If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
la (int.)
indeed see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
la you
see, look now see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
Laban (n.)
[pron: 'layban] in the Bible, uncle of Jacob see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
label (n.) Old form(s): Labell
document, sheet of writing Headword location(s)
label (n.) Old form(s): Labell
codicil, appendix, additional clause Headword location(s)
label (v.) Old form(s): labell'd
attach as a codicil, affix as a supplementary note Headword location(s)
labour (n.)
hard work, physical toil [with pun on childbirth] Headword location(s)
labour (n.)
service, effort, hard work Headword location(s)
labour (v.)
work hard for, try to bring about, urge Headword location(s)
labour for (v.)
progress towards, approach Headword location(s)
labour for (v.)
do the work of, exert oneself on behalf of Headword location(s)
laboured (adj.) Old form(s): labourd
carefully fashioned, produced with great skill Headword location(s)
laboured (adj.) Old form(s): labour'd
hard-worked, exhausted by toil Headword location(s)
labouring (adj.)
aspiring, striving, showing endeavour Headword location(s)
laboursome (adj.)
laborious, assiduous, hard-working Headword location(s)
labras (n.)
Latin: lips Headword location(s)
lace (n.)
lacing of stays, bodice-string see also Clothing Headword location(s)
lace (v.)
ornament, trim, bedeck [as if with lace] Headword location(s)
Lacedaemon (n.)
[lasi'deemon] Sparta, city-state of S Greece see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
lack (v.) Old form(s): lack'd
miss, be no longer here Headword location(s)
lackey (adj.)
servile, menial, abject Headword location(s)
lackey (n.) Old form(s): Lackeyes, Lacquey
footman, minion, flunky Headword location(s)
lackey (n.) Old form(s): Lackies , Lacquies
hanger-on, camp follower Headword location(s)
lackey (v.)
move about aimlessly [as does a lackey] Headword location(s)
lack-linen (adj.) Old form(s): lacke-Linnen
badly dressed, disreputable Headword location(s)
lack-lustre (adj.) Old form(s): lacke-lustre
sombre, solemn, grave Headword location(s)
lacks of, it
it is a little before Headword location(s)
lad (n.)
serving-man, man of low birth [not necessarily young] Headword location(s)
ladder-tackle (n.) Old form(s): ladder tackle
rope-ladder in the rigging Headword location(s)
lade (v.)
drain, bail, empty Headword location(s)
lading (n.)
cargo, freight, merchandise Headword location(s)
lady (adj.)
lady-like, effeminately delicate, aristocratic Headword location(s)
lady (n.)
aristocrat, noble see also Address forms Headword location(s)
lady-smock (n.) Old form(s): Ladie-smockes
cuckoo-flower see also Plants Headword location(s)
Laertes (n.)
[pron: lay'erteez] father of Ulysses see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Laertes (n.)
[pron: lay'erteez] father of Ulysses see also Ulysses 1 Headword location(s)
lag (adj.)
late-coming, last, closing Headword location(s)
lag (adj.) Old form(s): lagge
late, lagging behind, tardy Headword location(s)
lag of
lagging behind, lingering after Headword location(s)
lagging (adj.)
lingering, dragging, drawn-out Headword location(s)
lakin (n.)
variant of 'lady' [Our Lady] see also Swearing Headword location(s)
Lambert, Saint
7th-c bishop of Maastricht, and martyr see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
lam-damn (v.) Old form(s): Land-damne
[unclear meaning] beat the hell out of, thrash without pity Headword location(s)
lame (adj.)
unsatisfactory, mediocre, faulty Headword location(s)
lame (v.)
give the appearance of lameness to, make deficient [by comparison] Headword location(s)
lamely (adv.)
imperfectly, defectively; also, haltingly, in a lame manner Headword location(s)
lamentable (adj.)
sorrowful, mournful, sad Headword location(s)
lamentably (adv.)
mournfully, dolefully, sorrowfully Headword location(s)
Lammas Eve
day before harvest festival, 31 July see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
Lammastide (n.)
harvest festival, 1 August see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
lamp (n.) Old form(s): lampes
eye Headword location(s)
lampass (n.) Old form(s): Lampasse
horse disease affecting the mouth Headword location(s)
lance (n.) Old form(s): Launces
lancer, horse soldier armed with a lance [a metal-ended shaft] Headword location(s)
lance, break a Old form(s): Breake, Launce
engage in a jousting contest Headword location(s)
lanch (v.) Old form(s): lanch'd
pierce, stab, wound Headword location(s)
land (n.)
tract of land, plot Headword location(s)
land (n.)
lawn, soil, ground Headword location(s)
land-damn (v.)
[unclear meaning] beat the hell out of, thrash without pity see also lam-damn (v.) Headword location(s)
landed (adj.)
possessed of land, having property Headword location(s)
land-fish (n.)
fish living on land; unnatural being Headword location(s)
landman (n.)
fighter on land [as opposed to sea] Headword location(s)
land-service (n.) Old form(s): Land seruice, Land-seruice, seruice
military service done on land Headword location(s)
lane (n.)
path, passage, way Headword location(s)
languish (n.)
wasting disease, drooping sickness Headword location(s)
languish (v.)
pass [time] in languishing, waste Headword location(s)
languishment (n.)
longing, pain, grief [caused by love] Headword location(s)
languor (n.)
distress, sorrow, affliction Headword location(s)
lank (adj.) Old form(s): lanke
shrunken, loose, slack Headword location(s)
lank (v.) Old form(s): lank'd
grow thin, become shrunken Headword location(s)
lank-lean (adj.) Old form(s): lanke-leane
gaunt, haggard, wasted Headword location(s)
lantern (n.) Old form(s): Lanthorne
light-filled arena, brilliantly lit place Headword location(s)
lanthorn (n.) Old form(s): lanthorne
lantern Headword location(s)
lap (v.) Old form(s): lapt
wrap, swathe, enfold, clad Headword location(s)
Lapland (n.)
province of N Finland, known at the time for sorcery and witchcraft see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
lapse (n.)
fall, moral decline Headword location(s)
lapse (v.)
sin, transgress, do wrong Headword location(s)
lapse (v.)
apprehend, seize, detain Headword location(s)
lapsing (n.)
slipping, collapsing, failing Headword location(s)
lapwing (n.)
type of plover [bird with wily methods of escaping the notice of predators; associated with amorous intrigue] Headword location(s)
lard (v.)
drip fat on, enrich with fat Headword location(s)
lard (v.)
strew, deck, cover Headword location(s)
lard (v.) Old form(s): lardes
permeate, saturate, pepper Headword location(s)
lard (v.)
mix in, intermix, intermingle Headword location(s)
lard (v.)
enrich [with blood], saturate Headword location(s)
lard (v.)
fatten, build up Headword location(s)
larder (n.)
pantry, provision room Headword location(s)
large (adj.)
grandiose, impressive sounding Headword location(s)
large (adj.)
generous, bountiful, liberal, lavish Headword location(s)
large (adj.)
licentious, coarse Headword location(s)
large (adj.)
general, broad; or: powerfully built, robust Headword location(s)
large (adj.)
widespread, general, extensive Headword location(s)
large (adj.)
high, great, extensive Headword location(s)
large (adj.)
frank, free, unrestrained Headword location(s)
large (n.)
full-grown version Headword location(s)
large, at
at length, in full, thoroughly Headword location(s)
large, at
in general, as a whole Headword location(s)
large-handed (adj.)
grasping, rapacious, avaricious Headword location(s)
largely (adv.)
fully, at length Headword location(s)
largely (adv.)
abundantly, amply, greatly Headword location(s)
largess (n.) Old form(s): Largesse
free gift, generous present Headword location(s)
lark's-heels (n.)
larkspur see also Plants Headword location(s)
'larum (n.)
alarm see also alarum (n.) Headword location(s)
'larum-bell (n.)
alarm-bell see also alarum-bell (n.) Headword location(s)
lash (v.) Old form(s): lasht
scourge, punish, flog Headword location(s)
lass-lorn (adj.) Old form(s): lasse-lorne
jilted, forsaken by a sweetheart Headword location(s)
[in phrases] see also first and last, at Headword location(s)
last (adj.)
