If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
ha (int.)
see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
ha' (v.)
contracted form of ‘have’ Headword location(s)
haberdasher (n.) Old form(s): Habberdashers
dealer in small articles relating to clothing Headword location(s)
haberdepois (n.)
weight, state of heaviness see also avoirdupois (n.) Headword location(s)
habiliment, abiliment (n.) Old form(s): Habilliament
(usually plural) clothes, dress, attire, outfit Headword location(s)
habit (n.) Old form(s): habite , habites
dress, clothing, costume see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
habit (n.) Old form(s): habite
behaviour, bearing, demeanour Headword location(s)
habit (n.)
covering, guise, adorning Headword location(s)
habit (n.) Old form(s): habite
routine, settled practice, regular behaviour Headword location(s)
habit (v.)
dress, clothe, costume Headword location(s)
habited (adj.)
clothed, dressed, clad Headword location(s)
habitude (n.)
character, disposition, temperament Headword location(s)
hack (v.) Old form(s): hac, hacke
[unclear meaning] be promiscuous, go whoring Headword location(s)
hackney (n.) Old form(s): Hacknie
prostitute, harlot, whore Headword location(s)
hackneyed (adj.)
[in compounds] see also common-hackneyed (adj.) Headword location(s)
hade land (n.) Old form(s): head-land
strip of land left unploughed in a field Headword location(s)
hadst (v.)
2nd person singular, past tense of 'have' see also Verb forms Headword location(s)
hag (n.)
witch, sorceress Headword location(s)
hag (n.)
malicious sprite, wicked fairy Headword location(s)
Hagar (n.)
[pron: 'haygahr] in the Bible, bondwoman to Sarah, whose child was Ishmael, a 'wild-ass of a man' see also Religious personalities and beings Headword location(s)
hag-born (adj.) Old form(s): hag-borne
born of a witch Headword location(s)
haggard (adj.)
wild, unmanageable, untrainable Headword location(s)
haggard (n.) Old form(s): Haggerds
[falconry] wild hawk Headword location(s)
haggard-like (adj.) Old form(s): huggard like
wild, unmanageable, untrainable Headword location(s)
haggish (adj.)
like a hag, ugly, repulsive Headword location(s)
haggle (v.) Old form(s): hagled
mangle, hack, lacerate Headword location(s)
hag-seed (n.)
witch-child Headword location(s)
hail (int.)
greeting to monarchs see also Greetings Headword location(s)
hair (n.) Old form(s): haire , Heire
character, nature, kind Headword location(s)
hair (n.) Old form(s): hayres
[product stuffed with hair] tennis-ball Headword location(s)
hair (n.) Old form(s): haire
jot, iota, trace Headword location(s)
hair / hair's breadth, to a Old form(s): haires bredth, hayre
in every little detail, in full, exactly Headword location(s)
hair, against the Old form(s): haire
against the grain, contrary to inclination Headword location(s)
hair-worth (n.) Old form(s): hayre worth
hair's worth Headword location(s)
halberd (n.) Old form(s): Halbert
long-handled weapon ending in a combination of axe-blade and spearhead see also Weapons Headword location(s)
halberd (n.)
person armed with a halberd Headword location(s)
halcyon (n.) Old form(s): Halcion
kingfisher Headword location(s)
hale (v.) Old form(s): Hal'd , Hall'd
drag, pull, haul Headword location(s)
hale (v.) Old form(s): haild
molest, drag about, push around Headword location(s)
half (n.) Old form(s): halfe
other half, wife Headword location(s)
half, be one's Old form(s): halfe
go half-shares with one, share the stake with one Headword location(s)
half-blooded (adj.)
of only one noble parent; bastard Headword location(s)
half-blown (adj.) Old form(s): halfe-blowne
half-blossomed see also blown (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
half-cap (n.) Old form(s): halfe-caps
half removal of the cap by way of negligent courtesy Headword location(s)
half-cheek (n.) Old form(s): halfe cheeke
profile, side-view Headword location(s)
half-cheeked (adj.) Old form(s): halfe-chekt
[horse-riding] with broken side-rings [cheeks]; or: halfway up the cheeks Headword location(s)
half-face (n.)
profile, side-view Headword location(s)
half-faced (adj.) Old form(s): halfe-fac'd
imperfect, incomplete, defective Headword location(s)
half-faced (adj.) Old form(s): halfe-fac'd
thin-faced, with a pinched look Headword location(s)
half-faced (adj.) Old form(s): halfe-fac'd
[of a coin] showing a monarch's profile; also: clipped, imperfect Headword location(s)
half-faced (adj.) Old form(s): halfe-fac'd
with only half the face visible Headword location(s)
half-kirtle Old form(s): halfe Kirtles
skirt [lower part of a kirtle] see also Clothing Headword location(s)
half-kirtle Old form(s): halfe Kirtles
skirt [lower part of a kirtle] see also kirtle (n.) Headword location(s)
half-malcontent (adj.)
