If you are looking for a word and it doesn't appear in the Glossary, this will be because it has the same sense in Modern English, and can be found in any general dictionary. We only include words that no longer exist in Modern English, have changed their meaning since Shakespeare's day, or have an encyclopedic or specialized sense that would make them unfamiliar to many modern readers. Under this last heading, we include all the proper names (such as figures in classical mythology and local place-names) listed in our Themes and Topics (see Starting Points above).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
rabbit-sucker (n.) Old form(s): Rabbet-sucker
sucking rabbit, baby rabbit Headword location(s)
rabble (n.)
crowd, pack, mob Headword location(s)
rabble (n.)
minions, gang, rest of the mob Headword location(s)
rabblement (n.)
rabble Headword location(s)
race (n.)
[of ginger] root see also raze (n.) Headword location(s)
race (n.)
descendants, children, posterity Headword location(s)
race (n.)
origin, stock, ancestry Headword location(s)
race (n.)
family, house, dynasty Headword location(s)
race (n.)
inherited nature, natural disposition Headword location(s)
race (n.)
herd, host, company Headword location(s)
race (n.)
course, passage Headword location(s)
race out (v.) Old form(s): Raz'd , raze
raze out, erase, scrape away see also raze out (v.) Headword location(s)
rack (n.) Old form(s): Racke
clouds, cloud formations Headword location(s)
rack (n.) Old form(s): racke, wracke
machine of torture which stretches the limbs Headword location(s)
rack (n.) Old form(s): racke
shred of cloud, fragment of mist Headword location(s)
rack (n.)
[of clouds] driven accumulation, billowing movement Headword location(s)
rack (v.) Old form(s): racke, rakt
torment, torture, scourge Headword location(s)
rack (v.) Old form(s): racke
drive, move with force Headword location(s)
rack (v.) Old form(s): rackt
exhaust by imposing excessive charges, reduce to poverty Headword location(s)
rack (v.) Old form(s): rack'd, racke , rackt
stretch on the rack Headword location(s)
rack (v.) Old form(s): racke
exaggerate, inflate, increase Headword location(s)
rack (v.) Old form(s): rackt
stretch, strain, extend Headword location(s)
racker (n.)
torturer, tormentor Headword location(s)
racking (adj.)
wind-driven, passing like smoke Headword location(s)
raddock (n.)
F spelling of ruddock see also ruddock (n.) Headword location(s)
rag (n.) Old form(s): ragge
smallest bit, scrap, farthing Headword location(s)
rag (n.) Old form(s): ragge, Ragges
worthless wretch, good-for-nothing creature, beggar Headword location(s)
rage (n.)
warlike ardour, martial spirit Headword location(s)
rage (n.)
madness, insanity, derangement Headword location(s)
rage (n.)
violent outburst, furious passion Headword location(s)
rage (n.)
violence, fighting, conflict Headword location(s)
rage (n.)
folly, rashness, mad jest Headword location(s)
rage (v.)
rave, show signs of madness Headword location(s)
ragged (adj.) Old form(s): ragged'st , wragged
rough, harsh Headword location(s)
ragged (adj.)
rough-hewn, dilapidated, rugged Headword location(s)
ragged (adj.) Old form(s): rag'd
broken, jagged, fragmented Headword location(s)
ragged (adj.)
dressed in rags, unkempt, tattered Headword location(s)
ragged (adj.)
beggarly, shabby, abject Headword location(s)
raging (adj.)
roving, wanton, riotous Headword location(s)
raging (adj.)
mad, rash, crazy Headword location(s)
rah tah tah (int.)
gun drill noises see also Sounds Headword location(s)
rail (v.) Old form(s): raild , rail'd , raile , railes , rayld , rayl'd , rayle , rayl'st
rant, rave, be abusive [about] see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
railer (n.) Old form(s): Rayler
ranter, reviler Headword location(s)
railing (adj.) Old form(s): rayling
abusive, derisive, haranguing Headword location(s)
railing (n.) Old form(s): rayling
abuse, insulting speech, vilification Headword location(s)
raiment (n.) Old form(s): Raiment, Rayment
clothing, clothes, dress Headword location(s)
raise (v.) Old form(s): rayse
put an end to, finish Headword location(s)
raise (v.)
rouse, excite, incite Headword location(s)
raise (v.)
rouse, stir up, call to arms Headword location(s)
raise (v.) Old form(s): rais'd
elevate in rank, advance, promote Headword location(s)
raise (v.)
rouse, wake up Headword location(s)
raise up (v.) Old form(s): vp
stimulate, stir up, excite Headword location(s)
raising (n.)
rumour-raising, stirring-up, incitement Headword location(s)
raisins of the sun Old form(s): Reysons
sun-dried grapes Headword location(s)
rake up (v.) Old form(s): vp
bury, cover up Headword location(s)
ram (n.)
battering-ram Headword location(s)
ramp (n.) Old form(s): Rampes
whore, brazen woman Headword location(s)
rampallian (n.)
ruffian, villain, scoundrel Headword location(s)
ramping (adj.)
rampant, rearing up Headword location(s)
rampired (adj.) Old form(s): rampyr'd
fortified by ramps of earth, strengthened against attack Headword location(s)
rancour (n.)
bitterness, hatred, malice Headword location(s)
random, at Old form(s): randone
untended, neglected, uncared for Headword location(s)
range (n.)
battle line, fighting position Headword location(s)
range (v.) Old form(s): rainge , rang'd
wander freely, roam, rove Headword location(s)
range (v.) Old form(s): raunges
arrange, lay out, array [in order] Headword location(s)
range (v.)
occupy, take up, be placed Headword location(s)
ranged (adj.) Old form(s): raing'd
arranged, ordered; or: spacious, extensive Headword location(s)
ranger (n.)
gamekeeper, forester Headword location(s)
rank (adj.) Old form(s): rancke , ranke
growing in abundance, excessively luxuriant [often unattractively] see also over-rank (adj.) Headword location(s)
rank (adj.) Old form(s): ranck, ranke
gross, outlandish, coarse Headword location(s)
rank (adj.) Old form(s): rancke , ranke
foul-smelling, stinking Headword location(s)
rank (adj.)
high, good, great Headword location(s)
rank (adj.)
strong, stout, firm Headword location(s)
rank (adj.) Old form(s): ranke
numerous, frequent, abundant Headword location(s)
rank (adj.) Old form(s): rancke, ranke
lascivious, lustful, lewd Headword location(s)
rank (adj.)
large, serious, grievous Headword location(s)
rank (adj.) Old form(s): ranke
bloated, swollen, puffed-up Headword location(s)
rank (adj.) Old form(s): rancke , ranke
foul, festering, diseased Headword location(s)
rank (adj.) Old form(s): ranke
violent, heated, intemperate Headword location(s)
rank (adj.) Old form(s): ranke
full to overflowing, brimful Headword location(s)
rank (adv.) Old form(s): ranke
densely, thickly, completely Headword location(s)
rank (n.) Old form(s): rancke , ranke
row, line, series Headword location(s)
rank (n.) Old form(s): ranke
way of moving, progress Headword location(s)
rank (n.) Old form(s): rankes
(plural) troops, forces, army Headword location(s)
rank (n.) Old form(s): Ranke
position, place Headword location(s)
rank (v.) Old form(s): ranke
place, class, put down Headword location(s)
rank (v.) Old form(s): rankt
find, accompany [by] Headword location(s)
rank (v.) Old form(s): rank'd
arrange in ranks, order in rows Headword location(s)
ranked (adj.) Old form(s): rank'd
drawn up in battle order Headword location(s)
rankle (v.) Old form(s): ranckle
cause a festering wound Headword location(s)
rankly (adv.)
grossly, very much, completely Headword location(s)
rankness (n.) Old form(s): ranckenesse, ranknesse
excessive growth, rebelliousness Headword location(s)
rankness (n.) Old form(s): ranknesse
excess, abundance, profusion Headword location(s)
rank-scented (adj.) Old form(s): ranke-sented
foul-smelling, stinking Headword location(s)
ransack-constraining (adj.) Old form(s): ransackt constraining
that makes plundering unavoidable Headword location(s)
ransacked (adj.) Old form(s): ransack'd , ransackt
violated, ravished, plundered Headword location(s)
ransom (n.) Old form(s): ransome
money owing, amount to be paid Headword location(s)
ranting (adj.)
boisterous, jovial, noisily convivial Headword location(s)
rap (v.)
transport, move with rapture Headword location(s)
rape (n.)
abduction, violent seizure Headword location(s)
rapier (n.)
light sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting see also Weapons Headword location(s)
rapine (n.)
rape Headword location(s)
rapt (adj.)
enraptured, entranced, thrilled Headword location(s)
rapt (adj.)
absorbed, engrossed, preoccupied Headword location(s)
rapt (adj.)
carried away with emotion, lost for words Headword location(s)
rapture (n.)
fit, seizure, convulsion Headword location(s)
rapture (n.) Old form(s): rupture
seizure, plundering, carrying away Headword location(s)
rare (adj.) Old form(s): rar'st
unusual, striking, exceptional Headword location(s)
rare (adj.)
marvellous, splendid, excellent Headword location(s)
rare (adj.)
profound, special, exquisite Headword location(s)
rare (adj.)
infrequent, uncommon, few in number Headword location(s)
rarely (adv.)
splendidly, beautifully, excellently Headword location(s)
rarely (adv.)
exceptionally, outstandingly, unbelievably Headword location(s)
rareness (n.)
exceptional character, rarity Headword location(s)
rariety (n.)
rarity, exceptional quality Headword location(s)
rarity (n.) Old form(s): rariety , raritie
exceptional nature, striking quality Headword location(s)
rascal (adj.) Old form(s): Rascall
worthless, good-for-nothing Headword location(s)
rascal (n.) Old form(s): Rascall
young or inferior deer in a herd; one of the common herd Headword location(s)
rascal (n.) Old form(s): Rascall
worthless wretch, good-for-nothing Headword location(s)
rash (adj.)