latest, current, present Headword location(s)
last (adv.)
at last Headword location(s)
last (n.)
end, conclusion, final test Headword location(s)
last (n.)
last part, end Headword location(s)
last (n.)
last time Headword location(s)
last (n.)
wooden model of the foot, for shaping shoes Headword location(s)
last (n.)
last thing to be done, final action Headword location(s)
last (v.)
remain, stay, persist as Headword location(s)
lasting (adj.)
unceasing, ongoing, everlasting Headword location(s)
lastly (adv.)
in the end, finally Headword location(s)
latch (v.) Old form(s): lacht
fasten, secure; or: moisten [leach] Headword location(s)
latch (v.) Old form(s): latch'd
catch, nick Headword location(s)
latch (v.)
catch, receive, take hold of Headword location(s)
late (adj.)
recently appointed Headword location(s)
late (adj.)
recent, not long past Headword location(s)
late (adj.)
former, previous Headword location(s)
late (adv.)
recently, a little while ago / before Headword location(s)
late, of
recently, a little while ago Headword location(s)
lated (adj.)
belated, benighted, overtaken by night Headword location(s)
lately (adv.) Old form(s): latelie
recently, of late Headword location(s)
lately (adv.)
formerly, within recent times Headword location(s)
late-sacked (adj.) Old form(s): late sack't
recently pillaged Headword location(s)
latest (adj.)
last, final Headword location(s)
latest (n.)
last part, final bit Headword location(s)
late-walking (n.)
going out with whores late at night Headword location(s)
lath (n.)
thin wood Headword location(s)
lath (n.)
toy sword, stage weapon Headword location(s)
latten (adj.) Old form(s): Latine
made of thin brass, tin-plate Headword location(s)
latter (adj.)
last, dying, final Headword location(s)
latter (adj.)
recent, of one's later days Headword location(s)
latter day
last day, day of judgement Headword location(s)
latter-born (n.) Old form(s): latter borne
second-born, younger [twin] Headword location(s)
lattice (n.) Old form(s): Lettice
lattice-work, criss-cross adornment; also: tavern symbol Headword location(s)
laud (n.)
song of praise, hymn Headword location(s)
laud (n.) Old form(s): lawd, lawde
praise, homage, honour Headword location(s)
laud (v.)
praise, honour, give homage to Headword location(s)
laughter (n.)
laughing-stock, object of scorn Headword location(s)
launch (v.)
lance [to let out infection] Headword location(s)
laund (n.) Old form(s): land, lawnd
clearing [in a wood], glade, grassy space Headword location(s)
launder (v.) Old form(s): Laundring
wash, bathe Headword location(s)
laundry (n.)
laundress Headword location(s)
Laura (n.)
lady addressed in Petrarch’s love poetry see also Petrarch (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
laurel (adj.) Old form(s): lawrell
renowned, famed Headword location(s)
laurel (adj.) Old form(s): Lawrell
of the bay tree [as a symbol of victory] Headword location(s)
God be praised, I understand good see also Latin Headword location(s)
lave (v.) Old form(s): laue
wash, bathe, soak Headword location(s)
lavish (adj.) Old form(s): lauish
effusive, unrestrained, exuberant Headword location(s)
lavish (adj.) Old form(s): lauish
undisciplined, impetuous, wild Headword location(s)
lavishly (adv.) Old form(s): lauishly
excessively, in an undisciplined way Headword location(s)
lavolt, lavolta (n.) Old form(s): Lauolt, Lauolta's
lively, high-leaping dance Headword location(s)
law (int.)
indeed see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
law (n.)
charge, accusation, case [against] Headword location(s)
law, by
in court, with legal proceedings Headword location(s)
law, go to Old form(s): goe
sue, fight against, argue with Headword location(s)
lawful (adj.)
excusable, allowable, justifiable Headword location(s)
lawn (n.) Old form(s): Lawne, Lawnes
[type of] fine linen Headword location(s)
lay (adj.)
unclerical, secular, worldly Headword location(s)
lay (n.) Old form(s): laies , layes
song Headword location(s)
lay (n.)
wager, stake, bet Headword location(s)
lay (v.) Old form(s): layes , lay'st
set up, arrange, devise Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
wager, stake, bet Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
apply, place, put Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
put forward, present, use Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
[nautical] steer away from the shore Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
bring down, inflict Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
circulate with warrants for arrest Headword location(s)
lay (v.) Old form(s): laide
attribute, ascribe, impute Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
flatten, bring down, lay low Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
keep down, make subside Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
appease, prevent from walking Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
allay, reduce, moderate Headword location(s)
lay (v.)
put on a surface in layers, add layers of colour to Headword location(s)
lay aboard (v.) Old form(s): aboord
attack at close quarters, lay alongside Headword location(s)
lay about (v.)
strike out, fight hard Headword location(s)
lay apart (v.) Old form(s): laid a part
set aside, put away Headword location(s)
lay by (v.)
[highwaymen] stand and deliver; put down your weapons Headword location(s)
lay by (v.)
lay aside, set aside, disregard Headword location(s)
lay down (v.)
lose, relinquish, sacrifice Headword location(s)
lay down (v.) Old form(s): downe
formulate, work out, estimate Headword location(s)
lay for (v.)
waylay, ambush, seize Headword location(s)
lay home
talk severely, rebuke, berate Headword location(s)
lay knife aboard
make a claim, establish a position Headword location(s)
lay on / upon (v.) Old form(s): laye vpon
inflict blows, beat soundly Headword location(s)
lay on / upon (v.) Old form(s): layes
set to, set about, undertake vigorously Headword location(s)
lay out (v.) Old form(s): laide
expend, spend, use up Headword location(s)
lay to (v.)
bring into action, put to work Headword location(s)
lay unto (v.) Old form(s): layd
add to, place along with Headword location(s)
lay up (v.) Old form(s): Laide
consign, put away, allocate Headword location(s)
lay up (v.) Old form(s): vp
stow away, pack away, store Headword location(s)
lay upon (v.) Old form(s): vpon
bestow on, impose on Headword location(s)
layer-up (n.) Old form(s): layer vp
preserver, storer, upholder Headword location(s)
laying on (n.)
vigorous attack, dealing of blows Headword location(s)
lazar (adj.)
leprous Headword location(s)
lazar (n.)
leper, diseased person Headword location(s)
lazar-like (adj.)
like leprosy, leprous Headword location(s)
Lazarus (n.)
in the BIble, a beggar treated with contempt by Dives see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
Lazarus (n.)
in the BIble, a beggar treated with contempt by Dives see also Dives (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
lea (n.)
meadow, field Headword location(s)
lead (n.)
leaden coffin lining Headword location(s)
lead (n.) Old form(s): Leades
(plural) lead-covered flat roofs Headword location(s)
lead (n.)
cauldron [of molten lead] Headword location(s)
lead (v.)
put lead weights on Headword location(s)
lead (v.)
govern, dominate, direct Headword location(s)
lead away (v.)
lead astray, seduce, tempt Headword location(s)
leaden (adj.)
burdensome, heavy, cumbersome Headword location(s)
leaden (adj.)
heavy, dull, spiritless Headword location(s)
leading (n.)
leadership, command, generalship Headword location(s)
leaf (n.) Old form(s): Leaues
petal Headword location(s)
league (n.)
compact, alliance, treaty, bond of friendship Headword location(s)
league (n.)
[measure of distance] c.3 miles [c.5 km] Headword location(s)
league (v.) Old form(s): leagu'd
join, link, intertwine Headword location(s)
league (v.)
bind together, ally, confederate Headword location(s)
leaguer (n.) Old form(s): Leager
military camp Headword location(s)
leak (v.) Old form(s): leake
urinate, piss Headword location(s)
leaked (adj.) Old form(s): Leak'd
sprung a leak, full of holes Headword location(s)
leaking (adj.)
issuing forth, rising, surging Headword location(s)
lean (adj.) Old form(s): leane
slight, mean, poor Headword location(s)
lean (adj.) Old form(s): leane
barren, unproductive Headword location(s)
lean (v.) Old form(s): leanes
depend, appertain [to], relate [to] Headword location(s)
lean (v.) Old form(s): leanes
need support, incline towards a fall Headword location(s)
lean unto (v.) Old form(s): lean'd vnto
accept, be well-disposed towards Headword location(s)
Leander (n.)