somewhat discontented, disaffected, dissatisfied see also malcontent (adj.) Headword location(s)
half-part (n.) Old form(s): halfe part
half each, fair shares Headword location(s)
halfpence (n.) Old form(s): halfpence
fragment, tiny piece, bit Headword location(s)
halfpence (n.)
silver coin worth half of one penny see also Money Headword location(s)
half-sight (n.) Old form(s): Halfe sights
someone half-blind Headword location(s)
half-supped (adj.) Old form(s): halfe supt
with supper interrupted, half-satisfied Headword location(s)
half-sword, at Old form(s): halfe Sword
at the length of a small-sized sword, at close quarters see also Weapons Headword location(s)
half-worker (n.) Old form(s): halfe-workers
co-worker, cooperator, collaborator Headword location(s)
half-world (n.) Old form(s): halfe World
hemisphere, half of the globe Headword location(s)
halidom, by my
what I hold holy; or: Our Lady see also Swearing Headword location(s)
hall (n.)
guild, company, profession Headword location(s)
halloing (n.)
shouting, hallooing, crying out see also hallowing (n.) Headword location(s)
halloo (v.)
shout, yell, cry out see also hallow (v.) Headword location(s)
hallow (v.)
bless, glorify, honour as holy Headword location(s)
hallow, holloa, hollow (v.) Old form(s): halloa, hallow'd , holloa'd
shout, yell, cry out Headword location(s)
hallow, holloa, hollow (v.)
follow with shouts, call after Headword location(s)
hallowed (adj.)
blessed, consecrated see also well-hallowed (adj.) Headword location(s)
hallowed verge Old form(s): hallow'd
magic circle, charmed ring Headword location(s)
hallowing, hallooing, halloing, holloing (n.) Old form(s): hallowing, hollowing
shouting, hallooing, crying out Headword location(s)
Hallowmas (n.)
in Christian tradition, All Saints' Day, 1 November see also Days and dates Headword location(s)
halt (v.)
limp, proceed lamely Headword location(s)
halter (n.)
rope with a noose [for hanging] Headword location(s)
halter (n.)
rope, noose [for leading a beast] Headword location(s)
haltered (adj.) Old form(s): halter'd
with a noose around it Headword location(s)
halting (adj.)
hesitating, limping, faltering Headword location(s)
halting (adj.)
wavering, dilatory, shifting Headword location(s)
halting (n.)
hesitation, wavering, faltering Headword location(s)
hammer (v.) Old form(s): hamering
think hard, deliberate, ponder Headword location(s)
hammer of (v.)
think hard about, ponder on Headword location(s)
hammer out (v.)
puzzle out, work hard at, work out Headword location(s)
hamper (v.)
impede, obstruct, fetter Headword location(s)
Hampton (n.)
Southampton; port city in Hampshire see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
hams (n.) Old form(s): Hammes
thighs, legs Headword location(s)
hand (n.)
agency, means, aid Headword location(s)
hand (n.)
ability, skill [with the hand] Headword location(s)
hand (n.)
handwriting see also court-hand (n.) Headword location(s)
hand (n.)
care, escort, keeping Headword location(s)
hand (n.)
handiwork, job, work Headword location(s)
hand (n.)
signature, written authorization Headword location(s)
hand (v.)
lay hands on, handle, have to do with Headword location(s)
hand, at
at the start of a race Headword location(s)
hand, at / in any
in any case, at any rate Headword location(s)
hand, in
to deal with, here present Headword location(s)
hand, out of
at once, immediately, straight away Headword location(s)
hand, out of
finished with, off one's hands Headword location(s)
handfast, hand-fast (n.)
marriage contract, betrothal see also fast (adj.) 3 Headword location(s)
handfast, in Old form(s): hand-fast
held fast, in custody, under arrest Headword location(s)
hand-in-hand (adj.) Old form(s): hand in hand
claiming equality, equally balanced Headword location(s)
handkercher (n.) Old form(s): hand-kercher , Hand-kerchers
handkerchief Headword location(s)
hands, of all
on every side Headword location(s)
handsaw (n.)
heron [probably a variant of ‘heronshaw’, i.e. a young heron] Headword location(s)
handsome (adj.)
naturally graceful, artlessly elegant Headword location(s)
handsome (adj.) Old form(s): hansom
proper, fitting, appropriate Headword location(s)
handsomely (adv.)
