If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
vacancy (n.) Old form(s): vacancie
spare time, leisure Headword location(s)
vacancy (n.) Old form(s): vacancie
empty space, nothingness Headword location(s)
vacant (adj.)
lacking, devoid, deficient Headword location(s)
vade (v.)
fade, pass away, disappear Headword location(s)
vaded (adj.)
faded, made pale, with lost brightness Headword location(s)
vagabond (adj.)
drifting, meandering, wandering Headword location(s)
vagary (n.)
wandering, displacement, roaming about Headword location(s)
vagram (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of ‘fragrant’ or: malapropism for ‘vagrant’ see also Welsh Headword location(s)
vagrom (adj.)
vagrant, vagabond [malapropism of ‘vagrant’] Headword location(s)
vail (n.) Old form(s): Vailes
[textiles: remnant of cloth, leftover of material] tip, gratuity, perk Headword location(s)
vail (n.) Old form(s): vaile
setting, going down Headword location(s)
vail (v.) Old form(s): vaild , vaile , vailes , vale
lower, bow down, cast down [as in submission] Headword location(s)
vail (v.) Old form(s): vaile
let fall, yield, surrender Headword location(s)
vail (v.) Old form(s): vaile
lower, direct downwards Headword location(s)
vail (v.) Old form(s): Vaile
do homage, pay respect, show devotion Headword location(s)
vailed (adj.) Old form(s): veyled
lowered, downcast Headword location(s)
vain (adj.) Old form(s): vaine
foolish, silly, stupid Headword location(s)
vain (adj.) Old form(s): vaine
worthless, idle, useless, empty Headword location(s)
vain (n.) Old form(s): vaine
deceptive, false, idle [in using words] Headword location(s)
vain, for Old form(s): vaine
in vain, to no purpose Headword location(s)
vainglory, vain-glory (n.) Old form(s): Vainglorie
undue vanity, unwarranted pride Headword location(s)
vainglory, vain-glory (n.) Old form(s): Vaine-glories, vaine-glory
showy event, ostentatious activity Headword location(s)
vainly (adv.) Old form(s): vainely
uselessly, fruitlessly, ineffectively Headword location(s)
vainly (adv.) Old form(s): vainely
wrongly, falsely, in error Headword location(s)
vainness (n.) Old form(s): vainnesse, vain-nesse
boasting, ostentation, vanity Headword location(s)
valance (n.) Old form(s): Vallens
drapery making up the border of a bed canopy Headword location(s)
valanced (adj.)
fringed [with a beard] Headword location(s)
vale (n.)
valley, lowland Headword location(s)
valiant (adj.)
worthy, fine, hearty Headword location(s)
validity (n.) Old form(s): validitie
strength, robustness, stamina Headword location(s)
validity (n.) Old form(s): Validitie
value, worth, estimation Headword location(s)
valley (n.)
indentation, hollow [e.g. in the upper lip, or beneath the lower lip] Headword location(s)
valuation (n.) Old form(s): valewation
appreciation of merit, estimation of worth Headword location(s)
value (n.) Old form(s): valew
worth, estimation, valuation Headword location(s)
value (v.) Old form(s): valew'd
consider, appraise, take into account Headword location(s)
value (v.)
estimate, reckon, number Headword location(s)
value (v.) Old form(s): valewes
consider equal in value [to] Headword location(s)
valued (adj.)
showing value, discriminating Headword location(s)
vambrace (n.)
armour to protect the fore-arm see also vantbrace (n.) Headword location(s)
vane (n.) Old form(s): veine
weathervane; inconstant person Headword location(s)
vanish (v.)
leave, depart from, be expelled Headword location(s)
vanity (n.)
trifle, folly, vain thing Headword location(s)
vanity (n.)
trifling display, light-hearted show Headword location(s)
vanity (n.) Old form(s): vanitie
worthlessness, futility, unprofitable way of life Headword location(s)
vanity (n.)
fop, dandy, dude Headword location(s)
vanity (n.) Old form(s): vanitie
foolishness, absurdity, inanity Headword location(s)
Vanity (n.)
character of pride in morality plays see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
vant (n.)