[li'ander] young man in love with Hero, who lived on the opposite side of the Hellespont; each night he swam across, guided by her lamp see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Leander (n.)
[li'ander] young man in love with Hero, who lived on the opposite side of the Hellespont; each night he swam across, guided by her lamp see also Hero (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
lean-looked (adj.) Old form(s): leane-look'd
lean-looking, gaunt Headword location(s)
leap (v.) Old form(s): leape
jump into, throw oneself into Headword location(s)
leap (v.)
rejoice, enthuse, exult Headword location(s)
leaping-house (n.)
brothel, whorehouse Headword location(s)
learn (v.) Old form(s): learn'd , learne , learnes
teach, instruct [not a regional dialect usage as in modern English] Headword location(s)
learn (v.) Old form(s): learne
be edified, receive instruction [from] Headword location(s)
learn (v.) Old form(s): learne
inform of, tell about Headword location(s)
learned (adj.) Old form(s): Learn'd
wise, erudite, sagacious Headword location(s)
learning (n.)
field of education, domain of instruction Headword location(s)
learning (n.)
scholarship, learned opinion Headword location(s)
lease, out by
let out to others, not under one's full ownership Headword location(s)
leash (n.)
[hunting] set of three, trio Headword location(s)
leasing (n.)
lie, falsehood, untruth Headword location(s)
leasing (n.)
skill in lying, ability to lie Headword location(s)
least (n.)
lowest estimate Headword location(s)
least, at
ultimately, in the final analysis Headword location(s)
least, at the
at the lowest estimate, at any rate Headword location(s)
least, of the
too small; or: inferior Headword location(s)
leather-coat (n.)
russet apple [with a rough skin] Headword location(s)
leathern (adj.) Old form(s): leatherne
leather-like Headword location(s)
leathern (adj.) Old form(s): Letherne
clothed in animal skins Headword location(s)
leathern-jerkin (adj.) Old form(s): Leatherne Ierkin
wearing a leather jacket see also jerkin (n.) Headword location(s)
leave (n.) Old form(s): leaue
leave-taking, permission to depart Headword location(s)
leave (n.) Old form(s): leaue
permitting, allowance, availability Headword location(s)
leave (n.)
[in discourse expressions] permission see also Farewells Headword location(s)
leave (n.)
[in discourse expressions] permission see also Politeness Headword location(s)
leave (v.) Old form(s): leaue
cease, stop, give up Headword location(s)
leave (v.)
pass by, go past Headword location(s)
leave (v.) Old form(s): leaue , leauing
abandon, forsake, relinquish Headword location(s)
leave (v.) Old form(s): leaue
part with, lose, forsake Headword location(s)
leave (v.) Old form(s): leaues
spare, leave alive Headword location(s)
leave (v.) Old form(s): leaue
break off, stop, interrupt oneself Headword location(s)
leave off (v.)
give up, abandon, leave alone Headword location(s)
leaven (n.) Old form(s): Leauen
[baking] fermenting element, infusing mixture, adulteration Headword location(s)
leavened (adj.) Old form(s): leauen'd
carefully considered, well-thought-out Headword location(s)
leavening (n.) Old form(s): leau'ing
process of fermentation in dough Headword location(s)
leavy (adj.) Old form(s): leauy
leafy, covered with foliage Headword location(s)
lecher (v.) Old form(s): letcher
copulate, play the part of a lecher Headword location(s)
lecture (n.)
lesson, instructive example Headword location(s)
lecture (n.)
classroom lesson Headword location(s)
Leda (n.)
[pron: 'leeda] daughter of Thestius; loved by Jove, who turned himself into a swan to seduce her see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Leda (n.)
[pron: 'leeda] daughter of Thestius; loved by Jove, who turned himself into a swan to seduce her see also Jove (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
lee (n.)
[in plural] dregs, remains, remnants see also lees (n.) Headword location(s)
lee (v.)
cut off from the wind, make helpless Headword location(s)
leech (n.) Old form(s): Leach
physician, healer Headword location(s)
leer (n.) Old form(s): leere
complexion, countenance, look Headword location(s)
leer (n.) Old form(s): leere
glance, look, eye Headword location(s)
leer (v.) Old form(s): leere , leeres
look sideways, cast a side glance, smile disarmingly Headword location(s)
lees (n.)
(plural) dregs, remains, remnants Headword location(s)
leese (v.) Old form(s): Leese
lose, fail to preserve Headword location(s)
leet (n.) Old form(s): Leete, Leetes
local court of justice, manorial court Headword location(s)
leg (n.) Old form(s): legge, Legges
bending of a knee, genuflection, obeisance Headword location(s)
leg (n.) Old form(s): legge
[unclear meaning] supporting member Headword location(s)
legate (n.)
papal representative Headword location(s)
legatine, legative (adj.) Old form(s): Legatiue
as a legate Headword location(s)
'lege (v.) Old form(s): leges
allege Headword location(s)
read, master see also Latin Headword location(s)
legend (n.)
probably a malapropism for ‘legion’ Headword location(s)
legerity (n.) Old form(s): legeritie
lightness, nimbleness, alacrity Headword location(s)
legion (n.)
army, power, force Headword location(s)
Legion (n.)
in the Bible, the name of a devil see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
legitimation (n.)
legitimacy Headword location(s)
leiger (n.)
resident ambassador, representative, envoy see also lieger (n.) Headword location(s)
leisure (n.) Old form(s): leasure, leysure, leysures
opportunity, moment, available time Headword location(s)
leisure, by
only after careful consideration, but slowly Headword location(s)
leman (n.) Old form(s): Lemman, Lemon
lover, paramour, sweetheart Headword location(s)
lend (v.)
give, grant, bestow [on] Headword location(s)
lending (n.)
(plural) advance of money to soldiers [in lieu of regular pay] Headword location(s)
lending (n.)
(plural) something lent, borrowing Headword location(s)
length (n.)
stride, distance [in leaping] Headword location(s)
length (n.)
length of time, duration left in life, delay Headword location(s)
length (n.)
range, reach, scope Headword location(s)
length (v.)
lengthen, prolong Headword location(s)
length, at
in the end, in the long term Headword location(s)
lengthened (adj.) Old form(s): length'ned
prolonged, lasting throughout life Headword location(s)
lenity (n.) Old form(s): Lenitie, Leuitie
mildness, gentleness, mercifulness Headword location(s)
Lent (n.)
in Christian tradition, the 6-week penitential season before Easter see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
lenten (adj.) Old form(s): lenton
dismal, meagre, scanty Headword location(s)
lenten (adj.)
made in Lent [without meat] see also Lent (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
l'envoy (n.) Old form(s): Lenuoy
explanation, exposition, address Headword location(s)
leperous, leprous (adj.) Old form(s): leaperous
infected, poisoned, leprosy-like Headword location(s)
lesson (v.) Old form(s): lesson'd
instruct, teach, advise Headword location(s)
lesson (v.)
discipline, admonish, teach a lesson to Headword location(s)
lest (conj.) Old form(s): Least
unless, in case Headword location(s)
let (n.)
hindrance, obstacle, snag Headword location(s)
let (v.) Old form(s): letts
hinder, prevent, stand in the way Headword location(s)
let (v.)
allow to stay, let remain Headword location(s)
let (v.)
refrain, omit, keep from Headword location(s)
let alone
leave it to [one], you can rely on [one] see also alone, let Headword location(s)
let be
be quiet see also Attention signals Headword location(s)
let blood
slaughter, kill, massacre Headword location(s)
let blood Old form(s): bloud
bleed [as a medical treatment] Headword location(s)
let down (v.) Old form(s): downe
lose, forfeit, give up Headword location(s)
let fall (v.)
lower, debase, fail to live up to Headword location(s)
let go
enough, stop see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
let out (v.)
lend, make a loan of Headword location(s)
let-alone (n.) Old form(s): let alone
power to interfere, ability to hinder Headword location(s)
lethargy (n.) Old form(s): Lethargie
coma, state of unconsciousness Headword location(s)
lethargy (n.)
unnatural drowsiness, harmful torpor Headword location(s)
lethargy (v.)
affect with lethargy, dull, subdue Headword location(s)
lethe (n.) Old form(s): Lethee
[pron: 'leethee] death, oblivion, life-blood Headword location(s)
Lethe (n.)