beautifully, elegantly, attractively Headword location(s)
handsomely (adv.) Old form(s): hansomely
conveniently, opportunely, readily to hand Headword location(s)
handsomeness (n.) Old form(s): handsomnesse
graciousness, courtesy, decent behaviour Headword location(s)
choose, make your choice [from the children's game: choosing which hand holds an object] Headword location(s)
hang (v.)
suspend, hold off, put off Headword location(s)
hang off (v.)
leave hold, stop clinging Headword location(s)
hang the lip
look vexed, pout, sulk see also lip, hang the Headword location(s)
hang together (v.)
keep in one piece, carry on existing Headword location(s)
hanged (adj.) Old form(s): hangde
decorated with hangings, furnished with tapestries Headword location(s)
hanged, be
exclamation of impatience, irritation see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
hanger (n.)
loop or strap attached to a sword belt, from which a sword may be hung see also Weapons Headword location(s)
hanging (adj.)
gloomy, morose, melancholy Headword location(s)
hanging (n.)
wall-covering, tapestry, curtain Headword location(s)
hangman (adj.)
fit for the hangman, infernal, diabolical Headword location(s)
hangman (n.) Old form(s): hang-man
rascal, rogue, reprobate Headword location(s)
Hannibal (n.) Old form(s): Hanniball
malapropism for ‘cannibal’ Headword location(s)
Hannibal (n.)
Carthaginian general, 3rd-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
hap (n.) Old form(s): happe, happes
fortune, lot, fate Headword location(s)
hap (n.)
luck, chance, accident Headword location(s)
hap (n.)
happening, event, occurrence Headword location(s)
hap (v.) Old form(s): happ'd
happen, take place, come to pass Headword location(s)
hapless (adj.) Old form(s): haples , haplesse
luckless, unfortunate, unlucky Headword location(s)
haply (adv.) Old form(s): haplie , Hap'ly, Haplye , happely , Happlie
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
haply (adv.) Old form(s): haplie , Hap'ly, Haplye , happely , Happlie
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck see also happily (adv.) 1 Headword location(s)
happen (v.)
happen to, befall Headword location(s)
happily (adv.) Old form(s): happely, happilie
perhaps, by chance, maybe see also haply (adv.) Headword location(s)
happily (adv.)
fittingly, appropriately, aptly Headword location(s)
happily (adv.) Old form(s): happilie
opportunely, propitiously, with good fortune Headword location(s)
happiness (n.) Old form(s): happinesse
felicity, aptness, appropriateness [of expression] Headword location(s)
happiness (n.) Old form(s): happines , happinesse
good luck, success, good fortune Headword location(s)
happiness (n.) Old form(s): happines
pleasing demeanour, felicitous manner Headword location(s)
happy (adj.) Old form(s): happie
opportune, appropriate, propitious, favourable Headword location(s)
happy (adj.) Old form(s): happie
fortunate, lucky, favoured Headword location(s)
happy (adj.)
accomplished, favoured, proficient Headword location(s)
happy (adj.)
well-chosen, felicitous, fitting Headword location(s)
happy (v.) Old form(s): happies
make happy, delight, content Headword location(s)
happy time, in Old form(s): happie
well met Headword location(s)
happy time, in
coming just at the right time see also time, in good 2 Headword location(s)
harbinger (n.) Old form(s): harbenger, Herbenger, Herbinger
forerunner, herald, precursor Headword location(s)
harbour (n.) Old form(s): harber
shelter, refuge, safe lodging Headword location(s)
harbour (v.) Old form(s): harbor
lodge, stay, shelter Headword location(s)
harbourage (n.) Old form(s): harborage
shelter, refuge, haven Headword location(s)
hard (adj.)
difficult, not easy [to obtain] Headword location(s)
hard (adj.)
painful, harrowing, tough Headword location(s)
hard (adj.)
unpleasant, harsh, cruel Headword location(s)
hard (adj.)
strong, tough, powerful Headword location(s)
hard (adj.)
tough, unfeeling, unsentimental Headword location(s)
hard (adj.)
hardened, toughened Headword location(s)
hard (adj.)
bad, poor, inadequate Headword location(s)
hard (adj.)
pressing, persistent, unremitting Headword location(s)
hard (adv.)
earnestly, vigorously, energetically Headword location(s)
hard (adv.)
close, near Headword location(s)
hard (adv.)
badly, poorly, ill Headword location(s)
hard (adv.)
with difficulty, not easily Headword location(s)
hard-a-keeping (adj.)
too hard to keep Headword location(s)
hard-favoured (adj.) Old form(s): Hard fauor'd , Hard fauourd , hard fauour'd, hard fauoured , hard-fauourd, hard-fauour'd
ugly, unattractive, unsightly, hideous see also well-favoured (adj.) Headword location(s)
hardiment (n.)
