If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
eager (adj.)
keen, biting Headword location(s)
eager (adj.) Old form(s): Aygre
sour, bitter, acid Headword location(s)
eager (adj.)
fierce, angry, savage Headword location(s)
eager (adj.)
sharp, cutting Headword location(s)
eager (adj.)
impetuous, fierce, impassioned Headword location(s)
ean (v.) Old form(s): Eane
bring forth lambs Headword location(s)
eaning (adj.)
lambing Headword location(s)
eanling (n.) Old form(s): eanelings
new-born lamb Headword location(s)
ear (n.) Old form(s): eare
hearing, listening, paying attention Headword location(s)
ear (v.) Old form(s): ear'd
listen to, hear, give ear to Headword location(s)
ear (v.) Old form(s): eare
plough, break through Headword location(s)
ear (v.) Old form(s): eare , eres
plough, till, cultivate Headword location(s)
ear, in the Old form(s): eare
within earshot Headword location(s)
ear-bussing (adj.)
ear-kissing, reaching the ear only as rumours Headword location(s)
earing (n.)
ploughing Headword location(s)
ear-kissing (adj.)
reaching the ear only as rumours see also ear-bussing (adj.) Headword location(s)
earl (n.) Old form(s): Earle
lord, peer, nobleman Headword location(s)
early (adv.)
at the outset, at first hearing Headword location(s)
earn (v.) Old form(s): yern'd
grieve, sadden, wound Headword location(s)
earn (v.) Old form(s): earnes , erne
yearn, mourn, grieve Headword location(s)
earnest (adj.)
genuine, real, serious Headword location(s)
earnest (n.)
pledge, instalment, deposit, payment in advance Headword location(s)
earnest penny Old form(s): peny
guarantee, promise [small sum of money paid to secure a bargain] Headword location(s)
earnest, of
genuine, real, serious Headword location(s)
earnest-gaping (adj.)
eagerly peering, gazing with special intensity Headword location(s)
earnestly (adv.)
steadfastly, intently Headword location(s)
ears, by the Old form(s): eares
at odds, fighting like beasts Headword location(s)
ears, over Old form(s): eares, o're
drowned Headword location(s)
earth (n.)
piece of dirt, beast of the earth Headword location(s)
earth (v.) Old form(s): earth'd
put in the earth, bury, inter Headword location(s)
earth-delving (adj.) Old form(s): earth-deluing
burrowing Headword location(s)
earthly (adj.)
within the earth, existing in the ground Headword location(s)
earthly (adj.)
pale, earth-coloured, lifeless as earth see also earthy (adj.) 3 Headword location(s)
earth-vexing (adj.)
tormenting earthly life, life-afflicting Headword location(s)
earthy (adj.) Old form(s): earthie
coarse, unrefined, gross Headword location(s)
earthy (adj.) Old form(s): earthly
of the earth, made of clay Headword location(s)
earthy (adj.) Old form(s): earthie
earthly, dwelling in this world Headword location(s)
earthy (adj.) Old form(s): earthly
pale, earth-coloured, lifeless as earth Headword location(s)
ease (n.)
disuse, neglect, idleness Headword location(s)
ease (n.)
comfort, relief, solace Headword location(s)
ease, at one's
in comfort, free from care Headword location(s)
ease, in
with ease, easily; or: in sloth Headword location(s)
easeful (adj.) Old form(s): easefull
comfortable, relaxing, soothing Headword location(s)
easily (adv.)
in comfort, at ease Headword location(s)
easiness (n.)
indifference, unconcern, carelessness Headword location(s)
easiness (n.) Old form(s): easinesse
gentleness, kindness, indulgence Headword location(s)
Eastcheap (n.)
East End street, near Monument, London see also London Headword location(s)
Easter (n.)
in Christian tradition, the feast of Christ’s resurrection see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
easy (adj.) Old form(s): easie
comfortable, restful, agreeable Headword location(s)
easy (adj.) Old form(s): easie
slight, petty, insignificant Headword location(s)
easy (adj.)
open, receptive, amenable Headword location(s)
easy (adj.) Old form(s): easie
loose-fitting, comfortable Headword location(s)
easy (adj.) Old form(s): easie
effortless, straightforward, uncomplicated Headword location(s)
easy (adj.) Old form(s): easie
careless, unconcerned; or: naive, trusting Headword location(s)
easy (adv.) Old form(s): easie
easily Headword location(s)
easy-held (adj.) Old form(s): easie held
easily endured, agreeably maintained Headword location(s)
easy-melting (adj.) Old form(s): easie-melting
pliable, manipulatable, easily persuaded Headword location(s)
ebbed (adj.) Old form(s): ebb'd
out-of-power, whose fortunes have waned Headword location(s)
ebon (adj.)
dark, sombre Headword location(s)
ebon (adj.)
ebony, black Headword location(s)
Ebrew (adj.)