[pron: 'leethee] a mythological river of the underworld, causing oblivion to those who drank from it see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Lethe'd (adj.) Old form(s): Lethied
[pron: 'leetheed] oblivious, all-forgetting, stuporous Headword location(s)
letter (n.)
(plural) study, learning, knowledge Headword location(s)
letter (n.)
(plural) sophisticated learning, great scholarship Headword location(s)
letter (n.)
[letter of] influence, recommendation, introduction Headword location(s)
letter (n.)
lettering, written form Headword location(s)
letter, affect the
practise alliteration Headword location(s)
lettered (adj.) Old form(s): lettred
learned, literate, educated Headword location(s)
letters patent (n.)
open documents issued by the sovereign which conferred an office, privilege, right, etc Headword location(s)
leve (n.)
Scottish pronunciation of 'leave' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
level (adj.) Old form(s): leuell
steady, steadfast, constant Headword location(s)
level (adj.)
straight, direct Headword location(s)
level (adj.) Old form(s): leuell
plain, obvious, manifest Headword location(s)
level (adj.) Old form(s): leuell
accessible, readily achievable Headword location(s)
level (n.) Old form(s): leuel , leuell
[archery] direct aim, target, range Headword location(s)
level (n.) Old form(s): leuell , leuill
line of fire Headword location(s)
level (v.) Old form(s): leaueld , leuell , leuelld
aim, direct, target Headword location(s)
level at (v.) Old form(s): leuell , leuell'd
guess correctly, rightly anticipate Headword location(s)
level at (v.) Old form(s): leuell
aim for, have as a target Headword location(s)
level with (v.) Old form(s): leuels
fit, suit, be in keeping with Headword location(s)
levelled (adj.) Old form(s): leueld , leuell'd
targetted, directed, aimed Headword location(s)
leviathan (n.) Old form(s): Leuiathan , Leuiathans
sea-monster, whale Headword location(s)
levied (adj.) Old form(s): leuied
raised, mustered, drawn up Headword location(s)
levity (n.) Old form(s): leuitie
licentiousness, wantonness, immorality Headword location(s)
levy (n.) Old form(s): Leuie, Leuies, Leuy
recruitment of soldiers, conscription of men Headword location(s)
levy (v.) Old form(s): leuie
[unclear meaning] level, purpose, intend Headword location(s)
levy (v.) Old form(s): leuied , leuying
enlist, conscript, muster Headword location(s)
lewd (adj.)
wicked, vile, evil Headword location(s)
lewd (adj.) Old form(s): lewde
improper, unseemly Headword location(s)
lewd (adj.)
ignorant, foolish, ill-mannered Headword location(s)
lewd (adj.)
lascivious, unchaste, lustful Headword location(s)
lewdly (adv.)
stupidly, foolishly Headword location(s)
lewdly (adv.)
wickedly, evilly, mischievously Headword location(s)
lewdness (n.) Old form(s): Lewdnesse
obscenity, carnality, lascivious behaviour Headword location(s)
lewdness (n.) Old form(s): lewdnesse
foolishness, absurd behaviour Headword location(s)
lewdster (n.)
debaucher, profligate, lascivious individual Headword location(s)
lewd-tongued (adj.) Old form(s): lewd-tongu'd
foul-mouthed, scurrilous, abusive Headword location(s)
liable (adj.)
legally belonging, in her ownership Headword location(s)
liable (adj.)
subject, legally bound Headword location(s)
liable (adj.)
fitting, apt, suitable Headword location(s)
libbard (n.)
leopard Headword location(s)
libel (n.) Old form(s): Libells
false statement, damaging attack [on women] Headword location(s)
libel (n.)
defamatory poster, slanderous leaflet Headword location(s)
liberal (adj.) Old form(s): liberall
coarse, licentious, promiscuous Headword location(s)
liberal (adj.) Old form(s): liberall
fanciful, lavish Headword location(s)
liberal (adj.) Old form(s): liberall
indiscreet, imprudent Headword location(s)
liberal (adj.) Old form(s): liberall
overgenerous, licentious Headword location(s)
liberal (adj.) Old form(s): liberall
free-and-easy, unrestrained Headword location(s)
liberal (adj.) Old form(s): Liberall
noble, tasteful, refined Headword location(s)
liberal (adv.) Old form(s): liberall
freely, unrestrainedly Headword location(s)
liberal arts Old form(s): liberall Artes
the trivium [grammar, logic, rhetoric] and quadrivium [arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy] see also art (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
liberal-conceited (adj.) Old form(s): liberall
lavishly ingenious Headword location(s)
libertine (n.)
free spirit, unconfined wanderer Headword location(s)
libertine (n.)
debaucher, reprobate, dissolute Headword location(s)
liberty (n.)
plays not written according to traditional rules of drama; also: district not subject to a sheriff's legal order [i.e. more suitable for theatres] Headword location(s)
liberty (n.) Old form(s): Libertie
liberation, deliverance Headword location(s)
liberty (n.) Old form(s): libertie
permission, leave, consent Headword location(s)
liberty (n.) Old form(s): Libertie
unrestrained act, improper licence, reckless freedom Headword location(s)
liberty (n.)
(plural) rights, prerogatives, privileges Headword location(s)
licence (n.) Old form(s): lisence
authority to act, freedom of action Headword location(s)
licence (n.) Old form(s): License
licentiousness, immorality, promiscuity Headword location(s)
Lichas (n.)
[pron: 'liykas] companion to Hercules, who brought him a poisoned tunic; after wearing it, Hercules in agony threw Lichas into the sky see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Lichas (n.)
[pron: 'liykas] companion to Hercules, who brought him a poisoned tunic; after wearing it, Hercules in agony threw Lichas into the sky see also Hercules (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Lichas (n.)
[pron: 'liykas] companion to Hercules, who brought him a poisoned tunic; after wearing it, Hercules in agony threw Lichas into the sky see also Nessus 1 Headword location(s)
lictor (n.)
magistrate's enforcing officer see also Roman history Headword location(s)
lid (n.)
eyelid see also Swearing Headword location(s)
lie (n.) Old form(s): Lye
accusation of lying, charge of falsehood see also throat, lie in one's Headword location(s)
lie (v.) Old form(s): lyes
be obligatory, be incumbent Headword location(s)
lie (v.) Old form(s): lay , lyes
hang, depend, hinge Headword location(s)
lie (v.) Old form(s): lye
be encamped, be quartered Headword location(s)
lie (v.) Old form(s): lye , lyes
live, dwell, reside, lodge Headword location(s)
lie (v.) Old form(s): lye
lie in prison, take the place [of] Headword location(s)
lie (v.) Old form(s): lye , lyes
sleep, go to bed Headword location(s)
lie by (v.) Old form(s): lay
settle down, lay to rest Headword location(s)
lie low
be killed, find oneself dead Headword location(s)
lie under (v.) Old form(s): lye vnder
be subject to, suffer the consequences of Headword location(s)
lie, give the Old form(s): giuing, Lye
deceive; [wrestling] lay someone out; make urinate Headword location(s)
lief (adj.)
dear, beloved, cherished Headword location(s)
lief, had as Old form(s): leife , liefe, lieue , liue
should like just as much see also Frequency count Headword location(s)
liege (n.)
lord, sovereign see also Address forms Headword location(s)
liegeman (n.) Old form(s): Liege-man
vassal, subject, follower Headword location(s)
lieger, leiger (n.) Old form(s): Leidgers
resident ambassador, representative, envoy Headword location(s)
lieu of, in (prep.)
in return for, in recompense for Headword location(s)
lieu whereof, in
in recompense for this Headword location(s)
lieutenantry (n.) Old form(s): Lieutenantrie
use of subordinates, office of lieutenants Headword location(s)
life (n.)
living being, person Headword location(s)
life (n.)
continued existence, survival see also Swearing Headword location(s)
life (n.)
