If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Icarus (n.)
[pron: 'ikarus] son of Daedalus, who escaped from Crete wearing wings made by his father; ignoring a warning, the wax in his wings melted when he flew too near the Sun, and he fell into the Aegean see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Icarus (n.)
[pron: 'ikarus] son of Daedalus, who escaped from Crete wearing wings made by his father; ignoring a warning, the wax in his wings melted when he flew too near the Sun, and he fell into the Aegean see also Daedalus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
ice (n.) Old form(s): yce
[metaphor for] cold contempt Headword location(s)
Iceland (n.)
country known at the time for its long-haired dogs see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
ides (n.)
[Roman calendar] half-way point in a month Headword location(s)
Ides of March
in the Roman calendar, 15 March, the half-way point through March see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
idiot (n.)
jester, clown, fool Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
careless, inattentive, lax Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
mad, crazy, lunatic Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
useless, barren, worthless Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
empty, unoccupied, inactive Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
bored, jaded, wearied Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
inactive, unmoving, inert Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
frivolous, capricious, wanton Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
trifling, unimportant, trivial Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
uninhabited, empty; or: barren, sterile Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
foolish, stupid, empty-headed Headword location(s)
idle (adj.)
foolish, superstitious, fanciful Headword location(s)
idle-headed (adj.)
ignorant, foolish, superstitious Headword location(s)
idleness (n.) Old form(s): idlenesse
pastime, foolishness, silly diversion Headword location(s)
idly (adv.) Old form(s): idlely
indifferently, half-heartedly, unenthusiastically Headword location(s)
idly (adv.) Old form(s): idlely
foolishly, crazily, frivolously Headword location(s)
idly (adv.) Old form(s): idely , idlely
without paying attention, casually Headword location(s)
if (conj.)
as long as Headword location(s)
if (conj.)
[in combination] see also an if (conj.) Headword location(s)
if for (conj.)
because Headword location(s)
if that (conj.)
if Headword location(s)
ignis fatuus
[Latin] fool's fire see also Latin Headword location(s)
ignobly (adv.)
dishonourably, shamefully, badly Headword location(s)
ignomy (n.) Old form(s): Ignomie , ignominie
ignominy, dishonour, shame Headword location(s)
ignorance (n.)
negligence, obtuseness, lack of understanding Headword location(s)
ignorance (n.)
ignoramus, example of ignorance Headword location(s)
ignorant (adj.)
dull, unwitting, simple-minded Headword location(s)
ignorant (adj.)
that keeps one in ignorance Headword location(s)
ignorant (n.)
[those who are] unaware, unconscious Headword location(s)
'ild, 'ield, dild (v.) Old form(s): dil'd , eyld
[form of ‘yield’] reward, repay, requite see also Politeness Headword location(s)
Ilion, Ilium (n.)
poetic names for the city of Troy see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Ilion, Ilium (n.)
poetic names for the city of Troy see also Troy (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
ill (adj.)
unskilful, inexpert, unskilled Headword location(s)
ill (adj.)
evil, wicked, immoral Headword location(s)
ill (adj.)
poor, inadequate, miserable Headword location(s)
ill (adj.) Old form(s): il
bad, adverse, unfavourable see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
ill (adj.)
sick, indisposed, unwell Headword location(s)
ill (adj.)
annoyed, cross, vexed Headword location(s)
ill (adv.) Old form(s): il
badly, adversely, unfavourably see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
ill (adv.)
imperfectly, poorly, to ill effect Headword location(s)
ill (n.)
illness, malady, affliction Headword location(s)
ill (n.) Old form(s): illes
trouble, affliction, misfortune Headword location(s)
ill (n.) Old form(s): il , illes
wrong, injury, harm, evil Headword location(s)
ill-annexed (adj.) Old form(s): ill annexed
badly added, adversely attached Headword location(s)
ill-beseeming (adj.) Old form(s): ill beseeming
unseemly, inappropriate, unbecoming see also well-beseeming (adj.) Headword location(s)
ill-boding (adj.) Old form(s): ill-boading
inauspicious, predicting evil, prophesying doom Headword location(s)
ill-breeding (adj.) Old form(s): ill breeding
mischief-making, discontented Headword location(s)
ill-composed (adj.) Old form(s): ill-compos'd
made up of wicked elements Headword location(s)
ill-dispersing (adj.) Old form(s): ill dispersing
evil-scattering, spreading wickedness Headword location(s)
ill-disposed (adj.) Old form(s): ill dispos'd
badly arranged, poorly presented see also disposed (adj.) Headword location(s)
ill-disposed (adj.) Old form(s): ill dispos'd
indisposed, unwell, under the weather Headword location(s)
ill-divining (adj.) Old form(s): ill Diuining
giving premonitions of harm, ominously prophesying Headword location(s)
ill-erected (adj.)
built for wicked ends Headword location(s)
ill-favoured (adj.) Old form(s): illfauourd, ill-fauourd , ill-fauour'd , illfauour'd
ugly, unattractive, unsightly Headword location(s)
ill-favouredly (adv.) Old form(s): Ill-fauoredly , ill-fauouredly
badly, unpleasingly, offensively Headword location(s)
ill-favouredly (adv.) Old form(s): illfauouredly
with plain features, unattractively Headword location(s)
ill-inhabited (adj.)
badly housed, poorly accommodated Headword location(s)
ill-left (adj.) Old form(s): ill left
badly equipped; or: left in disorder Headword location(s)
illness (n.) Old form(s): illnesse
wickedness, evil conduct, badness Headword location(s)
ill-nurtured (adj.) Old form(s): ill-nurter'd
ill-bred, badly brought up Headword location(s)
illo (int.)
falconer's cry to bring a hawk down see also Sounds Headword location(s)
illo (int.)
falconer's cry to bring a hawk down see also hillo, illo (int.) 1 Headword location(s)
ill-roasted (adj.) Old form(s): ill roasted
badly cooked Headword location(s)
ill-rooted (adj.) Old form(s): ill rooted
unstable, unsteady, likely to fall down Headword location(s)
ill-seeming (adj.) Old form(s): ill seeming
of ugly appearance, unpleasant to look at Headword location(s)
ill-sheathed (adj.)
badly sheathed Headword location(s)
ill-sorted (adv.)
badly matched, in bad company Headword location(s)
ill-spirited (adj.)
evil-hearted, wickedly minded Headword location(s)
ill-ta'en (adj.) Old form(s): ill-ta'ne
[ill-taken] unfounded, unwarranted, badly grounded Headword location(s)
ill-tempered (adj.) Old form(s): ill temper'd
unbalanced, with elements of mood [humours] badly mixed Headword location(s)
ill-tuned (adj.)
harsh-sounding, unmelodious Headword location(s)
illume (v.)
light up, illuminate, brighten Headword location(s)
illusion (n.)
deception, delusion, deceit Headword location(s)
illustrate (adj.)
illustrious, resplendent, renowned Headword location(s)
illustrate (v.)
show, indicate, make evident Headword location(s)
illustrous (adj.) Old form(s): illustrious
lack-lustre, dull, dim Headword location(s)
ill-uttering (adj.) Old form(s): ill vttering
speaking displeasing news, reporting bad tidings Headword location(s)
ill-weaved (adj.) Old form(s): Ill-weau'd
poorly woven Headword location(s)
ill-well (adv.) Old form(s): ill well
wickedly well, cruelly accurately Headword location(s)
ill-wresting (adj.) Old form(s): ill wresting
twisting the truth, turning to disadvantage Headword location(s)
Illyria (n.)