display of valour, daring deed Headword location(s)
hardiness (n.) Old form(s): Hardinesse
boldness, daring, audacity, courage Headword location(s)
hardly (adv.) Old form(s): hardely
with great difficulty, only with difficulty Headword location(s)
hardly (adv.)
severely, harshly, badly Headword location(s)
hardness (n.) Old form(s): Hardnesse
hardship, adversity, harsh situation Headword location(s)
hardness (n.) Old form(s): hardnesse
difficulty of understanding Headword location(s)
hardoke (n.)
variety of weedy plant, possibly burdock see also Plants Headword location(s)
hard-ruled (adj.) Old form(s): hard rul'd
difficult to manage, obstreperous Headword location(s)
hardy (adj.) Old form(s): hardie
bold, daring, forward Headword location(s)
hare-heart (n.)
heart as timid as a hare Headword location(s)
Harfleur (n.)
[pron: 'ahrfler] town in Normandy, N France; besieged by Henry V in 1415 see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Ha'rfordwest (n.)
Haverfordwest; town in Pembrokeshire, SW Wales see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
hark (v.)
listen see also Attention signals Headword location(s)
harlot (adj.)
lewd, lascivious, licentious Headword location(s)
harlot (n.)
prostitute, whore Headword location(s)
harlotry (adj.)
trashy, tawdry, third-rate Headword location(s)
harlotry (n.)
[affectionate] little wretch, baggage Headword location(s)
harlotry (n.)
harlot, whore Headword location(s)
harm (n.) Old form(s): harme, harmes
misfortune, affliction, trouble Headword location(s)
harm (n.) Old form(s): harme , harmes
injury, hurt, pain Headword location(s)
harmful (adj.) Old form(s): harmefull
perilous, dangerous, full of harm Headword location(s)
harmless (adj.) Old form(s): harmelesse , harmlesse
innocent, causing no harm Headword location(s)
harness (n.) Old form(s): Harneis
armed men, men-at-arms, armament Headword location(s)
harness (n.) Old form(s): harnesse
armour Headword location(s)
harness (v.) Old form(s): harnest
dress in armour, arm, equip Headword location(s)
harnessed (adj.) Old form(s): harness'd
armoured, armed Headword location(s)
harp (v.) Old form(s): harp'd
guess, express in words, give voice to Headword location(s)
harper (n.)
harpist, minstrel Headword location(s)
harpy (n.) Old form(s): Harpie
mythical rapacious bird, half woman, half vulture [symbolizing divine retribution] Headword location(s)
harrow (v.) Old form(s): harrowes
disturb, distress, vex Headword location(s)
harrow up (v.) Old form(s): vp
disturb, distress, vex Headword location(s)
harry (v.)
mistreat, harass, ill-use Headword location(s)
Harry ten shillings
coin (from the reign of Henry VII) valued at five shillings see also Money Headword location(s)
hart (n.)
male deer Headword location(s)
harvest-home (n.) Old form(s): Haruest home
close of the harvesting season Headword location(s)
harvest-home (n.) Old form(s): haruest-home
gathering-in, moment of success Headword location(s)
hast (v.)
2nd person singular, present tense of 'have' see also Verb forms Headword location(s)
haste (v.) Old form(s): hasts
hurry, speed up, accelerate Headword location(s)
haste-post-haste (adj.)
with all possible speed, very prompt, most expeditious see also post-haste (adj.) Headword location(s)
hasty (adj.) Old form(s): hastie
rash, impetuous, impulsive Headword location(s)
hasty-witted (adj.) Old form(s): hastie witted
quick-witted, quick-thinking Headword location(s)
hatch (n.)
hatching [as from an egg] Headword location(s)
hatch (n.)
lower part of a door, half-door, gate Headword location(s)
hatch (n.)
(plural) movable deck planks Headword location(s)
hatched (adj.) Old form(s): hatch'd
inlaid, streaked, ornamented Headword location(s)
hatched (adv.) Old form(s): hatch't
with the upper half closed Headword location(s)
hatchet (n.)
executioner's axe Headword location(s)
hatchment (n.)
[heraldry] tablet displaying a person's coat-of-arms Headword location(s)
hateful (adj.) Old form(s): hatefull
full of hate Headword location(s)
hateful (adj.) Old form(s): hatefull
repulsive, obnoxious, incompatible [with] Headword location(s)
hath (v.)