quickly lit, briefly flaming Headword location(s)
rash (adj.)
sudden, quickly acting, operating immediately Headword location(s)
rash (adj.)
hasty, impetuous, impulsive see also heady-rash (adj.) Headword location(s)
rash (adv.)
hastily, impetuously, impulsively Headword location(s)
rash (v.)
force, drive; or: slash with Headword location(s)
rash-levied (adj.) Old form(s): rash leuied
hastily raised Headword location(s)
rate (n.)
quantity, amount, instance Headword location(s)
rate (n.)
opinion, estimation, view Headword location(s)
rate (n.)
cost, expense Headword location(s)
rate (n.)
price, fee Headword location(s)
rate (n.)
mode of life, style of living Headword location(s)
rate (n.)
worth, value, merit Headword location(s)
rate (v.)
reckon, estimate, appraise Headword location(s)
rate (v.)
berate, reproach, rebuke, scold Headword location(s)
rate (v.)
allot, apportion, assign Headword location(s)
rate (v.)
be worth, count as much as Headword location(s)
rate at (v.)
berate, reproach, rebuke, scold Headword location(s)
rated (adj.)
valued, prized, to be reckoned with Headword location(s)
rated (adj.)
assessed, exposed, evaluated Headword location(s)
ratify (v.)
make metrically correct, bring into proportion Headword location(s)
rational (adj.) Old form(s): rationall
endowed with reason Headword location(s)
Ratolorum (n.)
malapropism for 'rotulorum' [= of the rolls]; 'custalorum' is a shortened form of 'custos rotulorum [=keeper of the rolls] Headword location(s)
ratsbane (n.) Old form(s): Rats-bane
rat poison Headword location(s)
raught (v.)
past form of 'reach' see also reach (v.) Headword location(s)
ravel (v.) Old form(s): rauell
become entangled, get confused Headword location(s)
ravel out (v.) Old form(s): rauell
unravel, disentangle, make clear Headword location(s)
ravelled (adj.) Old form(s): rauel'd
tangled, confused, jumbled up Headword location(s)
raven (v.) Old form(s): Rauening
feed ravenously on, devour voraciously Headword location(s)
raven up (v.) Old form(s): rauen vp
feed ravenously on, devour voraciously Headword location(s)
ravenous (adj.)
rapacious, predatory, insatiable Headword location(s)
ravin (adj.) Old form(s): rauine
ravenous, starving, devouring Headword location(s)
ravin down (v.) Old form(s): rauyn downe
gobble ravenously, devour voraciously Headword location(s)
ravined, ravened (adj.) Old form(s): rauin'd
stuffed with prey, glutted Headword location(s)
ravish (v.) Old form(s): Bravishd , rauish
snatch from, tear from Headword location(s)
ravish (v.) Old form(s): Iranyshed , rauish , rauisht
entrance, enrapture, carry away with joy see also Archaisms Headword location(s)
ravish (v.) Old form(s): rauish
seize, despoil, corrupt Headword location(s)
ravished (adj.) Old form(s): rauish'd
abducted, carried off by force Headword location(s)
raw (adj.) Old form(s): rawe
unrefined, unskilled, unpolished Headword location(s)
rawly (adv.)
immaturely, so young Headword location(s)
rawness (n.) Old form(s): rawnesse
unprotected state, vulnerable situation Headword location(s)
ray (v.) Old form(s): raied
disfigure, stain, blemish Headword location(s)
ray (v.) Old form(s): raide
dirty, soil, make filthy Headword location(s)
raze (n.)
[of ginger] root see also race (n.) Headword location(s)
raze (v.) Old form(s): raiz'd
alter, take away, get rid of Headword location(s)
raze forth (v.) Old form(s): rased
erase, delete, remove Headword location(s)
raze, raze off (v.) Old form(s): rased
take off, pluck off Headword location(s)
raze, raze out Old form(s): rac'd , race , Racing , racte, raz'd
erase, obliterate, wipe out see also race out (v.) Headword location(s)
razed (adj.) Old form(s): rac'd
cut, slashed, slit Headword location(s)
razed (adj.)
obliterating, erasing see also rased (adj.) Headword location(s)
razed down Old form(s): downe rased
obliterated, torn down Headword location(s)
razed, rased (adj.) Old form(s): raz'd
obliterating, erasing Headword location(s)
razorable (adj.) Old form(s): Razor-able
ready for shaving Headword location(s)
razure (n.)
erasure, effacement, obliteration Headword location(s)
reach (n.)
capacity, capability, power of attainment Headword location(s)
reach (n.)
capacity of mind, penetration Headword location(s)
reach (v.), past form raught
equal, match, attain to Headword location(s)
reach (v.), past form raught
give, hold out Headword location(s)
reach (v.), past form raught
carry off, snatch away, take hold of Headword location(s)
reach at (v.)
reach out for, strive to attain Headword location(s)
reaching (adj.)
far-reaching Headword location(s)
read (v.) Old form(s): reade
interpret, discern, make something of Headword location(s)
read (v.) Old form(s): reade
reckon, consider, take into account Headword location(s)
read to (v.)
lecture, tutor, coach Headword location(s)
Readins (n.)
['redinz] Reading; former county town of Berkshire see also Britain [outside London] Headword location(s)
ready (adj.)
dressed, clothed Headword location(s)
ready (adj.) Old form(s): readie
alert, vigilant, attentive Headword location(s)
ready (adj.)
easy, quick, convenient Headword location(s)
ready (adj.)
eager, willing, ready to act Headword location(s)
ready (adv.)
readily, quickly, speedily Headword location(s)
reaped (adj.) Old form(s): reapt
barbered, clipped, trimmed Headword location(s)
rear (v.) Old form(s): reare
raise, lift up, boost Headword location(s)
rear (v.) Old form(s): reare
raise, incite, rouse up Headword location(s)
rear (v.) Old form(s): rear'd , reare , Rere
raise, lift up Headword location(s)
rearward (n.) Old form(s): rereward
rear, behind the main body of troops Headword location(s)
rearward (n.) Old form(s): rere-ward
rearguard action Headword location(s)
rearward of, in the (prep.) Old form(s): rere-ward
in the rear of, following on behind Headword location(s)
rearward of, on the (prep.)
following, immediately after Headword location(s)
reason (n.)
power of reason, judgement, common sense [often opposed to ‘passion’] Headword location(s)
reason (n.)
account, version, explanation Headword location(s)
reason (n.)
reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion Headword location(s)
reason (n.)
alternative, choice, possibility Headword location(s)
reason (n.)
observation, remark, point Headword location(s)
reason (n.)
reasonable treatment, justified course of action Headword location(s)
reason (n.)
reasoning, argument Headword location(s)
reason (v.)
argue rationally [about], debate the pros and cons [of] Headword location(s)
reason (v.) Old form(s): reason'd
talk, speak, converse Headword location(s)
reason (v.)
argue for, plead for, support Headword location(s)
reason (v.)
raise, bring up, discuss Headword location(s)
reasonable (adj.)
moderate, not excessive, fair-minded Headword location(s)
reasonable (adj.)
endowed with reason, rational Headword location(s)
reave (v.), past form reft Old form(s): reaue , reaues
rob, deprive Headword location(s)
rebate (v.)
check, stop, suppress Headword location(s)
rebate (v.)
subdue, moderate, make dull Headword location(s)
rebato (n.)
stiff ornamental collar, ruff see also Clothing Headword location(s)
rebel (adj.) Old form(s): Rebell
rebellious, uncontrollable, recalcitrant Headword location(s)
rebellion (n.)
revolt of the flesh, lust Headword location(s)
rebellious (adj.)
not obeying, disobedient, mutinous Headword location(s)
rebound (n.)
reflection, return, echo Headword location(s)
rebuke (n.)
severe blow, violent check Headword location(s)
rebuke (n.)
insult, shame, reproach Headword location(s)
rebuke (v.) Old form(s): rebuk'd
repress, put down, check Headword location(s)
rebuse (v.) Old form(s): rebus'd
malapropism for ‘abuse’ Headword location(s)
recall (v.) Old form(s): recal'd
revoke, annul, nullify Headword location(s)
recanter (n.) Old form(s): re-canter
one who retracts, party of withdrawal Headword location(s)
recanting (adj.)
causing an action to be retracted, resulting in withdrawal Headword location(s)
receipt (n.) Old form(s): receite
what is received, acquisition, gain Headword location(s)
receipt (n.)
sum received, amount obtained Headword location(s)
receipt (n.) Old form(s): receit , receits
recipe, formula, prescription Headword location(s)
receipt (n.)
reception, receiving venue Headword location(s)
receive (v.) Old form(s): receiu'd, receiue
consider, believe, regard Headword location(s)
receive (v.) Old form(s): receiue
take in, admit, recruit Headword location(s)
receive (v.) Old form(s): receiued
understand, take in, comprehend Headword location(s)
received (adj.) Old form(s): receiu'd
definite, absolute, positive Headword location(s)
received (adj.) Old form(s): receiu'd
fashionable, accepted as a norm, generally adopted Headword location(s)
receiving (n.) Old form(s): receiuing
perception, awareness, discernment Headword location(s)
receptacle (n.)
repository, storehouse, receiving chamber Headword location(s)
recheat (n.) Old form(s): rechate
horn call for bringing hounds together Headword location(s)
reck (v.) Old form(s): reake, reaks , wreake , wreakes
regard, heed, care [for] Headword location(s)
reckless (adj.) Old form(s): wreaklesse
negligent, thoughtless, careless Headword location(s)
reckon (v.) Old form(s): reckon'd
quantify, calculate, measure Headword location(s)
reckon (v.)
add up, keep count of Headword location(s)
reckon up (v.) Old form(s): reckon'd vp
list, enumerate Headword location(s)
reckon with (v.)
make a reckoning of, take full account of what is owed to Headword location(s)
reckoning (n.)
