If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
's (det.)
contracted form of ‘his’ Headword location(s)
's (det.)
contracted form of ‘this’ Headword location(s)
's (pron.)
contracted form of ‘us’ Headword location(s)
's (pron.)
contracted form of ‘shall’ Headword location(s)
sa (int.)
[repeated] hunting cry see also Sounds Headword location(s)
sa' (v.)
Irish pronunciation of 'save' see also Irish Headword location(s)
Saba (n.)
[pron: 'sahba] in the Bible, Sheba, proverbial for wealth see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
sable (adj.)
black Headword location(s)
sable (n.)
black Headword location(s)
sable (n.)
rich fur [from the animal, sable], expensive garment Headword location(s)
sack (n.) Old form(s): Sacke
[type of] white wine Headword location(s)
sack (v.) Old form(s): sacke
plunder, pillage, despoil Headword location(s)
sackbut (n.) Old form(s): Sack-buts
type of bass trumpet, with a trombone-like slide Headword location(s)
Sackerson (n.)
famous bear from the bear-baiting ring at Paris Garden, London see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
sacred (adj.)
consecrated, hallowed, sanctified Headword location(s)
sacred (adj.)
accursed, blasphemous Headword location(s)
sacred (adj.)
revered, respected [as if a holy thing] Headword location(s)
sacrificing (adj.) Old form(s): sacrifising
sacrificial Headword location(s)
sacring (adj.)
[in the Mass] rung at the moment of consecration Headword location(s)
sad (adj.)
dismal, morose, sullen Headword location(s)
sad (adj.) Old form(s): sadde
serious, grave, solemn see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
sad (adj.) Old form(s): sadde
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy Headword location(s)
sad (adj.)
dark-coloured, sober-hued Headword location(s)
sad (adj.)
heavily, with a great burden Headword location(s)
sad-eyed, sad-faced (adj.) Old form(s): sad fac'd , sad-ey'd
grave-looking Headword location(s)
sadly (adv.)
seriously, gravely, solemnly Headword location(s)
sadness (n.) Old form(s): sadnesse
seriousness, gravity Headword location(s)
sadness, in / in good Old form(s): sadnesse
in earnest, seriously Headword location(s)
safe (adj.)
harmless, not dangerous Headword location(s)
safe (adj.)
sound, sensible, level-headed Headword location(s)
safe (adj.)
sure, certain, assured Headword location(s)
safe (adj.)
sane, sound, mentally balanced Headword location(s)
safe (adj.)
safely out of the way Headword location(s)
safe (adv.)
trustworthily, in an assured way Headword location(s)
safe (v.)
remove danger from, make one feel secure about Headword location(s)
safe (v.) Old form(s): saf't
conduct safely, give safe-conduct to Headword location(s)
safeguard (n.) Old form(s): safegard , safe-guard
safeguarding, defence, protection Headword location(s)
safeguard, on Old form(s): safegard
under safe-conduct, with guarantee of safe passage Headword location(s)
safety (n.)
concern for safety, need for protection Headword location(s)
safety (n.) Old form(s): safetie
prudent course of action, best safeguard Headword location(s)
safety (n.)
safe keeping, custody Headword location(s)
saffron (adj.)
orange-red in colour Headword location(s)
saffron (n.)
orange-red dye [for colouring some types of food or drink] Headword location(s)
saffron (n.)
saffron-coloured clothing Headword location(s)
sage (adj.)
solemn, grave, dignified Headword location(s)
Sagittary (n.)
[pron: 'sajitari] centaur-like being that fought in the Trojan army against the Greeks see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
said, I / you have Old form(s): haue
finished speaking, had one's say see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
said, well Old form(s): sed, Wel
well done Headword location(s)
sail (n.) Old form(s): saile
voyage, passage, sailing Headword location(s)
sail (n.) Old form(s): saile
fleet, squadron, flotilla Headword location(s)
sail (n.) Old form(s): sayle
surging power, full swell Headword location(s)
sail (n.) Old form(s): Saile, sailes
ship, vessel Headword location(s)
sain (v.)
[archaism] said see also Archaisms Headword location(s)
saint (v.)
be saintly, play the saint Headword location(s)
Saint Colm's Inch
Inchcolm; small island in the Firth of Forth, E Scotland; site of an abbey see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
Saint Edmundsbury
Bury St Edmunds, market town in Suffolk; site of the shrine of St Edmund and a place of pilgrimage see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
Saint George's Field
area of Southwark, London, well known for its brothels see also London Headword location(s)
Saint Martin's summer Old form(s): Martins
Indian summer [feast of St Martin on 11 November] Headword location(s)
sainted (adj.)
saintly, angelic, of holy character Headword location(s)
sainted (adj.)
made a saint, from heaven Headword location(s)
sake, for the Lord's
[cry of a prisoner calling for alms through a cell window] in jail Headword location(s)
sake, for your
on your account, because of you Headword location(s)
salary (n.) Old form(s): Sallery
reward, fee, payment Headword location(s)
sale-work (n.) Old form(s): sale-worke
ready-made goods Headword location(s)
Salic, Salique (adj.) Old form(s): Salike
name of a law stating that the French crown could be passed on only by males Headword location(s)
sall (v.)
Scottish and Welsh pronunciation of 'shall' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
sall (v.)
Scottish and Welsh pronunciation of 'shall' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
sallet (n.)
[= salad] tasty bit Headword location(s)
sallet (n.)
light round helmet see also Body-armour Headword location(s)
sallet (n.)
salad Headword location(s)
sally (n.) Old form(s): sallie
sudden attack against an enemy, sortie Headword location(s)
sally (v.) Old form(s): sallie
burst out, make a sudden attack Headword location(s)
salt (adj.)
lecherous, lascivious, lustful Headword location(s)
salt (adj.)
[of a cold] bitter, intense, heavy Headword location(s)
salt (adj.)
salted, preserved, dried Headword location(s)
salt (adj.)
stinging, bitter, biting Headword location(s)
salt (adj.)
salt water, sea Headword location(s)
salt (n.)
vigour, liveliness, spirit Headword location(s)
salt (n.)
salt tears Headword location(s)
salt-butter (adj.)
cheap-living, mean, avaricious Headword location(s)
saltier (n.)
malapropism for ‘satyr’ Headword location(s)
saltness (n.) Old form(s): saltnesse
[unclear meaning] maturing power; piquancy; vigour Headword location(s)
saltpetre (n.) Old form(s): Salt-peter
substance used for making gunpowder [potassium nitrate] Headword location(s)
salt-wayed (adj.)
with salt-filled courses Headword location(s)
salute (v.)
greet, welcome, address Headword location(s)
salute (v.)
pay respects to, make a formal visit to Headword location(s)
salute (v.)
affect, act upon, excite Headword location(s)
salute (v.)
approach, greet, make contact with Headword location(s)
salvage (n.) Old form(s): Saluages
variant form of ‘savage’ Headword location(s)
salve (n.) Old form(s): salue
healing ointment Headword location(s)
salve (v.) Old form(s): salue, saluing
heal, remedy, make good Headword location(s)
salve (v.) Old form(s): salu'd
make more acceptable, soften down, account for Headword location(s)
samingo (int.)
[unclear meaning] type of drinking refrain [Latin ‘mingo’ = urinate] Headword location(s)
sampire, samphire (n.)
aromatic marine plant, used in pickles see also Plants Headword location(s)
sample (n.)
example, exemplar, model Headword location(s)
sampler (n.)
piece of embroidery Headword location(s)
Samson (n.)
in the Bible, a judge, possessor of legendary strength see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
sacred majesty see also Latin Headword location(s)
sanctified (adj.)
consecrated, holy Headword location(s)
sanctified (adj.)
sanctimonious, hypocritical, deceiving Headword location(s)
sanctimonious (adj.)
holy, sacred, consecrated Headword location(s)
sanctimony (n.) Old form(s): sanctimonie
sanctity, holiness, religious fervour Headword location(s)
sanctimony (n.) Old form(s): Sanctimonie
sacred bond, religious commitment Headword location(s)
sanctity (n.) Old form(s): sanctitie
true devotion, sacred intensity Headword location(s)
sanctity (n.)
holiness, saintliness; or: sainthood, saints Headword location(s)
sanctuarize (v.) Old form(s): Sancturize
give sanctuary to, shelter Headword location(s)
sanctuary (n.) Old form(s): Sanctuarie
holy place, church, religious place of safety Headword location(s)
sand (n.)
grain of sand Headword location(s)
sand-blind (adj.) Old form(s): sand blinde, sand-blinde
half-blind, dim-sighted Headword location(s)
sanded (adj.)
sandy-coloured Headword location(s)
sanguine (adj.)
blood-red, deep red Headword location(s)
sanguine (adj.)
red-faced, ruddy-hued Headword location(s)
sans (prep.)
without Headword location(s)
sap (n.) Old form(s): sappe
vital fluid, life-blood Headword location(s)
sapego (n.)
F spelling of 'serpigo' see also serpigo (n.) Headword location(s)
sapient (adj.)
wise, learned, erudite Headword location(s)
sapless (adj.) Old form(s): saplesse
feeble, sluggish, lacking vigour Headword location(s)
Sarah (n.)
in the Bible, Abraham’s wife, seen as a model of submission to a husband see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
Sarah (n.)
in the Bible, Abraham’s wife, seen as a model of submission to a husband see also Abraham (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
sarcenet, sarsanet (adj.)
of thin silk, light, flimsy Headword location(s)
Sardis (n.)
[pron: 'sahrdis] capital of Lydia, Asia Minor; once the political centre see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Sarum (n.)
[pron: 'sairuhm'] old name for Salisbury, Wiltshire; Salisbury Plain is a possible site for Camelot see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
Satan (n.)
in Christian tradition, the Devil see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
sate (v.)
satiate, glut, satisfy Headword location(s)
satiate (adj.)
satiated, glutted, gorged Headword location(s)
satiety (n.)
wearisome gratification, tedious satisfaction Headword location(s)
satiety (n.) Old form(s): sacietie, saciety
excess, over-abundance Headword location(s)
satire (n.)
satirist, derider Headword location(s)
satirical (adj.) Old form(s): satiricall, satyrical
ironic, ridiculous, incongruous Headword location(s)
that is enough which suffices see also Latin Headword location(s)
satisfaction (n.)
recompense, compensation, atonement Headword location(s)
satisfaction (n.)
payment [of a debt] Headword location(s)
satisfaction (n.)
removal of doubt, resolved state of mind Headword location(s)
satisfy (v.) Old form(s): satisfie
atone, do penance, make amends Headword location(s)
satisfy (v.) Old form(s): satisfie
provide with information, reassure, convince Headword location(s)
satisfy (v.) Old form(s): satisfi'd
appease, content, comfort Headword location(s)
Saturn (n.)
Roman god of seed time and harvest see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
Saturn (n.)
planet particularly associated with melancholic, morose, or vengeful temperaments see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
sauce (v.)
rebuke, berate, sting Headword location(s)
sauce (v.) Old form(s): sawce , sawc'st
spice, season, flavour Headword location(s)
sauce (v.) Old form(s): sawce
make things hot for, charge extortionately Headword location(s)
saucily (adv.) Old form(s): sawcily
presumptuously, cheekily, impudently Headword location(s)
sauciness (n.) Old form(s): Saucinesse, sawcines , sawcinesse
insolence, rudeness, impertinence Headword location(s)
saucy (adj.) Old form(s): saucie , sausie , Sawcie , sawcy , sawsie
insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant Headword location(s)
saucy (adj.) Old form(s): sawcie
lecherous, lascivious, lustful Headword location(s)
savage (adj.) Old form(s): sauage
fierce, ferocious, wild Headword location(s)
savage (adj.) Old form(s): sauage
uncultivated, wild, rough Headword location(s)
savage (adj.) Old form(s): sauage
uncivilized, wild, ungoverned Headword location(s)
savage (adj.) Old form(s): sauage
boorish, uncivil, unsociable Headword location(s)
savagery (n.) Old form(s): Sauagery
wilderness, wildness of growth Headword location(s)
save (prep.) Old form(s): saue
except Headword location(s)
save (v.) Old form(s): saue
protect, make safe see also Farewells Headword location(s)
save (v.) Old form(s): saue
protect, make safe see also Greetings Headword location(s)
save (v.) Old form(s): saue
protect, make safe see also Swearing Headword location(s)
save (v.) Old form(s): sau'd, saue
prevent, avoid, avert Headword location(s)
save (v.) Old form(s): saues
keep, preserve, maintain see also Politeness Headword location(s)
save (v.) Old form(s): saues , sauing
spare, allow to live Headword location(s)
save (v.)
preserve from damnation, bring salvation to [in emphatic expressions] see also Swearing Headword location(s)
save that (conj.) Old form(s): Saue
except (that), were it not that Headword location(s)
saving (prep.) Old form(s): Sauing
with all respect to, without offence to Headword location(s)
saving (prep.) Old form(s): Sauing
with respect to Headword location(s)
saving (prep.) Old form(s): Sauing
except Headword location(s)
saving reverence Old form(s): sauing reuerence
begging pardon for, with apologies for see also Politeness Headword location(s)
saving reverence Old form(s): sauing reuerence
begging pardon for, with apologies for see also sir-reverence (n.) Headword location(s)
savour (n.) Old form(s): sauour
flavour, nature, character Headword location(s)
savour (n.) Old form(s): sauour, sauours
smell, stench, stink Headword location(s)
savour (n.) Old form(s): sauour , sauours
scent, fragrance, smell Headword location(s)
savour (v.) Old form(s): sauor
relish, enjoy, delight [in] Headword location(s)
savour (v.) Old form(s): sauor
smell, reek, stink Headword location(s)
saw (n.) Old form(s): Sawes
wise saying, platitude, maxim Headword location(s)
sawpit (n.) Old form(s): saw-pit
pit used for sawing wood Headword location(s)
say (n.)
short form of 'assay' see also assay (n.) Headword location(s)
say (n.)
type of fine-textured cloth Headword location(s)
say (v.)
proclaim, announce, declare Headword location(s)
say (v.)
speak, utter a sound Headword location(s)
say (v.)
deliver, report, tell Headword location(s)
say (v.) Old form(s): sayd
speak the words as an ordinary utterance Headword location(s)
say (v.) Old form(s): saide
finish speaking, speak one's mind, make one's point see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
say (v.) Old form(s): say'st
speak the truth, speak to the point see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
saying (n.)
maxim, reflection, precept Headword location(s)
saying (n.)
promising, affirmation, assertion Headword location(s)
'sblood (int.)
[oath] God's blood see also Swearing Headword location(s)
scab (n.)
scurvy fellow, scoundrel, villain Headword location(s)
scaffold (n.)
stage, platform [in a theatre] Headword location(s)
scaffoldage (n.) Old form(s): Scaffolage
theatre scaffolding, stage platform Headword location(s)
scald, scall, scauld (adj.)
contemptible, vile, scabby Headword location(s)
scale (n.)
balance, quantity, amount Headword location(s)
scale (n.)
measuring mark, graduated line, calibration Headword location(s)
scale (v.) Old form(s): Skaling
weigh, balance, compare Headword location(s)
scale (v.)
weigh up [as in a scales], evaluate, appraise Headword location(s)
scale (v.)
climb up, ascend, mount Headword location(s)
scaled, scaling (adj.)
scaly, covered in scales Headword location(s)
scalion (n.)
Q1 alternative to 'stallion' see also stallion (n.) Headword location(s)
scall (adj.)
contemptible, vile, scabby see also scald (adj.) Headword location(s)
scaly (adj.) Old form(s): scalie
plated, armoured Headword location(s)
scamble (v.)
scramble, struggle, make shift Headword location(s)
scambling (adj.)
contentious, rough, quarrelsome, turbulent Headword location(s)
scambling (n.) Old form(s): skambling
scuffling, struggling, fighting Headword location(s)
scamel (n.)
[uncertain meaning] type of bird or fish Headword location(s)
scan (v.) Old form(s): scand, scan'd, scann'd
examine, carefully consider Headword location(s)
scan (v.)
judge, assess, criticize Headword location(s)
scandal (n.) Old form(s): scandall
shame, discredit, disgrace Headword location(s)
scandal (n.) Old form(s): scandall
disgraceful reputation, scandalous imputation Headword location(s)
scandal (v.) Old form(s): Scandal'd , scandall
revile, scorn, denigrate Headword location(s)
scandal (v.) Old form(s): scandall
discredit, disgrace, bring into ill repute Headword location(s)
scandalized (adj.) Old form(s): scandaliz'd
disgraced, defamed, made a subject of scandal Headword location(s)
scandalled (adj.) Old form(s): scandald
scandalous, disgraceful, shameful Headword location(s)
scandalous (adj.)
bringing dishonour, offensive, discreditable Headword location(s)
scandalous (adj.)
defamatory, libellous, slanderous Headword location(s)
scant (adj.)
more chary, not so lavish, more sparing Headword location(s)
scant (adv.)
scarcely, barely, hardly Headword location(s)
scant (v.)
deprive, deny, dispossess Headword location(s)
scant (v.)
give out sparingly, curtail, withhold [from] Headword location(s)
scant (v.)
neglect, stint, withhold Headword location(s)
scant (v.)
limit, restrict, constrain Headword location(s)
scanted (adj.)
withheld, stinted, limited Headword location(s)
scantle (n.)
Q alternative to 'cantle' see also cantle (n.) Headword location(s)
scantling (n.)
guideline, index, standard of measurement Headword location(s)
scantly (adv.)
scantily, grudgingly, half-heartedly Headword location(s)
scape, 'scape (n.)
escapade, fling, sexual wrongdoing Headword location(s)
scape, 'scape (n.)
escape Headword location(s)
scape, 'scape (v.) Old form(s): scap'd , scapeth , scapte , scap'te
escape, avoid see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
scar (n.) Old form(s): scarre
wound, cut, injury Headword location(s)
scar (v.) Old form(s): scarr'd
wound, disfigure, maim Headword location(s)
scarce (adv.) Old form(s): scarse
scarcely, hardly, barely, only just Headword location(s)
scarce (adv.) Old form(s): scarse
with difficulty, hardly possible Headword location(s)
scarce-bearded (adj.) Old form(s): scarse-bearded
with a beard only just emerging, juvenile Headword location(s)
scarce-cold (adj.) Old form(s): scarse-cold
only just over, recently ended Headword location(s)
scarf (n.) Old form(s): scarfe
sling Headword location(s)
scarf (n.) Old form(s): scarfe, scarfes, scarffes , skarfe
military sash, shoulder band Headword location(s)
scarf (v.) Old form(s): scarft
wrap round like a scarf or sash Headword location(s)
scarf up (v.) Old form(s): Skarfe vp
blindfold, cover up Headword location(s)
scarfed (adj.) Old form(s): skarfed
[unclear meaning] fully decked out; under full sail; [of the hull] well-jointed Headword location(s)
Scarlet (n.)
Will Scarlet, companion of Robin Hood see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
scarre (n.)
[unclear reading] scare, alarm Headword location(s)
scath, scathe (n.)
harm, hurt, damage Headword location(s)
scath, scathe (v.)
hurt, harm, injure Headword location(s)
scatheful (adj.) Old form(s): scathfull
harmful, damaging, injurious Headword location(s)
scattered (adj.) Old form(s): scattred
occasional, odd, random Headword location(s)
scattered (adj.) Old form(s): scattred
dispersed, defeated, disunited Headword location(s)
scattered (adj.)
disunited, distracted, divided Headword location(s)
scattering (adj.)
random, haphazard, erratic Headword location(s)
scauld (adj.)
contemptible, vile, scabby see also scald (adj.) Headword location(s)
scene (n.)
stage, performing area Headword location(s)
scene (n.) Old form(s): Sceane, sceanes
play, drama, performance Headword location(s)
schedule (n.) Old form(s): scedule, scedules
inventory, list, itemization Headword location(s)
schedule (n.) Old form(s): Cedule , Scedule, schedulls
document, paper, scroll Headword location(s)
scholar (n.) Old form(s): scholler
learned man, erudite person [who knows Latin, the language of exorcism] Headword location(s)
scholar (n.) Old form(s): scholler, schollers
pupil, student Headword location(s)
school (n.) Old form(s): schoole, schooles
university Headword location(s)
school (n.)
public building, institution Headword location(s)
school (n.) Old form(s): sculs
shoal of fish Headword location(s)
school (n.) Old form(s): Schoole
schooling, learning, study Headword location(s)
school (n.) Old form(s): Schooles
medical faculty Headword location(s)
school (v.) Old form(s): schoole
control, correct, teach wisdom to Headword location(s)
school (v.) Old form(s): school'd
instruct how to act, teach a part to Headword location(s)
school-doing (n.) Old form(s): schoole dooing
training, instruction, discipline Headword location(s)
schooling (n.)
admonition, reproof, counsel Headword location(s)
science (n.)
knowledge, learning Headword location(s)
science (n.)
area of knowledge, field of learning Headword location(s)
scimitar (n.)
short curved sword with a single edge, from the East see also Weapons Headword location(s)
scion (n.) Old form(s): Seyen, Sien, Syens
shoot, graft, limb Headword location(s)
scoff (n.) Old form(s): scoffes
taunt, scorn, mockery Headword location(s)
scold (n.)
abusive woman, quarreller Headword location(s)
scolding (adj.)
clamouring, brawling, chiding Headword location(s)
sconce (n.)
[jocular] head, pate, bonce Headword location(s)
sconce (n.)
shelter, screen, guard Headword location(s)
sconce (n.)
fort, military work Headword location(s)
sconce (v.)
short form of 'ensconce' see also ensconce (v.) Headword location(s)
scope (n.)
range, reach, extent Headword location(s)
scope (n.)
goal, prospect, purpose, aim Headword location(s)
scope (n.)
room, space, range Headword location(s)
scope (n.) Old form(s): skope
opportunity, liberty, free course of action Headword location(s)
scope (n.)
circumstance, course Headword location(s)
scorch (v.) Old form(s): scorch'd
slash with a knife, gash Headword location(s)
score (n.)
reckoning, account, debt Headword location(s)
score (n.)
tavern bill, alehouse tally Headword location(s)
score (n.)
twenty see also Numbers Headword location(s)
score (v.) Old form(s): skore
mark up, chalk up, add to the tally Headword location(s)
score (v.)
wound, scar, cut Headword location(s)
score (v.)
make a mark for, chalk up a score for Headword location(s)
score and tally
method of notching a piece of wood as a means of debt-keeping; when split in two between lender and debtor, the scores on the two pieces of wood would tally Headword location(s)
scoring (n.)
charging to an account; also: cutting, wounding Headword location(s)
scorn (n.) Old form(s): Scorne
folly, foolishness Headword location(s)
scorn (n.) Old form(s): scorne , scornes
mockery, taunt, insult, act of derision Headword location(s)
scorn (n.) Old form(s): scorne
object of scorn, target of mockery Headword location(s)
scorn (v.) Old form(s): scorne
refuse with contempt, disdain to offer Headword location(s)
scorn (v.) Old form(s): scorn'd , scorne , scorn'st
mock, jeer, express disdain [at] Headword location(s)
scorn, take Old form(s): scorne
think it a disgrace, consider it an indignity Headword location(s)
scorn, think Old form(s): scorne
disdain, despise, consider it beneath one's dignity Headword location(s)
scornful (adj.) Old form(s): scornefull
scorned, contemptible, derided Headword location(s)
scot (n.) Old form(s): Scot
payment, contribution, small amount Headword location(s)
scot and lot
[type of local taxation] in full, thoroughly Headword location(s)
scotch (n.)
cut, gash, wound Headword location(s)
scotch (v.) Old form(s): scotcht
slash, cut, gash Headword location(s)
scour (n.) Old form(s): scowred
rub clean, restore to brightness Headword location(s)
scour (v.) Old form(s): Scoure , scowre
go in haste, move quickly, hurry along Headword location(s)
scour (v.) Old form(s): scoure
beat, punish, scourge Headword location(s)
scour (v.) Old form(s): scoure , scowre , scowring
clear out, quickly remove, cleanse Headword location(s)
scourge (n.)
punishment, retribution Headword location(s)
scouring (n.)
hostile roving about, aggressive movement Headword location(s)
scout (v.)
mock, deride, ridicule Headword location(s)
scout (v.)
keep a lookout, watch out Headword location(s)
screech-owl (n.) Old form(s): screechoule , Screech-owles , Schreechowle
barn-owl [thought to be a bird of ill omen] Headword location(s)
screen (n.) Old form(s): Schreene
division, discrepancy, separation Headword location(s)
screw (v.) Old form(s): screw'd
twist, force, contort Headword location(s)
screw (v.) Old form(s): screwes
wrench, force, wrest Headword location(s)
scrimer (n.)
fencer, swordsman Headword location(s)
scrip (n.)
bag, pouch, wallet Headword location(s)
scrip (n.)
script, text Headword location(s)
scrippage (n.)
contents of a scrip [an invented word to parallel ‘baggage’] Headword location(s)
scripture (n.)
letter, writing, composition Headword location(s)
scrivener (n.) Old form(s): Scriuener
professional scribe, clerk, notary Headword location(s)
scroyle (n.)
scoundrel, ruffian, wretch Headword location(s)
scrubbed (adj.)
short, undersized, stubby Headword location(s)
scruple (n.)
scrupulousness, introspective doubt Headword location(s)
scruple (n.)
objection, difficulty, doubt Headword location(s)
scruple (n.)
suspicion, misgiving, doubt Headword location(s)
scruple (n.)
tiny amount, last ounce Headword location(s)
scrupulous (adj.)
quibbling, cavilling, distrustful Headword location(s)
scrupulous (adj.)
hesitating, troubled with doubts Headword location(s)
scud (v.)
move briskly, run swiftly Headword location(s)
scul (n.)
F spelling of 'school' see also school (n.) 5 Headword location(s)
scullion (n.)
menial, lackey, domestic servant Headword location(s)
scullion (n.)
F alternative to 'stallion' see also stallion (n.) Headword location(s)
scurril (adj.) Old form(s): scurrill
scurrilous, coarse, vulgar Headword location(s)
scurrility (n.) Old form(s): scurilitie, scurrillity
bawdry, indecent language Headword location(s)
scurrilous (adj.) Old form(s): scurrylous
offensively facetious, coarsely abusive Headword location(s)
scurvy (adj.) Old form(s): scuruy
worthless, wretched, disagreeable Headword location(s)
scurvy (adj.) Old form(s): scuruie , scuruy
contemptible, despicable, wretched Headword location(s)
scurvy-valiant (adj.) Old form(s): scuruy valiant
supremely worthless, heartily contemptible Headword location(s)
scuse (n.)
excuse Headword location(s)
scut (n.)
short tail [as of a deer] Headword location(s)
scutcheon (n.)
escutcheon, painted shield Headword location(s)
Scylla (n.)