Hebrew Headword location(s)
behold the evidence see also Latin Headword location(s)
ech (v.)
add to, increase, supplement see also eke (v.) Headword location(s)
eche (v.) Old form(s): each
add to, increase, supplement Headword location(s)
ecstasy (n.) Old form(s): Extasie, extasies
fit, bout of madness, frenzied behaviour Headword location(s)
ecstasy (n.) Old form(s): extasie
madness, lunacy Headword location(s)
ecstasy (n.) Old form(s): extasie
emotion, state of mind, feeling Headword location(s)
eddy (n.) Old form(s): Edy
whirlpool Headword location(s)
edge (n.)
stimulus, push, incentive Headword location(s)
edge (n.)
ardour, keen desire Headword location(s)
edge (n.)
weapon, sword Headword location(s)
edge (n.)
keen delight, special enjoyment Headword location(s)
edge (n.)
high and narrow ridge Headword location(s)
edge (n.)
sharpness, keenness Headword location(s)
edged (adj.)
sharp, sharpened, cutting Headword location(s)
edgeless (adj.) Old form(s): edgelesse
blunted, useless, ineffective Headword location(s)
edict (n.)
authority, judgement, valuation Headword location(s)
edify (v.) Old form(s): edifie
enlighten, instruct, inform Headword location(s)
edify (v.) Old form(s): edifie
profit, gain instruction Headword location(s)
education (n.)
upbringing, nurture, raising Headword location(s)
ee (n.) Old form(s): eie
[northern form of] eye Headword location(s)
e'en (adv.)
just, exactly see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
e'en (adv.)
just, exactly see also even (adv.) Headword location(s)
effect (n.)
benefit, advantage [resulting from an action] Headword location(s)
effect (n.)
purpose, end, intended deed Headword location(s)
effect (n.)
drift, tenor, import Headword location(s)
effect (n.)
result, end, outcome, fulfilment Headword location(s)
effect (n.)
sign, mark, token, manifestation Headword location(s)
effect (n.)
desire, passion, emotion see also affect (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
effect (v.)
carry out, accomplish Headword location(s)
effect (v.)
bring into effect, fulfil, show to be true Headword location(s)
effect (v.)
cause, produce, bring about Headword location(s)
effectless (adj.) Old form(s): effectlesse
ineffective, fruitless, useless Headword location(s)
effectual (adj.) Old form(s): effectuall
conclusive, decisive, pertinent Headword location(s)
effectual (adj.) Old form(s): effectuall
effective, efficient Headword location(s)
effectual (adj.) Old form(s): effectuall
effective, actual, with full effect Headword location(s)
effectually (adv.)
to the purpose, fittingly; or: earnestly Headword location(s)
effectually (adv.)
in effect, in fact, in reality Headword location(s)
effeminate (adj.)
feeble, soft, unmanly Headword location(s)
effeminate (adj.)
gentle, tender, compassionate Headword location(s)
effigy (n.) Old form(s): effigies
likeness, image, portrait Headword location(s)
effuse (n.)
effusion, outflow, pouring out Headword location(s)
effuse (v.) Old form(s): effus'd
spill, shed Headword location(s)
effusion (n.)
spilling, shedding Headword location(s)
eftest (adj.)
[unclear malapropism] quickest, most convenient Headword location(s)
eftsoons (adv.) Old form(s): eftsoones
occasionally, from time to time Headword location(s)
eftsoons (adv.) Old form(s): Eftsoones
later on, afterwards Headword location(s)
egal, egall (adj.)
equal, matched, equivalent Headword location(s)
egally (adv.)
equally, evenly, commensurately Headword location(s)
eggshell (n.)
something worthless Headword location(s)
eglantine (n.)
sweet briar see also Plants Headword location(s)
egma (n.)
malapropism for ‘enigma’ Headword location(s)
my king and I see also Latin Headword location(s)
egregious (adj.)
shocking, outrageous, flagrant Headword location(s)
egregious (adj.)
significant, extraordinary, exceptional Headword location(s)
egress and regress Old form(s): egresse, regresse
[legal] right of leaving and return, freedom to come and go Headword location(s)
eightpenny (adj.)
trivial, negligible, insignificant see also Money Headword location(s)
eisel, eisell, esile, eysell (n.) Old form(s): Esile
vinegar Headword location(s)
eke (adv.) Old form(s): eeke
[archaism] also, moreover, too see also Archaisms Headword location(s)
eke, eke out (v.) Old form(s): eech , eeke , ich
add to, increase, supplement Headword location(s)
elbow (v.)
jostle, thrust back, crowd in Headword location(s)
elbow, out at
in bad condition Headword location(s)
eld (n.)
men of old, people from former times Headword location(s)
eld (n.)
old age, advanced years Headword location(s)
elder (n.)
elder tree Headword location(s)
elder (n.)
