearard, bearward, berrord (n.) Old form(s): Beare-heard, Berard , Berrord
bear-keeper, bear-handler [for dancing or baiting] Headword location(s)
bearing (adj.)
child-bearing, of labour Headword location(s)
bearing (n.)
carrying of hardships, enduring of woes Headword location(s)
bearing-cloth (n.) Old form(s): bearing Cloth,, bearing-cloath
christening garment, baptismal shawl Headword location(s)
bearward (n.)
bear-keeper, bear-handler [for dancing or baiting] see also bearherd, bear-herd, bearard, bearward, berrord (n.) Headword location(s)
beast (n.)
mere animal Headword location(s)
beastly (adj.)
beast-like, brutish, abominable Headword location(s)
beastly (adv.)
like an animal, in a beastly manner Headword location(s)
beat (v.)
drive, force, impel Headword location(s)
beat (v.) Old form(s): beate
[falconry] beat the wings, flap wildly Headword location(s)
beat (v.) Old form(s): beates
hammer away, ponder furiously Headword location(s)
beat (v.) Old form(s): beates
strike Headword location(s)
beat on / upon (v.) Old form(s): beates
be obsessed by, be preoccupied with Headword location(s)
beaten (adj.)
well-tried, well-trodden Headword location(s)
beating (adj.)
battering, thumping, blow-by-blow Headword location(s)
beauty (v.)
beautify, embellish, adorn Headword location(s)
beauty-waning (adj.) Old form(s): Beautie-waining
of fading looks, of diminishing beauty Headword location(s)
beaver (n.) Old form(s): Beauer , Beauers , Beuer
visor of a helmet, face-guard see also Body-armour Headword location(s)
because (conj.)
so that, in order that Headword location(s)
bechance (v.) Old form(s): bechaunc'd , bechaunce
happen to, befall Headword location(s)
beck (n.) Old form(s): becke
beckoning, command, call Headword location(s)
beck (n.) Old form(s): beckes
bow, curtsy, gesture of respect Headword location(s)
beck (v.) Old form(s): beck'd
beckon, nod, call Headword location(s)
becking (n.)
beckoning, calling, nodding [to action] Headword location(s)
beckon (v.)
make a significant gesture to, signal Headword location(s)
beckoning (n.) Old form(s): beckning
signal, significant gesture, meaningful sign Headword location(s)
become (v.) Old form(s): becom , becomming , becoms
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
become (v.) Old form(s): becom, becom'd , becomming , becoms
grace, honour, dignify see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
become (v.) Old form(s): becom
put a good front on, give a pleasing appearance to Headword location(s)
become (v.)
bear, handle, present Headword location(s)
become (v.)
come to (be), to be found, reach Headword location(s)
becomed (adj.)
becoming, befitting, appropriate Headword location(s)
becoming (n.) Old form(s): becommings
grace, quality, befitting action Headword location(s)
bedashed (adj.) Old form(s): bedash'd
dashed about, bespattered, splashed about Headword location(s)
bedazzle (v.) Old form(s): bedazled
confuse by dazzling Headword location(s)
bed-blotting (adj.) Old form(s): bed blotting
polluting the marriage bed Headword location(s)
bedded (adj.)
smooth-lying, laid flat Headword location(s)
bedded (adj.)
smoothed, dressed; or: fixed in a setting Headword location(s)
bedew (v.)
moisten with drops, wet with tears Headword location(s)
bedfellow (n.) Old form(s): bedfellowes
intimate companion Headword location(s)
bed-hanger (n.)