[pron: 'sila] rock (or sea-monster) in the Straits of Messina, opposite to Charybdis see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
[pron: 'sithian] someone from Scythia, ancient region of E Europe; people known for pitilessness see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
'sdeath (int.)
[oath] God's death see also Swearing Headword location(s)
in self-defence see also Latin Headword location(s)
sea (n.)
river estuary Headword location(s)
sea-bank (n.) Old form(s): Sea-banke
seashore see also bank (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
sea-boy (n.)
ship's boy see also sea-son (n.) Headword location(s)
sea-coal (adj.) Old form(s): sea-cole
mined coal of high quality brought by sea Headword location(s)
sea-gown Old form(s): sea-gowne
type of robe with a high collar, short sleeves, and mid-leg length see also Clothing Headword location(s)
seal (n.) Old form(s): seale , Seales
authentication, confirmation, attestation Headword location(s)
seal (n.) Old form(s): seal'd , seale , Seales
pledge, promise, token, sign Headword location(s)
seal (v.) Old form(s): seal'd , seale
accomplish, carry out, fulfil Headword location(s)
seal (v.) Old form(s): seal'd
mark [as if by a seal], designate Headword location(s)
seal (v.) Old form(s): seal'd , seale , seales
confirm, ratify, approve Headword location(s)
seal (v.) Old form(s): seale
mark by seal, put one's name to, agree Headword location(s)
seal (v.) Old form(s): Seal'd , seale
make final arrangements, come to an agreement Headword location(s)
seal (v.)
[unclear usage] seal up close, forestall, prevent see also forseal (v.) Headword location(s)
seal (v.) Old form(s): seale
put a seal in a particular place Headword location(s)
seal at arms Old form(s): seale, armes
seal bearing a coat-of-arms Headword location(s)
seal under (v.) Old form(s): seald vnder
become security for, set one's seal to Headword location(s)
seal up (v.) Old form(s): seal'd vp
sew up, complete, make perfect Headword location(s)
seal up (v.) Old form(s): seal'd vp
confirm, ratify, put beyond doubt Headword location(s)
seal up (v.) Old form(s): seale vp
make up, decide Headword location(s)
sealed (adj.) Old form(s): seal'd
certified, authenticated [through a wax seal] Headword location(s)
sea-like (adj.)
in sea-going trim; or: like a stormy sea Headword location(s)
sealing day (n.)
day for confirming a contract, wedding-day Headword location(s)
seam (n.) Old form(s): seame
grease, fat Headword location(s)
sea-maid (n.)
mermaid, sea-nymph Headword location(s)
sea-marge (n.)
margin of the sea, coast Headword location(s)
sea-margent (n.)
seashore, edge of the sea Headword location(s)
sea-mark (n.) Old form(s): Sea-marke
prominent landmark used as a guide for sailors, beacon Headword location(s)
sear up (v.) Old form(s): seare vp
wrap up in a shroud, seal up Headword location(s)
search (n.)
search-party Headword location(s)
search (v.)
probe, explore, examine Headword location(s)
search (v.)
perceive, penetrate, discover Headword location(s)
search (v.) Old form(s): search'd
seek, seek out, look for Headword location(s)
searcher (n.)
official appointed to view and report on corpses Headword location(s)
searching (adj.)
piercing, wounding, sharp Headword location(s)
searching (adj.)
finding out weak spots, penetrating, stirring Headword location(s)
searecloath (n.)
waxed winding-sheet, shroud see also cerecloth (n.) Headword location(s)
seared (adj.) Old form(s): sear'd
withered, wilting, declining Headword location(s)
seared (adj.) Old form(s): Seard
branded, stigmatized, vilified Headword location(s)
sea-room (n.) Old form(s): Sea-roome
space at sea to manoeuvre a ship Headword location(s)
seasick (adj.) Old form(s): Sea-sicke
weary of sea travel, tired of voyaging Headword location(s)
season (n.)
time, due time, occasion Headword location(s)
season (n.)
opportunity, favourable moment Headword location(s)
season (n.)
while, short period of time Headword location(s)
season (n.)
time of year, weather conditions Headword location(s)
season (n.)
age [duration of life] Headword location(s)
season (n.)
age [period of history], time Headword location(s)
season (n.)
seasoning, flavour, preservative Headword location(s)
sea-son (n.)
sea-boy, ship's boy Headword location(s)
season (v.)
modify, soften, alleviate Headword location(s)
season (v.)
moderate, temper, control Headword location(s)
season (v.) Old form(s): seasond
bring to maturity, ripen Headword location(s)
season (v.)
turn into, make Headword location(s)
season (v.) Old form(s): season'd
prepare, make fit Headword location(s)
season (v.) Old form(s): Seasond
imbue, infuse, fill Headword location(s)
season (v.)
fortify, temper, strengthen Headword location(s)
season (v.)
preserve, keep Headword location(s)
season (v.) Old form(s): season'd
gratify, delight, tease Headword location(s)
season, of
in season, at the appropriate time Headword location(s)
season, of the
[of male deer] in the rutting season, on heat Headword location(s)
season, out of (adj./adv.)
inopportunely, inappropriately, inconveniently Headword location(s)
season, out of (adj./adv.)
inopportune, inappropriate, ill-timed Headword location(s)
seasoned (adj.) Old form(s): season'd
established, settled, mature Headword location(s)
seat (n.) Old form(s): Seate
throne Headword location(s)
seat (n.)
situation, position, location Headword location(s)
seat (n.) Old form(s): seate
resting place, region, abode Headword location(s)
seat (n.) Old form(s): seate
position, place, status Headword location(s)
seat (n.) Old form(s): Seate
residence, dwelling-place, habitat Headword location(s)
seat (n.) Old form(s): seate
estate Headword location(s)
seat (v.)
settle, establish Headword location(s)
seated (adj.)
firmly placed, fixed Headword location(s)
seated (adj.)
located, situated Headword location(s)
sea-wing (n.)
means of flight by sea Headword location(s)
second (adj.)
using a deputy, surrogate, proxy Headword location(s)
second (n.)
supporter, helper, champion Headword location(s)
second (n.)
supporting action, act of assistance Headword location(s)
second (n.)
(plural) reinforcements, reserves, back-up Headword location(s)
second (n.)
second-rate material, something of inferior quality Headword location(s)
second (v.)
support, assist, reinforce Headword location(s)
second (v.)
support, confirm, corroborate Headword location(s)
secondary (n.)
deputy, agent, second-in-command Headword location(s)
secret (adj.)
magical, mystical, occult Headword location(s)
secret (adj.)
hidden, obscure, abstruse Headword location(s)
secret (n.)
private affair, confidence Headword location(s)
secret-false (adj.) Old form(s): secret false
secretly disloyal, covertly inconstant see also false (adj.) 2 Headword location(s)
sect (n.)
faction, cabal, party Headword location(s)
sect (n.)
cutting, offshoot, branch Headword location(s)
sect (n.)
class, kind, sort Headword location(s)
sectary (n.)
devotee, disciple, adherent Headword location(s)
sectary (n.)
follower of a heretical sect Headword location(s)
secure (adj.)
over-confident, unsuspecting, too self-confident Headword location(s)
secure (adj.)
carefree, free from anxiety, unguarded Headword location(s)
secure (adj.)
free [from], safe [from], untouched [by] Headword location(s)
secure (adv.)
safely, free from anxiety Headword location(s)
secure (v.)
keep safe, protect, guard Headword location(s)
secure (v.)
make over-confident, keep unsuspecting Headword location(s)
secure (v.)
take comfort, free from care Headword location(s)
securely (adv.)
confidently, without misgiving, fearlessly Headword location(s)
securely (adv.)
over-confidently, carelessly, heedlessly Headword location(s)
security (n.) Old form(s): securitie
over-confidence, carelessness Headword location(s)
sedge (n.)
variety of grassy plant, rush see also Plants Headword location(s)
sedged (adj.) Old form(s): sedg'd
made from sedges, woven from reeds Headword location(s)
sedgy (adj.) Old form(s): siedgie
bordered with rushes, reed-covered Headword location(s)
seditious (adj.)
turbulent, tempestuous, violent Headword location(s)
see (v.)
see to, manage, attend to Headword location(s)
see (v.)
meet, see each other Headword location(s)
see for (v.)
look out for Headword location(s)
seed (v.)
mature, yield fruit Headword location(s)
seeded (adj.)
run to seed, seasoned, matured Headword location(s)
seedness (n.) Old form(s): seednes
action of sowing Headword location(s)
seeing (n.)
appearance, observing, beholding Headword location(s)
seek (v.) Old form(s): seekes
seek help from, resort to Headword location(s)
seek through (v.) Old form(s): seeke
try, test, put to trial Headword location(s)
seeking (n.)
suit, petition Headword location(s)
seel (v.) Old form(s): seele
[falconry: sewing up a bird's eyelids, as part of taming] sew up, close up, blind Headword location(s)
seeling (adj.)
[falconry] concealing, screening Headword location(s)
seely (adj.)
miserable, pathetic; or: simple-minded Headword location(s)
seem (v.) Old form(s): Seemde , seemes
have the look [of], give the appearance [of] Headword location(s)
seem (v.) Old form(s): seeme
arrange, contrive, try speciously Headword location(s)
seemer (n.)
make-believer, pretender, one who assumes a behaviour Headword location(s)
seeming (adj.)
apparent, convincing in appearance see also well-seeming (adj.) Headword location(s)
seeming (adj.)
apparent, convincing in appearance see also summer-seeming (adj.) Headword location(s)
seeming (adv.)
seemingly, becomingly Headword location(s)
seeming (adv.)
apparently, ostensibly, to outward appearance Headword location(s)
seeming (n.)
demeanour, outward behaviour Headword location(s)
seeming (n.)
appearance, look, aspect Headword location(s)
seeming (n.)
plausibility, likelihood, credibility Headword location(s)
seeming (n.)
deceptive appearance, two-faced behaviour, pretence Headword location(s)
seen, well Old form(s): seene
well-versed, with good qualifications Headword location(s)
seese (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'cheese' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
seethe (v.) Old form(s): seeth
reduce by boiling, dissipate by overheating Headword location(s)
seethe (v.)
boil with urgency, bubble, be in a ferment Headword location(s)
segregation (n.)
dispersal, scattering, breaking up Headword location(s)
seigniory (n.) Old form(s): Seigniorie, signeurie
lordship, domain, dominion Headword location(s)
seised, seized (v.) Old form(s): seiz'd
possessed Headword location(s)
seize, seize upon (v.) Old form(s): seaze , vpon
[legal] take possession of, take hold of Headword location(s)
seizure (n.) Old form(s): seysure
grasping of hands, clasp, hold Headword location(s)
seld (adv.)
seldom, rarely Headword location(s)
seldom (adj.) Old form(s): Seldome , sildome
rare, infrequent, uncommon Headword location(s)
seld-shown (adj.) Old form(s): seld-showne
seldom-seen, rarely in the public eye Headword location(s)
select (adj.)
superior, refined, cultivated Headword location(s)
self (adj.) Old form(s): selfe
same, selfsame, identical, exact Headword location(s)
self instant (adj.) Old form(s): selfe
individually present, self-contained Headword location(s)
self, one Old form(s): selfe
a sole, one and the same, a single Headword location(s)
self-abuse (n.)
self-deception, self-delusion see also abuse (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
self-admission (n.) Old form(s): selfe admission
self-admiration, self-centredness Headword location(s)
self-affected (adj.) Old form(s): selfe affected
self-loving, egotistical, conceited Headword location(s)
self-assumption (n.) Old form(s): selfe-assumption
self-importance, arrogance, egotism Headword location(s)
self-born (adj.) Old form(s): selfe-borne
selfsame, identical Headword location(s)
self-borne (adj.) Old form(s): selfe-borne
carried for one's own cause; or: carried by oneself Headword location(s)
self-bounty (n.) Old form(s): selfe-Bounty,
innate generosity, inner virtue Headword location(s)
self-covered (adj.)
self-concealing, with the self covered over Headword location(s)
self-danger (n.) Old form(s): selfe-danger
endangering oneself, putting oneself in jeopardy Headword location(s)
self-drawing (adj.) Old form(s): Selfe-drawing
spun from within oneself Headword location(s)
self-endeared (adj.) Old form(s): selfe indeared
in love with herself Headword location(s)
self-explication (n.) Old form(s): selfe-explication
being able to explain it to oneself Headword location(s)
self-figured (adj.) Old form(s): selfe-figur'd
self-made, formed by oneself Headword location(s)
self-gracious (adj.) Old form(s): selfe gracious
coming from one's own gracious self Headword location(s)
self-mettle (n.) Old form(s): Selfe-mettle
one's own vigorous activity Headword location(s)
self-sovereignty (n.) Old form(s): selfe-soueraigntie
self-control, self-discipline Headword location(s)
self-subdued (adj.) Old form(s): selfe-subdued
unresisting, offering no opposition Headword location(s)
self-substantial (adj.) Old form(s): selfe substantiall
using substance from one's own body Headword location(s)
self-unable (adj.) Old form(s): selfe vnable
inadequate personal, poor and subjective Headword location(s)
sell (v.)
exchange, trade, give up Headword location(s)
sell (v.)
[in expressions] see also buy and sell Headword location(s)
semblable (adj.)
similar, like, comparable Headword location(s)
semblable (n.)
likeness, fellow, match Headword location(s)
semblable (n.)
fellow-man, anything of the same nature Headword location(s)
semblably (adv.)
seemingly, similarly, in the same fashion Headword location(s)
semblance (n.)
appearance, outward show Headword location(s)
semblance (n.)
likeness, image, depiction Headword location(s)
semblative (adj.) Old form(s): semblatiue
resembling, looking like Headword location(s)
Semiramis (n.)
[pron: se'miramis] semi-legendary Assyrian queen renowned for promiscuity, 9th-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
always the same see also Latin Headword location(s)
sempster (n.)
one who sews [as a profession], tailor Headword location(s)
senator (n.)
member of the governing council see also Roman history Headword location(s)
Seneca (n.)
[pron: 'seneka] Roman tragedian, 1st-c see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
seniory (n.) Old form(s): signeurie
seniority Headword location(s)
senna (n.)
variety of shrub [producing a drug which can cause vomiting and bowel evacuation] see also Plants Headword location(s)
sennet (n.)
trumpet call signalling a procession see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
sennight, se'nnight, seven-night (n.) Old form(s): Senights , Seue' night , seuen night, Seu'nights
[seven night] week Headword location(s)
Senoy (n.)
[pron: 'senoy] Sienese; from Siena, Italy see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
sense (n.) Old form(s): sence
ability to respond to sensation, physical perception Headword location(s)
sense (n.)
intuition, instinct Headword location(s)
sense (n.) Old form(s): sence, Sences
mind, power of reason, wits Headword location(s)
sense (n.) Old form(s): sence
common sense, natural feeling, reasonableness Headword location(s)
sense (n.)
opinion, view, judgement Headword location(s)
sense (n.) Old form(s): sence
interpretation, construction, signification Headword location(s)
sense (n.) Old form(s): sence, sences
feeling, sensibility, capacity to feel Headword location(s)
sense (n.) Old form(s): sence
senses, sensation, organs of sense Headword location(s)
sense (n.) Old form(s): sence
perception, awareness, discernment, appreciation Headword location(s)
sense, to the
to the quick Headword location(s)
senseless (adj.) Old form(s): sencelesse , senselesse , senslesse
lacking human sensation, incapable of feeling Headword location(s)
senseless (adj.) Old form(s): senceles, sencelesse, senselesse
unconscious, insensible, oblivious Headword location(s)
senseless (adj.) Old form(s): senceles , sencelesse , senselesse
lacking in sense, stupid, foolish Headword location(s)
senseless-obstinate (adj.) Old form(s): sencelesse
unreasonably stubborn, irrationally unyielding Headword location(s)
sensible (adj.) Old form(s): sencible
evident, perceptible by the senses, affecting the senses Headword location(s)
sensible (adj.) Old form(s): sencible
sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling Headword location(s)
sensible (adj.) Old form(s): sencible
endowed with good sense, perceptive, responsible Headword location(s)
sensibly (adv.)
acutely, intensely, feelingly Headword location(s)
sensibly (adv.)
as a feeling person, with a sensitive body Headword location(s)
sensibly (adv.)
with common sense, intelligently Headword location(s)
sentence (n.)
pronouncement, authoritative decision Headword location(s)
sentence (n.)
maxim, wise saying, precept Headword location(s)
sententious (adj.)
full of wise remarks, ready with acute observations, pithy Headword location(s)
sententious (adj.)
malapropism for ‘sentences’ Headword location(s)
sentinel (v.) Old form(s): Centinell
stand guard over, keep watch during Headword location(s)
separable (adj.) Old form(s): seperable
which causes separation, with divisive power Headword location(s)
Septentrion (n.)
[pron: sep'tentrion] the seven stars of Ursa Major see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
sepulchre (v.)
serve as a burial-place for Headword location(s)
sepulchre (v.) Old form(s): sepulcher , sepulcherd
place in a sepulchre, bury Headword location(s)
sequel (n.) Old form(s): sequele, sequell
sequence, series, order of succession Headword location(s)
sequence (n.)
proper lineal order, order of succession Headword location(s)
sequence (n.)
appropriate order, correct precedence Headword location(s)
sequent (adj.)
following, ensuing, consequent Headword location(s)
sequent (adj.)
sequential, successive, one after another Headword location(s)
sequent (n.)
follower, attendant Headword location(s)
sequester (n.)
sequestration, removal, withdrawal Headword location(s)
sequester (v.) Old form(s): sequestred , sequestring
separate, remove, cut off Headword location(s)
sequestered (adj.) Old form(s): sequestred
separated, cut off from its fellows Headword location(s)
sequestration (n.)
imprisonment, isolation; also: loss of property Headword location(s)
sequestration (n.)
separation, cessation, severance Headword location(s)
sequestration (n.)
seclusion, removal, withdrawal Headword location(s)
sere (adj.) Old form(s): Seare
dried up, withered, parched Headword location(s)
sere (n.)
trigger-catch [of a gun] Headword location(s)
serge (n.) Old form(s): Surge
type of woollen fabric Headword location(s)
sergeant (n.) Old form(s): Serieant
sheriff's officer, enforcer, arresting officer Headword location(s)
sergeant (n.)
officer [in an army] Headword location(s)
serious (adj.)
formal, important, solemn Headword location(s)
serpigo (n.) Old form(s): Sapego, Suppeago
type of spreading skin disease Headword location(s)
servant (n.) Old form(s): seruant
devotee, one who gives dedicated service, lover Headword location(s)
servant (n.) Old form(s): Seruant
follower, retainer, attendant Headword location(s)
servant (v.) Old form(s): Seruanted
put in service, make submissive Headword location(s)
serve (v.) Old form(s): serue , serued , serues , serv'd
be of use, render service, be an advantage [to] Headword location(s)
serve (v.) Old form(s): serue , serues
suit, allow, afford Headword location(s)
serve (v.) Old form(s): serue, serues
suffice, be enough, do [for] Headword location(s)
serve (v.) Old form(s): serue , serues , seruing
provide, supply, furnish Headword location(s)
serve (v.) Old form(s): serue , serues
provide opportunity [to], be favourable [to], favour Headword location(s)
serve (v.) Old form(s): seru'd
be a servant, serve God Headword location(s)
serve (v.) Old form(s): serues
enter into service; or: await employment Headword location(s)
serve in (v.) Old form(s): serue
supply, provide, deal out Headword location(s)
serve one's turn Old form(s): serue turne, serue, turne, serue, turne
meet one's need, answer one's requirements Headword location(s)
service (n.) Old form(s): seruice
course, order of dishes [of a meal] Headword location(s)
service (n.) Old form(s): seruice, seruices
action, performance Headword location(s)
service (n.) Old form(s): seruice, seruices
respect, duty, esteem Headword location(s)
service (n.) Old form(s): Seruice, seruices
employment, situation as a servant Headword location(s)
service (n.) Old form(s): seruice
military service, affairs of war Headword location(s)
service (n.)
table preparations for a meal Headword location(s)
serviceable (adj.) Old form(s): seruicable , seruiceable
faithful, loyal, devoted, ready to serve Headword location(s)
serviceable (adj.) Old form(s): seruiceable
diligent, subservient, ready to do anything Headword location(s)
servile (adj.) Old form(s): seruile
as a prisoner, as a slave Headword location(s)
servile (adj.) Old form(s): Seruile
befitting a slave, slavish, cringing Headword location(s)
servile (adj.) Old form(s): Seruile , seruill
subordinate, controlled [by] Headword location(s)
servility (n.) Old form(s): seruility
slavery, servitude, captivity Headword location(s)
serving (n.) Old form(s): seruing
means, agency, assistance Headword location(s)
serving-creature (n.)
[derisive term for] serving-man Headword location(s)
servingman (n.) Old form(s): Seruingman
male servant, male attendant Headword location(s)
servitor (n.) Old form(s): seruitor , seruitors
mercenary, soldier Headword location(s)
servitor (n.) Old form(s): seruitor , Seruitors, Seruitour, Seruiture
servant Headword location(s)
sessa, sesey, sese (int.)
[cry of encouragement used in hunting, fencing] be off, off you go see also Sounds Headword location(s)
session, sessions (n.)
judicial assembly, trial, court Headword location(s)
Sestos (n.)
location of the temple of Aphrodite, on the Hellespont see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Sestos (n.)
location of the temple of Aphrodite, on the Hellespont see also Hellespont (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
set (adj.)
carefully composed, deliberately expressed Headword location(s)
set (adj.)
formally seated, arranged in a position of state Headword location(s)
set (adj.)
formal, ceremonial, secretary Headword location(s)
set (adj.)
seated, sitting down Headword location(s)
set (adj.)
fixed, rigid, closed Headword location(s)
set (adj.)
focused [on], fixed [on], wrapped up [in] Headword location(s)
set (n.)
setting, cycle, revolution Headword location(s)
set (n.)
[cards, tennis] series of games Headword location(s)
set (n.)
setting, sunset Headword location(s)
set (v.)
direct, put, make come Headword location(s)
set (v.)
value, rate, esteem Headword location(s)
set (v.)
clench Headword location(s)
set (v.)
challenge, put down a stake against Headword location(s)
set (v.)
set up, plan, arrange Headword location(s)
set (v.)
rate, stake, gamble Headword location(s)
set (v.)
set an activity to be followed Headword location(s)
set (v.)
compare, match, weigh up Headword location(s)
set (v.)
compose a tune, write the music Headword location(s)
set (v.)
close, shut Headword location(s)
set abroad (v.)
set afoot, initiate, start up Headword location(s)
set against (v.)
be hostile to, make an attack on Headword location(s)
set apart (v.)
discard, abandon, cast aside Headword location(s)
set down (v.) Old form(s): downe
resolve, decide, determine Headword location(s)
set down (v.) Old form(s): downe
log, make note, put on record Headword location(s)
set down (v.) Old form(s): downe
[of the strings of a musical instrument] slacken, loosen Headword location(s)
set down (v.) Old form(s): downe
settle down Headword location(s)
set down (v.) Old form(s): downe , setting downe
encamp, lay siege see also sit down (v.) Headword location(s)
set forth (v.)
praise, commend, extol Headword location(s)
set forth (v.)
display, show, exhibit Headword location(s)
set forward (v.)
go forward, set out, go forth Headword location(s)
set in (v.)
put in [his word], join in, intervene Headword location(s)
set off (v.)
take away, remove, set aside [from] Headword location(s)
set off (v.)
enhance, show to advantage, display by contrast Headword location(s)
set on (v.)
encourage, urge, incite Headword location(s)
set on (v.)
go forward, advance, proceed Headword location(s)
set on (v.)
place on the fire Headword location(s)
set out (v.)
pick out, send forth Headword location(s)
set to (v.) Old form(s): too
set [a broken limb] Headword location(s)
set up (v.) Old form(s): vp
set spinning Headword location(s)
set up one's rest (n.) Old form(s): vp
[in primero] venture one's final stake, stake all Headword location(s)
setter (n.)
informant, insider, confederate Headword location(s)
setting (n.)
fixed look, settled expression Headword location(s)
setting (n.)
putting, placing, sitting Headword location(s)
setting-down (n.) Old form(s): setting downe
siege, besieging, encampment see also set down (v.) 5 Headword location(s)
settle (v.)
establish, set up, give a home to Headword location(s)
settled (adj.) Old form(s): setled
steady, steadfast, staunch Headword location(s)
settled (adj.) Old form(s): setled
fixed, established Headword location(s)
settled (adj.) Old form(s): setled
deep-rooted, firmly implanted Headword location(s)
settled (adj.) Old form(s): setled
calm, steadfast, composed Headword location(s)
settled (adj.) Old form(s): setled
not flowing, still, congealed Headword location(s)
seven-night (n.)
week see also sennight (n.) Headword location(s)
several (adj.) Old form(s): seueral , seuerall, severall
separate, different, distinct see also Frequency count Headword location(s)
several (adj.) Old form(s): seueral , seuerall, severall
separate, different, distinct see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
several (adj.) Old form(s): seuerall
various, sundry, respective, individual Headword location(s)
several (adj.) Old form(s): seuerall
[of land] private, enclosed, restricted Headword location(s)
several (n.) Old form(s): Seueralls
(plural) individuals, persons Headword location(s)
several (n.) Old form(s): seueralls , Seuerals
(plural) details, particulars, individual points Headword location(s)
severally (adv.) Old form(s): seuerally
separately, individually see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
severed (adj.) Old form(s): seuer'd
parted, opened Headword location(s)
severity (n.) Old form(s): seueritie
punishment, strictness, sternness Headword location(s)
Severn (n.)
English river flowing south into the Bristol Channel Headword location(s)
sewer (n.)
supervisor, chief servant, master of ceremonies Headword location(s)
'sfoot (int.)
[oath] God's foot see also Swearing Headword location(s)
shade (n.)