later one, more advanced one Headword location(s)
elder (n.)
greater Headword location(s)
elder (n.)
senior, superior Headword location(s)
elder-gun (n.) Old form(s): Elder Gunne
pop-gun Headword location(s)
eldest (adj.) Old form(s): eld'st
oldest, longest Headword location(s)
elect (adj.)
chosen, selected, picked out Headword location(s)
elect (v.)
pick out, choose, select Headword location(s)
elect (v.)
acknowledge, choose, accept Headword location(s)
elected (adj.)
chosen, selected, picked out Headword location(s)
election (n.) Old form(s): electiõ
choice, preference Headword location(s)
elegancy (n.)
elegance Headword location(s)
elegy (n.)
love-poem, song of lamentation Headword location(s)
element (n.)
place, sphere, station Headword location(s)
element (n.)
substance, raw material, physical matter Headword location(s)
element (n.)
(plural) substances from which all material things are made [believed to be earth, water, air, fire] Headword location(s)
element (n.)
essence, embodiment, heart and soul Headword location(s)
element (n.)
(plural) forces of nature, atmospheric powers Headword location(s)
element (n.)
(plural) elements of life, life-forces Headword location(s)
element (n.)
sphere of knowledge, proper comprehension Headword location(s)
element (n.)
air, sky, heavens Headword location(s)
eleven and twenty long Old form(s): eleuen, twentie
just right, perfect [a winning hand in the card game of Thirty-one] Headword location(s)
elf (v.) Old form(s): elfe
tangle, mat, twist Headword location(s)
elf-lock (n.) Old form(s): Elk-locks
hair treated by elves; matted locks Headword location(s)
elf-skin (n.) Old form(s): Elfe-skin
shrunken thing, mere nothing Headword location(s)
eliad (n.)
amorous glance, look of love, ogle see also oeillade (n.) Headword location(s)
ell (n.)
measure of length [45 inches / c.114 cm in England] Headword location(s)
else (adv.)
(used after the noun) in addition Headword location(s)
else (adv.)
otherwise see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
else (adv.)
elsewhere, in another direction Headword location(s)
else (adv.)
suchlike, others besides Headword location(s)
elvish-marked (adj.) Old form(s): eluish mark'd
marked out at birth by evil fairies, displaying spite Headword location(s)
mythological location of heaven see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
emballing (n.)
investment with the orb [as a mark of sovereignty] Headword location(s)
embark (v.) Old form(s): embark'd
engage in an enterprise, involve in an undertaking Headword location(s)
embarquement (n.)
embargo, impediment, prohibition Headword location(s)
embassade (n.)
embassy, mission [as an ambassador] Headword location(s)
embassador (n.)
variant form of ‘ambassador’ Headword location(s)
embassage, ambassage (n.)
message, errand, business, mission Headword location(s)
embassy (n.) Old form(s): ambassie , Embassie
message [especially via an ambassador] Headword location(s)
embassy (n.) Old form(s): Embassie
ambassadorial role, function as ambassador Headword location(s)
embattailed (adj.) Old form(s): embattailed
in battle positions, marshalled for fight Headword location(s)
embattle (v.) Old form(s): embattaild , embattaile, embattall'd, imbatteled
deploy, draw up, marshal Headword location(s)
embayed (adj.) Old form(s): embay'd
within a bay, protected by the shore Headword location(s)
ember-eve (n.) Old form(s): Ember eues
evening before ember-days [church quarterly 3-day period of fasting and prayer] Headword location(s)
emblaze (v.)
proclaim publicly, set forth [as on a coat-of-arms] Headword location(s)
emblem (n.) Old form(s): Embleme
image, symbol, allegory Headword location(s)
embody (v.)
become part of the same body as, unite as Headword location(s)
embolden (v.) Old form(s): imboldens
make more bold, encourage, foster Headword location(s)
emboss (v.) Old form(s): imbost
[hunting] run down, drive to exhaustion Headword location(s)
embossed (adj.) Old form(s): imbossed , imbost
swollen, bulging, protuberant Headword location(s)
embossed (adj.) Old form(s): imbost
covered as if with ornamental studs Headword location(s)
embossed (adj.) Old form(s): imbost
driven to such extremes, made mad with exhaustion Headword location(s)
embossed (adj.)
foaming, driven forward Headword location(s)
enclose, contain, confine Headword location(s)
embowel (v.) Old form(s): Imbowell'd
disembowel [in Tudor times a procedure used to ensure that the body of a noble person would not deteriorate so much between death and burial] Headword location(s)
embowelled (adj.) Old form(s): embowel'd
disembowelled, emptied, drained Headword location(s)
embrace (v.) Old form(s): imbrace
welcome, joyfully accept Headword location(s)
embrace (v.)
accept, avail oneself of Headword location(s)
embraced (adj.)