3rd person singular, present tense of 'have' see also Verb forms Headword location(s)
I don't believe it see also Latin Headword location(s)
haught (adj.)
haughty, arrogant, high and mighty Headword location(s)
haughty (adj.) Old form(s): haughtie
high-minded, aspiring, lofty Headword location(s)
haunch (n.)
latter end, hind part Headword location(s)
haunt (n.)
public places, society, company Headword location(s)
haunt (n.)
frequent resort, regular visit Headword location(s)
haunt (v.) Old form(s): hanted
frequent, visit habitually Headword location(s)
haunt (v.) Old form(s): hant
pursue, afflict, beset Headword location(s)
hautboy (n.) Old form(s): Hoboyes , Hoeboy
type of musical instrument; oboe see also Stage directions Headword location(s)
have (v.) Old form(s): haue
understand, grasp, comprehend Headword location(s)
have (v.)
[in expressions] see also lief, had as Headword location(s)
have (v.) Old form(s): haue
take, convey; or: have to do [with] Headword location(s)
have (v.) Old form(s): haue
be given Headword location(s)
have (v.) Old form(s): haue
[said at the start of a confrontation or attack; more usually: have at] I come Headword location(s)
have after (v.) Old form(s): Haue
let's follow Headword location(s)
have at (v.) Old form(s): haue
[said at the start of a fencing attack or other confrontation] I come at, let me at [a person] see also have-at-him (n.) Headword location(s)
have at (v.)
let's face, let's see Headword location(s)
have at (v.)
[to someone] expression initiating a mock-hostile exchange see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
have at it Old form(s): Haue
let's try it, let's have a go at it Headword location(s)
have done Old form(s): haue
put an end to, stop Headword location(s)
have to Old form(s): Haue
I'll move forward to, I'll go onwards to Headword location(s)
have to't Old form(s): haue too
let's go at it, let's renew the fight Headword location(s)
have with you Old form(s): Haue
I'll join you, I'll be with you see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
have-at-him (n.)
thrust see also have at you Headword location(s)
haven (n.) Old form(s): Hauen
harbour, port Headword location(s)
haver (n.) Old form(s): hauer
possessor, holder, displayer Headword location(s)
having (n.) Old form(s): hauing
fortune, estate, means Headword location(s)
having (n.) Old form(s): hauings
accomplishment, quality, gift Headword location(s)
haviour (n.) Old form(s): hauior , hauiour
behaviour, manner, demeanour Headword location(s)
havoc (n.) Old form(s): hauocke
[in fighting and hunting: calling for] total slaughter, general devastation Headword location(s)
hawk (v.) Old form(s): hauking
clear the throat noisily Headword location(s)
hawk (v.) Old form(s): Hawke
hunt with hawks Headword location(s)
hawk at (v.) Old form(s): hawke, hawkt
pursue, attack, chase Headword location(s)
hawking (adj.)
hawk-like, sharp, alert Headword location(s)
hawthorn-bud (n.) Old form(s): hauthorne buds
young dandy, budding courtier Headword location(s)
hay (n.)
hay-making, harvest Headword location(s)
hay (n.)
[fencing] home thrust, thrust through Headword location(s)
hay (n.) Old form(s): hey
type of winding country dance Headword location(s)
hazard (n.)
[gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice] Headword location(s)
hazard (n.) Old form(s): hazzard
risk, peril, danger Headword location(s)
hazard (n.)
[royal tennis] opening in a court where a ball is unplayable [and thus a winning point is scored] Headword location(s)
hazard (v.)
expose to danger, put at risk Headword location(s)
hazard (v.)
put into the hands of, make dependent on Headword location(s)
hazard (v.)
expose to risk, take one's chance [of] Headword location(s)
hazard, come / go to Old form(s): goe
play dice, gamble Headword location(s)
hazard, in
in peril, at risk Headword location(s)
hazards, upon all
against any odds Headword location(s)
he (n.) Old form(s): hee
man, person Headword location(s)
head (n.)
arrow-head Headword location(s)
head (n.)
advancing crowd of insurgents, uprising Headword location(s)
head (n.)
headway, progress, advance Headword location(s)
head (n.)
fighting force, army, body of troops Headword location(s)
head (n.)
surface, surge, swell Headword location(s)
head (n.)
leader, chief, director Headword location(s)
head (n.)
headland, cape, promontory Headword location(s)
head (n.)
commander, officer, captain Headword location(s)
head (n.)
power, strength, scope Headword location(s)
head (n.)
source, origin, fountainhead Headword location(s)
head (n.)
category, topic, heading Headword location(s)
head (n.)
[in expressions] see also turn head Headword location(s)
head (n.)