E seaboard of the Adriatic and its hinterland (Dalmatia); in modern Croatia see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Illyria (n.)
E seaboard of the Adriatic and its hinterland (Dalmatia); in modern Croatia see also Dalmatians 1 Headword location(s)
image (n.)
representation, depiction, portrayal Headword location(s)
image (n.)
embodiment, instance, form Headword location(s)
image (n.)
effigy, statue, sculpture Headword location(s)
image (n.)
personal likeness, semblance Headword location(s)
image (n.)
idea, conception, mental picture Headword location(s)
image (n.)
appearance, aspect, countenance Headword location(s)
imagery (n.)
decorated cloth, painted fabric Headword location(s)
imaginary (adj.) Old form(s): imaginarie
imaginative, creative, of the imagination Headword location(s)
imagination (n.)
delusion, fancy, imagining Headword location(s)
imagination (n.)
thought, soul-searching, introspection Headword location(s)
imagine (v.) Old form(s): Imagin
guess, think, consider Headword location(s)
imagine (v.)
conceive, devise, plan Headword location(s)
imagined (adj.)
of imagination, conceived in the mind Headword location(s)
imagined (adj.) Old form(s): imagin'd
all imaginable, as much as can be conceived Headword location(s)
imbar, imbare (v.) Old form(s): imbarre
[unclear meaning] bar, exclude; reveal, demonstrate Headword location(s)
imbecility (n.)
physical weakness, feebleness, puniness Headword location(s)
imbrue, embrue (v.) Old form(s): embrew
pierce, stab, stain with blood Headword location(s)
imitation (n.)
artificiality, unoriginal notion Headword location(s)
immanity (n.)
enormous barbarity, atrocious cruelty Headword location(s)
immask (v.) Old form(s): immaske
hide, disguise, cover [as with a mask] Headword location(s)
immaterial (adj.) Old form(s): immateriall
flimsy, slight, of little substance Headword location(s)
immediacy (n.) Old form(s): immediacie
position closest to the sovereign, being next in standing Headword location(s)
immediate (adj.)
close in succession, proximate, direct Headword location(s)
immediate (adj.)
cherished, nearest the heart Headword location(s)
immediately (adv.)
directly, instantly, without delay Headword location(s)
imminence (n.)
impending evil, approaching peril Headword location(s)
immodest (adj.)
arrogant, insolent, shameless Headword location(s)
immodest (adj.)
improper, immoderate, inordinate Headword location(s)
immoment (adj.)
unimportant, trifling, of no consequence Headword location(s)
immure (n.) Old form(s): emures
wall Headword location(s)
immured (adj.) Old form(s): emured , immur'd
walled up, enclosed, confined Headword location(s)
imp (n.) Old form(s): Impe
child, scion, son Headword location(s)
imp out (v.) Old form(s): Impe
[of a falcon's wing] repair, insert feathers into Headword location(s)
impaint (v.)
depict, portray, paint a picture of Headword location(s)
impair (adj.) Old form(s): impaire
[unclear meaning] unworthy, dishonourable; harmful, injurious Headword location(s)
impale, empale (v.)
encircle, enclose, ring Headword location(s)
impall (v.)
enfold, wrap in [as if with a pall = robe] Headword location(s)
impannel, empannel (v.)
enrol, oblige to appear in a court Headword location(s)
impart (v.)
tell, make known, communicate Headword location(s)
impart (v.)
bestow, give, grant Headword location(s)
impart (v.)
provide, yield, make available Headword location(s)
impartial (adj.) Old form(s): impartiall
indifferent, disinterested, detached Headword location(s)
impartment (n.)
communication, imparting of information Headword location(s)
impasted (adj.)
made into a paste, crusted Headword location(s)
impatience (n.)
lack of composure, failure to bear suffering well Headword location(s)
impatience (n.)
anger, rage, fury Headword location(s)
impatient (adj.)
angry, irate, incensed Headword location(s)
impatient (adj.)
frustrated, restless, eagerly longing Headword location(s)
impawn (v.) Old form(s): impon'd
wager, pledge, stake Headword location(s)
impawn (v.) Old form(s): impawnd, impawn'd, impawne
pledge as security, put in pawn, commit Headword location(s)
impeach (n.)
disparagement, reproach [to], detraction [from] Headword location(s)
impeach (n.)
charge, accusation, indictment Headword location(s)
impeach (v.) Old form(s): impeach'd, impeacht
accuse, charge, challenge Headword location(s)
impeach (v.)
discredit, disparage, call into question Headword location(s)
impeachment (n.)
charge, accusation, indictment Headword location(s)
impeachment (n.)
discredit, reproach, detriment Headword location(s)
impeachment (n.)
impediment, hindrance, obstacle Headword location(s)
impediment (n.)
obstruction, hindrance, obstacle Headword location(s)
imperator (n.) Old form(s): Emperator
emperor, absolute ruler, sovereign Headword location(s)
imperceiverant (adj.) Old form(s): imperseuerant
[unclear meaning] unperceptive, undiscerning see also imperseverant (adj.) Headword location(s)
imperfect (adj.)
faulty, lacking in character Headword location(s)
imperfect (adj.)
unfinished, incomplete Headword location(s)
imperfect (adj.)
unclear, equivocal, inexplicit Headword location(s)
imperial (adj.) Old form(s): Imperiall
commanding, authoritative, unquestioned Headword location(s)
imperial (n.) Old form(s): Imperialls
emperor, imperial personage Headword location(s)
imperious, emperious (adj.)
imperial, majestic, sovereign Headword location(s)
imperiously (adv.)
majestically, with a commanding manner Headword location(s)
imperseverant (adj.) Old form(s): imperseuerant
[unclear meaning] stubborn, obstinate see also imperceiverant (adj.) Headword location(s)
impertinency (n.)
irrelevance, nonsense, senselessness Headword location(s)
impertinent (adj.)
irrelevant, beside the point Headword location(s)
impertinent (adj.)
malapropism for ‘pertinent’ Headword location(s)
impetticoat, impeticos (v.)
pocket up Headword location(s)
impious (adj.)
lacking reverence towards God, wicked, irreligious Headword location(s)
impiteous (adj.) Old form(s): impittious
impetuous, violent, pitiless Headword location(s)
impleached (adj.)