van, front line Headword location(s)
vantage (n.)
right moment, suitable opportunity see also advantage (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
vantage (n.) Old form(s): vauntage
advantage, benefit, advancement, profit see also advantage (n.) 3 Headword location(s)
vantage (n.)
advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority see also advantage (n.) 2 Headword location(s)
vantage (n.)
helpful position, beneficial location Headword location(s)
vantage (v.) Old form(s): Vantagd
benefit, aid, help Headword location(s)
vantage, of / to the
in addition, as well, besides Headword location(s)
vantbrace, vambrace (n.)
armour to protect the fore-arm see also Body-armour Headword location(s)
Vapians (n.)
[pron: 'vaypians] mock-astrology jargon see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
vaporous (adj.) Old form(s): vap'rous
misty, damp-filled, foggy Headword location(s)
vapour (n.)
exhalation, steamy emission, mistiness Headword location(s)
vapour (n.)
smoke Headword location(s)
vapour (n.) Old form(s): vapors
mist, cloud, fog Headword location(s)
vapour (n.)
empty manifestation, worthless emanation Headword location(s)
vapour (n.) Old form(s): vapors
hot steamy breath Headword location(s)
vara (adv.)
dialect form of ‘very’ Headword location(s)
variable (adj.)
varied, diverse, different Headword location(s)
variance (n.)
falling out, disagreement, discord Headword location(s)
varld (n.)
French pronunciation of 'world' see also French Headword location(s)
varlet (n.) Old form(s): varlots
knave, rogue, rascal, ruffian Headword location(s)
varlet (n.) Old form(s): Varlot
manservant, page, attendant Headword location(s)
varletry (n.) Old form(s): Varlotarie
mob, menials, ruffians Headword location(s)
varletto (n.)
[mock-Italian] varlet, rascal, rogue Headword location(s)
varnish (n.)
finish, polish, gloss Headword location(s)
varnished (adj.) Old form(s): varnisht
embellished, decked out, adorned Headword location(s)
vary (adv.)
Scottish pronunciation of 'very' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
vary (n.) Old form(s): varry
variation, vacillation, shifting Headword location(s)
vary (v.) Old form(s): varried
express in fresh words, verbalize anew Headword location(s)
vary (v.) Old form(s): varry
bring novelty to, cause to change Headword location(s)
vassal (adj.) Old form(s): vassall , vassell
submissive, abject, yielding Headword location(s)
vassal (adj.) Old form(s): Vassall
subject, servile, subordinate Headword location(s)
vassal (n.) Old form(s): vassall
wretch, creature, slave Headword location(s)
vassal (n.) Old form(s): vassail , vassaile, Vassailes, vassall , Vassalls
servant, slave, subject Headword location(s)
vassalage (n.)
humble people, low subjects Headword location(s)
vassalage (n.)
servitude, subjection, total allegiance Headword location(s)
vast (adj.)
boundless, extensive, widespread Headword location(s)
vast (n.)
great expanse, immense space, waste Headword location(s)
vast (n.)
long deserted period, empty space of time Headword location(s)
vastidity (n.) Old form(s): vastiditie
vastness, immensity, enormity Headword location(s)
vastly (adv.) Old form(s): vastlie
like a wasteland, in desolation Headword location(s)
vasture (n.)
vastness, immensity, extent Headword location(s)
vasty (adj.) Old form(s): vaste , vastie
vast, immense, spacious Headword location(s)
vault (n.)
roof, covering, ceiling Headword location(s)
vault (n.)
sky Headword location(s)
vault (n.)
wine cellar, liquor store-room Headword location(s)
vaultage (n.)
vault, cavern, chamber Headword location(s)
vaulting (adj.)
rising and falling Headword location(s)
vaulty (adj.) Old form(s): vaultie
resembling a vault, arched, domed Headword location(s)
vaulty (adj.) Old form(s): vaultie
empty, cavernous, sepulchral Headword location(s)
vaunt (n.)
boast, bragging claim Headword location(s)
vaunt (n.)
beginning, outset, first part Headword location(s)
vaunt (v.)
boast, brag, crow Headword location(s)
vaunt (v.)