cherished, joyfully accepted Headword location(s)
embracement (n.) Old form(s): imbracement , imbracements
embrace, clasping, hug Headword location(s)
embrasure (n.)
embrace, clasping Headword location(s)
embrue (v.)
pierce, stab, stain with blood see also imbrue (v.) Headword location(s)
eminence (n.)
special honour, exceptional homage Headword location(s)
eminence (n.)
superiority, mastery, advantage Headword location(s)
emmet (n.)
ant Headword location(s)
emmew (v.)
drive into the water see also enew (v.) Headword location(s)
empale (v.)
encircle, enclose, ring see also impale (v.) Headword location(s)
empannel (v.)
enrol, oblige to appear in a court see also impannel (v.) Headword location(s)
emperal (n.) Old form(s): Emperialls
malapropism for ‘emperor’ Headword location(s)
emperial (adj.) Old form(s): Emperiall
malapropism for ‘imperial’ Headword location(s)
emperious (adj.)
imperial, majestic, sovereign see also imperious (adj.) Headword location(s)
empery (n.) Old form(s): Emperie
empire, emperor's domain Headword location(s)
empery (n.) Old form(s): Emperie, Empyrie
absolute dominion, sovereignty Headword location(s)
emphasis (n.)
vigorous expression, forceful utterance Headword location(s)
empierce (v.) Old form(s): enpearced
pierce through, transfix, impale Headword location(s)
empire (n.)
emperor Headword location(s)
empiric (n.) Old form(s): empericks
medical quack, untrained practitioner Headword location(s)
empiricutic (n./adj.) Old form(s): Emperickqutique
quackery, imposture; quackish, fraudulent Headword location(s)
empleached, impleached (adj.) Old form(s): empleacht
entwined, intertwined, interwoven Headword location(s)
employ (v.)
make use of, use one's services Headword location(s)
employ (v.)
devote, apply, occupy [oneself] Headword location(s)
employment (n.)
use, purpose, end Headword location(s)
employment (n.) Old form(s): imployment, Imployments
task, service, commission Headword location(s)
employment (n.)
matter, business, affair Headword location(s)
empoison (v.) Old form(s): impoyson'd
give poison, destroy by poison Headword location(s)
empoison (v.) Old form(s): impoison
poison, corrupt, destroy Headword location(s)
emportment (n.)
fit of passion, state of emotion Headword location(s)
empty (adj.) Old form(s): emptie
famished, hungry, having an empty stomach Headword location(s)
empty (adj.)
empty-handed, with nothing to give Headword location(s)
empty (adj.)
unburdened, idle, unoccupied Headword location(s)
emulate (adj.)
ambitious, full of jealous rivalry, emulous Headword location(s)
emulation (n.) Old form(s): æmulations
ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict Headword location(s)
emulation (n.)
triumph, success, accomplishment Headword location(s)
emulator (n.)
disparager, denigrator, belittler Headword location(s)
emulous (adj.)
rivalling, competing, emulating Headword location(s)
emulous (adj.)
envious, filled with rivalry, greedy for praise Headword location(s)
emure (n.)
wall see also immure (n.) Headword location(s)
enact (n.)
purpose, resolve, resolution Headword location(s)
enact (v.)
bring about, accomplish, perform Headword location(s)
enact (v.)
decree, ordain, enter in the records Headword location(s)
enacture (n.) Old form(s): ennactors
performance, fulfilment, execution Headword location(s)
enamelled (adj.) Old form(s): enamaled, enameld , enamelld, enammel'd
brightly coloured, multi-coloured, kaleidoscopic Headword location(s)
enamoured on (adj.) Old form(s): enamored
in love [with], delight [in], relish Headword location(s)
encaged, incaged (adj.)
encaged, caged up Headword location(s)
encamp (v.) Old form(s): encampe
form into a camp, settle in a camp Headword location(s)
encave (v.) Old form(s): encaue
hide away, conceal Headword location(s)
Enceladus (n.)
giant who fought against the Olympian gods, son of Tartarus and Gaea; possible brother of Typhon see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Enceladus (n.)
giant who fought against the Olympian gods, son of Tartarus and Gaea; possible brother of Typhon see also Typhon (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
enchafe (v.) Old form(s): enchaf'd
heat, excite, anger Headword location(s)
enchafed (adj.)
angry, furious, enraged Headword location(s)
enchant (v.) Old form(s): enchaunt , enchaunted , inchaunt
charm, bewitch, win over Headword location(s)
enchanting (adj.) Old form(s): inchaunting
bewitching, captivating, holding under a spell Headword location(s)
enchantingly (adv.)
as if put under a spell Headword location(s)
enchased (adj.) Old form(s): Inchac'd
adorned, decorated, inlaid Headword location(s)
enclog (v.) Old form(s): enclogge
hinder, encumber, impede Headword location(s)
enclose (v.)