[in expressions] see also take head from Headword location(s)
head and front
height and breadth, greatest extent Headword location(s)
head, at
head on [with an enemy] Headword location(s)
head, of the first
[of deer] with antlers first developed Headword location(s)
head, take the
act without restraint, make a rush forward Headword location(s)
head, to one's
to one's face, frankly, openly Headword location(s)
headborough (n.)
parish officer, town constable see also thirdborough (n.) Headword location(s)
headed (adj.)
having come to a head, full-grown, matured Headword location(s)
heading (n.)
beheading Headword location(s)
headlong (adv.)
head downwards, without ceremony Headword location(s)
head-lugged (adj.)
pulled along by the ears; or: baited, tormented see also lugged (adj.) Headword location(s)
headly (adj.)
violent, weighty, raging see also heady (adj.) 1 Headword location(s)
headpiece (n.) Old form(s): Head-peece
head-covering Headword location(s)
headpiece (n.) Old form(s): Head-peece
brain, intellect Headword location(s)
headstall (n.)
part of a horse's bridle that goes over the head Headword location(s)
heady (adj.) Old form(s): headdy , headly
violent, weighty, raging Headword location(s)
heady (adj.)
reckless, headstrong, impulsive Headword location(s)
heady-rash (adj.) Old form(s): headie-rash
hasty-headed, full of reckless thoughts see also rash (adj.) 3 Headword location(s)
health (n.)
well-being, benevolence Headword location(s)
health (n.)
well-being, prosperity Headword location(s)
health (n.)
well-being, deliverance Headword location(s)
health (n.)
toast, salutation in drink Headword location(s)
health (n.)
well-being, safety Headword location(s)
healthful (adj.) Old form(s): healthfull
healthy, wholesome, fit [in health] Headword location(s)
heap (n.) Old form(s): heape
company, host, multitude Headword location(s)
heap, on a Old form(s): heape
in ruins Headword location(s)
heaps, on Old form(s): heapes
in a mass, all together Headword location(s)
hear on (v.)
listen further to Headword location(s)
hearer (n.)
playgoer, audience Headword location(s)
hearing (n.)
news, report, spectacle Headword location(s)
hearken (v.) Old form(s): harkens
listen [to], pay attention [to] Headword location(s)
hearken (v.) Old form(s): harkning
be on the lookout, await an opportunity Headword location(s)
hearken after (v.) Old form(s): Harken
inquire into, find out about Headword location(s)
hearken after (v.) Old form(s): harken
hanker for, be attracted to Headword location(s)
hearken for (v.) Old form(s): hearkned
look forward to, lie in wait for Headword location(s)
hearken for (v.)
desire, be attracted to Headword location(s)
hearsed (adj.) Old form(s): hearst , hersed
coffined, placed in a hearse Headword location(s)
heart (n.)
utmost, maximum Headword location(s)
heart (n.)
spirit, soul, essence see also Discourse markers Headword location(s)
heart (n.)
courage, spirit, valour Headword location(s)
heart (n.)
(plural) grand-hearted lads, fine companions Headword location(s)
heart (n.)
[term of endearment] sweetheart, beloved, love see also Address forms Headword location(s)
heart (n.)
[term of endearment] dear friend Headword location(s)
heart, for my
for my life Headword location(s)
heart, in
[in making a toast] in good spirits, in a spirit of fellowship Headword location(s)
heart, out of
in poor condition, lacking in strength; also: lacking inclination Headword location(s)
hearted (adj.)
heartfelt, spirited, full of vigour Headword location(s)
hearted (adj.)
seated in the heart, heart-centred Headword location(s)
hearten up (v.) Old form(s): heartens vp
encourage, cheer up, animate Headword location(s)
heartless (adj.) Old form(s): hartlesse , heartlesse
cowardly, gutless, spiritless Headword location(s)
heartlings (n.)
dear heart see also Swearing Headword location(s)
heart-offending (adj.)
heart-damaging Headword location(s)
heart-whole (adj.) Old form(s): heart hole
with affections uncommitted, with the heart uninvolved Headword location(s)
hearty (adj.)
loving, devoted, sincere Headword location(s)
heat (n.) Old form(s): heate
anger, rage, passion Headword location(s)
heat (n.) Old form(s): heate
urgency, intensity, force Headword location(s)
heat (n.) Old form(s): heate
desire, passion, libido Headword location(s)
heat (n.) Old form(s): heate
normal body temperature Headword location(s)
heat (v.)
race over, speed across Headword location(s)
heat, in the Old form(s): heate
while feeling heated, while worked up Headword location(s)
heated (adj.)
angry, inflamed, enraged, aroused Headword location(s)
heath (n.)
heather Headword location(s)
heave (n.) Old form(s): heaues
deep sigh, heaving [of the chest] Headword location(s)
heave (v.) Old form(s): heau'd , heaue, heaued , heaues
raise, lift up Headword location(s)
heave (v.) Old form(s): heaue
throw, toss, cast Headword location(s)
heave up (v.) Old form(s): heau'd vp, heaueth vp
raise, lift up Headword location(s)
heaved-up (adj.) Old form(s): heau'd vp , heaued-vp
raised, lifted up see also up-heave (v.) Headword location(s)
heavenly (adj.)