exult, rejoice, revel Headword location(s)
vaunt (v.) Old form(s): vant
show off, display proudly Headword location(s)
vaunt-currier (n.) Old form(s): Vaunt-curriors
forerunner, announcer, herald Headword location(s)
vaunter (n.)
boaster, braggart, show-off Headword location(s)
vaunting (adj.)
boastful, bragging, loud-mouthed Headword location(s)
vaunting (n.)
boasting, bragging Headword location(s)
vaward (n.) Old form(s): Vauward, vowarde
[military] vanguard, foremost division Headword location(s)
vaward (n.)
foremost part, front line, vanguard Headword location(s)
veal (n.) Old form(s): Veale
[unclear usage] Dutch pronunciation of ‘well’; or: version of Dutch ‘viel’ = plenty Headword location(s)
vegetive (n.) Old form(s): Vegetiues
plant, vegetable Headword location(s)
vehemency (n.) Old form(s): vehemencie
vehemence, forcefulness, fervour Headword location(s)
veil (v.) Old form(s): vaile , veyl'd
conceal, hide, disguise Headword location(s)
vein (n.) Old form(s): vaine, veine
state of mind, motive, mood Headword location(s)
vein (n.) Old form(s): veine
right line, proper course to follow Headword location(s)
vein (n.) Old form(s): vaine
style, manner Headword location(s)
velure (n.)
velvet Headword location(s)
velvet (n.) Old form(s): Veluet
piece of velvet fabric Headword location(s)
velvet-guard (n.) Old form(s): Veluet-Guards
[someone who wears] velvet trimming see also guard (n.) 5 Headword location(s)
vendible (adj.)
saleable, marketable, sought-after Headword location(s)
vendible (adj.)
marriageable Headword location(s)
venerable (adj.)
commanding esteem, deserving of great respect Headword location(s)
venereal (adj.) Old form(s): Veneriall
displaying the character of Venus, associated with sexual desire Headword location(s)
veney (n.)
[fencing] bout, turn Headword location(s)
venge (v.)
avenge, revenge Headword location(s)
vengeance (adj.) Old form(s): veng'ance
formidable, tremendous, terrific Headword location(s)
vengeance (adv.)
exceedingly, intensely, tremendously Headword location(s)
vengeance (n.)
harm, mischief, damage Headword location(s)
vengeance of
fie on, a plague on Headword location(s)
vengeance, what the
[strong exclamation] what the hell see also Swearing Headword location(s)
I came, I saw, I conquered see also Latin Headword location(s)
venom (adj.) Old form(s): venome
venomous, poisonous, spiteful Headword location(s)
venomed (adj.) Old form(s): venimd , venom'd
poisoned, venomous Headword location(s)
venomous (adj.) Old form(s): venemous
embittered, rancorous, malignant Headword location(s)
venomous (adj.)
harmful, injurious, hurtful Headword location(s)
vent (n.)
[of a hunted animal] scent Headword location(s)
vent (n.)
emission, discharge, seepage Headword location(s)
vent (n.)
aperture, opening Headword location(s)
vent (n.)
airing, utterance, telling Headword location(s)
vent (v.)
utter, express, air, proclaim Headword location(s)
vent (v.)
get rid of, cast out Headword location(s)
vent (v.)
discharge, excrete, defecate Headword location(s)
ventage (n.) Old form(s): Ventiges
finger-hole [of an instrument] Headword location(s)
venter (v.)
run a risk, take a chance, dare to act see also venture (v.) Headword location(s)
ventricle (n.)
cavity within the brain Headword location(s)
venture (n.)
cargo, consignment, goods Headword location(s)
venture (n.)
risky enterprise, hazardous attempt Headword location(s)
venture (n.)
deal, enterprise, business, expedition Headword location(s)
venture (n.)
prostitute Headword location(s)
venture, at a
without proper thought, recklessly Headword location(s)
venture, venter (v.) Old form(s): venturd , ventur'd
run a risk, take a chance, dare to act Headword location(s)
venturous (adj.)
adventurous, daring, bold Headword location(s)
venue (n.) Old form(s): venewe
[fencing] sword-thrust, assault, thrust Headword location(s)
Venus (n.)