[of personal qualities] rendering of account, settlement of debts Headword location(s)
reckoning (n.) Old form(s): reckning, reck'ning , Recknings
bill [at an inn], settling of account Headword location(s)
reckoning (n.) Old form(s): reckning
counting up, enumeration, calculation Headword location(s)
reckoning (n.)
esteem, estimation, distinction Headword location(s)
reckoning (n.) Old form(s): reck'ning
assessment of debts, settlement of accounts Headword location(s)
reclaim (v.) Old form(s): reclaym'd
win back, bring back Headword location(s)
reclaim (v.) Old form(s): reclaim'd, reclaimes
subdue, tame, make obedient Headword location(s)
reclusive (adj.) Old form(s): reclusiue
secluded, cloistered, withdrawn from society Headword location(s)
recognizance (n.)
bond recognizing a debt Headword location(s)
recognizance (n.)
token, sign, symbol Headword location(s)
recoil (v.) Old form(s): Recoyle
fall away, degenerate, give way Headword location(s)
recoil (v.) Old form(s): requoyle
go back in time, return in memory Headword location(s)
recoil (v.) Old form(s): recoyling
yield, defer, give in to Headword location(s)
recollect (v.)
gather up, collect, amass Headword location(s)
recollected (adj.)
studied, artificial, refined Headword location(s)
recomforture (n.)
consolation, comfort, solace Headword location(s)
recommend (v.)
commit, commend, consign Headword location(s)
recommend (v.)
inform, notify, communicate to Headword location(s)
recompense (n.) Old form(s): recompence
repayment, return, compensation Headword location(s)
recompense (n.) Old form(s): recompence
payment for services, reward Headword location(s)
recompense (v.) Old form(s): recompenc't
compensate, redress, make restitution Headword location(s)
recompt (v.) Old form(s): tecompt
recount, narrate, report Headword location(s)
reconciled (adj.)
absolved, confessed, penitent Headword location(s)
reconcilement (n.)
reconciliation, appeasement, peace Headword location(s)
record (n.) Old form(s): recorde
witness, confirmation Headword location(s)
record (n.)
recorder Headword location(s)
record (n.)
recorded history, public remembrance Headword location(s)
record (n.)
recollection, memory Headword location(s)
record (v.)
sing, warble, chant Headword location(s)
recordation (n.)
remembrance, recollection, commemoration Headword location(s)
recordation (n.)
committing to memory, solemn recording Headword location(s)
recountment (n.)
account, narrative, relating [of what has happened] Headword location(s)
recourse (n.)
opportunity of going, means of access Headword location(s)
recourse (n.)
repeated flowing, recurrence Headword location(s)
recover (v.) Old form(s): recouer, recouer'd, recouered
revive, restore to health Headword location(s)
recover (v.) Old form(s): recouer
recall, recollect, bring to mind Headword location(s)
recover (v.)
get back; also: cover again Headword location(s)
recover (v.) Old form(s): recouer
reach, get to, make Headword location(s)
recover (v.) Old form(s): recouer
get hold of, obtain, get Headword location(s)
recovery (n.) Old form(s): recouer , Recoueries, recouery
[legal] procedure for transferring property into full ownership Headword location(s)
recovery (n.) Old form(s): recouery
attainment, gain, restoration Headword location(s)
recreant (adj.)
cowardly, faint-hearted, craven Headword location(s)
recreant (n.)
coward, faint-hearted individual Headword location(s)
recreant (n.)
deserter, renegade, villain Headword location(s)
recreant (n.)
heretic, unbeliever, apostate see also miscreant (n.) 2 Headword location(s)
recreate (v.)
refresh, restore, enjoy Headword location(s)
recreation (n.)
amusement, entertainment, fun Headword location(s)
recreation (n.)
refreshment, pastime, diversion Headword location(s)
recreation (n.)
source of amusement, figure of fun Headword location(s)
rectifier (n.)
one who puts things right, director Headword location(s)
rector (n.)
ruler, governor; or: parish priest Headword location(s)
rectorship (n.)
rule, government, dominion Headword location(s)
recure (v.)
heal, make whole, restore to health Headword location(s)
rede (n.) Old form(s): reade
advice, counsel, guidance Headword location(s)
redeem (v.) Old form(s): redeeme
[of time lost] get back, buy back, make amends for Headword location(s)
redeem (v.) Old form(s): redeeme
free, liberate, extricate Headword location(s)
redeem (v.) Old form(s): redeem'd , redeeme
ransom Headword location(s)
redeliver (v.) Old form(s): redeliuer
repeat, relate, report Headword location(s)
redemption (n.)
rescue, recovery Headword location(s)
redemption (n.)
ransom, means of release [from debt] Headword location(s)
free yourself from captivity at the lowest ransom see also Latin Headword location(s)
red-lattice (adj.)
[sign of a] tavern, ale-house Headword location(s)
redoubted (adj.)
feared, dreaded, revered Headword location(s)
redound (v.)
fall out, contribute, turn out Headword location(s)
redress (n.) Old form(s): redresse
relief, assistance, help, comfort Headword location(s)
redress (n.) Old form(s): redresse
remedy, amendment, improvement Headword location(s)
redress (v.) Old form(s): redresse
repair, remedy, put right Headword location(s)
reduce (v.)
restore, bring back, lead back Headword location(s)
reechy (adj.) Old form(s): reechie, reechie
dirty, filthy, squalid Headword location(s)
reechy (adj.) Old form(s): rechie
begrimed by smoke, discoloured, filthy Headword location(s)
reed (adj.) Old form(s): reede
reedy, squeaking Headword location(s)
re-edify (v.) Old form(s): re-edify'd
rebuild, restore Headword location(s)
reek (n.) Old form(s): reeke
foggy vapour, steam, fume, smoke Headword location(s)
reek (v.) Old form(s): reek'd , reeke , reekes
steam, smoke, give off vapour Headword location(s)
reek (v.) Old form(s): reeke
break into a sweat, perspire Headword location(s)
reeking (adj.) Old form(s): reaking
smeared with blood, freshly bloodstained Headword location(s)
reeking (adj.)
sweaty, heated, perspiring Headword location(s)
reeky (adj.) Old form(s): reckie
foul-smelling, smoky Headword location(s)
reel (v.) Old form(s): reeles, reeleth
waver, become unsteady, turn suddenly Headword location(s)
reels (n.) Old form(s): Reeles
(plural) revels, revelry, merry-making Headword location(s)
refel (v.) Old form(s): refeld
refuse, deny, reject Headword location(s)
refer (v.) Old form(s): referre
entrust, commit, commend Headword location(s)
refer (v.) Old form(s): referr'd
assign, give, bestow Headword location(s)
reference (n.)
[unclear meaning] designation, appointment, assignment Headword location(s)
reference (n.)
case for consideration, referring for a decision Headword location(s)
refigure (v.) Old form(s): refigur'd
make a new likeness of, replicate Headword location(s)
refined (adj.) Old form(s): refin'de
civilized, cultivated, sophisticated Headword location(s)
reflect (v.)
shine, cast a bright light Headword location(s)
reflection (n.)
return, turning back, retrogression [at the spring equinox] Headword location(s)
reflex (n.) Old form(s): reflexe
reflection, image, shadow Headword location(s)
reflex (v.)
throw, cast, shed Headword location(s)
reform (v.)
malapropism for ‘inform’ Headword location(s)
reformation (n.)
radical political change, new government Headword location(s)
refractory (adj.) Old form(s): refracturie
rebellious, obstinate, umanageable Headword location(s)
refrain (v.) Old form(s): refraine
restrain, hold back, keep under control Headword location(s)
reft (v.)
past form of 'reave' see also reave (v.) Headword location(s)
refuge (n.)
resource, last defence, final recourse Headword location(s)
refuge (v.)
shelter from, take refuge from Headword location(s)
refuse (n.)
dross, dregs, leavings Headword location(s)
refuse (v.) Old form(s): refus'd
spurn, disown, cast off Headword location(s)
regard (n.)
consideration, respect, factor Headword location(s)
regard (n.)
consideration, concern, thought, heed Headword location(s)
regard (n.)
look, glance, gaze Headword location(s)
regard (n.)
view, prospect, sight Headword location(s)
regard (n.)
respect, repute, esteem Headword location(s)
regard (v.)
gaze upon, look down on, observe Headword location(s)
regard (v.)
tend, look after, take care of Headword location(s)
regard (v.)
take note of, pay heed to, value Headword location(s)
regard (v.)
esteem, repute, respect Headword location(s)
regard, in (conj.)
insofar as Headword location(s)
regardfully (adv.)
respectfully, with great esteem, with high praise Headword location(s)
regenerate (adj.)
renegade, degenerate, unnatural Headword location(s)
regenerate (adj.)
reborn, formed anew Headword location(s)
regent (n.)
ruler, governor, sovereign Headword location(s)
regiment (n.)
rule, regimen, normal state Headword location(s)
region (adj.)
in the sky, of the air Headword location(s)
region (n.)
air, sky, heavens Headword location(s)
region (n.)
rank, sphere, social standing Headword location(s)
register (n.)
record, catalogue, inventory Headword location(s)
register (n.)
registrar, recorder Headword location(s)
register (v.) Old form(s): registred
record, formally write down Headword location(s)
regreet (n.) Old form(s): regreete
fresh greeting, return of salutation Headword location(s)
regreet (v.) Old form(s): regreete
greet again, salute upon returning Headword location(s)
regress (n.)