seize, grip, imprison Headword location(s)
encloud (v.) Old form(s): enclowded
envelop, engulf, surround [as in a cloud] Headword location(s)
encompass (v.) Old form(s): encompass'd , encompast , Incompass'd , incompassed, incompast
surround, encircle, enclose Headword location(s)
encompass (v.) Old form(s): encompass'd
outwit, catch out, get round Headword location(s)
encompassed (adj.) Old form(s): incompast
surrounded, encircled, enclosed Headword location(s)
encompassment (n.) Old form(s): encompassement
talking around [a subject], roundabout means Headword location(s)
encouch (v.)
enclose, embed, wrap around Headword location(s)
encounter (n.)
conversational interaction, discourse style Headword location(s)
encounter (n.) Old form(s): incounter
liaison, intercourse, amorous affair Headword location(s)
encounter (n.)
behaviour, conduct, manner of meeting Headword location(s)
encounter (n.)
accosting, address, approach Headword location(s)
encounter (n.) Old form(s): incounters
skirmish, assault, engagement Headword location(s)
encounter (v.)
stand opposite, take a partner Headword location(s)
encounter (v.)
oppose, thwart, defeat Headword location(s)
encounter (v.) Old form(s): incounter
approach, go to, move towards Headword location(s)
encounter (v.) Old form(s): encountred
confront, assail, attack Headword location(s)
encounter (v.) Old form(s): encountred
meet, bump into one another Headword location(s)
encounter with (v.) Old form(s): encountred , incounter
meet, approach [as an adversary] Headword location(s)
encounter with (v.) Old form(s): incounter
contest, dispute, confront Headword location(s)
encounterer (n.)
flirt, coquette, tease Headword location(s)
encrimsoned (adj.) Old form(s): encrimson'd
dyed crimson, made bright red Headword location(s)
encumbered (v.) Old form(s): encombred
folded Headword location(s)
end (n.)
outcome, result, issue Headword location(s)
end (n.)
purpose, aim, design Headword location(s)
end (n.)
[in phrases] see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
end (n.)
[in phrases] see also draw toward an end Headword location(s)
end (n.)
[in phrases] see also still an end Headword location(s)
end (n.)
death, ending [of life] Headword location(s)
end (n.)
ultimate end, end of all things Headword location(s)
end (n.)
scrap, fragment, tag, ending Headword location(s)
end (n.)
root cause, source Headword location(s)
end (v.)
provide an end for, give purpose to Headword location(s)
end (v.)
[harvesting] gather in, bring in Headword location(s)
end (v.)
settle, resolve Headword location(s)
end, an / on
upright, vertical Headword location(s)
endamage (v.) Old form(s): endammage
damage, injure, harm Headword location(s)
endamagement (n.) Old form(s): indammagement
damage, injury, harm Headword location(s)
endart (v.)
embed, bury, send in [as an arrow] Headword location(s)
endeared (adj.) Old form(s): endeer'd , endeered
attached in honour, bound by affection Headword location(s)
endeared (adj.) Old form(s): indeared
made more precious, increased in value Headword location(s)
endeavour (v.) Old form(s): Endeuour'd
try to obtain, strive to procure Headword location(s)
ending (adj.)
dying, near one's end Headword location(s)
endite (v.)
deliberate malapropism for ‘invite’ Headword location(s)
endless (adj.) Old form(s): endlesse
never-ending, impossible, unattainable Headword location(s)
endless (adj.) Old form(s): endles
boundless, universal, impenetrable Headword location(s)
endow (v.)
provide with a dowry Headword location(s)
endowment (n.)
endowing of possessions, enriching with property Headword location(s)
endue (v.)
endow, furnish, provide see also indue (v.) Headword location(s)
endued (adj.)
endowed, supplied [with appropriate qualities] see also indued (adj.) Headword location(s)
endurance (n.)
distressing delay, hardship see also indurance (n.) Headword location(s)
endure (v.) Old form(s): indur'd
undergo, suffer, put up with Headword location(s)
endure (v.)
live out a life, continue in existence Headword location(s)
endure (v.) Old form(s): indur'd , indure
let, allow, permit Headword location(s)
Endymion (n.)
[pron: en'dimion] young shepherd loved by Selene (the Moon); Zeus granted his wish of eternal sleep, so he remained forever young see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
enew (v.) Old form(s): emmew
drive into the water Headword location(s)
enfeoff (v.) Old form(s): Enfeoff'd
surrender, abandon, give up completely Headword location(s)
enfettered (adj.) Old form(s): enfetter'd
placed in fetters, enchained, enslaved Headword location(s)
enfoldings (n.)