Roman goddess of beauty and love see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Venus (n.)
Roman goddess of beauty and love see also Swearing Headword location(s)
Venus (n.)
Roman goddess of beauty and love see also Adonis (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Venus (n.)
planet particularly associated with love, beauty, and fertility see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
Ver (n.)
[personification of] spring, springtime Headword location(s)
verbal (adj.) Old form(s): verball
talkative, verbose, vocal Headword location(s)
verdict (n.)
decision, pledge, final word Headword location(s)
verdict (n.)
opinion, judgement, view Headword location(s)
verdict (n.)
unanimous decision, agreed judgement Headword location(s)
verdour (n.)
sap, vitality, vigour, freshness see also verdure (n.) Headword location(s)
verdure, verdour (n.)
sap, vitality, vigour, freshness Headword location(s)
verefore (adv.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'wherefore' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
verge (n.)
[unclear meaning] limit, bound; rim of metal; sphere of jurisdiction Headword location(s)
verge (n.)
[in phrases] see also hallowed verge Headword location(s)
verge (n.)
rim, band, encircling edge Headword location(s)
verify (v.)
come true, be fulfilled Headword location(s)
verify (v.)
support, back up, bolster Headword location(s)
verify (v.) Old form(s): verifie , verify'd
confirm, substantiate, prove correct Headword location(s)
verily (adj.)
true, certain, right Headword location(s)
verily (adv.) Old form(s): Verely
in truth, truly, indeed Headword location(s)
verity (n.) Old form(s): veritie
truth, truthfulness, veracity Headword location(s)
verity (n.) Old form(s): veritie
truth, reality, actuality see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
versal (adj.) Old form(s): versall
malapropism for ‘universal’ Headword location(s)
very (adj.)
proper, correct, appropriate Headword location(s)
very (adj.) Old form(s): verie
[intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute Headword location(s)
very (adj.) Old form(s): verie
true, real, genuine Headword location(s)
very (adj.)
mere, alone Headword location(s)
vesper (n.)
evening, eventide Headword location(s)
vessel (n.) Old form(s): vessell
body, frame Headword location(s)
vestal (adj.) Old form(s): vastall, vestall
as a virgin priestess Headword location(s)
vestal (adj.) Old form(s): vestall
virgin Headword location(s)
vestal (n.) Old form(s): Vestall, Vestalls
woman vowed to chastity, virgin, priestess Headword location(s)
vesture (n.) Old form(s): Vesture
garment, clothing, garb, costume Headword location(s)
vex (v.) Old form(s): vexe , vext
afflict, trouble, torment Headword location(s)
vexation (n.)
anguish, grief, affliction Headword location(s)
vexation (n.)
torment, affliction, mortification Headword location(s)
vexation (n.)
agitation, disturbance, turmoil Headword location(s)
vexed (adj.) Old form(s): vext
stormy, turbulent, blustery Headword location(s)
vexed (adj.) Old form(s): vext
troubled, distressed, grieved Headword location(s)
vext (adj.)
vexed Headword location(s)
via, fia (int.)
come / go on, hurry up Headword location(s)
via, fia (int.)
forward, onward Headword location(s)
vial (n.) Old form(s): Viall, Violl , Violles, Viols
phial, small bottle, flask Headword location(s)
viand (n.)
(usually plural) food, victuals, foodstuff Headword location(s)
vice (n.)
screw Headword location(s)
vice (n.)
(usually capitalized) buffoon, stage jester; a character representing vice in morality plays see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
vice (n.)
grip, grasp Headword location(s)
vice (v.)
force, constrain, press hard Headword location(s)
vicegerent (n.)
official acting in place of a ruler during his absence Headword location(s)
vicegerent (n.)
deputy, second-in-command Headword location(s)
viceroy (n.) Old form(s): Vice-royes
substitute ruler, deputy monarch Headword location(s)
vicious (adj.)
defective, faulty, bad Headword location(s)
vicious (adj.)
caused by vice, immoral, depraved Headword location(s)
vicious (adj.)
blameworthy, reprehensible, shameful Headword location(s)
victual (n.) Old form(s): victuall, victualles, vituals
(usually plural) provisions, supplies, food and drink Headword location(s)
victual (v.) Old form(s): Victuall , victuall'd
supply, furnish, provide [with food] Headword location(s)
victualler (n.)
inn-keeper, tavern-owner Headword location(s)
videlicet (adv.)