[in phrases] see also egress and regress Headword location(s)
reguerdon (n.)
recompense, reward, repayment Headword location(s)
reguerdon (v.) Old form(s): reguerdon'd
recompense, reward, repay Headword location(s)
regular (adj.)
established, prescribed, constituted Headword location(s)
rehearsal (n.) Old form(s): rehearsall
story, account, recounting Headword location(s)
rehearse (v.) Old form(s): rehearst
relate, recount, give an account of Headword location(s)
rehearse (v.) Old form(s): reherse
pronounce, speak, utter Headword location(s)
rehearse (v.)
repeat, recite, say over again Headword location(s)
reign (v.) Old form(s): reigne
have power, exercise influence Headword location(s)
rein (n.) Old form(s): reines
(plural) loins, kidneys Headword location(s)
rein (n.) Old form(s): Reine
control, restraint, curb Headword location(s)
reinforce (v.) Old form(s): re-inforce
obtain reinforcements Headword location(s)
reinforcement (n.)
fresh attack, renewal of force Headword location(s)
rejoice (v.) Old form(s): reioyce
gladden, cheer, make joyful Headword location(s)
rejoicer (n.) Old form(s): Rejoycer
cheerer, encourager, consoler Headword location(s)
rejoicingly (adv.) Old form(s): reioycingly
in an exulting manner, with delight Headword location(s)
rejoindure (n.) Old form(s): reioyndure
reunion, reuniting Headword location(s)
rejourn (v.) Old form(s): reiourne
put off, postpone, adjourn Headword location(s)
relapse (n.)
[unclear meaning] falling back, return; rebound Headword location(s)
relation (n.)
report, account, narration Headword location(s)
relation (n.)
relationship, connection, association Headword location(s)
relative (adj.) Old form(s): Relatiue
pertinent, relevant, substantial Headword location(s)
release (v.)
give up, hand over, transfer Headword location(s)
relent (v.)
yield, give way, give up Headword location(s)
relenting (adj.)
soft-hearted, sympathetic, pitying Headword location(s)
relic (n.) Old form(s): Reliques
memory, trace, recollection Headword location(s)
relief (n.) Old form(s): releefe
assistance, help, aid Headword location(s)
relief (n.) Old form(s): reliefe
refreshment, sustenance, pasture Headword location(s)
relier (n.)
thing relied upon Headword location(s)
relieve (v.) Old form(s): Releeu'd , releeue , relieue , relieued
aid, assist, rescue Headword location(s)
religion (n.)
religious belief; or: fear, superstition Headword location(s)
religion (n.)
religious observance, spiritual duty, obligation Headword location(s)
religious (adj.)
sacred, solemn, inviolate Headword location(s)
religious (adj.)
member of a religious order Headword location(s)
religious (adj.)
devout, conscientious, scrupulous Headword location(s)
religiously (adv.)
in accord with religious belief Headword location(s)
religiously (adv.)
solemnly, with all due ceremony Headword location(s)
religiously (adv.)
reverently, piously, devoutly Headword location(s)
relinquish (v.) Old form(s): relinquisht
abandon, desert, give up [by] Headword location(s)
reliques (n.)
antiquities, ancient ruins, old places Headword location(s)
relish (n.) Old form(s): rellish
trace, suggestion, hint Headword location(s)
relish (n.) Old form(s): Rallish
liking, taste, inclination Headword location(s)
relish (n.) Old form(s): rellish
kind, quality, type Headword location(s)
relish (n.)
taste, flavour, savour Headword location(s)
relish (v.) Old form(s): relisht , rellish
have a flavour [of], taste, savour Headword location(s)
relish (v.) Old form(s): rellish'd
be acceptable, find favour Headword location(s)
relish (v.) Old form(s): rellish
feel, experience, sense Headword location(s)
relish (v.) Old form(s): Rellish
appreciate, like, approve of Headword location(s)
relish (v.) Old form(s): Ralish , rellish
sing, warble, croon Headword location(s)
reliver (v.)
restore, hand over, give up again Headword location(s)
relume (v.) Old form(s): re-Lume
relight, rekindle, burn afresh Headword location(s)
remain (n.) Old form(s): Remaine, remaines
remainder, rest Headword location(s)
remain (v.) Old form(s): remaine , remaines
dwell, live, reside Headword location(s)
remainder (adj.)
left-over, remaining, uneaten Headword location(s)
remainder (n.)
balance, amount remaining unpaid Headword location(s)
remainder (n.)
rest, remaining people Headword location(s)
remainder (n.)
subsequent heir, person who has a further interest Headword location(s)
remainder (n.)
remaining wealth, residue of a fortune Headword location(s)
remand (v.)
refer, send back, hand over see also remedy (v.) Headword location(s)
remarkable (adj.) Old form(s): remarkeable
wonderful, extraordinary, exceptional Headword location(s)
remediate (adj.) Old form(s): remediate
remedial, restorative, healing Headword location(s)
remedy (n.)
help, relief, alternative Headword location(s)
remedy (v.)
hand over for remedy, send for correction see also remand (v.) Headword location(s)
remedy, no Old form(s): remedie
no question, no alternative Headword location(s)
remember (v.) Old form(s): remembred
recollect, recall, call to mind Headword location(s)
remember (v.) Old form(s): remembred
commemorate, acknowledge, reward, recognize Headword location(s)
remember (v.) Old form(s): Remembets , remembred, remembrest , remembring
remind, bring to someone's mind Headword location(s)
remember (v.) Old form(s): remembred
mention, make known Headword location(s)
remembrance (n.)
love-token, keepsake, memento Headword location(s)
remembrance (n.)
notice, paying attention Headword location(s)
remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection see also Frequently Encountered Words (FEW) Headword location(s)
remembrance (n.)
reminder Headword location(s)
remembrance (v.)
mistake for ‘remember’ Headword location(s)
remembrancer (n.)
official reminder, aide-memoire Headword location(s)
remiss (adj.) Old form(s): remisse
careless, inattentive, negligent Headword location(s)
remission (n.)
power to pardon, inclination to forgive Headword location(s)
remission (n.)
pardon, forgiveness Headword location(s)
remissness (n.) Old form(s): remissenesse
negligence, laxity, carelessness Headword location(s)
remit (v.)
give up, resign, surrender Headword location(s)
remonstrance (n.)
revelation, display, manifestation Headword location(s)
remorse (n.)
pity, regret, sorrow Headword location(s)
remorse (n.)
pity, compassion, tenderness Headword location(s)
remorse (n.)
consideration, thoughtfulness for others Headword location(s)
remorseful (adj.) Old form(s): remorsefull
conscience-stricken, guilty, full of sorrow Headword location(s)
remorseful (adj.) Old form(s): remorse-full
compassionate, caring, full of pity Headword location(s)
remotion (n.)
removal, departure; or: remoteness Headword location(s)
remove (n.) Old form(s): remoue
removal, departure, elimination Headword location(s)
remove (n.) Old form(s): remoue
removal, raising [of a siege] Headword location(s)
remove (n.) Old form(s): remoue, remoues
change of residence, departure Headword location(s)
remove (n.) Old form(s): remoue, remoues
exchange, switch, substitution Headword location(s)
remove (v.) Old form(s): remou'd, remoue
go, move off, depart Headword location(s)
removed (adj.) Old form(s): remoued
remote, secluded, further away Headword location(s)
removed (adj.) Old form(s): remou'd
at a remove, not closely involved Headword location(s)
removed (adj.) Old form(s): remoued
estranged, remote, alienated Headword location(s)
removed (adj.) Old form(s): remoued
degree separated in line of succession Headword location(s)
removedness (n.) Old form(s): remouednesse
absence [from court], non-attendance Headword location(s)
rend (v.)
tear apart, lay waste, devastate Headword location(s)
render (n.)
account, declaration, admission Headword location(s)
render (n.)
rendering up, surrender, account Headword location(s)
render (v.)
give back [to], return [to] Headword location(s)
render (v.)
exchange, give in return Headword location(s)
render (v.) Old form(s): rendred
give up, surrender, yield Headword location(s)
render (v.)
declare, state, give an account Headword location(s)
render (v.) Old form(s): render'd
describe, represent, depict [as] Headword location(s)
render up (v.) Old form(s): vp
give up, surrender, yield Headword location(s)
rendezvous (n.) Old form(s): rendeuous
last resort, final shift Headword location(s)
rendezvous (n.) Old form(s): Randeuous, rendeuous
refuge, retreat, haven Headword location(s)
renegado (n.) Old form(s): Renegatho
renegade, turncoat, deserter Headword location(s)
renege (v.) Old form(s): reneages
renounce, refuse, abandon Headword location(s)
renege (v.)
deny, refuse, decline Headword location(s)
renew (v.)
become new, grow again, regenerate Headword location(s)
renouncement (n.)
renunciation, denial, abandonment [of the world] Headword location(s)
renown (n.) Old form(s): Renowne
reputation, good name, honour Headword location(s)
renown (n.) Old form(s): renowne
report, hearsay, rumour Headword location(s)
renown (v.) Old form(s): renowne
bring renown to, make famous Headword location(s)
rent (adj.)
torn, shredded, ripped up Headword location(s)
rent (v.)
rend, tear, pull to pieces Headword location(s)
repair (n.) Old form(s): repaire , repayre
coming, arrival, approach Headword location(s)
repair (n.) Old form(s): repaire , repayre
restoration, renewal, recovery Headword location(s)
repair (v.) Old form(s): repair , repaire , repayre
come, go, make one's way Headword location(s)
repair (v.) Old form(s): Repaire , repaires , repayre
restore, renew, revive Headword location(s)
repairing (adj.) Old form(s): repayring
with power of recovery, with ability to revive Headword location(s)
repast (n.)
food and drink, meal, refreshment Headword location(s)
repast (v.)
feed, nourish, supply Headword location(s)
repasture (n.)
food, repast, meal Headword location(s)
repeal (n.) Old form(s): Repeale
recall, return from banishment Headword location(s)
repeal (v.) Old form(s): repeal'd, repeale , repeales
recall, call back [from exile] Headword location(s)
repealing (n.)