[in expressions] see also give life Headword location(s)
life (n.)
energy, spirit, liveliness Headword location(s)
life (n.)
means of life, way of survival Headword location(s)
life, for one's
of a capital nature Headword location(s)
life, to the
convincingly, in a faithful manner Headword location(s)
lifelings (n.)
dear life see also Swearing Headword location(s)
life-rendering (adj.) Old form(s): Life-rend'ring
life-giving [to its young], self-sacrificing Headword location(s)
lifter (n.)
thief Headword location(s)
lifting up (n.)
dawning, arrival, arising Headword location(s)
lig (v.)
Scottish pronunciation of 'lie' see also Scottish Headword location(s)
liggens (n.)
[unclear] dear eyelids see also Swearing Headword location(s)
light (adj.)
facile, frivolous, of no consequence Headword location(s)
light (adj.)
promiscuous, licentious, immoral, wanton Headword location(s)
light (adj.)
joyful, merry, light-hearted Headword location(s)
light (adj.)
easy, ready, effortless Headword location(s)
light (adj.)
minor, slight, of little value Headword location(s)
light (adj.)
[of counterfeit coins] of less weight, worthless, cheap Headword location(s)
light (adj.)
[Q variant] [of counterfeit coins] of less weight, worthless, cheap Headword location(s)
light (adv.)
slightly, as of little value Headword location(s)
light (adv.) Old form(s): lyte
lightly, without heavy equipment Headword location(s)
light (n.)
(plural) eyes Headword location(s)
light (n.)
ability to see clearly, power of vision Headword location(s)
light (n.)
help, enlightenment, information Headword location(s)
light (n.)
sign, signal, indication Headword location(s)
light (n.)
inkling, foresight, glimmering Headword location(s)
light (v.)
alight, descend, fall, come to rest Headword location(s)
light (v.)
dismount, descend, alight Headword location(s)
light (v.)
give light to, show the way to Headword location(s)
light on (v.)
come across, meet with, chance upon Headword location(s)
lighten (v.)
flash lightning Headword location(s)
lighten (v.)
enlighten, send spiritual illumination to Headword location(s)
lighten forth (v.)
flash out, send down as lightning Headword location(s)
light-foot (adj.)
light-footed Headword location(s)
lightless (adj.) Old form(s): lightlesse
dark, hidden, yielding no light Headword location(s)
lightly (adv.)
slightly, in small degree Headword location(s)
lightly (adv.)
readily, easily Headword location(s)
lightly (adv.)
commonly, often, invariably Headword location(s)
lightness (n.) Old form(s): Lightnesse
lightheadedness, faintness, dizziness Headword location(s)
lightness (n.) Old form(s): lightnesse
irresponsibility, levity, frivolity, fickleness Headword location(s)
lightness (n.) Old form(s): lightnesse
lewdness, wantonness, licentiousness Headword location(s)
like (adj.) Old form(s): lyke
same, similar, alike, equal see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
like (adj.)
like-minded, harmonious Headword location(s)
like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
like (adv.)
nearly, almost Headword location(s)
like (adv.)
equally, similarly, also Headword location(s)
like (adv.)
alike, in the same way, identically Headword location(s)
like (n.)
identity, equivalent, counterpart Headword location(s)
like (v.) Old form(s): lik'd
please, suit see also Politeness Headword location(s)
like (v.)
be impressed [by], make a choice Headword location(s)
like (v.)
find, think of Headword location(s)
like (v.) Old form(s): lik'ning
liken, make like, make resemble Headword location(s)
like (v.)
resemble, look like, take after Headword location(s)
like (v.)
thrive, look, do Headword location(s)
like (v.)
love Headword location(s)
like as (conj.)
as if Headword location(s)
like as (conj.)
just as Headword location(s)
like of (v.)
admire, enjoy, derive pleasure from Headword location(s)
like to / unto (conj./prep.)
similar to, comparable with Headword location(s)
like, great
very likely Headword location(s)
like, the
the same Headword location(s)
likelihood (n.) Old form(s): likely-hood
likely outcome, probability Headword location(s)
likelihood (n.) Old form(s): likelyhood
future, promise, potential Headword location(s)
likelihood (n.) Old form(s): likely-hoods
indication, sign, ground Headword location(s)
likely (adj.)
promising, hopeful; or: seemly, good-looking Headword location(s)
likeness (n.) Old form(s): likenesse
appearance, look Headword location(s)
liking (n.)
lustful affection, sexual attraction Headword location(s)
liking (n.)
bodily shape, good condition see also well-liking (adj.) Headword location(s)
liking (n.)
approving, consent, acquiescence Headword location(s)
liking (n.)
desire, will, pleasure Headword location(s)
lily (adj.) Old form(s): lillie
lily-white Headword location(s)
lily-tincture (n.) Old form(s): lilly-tincture
lily-white colouring Headword location(s)
Limander (n.)
malapropism for Leander see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Limander (n.)
malapropism for Leander see also Leander (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
limb (n.) Old form(s): limbe
functioning organ, strength of limb Headword location(s)
limb (n.) Old form(s): Limbes
member, branch Headword location(s)
limbeck (n.) Old form(s): Lymbeck , Lymbecks
retort, distilling apparatus, alembic Headword location(s)
limber (adj.)
limp, floppy, weak Headword location(s)
limb-meal (adv.) Old form(s): Limb-meale
limb from limb, to pieces Headword location(s)
limbo (n.)
prison, confinement, incarceration Headword location(s)
Limbo (n.)
domain on the border of hell believed to contain the souls of unbaptised infants and of just people born before Christ see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
limbo patrum
limbo [temporary home of departed spirits between heaven and hell] of the fathers: gaol, imprisonment see also Latin Headword location(s)
lime (n.)
lime-juice [added to wine to improve its sparkle] Headword location(s)
lime (n.)
birdlime see also birdlime (n.) Headword location(s)
lime (v.)
mix wine with lime [to add to its sparkle] Headword location(s)
lime (v.) Old form(s): lym'd
add birdlime to Headword location(s)
lime (v.) Old form(s): lyme
cement, bind, fuse Headword location(s)
lime (v.) Old form(s): lim'd, limed , lymde
trap, snare, catch [as if by using birdlime] Headword location(s)
limed (adj.)
trapped, ensnared [as with birdlime] see also birdlime (n.) Headword location(s)
Limehouse (n.)
London riverside area named after the lime-kilns there which processed chalk from Kent see also London Headword location(s)
limekiln (n.)
limestone-like deposit, white lump Headword location(s)
lime-twig (n.)
twig smeared with birdlime see also birdlime (n.) Headword location(s)
lime-twig (n.)
twig smeared with birdlime see also twig (n.) Headword location(s)
limit (n.)
duty, assignment, responsibility Headword location(s)
limit (n.)
ground, territory Headword location(s)
limit (n.)
prescribed time, fixed period Headword location(s)
limit (n.)
permitted extent, bounds [of allegiance] Headword location(s)
limit (n.)
bank, edge, boundary Headword location(s)
limit (n.)
delimited territory, precinct, bounded region Headword location(s)
limit (v.)
appoint, specify, fix the limit of Headword location(s)
limitation (n.)
allotted time, appointed period Headword location(s)
limited (adj.)
appointed, designated, nominated Headword location(s)
limited (adj.)
with exclusive membership, limited-entry Headword location(s)
limiter (n.) Old form(s): Lymiter
arbiter, judge [of the limits of life] Headword location(s)
limn out (v.) Old form(s): limming
paint, draw, portray Headword location(s)
limned (v.) Old form(s): limn'd
portrayed, reproduced, painted Headword location(s)
line (n.)
degree, rank, station Headword location(s)
line (n.)
derived power, scope, warrant Headword location(s)
line (n.)
stroke, paint, lines of make-up Headword location(s)
line (n.)
prepared written statement Headword location(s)
line (n.)