garments, clothes Headword location(s)
enforce (v.) Old form(s): inforce , inforcest
gain by force, exact Headword location(s)
enforce (v.) Old form(s): enforc'd, inforce
emphasize, urge, lay stress upon Headword location(s)
enforce (v.) Old form(s): inforced
rape, violate, ravish Headword location(s)
enforce (v.) Old form(s): enforst , inforce , inforst
force, compel, constrain, drive Headword location(s)
enforce (v.) Old form(s): enforc'd , inforced, inforst
act upon by force Headword location(s)
enforced (adj.)
violated, assaulted, ravished Headword location(s)
enforced (adj.)
forced, constrained, affected Headword location(s)
enforced (adj.) Old form(s): inforced
violating, shown in an assault Headword location(s)
enforcedly (adv.)
under compulsion, out of necessity Headword location(s)
enforcement (n.)
violation, overcoming Headword location(s)
enforcement (n.)
enforcing, propulsion Headword location(s)
enfranched (adj.)
enfranchised, freed, liberated Headword location(s)
enfranchise (v.) Old form(s): enfranchis'd , enfranchisde , enfranchized , infranchise , infranchised
set free, liberate Headword location(s)
enfranchisement (n.) Old form(s): infranchisement
freedom, liberation, release Headword location(s)
enfreed (adj.)
liberated, released Headword location(s)
enfreedom (v.)
make free, liberate Headword location(s)
engage (v.) Old form(s): ingag'd
pledge, give the guarantee of Headword location(s)
engage (v.)
take up a gage, accept a challenge Headword location(s)
engage (v.) Old form(s): engag'd , ingag'd
hold as a hostage Headword location(s)
engage (v.) Old form(s): engag'd
mortgage, put in pawn Headword location(s)
engage (v.) Old form(s): engag'd
enter into combat, make an attack Headword location(s)
engage to
involve in, associate with Headword location(s)
engaged (adj.) Old form(s): ingag'd
entangled, involved, trapped Headword location(s)
engaged (adj.) Old form(s): engag'd
pledged, bound, sworn Headword location(s)
engaol (v.) Old form(s): engaol'd
put in gaol, lock up Headword location(s)
engender (v.)
produce, develop, generate Headword location(s)
engendered (adj.) Old form(s): engendred
devised, hatched, conceived Headword location(s)
engendering (n.) Old form(s): ingendring
begetting, breeding, multiplying Headword location(s)
engild (v.)
gild, brighten, illuminate Headword location(s)
engine (n.) Old form(s): Engin, Engyn
weapon, instrument of warfare Headword location(s)
engine (n.)
mechanical device, lever, implement Headword location(s)
engine (n.)
plot, device, means, instrument Headword location(s)
engine (n.) Old form(s): engin
instrument, implement, organ Headword location(s)
engineer, enginer (n.)
constructor of military works; plotter, contriver see also ingener (n.) Headword location(s)
engirt (adj.) Old form(s): engyrt , ingirt
surrounded, encircled, hemmed-in Headword location(s)
engirt (v.) Old form(s): ingirt , ingirts
encircle, enclose Headword location(s)
englut (v.)
swallow up, gulp down, devour Headword location(s)
engraff, engraft, engrafted (adj.)
deep-rooted, firmly implanted see also ingraft, engraffed (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
engraff, engraft, engrafted (adj.)
deep-rooted, firmly implanted see also ingrafted (adj.) Headword location(s)
engraffed (adj.)
ingrafted, ingrained, deep-rooted see also ingraft (adj.) Headword location(s)
engross (v.) Old form(s): Ingross'd , ingrossed , Ingrost
get together, collect, gather, seize Headword location(s)
engross (v.) Old form(s): engross'd
write out in proper legal form Headword location(s)
engross (v.) Old form(s): engrosse
fatten, distend, make bloated Headword location(s)
engross (v.) Old form(s): ingrossed
collect up, appropriate, monopolize Headword location(s)
engross up (v.) Old form(s): engrosse vp
amass, accumulate, collect together Headword location(s)
engrossing (adj.) Old form(s): ingrossing
all-absorbing, monopolizing Headword location(s)
engrossment (n.) Old form(s): engrossements
stockpiling, accumulation, collecting activity Headword location(s)
enguard (v.)
protect, preserve, shield Headword location(s)
enigmatical (adj.) Old form(s): Enigmaticall
enigmatic, mysterious, puzzling Headword location(s)
enjoined (adj.) Old form(s): inioyn'd
joined together in a common cause, bound by oath Headword location(s)
enjoy (v.) Old form(s): enioyes
possess, have, own Headword location(s)
enjoy (v.) Old form(s): enioy
possess in love, sleep with Headword location(s)
enjoy (v.) Old form(s): enioy, inioy
possess with delight, take pleasure [in], savour Headword location(s)
enjoy (v.) Old form(s): Inioy
indulge, give rein to, continue to practise Headword location(s)
enjoyer (n.) Old form(s): inioyer
possessor, owner Headword location(s)
enjoying (n.)
experiencing, benefit, blessing Headword location(s)
enlard (v.)