recall, return from banishment Headword location(s)
repeat (v.)
mention, speak of, utter Headword location(s)
repeated (adj.)
renewed, reiterated, enumerated Headword location(s)
repetition (n.)
recital, narration, relating Headword location(s)
repetition (n.)
going over the past, re-opening of old wounds Headword location(s)
repine (n.)
discontent, vexation, irritation Headword location(s)
repine (v.) Old form(s): repin'd
be discontented, complain, feel dissatisfaction Headword location(s)
repining (adj.)
grudging, grumbling Headword location(s)
replenished (adj.) Old form(s): replenish'd
complete, perfect, consummate Headword location(s)
repletion (n.)
over-indulgence, immoderate living Headword location(s)
replication (n.)
reply, answer, response Headword location(s)
replication (n.)
reverberation, echo Headword location(s)
report (n.)
rumour, gossip, hearsay Headword location(s)
report (n.)
reputation, fame, renown Headword location(s)
report (n.)
acclamation, acclaim, commendation Headword location(s)
report (n.)
account, description Headword location(s)
report (v.)
give an account [of], describe in words Headword location(s)
reportingly (adv.)
by hearsay, by report Headword location(s)
reposal (n.) Old form(s): reposall
reposing, placing, desposit Headword location(s)
repose (v.)
confidently settle, happily rely Headword location(s)
reprehend (v.)
reprove, censure, rebuke Headword location(s)
reprehend (v.)
malapropism for ‘represent’ Headword location(s)
reprisal (n.) Old form(s): reprizall
prize, booty, trophy Headword location(s)
reproach (n.) Old form(s): reproch
blame, disgrace, shame Headword location(s)
reproach (n.)
someone deserving of blame, source of disgrace Headword location(s)
reproach (n.)
malapropism for ‘approach’ Headword location(s)
reprobance (n.)
damnation, perdition Headword location(s)
reproof (n.) Old form(s): reproofe
disproof, refutation, rebuttal Headword location(s)
reproof (n.) Old form(s): reproofe
shame, disgrace, reproach Headword location(s)
reproof (n.) Old form(s): reproofe
rebuff, rebuke, censure Headword location(s)
reprovable (adj.) Old form(s): reprouable
blameworthy, reprehensible, deserving censure Headword location(s)
reprove (v.) Old form(s): reprooue , reproue
disprove, rebut, refute, deny Headword location(s)
repugn (v.) Old form(s): repugne
reject, oppose, deny Headword location(s)
repugnancy (n.)
resistance, fighting back, opposition Headword location(s)
repugnant (adj.)
opposing, resisting, refusing Headword location(s)
repulse (n.)
refusal, rejection, rebuff Headword location(s)
reputation (n.)
honour, esteem, integrity Headword location(s)
repute (v.)
consider, think, reckon Headword location(s)
repute of (v.)
think highly of, hold in esteem Headword location(s)
reputed (adj.)
acknowledged, recognized, accounted Headword location(s)
request (n.)
demand, state of being sought after Headword location(s)
requicken (v.) Old form(s): Requickned
revive, reanimate, refresh Headword location(s)
require (v.)
request, ask, beg Headword location(s)
require (v.) Old form(s): requir'd
deserve, merit, justify Headword location(s)
require (v.) Old form(s): requir'd
command, summon, demand Headword location(s)
require (v.)
demand, claim, insist on Headword location(s)
require (v.) Old form(s): requir'd
call up, make available Headword location(s)
requiring (n.)
demanding, requesting as a right Headword location(s)
requital (n.) Old form(s): requitaIl , requitall
recompense, reward, repayment Headword location(s)
requite (v.), past forms requit, requited Old form(s): requight, requit , requits , requitted
reward, repay, recompense Headword location(s)
requite (v.), past forms requit, requited Old form(s): requit
avenge, pay back, take vengeance on Headword location(s)
reremouse (n.) Old form(s): Reremise
bat Headword location(s)
re-salute (v.) Old form(s): resalute
approach again, greet once more Headword location(s)
rescue (n.)
[legal] forced removal from custody Headword location(s)
rescue (n.) Old form(s): rescu
[cry for help to stop someone escaping] help, assistance Headword location(s)
resemblance (n.)
likelihood, probability, uncertain prospect Headword location(s)
reservation (n.) Old form(s): reseruation
keeping back, leaving aside Headword location(s)
reservation (n.) Old form(s): reseruation
concealment, secrecy, keeping out of sight Headword location(s)
reserve (v.) Old form(s): reseru'd , Reserue , reserues
preserve, retain, keep Headword location(s)
reserved (adj.) Old form(s): reserued
well-guarded, preserved, sustained Headword location(s)
residence (n.)
normal place of performance, usual venue [in the city] Headword location(s)
resist (v.)
revolt, repel, fill with distaste Headword location(s)
resolute (n.)
desperado, determined character Headword location(s)
resolution (n.)
determination, courage, firmness of purpose Headword location(s)
resolution (n.)
certainty, definiteness, positive knowledge Headword location(s)
resolve (n.) Old form(s): resolue
constancy, firmness of purpose, steadfastness Headword location(s)
resolve (n.) Old form(s): resolue
decision, resolution, conclusion Headword location(s)
resolve (v.) Old form(s): resolu'd , resolue, resolues
decide, make up one's mind Headword location(s)
resolve (v.) Old form(s): resolu'd , resolue , resolues, Resolueth
melt, dissolve, transform Headword location(s)
resolve (v.) Old form(s): resolu'd, resolue
satisfy, free from doubt Headword location(s)
resolve (v.) Old form(s): resolue
decide, determine, settle Headword location(s)
resolve (v.) Old form(s): Resolue
be certain [of], rest assured, be sure Headword location(s)
resolve (v.) Old form(s): resolu'd, Resolue
remove, dispel, clear away Headword location(s)
resolve (v.) Old form(s): resolue
answer, respond to Headword location(s)
resolve (v.) Old form(s): resolue
inform, tell Headword location(s)
resolved (adj.) Old form(s): resolu'd , resolued
determined, settled, decided Headword location(s)
resolved (adj.) Old form(s): resolu'd, resolued
convinced, satisfied, assured Headword location(s)
resolvedly (adv.) Old form(s): Resoluedly
freeing from doubt, in a way which will remove all uncertainty Headword location(s)
resort (n.)
visits, visitings, approaches Headword location(s)
resort (n.)
crowd, gathering, company Headword location(s)
resort (n.)
habitual meeting, regular visit Headword location(s)
resorter (n.)
regular, frequenter, customer Headword location(s)
resound (v.)
resounding noise, reverberation Headword location(s)
respect (n.)
consideration, factor, circumstance Headword location(s)
respect (n.)
courtesy, politeness, consideration Headword location(s)
respect (n.)
attention, heed, deliberation Headword location(s)
respect (n.)
esteem, status, honour Headword location(s)
respect (n.)
regard, admiration, favour, opinion Headword location(s)
respect (n.)
relevance, pertinence; or: position Headword location(s)
respect (v.)
pay attention to, heed see also well-respected (adj.) Headword location(s)
respect (v.) Old form(s): respect'st
scruple about, have qualms about Headword location(s)
respect (v.)
bear in mind, consider Headword location(s)
respect (v.)
value, have regard for, prize Headword location(s)
respect of, in (prep.)
in comparison with Headword location(s)
respect of, in (prep.)
on account of Headword location(s)
respect, in
in comparison Headword location(s)
respect, upon Old form(s): vpon
with consideration, deliberately Headword location(s)
respected (adj.)
malapropism for ‘suspected’ Headword location(s)
respecting (prep.)
in comparison with Headword location(s)
respecting (prep.)
with regard to, with reference to Headword location(s)
respective (adj.) Old form(s): respectiue
worthy of respect, estimable, inspiring admiration Headword location(s)
respective (adj.) Old form(s): respectiue
careful, attentive, considerate Headword location(s)
respectively (adv.)
with all respect, graciously Headword location(s)
think of your end see also Latin Headword location(s)
respite (n.) Old form(s): respit
extent of time, time-scale Headword location(s)
respite (n.) Old form(s): respit
interval, pause, delay Headword location(s)
respite (v.) Old form(s): respits
save, prolong, grant Headword location(s)
responsive (adj.) Old form(s): responsiue
suited, corresponding, matched Headword location(s)
rest (n.)
residence, lodging, stay Headword location(s)
rest (n.)
[period of] peace, calm, repose Headword location(s)
rest (n.)
final stake, last resolve see also set up one's rest Headword location(s)
rest (n.)
interval, space, pause Headword location(s)
rest (v.)
remain, stay, stand Headword location(s)
rest (v.)
remain [to be done], be left Headword location(s)
rest under gage
remain as challenges see also gage, rest under Headword location(s)
rest you merry
farewell with concern for well-being see also Farewells Headword location(s)
rest, let
so much for, think no further of [someone / something] Headword location(s)
re-stem (v.)
retrace, go back upon Headword location(s)
restful (adj.) Old form(s): restfull
quiet, peaceful, free from strife Headword location(s)
resting (adj.)
stationary, unchanging, stable Headword location(s)
restitution (n.)
recovery, restoration, retrieval Headword location(s)
restorative (n.) Old form(s): restoratiues
healing power, medicinal cordial Headword location(s)
restore (v.) Old form(s): restor'd
have one's titles returned, reinstate Headword location(s)
restrain (v.) Old form(s): restrain'st
withhold, keep back, hold back Headword location(s)
restrain (v.) Old form(s): restrain'd
draw tightly, pull taut Headword location(s)
restrained (adj.)
forbidden, prohibited, banned Headword location(s)
restraint (n.)
captivity, imprisonment, confinement Headword location(s)
restraint (n.)
prohibition, exclusion, keeping out Headword location(s)
resty (adj.) Old form(s): restie
lazy, sluggish Headword location(s)
resty-stiff (adj.) Old form(s): resty stiffe
stiff because too rested, sluggish Headword location(s)
resume (v.)
undertake, take, accept Headword location(s)
retail (v.) Old form(s): retaile , retayl'd
recount, relate in detail, retell Headword location(s)
retain (v.) Old form(s): retaine , retein'd
employ, take into service Headword location(s)
retention (n.)
place of detention, confinement Headword location(s)
retention (n.)