beautiful, delightful, sublime Headword location(s)
heavenly (adj.)
divine, celestial Headword location(s)
heavens (n.) Old form(s): heauens
[covering over the rear of a stage] sky Headword location(s)
heavens (n.) Old form(s): Heauens
powers above, will of heaven Headword location(s)
heavily (adv.) Old form(s): heauily
sorrowfully, sadly, gloomily Headword location(s)
heaviness (n.) Old form(s): heauines, heauinesse
sadness, grief, sorrow Headword location(s)
heaviness (n.) Old form(s): Heauinesse
sleepiness, drowsiness Headword location(s)
heaving (adj.) Old form(s): heauing
swelling, aroused, agitated Headword location(s)
heaving (n.) Old form(s): heauings
groan, deep sigh Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauie , heauier , heauiest , heauy
grave, serious, weighty Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauie , heauier , heauiest , heauy
sorrowful, sad, gloomy see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauie, heauier, heauy
weary, exhausted, worn out Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauy
slow-moving, sluggish, laggard Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauie , heauier , heauy
pressing, weighty, overpowering Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauie , Heauy
gloomy, dark, overcast Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauie
troublesome, iniquitous, heinous Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauie , heauy
brutal, oppressive, wicked Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauier
weighed down, burdened, laden Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauie , heauy
tedious, tiresome, uninteresting Headword location(s)
heavy (adj.) Old form(s): heauy
difficult, hard, laborious Headword location(s)
heavy-gaited (adj.) Old form(s): heauie-gated
ponderously walking, clumsy-moving Headword location(s)
hebona (n.) Old form(s): Hebenon
poisonous plant [identity not known, perhaps henbane] see also Plants Headword location(s)
Hecat, Hecate (n.)
[pron: 'hekat, 'hekatee] Greek goddess of the underworld; associated with magic, ghosts, witchcraft see also Gods and goddesses Headword location(s)
hectic (n.) Old form(s): Hecticke
wasting fever, persistent fever Headword location(s)
Hector (n.)
son of Priam, married to Andromache; the bravest Trojan, who led out their army to battle see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Hector (n.)
son of Priam, married to Andromache; the bravest Trojan, who led out their army to battle see also Priam (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Hecuba (n.)
wife of Priam, King of Troy, and mother of 18 children; after the Greeks took Troy, she saw her sons and her husband killed, and was sent into slavery. see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Hecuba (n.)
wife of Priam, King of Troy, and mother of 18 children; after the Greeks took Troy, she saw her sons and her husband killed, and was sent into slavery. see also Priam (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
hedge (v.)
protect, surround Headword location(s)
hedge (v.)
evade, be devious, prevaricate Headword location(s)
hedge (v.)
deviate from a straight path, shift direction Headword location(s)
hedge in (v.)
restrict, confine, limit Headword location(s)
hedge out (v.)
exclude, keep out, shut out Headword location(s)
hedge-pig (n.) Old form(s): Hedge-Pigge
hedgehog Headword location(s)
hedge-priest (n.)
[contemptuous] roadside cleric, uneducated priest Headword location(s)
heed (n.) Old form(s): heede
consideration, care, attention Headword location(s)
heed (n.)
that which one heeds; or: guardian Headword location(s)
heedful (adj.) Old form(s): heedfull
attentive, receptive, alert Headword location(s)
heedful (adj.) Old form(s): heedefull'st , heedfull
careful, mindful, watchful Headword location(s)
heedfully (adv.)
attentively, carefully, conscientiously Headword location(s)
heedfully (adv.) Old form(s): heedfullie
with anxious attention, apprehensively Headword location(s)
heedless (adj.) Old form(s): heedlesse
careless, slack, inattentive Headword location(s)
heel (n.) Old form(s): heele
end, completion, termination Headword location(s)
heels, at Old form(s): heeles
close behind, in close pursuit Headword location(s)
heels, by the Old form(s): heeles
in the stocks, in irons Headword location(s)
heels, out at Old form(s): heeles
penniless, destitute, in desperate straights Headword location(s)
heels, take my Old form(s): heeles
take to my heels, run away Headword location(s)
heft (n.)
heaving, retching Headword location(s)
heigh (int.)
exclamation of encouragement see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
heigh, hey (int.)
nonsense word used in song, expressing joy, delight see also Singing Headword location(s)
heigh-ho, hey-ho (int.)
exclamatory sigh expressing weariness, disappointment see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
height (n.) Old form(s): hight
rank, high birth, high degree Headword location(s)
height (n.) Old form(s): hight
maximum, highest amount, utmost degree Headword location(s)
height (n.) Old form(s): higth
[navigation] altitude, elevation Headword location(s)
heightened (adj.) Old form(s): heighten'd
exalted, elevated, raised up Headword location(s)
heighth (n.)