entwined, intertwined, interwoven see also empleached (adj.) Headword location(s)
implement (n.)
furnishing, instrument, chattel Headword location(s)
implorator (n.)
one who implores or entreats, supplicator, solicitor Headword location(s)
imply (v.) Old form(s): Employ
insinuate, suggest the involvement of Headword location(s)
import (n.)
importance, significance, consequence Headword location(s)
import (v.)
represent, depict, indicate Headword location(s)
import (v.)
signify, mean, suggest Headword location(s)
import (v.)
portend, signify, predict Headword location(s)
import (v.)
be of importance to, concern, matter to Headword location(s)
import (v.)
involve as a consequence, carry along Headword location(s)
importance (n.)
import, subject-matter Headword location(s)
importance (n.)
urgent request, urging, encouragement Headword location(s)
importancy (n.) Old form(s): importancie
importance, significance Headword location(s)
important (adj.)
urgent, pressing, demanding, importunate Headword location(s)
importantly (adv.)
with matters of importance Headword location(s)
importing (adj.)
expressing significance, full of import Headword location(s)
importing (prep.)
concerning, regarding, relating to Headword location(s)
importless (adj.) Old form(s): importlesse
trivial, unimportant, insignificant Headword location(s)
importment (n.)
[unclear meaning] importance, significance Headword location(s)
importment (n.)
fit of passion, state of emotion see also emportment (n.) Headword location(s)
importunacy (n.) Old form(s): importunacie
importunity, urgent solicitation, pressing entreaty Headword location(s)
importunate (adj.) Old form(s): importunat
persistent, pressing, insistent Headword location(s)
importune (v.) Old form(s): importun'd
urge, press Headword location(s)
importune (v.) Old form(s): importun'd
beg [for], ask persistently [for] Headword location(s)
importuned (adj.)
beseeching, pleading, imploring Headword location(s)
importunity (n.) Old form(s): importunitie
persistent solicitation, troublesome persistence Headword location(s)
impose (n.)
imposition, command, imposed duty Headword location(s)
impose (v.)
subject, put Headword location(s)
imposition (n.)
extra burden, additional demand Headword location(s)
imposition (n.)
imposed penalty, burden, weight Headword location(s)
imposition (n.)
accusation, charge, imputation Headword location(s)
imposition (n.)
order, charge, command Headword location(s)
impossible (adj.)
incredible, inconceivable, preposterous Headword location(s)
imposthume (n.)
abscess, putrid swelling Headword location(s)
imposture (n.)
impostor, fraud Headword location(s)
impotence (n.)
helplessness, powerlessness, decrepitude Headword location(s)
impotent (adj.)
helpless, powerless, decrepit Headword location(s)
imprese (n.) Old form(s): Impresse
crest, heraldic device, emblem Headword location(s)
impress (n.) Old form(s): Impresse
conscription, enforced service Headword location(s)
impress (n.) Old form(s): impresse
impression, stamp, sense Headword location(s)
impress (v.) Old form(s): impresse
conscript, enlist, force into service Headword location(s)
impress (v.) Old form(s): imprest
imprint, engrave, stamp [as by a seal] Headword location(s)
impressed (adj.) Old form(s): imprest
conscripted, forced to enlist Headword location(s)
impression (n.)
indentation, depth of presence Headword location(s)
impression (n.)
shape, resemblance, appearance Headword location(s)
impressure (n.)
imprint, impression, indentation, stamp Headword location(s)
imprimis (adv.) Old form(s): Inprimis
in the first place Headword location(s)
improper (adj.)
unfitting, unsuitable, inappropriate Headword location(s)
improve (v.) Old form(s): improue
employ to advantage, make good use of Headword location(s)
improvident (adj.) Old form(s): Improuident
shortsighted, lacking foresight, careless Headword location(s)
impudency (n.)
impudence, effrontery, presumption Headword location(s)
impudent (adj.)
shameless, immodest, unblushing Headword location(s)
impugn (v.) Old form(s): impugnes
call into question, dispute the validity of Headword location(s)
imputation (n.)
reputation, prestige, estimation Headword location(s)
impute (v.)
regard, consider, reckon Headword location(s)
in (adv.)
in prison Headword location(s)
in (adv.)
into the dressing-room at the back of the stage see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
in (adv.)
in an inebriated state, drunk Headword location(s)
in (prep.)
at Headword location(s)
in (prep.)
by Headword location(s)
in (prep.)
into Headword location(s)
in (prep.)
of Headword location(s)
in (prep.)
on Headword location(s)
in (prep.)
within Headword location(s)
in (prep.)
in the same situation Headword location(s)
in (v.) Old form(s): Inne
gather in, bring in, harvest Headword location(s)
in capite
as a head see also Latin Headword location(s)
in hac...
in this hope I live see also Latin Headword location(s)
in terram...
no woman shall succeed in Salic land see also Latin Headword location(s)
in via
in way see also Latin Headword location(s)
in-a-door (adv.) Old form(s): in a dore
indoors Headword location(s)
inaidible (adj.) Old form(s): inaydible
unable to be assisted, incapable of being helped Headword location(s)
incaged (adj.)
encaged, caged up see also encaged (adj.) Headword location(s)
incapable (adj.) Old form(s): Incapeable
insensible, unconscious, incomprehending Headword location(s)
incapable of (adj.)
unable to take in, unable to hold Headword location(s)
incardinate (adj.)
malapropism for ‘incarnate’ Headword location(s)
incarnadine (v.)
redden, turn blood-red Headword location(s)
incarnation (n.)
malapropism for ‘incarnate’ Headword location(s)
incense (v.) Old form(s): Incens'd
incite, urge, set on see also insense (v.) Headword location(s)
incensed (adj.) Old form(s): insenced
inflamed, angered, enraged Headword location(s)
incensement (n.)
anger, wrath, fury Headword location(s)
incensing (adj.)
anger-arousing, inflaming with wrath Headword location(s)
incertain (adj.) Old form(s): incertaine
uncertain, doubtful, dubious Headword location(s)
incertain (adj.) Old form(s): Incertaine
uncertain, needing guidance, in a doubtful state Headword location(s)
incertainty (n.) Old form(s): in-certainty, Incertenties
uncertainty Headword location(s)
incessantly (adv.)
instantly, immediately, without delay see also successantly (adv.) Headword location(s)
inch, at an Old form(s): ynch
very closely, instantly ready [to act] Headword location(s)
incharitable (adj.)
uncharitable Headword location(s)
inches, by
very gradually, bit by bit, by small degrees Headword location(s)
inches, even to his Old form(s): Euen
every inch of him, from top to toe Headword location(s)
inch-meal, by (adv.) Old form(s): ynch-meale
inch by inch, little by little Headword location(s)
incidency (n.) Old form(s): incidencie
incident, event, occurrence Headword location(s)
incident (adj.)