conduct, way of behaving, course of action Headword location(s)
line (n.)
lineament, distinctive feature Headword location(s)
line (n.)
lime tree, linden tree see also Plants Headword location(s)
line (n.) Old form(s): Lyne
line of descent, lineage, pedigree Headword location(s)
line (n.)
equator Headword location(s)
line (v.) Old form(s): Linde
draw, sketch, delineate Headword location(s)
line (v.) Old form(s): lin'd , Linde , lyne
strengthen, support, fortify Headword location(s)
line (v.) Old form(s): lin'd
cram, stuff, fill Headword location(s)
line (v.) Old form(s): linde
be given a lining Headword location(s)
line and level, by Old form(s): lyne, leuell
very methodically, with great precision Headword location(s)
lineal (adj.) Old form(s): Lineall , lyneal
lineally descended, in the direct line, hereditary Headword location(s)
lineament (n.) Old form(s): liniament, lyniaments
line, feature, characteristic, attribute Headword location(s)
lineament (n.) Old form(s): lyneaments
(plural) parts of the body, form, shape Headword location(s)
lineament (n.)
personal appearance, distinctive quality Headword location(s)
lined (adj.) Old form(s): lyn'd
filled, stuffed Headword location(s)
line-grove (n.) Old form(s): Line-groue
grove of lime trees Headword location(s)
linen (adj.) Old form(s): Linnen
pale, pallid, bleached Headword location(s)
ling, old
[person resembling] salted cod Headword location(s)
linger (v.) Old form(s): lingred
prolong, draw out, extend Headword location(s)
linger (v.)
delay, put off, keep waiting Headword location(s)
linger (v.) Old form(s): linger'd
stay on [in town], wait around Headword location(s)
linger out (v.)
prolong, draw out Headword location(s)
lingering (adj.) Old form(s): lingring , ling'ring
long-drawn-out, protracted, lengthy Headword location(s)
lining (n.)
material which lies inside, contents Headword location(s)
link (n.) Old form(s): Linkes
light, lamp, flare Headword location(s)
link (n.) Old form(s): Linke
blacking [from a burnt torch] Headword location(s)
linsey-woolsey (n.) Old form(s): linsie wolsy
[mix of flax and wool] verbal mish-mash, nonsense Headword location(s)
linstock (n.) Old form(s): Lynstock
stick holding a lit match for firing a cannon Headword location(s)
lip (v.) Old form(s): lipt
kiss Headword location(s)
lip, bite one's
make an angry facial gesture Headword location(s)
lip, hang the Old form(s): lippe
look vexed, pout, sulk Headword location(s)
lip, make a Old form(s): Lippe
curl a lip, mock, sneer Headword location(s)
Lipsbury (n.)
[unclear meaning; perhaps: ‘lips-town’] space between the lips, jaws Headword location(s)
liquor (n.)
[alcoholic] drink Headword location(s)
liquor (n.) Old form(s): licquor
liquid Headword location(s)
liquor (v.) Old form(s): liquor'd
lubricate, make drunk Headword location(s)
liquor (v.)
grease, oil Headword location(s)
liquorish (adj.) Old form(s): Licourish
pleasantly tasting, appetising Headword location(s)
lisp (v.) Old form(s): lispe
talk in an affected way, speak with affectation Headword location(s)
lisp (v.) Old form(s): lispe
put on a foreign accent Headword location(s)
lisp (v.)
talk in a loving voice Headword location(s)
list (n.) Old form(s): Lyst
boundary, limit, confines Headword location(s)
list (n.)
muster, troop, band, recruitment Headword location(s)
list (n.) Old form(s): Listes, Lyst, Lysts
(usually plural) combat arena at a tournament Headword location(s)
list (n.)
wish, desire, inclination Headword location(s)
list (n.) Old form(s): Lyst
cloth edging, border material Headword location(s)
list (n.)
limit, objective Headword location(s)
list (v.)
listen to, pay attention to Headword location(s)
list (v.)
listen Headword location(s)
list (v.)
wish, like, please Headword location(s)
list (v.)
care, choose, desire Headword location(s)
listen (v.) Old form(s): listen'd
listen to, pay attention to, hear Headword location(s)
listen after (v.)
look out for, keep a watch on Headword location(s)
lither (adj.)
yielding, submissive, compliant Headword location(s)
litigious (adj.)
quarrelsome, contentious, marred by disputes Headword location(s)
litter (n.)
[transportable] bed, couch Headword location(s)
litter (n.)
animal straw, rushes, bedding Headword location(s)
litter (v.) Old form(s): litter'd, littour , lytter'd
[comparing humans to animals] bring forth, be born Headword location(s)
little (adj.)
thin, lean, skinny Headword location(s)
little (adj.)
in little, microcosmic, miniature Headword location(s)
little (adj.)
[of voices] small, tiny Headword location(s)
little (n.)
small achievement, slight accomplishments Headword location(s)
little, in
on a small scale, in miniature Headword location(s)
little, in a
in brief, shortly Headword location(s)
little-seeming (adj.) Old form(s): little seeming
[difficult meaning] of no account; or: who refuses to acknowledge appearances Headword location(s)
live (v.) Old form(s): liu'd
stay afloat, avoid destruction Headword location(s)
live (v.) Old form(s): liue
be active, live on, make a home Headword location(s)
liveless (adj.) Old form(s): liuelesse
spelling variant of ‘lifeless’ Headword location(s)
livelihood (n.) Old form(s): liuelihood, liuelyhood
liveliness, animation, vivacity Headword location(s)
lively (adj.) Old form(s): liuely
lifelike, striking, vivid Headword location(s)
lively (adj.) Old form(s): liuely
living, breathing Headword location(s)
lively (adj.) Old form(s): liuely
life-giving, enlivening, invigorating Headword location(s)
liver (n.) Old form(s): Liuer , Liuers, lyuers , Lyvers
part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire] Headword location(s)
liver (n.) Old form(s): liuers
living creature, inhabitant, being Headword location(s)
livery (n.)
[in expressions] see also sue one's livery Headword location(s)
livery (n.) Old form(s): liuerey, liuerie, liueries , Liuery, Liuorie, Liuories, liu'rie , liverie
uniform, costume, special clothing see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
livery (n.) Old form(s): liueries, Liuery
service, following, entourage Headword location(s)
livery (n.)
badge, token, recognizable image Headword location(s)
livery (v.) Old form(s): liuery
array in a livery, dress up Headword location(s)
living (adj.) Old form(s): liuing
real, genuine, not put on Headword location(s)
living (n.) Old form(s): Liuing , liuings
possessions, means of support, livelihood Headword location(s)
lo (int.)
look, behold, notice see also Attention signals Headword location(s)
Lô (n.)
[pron: loh] Saint Lô, Normandy, N France see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
loach (n.)
type of small fish Headword location(s)
load (n.)
burden, imputation Headword location(s)
loaden (adj.)
laden, weighed down Headword location(s)
loathly (adj.)
loathsome, hateful., disgusting Headword location(s)
loathly (adv.) Old form(s): lothly
with such loathing, with detestation Headword location(s)
loathness (n.) Old form(s): loathnesse
loathing, repulsion, dislike Headword location(s)
loathness (n.) Old form(s): loathnesse
unwillingness, reluctance, disinclination Headword location(s)
lob (n.)
clown, country lout, yokel Headword location(s)
lob down (v.) Old form(s): downe
hang, droop, sag Headword location(s)
lobby (n.)
ante-room, corridor see also voiding lobby (n.) Headword location(s)
lock (n.) Old form(s): lockes
shackle, hobble, fetter Headword location(s)
lock (v.) Old form(s): locke
keep captive, keep away, detain Headword location(s)
lock forth (v.)
lock out, lock the door against Headword location(s)
lockram (n.)
type of Breton linen fabric Headword location(s)
locust (n.)