variant spelling of ‘height’ Headword location(s)
heinous (adj.) Old form(s): heynous
calamitous, terrible, severe Headword location(s)
heinously (adv.) Old form(s): heynously
atrociously, shockingly, dreadfully Headword location(s)
heir (n.) Old form(s): Heires , heyre
offspring, progeny, fruit Headword location(s)
heir general (n.) Old form(s): Heire Generall
heir from either male or female lines Headword location(s)
Helen (n.)
woman renowned for her beauty, whose abduction from the Greeks by Paris of Troy caused the Trojan War see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Helen (n.)
mother of Constantine the Great, 3rd-c; St Helena see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
Helicons (n.)
nine Muses from the slopes of Mt Helicon, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who give artistic inspiration see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Helicons (n.)
nine Muses from the slopes of Mt Helicon, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who give artistic inspiration see also Muse (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Hellespont (n.)
['helespont] Dardanelles; narrow strait in NW Turkey, connecting the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
Hellespont (n.)
['helespont] Dardanelles; narrow strait in NW Turkey, connecting the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara see also Leander (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Hellespont (n.)
['helespont] Dardanelles; narrow strait in NW Turkey, connecting the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara see also Hero (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
hell-hated (adj.)
hated as hell is hated Headword location(s)
hell-kite (n.)
kite from hell, hellish savage see also kite (n.) Headword location(s)
helm (n.) Old form(s): Helme, Helmes
helmet see also Body-armour Headword location(s)
helm (n.) Old form(s): Helmes
helmsman, guide, pilot Headword location(s)
helm (n.)
covering of hair Headword location(s)
helm (v.)
guide, steer, direct Headword location(s)
help (n.) Old form(s): helpe
treatment, cure, relief Headword location(s)
help (v.) Old form(s): helpes
restore, succour, cure Headword location(s)
help, at Old form(s): helpe
in our favour, ready to help Headword location(s)
helpless (adj.) Old form(s): helpelesse , helplesse
unavailing, useless, unprofitable Headword location(s)
hem (int.)
[drinking call] make a noise like ‘ahem’; clear the throat Headword location(s)
hem (int.)
make a noise like ‘hmm’ Headword location(s)
hem (n.) Old form(s): hemme
edge, margin, shore Headword location(s)
hem (v.) Old form(s): hemd , hem'd
enclose, surround, confine Headword location(s)
hem (v.)
make a noise like ‘hmm’ or ‘ahem’ see also Sounds Headword location(s)
hem away (v.)
remove, clear away [with a cough or ‘hem’] Headword location(s)
hemlock (n.) Old form(s): Hemlocke
variety of poisonous plant see also Plants Headword location(s)
hempen (adj.)
in clothing made of hemp, rustically attired Headword location(s)
hempen (adj.)
made of hemp Headword location(s)
hempseed (n.)
malapropism for ‘homicide’ Headword location(s)
hence (adv.)
away from here, from this place see also hence, thence, and whence Headword location(s)
hence (adv.)
in the next world Headword location(s)
henceforth (adv.)
from now on, from this time forth see also hence, thence, and whence Headword location(s)
henceforth, from
from now on, from this time forth Headword location(s)
henceforward (adv.)
from now on see also Hence, thence, and whence Headword location(s)
hence-going (n.)
departure, leaving Headword location(s)
henchman (n.)
squire, page of honour Headword location(s)
hent (n.)
clutch, grasp Headword location(s)
hent (v.)
grasp, take hold of Headword location(s)
hent (v.)
reach, arrive at, occupy Headword location(s)
herald (adj.)
message-bearing, acting as a herald Headword location(s)
herald (n.)
messenger, carrier, emissary Headword location(s)
heraldry (n.)
heraldic devices, armorial bearings Headword location(s)
herb (n.) Old form(s): Herbes
plant see also Plants Headword location(s)
herb of grace, herb-grace (n.)
aromatic shrub, associated with repentance see also Plants Headword location(s)
herb of grace, herb-grace (n.)
aromatic shrub, associated with repentance see also rue (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
herblet (n.) Old form(s): Herbelets
little herb Headword location(s)
herb-woman (n.) Old form(s): hearbe-woman
woman who sells herbs Headword location(s)
Hercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Hercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements see also Swearing Headword location(s)
Hercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements see also Ercles (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
herdman (n.) Old form(s): heardmen
herdsman Headword location(s)
here (adv.)
[in compounds] see also here, there, and where Headword location(s)
around here see also Here, there, and where Headword location(s)