[pron: vi'deliset] namely see also Latin Headword location(s)
I see and I rejoice see also Latin Headword location(s)
do you see who is coming? see also Latin Headword location(s)
vie (v.)
stake, venture, wager Headword location(s)
vie (v.)
offer in competition, display in rivalry Headword location(s)
vie (v.) Old form(s): vi'd
[cards] raise the stakes, add to a total Headword location(s)
view (n.)
presence, meeting, sight Headword location(s)
view (n.)
inspection, examination Headword location(s)
view (n.)
sight, range of vision Headword location(s)
viewless (adj.) Old form(s): viewlesse
invisible, unseeable Headword location(s)
vigour (n.) Old form(s): vigor
power, efficacy, effect Headword location(s)
vild (n./adj.)
degrading, ignominious, worthless see also vile (n.) Headword location(s)
vild (n./adj.)
degrading, ignominious, worthless see also vile (adj.) Headword location(s)
vildly (adv.)
shamefully, wretchedly, meanly see also vilely (adv.) Headword location(s)
vile, vild (adj.) Old form(s): vilde
degrading, ignominious, worthless Headword location(s)
vile, vild (adj.) Old form(s): vilde , wilde
despicable, disgusting, abhorrent Headword location(s)
vile, vild (adj.) Old form(s): vilde
shameful, contemptible, wretched Headword location(s)
vile, vild (adj.)
lowly, of humble birth Headword location(s)
vile, vild (n.)
lowly person, person of humble birth Headword location(s)
vile, vild (n.)
worthless person, one not deserving of praise Headword location(s)
vile-drawing (adj.) Old form(s): vile drawing
attracting towards evil Headword location(s)
vilely, vildly (adv.) Old form(s): Vildely
shamefully, wretchedly, meanly Headword location(s)
villagery (n.) Old form(s): Villagree
villages Headword location(s)
villain (adj.) Old form(s): villaine
lowly, boorish, base Headword location(s)
villain (n.) Old form(s): Villaine
serf, servant, bondsman Headword location(s)
villain (n.) Old form(s): Villaine
scoundrel, rogue, rascal Headword location(s)
villain-like (adv.)
like a serf; or: like a rogue Headword location(s)
villainous (adv.) Old form(s): villanous
villainously, vilely, detestably Headword location(s)
villain-slave (n.) Old form(s): Villaine-slaue
villainous wretch Headword location(s)
villainy (n.) Old form(s): villany
shaming practice, discrediting activity Headword location(s)
villainy (n.) Old form(s): villanie
coarseness, boorishness, discourtesy Headword location(s)
villiago (n.)
villain, scoundrel, rogue Headword location(s)
vindicative (adj.) Old form(s): vindecatiue
vindictive, punitive, revengeful Headword location(s)
vinegar (adj.)
sour, bitter, crabby Headword location(s)
vinewed (adj.)
mouldy, rotten, decaying Headword location(s)
viol (n.) Old form(s): Violl, Vyall
type of stringed instrument played with a bow see also bass viol (n.) Headword location(s)
viol-de-gamboys (n.) Old form(s): Viol-de-ganboys
viola da gamba Headword location(s)
violent (adj.) Old form(s): violent'st
extreme, intense, utmost Headword location(s)
violent (adj.)
rushed, hasty, impetuous Headword location(s)
violent (v.)
rage with violence, seethe, rampage Headword location(s)
it's a wise man that says little see also Latin Headword location(s)
virgin (v.) Old form(s): Virgin'd
remain a virgin, stay chaste Headword location(s)
virginal (adj.) Old form(s): Virginall
of young girls Headword location(s)
virginal (adj.) Old form(s): virginall
typical of a virgin Headword location(s)
virginal (v.)
move the fingers up and down [as if playing a virginal] Headword location(s)
virginals (n.)
small keyboard instrument Headword location(s)
Virginius (n.)