[unclear meaning] fruit of the carob tree, locust-bean Headword location(s)
lodestar (n.) Old form(s): loadstarres, lodestarre
guiding star, beacon Headword location(s)
lodge (v.) Old form(s): lodg'd
beat down, flatten, make level Headword location(s)
lodge (v.)
sleep, lie, remain Headword location(s)
lodge (v.) Old form(s): lodg'd
harbour, entertain, foster Headword location(s)
lodged (adj.) Old form(s): lodg'd
deep-rooted, inveterate, ingrained Headword location(s)
lodging (n.)
room, chamber, living quarters Headword location(s)
loggats (n.) Old form(s): Loggets
type of game [in which sticks are thrown to lie near a target stake] Headword location(s)
loggerhead (n.) Old form(s): Logger-heads
blockhead, numbskull, dolt Headword location(s)
loggerheaded (adj.)
thick-headed, stupid, doltish Headword location(s)
loiterer (n.) Old form(s): loyterer
idler, layabout, vagabond Headword location(s)
loll (v.)
hang down loosely, thrust out Headword location(s)
London Stone
ancient stone, possibly Roman, once a city landmark in Cannon Street, London see also London Headword location(s)
loneliness (n.) Old form(s): lonelinesse
being alone, solitariness Headword location(s)
lonely (adj.) Old form(s): Louely
isolated, secluded, standing apart Headword location(s)
long (v.)
belong, pertain, relate Headword location(s)
long (v.)
belong to, be part of Headword location(s)
'long of (prep.)
on account of see also along of (prep.) Headword location(s)
long purple
[unclear meaning] probably a type of wild orchis see also Plants Headword location(s)
long sword (n.)
heavy two-handed sword with a long cutting blade see also Weapons Headword location(s)
longing (adj.)
prompted by longing, full of yearning Headword location(s)
long-ingraffed (adj.) Old form(s): long ingraffed
long-implanted, long-engrafted, habitual see also ingraft (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
longly (adv.)
for a long time, constantly, persistently Headword location(s)
long-staff (n.) Old form(s): Long-staffe
long cudgel, quarterstaff Headword location(s)
long-tongued (adj.) Old form(s): long tongu'd , long-tongu'd
chattering, prattling Headword location(s)
loo (int.)
halloo see also Sounds Headword location(s)
loof (v.) Old form(s): looft
luff, bring into the wind Headword location(s)
look (v.) Old form(s): lookes
look likely, promise, tend Headword location(s)
look (v.) Old form(s): looke , lookes
find, seek, look for Headword location(s)
look (v.) Old form(s): looke
take care, see, be sure Headword location(s)
look (v.) Old form(s): look'd, looke
expect, anticipate, hope, await the time Headword location(s)
look (v.) Old form(s): looke , lookes
face, turn towards Headword location(s)
look (v.) Old form(s): look'd
change one's state through one's looks Headword location(s)
look (v.) Old form(s): looke
be prepared, expect, count on Headword location(s)
look about (v.)
be on the lookout, be wary Headword location(s)
look after (v.) Old form(s): Looke
follow with the eye, look with favour on Headword location(s)
look after (v.) Old form(s): look'd
watch closely, keep an eye on, police Headword location(s)
look against (v.) Old form(s): look'd
look at directly Headword location(s)
look beyond (v.) Old form(s): looke
exaggerate, find too much in Headword location(s)
look for (v.) Old form(s): look'd , look't
expect, hope for, anticipate Headword location(s)
look for (v.) Old form(s): looke
be watchful for, look after Headword location(s)
look for (v.)
wait for, be on the lookout for Headword location(s)
look how (conj.)
just as Headword location(s)
look on (v.) Old form(s): look'd
respect, hold in esteem, regard highly Headword location(s)
look on (v.) Old form(s): looke
observe, be a witness to Headword location(s)
look out (v.) Old form(s): looke out
seek out, find by looking Headword location(s)
look out (v.) Old form(s): looke , lookes
show, appear, manifest Headword location(s)
look through (v.) Old form(s): looke , look't
become visible, show clearly Headword location(s)
look to it Old form(s): Looke
beware, be on your guard Headword location(s)
look unto (v.) Old form(s): looke vnto
attend to, take care of Headword location(s)
look up (v.) Old form(s): looke vp, vp
be cheerful, take courage Headword location(s)
look upon (v.) Old form(s): looke vpon
turn towards, look in the direction of Headword location(s)
look upon (v.) Old form(s): looke vpon
look on, act like a spectator Headword location(s)
look upon (v.)
take notice of, turn towards Headword location(s)
look what (conj.) Old form(s): Looke
whatever Headword location(s)
look when (conj.) Old form(s): Looke
whenever, as soon as Headword location(s)
look whom (conj.) Old form(s): Looke
whomsoever Headword location(s)
look you
can't you see? see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
loon (n.)
see also lown (n.) Headword location(s)
loop (n.) Old form(s): loope
loophole, opening, avenue Headword location(s)
loop (n.) Old form(s): Loope
metal ring, pivot, prop Headword location(s)
looped (adj.) Old form(s): lop'd
full of holes Headword location(s)
loose (adj.)
casual, lax, careless Headword location(s)
loose (adj.)
immoral, improper, contemptible Headword location(s)
loose (adj.)
flirtatious, unconstrained, uninhibited Headword location(s)
loose (n.)
[archery] moment of release, crucial point Headword location(s)
loose (v.) Old form(s): loos'd
release, let out, set free Headword location(s)
loose (v.)
revoke, cancel Headword location(s)
loose (v.)
[archery] shoot an arrow Headword location(s)
loose (v.)
see also fast and loose Headword location(s)
loose shot
marksman not attached to a company Headword location(s)
loose-bodied (adj.)
loose-fitting Headword location(s)
loosely (adv.)
negligently, with laxity, carelessly Headword location(s)
loose-wived (adj.) Old form(s): loose-Wiu'd
with an unfaithful wife Headword location(s)
lop (n.)
[of a tree] lopped off branch Headword location(s)
lop (v.)
remove, eliminate, get rid of Headword location(s)
lord (v.)
make a lord, ennoble, elevate Headword location(s)
lording (n.)
young lord, young gentleman Headword location(s)
lording (n.)
(plural) my lords, gentlemen see also Address forms Headword location(s)
lordship (n.) Old form(s): Lordshippe
lord's estate Headword location(s)
lordship (n.)
function of being a lord Headword location(s)
lose (v.)
perplex, bewilder, overwhelm [by] Headword location(s)
lose (v.) Old form(s): loose
miss, lose out on, be deprived of Headword location(s)
lose (v.) Old form(s): loose
part with, let go of, give up Headword location(s)
lose (v.) Old form(s): loose
waste, throw away, give unprofitably Headword location(s)
lose (v.)
lose sight of, forget Headword location(s)
lose (v.)
harm, damage Headword location(s)
lose (v.) Old form(s): loose
spend, pass through, while away Headword location(s)
lose (v.) Old form(s): loosing
ruin the reputation of, destroy the credibility of Headword location(s)
lose oneself (v.) Old form(s): loose selfe
roam about, wander around Headword location(s)
losel, lozel (n.) Old form(s): Lozell
worthless fellow, rogue, scoundrel Headword location(s)
losing (adj.) Old form(s): loosing
involving some degree of loss Headword location(s)
loss (n.) Old form(s): losse
ruin, detriment, deprivation [of honour] Headword location(s)
loss (n.) Old form(s): losse
perdition, destruction Headword location(s)
loss (n.) Old form(s): losse
losing, defeat, overthrow Headword location(s)
lost (adj.)
ruined, perished, destroyed Headword location(s)
lost (adj.)
groundless, idle, unwarranted Headword location(s)
lost (adj.)
prevented, missed, forestalled Headword location(s)
lot (n.)
result of casting lots Headword location(s)
lot, by
by chance Headword location(s)
lots to blanks Old form(s): Blankes
[in a lottery] drawing of a winning ticket rather than a blank ticket Headword location(s)
lottery (n.) Old form(s): Lotterie
odds, chance, probability Headword location(s)
lottery (n.)
prize, allotment, award Headword location(s)
lottery (n.)
chance, turn of events Headword location(s)
loud (adj.) Old form(s): lowd
heard everywhere, resounding Headword location(s)
loud (adj.) Old form(s): lowd
windy, stormy, blustery Headword location(s)
loud (adj.)
clamorous, loudly supported; or: pressing, urgent Headword location(s)
loud (adj.)
hectic, noisy, clamorous Headword location(s)
loud (n.) Old form(s): lowd
loudness, volume Headword location(s)
lour, lower (v.) Old form(s): lowr'd , lowre , lowreth , lowrst
frown, scowl, look dark and threatening Headword location(s)
louring (adj.) Old form(s): lowring
gloomy, threatening, dark Headword location(s)
louring (adj.) Old form(s): lowring
frowning, scowling, angry Headword location(s)
louse (v.) Old form(s): Lowse
become lice-infested Headword location(s)
louses (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'luces' see also Welsh Headword location(s)
louses (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'luces' see also luce (n.) Headword location(s)
lousy (adj.) Old form(s): lowsie
contemptible, vile, despicable Headword location(s)
lout (v.) Old form(s): lowted
mock, ridicule; or: delay, hold up Headword location(s)
Louvre (n.)