[medicine] power to retain emotion Headword location(s)
retention (n.)
limit, restriction, holding back Headword location(s)
retention (n.)
means of retaining, way of keeping in mind Headword location(s)
retentive (adj.) Old form(s): retentiue
confining, constraining, imprisoning Headword location(s)
retire (n.) Old form(s): Retyre
retreat, withdrawal Headword location(s)
retire (v.) Old form(s): retyr'd , retyre
retreat, pull back, withdraw Headword location(s)
retire (v.) Old form(s): retyr'd
withdraw, take oneself away Headword location(s)
retire (v.)
draw back, pull back, yield Headword location(s)
retired (adj.) Old form(s): retyred
retiring, reserved, withdrawn Headword location(s)
retired (adj.) Old form(s): retir'd, retyr'd, retyred
withdrawn, secluded, cloistered Headword location(s)
retired (adj.)
retreating, receded, subsiding Headword location(s)
retirement (n.) Old form(s): retyrement
withdrawal, returning [to one's rooms] Headword location(s)
retirement (n.) Old form(s): retyrement
something to fall back on Headword location(s)
retirement (n.)
retreat, withdrawal, falling back Headword location(s)
retort (v.)
refuse, deny, reject Headword location(s)
retort (v.)
repay, pay back, recompense Headword location(s)
retort (v.)
turn back, return, reflect Headword location(s)
retreat (n.)
trumpet call signalling retreat Headword location(s)
retrograde (adj.)
contrary, opposed, repugnant Headword location(s)
retrograde (adj.)
[astrology] moving in a contrary direction see also Cosmos Headword location(s)
return (n.) Old form(s): returnes
response, reaction, repayment Headword location(s)
return (v.) Old form(s): return'd
pass, transfer Headword location(s)
return (v.) Old form(s): Returne , Returnes
answer, report, say in reply [to] Headword location(s)
return (v.) Old form(s): return'd , Returne
send back, respond with Headword location(s)
revel (n.) Old form(s): Reuell, Reuels
revelry, festivity, courtly entertainment Headword location(s)
revel (v.) Old form(s): reuel'd , reuell'd
make merry, riot, hold a party Headword location(s)
revengement (n.) Old form(s): Reuengement
revenge, retribution, punishment Headword location(s)
revengingly (adv.) Old form(s): Reuengingly
by way of revenge, in retaliation Headword location(s)
revenue (n.) Old form(s): Reuenue
possession, tenure, custody Headword location(s)
revenue (n.) Old form(s): reuenew , reuennew, Reuenues
income, yield, profit Headword location(s)
reverb (v.) Old form(s): Reuerbe
reverberate, re-echo, resound Headword location(s)
reverberate (adj.) Old form(s): reuerberate
reverberating, resounding, echoing Headword location(s)
reverence (n.) Old form(s): Reuerence
profound respect, esteem Headword location(s)
reverence (n.) Old form(s): Reuerence
respected state, venerable condition Headword location(s)
reverence (n.)
[in expressions] see also saving reverence of Headword location(s)
reverence (n.) Old form(s): reuerence
bow, obeisance, salutation Headword location(s)
reverence (v.) Old form(s): reuerenc'd
pay homage, hold in respect Headword location(s)
reverence, do Old form(s): reuerence
pay homage, worship, show respect [to] Headword location(s)
reverend (adj.) Old form(s): reuerend , reuerent
revered, worthy, respected Headword location(s)
reverent (adj.) Old form(s): reuerend , reuerent
worthy of respect, holy, religious Headword location(s)
reverently (adv.) Old form(s): reuerently
with profound respect, in great esteem Headword location(s)
reverse (n.) Old form(s): reuerse
[fencing] back-handed stroke Headword location(s)
reversion (n.) Old form(s): reuersion
prospective inheritance, expectation of possession Headword location(s)
reversion (n.) Old form(s): reuersion
right of succession, situation of reverting to its original owner Headword location(s)
revert (v.) Old form(s): reuerted
return, go back Headword location(s)
reverted (adj.) Old form(s): reuerted
revolted, in rebellion, mutinied Headword location(s)
review (v.) Old form(s): reuew
survey again, look once more at Headword location(s)
review (v.) Old form(s): reuewest
see again, observe once more Headword location(s)
revive (v.) Old form(s): reuiue
come back to life, live again Headword location(s)
revive (v.) Old form(s): reuiues
refresh, restore, invigorate Headword location(s)
revokement (n.) Old form(s): Reuokement
revoking, revocation, repeal Headword location(s)
revolt (n.) Old form(s): reuolt
revulsion of appetite, distaste, disgust Headword location(s)
revolt (n.) Old form(s): reuolt
betrayal, change of heart, faithlessness Headword location(s)
revolt (n.) Old form(s): Reuolts
rebel, revolutionary, malcontent Headword location(s)
revolt (n.) Old form(s): reuolt
rebellion, act of disobedience Headword location(s)
revolt (v.) Old form(s): reuolt, reuolted
change sides, alter allegiance, desert Headword location(s)
revolted (adj.) Old form(s): reuolted
rebellious, insurgent, insubordinate Headword location(s)
revolted (adj.) Old form(s): reuolted
runaway, truant, delinquent Headword location(s)
revolted (adj.) Old form(s): reuolted
faithless, disloyal, inconstant Headword location(s)
revolting (adj.) Old form(s): reuolting
rebellious, mutinous, insurgent Headword location(s)
revolution (n.) Old form(s): reuolution
reversal, change, twists and turns [of fortune] Headword location(s)
revolution (n.) Old form(s): reuolution
moving round [a point], revolving round Headword location(s)
revolution (n.) Old form(s): reuolutions
twisting and turning of the thoughts Headword location(s)
revolve (v.) Old form(s): reuolue , reuoluing
consider, ponder, meditate see also deep-revolving (adj.) Headword location(s)
reword, re-word (v.)
repeat, reiterate, put into words again Headword location(s)
reword, re-word (v.)
re-echo, resound, reverberate Headword location(s)
rhapsody (n.) Old form(s): rapsidie
string, miscellany, meaningless heap Headword location(s)
Rhenish (n.) Old form(s): Reinish, Renish , rennish
Rhineland wine Headword location(s)
Rhesus (n.)
[pron: 'reesus] Thracian hero, famed for his horses; after fighting for one day in the Trojan War, Ulysses and Diomedes killed him in his tent at night, and stole the horses see also Classical mythology Headword location(s)
Rhesus (n.)
[pron: 'reesus] Thracian hero, famed for his horses; after fighting for one day in the Trojan War, Ulysses and Diomedes killed him in his tent at night, and stole the horses see also Diomed, Diomede (n.) 1 Headword location(s)
Rhesus (n.)
[pron: 'reesus] Thracian hero, famed for his horses; after fighting for one day in the Trojan War, Ulysses and Diomedes killed him in his tent at night, and stole the horses see also Ulysses 1 Headword location(s)
Rhesus (n.)
[pron: 'reesus] Thracian hero, famed for his horses; after fighting for one day in the Trojan War, Ulysses and Diomedes killed him in his tent at night, and stole the horses see also Thracian 1 Headword location(s)
rhetoric (n.) Old form(s): Rethoricke, rhetoricke
oratory, flowery language Headword location(s)
rheum (n.) Old form(s): rheume, rhewme
tears Headword location(s)
rheum (n.) Old form(s): Rheume, Rheumes, Rhewme
catarrh, head-cold, coughing and spluttering Headword location(s)
rheum (n.) Old form(s): rheume , rhewme
watery discharge, seepage [especially of the eyes] Headword location(s)
rheum (n.) Old form(s): rhewme , rume
spit, spittle, saliva Headword location(s)
rheumatic (adj.) Old form(s): reumatique, Rheumaticke
with symptoms of rheum [watery discharge], catarrhal, cold-like Headword location(s)
rheumatic (adj.) Old form(s): rumaticke
likely to cause rheumatism Headword location(s)
rheumatic (adj.) Old form(s): Rheumatike , rumatique
malapropism for ‘choleric’ or ‘lunatic’ Headword location(s)
rheumy (adj.) Old form(s): Rhewmy
moist, wet, damp Headword location(s)
Rhodope (n.)
[pron: 'rodopee] Greek courtesan who became queen of Memphis, and the supposed builder of the third pyramid see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
rhymer (n.) Old form(s): Rimers
[disparaging] versifier, rhymester Headword location(s)
Rialto (n.)
[pron: ree'altoh] commercial exchange in Venice, NE Italy; also, bridge spanning the Grand Canal see also World [outside Britain], places and peoples Headword location(s)
rib (n.)
rampart, protective wall Headword location(s)
rib (v.) Old form(s): ribb'd
enclose [as if with ribs] Headword location(s)
ribald (adj.) Old form(s): ribauld
raucously abusive, noisily irreverent Headword location(s)
riband (n.) Old form(s): Ribonds
ribbon Headword location(s)
ribaudred (adj.)