(plural) the underworld, Hades Headword location(s)
shade (n.)
shadow, phantom, spirit Headword location(s)
shade (n.)
covered place, sheltered spot Headword location(s)
shade (n.)
shadow, unreal image, unsubstantial semblance Headword location(s)
shade (v.)
hide, conceal, cover up Headword location(s)
shadow (n.) Old form(s): shaddow, shadowes
reflection, reflected image Headword location(s)
shadow (n.) Old form(s): shadowes
image, likeness, portrait, semblance Headword location(s)
shadow (n.)
imitation, copy, duplicate Headword location(s)
shadow (n.) Old form(s): shaddowes , shadowes
spirit, phantom, spectre, ghost Headword location(s)
shadow (n.) Old form(s): shaddow
shade, seclusion, place of retirement Headword location(s)
shadow (n.) Old form(s): shaddow, shaddowes , shadowes
illusion, unreal image, delusion Headword location(s)
shadow (n.)
shelter, roof Headword location(s)
shadow (n.)
fictitious name, invented man Headword location(s)
shadow (n.)
shade from the sun Headword location(s)
shadow (v.)
portray, paint, depict Headword location(s)
shadow (v.) Old form(s): shadow'd
conceal, hide, screen from view Headword location(s)
shadow (v.)
shelter, give protection to Headword location(s)
shadowed (adj.)
shaded, darkened; also [heraldry]: faintly drawn Headword location(s)
shadowing (adj.)
foreshadowing, ill-boding, darkening Headword location(s)
shadowy (adj.) Old form(s): shadowie
shady, shaded Headword location(s)
Shafalus (n.)
mispronunciation of Cephalus, son of Deion see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Shafalus (n.)
mispronunciation of Cephalus, son of Deion see also Procrus 1 Headword location(s)
shaft (n.)
[long and slender] arrow see also bolt (n.) Headword location(s)
shag (adj.)
shaggy, with long rough hair Headword location(s)
shag-eared (adj.)
F alternative to 'shag-haired' see also shag-haired (adj.) Headword location(s)
shag-haired (adj.) Old form(s): shagge-ear'd , shag-hayr'd
having shaggy hair, rough-haired Headword location(s)
shake (n.)
shaking, shock, blow Headword location(s)
shake (v.)
tremble, quake, shiver Headword location(s)
shake (v.)
seize, grasp, move Headword location(s)
shake (v.) Old form(s): shooke
[unclear meaning] nod, make a sign with [in approval] Headword location(s)
shake off (v.)
abandon, cast off, discard Headword location(s)
shake up (v.) Old form(s): vp
abuse violently, scold, lambaste Headword location(s)
shale (n.)
shell, husk, outer case Headword location(s)
shallow (adj.)
naive, gullible, lacking in depth of character Headword location(s)
shallow (n.) Old form(s): shalow
shallow part Headword location(s)
shallowly (adv.)
naively, gullibly; or: rashly Headword location(s)
shalt (v.)
2nd person singular of 'shall' see also Verb forms Headword location(s)
shambles (n.)
meat-market, slaughter-house Headword location(s)
shame (n.)
disgrace, dishonour, affront Headword location(s)
shame (n.)
modesty, decorum, seemliness Headword location(s)
shame (v.)
be ashamed, be embarrassed Headword location(s)
shame-faced, shamefast (adj.) Old form(s): shamefac'd
modest, retiring, shy Headword location(s)
shank (n.) Old form(s): shanke
leg Headword location(s)
shank (n.) Old form(s): shankes
shin-bone Headword location(s)
shape (n.)
shaping up, taking shape Headword location(s)
shape (n.)
figure, posture, attitude Headword location(s)
shape (n.)
role, part [to play] Headword location(s)
shape (n.)
disguise, appearance, identity Headword location(s)
shape (n.)
appearance, aspect, visible form Headword location(s)
shape (v.) Old form(s): shap'd
be suitable, fit, accord Headword location(s)
shape (v.)
give shape to, make out Headword location(s)
shape (v.)
create, fashion, bring about Headword location(s)
shape (v.)
confer, provide, create Headword location(s)
shapeless (adj.) Old form(s): shapelesse
unshapely, ugly, unsightly Headword location(s)
shapeless (adj.) Old form(s): shapelesse
aimless, without guidance, desultory Headword location(s)
shaping (adj.)
imaginative, inventive, creative Headword location(s)
shard (n.) Old form(s): Shardes
broken pottery, pot fragments Headword location(s)
shard (n.)
cow-pat, patch of dung; or: scaly wing [as of a beetle] Headword location(s)
shard-borne (adj.)
born in dung; or: borne on scaly wings Headword location(s)
sharded (adj.)
living in dung; or: with scales Headword location(s)
share (v.)
take, receive, have [as one's share] Headword location(s)
share from (v.)
receive at the expense of Headword location(s)
shark up (v.) Old form(s): Shark'd vp
[like a shark] gather together indiscriminately, collect hastily and uncritically Headword location(s)
sharp (adj.) Old form(s): sharpe
subtle, delicate, acute Headword location(s)
sharp (adj.) Old form(s): sharpe
witty, sharp-witted, discerning Headword location(s)
sharp (adj.) Old form(s): sharpe
angry, irritable, irascible Headword location(s)
sharp (adj.) Old form(s): sharpe
ardent, keen, fervent Headword location(s)
sharp (adj.) Old form(s): sharpe
[falconry] famished, hungry, starving Headword location(s)
sharp (adj.) Old form(s): sharpe
severe, harsh, merciless Headword location(s)
sharp (adj.) Old form(s): sharpe
high-pitched, shrill, out-of-tune Headword location(s)
sharp (n.) Old form(s): Sharpes
high-pitched note, shrill sound Headword location(s)
sharp-looking (adj.) Old form(s): sharpe-looking
hungry-looking Headword location(s)
sharp-provided (adj.) Old form(s): sharpe prouided
quick and ready, sharply equipped Headword location(s)
she (n.) Old form(s): Shee , Shees
lady, woman, girl Headword location(s)
shealed (adj.)
deprived of a shell, without a shell see also shelled (adj.) Headword location(s)
shearman (n.) Old form(s): Sheareman
one who shears excess material from woollen cloth Headword location(s)
sheathing (n.)
being fitted with a sheath Headword location(s)
sheaved (adj.) Old form(s): sheu'd
made of straw; gathered up like a sheaf Headword location(s)
shed (v.)
spill, upset Headword location(s)
sheed (v.)
shed Headword location(s)
sheen (n.) Old form(s): sheene
brightness, shining, radiance Headword location(s)
sheep (n.) Old form(s): Sheepe
fool, dolt, idiot Headword location(s)
sheep-biter (n.) Old form(s): sheepe-biter
thievish fellow, shifty individual Headword location(s)
sheep-biting (adj.) Old form(s): sheepe-biting
thieving, sneaking, shifty Headword location(s)
sheepcote (n.) Old form(s): Sheep-Coat, Sheeps-Coates
building where sheep shelter Headword location(s)
sheep-hook (n.) Old form(s): sheepe-hooke
shepherd's crook Headword location(s)
sheepskin (n.) Old form(s): shipskin
[descriptive of a] drum [the skin of a sheep being used for the making of drumheads] Headword location(s)
sheer (adj.) Old form(s): sheere
pure, translucent, unadulterated Headword location(s)
sheer (adj.) Old form(s): sheere
taken alone, unaccompanied by food Headword location(s)
sheeted (adj.)
shrouded, wrapped in a winding-sheet Headword location(s)
shelf (n.) Old form(s): Shelues
sandbank, shoal Headword location(s)
shelled, shealed (adj.)
deprived of a shell, without a shell Headword location(s)
shelly (adj.) Old form(s): shellie
shell-like, shell-covered Headword location(s)
sheltered (adj.) Old form(s): sheltred
concealed, hidden, disguised Headword location(s)
shelving (adv.) Old form(s): sheluing
slopingly, projecting out, with an overhang Headword location(s)
shelvy (adj.) Old form(s): sheluy
gently shelving, sloping; or: made of sandbanks Headword location(s)
she-Mercury (n.) Old form(s): shee-Mercurie
woman messenger Headword location(s)
shend (v.)
old form of 'shent' see also shent (v.) Headword location(s)
shent (v.)
[from earlier verb ‘shend’] blamed, rebuked, reproached Headword location(s)
shent (v.)
insult, disgrace, shame Headword location(s)
sherris-sack, sherris (n.)
white wine from Xeres (Spain), sherry-wine Headword location(s)
shew (v.)
eschew, avoid, shirk Headword location(s)
shield (v.) Old form(s): sheild
forbid [as exclamation] Headword location(s)
shift (n.)
stratagem, contriving, trick Headword location(s)
shift (n.)
stratagem, tactics, way Headword location(s)
shift (n.)
evasion, subterfuge, device Headword location(s)
shift (n.)
expedient, measure, arrangement [especially as 'make shift' = contrive] Headword location(s)
shift (v.)
escape, flee, slip [away] Headword location(s)
shift (v.)
change [clothes] Headword location(s)
shift (v.)
provide, look out, take care Headword location(s)
shift (v.)
change, exchange, swap Headword location(s)
shift, for a
as a makeshift, for lack of a better alternative Headword location(s)
shifting (adj.)
cheating, deceitful, evasive Headword location(s)
shilling (n.)
coin valued at twelve old pence or one twentieth of a pound see also Money Headword location(s)
shine (n.)
shining quality, radiance Headword location(s)
shining (adj.)
brightly lit, illuminated Headword location(s)
shiny (adj.)
moonlit, bright Headword location(s)
ship (v.)
dispatch, send, consign Headword location(s)
shipboard, to Old form(s): Ship-boord
on board ship Headword location(s)
shipping (n.)
voyage, sailing, passage Headword location(s)
ship-tire (n.) Old form(s): Ship-tyre
fashionable head-dress shaped like a ship Headword location(s)
ship-wracked, -wrackt (adj.)
ship-wrecked see also wrack (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
shipwracking (adj.)
causing shipwreck see also wrack (n.) 2 Headword location(s)
shive (n.) Old form(s): shiue
slice Headword location(s)
shiver (n.) Old form(s): shiuers
fragment, splinter, piece Headword location(s)
shiver (v.) Old form(s): shiuerd , shiuer'd
smash to pieces, fragment Headword location(s)
shivered (adj.) Old form(s): shiuered
shattered, broken, splintered Headword location(s)
shivering (adj.) Old form(s): shiuering
shattering, splintering Headword location(s)
shock (v.) Old form(s): shocke
repel with force, throw into confusion Headword location(s)
shoeing-horn (n.) Old form(s): shooing-horne
shoe-horn; person used as a tool, hanger-on Headword location(s)
shog, shog off (v.) Old form(s): shogg, shogge
go away, be gone, get along Headword location(s)
shoon (n.) Old form(s): shoone
[archaism] shoes see also Archaisms Headword location(s)
shoot (n.)
outgrowth, offshoot, sprouting Headword location(s)
shoot (n.) Old form(s): shoote
shot, act of shooting Headword location(s)
shoot (v.) Old form(s): shoote
send forth, throw, let fly Headword location(s)
shoot out (v.)
appear suddenly, come up, emerge Headword location(s)
shop (n.)
workshop, workroom Headword location(s)
shore (n.)
bank, edge Headword location(s)
shore (n.)
limit, border, bound Headword location(s)
shore (n.)
waterside dump, sewage channel Headword location(s)
shore (v.) Old form(s): shoare
put ashore, return to the land Headword location(s)
shore (v.)
past form of 'shorn' see also Past tenses Headword location(s)
short (adj.)
controlled, confined, restrained Headword location(s)
short (adj.)
curt, brief, terse Headword location(s)
short (adj.)
wanting, insufficient, inadequate Headword location(s)
short (v.)
break, fail to keep, fall short of Headword location(s)
short (v.)
shorten Headword location(s)
shorten (v.) Old form(s): shortned
reduce, diminish, cut back Headword location(s)
shorten (v.)
make ineffective, undermine, subvert Headword location(s)
shorten (v.) Old form(s): shortned
omit, ignore, leave out Headword location(s)
shortness (n.) Old form(s): shortnesse
directness, straightforwardness, brevity Headword location(s)
shot (n.)
cannon-fire, firing, salvoes Headword location(s)
shot (n.)
armed soldier, gunner, marksman Headword location(s)
shot (n.)
darting, shooting; or: wound, pain Headword location(s)
shot (n.)
tavern bill, reckoning Headword location(s)
shot (n.)
[in phrases] see also loose shot Headword location(s)
shot-free (adj.)
scot-free, without paying the bill; also: unwounded, unpunished Headword location(s)
shotten (adj.)
spawned, that has shot its roe Headword location(s)
shough (n.) Old form(s): Showghes
[pron: shok] shaggy-haired Icelandic dog Headword location(s)
shoulder (v.) Old form(s): shouldred
thrust unceremoniously aside, push roughly Headword location(s)
shoulder-clapper (n.)
someone who claps you on the shoulder, arresting officer Headword location(s)
shouldering (n.)
pushing with the shoulder, jostling Headword location(s)
shoulder-piece (n.) Old form(s): shoulder peece
armour covering the shoulder see also Body-armour Headword location(s)
shoulder-shotten (adj.)
with a dislocated shoulder Headword location(s)
shout forth (v.)
acclaim, hail, welcome with shouts Headword location(s)
shove by (v.) Old form(s): shoue
thrust aside, push aside Headword location(s)
shove-groat (adj.) Old form(s): shoue
shove-halfpenny, shovel-board Headword location(s)
shovel-board (n.) Old form(s): Shouelboords
wide coin used as a counter in the game of shovel-board Headword location(s)
show (n.) Old form(s): shew
dumb-show, miming Headword location(s)
show (n.) Old form(s): shew , shewes , showes
spectacle, display, ceremony Headword location(s)
show (n.) Old form(s): shew, showe
pretence, fabrication, deception Headword location(s)
show (n.) Old form(s): shewes
vision, apparition, manifestation Headword location(s)
show (n.) Old form(s): shew
view, sight Headword location(s)
show (n.) Old form(s): shew, shewes , shews , showes
appearance, exhibition, display Headword location(s)
show (v.) Old form(s): shew , shew'd , shewes , showes
appear, look [like], present [as] Headword location(s)
showing (n.)
appearance, bearing Headword location(s)
showing (n.) Old form(s): shewing
visible form, printed form, visual representation Headword location(s)
showplace (n.) Old form(s): shew place
place for public spectacles, theatrical arena Headword location(s)
shrew (n.) Old form(s): Shrowes
vexatious person, troublesome individual [of either sex] Headword location(s)
shrew (v.)
short form of 'beshrew' see also beshrew (v.) Headword location(s)
shrewd (adj.) Old form(s): shrew'd , shrowd
harsh, hard, severe Headword location(s)
shrewd (adj.) Old form(s): shrew'd
wily, cunning, mischievous Headword location(s)
shrewd (adj.)
harmful, dangerous, injurious Headword location(s)
shrewd (adj.)
malicious, nasty, vicious Headword location(s)
shrewd (adj.) Old form(s): shrew'd
ominous, telling; or: bitter, vexatious Headword location(s)
shrewd (adj.) Old form(s): shrew'd
knowing, artful, smart Headword location(s)
shrewd (adj.) Old form(s): shrew'd, shrow'd
shrewish, bad-tempered, difficult Headword location(s)
shrewdly (adv.)
sharply, severely Headword location(s)
shrewdly (adv.) Old form(s): shrowdly
seriously, mightily, very much Headword location(s)
shrewdly (adv.)
maliciously, wickedly, mischievously Headword location(s)
shrewishly (adv.)
like a woman, shrilly, sharply Headword location(s)
shrieve (n.) Old form(s): Shrieues
sheriff Headword location(s)
shrift (n.)
confessional, place for hearing confession Headword location(s)
shrift (n.)
absolution Headword location(s)
shrift (n.)
confession Headword location(s)
shrike (n./v.) Old form(s): shreeke
[Q variant] alternative spelling of 'shriek' Headword location(s)
shrill-gorged (adj.) Old form(s): shrill-gorg'd
shrill-sounding, with high-pitched voice Headword location(s)
shrink (v.) Old form(s): shrinke
yield, withdraw, give way Headword location(s)
shrink (v.) Old form(s): shrunke
bring low, diminish, curtail Headword location(s)
shrink (v.) Old form(s): shrinke , shrinkes
shrivel up, wither away Headword location(s)
shrink (v.) Old form(s): shrinke
shiver, recoil, draw back Headword location(s)
shrink (v.) Old form(s): shrinke
draw back, pull in Headword location(s)
shrinking (adj.)
shivering, shuddering, wincing with cold Headword location(s)
shrive (v.) Old form(s): shriu'd , shriue , shriues
hear confession, grant absolution, forgive Headword location(s)
shriver (n.) Old form(s): Shriuer
father confessor Headword location(s)
shriving (adj.) Old form(s): shriuing
for confession and absolution Headword location(s)
shroud (n.) Old form(s): shrowd
protection, shelter Headword location(s)
shroud (n.) Old form(s): shrowdes , shrowds
sail-rope Headword location(s)
shroud (v.) Old form(s): shrowd , shrowded
hide, conceal, shelter Headword location(s)
Shrovetide (n.)
in Christian tradition, the three days before Ash Wednesday see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
Shrovetide (n.)
in Christian tradition, the three days before Ash Wednesday see also Ash Wednesday 1 Headword location(s)
shrow (n.), shrowd (adj.), shrowdly (adv.)
variant spellings of ‘shrew’ (n.), ‘shrewd’ (adj.), ‘shrewdly’ (adv.) Headword location(s)
shrug (v.)
[shrug shoulders to] express disbelief Headword location(s)
shuffle (v.)
spirit, smuggle, remove secretly Headword location(s)
shuffle (v.)
shift, shamble along Headword location(s)
shuffle (v.) Old form(s): shufflle
behave evasively, act shiftily Headword location(s)
shuffling (n.)
trickery, deceit, evasiveness Headword location(s)
shun (v.)
look to escape, seek safety in flight Headword location(s)
shun (v.) Old form(s): shun'd
refuse, avoid, refrain from Headword location(s)
shunless (adj.) Old form(s): shunlesse
unavoidable, inescapable, certain Headword location(s)
shut up (v.) Old form(s): vp
conclude [a speech], wind up Headword location(s)
shut up (v.) Old form(s): vp
prevent, bar, close off Headword location(s)
shut up (v.) Old form(s): vp
enclose, store up, put away Headword location(s)
shut up (v.) Old form(s): vp
embody, sum up, include Headword location(s)
shy (adj.) Old form(s): shie
wary, cautious, reserved Headword location(s)
si fortune...
if fortune torments me, hope contents me Headword location(s)
sib (adj.) Old form(s): sibbe
kin, related Headword location(s)
sibyl (n.) Old form(s): Sybill
prophetess, fortune-teller, wise woman see also Roman history Headword location(s)
Sibyl, Sybilla (n.)
priestess inspired by Apollo, her prophecies being written on leaves; Apollo granted her as many years of life as she could hold grains of sand in her hand see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Sibyl, Sybilla (n.)
priestess inspired by Apollo, her prophecies being written on leaves; Apollo granted her as many years of life as she could hold grains of sand in her hand see also Apollo (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
sic et vos
and so should you see also Latin Headword location(s)
sic... Old form(s): Sij
be it right or wrong see also Latin Headword location(s)
thus is faithfulness to be tested see also Latin Headword location(s)
Sicil (n.)
island of Sicily, Italy see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Sicilia (n.)
island of Sicily, S Italy see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Sicils (n.)
Naples and Sicily (formerly, the ‘Two Sicilies’) see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
sick (adj.) Old form(s): sicke
longing, pining, avid see also fancy-sick (adj.) Headword location(s)
sick (adj.) Old form(s): sicke
ailing, needing cure Headword location(s)
sick (adj.) Old form(s): sicke
envious, resentful, malicious Headword location(s)
sick (adj.) Old form(s): sicke
unhappy, hurt, downcast Headword location(s)
sick (adj.) Old form(s): sicke
infected, contaminated Headword location(s)
sick (adj.) Old form(s): sicke
ill through excess, surfeited Headword location(s)
sick (adj.) Old form(s): sicke
full of loathing, full of repugnance Headword location(s)
sick (adj.) Old form(s): sicke
pale, wan, of a sickly hue Headword location(s)
sick (v.) Old form(s): sick'd
sicken, fall ill Headword location(s)
sickleman (n.)
harvester using a sickle Headword location(s)
sickly (adj.) Old form(s): sickely
weak, feeble, dying Headword location(s)
sickly (adj.)
of sickness, invalid Headword location(s)
sickly over (v.) Old form(s): o're
cover with a sickly hue, make pallid Headword location(s)
sick-thoughted (adj.)
lovesick, infatuated Headword location(s)
sicle, sickle (n.)
shekel Headword location(s)
Sicyon (n.)
[pron: 'sision] town in S Greece, where Antony’s wife Fulvia stayed see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Sicyon (n.)
[pron: 'sision] town in S Greece, where Antony’s wife Fulvia stayed see also Antony, Mark 1 Headword location(s)
side (n.)
frame, compass, limit Headword location(s)
side (v.)
take sides with, join Headword location(s)
side-piercing (adj.)
heartrending, heartbreaking, harrowing Headword location(s)
side-sleeve (n.)
hanging sleeves open from the shoulder and falling away backwards see also Clothing Headword location(s)
siege (n.) Old form(s): Seige
rank, status, standing Headword location(s)
siege (n.)
excrement, ordure, dung Headword location(s)
siege (n.)
seat, chair, place Headword location(s)
siege (n.) Old form(s): siedge
onslaught, storm, assail Headword location(s)
sien (n.)
F spelling of 'scion' see also scion (n.) Headword location(s)
sieve (n.)
basket, hold-all, container [especially for market produce] Headword location(s)
sift (v.)
question carefully, examine closely Headword location(s)
sift (v.)
discover by examining, find out by questioning Headword location(s)
sight (n.)
eye Headword location(s)
sight (n.)
outward appearance, external show Headword location(s)
sight (n.)
sighting, presence in one's sight Headword location(s)
sight (n.)
visor Headword location(s)
sight, in
visibly, conspicuously Headword location(s)
sight-hole (n.)
hole to see through Headword location(s)
sightless (adj.) Old form(s): sightlesse
invisible, unseen, hidden Headword location(s)
sightless (adj.) Old form(s): sightlesse
unsightly, ugly, offensive Headword location(s)
sightless (adj.) Old form(s): sightles
dark, black, impenetrable Headword location(s)
sightly (adv.)
appropriately, handsomely, pleasingly Headword location(s)
sign (n.) Old form(s): signe
token, witness, attestation Headword location(s)
sign (n.) Old form(s): signe, signes
outward appearance, external demeanour Headword location(s)
sign (n.) Old form(s): signe
mere semblance, token symbol, show Headword location(s)
sign (n.) Old form(s): signe , signes
banner, standard, ensign Headword location(s)
sign (n.) Old form(s): Signe
publicity sign, advertisement Headword location(s)
sign (v.) Old form(s): signes
augur, bode, signify Headword location(s)
sign (v.) Old form(s): signe
display, signify, advertise Headword location(s)
sign (v.) Old form(s): sign'd
mark distinctively, bear a signature Headword location(s)
signal (n.) Old form(s): Signall
sign, indication, token Headword location(s)
signet (n.)
seal [of authority], signet ring Headword location(s)
significant (n.)
sign, signal, indication Headword location(s)
signify (v.) Old form(s): signifie
report, make known, declare Headword location(s)
signior, signor (n.)
sir see also Address forms Headword location(s)
signory (n.) Old form(s): Seignories
estate, domain, territory Headword location(s)
signory (n.) Old form(s): Signorie
[Italian] state, province, territory Headword location(s)
silence (v.) Old form(s): silenc'd
force to remain in silence, keep under restraint Headword location(s)
silent (n.)
time of silence Headword location(s)
silling (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'shilling' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
silly (adj.) Old form(s): seelie , sillie
helpless, defenceless, vulnerable Headword location(s)
silly (adj.) Old form(s): sillie
foolish, stupid, ludicrous Headword location(s)
silly (adj.)
feeble, frail, weak Headword location(s)
silly (adj.) Old form(s): seelie
simple, lowly, humble Headword location(s)
silly (adj.)
trifling, trivial, scanty Headword location(s)
silly-ducking (adj.)
foolishly bowing, ridiculously obsequious Headword location(s)
silver (adj.) Old form(s): Siluer
white-haired Headword location(s)
silverly (adv.) Old form(s): siluerly
with a silvery appearance Headword location(s)
simile (n.)
comparison, observation, saying Headword location(s)
Simois (n.)
[pron: 'simohees] river flowing from Mt Ida to the plain of Troy, W Turkey see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
simony (n.) Old form(s): Symonie
trading in ecclesiastical appointments Headword location(s)
simple (adj.)
uninformed, ignorant, unintelligent Headword location(s)
simple (adj.)
common, ordinary, average, humble Headword location(s)
simple (adj.)
foolish, silly, stupid Headword location(s)
simple (adj.)
unmixed, without addition, plain Headword location(s)
simple (adj.)
sincere, honest, open, innocent Headword location(s)
simple (adj.)
basic, minimal, small Headword location(s)
simple (n.)
ingredient, element, constituent Headword location(s)
simple (n.)
medicinal herb, medicine Headword location(s)
simple though I stand here
as sure as I stand here; or: though who am I to say so Headword location(s)
simple-answered (adj.) Old form(s): simple answer'd
straight in reply, direct in answer Headword location(s)
simpleness (n.) Old form(s): simplenesse
integrity, honesty, honour Headword location(s)
simpleness (n.) Old form(s): simplenesse
unpretentiousness, unaffected behaviour, unassuming simplicity Headword location(s)
simpleness (n.) Old form(s): simplenesse
idiocy, stupidity, foolishness Headword location(s)
simple-time (n.) Old form(s): simple time
summer-time [when aromatic herbs used as medicines (simples) were available] see also simple (n.) Headword location(s)
simplicity (n.)
sincerity, unpretentiousness, artlessness Headword location(s)
simplicity (n.) Old form(s): simplicitie
innocence, harmlessness, guilelessness Headword location(s)
simplicity (n.) Old form(s): simplicitie
naivety, foolishness, artlessness Headword location(s)
simply (adv.)
completely, absolutely, totally Headword location(s)
simply (adv.)
poorly, inadequately, weakly Headword location(s)
simply (adv.)
as is, without dowry Headword location(s)
simular (adj.)
simulated, pretended, fake; or: plausible Headword location(s)
simular (n.)
pretender, hypocrite, false claimant Headword location(s)
simulation (n.)
dissimulation, concealment, disguised meaning Headword location(s)
since (adv.)
recently, of late Headword location(s)
since (adv.)
ago Headword location(s)
since (conj.)
when Headword location(s)
since for (conj.)
because of Headword location(s)
since that (conj.)
since, as Headword location(s)
sinew (n.) Old form(s): sinewes , sinewes, sinnewes, synewes
muscle Headword location(s)
sinew (n.) Old form(s): sinewes
strength, force, power Headword location(s)
sinew (n.) Old form(s): sinewes
nerve Headword location(s)
sinew (n.) Old form(s): sinewes
mainstay, support, main strength Headword location(s)
sinew (v.) Old form(s): sinow
join strongly, knit, bind Headword location(s)
sinewed (adj.)
