Icarus (n.) |
[pron: 'ikarus] son of Daedalus, who escaped from Crete wearing wings made by his father; ignoring a warning, the wax in his wings melted when he flew too near the Sun, and he fell into the Aegean
see also
Classical mythology
Headword location(s)
Icarus (n.) |
[pron: 'ikarus] son of Daedalus, who escaped from Crete wearing wings made by his father; ignoring a warning, the wax in his wings melted when he flew too near the Sun, and he fell into the Aegean
see also
Daedalus (n.) 1
Headword location(s)
idly (adv.) |
Old form(s): idlely |
indifferently, half-heartedly, unenthusiastically
Headword location(s)
ill-boding (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill-boading |
inauspicious, predicting evil, prophesying doom
Headword location(s)
ill-dispersing (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill dispersing |
evil-scattering, spreading wickedness
Headword location(s)
ill-disposed (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill dispos'd |
indisposed, unwell, under the weather
Headword location(s)
ill-divining (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill Diuining |
giving premonitions of harm, ominously prophesying
Headword location(s)
ill-favoured (adj.) |
Old form(s): illfauourd, ill-fauourd , ill-fauour'd , illfauour'd |
ugly, unattractive, unsightly
Headword location(s)
ill-favouredly (adv.) |
Old form(s): Ill-fauoredly , ill-fauouredly |
badly, unpleasingly, offensively
Headword location(s)
ill-favouredly (adv.) |
Old form(s): illfauouredly |
with plain features, unattractively
Headword location(s)
ill-rooted (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill rooted |
unstable, unsteady, likely to fall down
Headword location(s)
ill-seeming (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill seeming |
of ugly appearance, unpleasant to look at
Headword location(s)
ill-ta'en (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill-ta'ne |
[ill-taken] unfounded, unwarranted, badly grounded
Headword location(s)
ill-tempered (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill temper'd |
unbalanced, with elements of mood [humours] badly mixed
Headword location(s)
ill-uttering (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill vttering |
speaking displeasing news, reporting bad tidings
Headword location(s)
ill-wresting (adj.) |
Old form(s): ill wresting |
twisting the truth, turning to disadvantage
Headword location(s)
imaginary (adj.) |
Old form(s): imaginarie |
imaginative, creative, of the imagination
Headword location(s)
imagined (adj.) |
Old form(s): imagin'd |
all imaginable, as much as can be conceived
Headword location(s)
imbar, imbare (v.) |
Old form(s): imbarre |
[unclear meaning] bar, exclude; reveal, demonstrate
Headword location(s)
immediacy (n.) |
Old form(s): immediacie |
position closest to the sovereign, being next in standing
Headword location(s)
imp out (v.) |
Old form(s): Impe |
[of a falcon's wing] repair, insert feathers into
Headword location(s)
impair (adj.) |
Old form(s): impaire |
[unclear meaning] unworthy, dishonourable; harmful, injurious
Headword location(s)
impawn (v.) |
Old form(s): impawnd, impawn'd, impawne |
pledge as security, put in pawn, commit
Headword location(s)
importunacy (n.) |
Old form(s): importunacie |
importunity, urgent solicitation, pressing entreaty
Headword location(s)
importunity (n.) |
Old form(s): importunitie |
persistent solicitation, troublesome persistence
Headword location(s)
improvident (adj.) |
Old form(s): Improuident |
shortsighted, lacking foresight, careless
Headword location(s)
inaidible (adj.) |
Old form(s): inaydible |
unable to be assisted, incapable of being helped
Headword location(s)
incapable (adj.) |
Old form(s): Incapeable |
insensible, unconscious, incomprehending
Headword location(s)
incertain (adj.) |
Old form(s): Incertaine |
uncertain, needing guidance, in a doubtful state
Headword location(s)
inclusive (adj.) |
Old form(s): inclusiue |
comprehensive, all-embracing, extensive
Headword location(s)
incontinence (n.) |
lacking self-restraint, indulgence [in the pleasures of the flesh]
Headword location(s)
incontinency (n.) |
Old form(s): incontinencie |
lack of sexual restraint, sexual indulgence, infidelity
Headword location(s)
inconvenience (n.) |
Old form(s): inconuenience, inconueniences |
harm, troublesome disadvantage
Headword location(s)
inconvenient (adj.) |
Old form(s): inconuenient |
unsuitable, inappropriate, out of place
Headword location(s)
incorporate (adj.) |
Old form(s): incorparate |
united in one body, combined in one entity
Headword location(s)
incorpsed (adj.) |
Old form(s): encorps't |