[unclear meaning] foul, obscene, wanton Headword location(s)
rich (adj.)
high, noble, great Headword location(s)
rich (adj.)
experienced, sophisticated, cultivated Headword location(s)
rich-left (adj.)
richly endowed, left well-off Headword location(s)
richly (adv.)
nobly, mightily, in a powerful way Headword location(s)
richly (adv.)
abundantly, fully, amply Headword location(s)
rid (v.)
get rid of, destroy, kill Headword location(s)
rid (v.)
manage, conduct, control Headword location(s)
rid (v.)
cover, accomplish, get through Headword location(s)
rid (v.)
remove from, clear away from Headword location(s)
rid (v.)
lie at anchor Headword location(s)
riddle-like (adv.) Old form(s): riddle like
in the manner of a riddle, hiding the truth of a situation Headword location(s)
riddling (adj.)
dealing in riddles, riddle-making Headword location(s)
ride (v.)
press, harass, pursue Headword location(s)
ride (v.), past forms rid, ridden
control, dominate, tyrannize Headword location(s)
ridge (n.)
roof ridge, rooftop Headword location(s)
ridiculous (adj.) Old form(s): rediculous
in ridicule, derisive Headword location(s)
riding (adj.)
horse-racing Headword location(s)
riding-rod (n.) Old form(s): riding rods
cane used in riding, switch Headword location(s)
rifle (v.)
search and rob, plunder Headword location(s)
rift (v.)
split, cleave, rend apart Headword location(s)
rig (v.) Old form(s): rigge
fit out, equip, prepare Headword location(s)
riggish (adj.)
licentious, wanton, lascivious Headword location(s)
right (adj.)
typical, true, classic Headword location(s)
right (adj.)
in her right mind, sane, rational Headword location(s)
right (adj.)
correct [in opinion], right-minded Headword location(s)
right (adj.)
veritable, true, good Headword location(s)
right (adj.)
straight, not bent to one side Headword location(s)
right (adv.)
correctly, truly, accurately Headword location(s)
right (adv.)
very, altogether, properly Headword location(s)
right (adv.)
just, precisely Headword location(s)
right (adv.)
clearly, unmistakeably, assuredly Headword location(s)
right (n.)
just claim, rights, title Headword location(s)
right (n.)
justice, rightfulness, justification Headword location(s)
right (v.)
set right, vindicate, give redress Headword location(s)
right on
straight out, without art Headword location(s)
right out
outright, ordinary, out-and-out Headword location(s)
right, do one
give one satisfaction Headword location(s)
right, do one Old form(s): doe
support one's cause, take one's part Headword location(s)
right-drawn (adj.) Old form(s): right drawn
drawn in a rightful cause Headword location(s)
righteously (adv.)
rightly, correctly, truly Headword location(s)
rigol (n.) Old form(s): Rigoll
circle, ring Headword location(s)
rigorously (adv.)
cruelly, savagely, with severity Headword location(s)
rigour (n.) Old form(s): rigor
strength, severity, harshness Headword location(s)
rim (n.) Old form(s): rymme
[rim of the belly] midriff, paunch, diaphragm Headword location(s)
ring (n.)
circle surrounding the sovereign's head [on a coin]; ringing [of the voice] Headword location(s)
ring (n.)
eye-socket Headword location(s)
ring (n.)
round, circuit, orbit Headword location(s)
ring about (v.) Old form(s): ring'd
encircle, surround, enclose Headword location(s)
ring time
time for exchanging rings Headword location(s)
ring-carrier (n.)
go-between, bawd Headword location(s)
ringlet (n.)
fairy dance in a ring, circle dance Headword location(s)
RIngwood (n.)
one of Actaeon's dogs; traditional name of an English hound see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
RIngwood (n.)
one of Actaeon's dogs; traditional name of an English hound see also Actaeon (n.) Headword location(s)
riot (n.)
dissipation, wasteful revelry, extravagance Headword location(s)
riot (n.) Old form(s): ryot
dissipation, debauchery, wantonness Headword location(s)
riot (n.) Old form(s): ryot
excess, abundance, profusion Headword location(s)
riotous (adj.)
unrestrained, vociferous, uninhibited Headword location(s)
ripe (adj.)
matured, ready for action Headword location(s)
ripe (adj.)
ready, inclined, well-disposed Headword location(s)
ripe (adj.)
ready, fully prepared Headword location(s)
ripe (adj.)
red and full like ripe fruit Headword location(s)
ripe (adj.)
properly considered, fully thought out Headword location(s)
ripe (adj.)
drunk Headword location(s)
ripe (adj.)
mature, sophisticated, refined Headword location(s)
ripe (v.)
ripen, mature Headword location(s)
ripely (adv.)
immediately, quickly; or: with full development Headword location(s)
riping (n.)
ripening, coming to readiness Headword location(s)
rise (v.)
get up, get out of bed Headword location(s)
rise (v.)
ascend, reach the top Headword location(s)
rivage (n.) Old form(s): Riuage
coast, shore, bank Headword location(s)
rival (n.) Old form(s): Riuals
partner, associate, companion Headword location(s)
rival (v.) Old form(s): riuald
act as a rival, compete Headword location(s)
rivality (n.) Old form(s): riuality
equal partnership, equality of stature Headword location(s)
rive (v.) Old form(s): ryue
set off, fire, make explode Headword location(s)
rive (v.) Old form(s): riu'd , riue
split, rend, cleave Headword location(s)
rive (v.) Old form(s): Riue
open up, burst from, break out of Headword location(s)
rivelled (adj.)
furrowed, wrinkled Headword location(s)
rivet (n.) Old form(s): Riuet
bolt for fastening a piece of armour Headword location(s)
rivo (int.) Old form(s): Riuo
[unclear meaning] exclamation used while drinking Headword location(s)
road (n.) Old form(s): roade, rode, rodes
harbour, anchorage, roadstead Headword location(s)
road (n.) Old form(s): roade
inroad, raid, incursion Headword location(s)
road (n.) Old form(s): rode
pathway, route, course Headword location(s)
road (n.) Old form(s): Rodes
period of travel, stage Headword location(s)
roadway (n.) Old form(s): Rode-way
highway, common way Headword location(s)
roan (adj.) Old form(s): Roane
with a coat of mixed colour Headword location(s)
roarer (n.)
roaring wave, thundering breaker Headword location(s)
roast, rule the Old form(s): rost
has total authority, domineer, be master Headword location(s)
robe (n.)
long loose outer garment extending from neck to ankles see also Clothing Headword location(s)
robustious (adj.)
boisterous, noisy, unruly Headword location(s)
rod (n.)
inroad, foray, raid Headword location(s)
rod (n.)
cane, stick Headword location(s)
rogue (n.)
vagabond, vagrant, beggar Headword location(s)
roguing (adj.) Old form(s): rogueing
living like rogues, villainous, rascally Headword location(s)
roguish (adj.)
characteristic of vagabonds, wild Headword location(s)
roisting (adj.)
roistering, swaggering, vaunting Headword location(s)
rolled (adj.) Old form(s): roll'd
curled up, coiled Headword location(s)
rolling (adj.) Old form(s): rowling
flashing, expressive Headword location(s)
romage (n.)
commotion, turmoil, bustle Headword location(s)
Roman (adj.) Old form(s): Romane
of Rome; sober, serious Headword location(s)
Romish (adj.)
Roman Headword location(s)
rondure (n.)
roundness; sphere of the earth and the accompanying heavens Headword location(s)
ronyon (n.) Old form(s): Runnion
[term of abuse for a woman] mangy creature Headword location(s)
rood (n.)
cross see also Swearing Headword location(s)
rook (n.)
[in phrases] see also bully rook Headword location(s)
rook (v.) Old form(s): rook'd
crouch, cower, squat Headword location(s)
rooky (adj.) Old form(s): Rookie
filled with rooks, black, dark Headword location(s)
room (n.) Old form(s): roome
place, space Headword location(s)
room (n.) Old form(s): Roomes
position [in line to the throne] Headword location(s)
room (n.) Old form(s): roome
place, seat Headword location(s)
room (n.) Old form(s): roome
opportunity, scope, chance Headword location(s)
root (n.) Old form(s): roote
bottom [of one's heart] Headword location(s)
root (n.) Old form(s): roote, Rootes
vegetable root Headword location(s)
root (v.) Old form(s): roote
provide with roots, receive the roots of Headword location(s)
root (v.)
grow, be established, flourish Headword location(s)
root (v.)
root up, tear out Headword location(s)
rootedly (adv.)
deep-seatedly, in an entrenched way Headword location(s)
rope (n.)
[cry of derision, imitating a parrot's cry] hangman's rope, halter see also Exclamations Headword location(s)
ropery (n.) Old form(s): roperie
roguery, tricks, rascal ways Headword location(s)
rope-trick (n.) Old form(s): rope trickes
[unclear meaning] possibly a malapropism of ‘rhetoric’ or ‘rope-rhetoric’ [i.e. bombastic rhetoric] Headword location(s)
roping (adj.)
forming rope-like threads, drooping Headword location(s)
Roscius (n.)