[in compounds] see also treble-sinewed (adj.) Headword location(s)
sinewed (adj.)
[in compounds] see also well-sinewed (adj.) Headword location(s)
sinewy (adj.) Old form(s): sinewie , sinnowie , sinowie , synowie
muscular, well-developed, brawny Headword location(s)
sinfully (adv.)
without having repented of sins Headword location(s)
sing (v.)
anticipate trouble, see storm-clouds brewing Headword location(s)
sing (v.)
declaim in verse Headword location(s)
sing (v.)
make music with; entice, make advances to Headword location(s)
singing-man (n.) Old form(s): singing man
professional musician belonging to a royal chapel or cathedral Headword location(s)
single (adj.)
individual, particular Headword location(s)
single (adj.)
poor, feeble, slight, trivial Headword location(s)
single (adj.)
solitary, lone, unaccompanied Headword location(s)
single (adj.)
unaided, single-handed, sole Headword location(s)
single (adv.)
alone, by oneself Headword location(s)
single (v.)
[hunting] single out, pick out Headword location(s)
single forth (v.)
[hunting] select from a herd, separate from other people Headword location(s)
singleness Old form(s): singlenesse
simplicity, shallowness, silliness Headword location(s)
single-soled (adj.) Old form(s): single sol'd
thin, poor, worthless Headword location(s)
singly (adv.)
by another person, by a single individual Headword location(s)
singly (adv.)
uniquely, solely; or: truly, sincerely Headword location(s)
singular (adj.) Old form(s): singuler
unmatched, pre-eminent, outstanding Headword location(s)
singularity (n.)
individuality, distinctiveness, personal qualities Headword location(s)
singularity (n.)
rarity, curiosity, noteworthy object Headword location(s)
singularity (n.) Old form(s): singularitie
singular behaviour, odd conduct Headword location(s)
singule (v.) Old form(s): singled
set apart, distinguish Headword location(s)
sinister (adj.)
unjust, unfair, underhand Headword location(s)
sinister (adj.)
left see also dexter (adj.) Headword location(s)
sinister (adj.)
malicious, adverse, impolite Headword location(s)
sinister (adj.)
illegitimate, erroneous, irregular Headword location(s)
sink (n.) Old form(s): sinck , sinke
cesspool, waste pit, sewer Headword location(s)
sink (v.) Old form(s): sincke, Sinke
be ruined, give up, perish Headword location(s)
sink (v.) Old form(s): Sinke
fail, fall down, give way Headword location(s)
sink-apace, sinke-a-pace (n.)
five-step capering dance see also cinquepace (n.) Headword location(s)
sinking-ripe (adj.) Old form(s): sinking ripe
ready to sink Headword location(s)
sinner (n.)
cause of sin, instiller of wickedness Headword location(s)
Sinon (n.)
[pron: 'siynon] spy who alerted the Greeks inside the Trojan horse after it had been taken into the citadel of Troy see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Sinon (n.)
[pron: 'siynon] spy who alerted the Greeks inside the Trojan horse after it had been taken into the citadel of Troy see also Troy (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
sinow (v.)
F spelling of 'sinew' see also sinew (v.) Headword location(s)
sip (v.)
drink, propose a toast Headword location(s)
sir (n.)
man, person, individual Headword location(s)
sir (n.)
gentleman, lord, gallant, master see also Address forms Headword location(s)
sire (n.) Old form(s): syre
father see also Family Headword location(s)
Siren (n.)
sea demon of Greek mythology, half bird, half woman, whose music lured sailors to destruction on the rocky shores of her island see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] see also Address forms Headword location(s)
sir-reverence (n.) Old form(s): reuerence , sir reuerence
save your reverence see also Politeness Headword location(s)
sister (n.)
includes in-laws and step-siblings see also Family Headword location(s)
sistering (adj.) Old form(s): sistring
acting like a sister; matching, corresponding Headword location(s)
Sisters Three
alternative name for the Fates see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Sisters Three
alternative name for the Fates see also Fates (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
sit (v.) Old form(s): sate
hold an inquest Headword location(s)
sit (v.)
lodge, live, stay Headword location(s)
sit (v.)
sit in conference, meet for a discussion Headword location(s)
sit down (v.) Old form(s): downe
begin a siege, encamp, blockade Headword location(s)
sit there
there you are Headword location(s)
sith (conj.)
since Headword location(s)
sith (prep.)
since Headword location(s)
sith that (conj.)
since Headword location(s)
sithence (adv.)
since, subsequently Headword location(s)
sithence (conj.)
since Headword location(s)
sitting (n.)
meeting, audience, interview Headword location(s)
sixpence (n.)
silver coin of this value see also Money Headword location(s)
sixpenny (adj.)
petty, paltry, puny Headword location(s)
size (n.)
allowance, ration, quota Headword location(s)
size (n.)
kind, type, length Headword location(s)
size (n.)
bounds, limit, confine Headword location(s)
size (v.) Old form(s): siz'd
quantify, measure [for size] Headword location(s)
sized (adj.)
[in compounds] see also blood-sized (adj.) Headword location(s)
sized (adj.)
[in compounds] see also over-sized (adj.) Headword location(s)
skains-mate (n.)
[unclear meaning] cut-throat fellow Headword location(s)
skiff (v.) Old form(s): skift
go in a skiff [= small boat] Headword location(s)
skilfully (adv.)
knowledgeably, shrewdly, cleverly Headword location(s)
skill (n.)
judgement, knowledge, common sense Headword location(s)
skill (n.)
discernment, discrimination, capacity to perceive Headword location(s)
skill (n.)
reason, cause, ground Headword location(s)
skill (v.) Old form(s): skilles
matter, make a difference, be of importance Headword location(s)
skill-contending (adj.) Old form(s): skill contending
of competitive debating Headword location(s)
skillet (n.)
saucepan, stew-pan, cooking-pot Headword location(s)
skill-less, skilless (adj.) Old form(s): skillesse
ignorant, unaware, unacquainted [with] Headword location(s)
skimble-skamble (adj.)
nonsensical, incoherent, rubbishy Headword location(s)
skin (v.)
cover up, cover with skin Headword location(s)
skin-coat (n.)
coat made of skin, hide Headword location(s)
skip (v.)
pass over, fail to see, ignore Headword location(s)
skip (v.) Old form(s): skipt
jump over, avoid, pass by Headword location(s)
skip (v.)
jump into action, spring up Headword location(s)
skipper (n.)
light-brain, frivolous wretch Headword location(s)
skipping (adj.)
frivolous, flighty, frolicsome Headword location(s)
skipping (adj.)
runaway, fugitive; or: lightly armed Headword location(s)
skirmish (n.)
fight, clash, fracas Headword location(s)
skirmish (v.)
do battle, wage war Headword location(s)
skirr (v.) Old form(s): skirre
scour, search quickly through Headword location(s)
skirr (v.) Old form(s): sker
scurry, flee, hasten Headword location(s)
skirt (n.)
(plural) outlying parts, borders, outskirts Headword location(s)
skirt (n.)
one of four pieces of cloth forming the lower part of a long coat Headword location(s)
skirted (adj.)
wearing a long coat Headword location(s)
skittish (adj.)
changeable, fickle, inconstant Headword location(s)
skyey (adj.) Old form(s): skyie
coming from the sky, planetary Headword location(s)
skyish (adj.)
lofty, sky-reaching Headword location(s)
sky-planted (adj.)
from a heavenly location, positioned in the skies Headword location(s)
slab (adj.)
coagulated, congealed, viscous Headword location(s)
slack (adj.) Old form(s): slacke
less attentive, remiss, lax Headword location(s)
slack (v.) Old form(s): slacke
put off, neglect, postpone Headword location(s)
slack (v.) Old form(s): slacke
neglect, be remiss [to] Headword location(s)
slack (v.)
reduce to inactivity, quieten down see also Archaisms Headword location(s)
slack (v.) Old form(s): slacke
slacken, reduce, slow down Headword location(s)
slake (v.) Old form(s): slaketh, Slakt
abate, moderate, decrease Headword location(s)
slander (n.)
dishonour, disgrace, disrepute Headword location(s)
slander (n.)
slanderer, disgraceful rogue Headword location(s)
slander (v.)
misuse, disgrace, bring into ill repute Headword location(s)
slanderous (adj.) Old form(s): sclandrous , slandrous
disgraceful, shameful, discreditable Headword location(s)
slaughterman, slaughter-man (n.)
executioner, slayer, murderer Headword location(s)
slave (n.) Old form(s): Slaue, slaues
fellow, rascal, rogue, villain Headword location(s)
slave (n.) Old form(s): slaue, Slaues
hireling, lackey, menial, servant Headword location(s)
slave (v.) Old form(s): slaues
enslave, bring into subjection Headword location(s)
sleave (n.) Old form(s): Sleeue
[of silk] strands, threads, skein Headword location(s)
sleave-silk (n.) Old form(s): Sleyd silke
silk thread for embroidery see also sleded (adj.) Headword location(s)
sledded (adj.)
carried by sleds Headword location(s)
sleded, sleided (adj.) Old form(s): sleided
finely divided, filamented see also sleave-silk (n.) Headword location(s)
sleek (adj.) Old form(s): sleeke
oily, fawning, unctuous Headword location(s)
sleep upon (v.) Old form(s): Sleepe vpon, vpon
disregard, ignore, pay no attention to Headword location(s)
sleepy (adj.) Old form(s): sleepie
sleep-inducing, soporific Headword location(s)
sleepy (adj.)
dreamlike, soporific, incoherent Headword location(s)
sleevehand, sleeve-hand (n.) Old form(s): sleeue-hand
sleeve cuff, wristband Headword location(s)
sleeveless (adj.) Old form(s): sleeuelesse
futile, fruitless, unproductive Headword location(s)
sleided (adj.)
finely divided, filamented see also sleded (adj.) Headword location(s)
sleight (n.) Old form(s): slights
cunning, trickery, crafty deceit Headword location(s)
slender (adj.)
slight, trifling, insignificant Headword location(s)
slenderly (adv.)
poorly, inadequately, to a slight extent Headword location(s)
slice (v.)
cut, shorten Headword location(s)
slickly (adv.) Old form(s): slickely
smoothly, sleekly, neatly Headword location(s)
'slid (int.)
[oath] God's eyelid see also Swearing Headword location(s)
sliding (n.)
sinfulness, lapse, moral fall Headword location(s)
slight (adj.)
worthless, insignificant, good-for-nothing Headword location(s)
slight (adj.)
weak, foolish, unwise Headword location(s)
slight (adj.)
offhand, dismissive, contemptuous Headword location(s)
slight (adj.)
light, insubstantial, lacking solidity Headword location(s)
'slight (int.)
[oath] God's light see also Swearing Headword location(s)
slight (v.)
throw contemptuously, slide scornfully Headword location(s)
slight off (v.)
dismiss with contempt, put off disdainfully Headword location(s)
slightly (adv.) Old form(s): sleightly
without much attention, neglectfully Headword location(s)
slightly (adv.)
easily, with little effort Headword location(s)
slightness (n.) Old form(s): Slightnesse
triviality, paltriness, trifling Headword location(s)
slily, slyly (adv.) Old form(s): slily
stealthily, secretly, quietly Headword location(s)
slime (n.)
rich earth, mud, soil Headword location(s)
slip (n.)
leash, lead, tether Headword location(s)
slip (n.) Old form(s): slippe, Slippes
seedling, sprig, shoot, cutting Headword location(s)
slip (n.)
counterfeit coin; also: evasion Headword location(s)
slip (n.)
lapse, error in conduct, fault Headword location(s)
slip (v.)
fail to hold, be broken off Headword location(s)
slip (v.) Old form(s): slipt
fail to keep, allow to pass by Headword location(s)
slip (v.) Old form(s): slipt
err, sin, transgress Headword location(s)
slip (v.) Old form(s): slipt
leave unasserted, pass over Headword location(s)
slip (v.) Old form(s): slipt
let go of, allow to leave, unleash Headword location(s)
slip, let
let go, allow to leave, unleash Headword location(s)
slipper (adj.)
slippery, shifty, unreliable Headword location(s)
slippery (adj.)
fickle, treacherous, uncertain Headword location(s)
slippery (adj.) Old form(s): slipperie
faithless, unchaste, difficult to hold on to Headword location(s)
slippery (adj.) Old form(s): slipp'ry
swiftly passing, fleeting Headword location(s)
slipshod, slip-shod (adj.)
wearing slippers Headword location(s)
sliver (n.) Old form(s): sliuer
[split piece of] branch, bough, limb Headword location(s)
sliver (v.) Old form(s): Sliuer'd
cut off [a piece], split off, tear away Headword location(s)
slobbery (adj.) Old form(s): slobbry
slimy, muddy, sloppy Headword location(s)
slomber (n.)
Scottish pronunciation of 'slumber' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
slop, slops (n.)
large loose breeches, baggy trousers see also Clothing Headword location(s)
slough (n.)
outer skin Headword location(s)
slovenly (adj.) Old form(s): slouenly
nasty, disgusting, foul Headword location(s)
slovenry (n.) Old form(s): slouenrie
slovenliness, negligence, neglect Headword location(s)
slow (adj.)
reluctant, unwilling, slowly given Headword location(s)
slow (adj.)
heavy, gloomy, dejected Headword location(s)
slow (adj.)
not readily moved, easy-going Headword location(s)
slow-gaited (adj.) Old form(s): slow gated
slow-moving, sluggish Headword location(s)
slubber (v.)
smear, stain, soil Headword location(s)
slubber (v.)
be careless with, rush through Headword location(s)
slug (n.)
sluggard, lazy fellow Headword location(s)
slug-abed (n.) Old form(s): sluggabed
lazy-bones see also abed (adv.) Headword location(s)
sluggardized (adj.) Old form(s): sluggardiz'd
like a sluggard, made lazy Headword location(s)
sluice (n.) Old form(s): sluces
floodgate Headword location(s)
sluice (v.) Old form(s): sluyc'd
send water through, draw water from; screw Headword location(s)
slumbery (adj.) Old form(s): slumbry
slumbering, sleepy, drowsy Headword location(s)
sluttery (n.)
sluttishness, squalor, filthiness Headword location(s)
sluttery (n.)
slut, hussy Headword location(s)
sly (adj.) Old form(s): slye
stealthy, furtive, quietly moving Headword location(s)
smack (n.) Old form(s): smacke
taste, quantity, mouthful Headword location(s)
smack (n.) Old form(s): smacke
smattering, superficial knowledge Headword location(s)
smack (n.)
suggestion, trace, hint Headword location(s)
smack (v.)
have a taste, like the flavour Headword location(s)
smack (v.) Old form(s): smacke , smoake
show the characteristics, savour the taste Headword location(s)
smack (v.) Old form(s): Smackes
have an air, have a flavour Headword location(s)
small (adj.)
high-pitched, fluting, thin Headword location(s)
small (adj.)
weak, poor see also beer / ale, small Headword location(s)
small (adj.)
slender, slim Headword location(s)
small (adv.)
little, not much Headword location(s)
small (n.)
lower leg Headword location(s)
small and small, by
little by little, by degrees, gradually Headword location(s)
smallness (n.) Old form(s): smallnesse
softness, gentleness, high pitch Headword location(s)
smart (adj.)
biting, stinging, painful Headword location(s)
smart (n.)
suffering, grief, sorrow Headword location(s)
smart (v.)
suffer, feel pain Headword location(s)
smatch (n.)
taste, relish, smack Headword location(s)
smatter (v.)
prattle, chatter, babble away Headword location(s)
smile (n.)
trace, sign, hint Headword location(s)
smile (v.)
make something happen by smiling Headword location(s)
smile (v.) Old form(s): Smoile
laugh at, mock, sneer at Headword location(s)
smilet (n.)
slight smile Headword location(s)
smilingly (adv.)
with a smile, experiencing some happiness Headword location(s)
smirch (v.)
smear, discolour, spread on Headword location(s)
smirched (adj.) Old form(s): smircht , smyrcht
marked, soiled, stained Headword location(s)
smite (v.), past forms smote, smit Old form(s): smot
strike, hit (often, with great force) Headword location(s)
smite (v.), past forms smote, smit
injure, harm, do damage to Headword location(s)
smock (n.) Old form(s): Smocke, Smockes
woman's undergarment, shift, slip, chemise Headword location(s)
smoke (n.) Old form(s): smoake
mist, fog, vapours Headword location(s)
smoke (v.) Old form(s): smoak'd
give off steam [i.e. blood] Headword location(s)
smoke (v.) Old form(s): smoaking
perfume, fumigate, deodorize Headword location(s)
smoke (v.) Old form(s): smoak'd , smoake
expose, smoke out; suspect, scent Headword location(s)
smoke (v.) Old form(s): smoake
disinfect, sanitize; beat, thrash Headword location(s)
smoke (v.) Old form(s): smoakes
spread like mist, grow misty Headword location(s)
smoke (v.) Old form(s): smoake
burn, suffer severely Headword location(s)
smoking (adj.) Old form(s): smoaking
steaming hot, sending up spray Headword location(s)
smooth (adj.)
pleasant, welcome, gratifying Headword location(s)
smooth (adj.)
plausible, glib, apparently amiable Headword location(s)
smooth (v.)
gloss over, make less noticeable, camouflage Headword location(s)
smooth (v.)
indulge, humour, allay, flatter Headword location(s)
smooth (v.) Old form(s): smooth'st
adopt a flattering manner, make a plausible show, conciliate Headword location(s)
smooth (v.)
defend, gild, speak well of Headword location(s)
smooth-faced (adj.) Old form(s): smooth-fac'd , smoothfac'd
plausible, bland, glib, deceitful Headword location(s)
smoothing (adj.)
flattering, plausible, ingratiating Headword location(s)
smooth-pate, smoothy-pate (n.)
cropped-head [of a Puritan city tradesman] Headword location(s)
smote (v.)
past form of 'smite' see also smite (v.) Headword location(s)
smother (n.)
suffocating smoke Headword location(s)
smother up (v.) Old form(s): smother'd vp
conceal, hide, cover up Headword location(s)
smug (adj.)
placid, tranquil, smooth-running Headword location(s)
smug (adj.) Old form(s): smugge
neat, spruce, trim Headword location(s)
Smulkin (n.)
in Christian tradition, the name of a devil see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
smutch (v.) Old form(s): smutch'd
smudge, dirty, blacken Headword location(s)
snaffle (n.)
bridle-bit Headword location(s)
snaily (adj.) Old form(s): snailie
snail-like Headword location(s)
snaky (adj.) Old form(s): snakie
twisting, winding, sinuous; also: deceitful Headword location(s)
snatch (n.)
catch, hesitation, jerkiness Headword location(s)
snatch (n.)
quibble, equivocation, nit-picking Headword location(s)
snatch (n.)
snap, bite Headword location(s)
snatch (n.)
hasty grab, quick theft Headword location(s)
snatcher (n.)
raider, thief, robber Headword location(s)
sneak-up (n.) Old form(s): Sneake-Cuppe
cringing villain, creeping rascal [Q1 variant] Headword location(s)
sneap (n.) Old form(s): sneape
snub, reproof, rebuke Headword location(s)
sneaped (adj.)
nipped, frost-bitten Headword location(s)
sneaping (adj.)
nipping, biting, sharp Headword location(s)
sneck up (v.) Old form(s): Snecke vp
buzz off, go hang Headword location(s)
snip (n.)
snatch, scrap, shred Headword location(s)
snipe (n.)
[type of bird] dupe, gull, fool Headword location(s)
snipped-taffeta, snipt-taffeta (adj.) Old form(s): snipt taffata
made of glossy silk fabric with irregular cuts, slashed-silk Headword location(s)
snort (v.)
snore Headword location(s)
snorting (adj.)
snoring Headword location(s)
snow-broth (n.)
melted snow Headword location(s)
snuff (n.) Old form(s): snuffe, snuffes
resentment, huff, pique Headword location(s)
snuff (n.) Old form(s): Snuffe
smouldering candle-end, burnt-out wick Headword location(s)
snuff, in Old form(s): snuffe
in need of snuffing out; also: in a rage Headword location(s)
so (adv.)
average, middling, so-so Headword location(s)
so (conj.)
provided that Headword location(s)
so (conj.)
even though Headword location(s)
soaking (adj.)
quick to absorb, ready to assimilate Headword location(s)
soar (n.) Old form(s): soare
highest point, summit Headword location(s)
sob (n.)
respite, rest, breather [given to a horse] Headword location(s)
sober (adj.)
serious, sincere, not playful Headword location(s)
sober (adj.)
sedate, staid, demure, grave Headword location(s)
sober (adj.)
moderate, reasonable, with no undue haste Headword location(s)
sober (adj.)
subdued in colour, sombre Headword location(s)
sober-blooded (adj.)
calm, passionless, impassive Headword location(s)
sober-suited (adj.)
sedately dressed Headword location(s)
sociable (adj.)
sensitive, responsive, sympathetic Headword location(s)
society (n.)
disposition, manners, social graces Headword location(s)
society (n.) Old form(s): societie
companionship, fellowship, association Headword location(s)
society (n.)
groups of people, companions Headword location(s)
society (n.)
gathering, company, group Headword location(s)
Socrates (n.)
[pron: 'sokrateez] Greek philosopher, 5th-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
sod (adj.)
soaked, sodden, steeped Headword location(s)
sod (v.)
boil, stew [from ‘seethe’] Headword location(s)
sodden (adj.)
diseased, rotten, limp Headword location(s)
sodden (adj.)
boiled, stewed up Headword location(s)
sodden-witted (adj.)
stew-brained, limp-minded, alcohol-crazed Headword location(s)
so-forth (n.)
such-and-such, you know what Headword location(s)
soft (adj.)
sociable, pleasing, pleasant Headword location(s)
soft (adj.)
tender, compassionate, kind Headword location(s)
soft (adj.)
weak, faint, soft-hearted Headword location(s)
soft (adv.)
gently, calmly, not so forcefully Headword location(s)
soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet see also Attention signals Headword location(s)
soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
soft and fair Old form(s): faire
gently, not so fast Headword location(s)
soft-conscienced (adj.) Old form(s): soft conscienc'd
soft-headed, easy-going, lacking real convictions Headword location(s)
softly (adv.)
slowly, gently Headword location(s)
softly-sprighted (adj.)
mild-tempered, gentle-spirited see also sprite (n.) Headword location(s)
softly-sprighted (adj.)
mild-tempered, gentle-spirited see also sprite (v.) Headword location(s)
soho, so-ho (int.)
hunting cry when a hare is started see also Sounds Headword location(s)
soil (n.) Old form(s): soil'd , soile, soyld, soyle
blemish, stain, tarnish Headword location(s)
soil (n.) Old form(s): Soyle
country, homeland, nation Headword location(s)
soiled (adj.) Old form(s): soyled
fully fed with fresh fodder; lively, skittish Headword location(s)
soilure (n.) Old form(s): soylure
soiling, staining, defilement Headword location(s)
sojourn (n.) Old form(s): soiourne
visit, temporary stay Headword location(s)
sojourn (v.) Old form(s): soiourn'd , Soiourne , sojourne
pause, reside, stay for a while Headword location(s)
sojourn (v.) Old form(s): soiourn'd
travel, journey, go to stay Headword location(s)
sojourner (n.) Old form(s): soiourner
guest, lodger, visitor Headword location(s)
sol (n.)
[musical scale] soh Headword location(s)
Sol (n.)
the sun see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
sola (int.) Old form(s): sowla
sound of a post horn; hunting cry see also Sounds Headword location(s)
solace (v.)
take comfort, be happy, cheer [oneself] Headword location(s)
solace (v.)
entertain, amuse, divert Headword location(s)
sold (adj.)
made commercial, as if for sale Headword location(s)
sold (v.)
[in expressions] see also buy and sell Headword location(s)
solder (v.) Old form(s): soader , souldered , souldrest
unite, interlink, fasten Headword location(s)
soldier (n.) Old form(s): Souldier
dedicated person, committed individual Headword location(s)
soldieress (n.) Old form(s): Soldiresse
female soldier Headword location(s)
soldiership (n.) Old form(s): Souldiership
soldierly qualities, military skill Headword location(s)
sole (adj.)
mere, simple, alone Headword location(s)
sole (adj.)
unique, unrivalled, singular Headword location(s)
sole (adv.)
uniquely, singularly, incomparably Headword location(s)
solely (adv.) Old form(s): solie
alone, by oneself Headword location(s)
solely (adv.) Old form(s): solie , Soly
wholly, entirely, altogether Headword location(s)
solemn (adj.) Old form(s): solemne
formal, ceremonious, stately Headword location(s)
solemn (adj.) Old form(s): solemne
impressive, breathtaking, awe-inspiring Headword location(s)
solemn (adj.) Old form(s): solemne
dark, sombre, gloomy Headword location(s)
solemn (adj.) Old form(s): solemne
sorrowful, mournful, melancholic Headword location(s)
solemnity (n.) Old form(s): solempnity
ritual, ceremony, celebration Headword location(s)
solemnity (n.) Old form(s): Solemnitie
celebration, jubilation, festivity Headword location(s)
solemnity (n.) Old form(s): Solmemnity
solemn occasion, special ritual Headword location(s)
solemnly (adv.)
ceremoniously, with ritual celebration Headword location(s)
sol-fa (v.) Old form(s): Sol,Fa
sing a scale, make a tune Headword location(s)
solicit (n.)
entreaty, solicitation, wooing Headword location(s)
solicit (v.) Old form(s): solicite , solicites
urge, move, incite, prevail upon Headword location(s)
solicit (v.) Old form(s): solicites , sollicite
court, chase after, pursue Headword location(s)
solicit (v.) Old form(s): Solicite
beg pardon, make intercession Headword location(s)
soliciting (n.)
importuning, entreaty, urging [not necessarily immoral] Headword location(s)
solicitor (n.) Old form(s): soliciter
advocate, instigator, go-between Headword location(s)
solicity (n.)