likely to happen, applicable, natural Headword location(s)
incision (n.)
blood-letting Headword location(s)
incite (v.)
urge, prompt, summon Headword location(s)
incivil (adj.) Old form(s): inciuill
uncivil, unmannerly, discourteous Headword location(s)
inclination (n.)
character, temperament, disposition Headword location(s)
incline (v.)
turn, be disposed, desire Headword location(s)
incline to (v.)
lean towards, favour, support Headword location(s)
inclining (adj.) Old form(s): inclyning
compliant, sympathetic, submissive Headword location(s)
inclining (n.)
party, following, faction Headword location(s)
inclining (n.)
favour, partiality, indulgence Headword location(s)
inclip (v.) Old form(s): inclippes
embrace, enclose, enfold Headword location(s)
include (v.)
conclude, settle, bring to a close Headword location(s)
inclusive (adj.) Old form(s): inclusiue
enclosing, encircling, encompassing Headword location(s)
inclusive (adj.) Old form(s): inclusiue
comprehensive, all-embracing, extensive Headword location(s)
income (n.)
arrival, advent, entrance Headword location(s)
incomprehensible (adj.)
boundless, infinite, beyond comprehension Headword location(s)
inconsiderate (adj.)
thoughtless, precipitate, reckless Headword location(s)
inconsiderate (n.)
unthinking person, ignorant being Headword location(s)
incontinence (n.)
lacking self-restraint, indulgence [in the pleasures of the flesh] Headword location(s)
incontinency (n.) Old form(s): incontinencie
lack of sexual restraint, sexual indulgence, infidelity Headword location(s)
incontinent (adj.)
unchaste, unable to restrain oneself Headword location(s)
incontinent (adv.)
immediately, forthwith, at once Headword location(s)
incontinently (adv.)
immediately, at once, forthwith Headword location(s)
inconvenience (n.) Old form(s): inconuenience, inconueniences
harm, troublesome disadvantage Headword location(s)
inconvenient (adj.) Old form(s): inconuenient
unsuitable, inappropriate, out of place Headword location(s)
incony (adj.) Old form(s): inconie , in-conie
fine, darling, rare Headword location(s)
incorporal (adj.)
incorporeal, insubstantial, immaterial Headword location(s)
incorporate (adj.) Old form(s): incorparate
united in one body, combined in one entity Headword location(s)
incorporate (v.)
make one body [of], unite Headword location(s)
incorpsed (adj.) Old form(s): encorps't
made into one body, incorporated, fused Headword location(s)
incorrect (adj.)
behaving in a contrary way, uncorrected Headword location(s)
increase (n.) Old form(s): encrease
produce, growth, yield, crop Headword location(s)
increase (n.) Old form(s): encrease
offspring, descendants, procreation Headword location(s)
increaseful (adj.) Old form(s): increasefull
productive, fruitful, multiplying Headword location(s)
incredulous (adj.)
incredible, unbelievable Headword location(s)
Ind (n.)
[pron: ind] the East Indies, thought of as a region of great wealth see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Inde (n.)
[pron: ind, iynd] India see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
indent (n.)
indentation, gouge, recess Headword location(s)
indent (v.)
bargain, covenant, make an agreement Headword location(s)
indent (v.)
move in a zigzag, double back Headword location(s)
indented (adj.)
sinuous, zigzag, undulating Headword location(s)
indenture (n.)
(plural) [legal] joint agreement, articles of agreement Headword location(s)
indenture (n.)
contract, agreement Headword location(s)
index (n.)
prologue, preface, table of contents Headword location(s)
Indian (adj.)
dark-complexioned, dark-haired Headword location(s)
indict (v.) Old form(s): indite
charge, convict, accuse Headword location(s)
indictment (n.)
legal document containing a charge Headword location(s)
Indies (n.)
the East Indies, thought of as a region of great wealth see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
indifferency (n.)
ordinariness, average character Headword location(s)
indifferency (n.)
impartiality, moderation, equity Headword location(s)
indifferent (adj.)
average, ordinary, typical Headword location(s)
indifferent (adj.)
unconcerned, without a preference Headword location(s)
indifferent (adj.)
impartial, unbiased, neutral Headword location(s)
indifferent (adj.)
not different, identical, same Headword location(s)
indifferent (adv.)
moderately, tolerably, reasonably Headword location(s)
indifferent (adv.)
equally, alike, correspondingly Headword location(s)
indifferently (adv.)
to some extent, fairly well Headword location(s)
indifferently (adv.)
impartially, equally, alike Headword location(s)
indigest (adj.)
shapeless, deformed, crude Headword location(s)
indigest (n.)
shapeless mass, confused situation Headword location(s)
indigested (adj.)
improperly formed, uncompleted Headword location(s)
indign (adj.) Old form(s): indigne
unworthy, shameful, dishonourable Headword location(s)
indirect (adj.)
roundabout, devious, oblique Headword location(s)
indirect (adj.)
deceitful, not straightforward, dishonest Headword location(s)
indirection (n.)
roundabout means, indirect approach Headword location(s)
indirection (n.)
devious means, malpractice Headword location(s)
indirectly (adv.)
inattentively, distractedly, away from the point Headword location(s)
indirectly (adv.)
wrongfully, unjustly, illegitimately Headword location(s)
indiscretion (n.)
lack of judgement, recklessness Headword location(s)
indisposition (n.)
unwillingness, reluctance, disinclination Headword location(s)
indistinguishable (adj.)
shapeless, misshapen, disfigured Headword location(s)
indistinguished, undistinguished (adj.) Old form(s): indinguish'd
limitless, unimaginable, beyond apprehension Headword location(s)
indite (v.)
malapropism for ‘invite’ Headword location(s)
indite (v.)
write, compose, set down Headword location(s)
individable (adj.) Old form(s): indiuidible
indivisible [with no changes in the location of action]; or: unclassifiable Headword location(s)
indrenched (adj.) Old form(s): indrench'd
drowned, immersed, submerged Headword location(s)
indubitate (adj.)
certain, undoubted, undeniable Headword location(s)
induce (v.) Old form(s): Induc'd
move, persuade, prevail upon Headword location(s)
inducement (n.)
temptation, bad influence, persuasiveness Headword location(s)
inducement (n.)
influential reason, persuasive cause Headword location(s)
induction (n.) Old form(s): INDVCTION
opening scene [of a play], initial step, preparation Headword location(s)
indue, endue (v.)
endow, furnish, provide Headword location(s)
indue, endue (v.)
introduce, lead, bring Headword location(s)
indued, endued (adj.)
endowed, supplied [with appropriate qualities] Headword location(s)
indurance, endurance (n.) Old form(s): enduraunce
distressing delay, hardship Headword location(s)
indurate (adj.)