5th-c BC centurion who slew his daughter, either to avoid her being raped or because she was raped see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
virgin-knot (n.)
maidenhead, virginity Headword location(s)
Virgo (n.)
Virgin [sixth sign of the zodiac, associated with Astraea, goddess of justice] see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
virtue (n.) Old form(s): vertue, vertues
power, capability, efficacy, property Headword location(s)
virtue (n.) Old form(s): Vertue
courage, valour, bravery Headword location(s)
virtue (n.) Old form(s): vertue
essence, heart, soul Headword location(s)
virtue (n.) Old form(s): Vertue
chastity, sexual purity Headword location(s)
virtue (n.) Old form(s): Vertue, vertues
quality, accomplishment, ability Headword location(s)
virtue (n.) Old form(s): vertue
goodness, benevolence, kindness Headword location(s)
virtue (n.) Old form(s): vertue
authority, jurisdiction, power Headword location(s)
virtue (n.) Old form(s): vertue , Vertues
virtuous self, honour, excellency Headword location(s)
virtue (n.) Old form(s): Vertue
worth, value, excellence Headword location(s)
virtuous (adj.) Old form(s): vertuous
showing fine qualities, praiseworthy Headword location(s)
virtuous (adj.) Old form(s): vertuous
potent, powerful, efficacious Headword location(s)
virtuous (adj.) Old form(s): vertuous
capable of producing great growth, beneficial Headword location(s)
virtuous (adj.) Old form(s): vertuous
arising from virtuous practice, justifiable, well-warranted Headword location(s)
virtuously (adv.) Old form(s): vertuously
steadfastly, strongly, powerfully Headword location(s)
visage (n.)
face, countenance see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
visage (n.)
outward appearance, aspect, air Headword location(s)
visaged (adj.) Old form(s): visagd
featured, looking Headword location(s)
vision (n.)
sight, object of sight, display Headword location(s)
visit (v.) Old form(s): visite
supply, furnish, provide Headword location(s)
visit (v.)
punish, deal with Headword location(s)
visit (v.)
afflict with sickness, strike down with disease Headword location(s)
visitating (adj.)
visiting, attending, observing Headword location(s)
visitation (n.)
visit Headword location(s)
visitation (n.)
forceful onset, violence, buffeting Headword location(s)
visitor (n.)
parish visitor [of the sick], charity worker Headword location(s)
visor (n.) Old form(s): Visore, vizard , Vizor
mask Headword location(s)
visored (adj.)
masked Headword location(s)
vital (adj.) Old form(s): Vitall
life-supporting, animating see also spirit (n.) 3 Headword location(s)
viva voce Old form(s): viua
by word of mouth see also Latin Headword location(s)
vizament (n.) Old form(s): viza-ments
malapropism for ‘advisement’ [consideration] Headword location(s)
vizard (n.) Old form(s): visard
mask, visor Headword location(s)
vizard (v.)
cover with a mask; conceal, hide Headword location(s)
vizarded (adj.)
masked, visored, disguised Headword location(s)
vizard-like (adj.)
like a mask, expressionless Headword location(s)
vlouting (adj.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'flouting' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
vlouting-stock, -stog (n.)
dialect form of ‘flouting-stock’ [= laughing-stock, object of derision] see also Welsh Headword location(s)
vlouting-stock, -stog (n.)