[pron: 'rosius] most famous actor of ancient Rome, 2nd-c BC see also Historical figures Headword location(s)
rose over Old form(s): ros'd ouer
colour over like a rose, make rosy Headword location(s)
rosed (adj.)
rosy, rose-coloured Headword location(s)
rosemary (n.)
aromatic shrub, associated with remembering see also Plants Headword location(s)
rote (v.) Old form(s): roated
learn by heart, fix routinely Headword location(s)
rotten (adj.)
rusted, tarnished Headword location(s)
rotten (adj.)
flawed, erroneous, corrupt Headword location(s)
rotten (adj.)
unhealthy, corrupting, unwholesome Headword location(s)
rotten (adj.)
diseased, infected, liver-rotten Headword location(s)
rough (adj.)
difficult to manage, not thoroughly trained Headword location(s)
rough (adj.)
inadequate, dull, lacking grace Headword location(s)
rough (adj.)
violent, harsh, cruel Headword location(s)
rough (adj.)
hairy, shaggy Headword location(s)
rough (adj.)
imperfect, unpolished, untidy Headword location(s)
rough (adj.)
arbitrary, severe, strong Headword location(s)
rough-hew (v.)
hew roughly, give rough shape to Headword location(s)
round (adj.)
blunt, forthright, straight, plain-spoken Headword location(s)
round (adj.)
heavy, substantial Headword location(s)
round (adv.)
openly, roundly, in a straightforward way Headword location(s)
round (n.)
circle dance, ring Headword location(s)
round (n.)
circlet, ring, crown Headword location(s)
round (n.)
rung Headword location(s)
round (n.)
globe, earth Headword location(s)
round (v.)
ring, encircle, surround Headword location(s)
round (v.)
become round, grow to full form [in pregnancy] Headword location(s)
round (v.)
finish off, bring to completeness Headword location(s)
round (v.)
whisper, murmur, speak privately Headword location(s)
round hose
breeches puffed out at the hips see also Clothing Headword location(s)
round hose
breeches puffed out at the hips see also hose (n.) Headword location(s)
roundel (n.)
dance in a circle Headword location(s)
roundly (adv.)
smartly, briskly, directly Headword location(s)
roundly (adv.)
plainly, to the point, straight out Headword location(s)
roundly (adv.) Old form(s): Roundlie
bluntly, outspokenly; or: fluently, glibly Headword location(s)
roundure (n.) Old form(s): rounder
roundness, rounded form Headword location(s)
rouse (n.) Old form(s): Rouce, rowse
full draught (of wine), brimful cup, carousing Headword location(s)
rouse (v.) Old form(s): rouze , rows'd, rowse, rowze
[hunting] startle from a lair, draw out Headword location(s)
rouse (v.) Old form(s): rowse , rowsed , rowseth
raise, lift up Headword location(s)
rout (n.)
band, company, crowd Headword location(s)
rout (n.) Old form(s): rowt
rabble, mob, disorderly crowd Headword location(s)
rout (n.)
brawl, disturbance, riot Headword location(s)
rout, on the
put to rout, in disordered flight Headword location(s)
rover (n.) Old form(s): Rouer
wanderer, vagabond Headword location(s)
row (n.) Old form(s): rowe
stanza, verse Headword location(s)
rowel (n.) Old form(s): Rowell
small sharp wheel at the end of a spur Headword location(s)
rowel-head (n.) Old form(s): Rowell head
extremity of the spur-wheel Headword location(s)
royal (adj.) Old form(s): Royall
like a king, majestic Headword location(s)
royal (adj.) Old form(s): royall
kingly; also: to the value of the English coin worth half a pound see also Money Headword location(s)
royal (adj.) Old form(s): Royall
generous, munificent, bountiful Headword location(s)
royal (n.)
gold coin, value of half a pound see also Money Headword location(s)
royal merchant Old form(s): royall
merchant prince Headword location(s)
royalize (v.)
make royal, invest with a majestic character Headword location(s)
royalty (n.) Old form(s): Royaltie
emblem of royalty, symbol of sovereignty Headword location(s)
royalty (n.) Old form(s): roalties
right granted by a monarch, royal prerogative Headword location(s)
royalty (n.) Old form(s): Royaltie, Royalty
majesty, royal highness Headword location(s)
royalty (n.) Old form(s): Royaltie
regal quality, majestic character, lordliness Headword location(s)
roynish (adj.)
vulgar, scurvy, coarse Headword location(s)
rub (n.) Old form(s): Rubbe
[bowls] obstacle, impediment, hindrance Headword location(s)
rub (n.)
roughness, unevenness, inequality Headword location(s)
rub (v.) Old form(s): rub'd
hinder, impede, sidetrack Headword location(s)
rub (v.)
irritate, annoy, aggravate Headword location(s)
rub (v.)
stir up, encourage, stimulate Headword location(s)
rub on (v.)
[bowls] encounter an obstacle which changes the course of a bowl Headword location(s)
rubbing (n.)
hindrance, impediment, forming of obstacles Headword location(s)
rubbish (n.)
litter, debris, waste matter Headword location(s)
rubies (n.)
lips [red as rubies] Headword location(s)
rubious (adj.)
ruby-coloured, deep red Headword location(s)
ruddock (n.) Old form(s): Raddocke
robin, redbreast Headword location(s)
rude (adj.)
violent, harsh, unkind Headword location(s)
rude (adj.)
impolite, offensive Headword location(s)
rude (adj.)
amateurish, inexpert, lacking polish Headword location(s)
rude (adj.)
ignorant, unlearned, uneducated Headword location(s)
rude (adj.)
uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined Headword location(s)
rude (adj.) Old form(s): rud'st
[of wind or water] stormy, turbulent, harsh Headword location(s)
rude (adj.) Old form(s): rud'st
rough, wild, harsh-looking Headword location(s)
rude (adj.)
cacophonous, raucous, barbarous Headword location(s)
rude (adj.)
uncontrolled, unruly, of the flesh Headword location(s)
rude-growing (adj.)
spreading rough and wild Headword location(s)
rudely (adj.) Old form(s): rudelyest
violent, rough, harsh Headword location(s)
rudely (adv.) Old form(s): rudelie
violently, roughly, with great force Headword location(s)
rudely (adv.)
discourteously, boorishly, with ill manners Headword location(s)
rudely (adv.)
roughly, clumsily, imperfectly Headword location(s)
rudeness (n.) Old form(s): rudenesse
roughness, coarse state Headword location(s)
rudeness (n.) Old form(s): rudenes, Rudenesse
rough manner, uncouth behaviour Headword location(s)
rudeness (n.) Old form(s): rudenesse
violent action, forceful strength Headword location(s)
rudesby (n.)
ruffian, piece of insolence, unmannerly fellow Headword location(s)
rudiment (n.)
first principles, basic points Headword location(s)
rue (n.)
aromatic shrub, associated with repentance, pity see also Plants Headword location(s)
rue (v.)
pity, grieve for, feel for Headword location(s)
ruff (n.) Old form(s): Ruffe
ruffle, flap of a top-boot see also Clothing Headword location(s)
ruff (n.)
frill of stiff folded linen, worn around the neck see also Clothing Headword location(s)
ruffian (adj.)
violent, brutal, villainous Headword location(s)
Ruffian (n.)
character of a fiend in morality plays see also Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious Headword location(s)
ruffian (v.) Old form(s): ruffiand
rage, bluster, rampage Headword location(s)
ruffle (n.)
hustle-and-bustle, flurry, excitement Headword location(s)
ruffle (v.)
rage, bluster, storm Headword location(s)
ruffle (v.)
handle roughly, treat with outrage Headword location(s)
ruffle (v.)
make trouble, cause a disturbance Headword location(s)
ruffle up (v.) Old form(s): vp
stir to anger, enrage Headword location(s)
ruffling (adj.)
frilled, lace-adorned; also: embellishing, gay Headword location(s)
rugged (adj.)
hairy, shaggy, bristling Headword location(s)
rugged (adj.)
frowning, wrinkled with irritation Headword location(s)
rug-headed (adj.)
shaggy-headed, shock-headed Headword location(s)
ruin (n.) Old form(s): ruine
[metaphor for] destitute, case of hardship Headword location(s)
ruin (n.) Old form(s): ruine
ruination, destruction, devastation Headword location(s)
ruin (n.) Old form(s): ruine
fall, giving way, overthrow Headword location(s)
ruin (n.)
(plural) remains, remnants, residue Headword location(s)
ruinate (v.)
reduce to ruins, bring to destruction Headword location(s)
ruinous (adj.)
ruined, decayed, ravaged Headword location(s)
rule (n.)
government, country, state Headword location(s)
rule (n.)
proper discipline, good management Headword location(s)
rule (n.)
principle, order, regulation Headword location(s)
rule (v.) Old form(s): rul'd
control, direct, guide Headword location(s)
rumour (n.)
talk, report, news Headword location(s)
rumour (n.)
tumult, din, confusion Headword location(s)
run (v.)
run away [from battle] Headword location(s)
run (v.) Old form(s): runne
pass, spread, bring, cause to flow Headword location(s)
run (v.)
fall, move, come Headword location(s)
run (v.) Old form(s): runne
follow a course, behave Headword location(s)
runagate (n.) Old form(s): Run-agate , runnagate , Runnagates
runaway, vagabond, fugitive Headword location(s)
runagate (n.) Old form(s): Runnagate
renegade, turncoat, rebel Headword location(s)
runaway (n.) Old form(s): Run-awayes
deserter, coward, renegade Headword location(s)
running (adj.)
running out, emptying Headword location(s)
running banquet
light meal taken hurriedly, quickly served repast see also banquet, running Headword location(s)
runs the world away, thus Old form(s): runnes
that's the way of the world Headword location(s)
rush (n.)
reed Headword location(s)
rush (n.)
charge, onslaught, attack Headword location(s)
rush (n.)
ring made of rushes, reed ring Headword location(s)
rush-candle (n.) Old form(s): rush Candle
candle made of a rush dipped in tallow-wax [giving poor light] Headword location(s)
rushling (adj.)
rustling, swishing Headword location(s)
russel (v.)
Q alternative to 'ruffle' see also ruffle (v.) 1 Headword location(s)
russet (adj.)
reddish-brown [the colour of a rough cloth once worn by country people] Headword location(s)
russet (adj.)
rustic, homely, simple Headword location(s)
russet-pated (adj.)
with reddish-brown head; or: grey-headed Headword location(s)
rustically (adv.)
like a rustic, in a countrified way Headword location(s)
rustle (v.)
clatter, make a racket Headword location(s)
ruth (n.)
pity, compassion, sympathy Headword location(s)
ruthful (adj.) Old form(s): ruthfull
piteous, lamentable, woeful Headword location(s)
ruthless (adj.) Old form(s): ruthlesse
unpitying, pitiless, unsparing Headword location(s)
rut-time (n.)
mating season, time for sex Headword location(s)
rutting (n.)
fornication, promiscuity Headword location(s)
ruttish (adj.)
lustful, lascivious, wanton Headword location(s)
rye-straw (adj.)
made of straw from the rye plant Headword location(s)

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