[Q variant] callous, hardened, obstinate Headword location(s)
industrious (adj.)
devoted, zealous, attentive Headword location(s)
industrious (adj.)
ingenious, skilful, clever Headword location(s)
industriously (adv.)
intentionally, deliberately, purposely Headword location(s)
industry (n.)
diligence, earnestness, steady application Headword location(s)
industry (n.) Old form(s): Industrie
toil, labour, exertion Headword location(s)
industry (n.) Old form(s): industrie
laborious gallantry, assiduity in service to a lady Headword location(s)
inequality (n.)
[unclear meaning] difference of rank, social disparity; injustice, partiality Headword location(s)
inevitable Old form(s): ineuitable
unavoidable, unable to be averted Headword location(s)
inexecrable (adj.)
inexorable, unmoveable, relentless; or: execrable, accursed, damnable Headword location(s)
inexorable (adj.)
merciless, relentlessly severe Headword location(s)
infallible (adj.)
unquestionable, definite, certain Headword location(s)
infallibly (adv.)
accurately, precisely, faithfully Headword location(s)
infamonize (v.)
brand with infamy, defame Headword location(s)
infamy (n.)
bad report, terrible reputation Headword location(s)
infant (n.)
young plant [figurative use] Headword location(s)
infect (v.)
affect, influence, stir Headword location(s)
infected (adj.)
affected, artificial, put on Headword location(s)
infection (n.) Old form(s): infectiō
malapropism for ‘affection’ Headword location(s)
infection (n.)
contamination, rottenness, bad influence Headword location(s)
infer (v.) Old form(s): inferr'd, Inferre
adduce, bring up, put forward Headword location(s)
infer (v.) Old form(s): inferre
imply, demonstrate, illustrate Headword location(s)
infest (v.)
harass, trouble, assail Headword location(s)
infinite (n.)
infinity, infinite quantity, eternity Headword location(s)
infinite (n.)
immensity, magnitude, vastness Headword location(s)
infinitive (adj.) Old form(s): infinitiue
malapropism for ‘infinite’ Headword location(s)
infirmity (n.)
defect, flaw, weakness Headword location(s)
infirmity (n.) Old form(s): infirmitie
indisposition, illness, malady Headword location(s)
infix (v.) Old form(s): enfixing
implant, fasten onto Headword location(s)
infixed (adj.)
captured, caught, firmly held Headword location(s)
inflame (v.)
increase, raise, charge extra Headword location(s)
inflamed (adj.) Old form(s): enflam'd
fervent, glowing, ardent Headword location(s)
inflamed (adj.) Old form(s): enflam'd
engulfed with fire Headword location(s)
inflammation (n.)
inflamed senses, heated condition [through drinking] Headword location(s)
inflict (v.)
afflict, trouble, plague Headword location(s)
infliction (n.)
being inflicted, implementation, enforcement Headword location(s)
infold (v.)
enfold, wrap up, conceal Headword location(s)
inform (v.)
provide evidence, bring a charge Headword location(s)
inform (v.) Old form(s): informe
report, relate, tell Headword location(s)
inform (v.) Old form(s): informes
take form, appear in a shape Headword location(s)
inform (v.) Old form(s): informe
invest with, inspire in, impart to Headword location(s)
informal (adj.) Old form(s): informall
demented, mentally disturbed Headword location(s)
information (n.)
source of knowledge, informant Headword location(s)
information (n.)
item of information, piece of intelligence Headword location(s)
infortunate (adj.)
unfortunate Headword location(s)
infuse (v.) Old form(s): infus'd
pour into, shed on, radiate upon Headword location(s)
infuse (v.)
fill, imbue, pervade Headword location(s)
infusion (n.)
mixture of qualities, combination of attributes Headword location(s)
infusion (n.)
natural characteristic, tincture, liquid extract Headword location(s)
ingaged (adj.) Old form(s): ingag'd
engaged [to her]; or: not promised [to anyone else] Headword location(s)
ingener (n.)
inventor, designer, creator see also engineer (n.) Headword location(s)
ingenious (adj.) Old form(s): ingennous
alert, fully conscious, intelligent, capable Headword location(s)
ingenious (adj.) Old form(s): ingenuous
skilfully constructed, cleverly invented Headword location(s)
ingenious (adj.)
[unclear meaning] lacking all ability, stupid Headword location(s)
ingenious (adj.)
intellectual, refined, in liberal arts Headword location(s)
ingeniously (adv.)
honestly, with all sincerity, without reserve Headword location(s)
inglorious (adj.)
shameful, humiliating, ignominious Headword location(s)
ingot (n.)
bar of precious metal, gold bar Headword location(s)
ingot (n.)
coin, piece Headword location(s)
ingraft, engraffed (adj.)
ingrafted, ingrained, deep-rooted see also long-ingraffed (adj.) Headword location(s)
ingraft, engraffed (adj.) Old form(s): ingraffed
closely attached, associated [with] Headword location(s)
ingraft, engraft (v.)
graft in, insert new growth into Headword location(s)
ingrafted, engrafted (adj.)
deep-rooted, firmly implanted Headword location(s)
ingrafted, engrafted (adj.)
closely fastened, firmly fixed Headword location(s)
ingrate (adj.)
ungrateful, unthankful, unappreciative Headword location(s)
ingrateful (adj.) Old form(s): ingratefull
unacceptable, displeasing, disagreeable Headword location(s)
ingrateful (adj.) Old form(s): ingratefull
ungrateful, unappreciative Headword location(s)
ingratitude (n.)
act of ingratitude, ungrateful response Headword location(s)
ingredience (n.) Old form(s): Ingredient
composition, ingredients, contents Headword location(s)
inhabit (v.)
lodge, dwell, reside Headword location(s)
inhabitable (adj.)
uninhabitable, unlivable Headword location(s)
inhearse (v.) Old form(s): inhearce
bury, place in a coffin Headword location(s)
inhearsed (adj.) Old form(s): inherced
as if in a coffin Headword location(s)
inherent (adj.)
fixed, irremovable, permanent Headword location(s)
inherit (v.)
realize, come to fruition Headword location(s)
inherit (v.) Old form(s): inherite
put in possession of, provide [with] Headword location(s)
inherit (v.)
receive, obtain, come into possession [of] Headword location(s)
inherit (v.)
possess, hold power over Headword location(s)
inherit (v.)
occupy, inhabit, live on Headword location(s)
inherit (v.)
secure, win, get possession of Headword location(s)
inheritance (n.)
acquiring, obtaining, winning Headword location(s)
inheritor (n.) Old form(s): inheritour
owner, possessor, acquirer Headword location(s)
inheritrix (n.)
female inheritor, heiress Headword location(s)
inhibited (adj.)
prohibited, forbidden, proscribed Headword location(s)
inhibition (n.)