made into one body, incorporated, fused
Headword location(s)
indistinguished, undistinguished (adj.) |
Old form(s): indinguish'd |
limitless, unimaginable, beyond apprehension
Headword location(s)
individable (adj.) |
Old form(s): indiuidible |
indivisible [with no changes in the location of action]; or: unclassifiable
Headword location(s)
induction (n.) |
Old form(s): INDVCTION |
opening scene [of a play], initial step, preparation
Headword location(s)
industry (n.) |
Old form(s): industrie |
laborious gallantry, assiduity in service to a lady
Headword location(s)
inequality (n.) |
[unclear meaning] difference of rank, social disparity; injustice, partiality
Headword location(s)
inexecrable (adj.) |
inexorable, unmoveable, relentless; or: execrable, accursed, damnable
Headword location(s)
ingaged (adj.) |
Old form(s): ingag'd |
engaged [to her]; or: not promised [to anyone else]
Headword location(s)
ingenious (adj.) |
Old form(s): ingennous |
alert, fully conscious, intelligent, capable
Headword location(s)
ingenious (adj.) |
Old form(s): ingenuous |
skilfully constructed, cleverly invented
Headword location(s)
ingraft, engraffed (adj.) |
Old form(s): ingraffed |
closely attached, associated [with]
Headword location(s)
ingrateful (adj.) |
Old form(s): ingratefull |
unacceptable, displeasing, disagreeable
Headword location(s)
inhooped (adj.) |
Old form(s): in hoopt |
[cock-fighting] kept within a hoop [to make birds fight]
Headword location(s)
injurious (adj.) |
Old form(s): Iniurious |
causing injury, harmful, offending, unjust
Headword location(s)
injury (n.) |
Old form(s): iniurie , Iniuries, Iniury |
grievance, wrong, complaint
Headword location(s)
innovation (n.) |
Old form(s): Innouation, inouation |
revolution, disturbance, commotion
Headword location(s)
inquisitive (adj.) |
Old form(s): inquisitiue |
eager for information, seeking knowledge
Headword location(s)
insatiate, unsatiate (adj.) |
Old form(s): vnsatiate |
insatiable, never satisfied, voracious
Headword location(s)
instruction (n.) |
Old form(s): Iustruction |
basis in fact, knowledge, information
Headword location(s)
insubstantial (adj.) |
Old form(s): insubstantiall |
lacking substance, imaginary, unreal
Headword location(s)
insuppressive (adj.) |
Old form(s): insuppressiue |
insuppressible, irrepressible, indomitable
Headword location(s)
integer... |
the one upright of life and unstained by crime does not need the javelins or the bow of the Moor
see also
Headword location(s)
interchangeably (adv.) |
Old form(s): enterchangeably |
in turn, in exchange, reciprocally
Headword location(s)
interlude, enterlude (n.) |
short play, theatrical performance [staged to fill an interval]
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intermissive (adj.) |
Old form(s): intermissiue |
intermittent, recurrent; or: temporarily interrupted
Headword location(s)
interpret (v.) |
provide a dialogue [as does a puppeteer on behalf of the puppets]
Headword location(s)
interrogatory (n.) |
Old form(s): intergatories |
interrogation, questioning, inquisition
Headword location(s)
intolerable (adj.) |
Old form(s): intollerable |
excessive, exorbitant, exceedingly great
Headword location(s)
intolerable (adv.) |
Old form(s): intollerable |
excessively, exceedingly, extremely
Headword location(s)
invectively (adv.) |
Old form(s): inuectiuely |
vehemently, passionately, in an abusive way
Headword location(s)
invention (n.) |
Old form(s): inuention |
inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty
Headword location(s)
invention (n.) |
Old form(s): inuention, inuentions |
novelty, fresh creation, innovation
Headword location(s)
invention (n.) |
Old form(s): inuention, inuentions |
composition, written exposition
Headword location(s)
invest (v.) |
besiege, put pressure on [Q2 alternatve to 'invites' in Ham I.iii.83]
Headword location(s)
inwardness (n.) |
Old form(s): inwardnesse |
attachment, intimacy, close friendship
Headword location(s)
Io (n.) |
[pron: 'eeoh] daughter of river-god Inachus, loved by Zeus, who turned her into a heifer to save her from the jealousy of Zeus’ wife, Hera
see also
Classical mythology
Headword location(s)
Io (n.) |
[pron: 'eeoh] daughter of river-god Inachus, loved by Zeus, who turned her into a heifer to save her from the jealousy of Zeus’ wife, Hera
see also
Argus (n.) 1
Headword location(s)
irreconciled (adj.) |
Old form(s): irreconcil'd |
unabsolved, not reconciled with God
Headword location(s)
issueless (adj.) |
Old form(s): Issue-lesse, issulesse |
childless, without an heir
Headword location(s)
itching palm |
Old form(s): Palme |
avaricious disposition, desire for personal gain
Headword location(s)