[pron: 'loovr] palace of the French Kings, Paris see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
love (n.) Old form(s): Loue
mistress, lover, paramour Headword location(s)
love (n.) Old form(s): Loue
very dear friend Headword location(s)
love (n.) Old form(s): loue , loues
act of kindness, affectionate deed Headword location(s)
love (n.) Old form(s): loues
expression of love, love-vow Headword location(s)
love (v.) Old form(s): loues
be friend to, be attractive to Headword location(s)
love in idleness
pansy see also Plants Headword location(s)
love-book (n.) Old form(s): loue-booke
book dealing with matters of love, courtship manual Headword location(s)
love-day (n.) Old form(s): Loue-day
day for settling disputes Headword location(s)
love-feat (n.) Old form(s): Loue-feat
act of courtship, exploit prompted by love Headword location(s)
love-lay (n.) Old form(s): loue layes
love-song Headword location(s)
lovely (adj.) Old form(s): louely
loving, amorous Headword location(s)
love-prate (n.) Old form(s): loue-prate
love-chatter, amorous talk Headword location(s)
lover (n.) Old form(s): Louer, Louers
companion, comrade, dear friend Headword location(s)
lovered (adj.) Old form(s): louerd
provided with a lover Headword location(s)
loves, of all Old form(s): al loues
for love's sake Headword location(s)
loveshaft (n.) Old form(s): loue-shaft
love-causing arrow Headword location(s)
love-shaked (adj.) Old form(s): Loue-shak'd
lovesick, in such a fever of love Headword location(s)
love-springs (n.) Old form(s): Loue-springs
young shoots of love, youthful growth of love Headword location(s)
love-suit (n.) Old form(s): loue-sute
wooing, courtship see also suit (n.) Headword location(s)
loving (adj.) Old form(s): louing
friendly, loyal, staunch Headword location(s)
low (adj.)
humble, lowly, inferior Headword location(s)
low (adj.)
short, small Headword location(s)
low (adj.) Old form(s): lowe
gentle, mild, not shrill Headword location(s)
low (adv.)
humbly, in a lowly manner Headword location(s)
low (n.) Old form(s): Lowe
lowly person Headword location(s)
low country
lower regions of the body Headword location(s)
low-crooked (adj.)
low-bending, profound Headword location(s)
lower (v.)
see also lour (v.) Headword location(s)
lowering (adj.) Old form(s): lowring
ominous, threatening, gloomy Headword location(s)
lowliness (n.) Old form(s): Lowlynesse
appearance of humility, apparent meekness Headword location(s)
lowly (adj.)
humble, modest, submissive Headword location(s)
lowly (adj.)
laid low, prostrate; or: little, tiny Headword location(s)
lown, loon (n.) Old form(s): Loone, Lowne
rogue, sluggard; worthless idiot Headword location(s)
lowness (n.) Old form(s): lownesse
degradation, abasement, decline Headword location(s)
low-spirited (adj.)
ignoble, abject, cowardly Headword location(s)
loyal (adj.) Old form(s): Loyall
legitimate; faithful Headword location(s)
lozel (n.)
worthless fellow, rogue, scoundrel see also losel (n.) Headword location(s)
lubber (n.)
clumsy dolt, blundering lout Headword location(s)
lubberly (n.)
clumsy, loutish, oafish Headword location(s)
luce (n.)
[heraldry] pike [type of fish] Headword location(s)
Lucifer (n.)
in the Bible, the name of a principal devil; or, the Devil see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
Lucina (n.)
[lu'seena] Roman goddess of childbirth see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
lucky (adj.) Old form(s): luckie
fortunate, successful, prosperous Headword location(s)
lucre (n.)
gain, acquisition, procurement Headword location(s)
lucre (n.)
profit, financial gain Headword location(s)
Lucrece, Lucretia (n.)
[lu'krees] legendary Roman heroine, 6th-c BC, who killed herself after being raped by Tarquin see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Lucrece, Lucretia (n.)
[lu'krees] legendary Roman heroine, 6th-c BC, who killed herself after being raped by Tarquin see also Collatine 1 Headword location(s)
Lucrece, Lucretia (n.)
[lu'krees] legendary Roman heroine, 6th-c BC, who killed herself after being raped by Tarquin see also Tarquin 1 Headword location(s)
Lud's town
old name for London see also London Headword location(s)
luggage (n.)
stuff, trappings, goods Headword location(s)
lugged (adj.) Old form(s): lugg'd
[of bears] baited see also head-lugged (adj.) Headword location(s)
lull (v.)
loll, recline, lounge Headword location(s)
Lumbert Street
Lombard Street, a trading street for merchants, near Monument, London see also London Headword location(s)
lumpish (adj.)
despondent, dejected, in low spirits Headword location(s)
Luna (n.)
one of the titles of the Roman goddess of the Moon see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
lunatic (adj.) Old form(s): Lunaticke
hallucinating, suffering from delusions Headword location(s)
lune (n.)
frenzied fit, tantrum, mad outburst Headword location(s)
Lupercal (n.)
in the Roman calendar, 15 February, the purification feast in honour of Lupercus, god of shepherds see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
lurch (v.) Old form(s): lurcht
rob, cheat Headword location(s)
lure (n.)
[falconry] baited apparatus for recalling a hawk Headword location(s)
lurk (v.)
keep hidden, stay out of sight Headword location(s)
lurk (v.)
idle, loiter, loaf Headword location(s)
lust (n.)
desire, pleasure, delight Headword location(s)
lust-breathed (adj.)
inspired by lust, driven by passion Headword location(s)
lust-dieted (adj.)
pleasure-gorged, self-indulgent Headword location(s)
lustful (adj.) Old form(s): lustfull
lust-arousing Headword location(s)
lustihood (n.) Old form(s): lustyhood
lustiness, youthful vigour, robustness Headword location(s)
lustily (adv.)
vigorously, heartily, with a will Headword location(s)
lustique (adj.)
lusty, lively, sportive Headword location(s)
lustre (n.) Old form(s): luster
light, glory, brilliance Headword location(s)
lustre (n.) Old form(s): luster
gleam, glimmer, flash Headword location(s)
lusty (adj.)
lustful, sensual, sexful Headword location(s)
lusty (adj.) Old form(s): lustie
vigorous, strong, robust, eager see also over-lusty (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
lusty (adj.) Old form(s): lustie
merry, cheerful, lively see also over-lusty (adj.) 2 Headword location(s)
lusty (adj.)
tasty, flavourful, well-flavoured Headword location(s)
lusty (adj.) Old form(s): lustie
pleasing, pleasant, agreeable Headword location(s)
thy light is life to me see also Latin Headword location(s)
luxurious (adj.)
lustful, lecherous, lascivious Headword location(s)
luxuriously (adv.)
lustfully, lecherously, lasciviously Headword location(s)
luxury (n.) Old form(s): Luxurie
lust, lechery, lasciviousness Headword location(s)
Lycurgus (n.)
[liy'kurgus] Spartan legislator, 7th-c BC, legendary for wisdom see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
lym (n.) Old form(s): Hym
[doubtful reading] bloodhound Headword location(s)
Lynn (n.)
King’s Lynn; port in Norfolk see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)

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