formal prohibition, official ban [from playing in the city] Headword location(s)
inhooped (adj.) Old form(s): in hoopt
[cock-fighting] kept within a hoop [to make birds fight] Headword location(s)
iniquity (n.) Old form(s): iniquitie
piece of wickedness, little devil Headword location(s)
Iniquity (n.)
comic character representing vice in morality plays see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
initiate (adj.)
novice, beginner's, as of one newly initiated Headword location(s)
injoint (v.) Old form(s): inioynted
unite, join up, come together Headword location(s)
injunction (n.) Old form(s): Iniunction
order, directive, command Headword location(s)
injurious (adj.) Old form(s): Iniurious
insulting, slanderous, offensive Headword location(s)
injurious (adj.) Old form(s): Iniurious
causing injury, harmful, offending, unjust Headword location(s)
injury (n.) Old form(s): iniurie , Iniuries, Iniury
grievance, wrong, complaint Headword location(s)
injury (n.) Old form(s): iniuries , iniury
insult, affront, slight Headword location(s)
injury (n.) Old form(s): iniurie
sore, abscess, boil Headword location(s)
injury (n.) Old form(s): iniurie
taunting, injuring, injuriousness Headword location(s)
injury (v.) Old form(s): iniur'd
injure, wrong, do injustice to [Q2 variant] Headword location(s)
inkhorn (adj.) Old form(s): Inke-horne
pedantic, book-scribbling Headword location(s)
inkle (n.) Old form(s): Inckle, Inckles, yncle
kind of linen tape, yarn Headword location(s)
inland (adj.)
cultured, brought up in society, not rustic Headword location(s)
inland (adj.) Old form(s): in-land
internal, inner Headword location(s)
inland (adv.) Old form(s): in-land
in civilized society, not rustic Headword location(s)
inlay (v.) Old form(s): in-lay
furnish, provide, take one's place in Headword location(s)
inly (adj.)
inward, internal, heartfelt Headword location(s)
inly (adv.)
inwardly, deep within Headword location(s)
innocency (n.) Old form(s): Innocencie
innocence Headword location(s)
innocent (adj.)
silly, half-witted, foolish Headword location(s)
innocent (n.) Old form(s): Inocent
simpleton, dimwit, mental defective Headword location(s)
innovation (n.) Old form(s): Innouation
new fashion; or: insurrection Headword location(s)
innovation (n.) Old form(s): Innouation, inouation
revolution, disturbance, commotion Headword location(s)
innovator (n.) Old form(s): Innouator
revolutionary, radical, rebel Headword location(s)
innumerable (adj.) Old form(s): inumerable
incalculable, countless, immense Headword location(s)
inobled (adj.)
F alternative to 'mobled' see also mobled (adj.) Headword location(s)
inoculate (v.) Old form(s): innocculate
engraft, graft into Headword location(s)
inordinate (adj.)
immoderate, intemperate, excessive see also unordinate (adj.) Headword location(s)
inquire (n.) Old form(s): enquire
inquiry, enquiry Headword location(s)
inquire forth (v.) Old form(s): enquire
seek out, ask after one's whereabouts Headword location(s)
inquisition (n.)
inquiry, search, questioning Headword location(s)
inquisitive (adj.) Old form(s): inquisitiue
eager for information, seeking knowledge Headword location(s)
insane (adj.)
causing madness, producing insanity Headword location(s)
insanie (n.)
frenzy, madness, lunacy Headword location(s)
insatiate, unsatiate (adj.) Old form(s): vnsatiate
insatiable, never satisfied, voracious Headword location(s)
insconce (v.)
protect, conceal, shelter see also ensconce (v.) Headword location(s)
inscroll (v.) Old form(s): inscrold
enter on a scroll, inscribe Headword location(s)
insculp (v.) Old form(s): insculpt
carve, engrave Headword location(s)
insculpture (n.)
inscription, engraving Headword location(s)
inseemed (adj.)
greasy, slimy see also enseamed (adj.) Headword location(s)
insense (v.) Old form(s): Incenst
make understand, inform Headword location(s)
insensible (adj.)
incapable of being perceived by the senses Headword location(s)
inseparate (adj.) Old form(s): inseperate
undivided, united, conjoined Headword location(s)
insert again Old form(s): againe
put in place of, substitute [with] Headword location(s)
inshell (v.) Old form(s): In-shell'd
draw in, withdraw within a shell Headword location(s)
inship (v.)
put on board a ship, embark Headword location(s)
insinewed (adj.)
joined together in strength see also ensinewed (adj.) Headword location(s)
insinuate (v.)
curry favour, work subtly [on], ingratiate oneself Headword location(s)
insinuate (v.)
spread subtly, convey with cunning Headword location(s)
insinuate (v.)
behave subtly, follow an indirect route Headword location(s)
insinuate (v.)
turn, introduce [to], instil [with] Headword location(s)
insinuating (adj.)
ingratiating, fawning, obsequious Headword location(s)
insinuation (n.)
ingratiation, worming their way in Headword location(s)
insinuation (n.)
beginning, instilling, suggestion Headword location(s)
insisture (n.)
[unclear meaning] steady continuance, constancy, regularity Headword location(s)
insociable (adj.)
unsociable, lacking the benefits of society Headword location(s)
insociable (adj.)
intolerable, impossible to associate with Headword location(s)
insolence (n.)
overbearing pride, haughtiness, presumptuous arrogance Headword location(s)
insolent (adj.)
proud, haughty, arrogant Headword location(s)
insomuch (conj.)
insofar as Headword location(s)
inspiration (n.)
supernatural power, inspired means Headword location(s)
inspired (adj.)
coming from God, of divine origin Headword location(s)
instalment (n.)
stall, seat where someone is installed Headword location(s)
instance (n.)
reason, motive, cause Headword location(s)
instance (n.)
illustration, example, case Headword location(s)
instance (n.)
sign, evidence, proof Headword location(s)
instance (n.)
presence, appearance; or: urgency Headword location(s)
instance (n.)
moment, point in time Headword location(s)
instant (adj.)
immediately raisable, quickly mobilized Headword location(s)
instant (adj.)
immediate, direct Headword location(s)
instant (adj.)
imminent, impending, close at hand Headword location(s)
instant (adj.)
urgent, pressing, imperative Headword location(s)
instant (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once Headword location(s)
instant, at an
at the same time, simultaneously Headword location(s)
instant, on the
this very instant, as soon as possible Headword location(s)
instantly (adv.)
at once, simultaneously, in a moment Headword location(s)
instate, enstate (v.) Old form(s): en-state
endow, invest, bestow Headword location(s)
insteeped (adj.)
steeped, immersed, soaked Headword location(s)
instinct (n.)
impulse, prompting, urge Headword location(s)
institute (v.)
appoint, name, place in office Headword location(s)
institute (v.)
begin, introduce, set up Headword location(s)
institution (n.)
custom, usage, practice Headword location(s)
instruction (n.)
lesson, education, direction Headword location(s)
instruction (n.)