F alternative to 'solicit' see also solicit (n.) Headword location(s)
solidare (n.)
not a known coin; expressive of a paltry sum see also Money Headword location(s)
solidity (n.)
solid body [i.e. the Earth] Headword location(s)
Solomon (n.)
in the Bible, son and successor of David; proverbial for his wisdom see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
Solon (n.)
[pron: 'sohlon] Athenian statesman, c.7th-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
solus (adv.)
alone, on one's own see also Latin Headword location(s)
Solyman (n.)
Suleiman, 16th-c sultan who fought against Persia see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
some (n.)
someone, a person, one Headword location(s)
something (adv.) Old form(s): somthing
somewhat, rather see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
something (adv.) Old form(s): somthing
a little, to some extent Headword location(s)
sometime (adj.)
former, previous Headword location(s)
sometime (adv.)
formerly, at one time, once Headword location(s)
sometime (adv.) Old form(s): some-time , somtime
sometimes, now and then Headword location(s)
sometimes (adj.)
sometime, former, at one time Headword location(s)
sometimes (adv.)
formerly, once, at one time, previously Headword location(s)
somewhat (n.)
something Headword location(s)
somewhither (adv.)
somewhere see also hither, thither, and whither Headword location(s)
son (n.)
includes in-laws and step-children see also Family Headword location(s)
sonance (n.) Old form(s): Sonuance
sound, note Headword location(s)
song (n.) Old form(s): songe
poem, set of verses, composition Headword location(s)
song of good life
drinking song see also good life Headword location(s)
sonnet (n.)
song, lyric Headword location(s)
sonnet (n.)
sonnet-writer Headword location(s)
sonneting (n.) Old form(s): Sonnetting
sonnet-composition Headword location(s)
sonties (n.)
saints see also Swearing Headword location(s)
soon (adv.) Old form(s): soone
quickly, in a short time Headword location(s)
soon-speeding (adj.) Old form(s): soone
quick-acting, rapidly working Headword location(s)
soopstake (adv.)
F, Q2 spelling of 'swoopstake' see also swoopstake (adv.) Headword location(s)
sooth (adj.)
true Headword location(s)
sooth (adv.)
truly see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
sooth (n.)
flattery, ingratiation, appeasement Headword location(s)
sooth (n.)
truth see also Swearing Headword location(s)
sooth (n.)
flattery, sycophant, sweet-talk Headword location(s)
sooth (n.)
truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] see also Swearing Headword location(s)
soothe (v.) Old form(s): sooth'd
flatter, praise, sweet-talk Headword location(s)
soothe (v.) Old form(s): sooth
humour, encourage, indulge Headword location(s)
soothe (v.) Old form(s): sooth
gloss over, smooth over Headword location(s)
soothe up (v.) Old form(s): sooth'st vp
flatter, humour, play up to Headword location(s)
soother (n.)
flatterer, sycophant, adulator Headword location(s)
soothing (adj.)
flattering, sweet-talking see also smoothing (adj.) Headword location(s)
soothing (n.)
reassurance, heartening Headword location(s)
soothing (n.)
flattery, adulation, sweet-talk Headword location(s)
soothsay (v.)
tell the future, prophesy, make predictions Headword location(s)
soothsayer (n.) Old form(s): Sooth-sayer
foreteller of events, prophet Headword location(s)
sop (n.) Old form(s): soppe
piece of bread or cake steeped in liquid [before being eaten] Headword location(s)
sophister (n.)
sophist, cunning reasoner, clever debater Headword location(s)
sophisticated (adj.)
removed from the simple state, no longer natural Headword location(s)
Sophy (n.)
[pron: 'sohfee] shah of Persia, possibly Abbas the Great, 16th-c see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
sore (adj.)
severe, harsh, heavy Headword location(s)
sore (adj.)
serious, grievous, grave Headword location(s)
sore (adj.)
violent, harsh, dreadful Headword location(s)
sore (adv.)
seriously, greatly, very much Headword location(s)
sore (n.)
four-year-old buck Headword location(s)
sore (n.)
affliction, suffering, sorrow Headword location(s)
sore-betrayed (n.) Old form(s): fore-betrayed
grievously deceived person Headword location(s)
sorel (n.)
three-year-old buck Headword location(s)
sorely (adv.)
heavily, grievously, profoundly Headword location(s)
sorely (adv.)
severely, intensely, very greatly Headword location(s)
sorrow (adj.)
sorry Headword location(s)
sorrow (n.) Old form(s): Sorrowes
mourning, lamentation Headword location(s)
sorrowed (adj.)
sorrowful, regretful, crestfallen Headword location(s)
sorrow-wreathen (adj.)
folded in grief Headword location(s)
sorry (adj.) Old form(s): sorrie , sorryest
sorrowful, painful, sad, pitiable Headword location(s)
sorry (adj.)
awful, wretched, vile Headword location(s)
sort (n.)
pack, crowd, gang Headword location(s)
sort (n.)
class, level, social rank Headword location(s)
sort (n.)
way, manner Headword location(s)
sort (n.)
kind, variety, type Headword location(s)
sort (n.)
assigned portion, allotted measure Headword location(s)
sort (n.)
lot [item drawn from a receptacle in a lottery] Headword location(s)
sort (v.)
suit, be fitting, be appropriate Headword location(s)
sort (v.)
place, classify, put in the same class Headword location(s)
sort (v.)
choose, find, arrange Headword location(s)
sort (v.)
turn out, fall out, come about Headword location(s)
sort (v.)
fashion, frame, adapt Headword location(s)
sort (v.)
correspond [to], be in agreement, conform [to] Headword location(s)
sort (v.) Old form(s): sorteth
associate, keep company with Headword location(s)
sort out (v.)
arrange, contrive, prepare Headword location(s)
sortance (n.)
agreement, correspondence, accord Headword location(s)
sot (n.) Old form(s): sottes
blockhead, idiot, dolt Headword location(s)
sot (v.)
besot, make foolish Headword location(s)
sotted (adj.)
turned into a fool, besotted Headword location(s)
sottish (adj.)
stupid, foolish, ludicrous Headword location(s)
soul (n.) Old form(s): Soule , soules
driving force, animating principle Headword location(s)
soul (n.) Old form(s): Soule
conscience, heart, inner being Headword location(s)
soul (n.) Old form(s): soule
real nature, essence Headword location(s)
soul (n.) Old form(s): soule
inner conviction, personal impulse Headword location(s)
soul, half a Old form(s): Soule, halfe a
half-wit, cretin, simpleton Headword location(s)
soul-fearing (adj.) Old form(s): soule-fearing
terrifying, petrifying Headword location(s)
sound (adj.)
large, severe, serious Headword location(s)
sound (adj.)
free from error, orthodox Headword location(s)
sound (adj.)
unbroken Headword location(s)
sound (adj.)
wholesome, beneficial Headword location(s)
sound (adj.)
healthy, robust, uninfected Headword location(s)
sound (adv.)
soundly, heartily, vigorously Headword location(s)
sound (v.)
sound out, question, examine Headword location(s)
sound (v.)
swoon, faint, pass out Headword location(s)
sound (v.)
find out, ascertain, sound out Headword location(s)
sound (v.)
pronounce, articulate, enunciate Headword location(s)
sound (v.)
inform with a call Headword location(s)
sound (v.)
cry out, declare, proclaim Headword location(s)
sound (v.)
resound, ring, echo Headword location(s)
sounding (n.)
playing, making music Headword location(s)
sounding (n.)
sounding out, gauging depth, investigation Headword location(s)
soundless (adj.) Old form(s): soundlesse
noiseless, without sound Headword location(s)
soundless (adj.) Old form(s): soundlesse
beyond the ability to sound, unfathomable Headword location(s)
soundly (adv.)
severely, strongly, dearly, in full Headword location(s)
soundly (adv.)
thoroughly, properly, in full Headword location(s)
sour (adj.) Old form(s): sowre
bitter, harsh, painful Headword location(s)
sour (v.) Old form(s): sowre
give a morose expression, make sullen Headword location(s)
souse (v.) Old form(s): sowsse
swoop down on, beat away Headword location(s)
soused (adj.) Old form(s): sowc't
preserved, pickled Headword location(s)
south (n.)
south wind [believed to bring storms, and plague-carrying mists] Headword location(s)
South Sea
South Seas, seen as a distant and unknown location see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
south-fog (n.)
contagion brought by the south wind Headword location(s)
sovereign (adj.) Old form(s): soueraigne , Soueraign'st
excellent, excelling, superlative Headword location(s)
sovereign (adj.) Old form(s): soueraigne
leading, principal, outstanding Headword location(s)
sovereign (adj.) Old form(s): Soueraigne
overpowering, unmitigated, extreme Headword location(s)
sovereignly (adv.) Old form(s): soueraignely
supremely, outstandingly, superlatively Headword location(s)
sovereignty (n.) Old form(s): Soueraignty
control [of yourself], powers Headword location(s)
sovereignty (n.) Old form(s): Soueraignty
royal dignity, kingly authority Headword location(s)
sovereignty (n.) Old form(s): soueraigntie
potency, efficacy, effectiveness Headword location(s)
sovereignty (n.) Old form(s): soueraignty , Sou'raigntie
pre-eminence, greatest excellence Headword location(s)
sow (n.)
ingot, block, bar Headword location(s)
sowl (v.) Old form(s): sole
pull, lug, seize roughly Headword location(s)
Sowter (n.)
[shoemaker, cobbler] name of a stupid hound Headword location(s)
space (n.)
space of time, while Headword location(s)
space (n.)
[in phrases] see also mean space Headword location(s)
space (n.)
freedom from captivity; or: possession of property Headword location(s)
space (n.)
distance, separation Headword location(s)
span (n.) Old form(s): spannes
hand breadth [from tip of thumb to tip of little finger, when the hand is extended] Headword location(s)
span (n.)
span of life Headword location(s)
span (v.) Old form(s): spand
measure out, delimit, determine Headword location(s)
span-counter (n.)
game in which counters were thrown to fall within a hand-span of the opponent's Headword location(s)
spangle (v.)
adorn brightly, add glitter to Headword location(s)
spaniel (adj.) Old form(s): Spaniell
obsequious, slavish, submissive Headword location(s)
spaniel (v.)
fawn upon, follow [like a spaniel] Headword location(s)
spaniel-like (adj.)
fawningly, slavishly, like a tame dog Headword location(s)
spare (adj.)
frugal, spartan, abstemious Headword location(s)
spare (adj.)
lean, thin, gaunt Headword location(s)
spare (v.) Old form(s): spard
be free [at court], not needed Headword location(s)
spare (v.)
omit, avoid, refrain [from] Headword location(s)
spare (v.)
avoid, shun, keep away from Headword location(s)
spare (v.)
stop, desist Headword location(s)
spare (v.)
avoid offending, refrain from causing distress to Headword location(s)
spare (v.)
practise economy in, be niggardly about Headword location(s)
sparing (adj.)
forbearing, considerate, moderating Headword location(s)
sparing (adj.)
niggardly, frugal, miserly Headword location(s)
sparing (n.)
economy, thrift, saving Headword location(s)
sparingly (adv.)
with restraint, discreetly, in a reserved way Headword location(s)
spark (n.) Old form(s): sparkes
young blade, man about town, dude Headword location(s)
sparkle (v.)
send out sparks Headword location(s)
Sparta (n.)
city of Peloponnesia, S Greece see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
spavin (n.) Old form(s): Spauen, Spauins
swelling of a horse's leg-joint Headword location(s)
speak (v.) Old form(s): speake
declare itself, be announced Headword location(s)
speak (v.) Old form(s): speakes
proclaim, show, reveal Headword location(s)
speak (v.) Old form(s): speake
encounter, fight, exchange blows Headword location(s)
speak (v.) Old form(s): speake
find language for, say in words about Headword location(s)
speak (v.)
reprove, admonish, rebuke Headword location(s)
speak (v.) Old form(s): speake
address, talk to, call upon Headword location(s)
speak (v.) Old form(s): speake
give an account of, report, describe Headword location(s)
speak for (v.) Old form(s): speake
demand, call for, cry out for Headword location(s)
speak holiday Old form(s): speakes holliday
speak entertainingly; or: talk in a refined way Headword location(s)
speak of (v.)
organize, order, sort out Headword location(s)
speak on (v.)
speak of Headword location(s)
speak out (v.) Old form(s): speake
declare, manifest, display Headword location(s)
speak to Old form(s): speake
bear witness to, attest, support Headword location(s)
speak with (v.) Old form(s): speake
bring news to, talk to Headword location(s)
special (adj.) Old form(s): speciall
particular, specific, distinctive Headword location(s)
specialty (n.)
sealed contract, special agreement Headword location(s)
specialty (n.)
obligation, bond, requirement Headword location(s)
speciously (adv.)
malapropism for ‘specially’ Headword location(s)
spectacle (n.)
thing to be seen, sight Headword location(s)
spectacle (v.)
fit with spectacles, give glasses Headword location(s)
spectacles (n.) Old form(s): Spectales
instruments of vision, eyes Headword location(s)
spectacles (n.)
eye-glasses Headword location(s)
spectatorship (n.)
presentation to onlookers, display before spectators Headword location(s)
speculation (n.)
observer, watcher, agent Headword location(s)
speculation (n.)
power of knowing, faculty of intelligence Headword location(s)
speculation (n.)
looking on, spectating, observation Headword location(s)
speculation (n.)
power of sight, vision Headword location(s)
speculative (adj.) Old form(s): speculatiue
seeing, observing, capable of vision Headword location(s)
speech (n.)
conversation, talk, discourse Headword location(s)
speed (n.) Old form(s): speede
success, fortune, good luck Headword location(s)
speed (n.) Old form(s): speede
fate, lot, fortune Headword location(s)
speed (n.) Old form(s): speede
assistance, aid, protector Headword location(s)
speed (v.) Old form(s): speede
survive, succeed, prosper Headword location(s)
speed (v.)
fare, manage, get on Headword location(s)
speed (v.) Old form(s): speede
meet with success, prosper, flourish see also Greetings Headword location(s)
speed (v.) Old form(s): speede
meet with success, prosper, flourish see also Politeness Headword location(s)
speed (v.)
further, carry out, expedite Headword location(s)
speed (v.)
deal with, bring to an end, defeat Headword location(s)
speed (v.)
travel speedily, make a hasty expedition Headword location(s)
speeding (adj.)
effective, rapidly working, successful Headword location(s)
speeding (n.)
lot, fortune Headword location(s)
speeding (n.)
success, good fortune Headword location(s)
speken (v.) Old form(s): spoken
[archaism] speak see also Archaisms Headword location(s)
spell backward
misrepresent, distort, conjure up a bad image of Headword location(s)
spelling (adj.)
incantatory, which work spells Headword location(s)
spell-stopped (adj.) Old form(s): Spell-stopt
spellbound, mesmerized, transfixed Headword location(s)
spend (v.)
expend, express, give vent to Headword location(s)
spend (v.)
use up, wear out, exhaust, bring to an end Headword location(s)
spend (v.)
be wasted, go by, pass by Headword location(s)
spend (v.)
expend, employ, exert Headword location(s)
spend (v.)
waste, pass unprofitably Headword location(s)
spend one's mouth Old form(s): mouth's
[hunting] bark, bay, give tongue Headword location(s)
Spenser (n.)
Edmund Spenser, 16th-c English poet see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
sphere (n.) Old form(s): Spheares , spheeres
(plural) orbits [of the eye], sockets Headword location(s)
sphere (n.) Old form(s): spheare, spheares
celestial globe in which a heavenly body was thought to move, orbit see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
sphere (n.)
globe, earth, world Headword location(s)
sphere (n.)
place in the heavens Headword location(s)
sphere (n.)
star, planet Headword location(s)
sphere (v.) Old form(s): sphear'd
place in the heavens Headword location(s)
sphered (adj.)
puffed out into the shape of a sphere, rounded Headword location(s)
spherical (adj.) Old form(s): Sphericall
of the spheres [stars], planetary Headword location(s)
sphery (adj.)
star-like, heavenly, celestial Headword location(s)
Sphinx (n.)
female monster who killed people unable to answer its riddle see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
spice (n.)
touch, trace, dash Headword location(s)
spicery (n.)
spices Headword location(s)
spigot (v.)
wooden peg, tap [in a barrel] Headword location(s)
spill (v.) Old form(s): spil'd
destroy, overthrow Headword location(s)
spilth (n.)
spillage, slopping, upset Headword location(s)
spin (v.)
gush, spurt, spray Headword location(s)
spinner (n.)
spider, cranefly, daddy-longlegs Headword location(s)
spinster (n.) Old form(s): Spincsters
domestic woman, one who stays at home spinning Headword location(s)
spirit (n.)
courage, resolution, valour Headword location(s)
spirit (n.)
troublesome devil, high-spirited fiend Headword location(s)
spirit (n.)
disposition, temperament, frame of mind Headword location(s)
spirit (n.)
(plural) vital power, energy, vigour Headword location(s)
spirit (n.)
intuition, perception, discernment Headword location(s)
spirit (n.)
life-supporting substance thought to be carried by the blood, animating essence see also vital (adj.) Headword location(s)
spirit (n.)
(plural) sentiments, faculties, traits of character Headword location(s)
spirit (n.)
hostility, anger, rage Headword location(s)
spiritualty (n.) Old form(s): Spiritualtie
spiritual body, ecclesiastical estate Headword location(s)
spirt up (v.) Old form(s): vp
sprout, shoot up, germinate Headword location(s)
spit (n.)
implement for cooking meat over a fire Headword location(s)
spital (n.) Old form(s): spittle
hospital Headword location(s)
spital-house (n.) Old form(s): Spittle-house
hospital inmates Headword location(s)
spite (n.) Old form(s): spight
annoyance, vexation, irritation Headword location(s)
spite (n.) Old form(s): spight
malice, ill-will, hatred Headword location(s)
spite (v.) Old form(s): spight , spights
irritate, mortify, vex Headword location(s)
spite of spite Old form(s): spight, spight, spight
whatever happens, come what may Headword location(s)
spite of spite, in Old form(s): spight
despite everything, against all odds Headword location(s)
spite of, in spite of (prep.) Old form(s): spight
in defiance of Headword location(s)
spitting (adj.)
piercing, penetrating, impaling Headword location(s)
splay (v.)
sterilize, spay Headword location(s)
spleen (n.) Old form(s): spleene
eagerness, spirits, impetuosity Headword location(s)
spleen (n.) Old form(s): Spleene, spleenes
impulse, caprice, whim Headword location(s)
spleen (n.) Old form(s): Spleene, spleenes
temper, spirit, passion [part of the body seen as the source of both gloomy and mirthful emotions] Headword location(s)
spleen (n.) Old form(s): spleene, spleenes
irritability, malice, bad temper Headword location(s)
spleen (n.) Old form(s): Spleene
amusement, delight, merriment Headword location(s)
spleenative (adj.)
of angry temperament, hot-headed see also splenetive (adj.) Headword location(s)
spleenful (adj.) Old form(s): spleenefull , spleenfull
passionate, furious, hot-headed Headword location(s)
spleeny (adj.)
hot-headed, over-emotional Headword location(s)
spleet (v.)
split, break up see also split (v.) Headword location(s)
splenitive, spleenative (adj.) Old form(s): Spleenatiue
of angry temperament, hot-headed Headword location(s)
splinter (v.) Old form(s): splinter'd
put in a splint, secure, bind up Headword location(s)
split (v.)
break up, split in two see also spleet (v.) Headword location(s)
splitted (adj.)
split in two, broken apart Headword location(s)
splitting (adj.)
capable of causing ships to be split asunder Headword location(s)
spoil (n.) Old form(s): Spoile , spoyle, spoyles
plunder, booty Headword location(s)
spoil (n.) Old form(s): spoiles , spoyle
slaughter, destruction, ruination Headword location(s)
spoil (n.) Old form(s): spoile , spoyle, spoyles
plundering, pillaging, despoiling Headword location(s)
spoil (n.) Old form(s): spoyle
[hunting] piece of the kill [given to a hound to stimulate its desire to hunt further] Headword location(s)
spoil (v.) Old form(s): spoil'd, spoyle
plunder, pillage, sack Headword location(s)
spoil (v.) Old form(s): spoil'd, spoyl'd , spoyle
ruin, destroy, bring to an end Headword location(s)
spoil (v.) Old form(s): spoile , spoyl'd
devastate, ravage, impoverish Headword location(s)
spoil (v.) Old form(s): spoyl'd
badly injure, seriously hurt Headword location(s)
spoil (v.) Old form(s): spoyles
seize by force, carry off, take away Headword location(s)
spoiling (n.) Old form(s): spoyling
mutilation, disfiguring, marring Headword location(s)
spongy, spungy (adj.) Old form(s): spungie
soaked with drink, drunken Headword location(s)
spongy, spungy (adj.) Old form(s): spungie
rainy, damp, soggy, moisture-filled Headword location(s)
spoon (n.) Old form(s): spoones
christening spoon [given as a gift] Headword location(s)
spoon (v.)
let run [with little or no sail] Headword location(s)
spoonmeat, spoon-meat (n.) Old form(s): spoon-meate
soft food served on a spoon Headword location(s)
sport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
sport (n.) Old form(s): sportes
exercise, athletic pastime Headword location(s)
sport (n.)
sexual recreation, intercourse, amorous dalliance Headword location(s)
sport (n.)
subject of sport Headword location(s)
sport (v.)
make merry, take pleasure (in) Headword location(s)
sport (v.)
amuse, entertain, divert Headword location(s)
sportful (adj.) Old form(s): sportfull
playful, frolicsome, wanton Headword location(s)
sportful (adj.) Old form(s): sportfull
sporting, recreational, not in earnest Headword location(s)
sporting-place (n.)
place of recreation Headword location(s)
sportive (adj.) Old form(s): sportiue
amorous, wanton, sexual Headword location(s)
sportive (adj.) Old form(s): sportiue
light-hearted, full of amusement Headword location(s)
spot (n.) Old form(s): spotte
piece of embroidery Headword location(s)
spot (n.)
stain, blemish, blot Headword location(s)
spot (n.) Old form(s): spottes
fault, vice, crime Headword location(s)
spot (n.)
mark Headword location(s)
spot (v.)
stain, blemish, blot Headword location(s)
spotted (adj.)
stained, blemished Headword location(s)
spotted (adj.)
person deemed guilty, one marked out for death Headword location(s)
spotted (adj.)
embroidered, patterned Headword location(s)
spousal (adj.) Old form(s): Spousall
marriage, nuptial, matrimonial Headword location(s)
spousal (n.) Old form(s): Spousall
married union, state of wedlock Headword location(s)
spout (n.)
water-spout Headword location(s)
sprag (adj.)
pronunciation of ‘sprack’: smart, active, alert see also Welsh Headword location(s)
sprawl (v.) Old form(s): sprall, Sprawl'st
writhe, struggle, thrash about Headword location(s)
spray (n.) Old form(s): sprayes
branch, limb, offshoot Headword location(s)
spread (v.)
cover, envelop, enfold Headword location(s)
spread (v.) Old form(s): spred
lay the table Headword location(s)
spright (n./v.)
spirit, ghost, supernatural being see also sprite (n.) Headword location(s)
spright (n./v.)
spirit, ghost, supernatural being see also sprite (v.) Headword location(s)
sprightful, spriteful (adj.) Old form(s): sprightfull
spirited, animated, lively Headword location(s)
sprightfully, spritefully (adv.)
spiritedly, in a lively manner Headword location(s)
sprighting, spriting (n.) Old form(s): spryting
activities as a spirit Headword location(s)
sprightly, spritely (adj.)
cheerful, light-hearted, bright Headword location(s)
sprightly, spritely (adj.)
ghostly, spectral, supernatural Headword location(s)
sprightly, spritely (adv.)
cheerfully, merrily, in a lively way Headword location(s)
spring (n.)
closing device, locking mechanism Headword location(s)
spring (n.)
sapling, shoot, young growth Headword location(s)
spring (n.)
first moment, dawn, break Headword location(s)
spring (v.)
spring up, rise up, multiply Headword location(s)
spring, latter
youthful old age Headword location(s)
springe (n.) Old form(s): Sprindge
snare, trap Headword location(s)
springhalt (n.) Old form(s): Spring-halt
[of horses] disease causing twitching of the hind legs Headword location(s)
springing (adj.)
growing, sprouting, developing Headword location(s)
sprite, spright (n.) Old form(s): Sprights
spirit, ghost, supernatural being Headword location(s)
sprite, spright (n.)
spirit, feeling, frame of mind Headword location(s)
sprite, spright (n.)
spirit, soul Headword location(s)
sprite, spright (v.)
torment, haunt [as if by a spirit] Headword location(s)
spriteful (adj.)
spirited, animated, lively see also sprightful (adj.) Headword location(s)
spritefully (adv.)
spiritedly, in a lively manner see also sprightfully, spritefully (adv.) Headword location(s)
spritely (adj.)
cheerful; ghostly see also sprightly, spritely (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
spritely (adj.)
cheerful; ghostly see also sprightly, spritely (adj.) 2 Headword location(s)
spritely (adv.)
cheerfully, merrily, in a lively way see also sprightly, spritely (adv.) Headword location(s)
spriting (n.)
activities as a spirit see also sprighting, spriting (n.) Headword location(s)
spruce (adj.)
brisk, lively, smart Headword location(s)
spruce (adj.)
over-elegant, smart Headword location(s)
spungy (adj.)
rainy, damp, soggy, moisture-filled see also spongy (adj.) Headword location(s)
spur (n.) Old form(s): spurres
root of a tree, main root Headword location(s)
spur (n.) Old form(s): spurre
eagerness, alacrity, enthusiasm Headword location(s)
spur, on the Old form(s): Spurre
at a gallop Headword location(s)
spurn (n.) Old form(s): spurne , Spurnes
contemptuous treatment, scornful rejection Headword location(s)
spurn (n.) Old form(s): spurne
hurt, blow, knock Headword location(s)
spurn (v.) Old form(s): Spurne , spurnes
reject, scorn, despise, treat with contempt Headword location(s)
spurn (v.) Old form(s): spurne , spurnes
kick, strike, stamp [on], dash Headword location(s)
spurn against / at (v.) Old form(s): spurne , Spurnes , spurn'st at
kick out at, treat with contempt Headword location(s)
spurring (n.)
ability to use spurs Headword location(s)
spy (n.)