smear with grease, add fatty juice to Headword location(s)
enlarge (v.) Old form(s): inlarg'd
widen, extend, augment Headword location(s)
enlarge (v.) Old form(s): Inlarge , inlarged
release, set at large, discharge Headword location(s)
enlarge (v.)
enhance, promote, enrich Headword location(s)
enlargement (n.)
release, liberation, freeing Headword location(s)
enlargement (n.)
freedom of action, privilege of choice Headword location(s)
enlighten (v.) Old form(s): inlighten
light up, throw light upon, illuminate Headword location(s)
enlink (v.) Old form(s): Enlynckt
connect, chain, join closely [to] Headword location(s)
ennactor (n.)
performance, fulfilment, execution see also enacture (n.) Headword location(s)
enormity (n.)
vice, wickedness, transgression Headword location(s)
enormous (adj.)
disorderly, abnormal, monstrous Headword location(s)
enow (adv.) Old form(s): inow
enough Headword location(s)
enpatron (v.) Old form(s): enpatrone
make a patron of, have under one's patronage Headword location(s)
enpearce, enpierce (v.)
pierce through, transfix, impale see also empierce (v.) Headword location(s)
enraged (adj.) Old form(s): enrag'd, inraged
passionate, ardent, furiously aroused Headword location(s)
enraged (adj.) Old form(s): inrag'd
inflamed, heated, roused see also enridged (adj.) Headword location(s)
enrank (v.) Old form(s): enranke
set in ranks, draw up in battle lines Headword location(s)
enrapt (adj.)
enraptured, inspired, carried away Headword location(s)
enridged (adj.)
thrown into ridges, rippling Headword location(s)
enring (v.)
form a ring round, encircle, surround Headword location(s)
enrobe (v.)
dress in a robe, put a gown on Headword location(s)
enrol (v.) Old form(s): inroll'd
record, register, legally enter Headword location(s)
enrolled (adj.) Old form(s): inrolled
recorded, registered, legally entered Headword location(s)
enrooted (adj.) Old form(s): en-rooted
entangled by the roots Headword location(s)
enround (v.)
surround, encircle Headword location(s)
enscarped (adj.)
sharp-sided, abruptly shelving see also ensteeped (adj.) Headword location(s)
enschedule (v.) Old form(s): enschedul'd
put in a schedule, write down in a list Headword location(s)
ensconce, insconce (v.) Old form(s): en-sconce , ensconc't , Insconce
protect, conceal, shelter Headword location(s)
ensconce, insconce (v.) Old form(s): insconce
secure, establish oneself firmly Headword location(s)
enseamed (adj.)
greasy, slimy Headword location(s)
ensear (v.) Old form(s): Enseare
dry up, wither, make arid Headword location(s)
ensheltered (adj.) Old form(s): enshelter'd
within shelter, in a safe haven Headword location(s)
enshield (adj.) Old form(s): en-shield
shielded, defended Headword location(s)
ensign (n.) Old form(s): ensigne
standard, banner, flag Headword location(s)
ensign (n.) Old form(s): Ensignes
symbol, token, emblem Headword location(s)
ensign (n.) Old form(s): Ensigne
standard-bearer Headword location(s)
ensinewed, insinewed (adj.)
joined together in strength Headword location(s)
enskied (adj.) Old form(s): en-skied
placed in heaven Headword location(s)
enstate (v.)
endow, invest, bestow see also instate (v.) Headword location(s)
ensteeped (adj.) Old form(s): ensteep'd
located underwater, submerged see also enscarped (adj.) Headword location(s)
ensue (v.) Old form(s): insewe , insue
follow [especially, as a logical outcome] Headword location(s)
ensue (v.) Old form(s): insues
befall, happen, become Headword location(s)
enswathe (v.) Old form(s): Enswath'd
tie up, bind together Headword location(s)
entail (n.) Old form(s): intaile
provision that an estate should pass to an heir Headword location(s)
entail to (v.) Old form(s): entayld
bestow on, confer on, transfer to Headword location(s)
entail to (v.) Old form(s): entayle
appoint as heir Headword location(s)
entame (v.)
tame, subdue, quell Headword location(s)
enter (n.)
entrance, entering, arrival Headword location(s)
enter (v.)
enter into, engage in Headword location(s)
enter (v.)
recommend [to], introduce [to], admit into society Headword location(s)
enter (v.)
begin, take the first steps in Headword location(s)
enter in (v.) Old form(s): entred
be acquainted with, be aware of Headword location(s)
entered (adj.)
[as used in compounds] see also well-entered (adj.) Headword location(s)
entered (adj.)