precept, prompting, conviction Headword location(s)
instruction (n.)
advice, good direction, counsel Headword location(s)
instruction (n.) Old form(s): Iustruction
basis in fact, knowledge, information Headword location(s)
instruction (n.)
prompting, suggestion, insinuation Headword location(s)
instrument (n.)
agent, servant, retainer Headword location(s)
instrument (n.)
organ, faculty, functioning part Headword location(s)
instrument (n.)
agent, means, method Headword location(s)
instrument (n.)
weapon, armament Headword location(s)
insubstantial (adj.) Old form(s): insubstantiall
lacking substance, imaginary, unreal Headword location(s)
insufficience (n.)
insufficiency, inadequacy, deficiencies Headword location(s)
insult (v.)
be insolent, show scorn, triumph scornfully Headword location(s)
insulter (n.)
triumphant boaster, scorner, exulter Headword location(s)
insulting (adj.)
scornfully boasting, contemptuously exulting Headword location(s)
insultment (n.) Old form(s): insulment
insult, contempt, derision Headword location(s)
insuppressive (adj.) Old form(s): insuppressiue
insuppressible, irrepressible, indomitable Headword location(s)
inteemable (adj.) Old form(s): intemible
[debated meaning] unable to be poured out see also intenable (adj.) Headword location(s)
the one upright of life and unstained by crime does not need the javelins or the bow of the Moor see also Latin Headword location(s)
integrity (n.)
unity, wholeness, oneness Headword location(s)
integrity (n.)
undivided devotion, wholehearted sincerity Headword location(s)
intellect (n.)
purport, meaning, contents Headword location(s)
intellectual (adj.)
which gives intellect, intelligent Headword location(s)
intelligence (n.)
communication, discourse, conversation Headword location(s)
intelligence (n.)
spying, espionage, secretly obtained information Headword location(s)
intelligence (n.)
information, news, communication Headword location(s)
intelligence (n.)
source of information, secret service Headword location(s)
intelligencer (n.)
secret agent, spy, operative Headword location(s)
intelligencer (n.)
messenger, informant, bringer of news Headword location(s)
intelligencing (adj.)
spying, acting as go-between Headword location(s)
intelligent (adj.)
communicative, forthcoming, candid Headword location(s)
intelligent (adj.)
bearing intelligence, giving inside information Headword location(s)
intemperance (n.) Old form(s): intemperature
wild behaviour, lack of restraint see also intemperature (n.) Headword location(s)
intemperate (adj.) Old form(s): intemprat
excessive, immoderate, inordinate Headword location(s)
intemperature (n.) Old form(s): intemperature
intemperance, licentiousness see also intemperance (n.) Headword location(s)
intenable (adj.)
[debated meaning] unable to retain see also inteemable (adj.) Headword location(s)
intend (v.)
pretend, convey, purport, profess Headword location(s)
intend (v.)
plan to go, direct one's course Headword location(s)
intend (v.)
[translation of French ‘entendre’] understand Headword location(s)
intend (v.)
plan, arrange, organize Headword location(s)
intend (v.)
mean, imply, suggest Headword location(s)
intend (v.)
be determined to make, plan to take Headword location(s)
intend (v.) Old form(s): tends
tend, incline, be predisposed Headword location(s)
intended (adj.)
extended, enlarged, increased in power Headword location(s)
intendment (n.)
intent, intention, purpose Headword location(s)
intent (n.) Old form(s): entents
intention, purpose, aim see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
intention (n.)
intensity, forceful purpose, powerful direction Headword location(s)
intentively (adv.)
paying continuous attention, with unbroken interest see also distinctively (adv.) Headword location(s)
intercept (v.)
prevent, stop, get rid of Headword location(s)
intercept (v.)
interrupt, break in on, cut off Headword location(s)
intercession (n.)
prayer, plea, entreaty Headword location(s)
intercession (n.)
break, interlude, intermission Headword location(s)
interchange (v.) Old form(s): enterchange
swap, exchange, substitute Headword location(s)
interchangeably (adv.) Old form(s): enterchangeably
in turn, in exchange, reciprocally Headword location(s)
interchangement (n.) Old form(s): enterchangement
interchange, exchange Headword location(s)
interdict (v.)
forbid, prohibit, debar Headword location(s)
interdiction (n.)
prohibition, debarring, forbidding Headword location(s)
interess (v.)
admit, give a share, lay claim Headword location(s)
interest (n.)
valid claim [on], rights of possession [to] Headword location(s)
interest (n.)
personal involvement, special concern Headword location(s)
interest (n.) Old form(s): intrest
property, share, legal right Headword location(s)
interest (n.)
possession, right, title Headword location(s)
interim (n.) Old form(s): Intrim
interval, break, interlude Headword location(s)
interims, by
at intervals, from time to time Headword location(s)
interjoin (v.) Old form(s): inter-ioyne
unite, join with one another Headword location(s)
interlace (v.)
insert, introduce, weave into a design Headword location(s)
interlude, enterlude (n.)
short play, theatrical performance [staged to fill an interval] Headword location(s)
intermission (n.)
interruption; or: pausing Headword location(s)
intermission (n.)
interval of time, delay, interruption Headword location(s)
intermission (n.)
respite, pause, rest Headword location(s)
intermissive (adj.) Old form(s): intermissiue
intermittent, recurrent; or: temporarily interrupted Headword location(s)
intermit (v.)
withhold, suspend, keep back Headword location(s)
interpret (v.)
provide a dialogue [as does a puppeteer on behalf of the puppets] Headword location(s)
interpretation (n.)
rendering, treatment, execution Headword location(s)
interpreter (n.)
commentator, observer, pundit Headword location(s)
interrogatory (n.) Old form(s): intergatories
interrogation, questioning, inquisition Headword location(s)
resistance, hindrance, obstruction Headword location(s)
intertangled (adj.)
intertwined, entwined, interlaced Headword location(s)
intertissued (adj.) Old form(s): enter-tissued
interwoven Headword location(s)
intervallum (n.) Old form(s): Interuallums
interval, break between sessions Headword location(s)
interview (n.) Old form(s): enterview
face-to-face meeting Headword location(s)
intestate (adj.)
leaving no will, lacking inheritance Headword location(s)
intestine (adj.)
internal, civil, domestic Headword location(s)
intil (prep.) Old form(s): intill
to Headword location(s)
intimate (v.)
refer to, communicate, inform of Headword location(s)
intimation (n.)
intrusion, expression, suggestion Headword location(s)
intitle (v.)
have a rightful claim [to] see also entitle (v.) Headword location(s)
intitule (v.)
entitle, grace with the name of see also entitule (v.) Headword location(s)
into (prep.)
against Headword location(s)
intolerable (adj.) Old form(s): intollerable
excessive, exorbitant, exceedingly great Headword location(s)
intolerable (adv.) Old form(s): intollerable
excessively, exceedingly, extremely Headword location(s)
[Latin] come in, boys see also Latin Headword location(s)
intreasured, entreasured (adj.)
safely stored up, kept as in a treasury Headword location(s)
intreat (n./v.)