[unclear meaning] opportunity to spy, watch-keeping Headword location(s)
spy (n.)
[of eyes] observer, watcher, witness Headword location(s)
spy (v.)
perceive, observe, behold Headword location(s)
squadron (n.) Old form(s): spuadrons
army detachment, body of soldiers Headword location(s)
squander (v.) Old form(s): squandred
scatter, disperse, dissipate Headword location(s)
squandering (adj.) Old form(s): squandring
random, stray, accidental Headword location(s)
square (adj.)
good, sturdy, sound Headword location(s)
square (adj.)
true, accurate, justified Headword location(s)
square (adj.)
broad, wide Headword location(s)
square (adj.)
right, fair, just Headword location(s)
square (n.) Old form(s): squire
type of measuring instrument, especially for right angles Headword location(s)
square (n.)
rule, canon; or: proper constitution, normal condition Headword location(s)
square (n.)
square piece of material covering the chest, embroidered breast-piece Headword location(s)
square (n.)
affairs, proceedings Headword location(s)
square (n.)
formation, squadron, body of troops Headword location(s)
square (v.)
quarrel, fall out, disagree Headword location(s)
square (v.) Old form(s): squar'd
rule, direct, influence Headword location(s)
square (v.) Old form(s): squar'st
regulate, direct, adapt Headword location(s)
square (v.)
base, form, shape Headword location(s)
square (v.)
judge, measure, appraise Headword location(s)
square, by the Old form(s): squier, squire
accurately, exactly, with great precision Headword location(s)
square, out of
abnormal, disordered, deviant Headword location(s)
squarer (n.)
brawler, swaggerer, quarrelsome person Headword location(s)
squash (n.)
youngster, youth Headword location(s)
squash (n.)
unripe pea-pod Headword location(s)
squeny, squiny (v.)
make squint Headword location(s)
squier (n.)
F, Q alternative to 'square' see also square (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
squiny (v.)
make squint see also squeny (v.) Headword location(s)
squire (n.)
gentleman below a knight in rank, attendant on a knight or nobleman Headword location(s)
squire (n.)
[contemptuous] servant, follower, attendant Headword location(s)
squire (n.)
[contemptuous] fellow see also mountain-squire (n.) Headword location(s)
squire (n.)
lad, fellow, youngster Headword location(s)
squire (n.) Old form(s): squier
young lover, beau, gallant Headword location(s)
squire-like (adv.)
like an attendant, submissively Headword location(s)
squirility (n.)
bawdry, indecent language see also scurrility (n.) Headword location(s)
-st (ending)
2nd person singular ending; also: short form of some auxiliary verbs such as 'must', 'shallst' see also Verb forms Headword location(s)
stable (adj.)
constant, immutable, firm Headword location(s)
stable (adj.)
steady, poised, self-possessed Headword location(s)
stableness (n.) Old form(s): Stablenesse
stability Headword location(s)
stablish (v.)
variant of 'establish' see also Elision Headword location(s)
stablishment (n.)
confirmed possession, settlement Headword location(s)
staff (n.) Old form(s): staffe , Staues
(plural ‘staves’) spear, lance Headword location(s)
staff (n.) Old form(s): Staffe
baton, rod of office Headword location(s)
staff (n.) Old form(s): staffe
stanza, verse Headword location(s)
staff (n.) Old form(s): staffe
handle, shaft [of a weapon] Headword location(s)
staff, set in one's Old form(s): staffe
make oneself at home, take up abode Headword location(s)
stage (n.)
platform, dais, stand Headword location(s)
stage (v.) Old form(s): Stag'd
put on stage, put on public display Headword location(s)
stagger (v.)
make stagger, cause to reel Headword location(s)
stagger (v.)
hesitate, waver, vacillate Headword location(s)
staggers (n.)
unsteadiness, reeling, giddiness Headword location(s)
staggers (n.)
horse disease marked by a staggering movement Headword location(s)
staid (adj.) Old form(s): stayder
balanced, settled, calm Headword location(s)
stain (n.) Old form(s): Staine , stayne
disgrace, shame Headword location(s)
stain (n.) Old form(s): staine
hint, tinge, dash Headword location(s)
stain (n.) Old form(s): staine
pollution, defilement Headword location(s)
stain (n.) Old form(s): Staines
object stained with blood [as of a martyr] Headword location(s)
stain (v.) Old form(s): staine , staines
eclipse, belittle, put in the shade Headword location(s)
stain (v.) Old form(s): stain'd, staine
corrupt, spoil, taint Headword location(s)
stain (v.) Old form(s): staine
obscure, hide, blot out Headword location(s)
stained (adj.) Old form(s): staind
dyed black Headword location(s)
stained (adj.) Old form(s): stain'd
bloodstained, discoloured with dirt Headword location(s)
stained (adj.) Old form(s): stain'd , stayned
full of disgrace, dishonouring Headword location(s)
staining (adj.)
disgraceful, dishonourable, shameful Headword location(s)
stair (n.) Old form(s): staire
ladder Headword location(s)
stake (n.)
place of execution Headword location(s)
stake (n.)
[bear-baiting] post to which a bear is chained Headword location(s)
stake, at the
[bear-baiting] under attack; or [gambling]: at risk Headword location(s)
stale (adj.)
worn out, past the prime of life Headword location(s)
stale (adj.)
ancient, long-standing, antiquated Headword location(s)
stale (adj.)
past the time, no longer of value Headword location(s)
stale (adj.)
worn-out, hackneyed, faded Headword location(s)
stale (adj.)
unfresh, old, deteriorating Headword location(s)
stale (n.)
[falconry] decoy, lure, stalking-horse Headword location(s)
stale (n.)
urine Headword location(s)
stale (n.)
dupe, sap, laughing-stock Headword location(s)
stale (n.)
prostitute, wanton, harlot Headword location(s)
stale (v.) Old form(s): stal'de
make stale, wear out Headword location(s)
stale (v.) Old form(s): staule
depreciate, make cheap, lower the dignity of Headword location(s)
stalk (v.) Old form(s): stalkes
move stealthily [as if hunting game] Headword location(s)
stalk on (v.) Old form(s): stalke
move stealthily in concealment [as by using a stalking-horse to catch game] Headword location(s)
stalking-horse (n.)
horse behind which a hunter hides, to stalk game Headword location(s)
stall (n.)
stand in front of a shop displaying goods for sale Headword location(s)
stall (v.) Old form(s): stall'd
install, place, appoint Headword location(s)
stall (v.) Old form(s): stalde
[hunting] bring to a stand, come within range of Headword location(s)
stall (v.)
dwell, live, settle Headword location(s)
stall (v.)
keep close, place, stow away Headword location(s)
stall (v.)
tether, settle as in a stable Headword location(s)
stalling (n.)
stall accommodation, living quarters Headword location(s)
stallion (n.)
prostitute, hooker, whore Headword location(s)
stallion (n.)
F alternative to 'staniel' see also staniel (n.) Headword location(s)
Stamford (n.)
market town in Lincolnshire, with a tradition of fairs see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
stammer (v.)
describe poorly, undervalue Headword location(s)
stamp (n.) Old form(s): stampe
impression, mark, imprint Headword location(s)
stamp (n.) Old form(s): stampe, stampes
coin, impression [of the monarch's head] made on a coin Headword location(s)
stamp (v.) Old form(s): stampe
press, impress, coin Headword location(s)
stamp (v.) Old form(s): stampt
authenticate, endorse, validate Headword location(s)
stamp (v.) Old form(s): stampt
make an impression of, mint, conceive Headword location(s)
stamped (adj.) Old form(s): stampt
marked [as with a stamp], imprinted Headword location(s)
stanch (adj.)
water-tight, steadfast, firm see also staunch (adj.) Headword location(s)
stanch (v.)
satisfy, quench, allay Headword location(s)
stanchless, staunchless (adj.) Old form(s): stanchlesse
unquenchable, insatiable, incapable of being satisfied Headword location(s)
stand (n.)
[hunting] standing-place, hiding-place Headword location(s)
stand (n.)
post, position, station Headword location(s)
stand (n.)
stop, pause, standing still Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
stop, halt Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
stand still, stop, cease moving Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
depend, remain dependent, continue Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
continue, remain, wait, stay put Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
be placed, set, arrange Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
act as, be, hold good as Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
withstand, endure, stand up to Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
make a stand, be resolute [on a point] Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
dwell on, waste time with, rely upon Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
stand in, impersonate, represent Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
waste time, delay, wait Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
accord, agree, hold good, be compatible Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
make a stand [against], fight, resist Headword location(s)
stand (v.)
be, appear Headword location(s)
stand by (v.)
stay close, be near at hand Headword location(s)
stand by (v.)
stand aside, draw back Headword location(s)
stand by (v.)
support, uphold, maintain Headword location(s)
stand for (v.)
represent, serve, uphold Headword location(s)
stand for (v.) Old form(s): stand'st
defend, uphold, protect, support Headword location(s)
stand for (v.)
be a candidate for, offer for election Headword location(s)
stand for (v.)
take the place of, serve in lieu of Headword location(s)
stand for (v.)
be acceptable as, be valid as Headword location(s)
stand in (v.)
stand on, insist on the need for Headword location(s)
stand off (v.)
stand back, draw back Headword location(s)
stand off (v.)
stand out, be plain Headword location(s)
stand off (v.)
be distinguishable, differ, remain separate Headword location(s)
stand on (v.)
practise, give (oneself) over to Headword location(s)
stand on (v.)
insist on, demand, call for Headword location(s)
stand out (v.) Old form(s): Stand'st
not take part, not be involved Headword location(s)
stand out (v.)
resist, hold out, refuse to yield Headword location(s)
stand to (v.)
maintain, uphold, be steadfast in Headword location(s)
stand to (v.)
stand by, side with, support Headword location(s)
stand to (v.) Old form(s): too
come forward, set to work Headword location(s)
stand to it (v.)
swear to it, insist upon it Headword location(s)
stand to it (v.) Old form(s): too
fight stoutly, get down to business Headword location(s)
stand to it (v.) Old form(s): too
be steadfast, stand firm, make a stand Headword location(s)
stand under (v.) Old form(s): stands vnder , vnder
suffer, endure, bear the weight of Headword location(s)
stand up (v.) Old form(s): vp
confront boldly, make a stand Headword location(s)
stand up for (v.) Old form(s): vp
defend, support, champion Headword location(s)
stand upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon
make advantageous, profit from, make the most of Headword location(s)
stand upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon
make an issue of, insist upon, bother about Headword location(s)
stand upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon
concern, be of importance to Headword location(s)
stand upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon
be the duty of, be incumbent upon Headword location(s)
stand upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon
depend on, rely upon, hinge on Headword location(s)
stand with (v.)
accompany, go along with, attend Headword location(s)
standard (n.)
ensign, flagbearer, standard-bearer Headword location(s)
standard (n.)
flag, ensign Headword location(s)
stander (n.)
supporter, sustainer, prop Headword location(s)
stander-by (n.) Old form(s): standers by
bystander, onlooker, spectator Headword location(s)
standing (adj.) Old form(s): stãding
stagnant, not flowing Headword location(s)
standing (adj.)
standing on end, upright, upended Headword location(s)
standing (n.)
continuing existence, duration Headword location(s)
standing (n.)
not ebbing or flowing Headword location(s)
standing (n.)
status, position, stature Headword location(s)
standing-bowl (n.) Old form(s): standing boule , standing Bowles
bowl standing on a pedestal Headword location(s)
staniel (n.)
inferior kind of hawk; kestrel Headword location(s)
stanze (n.)
stanza, verse Headword location(s)
stanzo (n.)
stanza, verse Headword location(s)
staple (n.)
fibre, texture, material Headword location(s)
star (n.) Old form(s): Starre
sphere, fortune, rank Headword location(s)
star (n.) Old form(s): Starres
fate, fortune, destiny [as determined by the stars] see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
star (n.) Old form(s): starre
pole-star, lodestar, guiding star Headword location(s)
star (n.) Old form(s): starres
planet Headword location(s)
star-blasting (n.) Old form(s): Starre-blasting
bad influence of the stars Headword location(s)
Star-chamber (n.) Old form(s): Starre-chamber
supreme court of justice Headword location(s)
star-crossed (adj.)
thwarted by a malign star Headword location(s)
stare (n.)
state of amazement, horror-struck condition Headword location(s)
stare (v.)
glare, glower, look madly Headword location(s)
stare (v.)
stand on end Headword location(s)
star-gazer (n.)
astrologer, almanac-writer Headword location(s)
staring (adj.)
glaring, wild, truculent Headword location(s)
staring (n.)
insulting stare, glaring, gawping Headword location(s)
stark (adj.) Old form(s): starke
rigid, stiff [as in death] Headword location(s)
starkly (adv.) Old form(s): starkely
stiffly, rigidly, set fast Headword location(s)
starred (adj.) Old form(s): Star'd
born under a star Headword location(s)
start (n.)
advantage, edge, upper hand Headword location(s)
start (n.)
outburst, eruption, fit, reaction Headword location(s)
start (n.)
starting up, immediate reaction, sudden movement Headword location(s)
start (v.)
[hunting] raise from cover Headword location(s)
start (v.)
jump away, swerve, turn aside Headword location(s)
start (v.)
startle, alarm, disturb Headword location(s)
start (v.)
fly off, move off Headword location(s)
start (v.)
hurry, rush, hasten Headword location(s)
start (v.) Old form(s): startes
jump, recoil, flinch Headword location(s)
start (v.)
raise up, call up Headword location(s)
start, on the
without warning, with sudden appearance Headword location(s)
starting (adj.)
bounding, eager, energetic Headword location(s)
starting (n.)
startle reaction, flinching, recoiling Headword location(s)
starting (n.)
removal, displacement, breaking away Headword location(s)
starting-hole (n.) Old form(s): starting hole
bolt-hole, loophole, evasion Headword location(s)
startingly (adv.)
in fits and starts, disjointedly Headword location(s)
starts, by / in
in fits and starts Headword location(s)
start-up (n.) Old form(s): start-vp
upstart, opportunist, climber Headword location(s)
starve (v.) Old form(s): starue , steru'd , sterue
die, perish Headword location(s)
starve (v.) Old form(s): starueth
show hunger, reflect starvation Headword location(s)
starve (v.) Old form(s): steru'd
bring to death, kill off Headword location(s)
starve (v.) Old form(s): staru'd , staru'de , sterue
destroy, wither, waste away Headword location(s)
starve (v.) Old form(s): starue
withhold [from], diet, be sparing with Headword location(s)
starve out (v.) Old form(s): starue
endure in fierce cold Headword location(s)
starved (adj.) Old form(s): starued
frozen-stiff, near-perished with cold Headword location(s)
starved (adj.) Old form(s): staru'd
meagre, insubstantial, wanting Headword location(s)
starved (adj.) Old form(s): staru'd
scrawny, lean, emaciated Headword location(s)
starveling (n.) Old form(s): Starueling, staruelings
starved individual, emaciated being Headword location(s)
starveling (n.) Old form(s): Starueling
skinny individual, lanky fellow Headword location(s)
state (n.)
condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs Headword location(s)
state (n.)
status, rank, position Headword location(s)
state (n.)
government, ruling body, administration Headword location(s)
state (n.)
persons of rank, nobility, court, council of state Headword location(s)
state (n.)
estate, property, wealth, means Headword location(s)
state (n.) Old form(s): State
throne, chair of state Headword location(s)
state (n.)
splendour, magnificence, stateliness, dignity Headword location(s)
state (n.)
welfare, well-being, prosperity Headword location(s)
state (n.)
kingship, majesty, sovereignty Headword location(s)
state (n.)
stately phrasing, high-flown expression Headword location(s)
state (n.)
ceremony, celebration Headword location(s)
state (n.)
[also: cloth of state] canopy over a chair of state Headword location(s)
state (n.)
ruler, sovereign, monarch Headword location(s)
state (n.)
bearing, demeanour, bodily form Headword location(s)
state-statue (n.)
image of a statesman Headword location(s)
station (n.)
stance, bearing, posture Headword location(s)
station (n.)
place to stand in, spot to see from Headword location(s)
statist (n.)
statesman, politician, man of affairs Headword location(s)
statua (n.)
statue Headword location(s)
statue (n.)
F alternative to 'statute' see also statute (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
stature (n.)
height Headword location(s)
statute (n.)
bond securing a debt with the debtor's land; legal security Headword location(s)
statute (n.)
law, decree, regulation Headword location(s)
statute-cap (n.) Old form(s): statute caps
woollen cap ordered (by an Act of 1571) to be worn on Sundays and holy days by all below a certain social rank see also Clothing Headword location(s)
staunch (v.)
satisfy, quench, allay see also stanch (v.) Headword location(s)
staunch, stanch (adj.)
water-tight, steadfast, firm Headword location(s)
stave (n.) Old form(s): staues
staff, rod see also staff (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
stay (n.)
support, prop Headword location(s)
stay (n.)
staying, remaining, continued presence Headword location(s)
stay (n.) Old form(s): staie
setback, obstacle, delay Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): Staid , staie , staied , staies , stayes
detain, confine, keep Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): stay'd, stayes
dissuade, stop, prevent Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): staid, staies , stayes
wait (for), await Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): staid, staies , stay'd, Stayes
stop, halt, come to a standstill Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): staid
keep, make to stay, allow to remain Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): staid
remain, continue, endure Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): stayd, stay'd
retain, keep back, withhold Headword location(s)
stay (v.)
stay in hiding, remain hidden Headword location(s)
stay (v.)
delay, defer, postpone Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): stay'd
stay away, delay, be absent Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): staid, stay'd
stop, prevent, end Headword location(s)
stay (v.)
put up with, endure, abide Headword location(s)
stay (v.)
hold, support, prop [up] Headword location(s)
stay (v.) Old form(s): staid , staies
linger, tarry, delay Headword location(s)
stay (v.)
stay put on, maintain a presence on Headword location(s)
stay for (v.) Old form(s): staid , staies , stay'd, stayes
wait for, await Headword location(s)
stay on / upon (v.) Old form(s): staies vpon , stayes vpon , vpon , vppon
wait for, await Headword location(s)
stead (n.)
advantage, help, benefit Headword location(s)
stead (v.) Old form(s): sted , steed , steeded , steeds
help, assist, benefit Headword location(s)
stead up (v.) Old form(s): steed vp
keep, maintain, fulfil, carry out [on behalf of someone] Headword location(s)
steal (v.) Old form(s): steale
hide furtively, conceal stealthily Headword location(s)
steal on (v.) Old form(s): steale
creep by, move stealthily Headword location(s)
[in expressions] see also pickers and stealers Headword location(s)
stealing (adj.)
stealthily moving, gliding quietly by Headword location(s)
stealth (n.)
stealing away, furtive journey, clandestine act Headword location(s)
stealth (n.)
stealing, theft Headword location(s)
steel (n.) Old form(s): Steele
armour Headword location(s)
steel (n.) Old form(s): Steele
weapon of steel, sword Headword location(s)
steel (v.) Old form(s): steel'd
make firm, give strength Headword location(s)
steel (v.) Old form(s): steeld
engrave, inscribe, make a permanent image of see also stell (v.) Headword location(s)
steel (v.) Old form(s): steel'd, steele
turn to steel, harden Headword location(s)
steeled (adj.) Old form(s): steelde
steel-clad, armed with steel Headword location(s)
steeled (adj.)
hardened, inflexible, callous Headword location(s)
steeled (adj.) Old form(s): steel'd
hardened like steel, toughened Headword location(s)
steely (adj.)
hard as steel Headword location(s)
steep (n.)
F alternative to 'step' see also step (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
steep-down (adj.) Old form(s): steepe-downe
precipitous, sheer Headword location(s)
steep-up (adj.) Old form(s): steepe , steepe vp
precipitous, virtually perpendicular, sudden Headword location(s)
steepy (adj.) Old form(s): steepie
steep, precipitous, difficult to ascend Headword location(s)
stell (v.) Old form(s): steld
portray, display, delineate see also steel (v.) Headword location(s)
stelled (adj.)
starry, stellar, heavenly Headword location(s)
stem (n.)
prow, bows Headword location(s)
stem (v.) Old form(s): stemme
cut through, make headway against Headword location(s)
step (n.) Old form(s): steepe
limit, distance, reach Headword location(s)
step (n.)
action, movement, coming and going Headword location(s)
step in (v.) Old form(s): stept
move forward, go along Headword location(s)
step into (v.) Old form(s): stept
come into the path of, put oneself into the power of Headword location(s)
stepdame, step-dame (n.) Old form(s): Stepdame
stepmother see also Family Headword location(s)
sterling (adj.)
genuine, real, legal Headword location(s)
sterling (n.) Old form(s): starling
valid currency, legitimate tender Headword location(s)
stern (adj.) Old form(s): sterne
cruel, malevolent, harsh Headword location(s)
stern (adj.) Old form(s): sterne
coarse, rough, rugged Headword location(s)
stern (n.) Old form(s): Sterne
guiding position, centre of control Headword location(s)
sternage (n.)
sterns [of a fleet of ships] Headword location(s)
stew (n.) Old form(s): Stewes
brothel, house of ill-repute Headword location(s)
stew (n.)
cauldron, saucepan Headword location(s)
stew (v.) Old form(s): Stew'd
soak, steep, saturate Headword location(s)
steward (n.)
controller of a household's domestic affairs Headword location(s)
stewed (adj.) Old form(s): Stew'd
drenched, soaked, steeped Headword location(s)
stewed prune Old form(s): stewd prewyns, stew'd-Pruines, stu'de Prune
prostitute, bawd, whore Headword location(s)
stick (v.) Old form(s): sticke , stickes
pierce, stab, wound Headword location(s)
stick (v.) Old form(s): sticke , stickst , stucke
hesitate, linger, think twice Headword location(s)
stick (v.) Old form(s): Sticke , stickes , stucke
be placed, be fixed Headword location(s)
stick (v.) Old form(s): stucke
decorate, adorn Headword location(s)
stick (v.) Old form(s): sticke
persist, stand firm, be steadfast Headword location(s)
stick (v.) Old form(s): sticke , stucke
shine out, stand out, be prominent Headword location(s)
stick (v.) Old form(s): sticke
slaughter, kill [by stabbing] Headword location(s)
stick (v.) Old form(s): sticke , stucke
place, fix, settle Headword location(s)
stick off (v.)
shine out, stand out; or: stand firm Headword location(s)
sticking place (n.)
place on a device at which something is held fast [such as a stringed instrument or crossbow] Headword location(s)
stickler-like (adv.)
like a tournament umpire Headword location(s)
stiff (adj.) Old form(s): stiffe
grave, formidable, weighty Headword location(s)
stiff (adj.) Old form(s): stiffe
stout, strong, tough Headword location(s)
stiff (adj.) Old form(s): stiffe
disabled, incapacitated, unable to join in Headword location(s)
stiff (adj.) Old form(s): stiffe
unresponsive, unbending, stubborn Headword location(s)
stiff (adj.) Old form(s): stiffe
unsupple, unathletic; or: lethargic, sluggish Headword location(s)
stiff-borne (adj.) Old form(s): stiffe-borne
obstinately followed, stubbornly pursued Headword location(s)
stiffly (adv.) Old form(s): stiffely
strongly, stoutly Headword location(s)
stigmatic (n.) Old form(s): stygmaticke
misshapen individual, person marked by physical deformity Headword location(s)
stigmatical (adj.) Old form(s): Stigmaticall
deformed, disfigured, ugly Headword location(s)
still (adj.)
quiet, calm, subdued Headword location(s)
still (adj.)
lethargic, indolent, sluggish Headword location(s)
still (adj.)
at rest, in repose Headword location(s)
still (adj.)
impassive, inscrutable Headword location(s)
still (adj.)
constant, continual, perpetual Headword location(s)
still (adj.)
silent, quiet Headword location(s)
still (adv.) Old form(s): stil
constantly, always, continually see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
still (adv.) Old form(s): stil
ever, now [as before] Headword location(s)
still (v.)
quieten, calm, hush Headword location(s)
still an end
repeatedly, time and again, over and over Headword location(s)
still and anon
continually see also anon, still and Headword location(s)
still as (conj.)
whenever Headword location(s)
still-breeding (adj.) Old form(s): still breeding
always reproducing, perpetually generating Headword location(s)
still-closing (adj.) Old form(s): still closing
always coming together [after being divided] Headword location(s)
still-discordant (adj.) Old form(s): still discordant
always disagreeing, perpetually quarrelling Headword location(s)
stillitory (n.) Old form(s): stillitorie
still, distilling chamber Headword location(s)
stillness (n.) Old form(s): stillnesse
restraint, sobriety, quietness of behaviour Headword location(s)
still-piecing (adj.)
always reconstituting itself Headword location(s)
still-pining (adj.) Old form(s): still pining
perpetually tormented Headword location(s)
still-soliciting (adj.) Old form(s): still soliciting
always begging, forever looking for favours Headword location(s)
still-stand (n.)
standstill, cessation of movement Headword location(s)
still-vexed Old form(s): still-vext
always beset, perpetually plagued Headword location(s)
stilly (adv.)
quietly, in a hushed manner Headword location(s)
sting (n.)
urging of lust, inflaming of passion Headword location(s)
stint (v.)
cease, stop short Headword location(s)
stint (v.)
limit, hold back, restrain Headword location(s)
stir (n.) Old form(s): stirre, stirres , stur
event, happening, activity Headword location(s)
stir (n.) Old form(s): stirre
acting, stirring, activity Headword location(s)
stir (n.) Old form(s): stirres , sturre
movement, motion, agitation Headword location(s)
stir (v.) Old form(s): Stird , stirr'd , stirre
move, rouse, excite Headword location(s)
stir (v.) Old form(s): stirre
rise in revolt, make a disturbance Headword location(s)
stir (v.) Old form(s): stirres
bestir, move, get going Headword location(s)
stir (v.) Old form(s): stirre
move about, go, travel Headword location(s)
stir up (v.) Old form(s): stirre vp
provoke, agitate, rouse Headword location(s)
stirring (adj.)
busy, bustling, active Headword location(s)
stirring (n.)
liveliness, animation, vivacity Headword location(s)
stitchery (n.)
needlework, embroidery Headword location(s)
stithy (n.) Old form(s): Stythe
smithy, anvil, forge Headword location(s)
stithy (v.) Old form(s): stythied
forge, hammer out Headword location(s)
stoccado, stoccata (n.) Old form(s): stucatho
[fencing] thrust, lunge Headword location(s)
stock (n.) Old form(s): stocke
tree, family-tree, ancestry Headword location(s)
stock (n.)