dialect form of ‘flouting-stock’ [= laughing-stock, object of derision] see also stock (n.) 4 Headword location(s)
voice (n.) Old form(s): Voices , voyce , voyces
vote, official support see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
voice (n.) Old form(s): voyce, voyces
support, approval, good word Headword location(s)
voice (n.) Old form(s): voyce, voyces
authoritative opinion, judgement Headword location(s)
voice (n.) Old form(s): voyce , voyces
talk, rumour, opinion Headword location(s)
voice (n.) Old form(s): voyce , voyces
shout of acclamation, cry of applause Headword location(s)
voice (v.) Old form(s): Voyce
vote, elect, appoint Headword location(s)
voice (v.) Old form(s): Voic'd
talk about, acclaim, praise Headword location(s)
voice (v.) Old form(s): Voyces
voter, person offering support Headword location(s)
void (adj.) Old form(s): voydes
empty, lacking, devoid Headword location(s)
void (adj.) Old form(s): voyd
uncrowded, unfrequented, roomy Headword location(s)
void (v.) Old form(s): voide
empty, clear out, discharge Headword location(s)
void (v.) Old form(s): voyde
leave, withdraw, quit Headword location(s)
void up (v.) Old form(s): voyde vp
bring up, regurgitate, disgorge Headword location(s)
voiding lobby Old form(s): voyding
antechamber, waiting-room Headword location(s)
volley (v.) Old form(s): volly
utter, express, proclaim Headword location(s)
Volquessen (n.)
[vol'kesen] Vexin, district around Rouen, NW France see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
voluble (adj.)
changeable, inconstant, mutable Headword location(s)
voluble (adj.)
glib, facile, persuasive Headword location(s)
voluble (adj.)
fluent, eloquent, articulate Headword location(s)
volume, by the
to a great extent, a large number of times Headword location(s)
voluntary (adj.)
willing, ready, enthusiastic Headword location(s)
voluntary (n.)
volunteer Headword location(s)
vor (v.)
dialect version of ‘warn’ Headword location(s)
votaress (n.) Old form(s): Votarisse, Votresse
woman under vow, votary, devotee [of an order] Headword location(s)
votarist (n.)
vow-taker, religious, nun / monk Headword location(s)
votary (n.)
devotee, disciple, worshipper [of] Headword location(s)
votary (n.) Old form(s): Votarie
someone bound by a special vow Headword location(s)
vouch (n.)
warrant, guarantee, formal confirmation Headword location(s)
vouch (n.)
approval, testimony, witness Headword location(s)
vouch (n.)
formal statement, attestation, express declaration Headword location(s)
vouch (v.)
guarantee, assure, warrant Headword location(s)
vouch (v.) Old form(s): vouch'd
make good, uphold, support Headword location(s)
vouch (v.) Old form(s): vouch'd
pledge, praise, commend Headword location(s)
vouched (adj.) Old form(s): voucht
guaranteed, attested, certified Headword location(s)
voucher (n.)
[legal] warrantor of someone's right to property Headword location(s)
voucher (n.)
piece of evidence, circumstance Headword location(s)
vouchsafe (v.) Old form(s): vouch-safe
allow, permit, grant see also Politeness Headword location(s)
vouchsafe (v.)
deign, condescend Headword location(s)
vouchsafe (v.)
cope with, sustain, be prepared to bear Headword location(s)
vouchsafe (v.)
be pleased to accept, graciously receive Headword location(s)
vouchsafed (adj.)
well-bestowed, kindly granted Headword location(s)
voutsafe (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'vouchsafe' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
vow-fellow (n.) Old form(s): vow-fellowes
person bound by the same vow Headword location(s)
vox (n.)
proper voice, right manner of speaking Headword location(s)
Vulcan (n.)
Roman god of fire, and the gods' blacksmith; his forge was under Mt Etna, and thus associated with destruction and hell see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Vulcan (n.)
Roman god of fire, and the gods' blacksmith; his forge was under Mt Etna, and thus associated with destruction and hell see also Cyclops (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
vulgar (adj.)
cheap, common to all, plebeian Headword location(s)
vulgar (adj.)
public, general, common Headword location(s)
vulgar (adj.)
generally known, commonly acknowledged Headword location(s)
vulgar (adj.)
low-born, humble, menial Headword location(s)
vulgar (n.) Old form(s): vulger
familiar, ordinary, everyday Headword location(s)
vulgar (n.)
common people, ordinary folk Headword location(s)
vulgar (n.)
vernacular, everyday language Headword location(s)
vulgarly (adv.)
publicly, openly, in front of the world Headword location(s)
vulgo (adv.)
[unclear meaning] popularly, commonly; in everyday speech Headword location(s)
vulture (adj.) Old form(s): vultur
ravenous, devouring, rapacious Headword location(s)

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