(n.) entreaty; (v.) persuade see also entreat (v.) Headword location(s)
intreat (n./v.)
(n.) entreaty; (v.) persuade see also entreat (n.) Headword location(s)
intrench (v.)
put within a trench see also entrench (v.) Headword location(s)
intrenchant (adj.)
uncuttable, incapable of being gashed Headword location(s)
intrinse (adj.) Old form(s): intrince
intricate, involved; or: inward, secret Headword location(s)
intrinsicate (adj.)
intricate, complicated, entangled Headword location(s)
intrusion (n.)
breaking in, forced entry Headword location(s)
inundation (n.)
outpouring, overflowing, flood Headword location(s)
inure (v.)
accustom, habituate, adapt see also enure (v.) Headword location(s)
inurn (v.) Old form(s): enurn'd
entomb, bury, inter Headword location(s)
invectively (adv.) Old form(s): inuectiuely
vehemently, passionately, in an abusive way Headword location(s)
invent (v.) Old form(s): inuent
create, compose, write creatively Headword location(s)
invention (n.) Old form(s): Inuention
mind, thought, imagination Headword location(s)
invention (n.) Old form(s): inuention
inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty Headword location(s)
invention (n.) Old form(s): inuention
concoction, trumped-up charge Headword location(s)
invention (n.) Old form(s): inuention , inuentions
plan, scheme, stratagem Headword location(s)
invention (n.) Old form(s): inuention
fiction, fabrication, contrivance Headword location(s)
invention (n.) Old form(s): inuention, inuentions
novelty, fresh creation, innovation Headword location(s)
invention (n.) Old form(s): inuention
devising excuses, capacity for evasion Headword location(s)
invention (n.) Old form(s): inuention, inuentions
composition, written exposition Headword location(s)
inventorially (adv.)
as in an inventory, one by one, in detail Headword location(s)
inventory (n.)
detailed list, itemization Headword location(s)
invest (v.)
besiege, put pressure on [Q2 alternatve to 'invites' in Ham I.iii.83] Headword location(s)
invest (v.) Old form(s): inuest
clothe, dress, adorn Headword location(s)
invest (v.) Old form(s): Inuesting
envelop, permeate, infuse Headword location(s)
invest (v.) Old form(s): inuested
empower, install in office, give authority Headword location(s)
investments (n.) Old form(s): Inuestments
(plural) garments, clothes, clothing Headword location(s)
inveterate (adj.) Old form(s): inueterate
long-standing, deep-rooted Headword location(s)
invised (adj.) Old form(s): inuis'd
hidden, unseen, invisible Headword location(s)
invisible (adj.)
unforseeable, unseeable, hidden Headword location(s)
inviting (n.) Old form(s): inuiting
invitation Headword location(s)
invitis... Old form(s): Inuitis
in spite of clouds see also Latin Headword location(s)
invocate (v.) Old form(s): inuocate
invoke, call upon, entreat Headword location(s)
invocation (n.) Old form(s): Inuocation
entreaty, supplication Headword location(s)
inward (adj.)
intimate, closely associated Headword location(s)
inward (adj.)
secret, private, undisclosed Headword location(s)
inward (adj.)
internal, domestic, civil Headword location(s)
inward (adv.)
internally, inside Headword location(s)
inward (n.)
intimate friend, close acquaintance Headword location(s)
inwardness (n.) Old form(s): inwardnesse
attachment, intimacy, close friendship Headword location(s)
Io (n.)
[pron: 'eeoh] daughter of river-god Inachus, loved by Zeus, who turned her into a heifer to save her from the jealousy of Zeus’ wife, Hera see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Io (n.)
[pron: 'eeoh] daughter of river-god Inachus, loved by Zeus, who turned her into a heifer to save her from the jealousy of Zeus’ wife, Hera see also Argus (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
by itself see also Latin Headword location(s)
anger is a madness that doesn't last long see also Latin Headword location(s)
ireful (adj.) Old form(s): irefull , yrefull
wrathful, angry, furious Headword location(s)
Iris (n.)
Greek goddess of the rainbow; messenger of the gods, especially of Zeus and Hera see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
irk (v.) Old form(s): irkes
bother, trouble, distress Headword location(s)
irksome (adj.) Old form(s): irkesome
hateful, offensive, loathsome Headword location(s)
iron (adj.)
in armour, mail-clad Headword location(s)
iron (n.) Old form(s): yron
iron weapon, steel, sword Headword location(s)
iron (n.)
armour Headword location(s)
iron age
age of cruelty, time of wickedness Headword location(s)
iron-witted (adj.)
dull-witted, obtuse, dense Headword location(s)
irreconciled (adj.) Old form(s): irreconcil'd
unabsolved, not reconciled with God Headword location(s)
irrecoverable (adj.)
beyond redemption, past recovery Headword location(s)
irregular (adj.)
lawless, disorderly, unruly Headword location(s)
irregulous (adj.)
unruly, lawless, uncontrollable Headword location(s)
irremovable (adj.)
immovable, inflexible, adamant Headword location(s)
irresolute (adj.)
unresolved, undecided, unaccomplished Headword location(s)
ish (v.)
Irish pronunciation of 'is' see also Irish Headword location(s)
Isis (n.)
[pron: 'iysis] Egyptian goddess of the moon, fertility, and magic see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
issue (n.) Old form(s): yssue, yssues
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
issue (n.)
yield, product, result Headword location(s)
issue (n.)
action, deed, proceeding Headword location(s)
issue (n.) Old form(s): yssue
outcome, result, consequence(s) see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
issue (v.)
descend, born Headword location(s)
issue (v.) Old form(s): yssued
come forth, sally out Headword location(s)
issueless (adj.) Old form(s): Issue-lesse, issulesse
childless, without an heir Headword location(s)
itching palm Old form(s): Palme
avaricious disposition, desire for personal gain Headword location(s)
item (n.)
entry, detail, point Headword location(s)
item (n.)
[legal] particular point Headword location(s)
iterance (n.) Old form(s): itterance
repetition, reiteration Headword location(s)
iteration (n.)
ability to quote scripture Headword location(s)
iteration (n.)
cliche, repeated assertion, endless repetition Headword location(s)
Ithaca (n.)
island of W Greece; home of Ulysses, where Penelope waited for his return from the Trojan Wars see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Ithaca (n.)
island of W Greece; home of Ulysses, where Penelope waited for his return from the Trojan Wars see also Ulysses (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
ivory (adj.) Old form(s): Iuorie , Iuory
white Headword location(s)
iwis (adv.) Old form(s): I wis , I'wis , I-wis
[archaism] assuredly, certainly, truly see also Archaisms Headword location(s)

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