[fencing] thrust with the dagger-point Headword location(s)
stock (n.) Old form(s): Stocke
stem, trunk, tree Headword location(s)
stock (n.)
dowry, wedding endowment Headword location(s)
stock (n.) Old form(s): stocke
stocking see also Clothing Headword location(s)
stock (n.) Old form(s): stocke
stocking see also nether-stock (n.) Headword location(s)
stock (n.) Old form(s): stockes
senseless person, stupid individual see also pointing-stock (n.) Headword location(s)
stock (n.) Old form(s): stockes
senseless person, stupid individual see also flouting-stock (n.) Headword location(s)
stock (v.) Old form(s): stockt
put in the stocks Headword location(s)
stockfish (n.) Old form(s): stocke-fish, Stock-fishes
dried cod Headword location(s)
stockish (adj.)
blockish, wooden, stupid Headword location(s)
stock-punished (adj.) Old form(s): punish'd
punished by being put in the stocks Headword location(s)
stog (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'stock' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
stoic (n.) Old form(s): Stoickes
pleasure-despiser, over-rigorous person Headword location(s)
stolen (adj.) Old form(s): stolne
secret, stealthy, clandestine Headword location(s)
stomach (n.) Old form(s): stomacke
element of courage, exercise of valour Headword location(s)
stomach (n.) Old form(s): stomacke , stomackes , stomacks
anger, resentment, vexation Headword location(s)
stomach (n.) Old form(s): Stomack, stomacke, stomacks , stomakes
appetite, desire [for food] Headword location(s)
stomach (n.) Old form(s): stomacke, stomackes
feelings, temper, state of mind Headword location(s)
stomach (n.) Old form(s): stomack , stomacke, stomackes
wish, inclination, desire Headword location(s)
stomach (n.) Old form(s): stomacke
spirit, courage, valour, will Headword location(s)
stomach (n.) Old form(s): stomacke, stomackes
pride, obstinacy, stubbornness Headword location(s)
stomach (v.) Old form(s): Stomacke
resent, take offence at Headword location(s)
stomacher (n.)
piece of clothing used by women under their bodice to help cover the chest see also Clothing Headword location(s)
stomaching (n.) Old form(s): stomacking
cherishing bitterness, feeling resentful Headword location(s)
stomach-qualmed (adj.) Old form(s): Stomacke-qualm'd
taken sick, fallen ill Headword location(s)
stone (n.)
mineral substance used as a mirror Headword location(s)
stone (n.)
thunderbolt see also thunder-stone Headword location(s)
stone (n.)
thunderbolt see also stone of sulphur Headword location(s)
stone (n.)
precious stone, gem Headword location(s)
stone (n.)
testicle Headword location(s)
stone (v.)
turn to stone, harden Headword location(s)
stone of sulphur Old form(s): sulpher
thunderbolt see also thunder-stone Headword location(s)
stone-bow (n.)
type of cross-bow which shoots stones, catapult Headword location(s)
stonish (v.)
short form of 'astonish' see also astonish (v.) Headword location(s)
stony (adj.)
pitiless, unfeeling, obdurate Headword location(s)
stool (n.) Old form(s): stoole
chamber-pot, commode Headword location(s)
stool-ball (n.) Old form(s): stoole ball
type of bat-and-ball game, with a stool in place of a wicket Headword location(s)
stoop (n.)
F spelling of 'stoup' see also stoup (n.) Headword location(s)
stoop (v.) Old form(s): Stoop'd , stoope, stoopt , stoupe
kneel, submit, bow down Headword location(s)
stoop (v.) Old form(s): Stoop'd, stoope, stopt , stoupe
[falconry] swoop, descend swiftly Headword location(s)
stooping (adj.)
submissive, humble, kneeling Headword location(s)
stop (n.)
note [produced by closing a finger-hole in a wind instrument] Headword location(s)
stop (n.) Old form(s): stoppes
means of closing a finger-hole in a wind instrument Headword location(s)
stop (n.)
[in managing a horse] pulling-up, sudden checking of a career Headword location(s)
stop (n.)
full-stop, period, full point Headword location(s)
stop (n.) Old form(s): stoppe
pause, hesitation, breaking off Headword location(s)
stop (n.)
obstruction, obstacle, hindrance Headword location(s)
stop (n.) Old form(s): stoppe
filling up, plugging, sealing Headword location(s)
stop (v.) Old form(s): Stopt
stop up, close (up), shut Headword location(s)
stop (v.) Old form(s): stopt
stopper, fasten, shut Headword location(s)
stop (v.)
block, hinder, impede, obstruct Headword location(s)
stop (v.) Old form(s): stopp'd
staunch, close up, prevent from bleeding Headword location(s)
stop (v.) Old form(s): stoppe , stopt
fill, cram, stuff Headword location(s)
stop (v.)
silence, put a stop to Headword location(s)
stope (n.)
F spelling of 'stoup' see also stoup (n.) Headword location(s)
stople (v.)
[Q variant] stop up, close up, plug Headword location(s)
store (n.)
abundance, plenty, surplus, quantity Headword location(s)
store (n.)
possessions, belongings, property, fortune Headword location(s)
store (n.)
available money, resources, means Headword location(s)
store (n.)
group, company, assembly Headword location(s)
store (n.)
increasing the population, begetting children Headword location(s)
store (v.)
populate, supply with children see also new-store (v.) Headword location(s)
stored (adj.) Old form(s): stor'd
well supplied, rich, plentifully provided Headword location(s)
story (n.)
narrative shown in the arras tapestry Headword location(s)
story (n.)
book of history, historical record Headword location(s)
story (n.) Old form(s): storie
practical joke, theme for mockery Headword location(s)
story (n.)
account, recital, narrative Headword location(s)
story (v.)
give an account of, portray Headword location(s)
stoup (n.) Old form(s): stoope , stope , Stopes, stoupe
cup, flagon, jug, tankard Headword location(s)
stout (adj.)
brave, valiant, resolute Headword location(s)
stout (adj.)
proud, haughty, arrogant Headword location(s)
stout (adj.)
firm, bold, determined Headword location(s)
stoutness (n.) Old form(s): Stoutnesse
obstinacy, stubbornness, intractability Headword location(s)
stover (n.) Old form(s): Stouer
fodder grass, hay, straw Headword location(s)
stow (v.) Old form(s): stoa
[as of a ship] fill up with cargo Headword location(s)
stow (v.) Old form(s): stow'd , stowes
put away, put under cover Headword location(s)
Strachy (n.)
[unknown meaning] possibly a local house or institution see also London Headword location(s)
straggler (n.) Old form(s): straglers
vagabond, wanderer, roving vagrant Headword location(s)
straight (adj.) Old form(s): straite
strong, muscular, strapping Headword location(s)
straight (adv.) Old form(s): strait , straite , streight
straightaway, immediately, at once see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
straight-pight (adj.)
with a tall figure,with erect bearing Headword location(s)
straightway (adv.) Old form(s): straight way
straightaway Headword location(s)
strain (n.) Old form(s): straine
quality, character, disposition Headword location(s)
strain (n.) Old form(s): straine , straines
[unclear meaning] strand; extreme degree; pang, stress Headword location(s)
strain (n.) Old form(s): straines
trait, feature, tendency Headword location(s)
strain (n.)
vocal effusion, lyrical outpouring Headword location(s)
strain (v.)
overstate, exaggerate, stretch the meaning Headword location(s)
strain (v.) Old form(s): strayn'd
transgress, go beyond, exceed Headword location(s)
strain (v.) Old form(s): straines
embrace, hold, hug Headword location(s)
strain (v.) Old form(s): straine
stretch, make extra effort Headword location(s)
strain (v.) Old form(s): strain'd , straine
constrain, force, press Headword location(s)
strain (v.) Old form(s): straine
urge, press, encourage Headword location(s)
strain at (v.) Old form(s): straine
have difficulty in accepting, have a problem with Headword location(s)
strained (adj.) Old form(s): straind
forced, artificial, feigned Headword location(s)
strained (adj.) Old form(s): strain'd
unnatural, excessive, exorbitant Headword location(s)
strained (adj.) Old form(s): Strain'd
refined, purified, distilled Headword location(s)
strait (adj.) Old form(s): streight
tight, close-fitting, narrow Headword location(s)
strait (adj.) Old form(s): straite
stringent, strict, harsh Headword location(s)
strait (adj.)
narrow, cramped, confined Headword location(s)
strait (adj.)
strict, rigorous, scrupulous Headword location(s)
strait (adj.) Old form(s): straight
mean, niggardly, stingy Headword location(s)
strait (adv.)
stringently, strictly, harshly Headword location(s)
strait (n.) Old form(s): straight
cramped passage, confined path Headword location(s)
straited (adj.)
at a loss, nonplussed, hard put Headword location(s)
straitly (adv.) Old form(s): straightly
strictly, firmly, stringently Headword location(s)
straitness (n.) Old form(s): straitnesse
severity, strictness, rigour Headword location(s)
Strand (n.)
London street of fashionable merchants; also, of apprentices see also London Headword location(s)
strand, strond (n.)
shore, land, region Headword location(s)
strange (adj.)
rare, singular, exceptional Headword location(s)
strange (adj.)
remarkable, startling, abnormal, unnatural Headword location(s)
strange (adj.)
foreign, alien, from abroad Headword location(s)
strange (adj.)
special, particular, very great Headword location(s)
strange (adj.)
diffident, pretending, coy Headword location(s)
strange (adj.)
aloof, distant, reserved Headword location(s)
strange (adj.)
reluctant, unwilling, hesitant Headword location(s)
strange (adj.)
of another person, not one's own Headword location(s)
strange (adj.)
unfamiliar, unknown, not previously experienced Headword location(s)
strange (adv.)
without recognition, as if a stranger Headword location(s)
strange, make it Old form(s): strāge
affect indifference, pretend to be unwilling Headword location(s)
strange-achieved (adj.) Old form(s): atchieued
[unclear meaning] specially obtained; procured abroad Headword location(s)
strange-disposed (adj.) Old form(s): strange disposed
given over to unusual happenings Headword location(s)
strangely (adv.)
like a stranger, distantly, in an unfriendly manner Headword location(s)
strangely (adv.) Old form(s): strangelie
unaccountably, surprisingly, unusually Headword location(s)
strangely (adv.)
admirably, wonderfully, marvellously Headword location(s)
strangely (adv.)
very greatly, extremely Headword location(s)
strangely (adv.)
as a stranger, as a foreigner Headword location(s)
strangeness (n.) Old form(s): strangenes, strangenesse
estrangement, disaffection, coldness, aloofness Headword location(s)
stranger (adj.) Old form(s): straunger
foreign, alien Headword location(s)
stranger (n.)
foreigner, alien, outsider Headword location(s)
stranger (v.) Old form(s): stranger'd
make a stranger to, disown, alienate Headword location(s)
strangle (v.)
quench, eclipse, stifle Headword location(s)
strappado (n.)
type of torturing instrument Headword location(s)
stratagem (n.)
soldierly action, well commanded engagement Headword location(s)
stratagem (n.)
deed of violence, bloody act Headword location(s)
stratagem (n.) Old form(s): stratageme
scheme, device, cunning plan Headword location(s)
straw (n.) Old form(s): Strawes
trivial matter, trifle Headword location(s)
strawy (adj.)
like straw, worthless as straw Headword location(s)
stray (n.)
stray animal Headword location(s)
stray (n.)
stragglers, remnants Headword location(s)
stray (v.) Old form(s): Stray'd
lead astray, distract, cause to wander Headword location(s)
straying (adj.)
winding, twisting, rambling Headword location(s)
stream (n.) Old form(s): Streame
current, flow, drift Headword location(s)
streamer (n.)
banner, pennant, standard Headword location(s)
strength (n.)
troops, forces, resources, followers Headword location(s)
strength (n.)
recovery, return to full health Headword location(s)
strength (n.)
mental capacity, intellectual power Headword location(s)
strength (n.)
validity, forcefulness, cogency Headword location(s)
strengthless (adj.) Old form(s): stregthles
weak, delicate, puny Headword location(s)
stretch (v.) Old form(s): stretcht
strain to the utmost, maximally exert Headword location(s)
stretch (v.) Old form(s): stretch'd
stand upright, draw oneself up to full height Headword location(s)
stretch (v.) Old form(s): stretcht
open wide, extend Headword location(s)
stretched (adj.)
strained, dislocated, tortured Headword location(s)
stretched (adj.) Old form(s): stretcht
strained, forced, affected Headword location(s)
stretched-out (adj.)
extended to full length, exceptionally long-lasting Headword location(s)
stretch-mouthed (adj.) Old form(s): stretch-mouth'd
wide-mouthed Headword location(s)
strew (v.) Old form(s): strewd
scatter, broadcast, spread about Headword location(s)
strew (v.)
scatter, be spread over Headword location(s)
strewing (n.)
(plural) things to be scattered Headword location(s)
strewment (n.)
strewn flowers [on a grave] Headword location(s)
strict (adj.)
strained, forced, absolute Headword location(s)
strict (adj.)
tight, close, pressing Headword location(s)
strict (adj.)
harsh, cruel, unrelenting Headword location(s)
stricture (n.)
self-constraint, rigour; or: strictness, severity Headword location(s)
stride (v.)
go beyond, step over Headword location(s)
stride (v.)
bestride, sit astride, straddle Headword location(s)
strife (n.)
striving, endeavour, strong effort Headword location(s)
strike (n.)
measure [of variable value - usually, a bushel] Headword location(s)
strike (v.) Old form(s): strooke, strucke
fight, engage in fighting Headword location(s)
strike (v.)
steal, rob, thieve Headword location(s)
strike (v.) Old form(s): strucke
have an evil influence, do harm Headword location(s)
strike (v.) Old form(s): stroke, strucke
beat, sound, strike up Headword location(s)
strike (v.)
touch, beset, affect Headword location(s)
strike (v.)
[of sails] lower, take down [especially before a mightier vessel] Headword location(s)
strike (v.)
[hunting, of a prey] thrust, stab, pierce Headword location(s)
strike off / away (v.) Old form(s): stroke
cancel [as by a pen-stroke], erase, remove Headword location(s)
strike the vessels Old form(s): Vessells
[unclear meaning] tap the casks; fill the cups; clink the glasses; bang the drums Headword location(s)
striker (n.)
highwayman, footpad, robber Headword location(s)
string (n.)
stringed instrument Headword location(s)
stripe (n.)
stroke of a whip, lash, weal Headword location(s)
strive (v.) Old form(s): striue, striuing
compete, contend, vie Headword location(s)
stroke (n.) Old form(s): stroakes
blow, attack, assault Headword location(s)
stroke (n.)
affliction, blow, misery Headword location(s)
stroke (n.)
first blow, initial action Headword location(s)
stroke (v.)
past form of 'strike' see also strike (v.) 2 Headword location(s)
strong (adj.)
great, serious Headword location(s)
strong (adj.)
powerful, vivid, intense Headword location(s)
strong (adj.)
forceful, persuasive, influential Headword location(s)
strong (adj.)
severe, oppressive, grievous Headword location(s)
strong (adj.)
flagrant, barefaced; or: resolute, determined Headword location(s)
strong (adj.)
certain, convincing, persuasive Headword location(s)
strong (adj.)
[Q variant] flagrant, barefaced; or: resolute, determined Headword location(s)
strongly (adv.)
greatly, powerfully, violently Headword location(s)
strook (v.) Old form(s): strooke
struck [past tense of ‘strike’] Headword location(s)
strossers (n.)
trousers Headword location(s)
strow (v.)
strew, scatter Headword location(s)
stroy (v.) Old form(s): Stroy'd
destroy Headword location(s)
struck (adj.) Old form(s): strooke
marked, provided, beset Headword location(s)
struck (adj.)
stricken, wounded Headword location(s)
strumpet (n.)
harlot, prostitute, whore Headword location(s)
strumpet (v.)
make a whore, pervert, debauch Headword location(s)
stubborn (adj.) Old form(s): stubborne
difficult, demanding, exacting Headword location(s)
stubborn (adj.) Old form(s): stubborne
uncompromising, unyielding, obstinate Headword location(s)
stubborn (adj.) Old form(s): stubborne
resistant, hostile, antagonistic Headword location(s)
stubborn (adj.)
stiff, intractable, unyielding Headword location(s)
stuck (n.)
[fencing] thrust, lunge Headword location(s)
stuck-in (n.) Old form(s): stucke in
[fencing] thrust, lunge Headword location(s)
stud (v.)
adorn with studs, emboss Headword location(s)
studied (adj.) Old form(s): studdied
deliberate, carefully planned, intentional Headword location(s)
studied (adj.)
[theatre] learned by heart, committed to memory Headword location(s)
studied (adj.)
prepared, equipped, fitted Headword location(s)
studied (adj.)
experienced, skilled, practised Headword location(s)
studious (adj.)
heedful, devoted, diligent Headword location(s)
study (n.)
pursuit, concern, occupation Headword location(s)
study (n.) Old form(s): studie
aim, object, purpose Headword location(s)
study (n.) Old form(s): studie
preparation, learning, memorizing [of a part] Headword location(s)
study (n.)
reflection, reverie, musing Headword location(s)
study (n.)
effort, endeavour Headword location(s)
study (v.)
learn by heart, commit to memory Headword location(s)
study (v.) Old form(s): studie
endeavour, take pains, make an effort Headword location(s)
study (v.) Old form(s): Studie
deliberate, meditate, reflect [on] Headword location(s)
stuff (n.) Old form(s): stuffe
rubbish, nonsense Headword location(s)
stuff (n.) Old form(s): stuffe
matter, notion, idea Headword location(s)
stuff (n.) Old form(s): stuffe
baggage, belongings, luggage Headword location(s)
stuff (n.) Old form(s): stuffe
people, rabble Headword location(s)
stuff (n.) Old form(s): stuffe
substance, composition, quality, essence Headword location(s)
stuff (n.)
equipment, stores, supplies Headword location(s)
stuff (n.) Old form(s): Stuffes
material, cloth Headword location(s)
stuff (n.)
[in phrases] see also put stuff to Headword location(s)
stuff (n.) Old form(s): Stuffe
stock-in-trade, merchandise Headword location(s)
stuffed (adj.) Old form(s): stufft
clogged, obstructed, oppressed Headword location(s)
stuffed (adj.) Old form(s): stuff'd, stuft
full, complete, proven, stored up Headword location(s)
stuffed (adj.) Old form(s): stuft
filled with a head-cold, clogged Headword location(s)
stupefied (adj.) Old form(s): stupified
lacking the ability to feel, grown insensible Headword location(s)
sturdy (adj.) Old form(s): sturdie
disobedient, defiant, uncompromising Headword location(s)
sty (v.)
confine as in a sty, coop up Headword location(s)
Stygian (adj.)
[pron: 'stijian] of the River Styx see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Stygian (adj.)
[pron: 'stijian] of the River Styx see also Styx 1 Headword location(s)
style (n.)
[Q variant] title, name Headword location(s)
style (n.) Old form(s): Stile
mode of address, formal title Headword location(s)
style (v.) Old form(s): stilde
appoint, order, assign Headword location(s)
style (v.) Old form(s): stil'd
call, name, designate Headword location(s)
stythe (n.)
F spelling of 'stithy' see also stithy (n.) Headword location(s)
Styx (n.)
the principal mythological river of the underworld see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
sub-contracted (adj.)
already betrothed, engaged a second time Headword location(s)
subdue (v.)
control, overcome Headword location(s)
subdue (v.) Old form(s): subdu'd
get the better of, bring down, reduce Headword location(s)
subdue (v.)
persuade, convince, prevail over Headword location(s)
subdued (adj.) Old form(s): subdu'd, subdude, subdu'de
overcome, overwhelmed, subjugated Headword location(s)
subduement (n.) Old form(s): subduments
someone overcome in a fight Headword location(s)
subject (n.) Old form(s): Subiect
subjects, people [of a state] Headword location(s)
subject (n.) Old form(s): subiect
subordinate, junior, underling Headword location(s)
subject (n.) Old form(s): subiect , Subiects
object, thing, creature Headword location(s)
subject (n.) Old form(s): subiects
[unclear meaning] entity with a real-world existence Headword location(s)
subjection (n.) Old form(s): subiection
duty as a subject, obedience Headword location(s)
submission (n.)
compliance, deference, obedience Headword location(s)
submissive (adj.) Old form(s): submissiue
of submission, of surrender Headword location(s)
suborn (v.) Old form(s): subborn'd , suborn'd , suborne
bribe, corrupt, persuade [someone] to commit perjury Headword location(s)
subornation (n.) Old form(s): subbornation
aiding and abetting, inducement to do wrong, instigation Headword location(s)
suborned (adj.) Old form(s): subbornd
bribed, corrupted Headword location(s)
subscribe (v.) Old form(s): Subscrib'd
sign, endorse, support Headword location(s)
subscribe (v.)
concur, consent, give assent Headword location(s)
subscribe (v.)
write one down as, proclaim to be Headword location(s)
subscribe (v.)
make acknowledgement of, admit to Headword location(s)
subscribe (v.)
submit, yield, give in Headword location(s)
subscribe for (v.)
put down for [a sum of money], pledge Headword location(s)
subscribe for (v.) Old form(s): subscrib'd
vouch for, answer on behalf of Headword location(s)
subscribe to (v.)
concur with, give assent to Headword location(s)
subscribe to (v.) Old form(s): subscrib'd
make acknowledgement of, admit to Headword location(s)
subscribe to (v.)
sign, endorse, put one's name to Headword location(s)
subscription (n.)
obedience, allegiance; or: approval, support Headword location(s)
subsidy (n.) Old form(s): Subsidie
special tax assessment Headword location(s)
subsist (v.)
continue, remain, stay Headword location(s)
substance (n.)
real thing, genuine article Headword location(s)
substance (n.)
property, wealth, possessions, treasure Headword location(s)
substantial (adj.) Old form(s): substantiall
effective, thorough, forceful Headword location(s)
substantial (adj.) Old form(s): substantiall
real, of substance, not imaginary Headword location(s)
substitute (n.)
subordinate, deputy, underling Headword location(s)
substitute (v.)
delegate, depute, commission Headword location(s)
substractor (n.)
detractor, slanderer, calumniator Headword location(s)
subtle, subtile (adj.)
tricky, deceptive, treacherous Headword location(s)
subtle, subtile (adj.)
refined, rarefied, very fine Headword location(s)
subtle, subtile (adj.) Old form(s): subtile, subtill
crafty, cunning, wily Headword location(s)
subtle, subtile (adj.)
fine, thin, slender Headword location(s)
subtle-covetous (adj.) Old form(s): subtle, couetous
craftily avaricious Headword location(s)
subtle-potent (adj.) Old form(s): subtile, potent
powerfully refined Headword location(s)
subtlety (n.)
clever effect, ingenious contrivance Headword location(s)
subtlety (n.) Old form(s): subtiltie
cunning, crafty stratagem Headword location(s)
subtle-witted (adj.) Old form(s): subtile-witted
cunning, wily, slyly intelligent Headword location(s)
subtly, subtilly (adv.)
deceitfully, treacherously, deceptively Headword location(s)
suburbs (n.)
(plural) parts of a city lying outside the walls [reputed for lawlessness] Headword location(s)
subversion (n.) Old form(s): subuersion
destruction, overthrow, ruin Headword location(s)
subvert (v.) Old form(s): subuert , subuerts
destroy, overthrow, raze Headword location(s)
succeed (v.) Old form(s): succeede, succeedes
follow on, ensue, come after Headword location(s)
succeed (v.)
inherit, come into possession of, be heir to Headword location(s)
succeed (v.)
proceed, result, issue naturally Headword location(s)
succeed (v.) Old form(s): succeede
pass through inheritance, devolve Headword location(s)
succeeding (n.)
consequence, result, outcome Headword location(s)
success (n.) Old form(s): successe
result, outcome, issue Headword location(s)
success (n.)
fortune, destiny Headword location(s)
success (n.)
succession, lineage, inheritance Headword location(s)
success (n.)
course of events, process of time Headword location(s)
successantly (adv.)
in succession, one after another see also incessantly (adv.) Headword location(s)
successfully (adv.) Old form(s): successefully
likely to succeed Headword location(s)
succession (n.)
future [occupation as actors] Headword location(s)
succession (n.)
transmission, being passed on Headword location(s)
succession (n.)
successors, heirs Headword location(s)
succession (n.)
inheritance, birthright Headword location(s)
succession (n.)
behaving in the same way, following the same course of action Headword location(s)
successive (adj.) Old form(s): Successiue
hereditary, lineal, by right of succession Headword location(s)
successive (adj.) Old form(s): successiue
next in descent, legitimate, succeeding Headword location(s)
successively (adv.) Old form(s): successiuely
by right of succession, through inheritance Headword location(s)
succour (n.)
reinforcements, military assistance Headword location(s)
succour (n.)
help, assistance, aid Headword location(s)
succour (v.)
help, assist, aid Headword location(s)
suck (v.) Old form(s): sucke
take milk from Headword location(s)
sucked (adj.) Old form(s): suck'd
drained, empty, wanting Headword location(s)
sucking (adj.)
unweaned, suckling Headword location(s)
sudden (adj.) Old form(s): sodaine
swift, rapid, prompt Headword location(s)
sudden (adj.) Old form(s): sodaine
unpremeditated, extempore, unrehearsed Headword location(s)
sudden (adj.) Old form(s): sodaine , suddaine
hasty, impulsive, impetuous Headword location(s)
sudden (adj.) Old form(s): sodaine
unpredictable, prone to sudden violence Headword location(s)
sudden (adj.) Old form(s): sodaine
immediate, early, prompt Headword location(s)
sudden (adj.) Old form(s): sodaine
sharp, caustic, biting Headword location(s)
sudden (adj.) Old form(s): sodaine
unexpected, unpredictable, unlooked for Headword location(s)
sudden, of / on / upon a / the Old form(s): suddaine
soon, at an early date Headword location(s)
sudden, of / on / upon a / the Old form(s): sodaine, vpon, sodaine
suddenly Headword location(s)
sudden-bold (adj.) Old form(s): sodaine bold
hastily presumptuous Headword location(s)
suddenly (adv.) Old form(s): sodainelie , sodainely, sodainly, soddenly
immediately, at once, without delay Headword location(s)
suddenly (adv.) Old form(s): sodainly
extempore, spontaneously, off the cuff Headword location(s)
sue (v.)
initiate, institute, prosecute Headword location(s)
sue (v.)
beg, plead, beseech Headword location(s)
sue (v.)
pay court, act as a suitor Headword location(s)
sue one's livery Old form(s): Liucrie, Liuerie
institute a suit to obtain possession of land Headword location(s)
sued-for (adj.) Old form(s): su'd-for
begged for, entreated, petitioned Headword location(s)
suerly (adv.)