[as used in compounds] see also man-entered (adj.) Headword location(s)
enterlude (n.)
short play, theatrical performance [staged to fill an interval] see also interlude (n.) Headword location(s)
entertain (n.) Old form(s): entertaine
entertainment, reception, treatment Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertain'd, entertaine, entertain'st
welcome, receive kindly, treat well, show hospitality to Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertain'd, entertaine
treat, deal with, handle Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertaine
enter upon, engage in, accept Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertaine
accept as true, allow, accommodate Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertain'd, entertaind, entertaine
receive, admit, let in Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertaine
occupy, engage, fill up Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertaine
consider, treat, think of Headword location(s)
entertain (v.)
receive, sustain, meet with Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertain'd, entertaine
hire, employ, maintain, take into service Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertaine
cherish, harbour, welcome Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertaine
admit into consideration, grant as a possibility Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertain'd , entertaine
maintain, keep up, practise Headword location(s)
entertain (v.) Old form(s): entertaine
while away, pass away Headword location(s)
entertainer (n.)
receiver, harbourer, person who considers Headword location(s)
entertainment (n.) Old form(s): Encertainment
pleasant reception, favourable welcome Headword location(s)
entertainment (n.) Old form(s): entertainement
hospitality, provision for needs Headword location(s)
entertainment (n.)
treatment, attitude, disposition Headword location(s)
entertainment (n.) Old form(s): entertainement, intertainment
treatment, hospitality, reception Headword location(s)
entertainment (n.)
payroll, service, employment Headword location(s)
entertainment (n.)
[mistaken use] guest, resident Headword location(s)
entertainment (n.)
manner of reception, way to handle Headword location(s)
entertainment (n.)
feast, banquet Headword location(s)
enthralled (adj.) Old form(s): inthral'd
enslaved, made captive Headword location(s)
enticing (adj.)
acting as a decoy, seductive Headword location(s)
entire (adj.)
sincere, genuine, earnest Headword location(s)
entirely (adv.) Old form(s): intirely
sincerely, heartily Headword location(s)
entitle, intitle (v.)
have a rightful claim [to] Headword location(s)
entitule, intitule (v.)
entitle, grace with the name of Headword location(s)
entitule, intitule (v.) Old form(s): entituled
have a rightful claim, furnish with a title Headword location(s)
entomb (v.) Old form(s): Entomb'd , intombed
lay in a tomb, bury, inter Headword location(s)
entrails (n.) Old form(s): intrailes
inside, interior Headword location(s)
entrance (n.) Old form(s): entraunce
arrival, coming in Headword location(s)
entrance (n.)
admission, right of entering, entrance-fee Headword location(s)
entranced (adj.) Old form(s): entranc'st
unconscious, insensible, thrown into a trance Headword location(s)
entreasured (adj.)
safely stored up, kept as in a treasury see also intreasured (adj.) Headword location(s)
entreat, intreat (n.)
entreaty, supplication, plea Headword location(s)
entreat, intreat (v.) Old form(s): entreate , Intreate , intreated
persuade, prevail upon Headword location(s)
entreat, intreat (v.) Old form(s): In treates
beseech, beg, ask earnestly Headword location(s)
entreat, intreat (v.) Old form(s): Entreate
treat, handle, deal with Headword location(s)
entreat, intreat (v.)
negotiate, intervene, parley Headword location(s)
entreatment (n.)
interaction, exchange, discourse Headword location(s)
entrench, intrench (v.) Old form(s): entrencht, intrench , intrencht
put within a trench Headword location(s)
entrench, intrench (v.) Old form(s): entrench'd
gash, make a deep cut in Headword location(s)
entwist (v.)
clasp with a twist, entwine, wreathe around Headword location(s)
enure, inure (v.) Old form(s): enur'd, inur'd, invre
accustom, habituate, adapt Headword location(s)
enurn (v.)
entomb, bury, inter see also inurn (v.) Headword location(s)
envenom (v.) Old form(s): Enuenoms , Euvenom , inuennometh
poison, taint, destroy Headword location(s)
envenomed (adj.) Old form(s): envenom'd, inuenomed
poisoned, infected with venom Headword location(s)
envious (adj.) Old form(s): enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
enviously (adv.) Old form(s): enuiously
spitefully, maliciously, vindictively Headword location(s)
envire (v.) Old form(s): inuierd
surround, encircle, beset Headword location(s)
environ (v.) Old form(s): enuiron , Enuironed , Inuiron , Inuiron'd , Inuironed , inuironned
surround, envelop, encircle, engulf Headword location(s)
envoy (n.)
explanation, exposition, address see also l'envoy (n.) Headword location(s)
envy (n.) Old form(s): Enuie, Enuy
admiration, desire [to be like], jealousy Headword location(s)
envy (n.) Old form(s): enuie , Enuies , enuy
malice, ill-will, enmity Headword location(s)
envy, envy at (v.) Old form(s): Enui'd , enuie , enuies , enuy
show malice [towards], hate, regard with ill will Headword location(s)
envy, envy at (v.) Old form(s): enuie
begrudge, resent, object to Headword location(s)
enwheel (v.)