Scottish pronunciation of 'surely' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
suffer (v.)
undergo, sustain, endure Headword location(s)
suffer (v.) Old form(s): sufferd , suffer'd , suffer'st , suffring
allow, permit, let Headword location(s)
suffer (v.) Old form(s): suffer'd
put up with, tolerate, do nothing about Headword location(s)
suffer (v.)
bear, endure, stand Headword location(s)
suffer (v.)
perish, be destroyed, collapse Headword location(s)
suffer (v.) Old form(s): suffer'd
injure, wound, hurt Headword location(s)
suffer (v.)
be wronged, be abused Headword location(s)
suffer (v.)
hold up, stand up, remain valid Headword location(s)
sufferance (n.)
permission, consent, acquiescence, say-so Headword location(s)
sufferance (n.) Old form(s): suffrance
distress, suffering, hardship Headword location(s)
sufferance (n.) Old form(s): suffrance
endurance, forbearance, patience Headword location(s)
sufferance (n.)
reprieve, pardoning, respite Headword location(s)
suffered (adj.) Old form(s): suffred
undergone, sustained, endured Headword location(s)
suffering (adj.)
long-suffering, patient, submissive Headword location(s)
suffice (v.) Old form(s): suffic'd, suffis'd, suffiz'd
satisfy, nourish, provide for Headword location(s)
suffice (v.) Old form(s): suffises
satisfy, content, be enough [for] Headword location(s)
sufficiency (n.) Old form(s): sufficiencie
competence, ability, capability Headword location(s)
sufficient (adj.)
able, capable, competent Headword location(s)
sufficing (adj.) Old form(s): Suffising
sufficient, enough, adequate Headword location(s)
suffigance (adj.)
malapropism for ‘sufficient’ Headword location(s)
suffrage (n.) Old form(s): sufferage
vote, approval, consent Headword location(s)
sugared (adj.) Old form(s): Sugred
flattering, honeyed, ingratiating Headword location(s)
sugared (adj.) Old form(s): Sugred
sweetly tempting, outwardly attractive Headword location(s)
suggest (v.)
present ideas, make suggestions Headword location(s)
suggest (v.) Old form(s): sugiest
tempt, prompt, incite Headword location(s)
suggest (v.)
[of an idea] insinuate [to], make hints [to] Headword location(s)
suggestion (n.)
temptation, instigation, prompting towards evil Headword location(s)
suing (adj.)
persistently entreating, importuning, chasing Headword location(s)
suit (n.) Old form(s): Suit, suite , suites , sute
formal request, entreaty, petition see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
suit (n.) Old form(s): Suite , suites
clothing, dress, garb Headword location(s)
suit (n.) Old form(s): suite, suites, sute, Sutes
wooing, courtship Headword location(s)
suit (n.) Old form(s): suite
court attendance, personal retinue Headword location(s)
suit (v.) Old form(s): suite , sute , suted
dress, clothe, equip Headword location(s)
suit (v.) Old form(s): suite
act in accordance with, conform to Headword location(s)
suit (v.) Old form(s): suites, sute , Sutes
match, compare, equate Headword location(s)
suited (adj.) Old form(s): suted
dressed up, set out, adapted Headword location(s)
suitor (n.) Old form(s): suters , Sutor , Sutors
petitioner, supplicant, entreater Headword location(s)
suits, in all Old form(s): suites
in all respects Headword location(s)
suits, out of Old form(s): suites
out of favour Headword location(s)
sullen (adj.)
dull, drab, sombre Headword location(s)
sullen (adj.)
gloomy, dismal, melancholy, mournful Headword location(s)
sullen (adj.)
[Q variant of 'sorry'] gloomy, dismal, melancholy, mournful Headword location(s)
sullen (n.)
(plural) sullenness, gloomy mood, sulks Headword location(s)
sullied (adj.)
tarnished, blemished, polluted Headword location(s)
sully (n.) Old form(s): sulleyes
blemish, stain, flaw Headword location(s)
sully (v.) Old form(s): sulley
dim, stain, tarnish Headword location(s)
sulphur (adj.)
fiery, hellish Headword location(s)
sulphur (n.)
fire, fiery substance, hellfire Headword location(s)
sulphur (n.) Old form(s): Sulphure
lightning see also stone of sulphur Headword location(s)
sum (n.) Old form(s): summe
summary, gist, essence Headword location(s)
sum (n.) Old form(s): summes
amount of money Headword location(s)
sum (v.)
audit, count up, enumerate Headword location(s)
sumless (adj.) Old form(s): sum-lesse
incalculable, immeasurable, beyond estimation Headword location(s)
summer (adj.)
joyful, pleasant, happy Headword location(s)
summer (n.)
[in phrases] see also Saint Martin's summer Headword location(s)
summer (v.) Old form(s): Summer'd
nurture, care for, tend [during summer] Headword location(s)
summer-leaping (adj.) Old form(s): sommer leaping
delighting in the summer-time Headword location(s)
summers day
exclamation of relief or delight see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
summer-seeming (adj.)
befitting the summer-time [of life: early manhood] see also seeming (adj.) Headword location(s)
summon (v.)
call to a meeting [to discuss terms] Headword location(s)
summoner (n.)
court-officer who ensures attendance Headword location(s)
sumpter (n.)
pack-horse, drudge Headword location(s)
sun (n.)
sunrise, dawn, daybreak Headword location(s)
sun of, get the Old form(s): Sunne
attack with the sun in their eyes Headword location(s)
sun to sun, from
from sunrise to sunset Headword location(s)
sun, in the Old form(s): Sunne
out in the open, free from care Headword location(s)
sunburnt (adj.) Old form(s): sun-burn'd, sun-burnt
of dark complexion, not fair-skinned [and therefore unattractive] Headword location(s)
sunder (v.) Old form(s): sundred
separate, split up, part Headword location(s)
sunder (v.)
cut, divide, put an end to Headword location(s)
sunder, in
asunder, apart, into pieces Headword location(s)
sundered (adj.) Old form(s): sundred
separated, kept apart Headword location(s)
sundry (adj.) Old form(s): sundy
many, different, various Headword location(s)
sun-expelling (adj.)
protecting against the sun [to preserve facial beauty] Headword location(s)
sup (v.) Old form(s): supp'd, suppe , supt
have supper see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
sup (v.)
give the last daily feed to Headword location(s)
sup (v.)
provide supper for Headword location(s)
super-dainty (adj.) Old form(s): super-daintie
supremely excellent see also dainty (adj.) Headword location(s)
superficial (adj.) Old form(s): superficiall
of surface qualities, of outward gifts Headword location(s)
superfinical (adj.)
Q alternative to 'super-serviceable' see also super-serviceable (adj.) Headword location(s)
superfinical (adj.)
Q alternative to 'super-serviceable' see also finical (adj.) Headword location(s)
superfluity (n.)
spare availability, additional instance Headword location(s)
superfluity (n.) Old form(s): superfluitie
excess, indulgence, immoderate living Headword location(s)
superfluous (adj.)
needlessly concerned, unnecessary Headword location(s)
superfluous (adj.)
having too much, over-supplied, overflowing Headword location(s)
superfluous (adj.)
extravagant, wasteful, immoderate Headword location(s)
superflux (n.)
superfluity, superabundance, surplus possessions Headword location(s)
supernal (adj.)
celestial, heavenly, divine Headword location(s)
superscript (n.)
address, heading, opening Headword location(s)
superscription (n.)
address, direction [on a letter] Headword location(s)
super-serviceable (adj.) Old form(s): seruiceable
offering service beyond what is needed, officious Headword location(s)
superstitious (adj.)
loving to the point of idolatry, excessively devoted Headword location(s)
superstitiously (adv.)
paying special attention; or: with irrational belief Headword location(s)
super-subtle (adj.)
extra-refined, specially delicate Headword location(s)
supervise (n.) Old form(s): superuize
perusal, reading, sight Headword location(s)
supervise (v.) Old form(s): superuise
look over, read through, peruse Headword location(s)
supervisor (n.)
onlooker, spectator, observer Headword location(s)
supping (n.)
taking supper Headword location(s)
supplant (v.)
get rid of, root out Headword location(s)
suppliance (n.)
pastime, diversion Headword location(s)
suppliant (adj.)
ready to supply, making up the deficiency see also supplyant (adj.) Headword location(s)
supplication (n.) Old form(s): Supplication
petition, written request Headword location(s)
supply (n.) Old form(s): Supplyes
reinforcement(s), support, relief Headword location(s)
supply (v.) Old form(s): supply'd
fill up, take [the place of], occupy, substitute Headword location(s)
supply (v.) Old form(s): supply'd
satisfy, fulfil, gratify [sexually] Headword location(s)
supply (v.)
fill, contribute to Headword location(s)
supply (v.)
maintain, provide for, sustain Headword location(s)
supply (v.) Old form(s): supply'd
reinforce, support, strengthen Headword location(s)
supplyant, suppliant (adj.)
ready to supply, making up the deficiency Headword location(s)
supplyment (n.)
continuing with a supply, ongoing provision Headword location(s)
support (v.)
endure, bear, sustain Headword location(s)
supportable (adj.)
bearable, endurable, sustainable Headword location(s)
supportance (n.)
support, propping up, reinforcement Headword location(s)
supposal (n.) Old form(s): supposall
estimate, opinion, notion Headword location(s)
suppose (n.)
supposition, belief, impression Headword location(s)
suppose (n.)
expectation, hope; purpose, intention Headword location(s)
suppose (v.)
presume to be true, believe to be a fact Headword location(s)
suppose (v.) Old form(s): Suppos'd
consider, regard, deem Headword location(s)
suppose (v.) Old form(s): suppos'd
guess at, speculate about Headword location(s)
supposed (adj.) Old form(s): supposd
malapropism for ‘deposed’ Headword location(s)
supposed (adj.) Old form(s): suppos'd
pretended, false, counterfeit Headword location(s)
supposed (adj.)
imagined, fancied Headword location(s)
supposing (n.)
imagination, creative thinking Headword location(s)
supposition (n.)
notion, opinion, belief Headword location(s)
supposition (n.)
doubt, uncertainty, question Headword location(s)
supreme (n.)
supreme ruler, king, highest in authority see also co-supreme (n.) Headword location(s)
sur-addition (n.)
surname, additional title see also addition (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
surance (n.)
assurance, guarantee, pledge Headword location(s)
surcease (n.)
cessation, termination, completion Headword location(s)
surcease (v.)
cease, stop, leave off Headword location(s)
sure (adj.)
certain, definite, reliable Headword location(s)
sure (adj.)
betrothed, joined, bound Headword location(s)
sure (adj.)
loyal, trustworthy, steadfast Headword location(s)
sure (adj.)
safe, secure, free from danger Headword location(s)
sure (adj.)
harmless, innocuous, unable to cause damage Headword location(s)
sure (adv.)
surely, assuredly, certainly Headword location(s)
sure (adv.)
securely, safely, well Headword location(s)
surely (adv.)
certainly, doubtless, assuredly Headword location(s)
surety (n.) Old form(s): suretie
person undertaking a legal responsibility in relation to another, guarantor Headword location(s)
surety (n.) Old form(s): suretie
guarantee, ratification, warrant Headword location(s)
surety (n.)
certainty, fact Headword location(s)
surety (n.)
security, confidence, stability Headword location(s)
surety (v.)
go bail for, act as a guarantor for Headword location(s)
surety-like (adv.) Old form(s): suretie-like
like a guarantor, proxy-like Headword location(s)
surfeit (n.) Old form(s): surfet, surfets
sickness brought on by excess Headword location(s)
surfeit (n.) Old form(s): surfet , surfets
excess, over-indulgence Headword location(s)
surfeit (v.) Old form(s): surfet , surfets , surfetted , surfetting
feed to excess, over-indulge, glut Headword location(s)
surfeit (v.) Old form(s): surfet
become sick through having too much Headword location(s)
surfeited (adj.) Old form(s): surfeted
overfilled, intemperate, saturated Headword location(s)
surfeiter (n.) Old form(s): Surfetter
profligate, libertine, debaucher Headword location(s)
surfeiting (n.) Old form(s): surfetting
feeding to excess, over-indulgence Headword location(s)
surfeit-swelled (adj.) Old form(s): surfeit-swell'd
swollen through over-indulgence Headword location(s)
surfeit-taking (adj.) Old form(s): surfet-taking
over-indulging Headword location(s)
surge (n.)
heavy wave, violent sea Headword location(s)
surgeon (n.) Old form(s): Surgion
doctor, physician Headword location(s)
surly (adj.)
imperious, haughty, arrogant Headword location(s)
surly (adj.)
gloomy, dismal, stern Headword location(s)
surmise (n.)
idea, imagining, conjecture Headword location(s)
surmise (n.)
reflection, imagining, contemplation Headword location(s)
surmise (v.) Old form(s): surmiz'd
imagine, suppose, conjecture Headword location(s)
surmised (adj.)
imagined, hoped-for, intended Headword location(s)
surmount (v.)
excel, surpass, outshine Headword location(s)
surprise (n.) Old form(s): surprize
taking by surprise, catching unawares Headword location(s)
surprise (n.) Old form(s): surprize
alarm, terror [caused by a fearful event] Headword location(s)
surprise (v.) Old form(s): surpriz'd , surprize
attack, capture, seize Headword location(s)
surprise (v.) Old form(s): surpris'd, surpriz'd, Surprize
take prisoner, capture [especially: suddenly, unexpectedly] Headword location(s)
surprise (v.) Old form(s): surpriz'd
take off guard Headword location(s)
surprise (v.) Old form(s): surpriz'd , Surprize
astonish, bewilder, perplex Headword location(s)
sur-reined (adj.) Old form(s): sur-reyn'd
over-ridden, overworked, worn out Headword location(s)
surrender (n.)
giving up, resignation [of power] Headword location(s)
surrender (v.)
abdicate, resign, give up the throne Headword location(s)
survey (v.) Old form(s): suruey
inspect, look over, examine carefully Headword location(s)
survey (v.) Old form(s): surueying
see, note, perceive Headword location(s)
surveyor (n.) Old form(s): surueyor
guardian, supervisor, overseer Headword location(s)
surveyor (n.) Old form(s): Surueyor
superintendent, land agent, estate supervisor Headword location(s)
suspect (n.)
suspicion, mistrust, doubt Headword location(s)
suspect (v.)
malapropism for 'respect' Headword location(s)
suspected (adj.)
doubted, regarded with suspicion Headword location(s)
suspense (n.) Old form(s): suspence
suspicion, doubt, uncertainty Headword location(s)
suspicion (n.) Old form(s): Suspition
anxiety, apprehension, trepidation Headword location(s)
suspiration (n.)
deep sighing, intense breathing Headword location(s)
suspire (v.)
breathe Headword location(s)
sustain (v.) Old form(s): sustaine
endure, withstand, support Headword location(s)
sustain (v.) Old form(s): sustaine
provide for, furnish with necessities Headword location(s)
sustain (v.) Old form(s): sustaine
receive, undergo, experience Headword location(s)
sustain (v.) Old form(s): sustaine
take up a position, have a place Headword location(s)
sustaining (adj.)
life-supporting, nourishing Headword location(s)
sutler (n.)
provision-seller to the army Headword location(s)
Sutton Coldfield
town in the West Midlands, thought by Falstaff to be on the way from Coventry to Shrewsbury see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
to each his own see also Latin Headword location(s)
swabber (n.)
deckhand, sailor who washes the deck Headword location(s)
swaddling clouts (n.)
Q1, Q2 alternative to 'swathing clothes' see also swathing clothes (n.) Headword location(s)
swag-bellied (adj.) Old form(s): swag-belly'd
pendulous-bellied, with a hanging paunch Headword location(s)
swagger (v.) Old form(s): zwaggerd
force by blustering language, bully Headword location(s)
swagger (v.) Old form(s): swagger'd
quarrel, squabble, behave in an insolent way Headword location(s)
swaggerer (n.)
quarreller, blusterer, squabbler Headword location(s)
swaggering (n.)
blustering, bullying, quarrelling Headword location(s)
swain (n.) Old form(s): Swaine
man, youth, young fellow Headword location(s)
swain (n.) Old form(s): Swaine
[contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow Headword location(s)
swain (n.) Old form(s): Swaine, swaines
rustic, country person, shepherd Headword location(s)
swain (n.) Old form(s): swaine, Swaines
lover, wooer, sweetheart Headword location(s)
swart, swarth (adj.)
swarthy, dusky, of dark complexion Headword location(s)
swart-complexioned (adj.) Old form(s): swart complexiond
dark-faced, black-looking Headword location(s)
swarth (adj.)
swarthy, dusky, of dark complexion see also swart (adj.) Headword location(s)
swarth (n.)
swathe, strip, chunk see also swath (n.) 2 Headword location(s)
swasher (n.)
swashbuckler, braggart, boaster Headword location(s)
swashing (adj.)
swaggering, blustering, dashing Headword location(s)
swashing (adj.)
Q4 alternative to 'washing' see also washing (adj.) Headword location(s)
swath (n.)
swathing in infant clothes, swaddling-clothes Headword location(s)
swath (n.)
swathe, sweep of a scythe see also swarth (n.) Headword location(s)
swathing-clothes / clouts (n.) Old form(s): swathing cloathes, swathing Clothes,, swathing clouts
swaddling clothes, cloths for wrapping round a new-born baby Headword location(s)
sway (n.)
power, dominion, rule Headword location(s)
sway (n.)
position of authority, powerful office Headword location(s)
sway (n.) Old form(s): swaie
controlling influence, guiding power, direction Headword location(s)
sway (v.) Old form(s): swai'd , swaies , sway'd , swayes
control, rule, direct, govern Headword location(s)
sway (v.)
be controlled, be directed Headword location(s)
sway (v.) Old form(s): swayes
move, proceed, progress Headword location(s)
sway (v.) Old form(s): swayst
[of an instrument] guide, make yield, manipulate Headword location(s)
sway on (v.)
advance, move ahead Headword location(s)
swayed (adj.)
[of horses] strained, with a spinal depression Headword location(s)
swear (v.) Old form(s): sweare , sweares
promise, vow, pledge Headword location(s)
swear down (v.) Old form(s): sweare downe
reduce to silence by swearing, put down by swearing Headword location(s)
swear out (v.) Old form(s): sworne
renounce, abjure, abandon see also forswear (v.) 2 Headword location(s)
swear over (v.)
[unclear usage] swear in opposition to, disavow, deny Headword location(s)
swearing (n.)
act of swearing, moment of oath-taking Headword location(s)
sweat (n.)
sweating-sickness [type of plague] Headword location(s)
sweat (v.) Old form(s): swet
make great efforts, exert oneself strongly Headword location(s)
sweat (v.) Old form(s): sweate
use the sweating-tub [as a cure for for venereal disease] Headword location(s)
sweep (n.) Old form(s): sweepe
parade, progress, promenade Headword location(s)
sweep (v.) Old form(s): Sweepe
prepare, clear [a way] Headword location(s)
sweep (v.) Old form(s): Sweepe , sweepes
strut, parade, move majestically Headword location(s)
sweet (adj.)
perfumed, scented, fragrant Headword location(s)
sweet (adj.)
wanton, lecherous; or: with a sweet tooth Headword location(s)
sweet (adj.)
smooth, unctuous, oily Headword location(s)
sweet (adj.)
attractive, pleasing, appealing Headword location(s)
sweet (n.) Old form(s): sweetes
sweet-tasting foodstuff Headword location(s)
sweet (n.) Old form(s): Sweete
lover, sweetheart see also Address forms Headword location(s)
sweet (n.)
delightful time, pleasant part Headword location(s)
sweet (n.)
sweet-scented flower, fragrant plant Headword location(s)
sweet (n.) Old form(s): sweete
sweetness, pleasure, delight Headword location(s)
sweet (n.)
dear see also Address forms Headword location(s)
sweet (v.) Old form(s): sweete
sweeten, make pleasing, fumigate Headword location(s)
sweet-faced (adj.) Old form(s): sweet-fac'd
good-looking, handsome Headword location(s)
sweetheart (n.)
[in wider sense than today] see also Address forms Headword location(s)
sweeting (n.)
sweetheart, darling, dearest see also Address forms Headword location(s)
sweeting (n.)
sweet-flavoured variety of apple Headword location(s)
sweetly (adv.)
delightfully, charmingly, pleasingly Headword location(s)
sweetness (n.) Old form(s): sweetnes
delight, pleasure, charm Headword location(s)
sweet-seasoned (adj.) Old form(s): sweet season'd
filled with sweetness, gently falling Headword location(s)
sweet-suggesting (adj.)
sweetly tempting, seductive, irresistable Headword location(s)
swell (v.)
exalt, magnify, puff up Headword location(s)
swelling (adj.)
billowing, rising up Headword location(s)
swelling (adj.)
swollen [with pride], arrogant Headword location(s)
swelling (adj.)
tearful, overflowing, brimming with tears Headword location(s)
swelling (adj.)
magnificent, grand, resplendent Headword location(s)
swelling (adj.)
inflated with anger, feeling strong emotion Headword location(s)
sweltered (adj.) Old form(s): Sweltred
oozing, dripping [in the manner of sweat] Headword location(s)
swerve (v.) Old form(s): swerue
go astray, err, be wrong Headword location(s)
swerving (n.) Old form(s): sweruing
lapse, transgression, error Headword location(s)
swift (adj.)
quick-witted, sharp, ready Headword location(s)
swift-starting (adj.) Old form(s): swift starting
quick-spreading, rapidly moving Headword location(s)
swill (v.) Old form(s): Swilles
drink greedily, gulp down Headword location(s)
swill (v.) Old form(s): Swill'd
wash, bathe, drench Headword location(s)
swim (v.)
float, sail Headword location(s)
swim (v.) Old form(s): swym
move gracefully, glide, undulate Headword location(s)
swine (n.)
wild boar Headword location(s)
swine-drunk (adj.) Old form(s): swine-drunke
drunk as a pig, excessively drunk Headword location(s)
swing (n.)
driving force, thrusting power Headword location(s)
swing (v.) Old form(s): swing'd
beat, thrash, wallop Headword location(s)
swinge (v.) Old form(s): swindg'd , swing'd
beat, thrash, flog Headword location(s)
swinge-buckler (n.) Old form(s): Swindge-bucklers
swashbuckler, swaggering ruffian Headword location(s)
swinish (adj.)
coarse, gross; or: comparing [one] to pigs Headword location(s)
switch (n.)
twig, thin shoot Headword location(s)
swits and spurs
[switches] at full speed, in hot haste Headword location(s)
Switzer (n.)
Swiss guard Headword location(s)
swoln (adj.) Old form(s): swolne
variant spelling of ‘swollen’ Headword location(s)
swoon (v.) Old form(s): sound, swoond , swoon'd, swoonded, swoone , swounds, swownded
faint see also swound (v.) Headword location(s)
swoon (v.) Old form(s): sound, swoond , swoon'd, swoonded, swoone , swounds, swownded
faint see also swoond (v.) Headword location(s)
swoon (v.) Old form(s): sound, swoond , swoon'd, swoonded, swoone , swounds, swownded
faint see also swown (v.) Headword location(s)
swoond (v.)
variant spelling of ‘swoon’ or ‘swound’ see also swound (v.) Headword location(s)
swoond (v.)
variant spelling of ‘swoon’ or ‘swound’ see also swoon (v.) Headword location(s)
swooning (adj.)
shown by fainting, marked by loss of the senses Headword location(s)
swoopstake (adv.) Old form(s): Soop-stake
indiscriminately [taking all stakes at once] Headword location(s)
sword (n.)
soldier, sword-wielder Headword location(s)
sworder (n.)
sword-fighter, gladiator Headword location(s)
sworn (adj.) Old form(s): sworne
bound by an oath of loyalty Headword location(s)
sworn (adj.) Old form(s): sworne
sworn to secrecy, confirmed by oath Headword location(s)
sworn brother
companion-in-arms, devoted friend see also brother, sworn Headword location(s)
swort (n.)
pronunciation of ‘sword’ or ‘sort’ [= outcome] see also Welsh Headword location(s)
swound (v.) Old form(s): sounded , sounds , swoond
faint, swoon see also swoon (v.) Headword location(s)
swound (v.) Old form(s): sounded , sounds , swoond
faint, swoon see also swoond (v.) Headword location(s)
'swounds (int.)
[oath] God's wounds see also Swearing Headword location(s)
swown (v.) Old form(s): swowne
variant spelling of ‘swoon’ see also swoon (v.) Headword location(s)
sycamore (n.) Old form(s): Sicamour
variety of fig tree [a Mediterranean species] see also Plants Headword location(s)
Sycorax (n.)
[pron: 'sikoraks] witch, the mother of Caliban in 'The Tempest' see also Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore Headword location(s)
Sylla (n.)
Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Roman dictator, 2nd-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
sympathize (v.)
respond to, match, answer to Headword location(s)
sympathize (v.) Old form(s): simpathize
agree, be in accord Headword location(s)
sympathize (v.) Old form(s): simpathizde
capture, represent fittingly, express with feeling Headword location(s)
sympathize with (v.) Old form(s): simpathiz'd
resemble, be like, have an affinity with Headword location(s)
sympathized (adj.) Old form(s): simpathized
in which all have shared, consisting of corresponding elements Headword location(s)
sympathized (adj.) Old form(s): simpathis'd
matched, paired, partnered Headword location(s)
sympathy (n.)
equivalence of rank, corresponding status Headword location(s)
sympathy (n.) Old form(s): simpathie , simpathy
accord, agreement, harmony Headword location(s)
synod (n.) Old form(s): Synode , Synodes
assembly, council, gathering Headword location(s)
Syracuse, Syracusa (n.)
[pron: 'sirakyooz(a)] port city in Sicily, Italy see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)

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